Treatment efficacy for infantile epileptic spasms syndrome in children with trisomy 21. Front Pediatr. 2025; 13:1498425.
Chen H, Numis AL, Shellhaas RA, Mytinger JR, Samanta D, Singh RK, Hussain SA, Takacs D, Knupp KG, Shao LR, Stafstrom CE. PMID: 40013114; PMCID: PMC11860949.
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Preferred Parental Language and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Among Infants With Acute Provoked Neonatal Seizures in the United States. Pediatr Neurol. 2024 Dec 26; 164:115-121.
Peng GS, Halsey K, Wusthoff CJ, Chu CJ, Massey SL, Lemmon ME, Thomas C, Numis AL, Benedetti GM, Sturza J, Rogers EE, Franck LS, McCulloch CE, Soul JS, Shellhaas RA, Bonifacio SL, Glass HC. PMID: 39889456.
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Predictors of Death or Severe Impairment in Neonates With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy. JAMA Netw Open. 2024 Dec 02; 7(12):e2449188.
Glass HC, Wood TR, Comstock BA, Numis AL, Bonifacio SL, Cornet MC, Gonzalez FF, Morell A, Kolnik SE, Li Y, Mathur A, Mietzsch U, Wu TW, Wusthoff CJ, Thoresen M, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE, Wu YW. PMID: 39636636; PMCID: PMC11621987.
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Neonatal Seizures and Associated Neurobehavioral Profiles in Preschool Age Children. Pediatr Neurol. 2025 Feb; 163:76-81.
Mattes AM, Shellhaas RA, Glass HC, Sturza J, Rau S, Lemmon M, Rogers EE, Numis A, Soul JS, Berl M, Wusthoff CJ, Chu CJ, Massey SL, Thomas C, Franck LS, McCulloch CE, Benedetti GM, Means J, Means K, Anwar T, Gidley Larson JC. PMID: 39708432.
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WONOEP appraisal: Targeted therapy development for early onset epilepsies. Epilepsia. 2024 Nov 19.
Casillas-Espinosa PM, Wong JC, Grabon W, Gonzalez-Ramos A, Mantegazza M, Yilmaz NC, Patel M, Staley K, Sankar R, O'Brien TJ, Akman Ö, Balagura G, Numis AL, Noebels JL, Baulac S, Auvin S, Henshall DC, Galanopoulou AS. PMID: 39560633.
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Sleep Disorders Five Years After Acute Provoked Neonatal Seizures. J Pediatr. 2024 Nov 17; 278:114412.
Shellhaas RA, Franck LS, Pilon B, Wusthoff CJ, Massey SL, Chu CJ, Soul JS, Lemmon ME, Numis AL, Sturza JS, Thomas C, Benedetti GM, Rau SMD, Anwar T, Berl MM, McCulloch CE, Glass HC. PMID: 39557387.
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Assessing Early Severity of Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy: The Role of Electroencephalogram Background in Addition to Sarnat Exam. J Pediatr. 2024 Nov 16; 277:114411.
Cornet MC, Numis AL, Monsell SE, Chan NH, Gonzalez FF, Comstock BA, Juul SE, Wusthoff CJ, Wu YW, Glass HC. PMID: 39557386.
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Expert opinion on use of vagus nerve stimulation therapy in the management of pediatric epilepsy: A Delphi consensus study. Seizure. 2024 Dec; 123:97-103.
Wheless JW, Raskin JS, Fine AL, Knupp KG, Schreiber J, Ostendorf AP, Albert GW, Kossoff EH, Madsen JR, Kotagal P, Numis AL, Gadgil N, Holder DL, Thiele EA, Ibrahim GM. PMID: 39536380.
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The American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Guideline on Indications for Continuous Electroencephalography Monitoring in Neonates. J Clin Neurophysiol. 2025 Jan 01; 42(1):1-11.
Wusthoff CJ, Numis AL, Pressler RM, Chu CJ, Massey S, Clancy RR, Nguyen S, Hahn CD, Scher MS, Pilon B, King DT, Wong HN, Tsuchida TN, Riviello JJ, Shellhaas RA. PMID: 39752571.
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Simulation-based Inference of Developmental EEG Maturation with the Spectral Graph Model. ArXiv. 2024 Jul 26.
Bernardo D, Xie X, Verma P, Kim J, Liu V, Numis AL, Wu Y, Glass HC, Yap PT, Nagarajan SS, Raj A. PMID: 39040639; PMCID: PMC11261974.
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Correspondence on "Recognition and Management of Delirium in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Case Series From a Single-Center Level IV Intensive Care Unit". J Child Neurol. 2024 Jun; 39(7-8):292-295.
Chavez-Valdez R, Northington FJ, Sharp A, Burton VJ, Lammert DB, Jantzie LL, Robinson S, Stafstrom CE, Ferriero D, Gano D, Numis A, Gerner G, Scafidi J, Gilmore M, Allen MC, Hilberg M, Parkinson C. PMID: 38819375; PMCID: PMC11410347.
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Neonatal Seizures: New Evidence, Classification, and Guidelines. Epilepsy Curr. 2024 May 22; 15357597241253382.
Ziobro J, Pilon B, Wusthoff CJ, Benedetti GM, Massey SL, Yozawitz E, Numis AL, Pressler R, Shellhaas RA. PMID: 39554267; PMCID: PMC11562284.
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Relationship of Neonatal Seizure Burden Before Treatment and Response to Initial Antiseizure Medication. J Pediatr. 2024 May; 268:113957.
Numis AL, Glass HC, Comstock BA, Gonzalez F, Maitre NL, Massey SL, Mayock DE, Mietzsch U, Natarajan N, Sokol GM, Bonifacio S, Van Meurs K, Thomas C, Ahmad K, Heagerty P, Juul SE, Wu YW, Wusthoff CJ. PMID: 38360261.
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Proceedings of the 15th International Newborn Brain Conference: Neonatal Neurocritical Care, seizures, and continuous aEEG and /or EEG monitoring. J Neonatal Perinatal Med. 2024; 17(3):S345-S392.
Abend N, Abramsky R, Acun C, Afifi J, Almansa AS, Alvarez MJ, Aly H, Anthony T, Ashoori M, Avellis F, Bacchini PL, Balasingam T, Baraldi E, Bastianelli M, Bates S, Beedgen B, Benedetti G, Bennett L, Bertini G, Blennow M, Boni E, Bonifacio S, Boulanger J, Boylan G, Bua B, Campbell S, Cantalupo G, Capizzi M, Cavicchiolo ME, Chalia M, Chau V, Chiodin E, Chu C, Cleary F, Colditz P, Corcoran B, Cornet M, Cossu C, Coviello C, Craig A, Culic I, Curró A, Damien J, Dani C, Dempsey EM, Dereymaeker A, deVeber G, Donofrio G, Duckworth E, Dwyer D, El-Dib M, El-Shibiny H, Farhath F, Faunes M, Ferri S, Foran A, Frassineti L, Fukasawa T, Gabbanini S, Gallagher A, Garvey A, Giamberti A, Gille C, Glass H, Goldshtein M, Gonzalez A, Griffin S, Guarguagli V, Guez-Barber D, Gumayan RL, Gupta M, Haffner D, Hansen A, Harsono M, Hashimoto M, Hermans T, Herzberg E, Hogan R, Huberman M, Huffelen ACV, Hunt R, Inder T, Isgró G, Ito Y, Jalbout RE, Jansen K, Joung K, Juul S, Kalika P, Kapellou O, Karnati S, Keohane C, Kidokoro H, Knox A, Komal K, Kovalcik J, Kubota T, Kumai S, Lanata A, Landers J, Lasagni C, Lavu R, Liu W, Livingstone V, Lori S, Luca A, Lunardi C, Madise-Wobo AD, Magarelli F, Magers J, Mainini N, Mallar C, Marandyuk B, Marangone M, Marks K, Marnane W, Massey S, Mastrangelo M, Mathieson SR, McDonald FB, Mehrkanoon S, Meneghelli M, Michaelovski A, Mietzsch U, Mitsumatsu T, Moen S, Mohammad K, Molloy E, Monaco S, Monsell S, Montano S, Moro L, Murphy C, Murray D, Nakata T, Naranje K, Narita H, Natsume J, Naulaers G, Nicoletti N, Numis A, O'Halloran KD, O'Shea A, Ostendorf A, O'Sullivan M, O'Toole JM, Ozalvo D, Paquette N, Pardo A, Parmeggiani L, Patrizi S, Pavel A, Pavlidis E, Peeples E, Perrone S, Petitpas L, Pilon B, Pinchefsky EF, Ponta A, Ponzetto E, Pourcyrous M, Pressler R, Priante E, Proietti J, Proietti J, Puthuraya S, Rana D, Ranucci M, Ream M, Redpath S, Rennie J, Rose M, Ryan MA, Sansevere A, Sato Y, Satriano A, Sauchella G, Schwarz CE, Seraglio S, Shah D, Shany E, Shelef I, Shellhaas R, Shiraki A, Singla AS, Slaughter L, Soravia G, Soul J, Staffler A, Suzui R, Takeo T, Thomas C, Toso A, Toso P, Tremblay J, Tsuchida T, Twanow J, Vannasing P, Varrica A, Verdi F, Verlato G, Verma A, Vos M, Vries L, Walsh B, Wang S, Wells JSG, Wilk L, Will R, Wintermark P, Wischmeijer A, Wu Y, Yamada M, Yamamoto H, Zahalka A, Zanotti MC. PMID: 39121140.
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Association of EEG Background and Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Neonates With Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy Receiving Hypothermia. Neurology. 2023 Nov 27; 101(22):e2223-e2233.
Glass HC, Numis AL, Comstock BA, Gonzalez FF, Mietzsch U, Bonifacio SL, Massey S, Thomas C, Natarajan N, Mayock DE, Sokol GM, Van Meurs KP, Ahmad KA, Maitre N, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE, Wu YW, Wusthoff CJ. PMID: 37816642; PMCID: PMC10727206.
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A quantitative EEG index for the recognition of arterial ischemic stroke in children. Clin Neurophysiol. 2023 12; 156:113-124.
Caffarelli M, Karukonda V, Aghaeeaval M, McQuillen PS, Numis AL, Mackay MT, Press CA, Wintermark M, Fox CK, Amorim E, SIPS Investigators. PMID: 37918222.
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Neonatal brain MRI and short-term outcomes after acute provoked seizures. J Perinatol. 2023 11; 43(11):1392-1397.
Li Y, Scheffler A, Barkovich AJ, Chang T, Chu CJ, Massey SL, Abend NS, Lemmon ME, Thomas C, Numis A, Franck LS, Rogers E, Callen A, McCulloch CE, Shellhaas RA, Glass HC. PMID: 37454174; PMCID: PMC10615741.
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Association of High-Dose Erythropoietin With Circulating Biomarkers and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes Among Neonates With Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy: A Secondary Analysis of the HEAL Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2023 07 03; 6(7):e2322131.
Juul SE, Voldal E, Comstock BA, Massaro AN, Bammler TK, Mayock DE, Heagerty PJ, Wu YW, Numis AL, HEAL consortium. PMID: 37418263; PMCID: PMC10329214.
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9 Fields:
The "Canopy Approach": Case Series Using Immersive Virtual Reality for Bottom-Up Target-Based Preoperative Planning in Pediatric Neurosurgery. Neurosurg Pract. 2023 Jun; 4(2):e00038.
Lai GY, Phelps RRL, Singhal NS, Sullivan JE, Numis AL, Auguste KI. PMID: 39958370; PMCID: PMC11809979.
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Responsive Neurostimulation in Drug-Resistant Pediatric Epilepsy: Findings From the Epilepsy Surgery Subgroup of the Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium. Pediatr Neurol. 2023 06; 143:106-112.
Singh RK, Eschbach K, Samanta D, Perry MS, Liu G, Alexander AL, Wong-Kisiel L, Ostendorf A, Tatachar P, Reddy SB, McCormack MJ, Manuel CM, Gonzalez-Giraldo E, Numis AL, Wolf S, Karia S, Karakas C, Olaya J, Shrey D, Auguste KI, Depositario-Cabacar D, PERC Surgery Registry Workgroup. PMID: 37084698.
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Proceedings of the 14th International Newborn Brain Conference: Neonatal Neurocritical Care, seizures, and continuous aEEG and /or EEG monitoring. J Neonatal Perinatal Med. 2023; 16(s1):S33-S62.
Abramsky R, Acun C, Alt J, Aly H, Arad N, Baak LM, Bakalar D, Balasingham T, Bammler T, Benders MJNL, Benitez D, Boni E, Boylan G, Campbell E, Castri P, Chandrashekar P, Chavez-Valdez R, Chen M, Chiodin E, Comstock B, Damien J, Damien J, de Vries LS, de Vries L, Dickman J, Doucette L, Duckworth E, Duckworth E, Echeverria-Palacio C, El Jalbout R, El-Dib M, Elshibiny H, Flock D, Gallagher A, Gasperoni E, Glass H, Harteman JC, Harvey-Jones K, Hazan I, Heagerty P, Inder T, Jantzie L, Juul S, Karnati S, Kute N, Lacaille H, Lange F, Lemmers PMA, Liu W, Llaguno N, Magalhães M, Mambule I, Marandyuk B, Marks K, Martin LJ, Massaro A, Mathieson S, Mathieson S, McCaul MC, Meehan C, Meledin I, Menna E, Menzato F, Mintoft A, Mitra S, Nakimuli A, Nanyunya C, Norris G, Northington FJ, Numis A, O'Reilly JJ, Ortiz S, Padiyar S, Paquette N, Parmeggiani L, Patrizi S, Pavlidis E, Pellegrin S, Penn AA, Petitpas L, Pinchefsky E, Ponta A, Puthuraya JPS, Rais R, Robertson NJ, Rodrigues D, Salandin M, Salzbank J, Sánchez L, Schalij N, Serrano-Tabares C, Shany E, Staffler A, Steggerda S, Tachtsidis I, Tann C, Tataranno ML, Trabatti C, Tremblay J, Tromp S, Tucker K, Turnbill V, Vacher CM, van Bel F, van der Aa NE, Van Meurs K, Van Steenis A, van Wyk L, Vannasing P, Variane G, Verma V, Voldal E, Wagenaar N, Wu Y, Wustoff C. PMID: 37599542.
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Risk of seizures in neonates with hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy receiving hypothermia plus erythropoietin or placebo. Pediatr Res. 2023 07; 94(1):252-259.
Glass HC, Wusthoff CJ, Comstock BA, Numis AL, Gonzalez FF, Maitre N, Massey SL, Mayock DE, Mietzsch U, Natarajan N, Sokol GM, Bonifacio SL, Van Meurs KP, Thomas C, Ahmad KA, Heagerty PJ, Juul SE, Wu YW. PMID: 36470964; PMCID: PMC10239788.
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Seizure Burden, EEG, and Outcome in Neonates With Acute Intracranial Infections: A Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study. Pediatr Neurol. 2022 12; 137:54-61.
Mehta N, Shellhaas RA, McCulloch CE, Chang T, Wusthoff CJ, Abend NS, Lemmon ME, Chu CJ, Massey SL, Franck LS, Thomas C, Soul JS, Rogers E, Numis A, Glass HC. PMID: 36270133.
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Inequities in Therapy for Infantile Spasms: A Call to Action. Ann Neurol. 2022 07; 92(1):32-44.
Baumer FM, Mytinger JR, Neville K, Briscoe Abath C, Gutierrez CA, Numis AL, Harini C, He Z, Hussain SA, Berg AT, Chu CJ, Gaillard WD, Loddenkemper T, Pasupuleti A, Samanta D, Singh RK, Singhal NS, Wusthoff CJ, Wirrell EC, Yozawitz E, Knupp KG, Shellhaas RA, Grinspan ZM, Pediatric Epilepsy Research Consortium, National Infantile Spasms Consortium. PMID: 35388521; PMCID: PMC9482145.
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Neonatal Seizure Management: What Is Timely Treatment and Does It Influence Neurodevelopment? J Pediatr. 2022 04; 243:7-8.
Numis AL, Shellhaas RA. PMID: 34896429.
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Disorders of Neuronal Migration/Organization Convey the Highest Risk of Neonatal Onset Epilepsy Compared With Other Congenital Brain Malformations. Pediatr Neurol. 2022 02; 127:20-27.
Simmons R, Martinez AB, Barkovich J, Numis AL, Cilio MR, Glenn OA, Gano D, Rogers EE, Glass HC. PMID: 34933271.
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Early-life epilepsy after acute symptomatic neonatal seizures: A prospective multicenter study. Epilepsia. 2021 08; 62(8):1871-1882.
Shellhaas RA, Wusthoff CJ, Numis AL, Chu CJ, Massey SL, Abend NS, Soul JS, Chang T, Lemmon ME, Thomas C, McNamara NA, Guillet R, Franck LS, Sturza J, McCulloch CE, Glass HC. PMID: 34212365.
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Safety of Early Discontinuation of Antiseizure Medication After Acute Symptomatic Neonatal Seizures. JAMA Neurol. 2021 07 01; 78(7):817-825.
Glass HC, Soul JS, Chang T, Wusthoff CJ, Chu CJ, Massey SL, Abend NS, Lemmon M, Thomas C, Numis AL, Guillet R, Sturza J, McNamara NA, Rogers EE, Franck LS, McCulloch CE, Shellhaas RA. PMID: 34028496; PMCID: PMC8145161.
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Neonatal presentation of genetic epilepsies: Early differentiation from acute provoked seizures. Epilepsia. 2021 08; 62(8):1907-1920.
Cornet MC, Morabito V, Lederer D, Glass HC, Ferrao Santos S, Numis AL, Ferriero DM, Sands TT, Cilio MR. PMID: 34153113.
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Seizure and Interictal Electroencephalographic (EEG) Changes with Cannabinoid Concentrate Use. Am J Case Rep. 2021 Apr 18; 22:e931360.
Kahan MD, Breithaupt A, Nash K, Numis AL. PMID: 33866321; PMCID: PMC8063765.
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Whole-exome sequencing with targeted analysis and epilepsy after acute symptomatic neonatal seizures. Pediatr Res. 2022 03; 91(4):896-902.
Numis AL, da Gente G, Sherr EH, Glass HC. PMID: 33846556; PMCID: PMC9064802.
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Comparison of multiplex cytokine assays in a pediatric cohort with epilepsy. Heliyon. 2021 Mar; 7(3):e06445.
Numis AL, Fox CH, Lowenstein DJ, Norris PJ, Di Germanio C. PMID: 33748497; PMCID: PMC7966851.
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Potential induction of epileptic spasms by nonselective voltage-gated sodium channel blockade: Interaction with etiology. Epilepsy Behav. 2021 02; 115:107624.
Hussain SA, Heesch J, Weng J, Rajaraman RR, Numis AL, Sankar R. PMID: 33341392.
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De Novo Variants in the ATPase Module of MORC2 Cause a Neurodevelopmental Disorder with Growth Retardation and Variable Craniofacial Dysmorphism. Am J Hum Genet. 2020 08 06; 107(2):352-363.
Guillen Sacoto MJ, Tchasovnikarova IA, Torti E, Forster C, Andrew EH, Anselm I, Baranano KW, Briere LC, Cohen JS, Craigen WJ, Cytrynbaum C, Ekhilevitch N, Elrick MJ, Fatemi A, Fraser JL, Gallagher RC, Guerin A, Haynes D, High FA, Inglese CN, Kiss C, Koenig MK, Krier J, Lindstrom K, Marble M, Meddaugh H, Moran ES, Morel CF, Mu W, Muller EA, Nance J, Natowicz MR, Numis AL, Ostrem B, Pappas J, Stafstrom CE, Streff H, Sweetser DA, Szybowska M, Undiagnosed Diseases Network, Walker MA, Wang W, Weiss K, Weksberg R, Wheeler PG, Yoon G, Kingston RE, Juusola J. PMID: 32693025; PMCID: PMC7413887.
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ECI biocommentary november 2019. Pediatr Res. 2019 11; 86(5):553.
Numis A. PMID: 31476760.
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Clinical spectrum of STX1B-related epileptic disorders. Neurology. 2019 03 12; 92(11):e1238-e1249.
Wolking S, May P, Mei D, Møller RS, Balestrini S, Helbig KL, Altuzarra CD, Chatron N, Kaiwar C, Stöhr K, Widdess-Walsh P, Mendelsohn BA, Numis A, Cilio MR, Van Paesschen W, Svendsen LL, Oates S, Hughes E, Goyal S, Brown K, Sifuentes Saenz M, Dorn T, Muhle H, Pagnamenta AT, Vavoulis DV, Knight SJL, Taylor JC, Canevini MP, Darra F, Gavrilova RH, Powis Z, Tang S, Marquetand J, Armstrong M, McHale D, Klee EW, Kluger GJ, Lowenstein DH, Weckhuysen S, Pal DK, Helbig I, Guerrini R, Thomas RH, Rees MI, Lesca G, Sisodiya SM, Weber YG, Lal D, Marini C, Lerche H, Schubert J. PMID: 30737342; PMCID: PMC6511102.
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Lack of response to quinidine in KCNT1-related neonatal epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2018 10; 59(10):1889-1898.
Numis AL, Nair U, Datta AN, Sands TT, Oldham MS, Patel A, Li M, Gazina E, Petrou S, Cilio MR. PMID: 30182418.
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20 Fields:
Outcomes After Acute Symptomatic Seizures in Children Admitted to a Neonatal Neurocritical Care Service. Pediatr Neurol. 2018 07; 84:39-45.
Glass HC, Numis AL, Gano D, Bali V, Rogers EE. PMID: 29886041.
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Population-based study of ischemic stroke risk after trauma in children and young adults. Neurology. 2017 Dec 05; 89(23):2310-2316.
Fox CK, Hills NK, Vinson DR, Numis AL, Dicker RA, Sidney S, Fullerton HJ. PMID: 29117963; PMCID: PMC5719927.
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AR2, a novel automatic muscle artifact reduction software method for ictal EEG interpretation: Validation and comparison of performance with commercially available software. F1000Res. 2017; 6:30.
Weiss SA, Asadi-Pooya AA, Vangala S, Moy S, Wyeth DH, Orosz I, Gibbs M, Schrader L, Lerner J, Cheng CK, Chang E, Rajaraman R, Keselman I, Churchman P, Bower-Baca C, Numis AL, Ho MG, Rao L, Bhat A, Suski J, Asadollahi M, Ambrose T, Fernandez A, Nei M, Skidmore C, Mintzer S, Eliashiv DS, Mathern GW, Nuwer MR, Sperling M, Engel J, Stern JM. PMID: 28491280; PMCID: PMC5399961.
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WONOEP appraisal: Biomarkers of epilepsy-associated comorbidities. Epilepsia. 2017 03; 58(3):331-342.
Ravizza T, Onat FY, Brooks-Kayal AR, Depaulis A, Galanopoulou AS, Mazarati A, Numis AL, Sankar R, Friedman A. PMID: 28035782; PMCID: PMC6582945.
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Cerebral palsy research funding from the National Institutes of Health, 2001 to 2013. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2015 Oct; 57(10):936-41.
Wu YW, Mehravari AS, Numis AL, Gross P. PMID: 25951080.
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Early and effective treatment of KCNQ2 encephalopathy. Epilepsia. 2015 May; 56(5):685-91.
Pisano T, Numis AL, Heavin SB, Weckhuysen S, Angriman M, Suls A, Podesta B, Thibert RL, Shapiro KA, Guerrini R, Scheffer IE, Marini C, Cilio MR. PMID: 25880994.
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Arterial ischemic stroke in children: risk factors and etiologies. Curr Neurol Neurosci Rep. 2014 Jan; 14(1):422.
Numis AL, Fox CK. PMID: 24384876; PMCID: PMC3954544.
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KCNQ2 encephalopathy: delineation of the electroclinical phenotype and treatment response. Neurology. 2014 Jan 28; 82(4):368-70.
Numis AL, Angriman M, Sullivan JE, Lewis AJ, Striano P, Nabbout R, Cilio MR. PMID: 24371303; PMCID: PMC3929196.
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40 Fields:
Intraoperative rerupture during surgical treatment of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage is not associated with an increased risk of vasospasm. J Neurosurg. 2014 Feb; 120(2):409-14.
Sheth SA, Hausrath D, Numis AL, Lawton MT, Josephson SA. PMID: 24313615.
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Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia: computed tomographic appearance and follow-up in tuberous sclerosis complex. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2012 Sep-Oct; 36(5):518-22.
Muzykewicz DA, Black ME, Muse V, Numis AL, Rajagopal J, Thiele EA, Sharma A. PMID: 22992599.
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The relationship of ketosis and growth to the efficacy of the ketogenic diet in infantile spasms. Epilepsy Res. 2011 Sep; 96(1-2):172-5.
Numis AL, Yellen MB, Chu-Shore CJ, Pfeifer HH, Thiele EA. PMID: 21700429.
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Identification of risk factors for autism spectrum disorders in tuberous sclerosis complex. Neurology. 2011 Mar 15; 76(11):981-7.
Numis AL, Major P, Montenegro MA, Muzykewicz DA, Pulsifer MB, Thiele EA. PMID: 21403110; PMCID: PMC3271577.
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Characterizing sleep disorders of adults with tuberous sclerosis complex: a questionnaire-based study and review. Epilepsy Behav. 2011 Jan; 20(1):68-74.
van Eeghen AM, Numis AI, Staley BA, Therrien SE, Thibert RL, Thiele EA. PMID: 21130696; PMCID: PMC3439194.
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TSC1 and TSC2 mutations in patients with lymphangioleiomyomatosis and tuberous sclerosis complex. J Med Genet. 2009 Jul; 46(7):465-8.
Muzykewicz DA, Sharma A, Muse V, Numis AL, Rajagopal J, Thiele EA. PMID: 19419980.
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Role of mutational analysis in diagnosis of tuberous sclerosis complex. Clin Genet. 2009 Mar; 75(3):282-5.
Vail EA, Rakowski SK, Numis AL, Thiele EA. PMID: 19250385.
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The role of membrane and vesicular monoamine transporters in the neurotoxic and hypothermic effects of 1-methyl-4-(2'-aminophenyl)-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (2'-NH(2)-MPTP). Mol Pharmacol. 2004 Sep; 66(3):718-27.
Numis AL, Unger EL, Sheridan DL, Chisnell AC, Andrews AM. PMID: 15322265.
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Late onset loss of hippocampal 5-HT and NE is accompanied by increases in BDNF protein expression in mice co-expressing mutant APP and PS1. Neurobiol Dis. 2004 Aug; 16(3):572-80.
Szapacs ME, Numis AL, Andrews AM. PMID: 15262269.
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