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10 March 2025 :: New theme by Xue
Terms of Use

Thank you for installing xuethms' Hydrogen theme. By installing this theme, you agree to the following terms of use:

  • Do not edit and/or remove the visual and in-code credits.
  • Do not reupload my codes and designs on tumblr or other platforms.
  • Do not use my codes on platforms other than tumblr without permission.
  • Do not steal any portion of my codes for personal/commercial use.

I would appreciate it a lot if you can help to like and reblog my theme post, or even to leave a small tip at my ko-fi. If you run into any issues, drop me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!

You can access this theme's customisation guide to learn more about the features and options available.

To agree to my terms of use and to remove this pop-up, please scroll down to the Terms of use selection option (below all the theme colour options) and select agree to terms. Quick video tutorial here.
Invalid Post Column & Sizes Combination

The combinatino of options you've selected for Post Columns and Post Size is not supported, as the total content width is likely to exceed most users' screen sizes. Please choose one of these combinations instead:

  • One column + 700px / 500px / 400px / 250px
  • Two columns + 250px
Please change to a lower number of columns, or to a smaller post size.
My Documents
Showing page 1 of 1 page(s) tagged #luna.
510627Feb27 FebruaryTuesday27.02.24drawishme artfanartsailor moonlunacartooncat