Comment on: Detection and management of HLA sensitization in candidates for adult heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2024 May; 43(5):858.
Fiedler AG, Klein L, DeMarco T, Kouretas P, Smith JW. PMID: 37088342.
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Association of Body Mass Index With Clinical Features and Outcomes in Adults With Fontan Palliation. J Am Heart Assoc. 2023 04 18; 12(8):e026732.
Yogeswaran V, Anigwe C, Salahuddin A, Aggarwal A, Moon Grady AJ, Harris IS, Sabanayagam A, Kouretas PC, Mahadevan VS, Agarwal A. PMID: 37026555; PMCID: PMC10227256.
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Journey Toward Improved Long-Term Outcomes After Norwood-Sano Procedure: Focus on the Aortic Arch Reconstruction. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2022 09; 13(5):581-587.
Sano S, Sano T, Kobayashi Y, Kotani Y, Kouretas PC, Kasahara S. PMID: 36053099.
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Outcomes among adult survivors of total cavopulmonary Fontan palliation for single ventricle. Heart. 2022 07 13; 108(15):1209-1215.
Anigwe C, Yogeswaran V, Moon-Grady A, McAllister S, Aggarwal A, Blissett S, Harris IS, Kouretas PC, Mahadevan VS, Sabanayagam A, Agarwal A. PMID: 34706905.
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Reassessing our journey towards improved long-term outcomes in hypoplastic left heart syndrome: let's re-focus on the aortic arch. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2021 12 01; 60(6):1417-1418.
Sano S, Sano T, Kouretas PC. PMID: 34529772.
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Association of Insurance Status With Emergent Versus Nonemergent Hospital Encounters Among Adults With Congenital Heart Disease. J Am Heart Assoc. 2021 10 05; 10(19):e021974.
Agarwal A, Gurvitz M, Myers J, Jain S, Khan AM, Nah G, Harris IS, Kouretas P, Marcus GM. PMID: 34569274; PMCID: PMC8649130.
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Breaking the Rules: Left Common Carotid Artery from the Main Pulmonary Artery in an Infant with a Vascular Ring. CASE (Phila). 2021 Oct; 5(5):262-266.
Juergensen S, Quezada E, Silverman NH, Gossett JG, Kouretas P, Reddy VM, Hogan W. PMID: 34712867; PMCID: PMC8530813.
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Berlin Heart EXCOR and ACTION post-approval surveillance study report. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2021 04; 40(4):251-259.
Zafar F, Conway J, Bleiweis MS, Al-Aklabi M, Ameduri R, Barnes A, Bearl DW, Buchholz H, Church S, Do NL, Duffy V, Dykes JC, Eghtesady P, Fisher L, Friedland-Little J, Fuller S, Fynn-Thompson F, George K, Gossett JG, Griffiths ER, Griselli M, Hawkins B, Honjo O, Jeewa A, Joong A, Kindel S, Kouretas P, Lorts A, Machado D, Maeda K, Maurich A, May LJ, McConnell P, Mehegan M, Mongé M, Morales DLS, Murray J, Niebler RA, O'Connor M, Peng DM, Phelps C, Philip J, Ploutz M, Profsky M, Reichhold A, Rosenthal DN, Said AS, Schumacher KR, Si MS, Simpson KE, Sparks J, Louis JS, Steiner ME, VanderPluym C, Villa C, ACTION Learning Network Investigators. PMID: 33579597.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Life-Threatening But Forgotten Complication After Norwood Operation. Ann Thorac Surg. 2021 07; 112(1):154-155.
Sano S, Kouretas PC. PMID: 33245917.
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360-Degree Cone Reconstruction for Ebstein's Anomaly. Ann Thorac Surg. 2018 09; 106(3):e155-e158.
Mitchell ME, Hraska V, Kouretas PC. PMID: 29730350.
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S-Nitrosohemoglobin Levels and Patient Outcome After Transfusion During Pediatric Bypass Surgery. Clin Transl Sci. 2018 03; 11(2):237-243.
Matto F, Kouretas PC, Smith R, Ostrowsky J, Cina AJ, Hess DT, Stamler JS, Reynolds JD. PMID: 29232772; PMCID: PMC5867013.
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Neonatal esophageal trachealization and esophagocarinoplasty in the treatment of flow-limited Floyd II tracheal agenesis. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 06; 153(6):e121-e125.
Densmore JC, Oldham KT, Dominguez KM, Berdan ER, McCormick ME, Beste DJ, Amos LB, Lang CA, Woods RK, Kouretas PC, Mitchell ME. PMID: 28526113.
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Scimitar Syndrome-Complex Surgical Revision 3 Decades After Repair. Ann Thorac Surg. 2017 Feb; 103(2):e183-e185.
Abadeer MN, Stuth EA, Kouretas PC, Ginde S, Jacobsen R, Woods RK. PMID: 28109385.
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Rat bite fever: Complex triple valve surgery for endocarditis and sinus of Valsalva fistula. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 03; 153(3):e45-e46.
Abadeer MN, Kouretas PC, Woods RK. PMID: 27919461.
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Venous Myocardial Infarction in an Infant with Obstructed Totally Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Drainage and Coronary Sinus Ostial Atresia. Tex Heart Inst J. 2016 Oct; 43(5):430-432.
Prasad D, Strainic JP, Pandya K, Kouretas PC, Ashwath RC. PMID: 27777530; PMCID: PMC5067040.
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Characteristics of Hospitalizations for the Glenn Procedure in Those With Isomerism Compared to Those Without. Pediatr Cardiol. 2016 Dec; 37(8):1409-1415.
Loomba RS, Kouretas PC, Anderson RH. PMID: 27393478.
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Pyloric exclusion for treatment of complicated duodenal atresia. Neonatology. 2014; 105(4):263-6.
Balakumar V, DeRoss AL, Kouretas PC, Boulanger SC, Barksdale EM. PMID: 24556975.
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Fetal diagnosis of superior vena cava aneurysm. Echocardiography. 2012 Nov; 29(10):E267-9.
Flores S, Dangol A, Strainic JP, Hoit BD, Kouretas PC, Ashwath RC. PMID: 22957823.
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Staged cleft sternum repair using dermal allograft and synthetic mesh. Ann Plast Surg. 2011 Aug; 67(2):156-8.
Ley E, Sharshiner R, Kouretas P, Siddiqi F. PMID: 21263297.
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Long-term Outcome and Risk of Heart Block After Surgical Treatment of Subaortic Stenosis. World J Pediatr Congenit Heart Surg. 2010 Apr; 1(1):15-9.
Jou CJ, Etheridge SP, Minich LL, Saarel EV, Lambert LM, Kouretas PC, Holubkov R, Hawkins JA. PMID: 23804718.
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Experience with the Levitronix CentriMag in the pediatric population as a bridge to decision and recovery. Artif Organs. 2009 Nov; 33(11):1002-4.
Kouretas PC, Kaza AK, Burch PT, Witte MK, Clayson SE, Everitt MD, Selzman CH. PMID: 19874281.
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Management of deep wound complications with vacuum-assisted therapy after Berlin Heart EXCOR ventricular assist device placement in the pediatric population. Artif Organs. 2009 Nov; 33(11):922-5.
Kouretas PC, Burch PT, Kaza AK, Lambert LM, Witte MK, Everitt MD, Siddiqi FA. PMID: 19874282.
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Effect of ABO-incompatible listing on infant heart transplant waitlist outcomes: analysis of the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) database. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2009 Dec; 28(12):1254-60.
Everitt MD, Donaldson AE, Casper TC, Stehlik J, Hawkins JA, Tani LY, Renlund DG, Kouretas PC, Kaza AK, Bullock EA, Cardon M, Kfoury AG. PMID: 19782582.
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Should all newborns who undergo patent ductus arteriosus ligation be examined for vocal fold mobility? Laryngoscope. 2009 Aug; 119(8):1606-9.
Smith ME, King JD, Elsherif A, Muntz HR, Park AH, Kouretas PC. PMID: 19507238.
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HumansPHPublic Health
Coarctation repair in neonates and young infants: is small size or low weight still a risk factor? J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009 Sep; 138(3):547-52.
Burch PT, Cowley CG, Holubkov R, Null D, Lambert LM, Kouretas PC, Hawkins JA. PMID: 19698833.
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Cardiovascular surgery in children with Marfan syndrome or Loeys-Dietz syndrome. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2009 Jun; 137(6):1327-32; discussion 1332-3.
Everitt MD, Pinto N, Hawkins JA, Mitchell MB, Kouretas PC, Yetman AT. PMID: 19464442.
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Stentless porcine valves in the right ventricular outflow tract: improved durability? Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009 Apr; 35(4):600-4; discussion 604-5.
Hawkins JA, Sower CT, Lambert LM, Kouretas PC, Burch PT, Kaza AK, Puchalski MD, Yetman AT. PMID: 19211257.
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Long-term results of innominate artery reimplantation for tracheal compression. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2009 Jan; 135(1):80-4.
Grimmer JF, Herway S, Hawkins JA, Park AH, Kouretas PC. PMID: 19153311.
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Endocarditis after pectus excavatum repair: a case report. Circ Cardiovasc Imaging. 2009 Jan; 2(1):71-4.
Jou CJ, Burch PT, Mart CR, Lambert LM, Kouretas PC, Minich LL. PMID: 19808566.
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Stochastic hybrid modeling of DNA replication across a complete genome. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Aug 26; 105(34):12295-300.
Lygeros J, Koutroumpas K, Dimopoulos S, Legouras I, Kouretas P, Heichinger C, Nurse P, Lygerou Z. PMID: 18713859; PMCID: PMC2527905.
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Postoperative pericardial adhesion prevention using Carbylan-SX in a rabbit model. J Surg Res. 2007 Jun 15; 140(2):237-42.
Connors RC, Muir JJ, Liu Y, Reiss GR, Kouretas PC, Whitten MG, Sorenson TK, Prestwich GD, Bull DA. PMID: 17509269.
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Intermediate-term results of repair for aortic, neoaortic, and truncal valve insufficiency in children. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2007 May; 133(5):1311-7.
Hawkins JA, Kouretas PC, Holubkov R, Williams RV, Tani LY, Su JT, Lambert LM, Mart CR, Puchalski MD, Minich LL. PMID: 17467448.
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Ten- and 20-year survivors of pediatric orthotopic heart transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2006 Mar; 25(3):261-70.
Ross M, Kouretas P, Gamberg P, Miller J, Burge M, Reitz B, Robbins R, Chin C, Bernstein D. PMID: 16507417.
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Towards the development of a pediatric ventricular assist device. Cell Transplant. 2006; 15 Suppl 1:S69-74.
Borovetz HS, Badylak S, Boston JR, Johnson C, Kormos R, Kameneva MV, Simaan M, Snyder TA, Tsukui H, Wagner WR, Woolley J, Antaki J, Diao C, Vandenberghe S, Keller B, Morell V, Wearden P, Webber S, Gardiner J, Li CM, Paden D, Paden B, Snyder S, Wu J, Bearnson G, Hawkins JA, Jacobs G, Kirk J, Khanwilkar P, Kouretas PC, Long J, Shaddy RE. PMID: 16826798.
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The PediaFlow pediatric ventricular assist device. Semin Thorac Cardiovasc Surg Pediatr Card Surg Annu. 2006; 92-8.
Wearden PD, Morell VO, Keller BB, Webber SA, Borovetz HS, Badylak SF, Boston JR, Kormos RL, Kameneva MV, Simaan M, Snyder TA, Tsukui H, Wagner WR, Antaki JF, Diao C, Vandenberghe S, Gardiner J, Li CM, Noh D, Paden D, Paden B, Wu J, Bearnson GB, Jacobs G, Kirk J, Khanwilkar P, Long JW, Miles S, Hawkins JA, Kouretas PC, Shaddy RE. PMID: 16638553.
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Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation as a bridge to surgical treatment of flail tricuspid valve in a neonate. Cardiol Young. 2005 Dec; 15(6):660-2.
Arrington CB, Kouretas PC, Mart CR. PMID: 16297265.
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Complete versus partial atrioventricular canal: equal risks of repair in the modern era. Ann Surg. 2002 Oct; 236(4):514-20; discussion 520-1.
Cope JT, Fraser GD, Kouretas PC, Kron IL. PMID: 12368680; PMCID: PMC1422606.
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Role of nitric oxide in heparin-induced attenuation of hypoxic pulmonary vascular remodeling. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2002 May; 92(5):2012-8.
Horstman DJ, Fischer LG, Kouretas PC, Hannan RL, Rich GF. PMID: 11960952.
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Deletion of endothelial nitric oxide synthase exacerbates myocardial stunning in an isolated mouse heart model. J Surg Res. 2000 Sep; 93(1):127-32.
Hannan RL, John MC, Kouretas PC, Hack BD, Matherne GP, Laubach VE. PMID: 10945953.
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Nonanticoagulant heparin prevents coronary endothelial dysfunction after brief ischemia-reperfusion injury in the dog. Circulation. 1999 Mar 02; 99(8):1062-8.
Kouretas PC, Kim YD, Cahill PA, Myers AK, To LN, Wang YN, Sitzmann JV, Hannan RL. PMID: 10051301.
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Non-anticoagulant heparin increases endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity: role of inhibitory guanine nucleotide proteins. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 1998 Dec; 30(12):2669-82.
Kouretas PC, Hannan RL, Kapur NK, Hendrickson R, Redmond EM, Myers AK, Kim YD, Cahill PA, Sitzmann JV. PMID: 9990538.
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Heparin preserves nitric oxide activity in coronary endothelium during ischemia-reperfusion injury. Ann Thorac Surg. 1998 Oct; 66(4):1210-5.
Kouretas PC, Kim YD, Cahill PA, Myers AK, To LN, Wang YN, Wallace RB, Kron IL, Hannan RL. PMID: 9800808.
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17-Beta estradiol regulation of myocardial glutathione and its role in protection against myocardial stunning in dogs. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 1998 Sep; 32(3):457-65.
Kim YD, Farhat MY, Myers AK, Kouretas P, DeGroot KW, Pacquing A, Ramwell PW, Suyderhoud JP, Lees DE. PMID: 9733360.
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Early discharge of patients with new-onset atrial fibrillation after cardiovascular surgery. Am Heart J. 1998 Apr; 135(4):557-63.
Solomon AJ, Kouretas PC, Hopkins RA, Katz NM, Wallace RB, Hannan RL. PMID: 9539467.
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Heparin and nonanticoagulant heparin preserve regional myocardial contractility after ischemia-reperfusion injury: role of nitric oxide. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1998 Feb; 115(2):440-8; discussion 448-9.
Kouretas PC, Myers AK, Kim YD, Cahill PA, Myers JL, Wang YN, Sitzmann JV, Wallace RB, Hannan RL. PMID: 9475539.
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Maturation alters the pulmonary arterial response to hypoxia and inhaled nitric oxide in the presence of endothelial dysfunction. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 1997 Feb; 113(2):270-7.
Myers JL, Wizorek JJ, Myers AK, O'Donoghue M, Pettit MT, Kouretas PC, Dalton HJ, Wang Y, Hopkins RA. PMID: 9040620.
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17 beta-Estradiol prevents dysfunction of canine coronary endothelium and myocardium and reperfusion arrhythmias after brief ischemia/reperfusion. Circulation. 1996 Dec 01; 94(11):2901-8.
Kim YD, Chen B, Beauregard J, Kouretas P, Thomas G, Farhat MY, Myers AK, Lees DE. PMID: 8941119.
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Pulmonary arterial endothelial dysfunction potentiates hypercapnic vasoconstriction and alters the response to inhaled nitric oxide. Ann Thorac Surg. 1996 Dec; 62(6):1677-84.
Myers JL, Wizorek JJ, Myers AK, Yankah E, Pettit MT, Kouretas PC, Dalton HJ, Wang Y, Hopkins RA. PMID: 8957371.
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