Short communication: Attempts to identify Clostridium botulinum toxin in milk from three experimentally intoxicated Holstein cows. J Dairy Sci. 2009 Jun; 92(6):2529-33.
Moeller RB, Puschner B, Walker RL, Rocke TE, Smith SR, Cullor JS, Ardans AA. PMID: 19447984.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Recovery of Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Mycobacterium bovis from cheese entering the United States through a noncommercial land port of entry. J Food Prot. 2007 Jan; 70(1):47-52.
Kinde H, Mikolon A, Rodriguez-Lainz A, Adams C, Walker RL, Cernek-Hoskins S, Treviso S, Ginsberg M, Rast R, Harris B, Payeur JB, Waterman S, Ardans A. PMID: 17265859.
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Association between findings on palmarodorsal radiographic images and detection of a fracture in the proximal sesamoid bones of forelimbs obtained from cadavers of racing Thoroughbreds. Am J Vet Res. 2006 May; 67(5):858-68.
Anthenill LA, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Hill AE, Lee CM, Anderson ML, Barr BC, Read DH, Johnson BJ, Woods LW, Daft BM, Kinde H, Moore JD, Farman CA, Odani JS, Pesavento PA, Uzal FA, Case JT, Ardans AA. PMID: 16649922.
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The isolation of exotic Newcastle disease (END) virus from nonpoultry avian species associated with the epidemic of END in chickens in southern California: 2002-2003. Avian Dis. 2005 Jun; 49(2):195-8.
Kinde H, Hullinger PJ, Charlton B, McFarland M, Hietala SK, Velez V, Case JT, Garber L, Wainwright SH, Mikolon AB, Breitmeyer RE, Ardans AA. PMID: 16094822.
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Longitudinal monitoring of two commercial layer flocks and their environments for Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis and other Salmonellae. Avian Dis. 2005 Jun; 49(2):189-94.
Kinde H, Castellan DM, Kerr D, Campbell J, Breitmeyer R, Ardans A. PMID: 16094821.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
High-throughput real-time RT-PCR assay to detect the exotic Newcastle Disease Virus during the California 2002--2003 outbreak. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2005 Mar; 17(2):124-32.
Crossley BM, Hietala SK, Shih LM, Lee L, Skowronski EW, Ardans AA. PMID: 15825492.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Environmental air sampling to detect exotic Newcastle disease virus in two California commercial poultry flocks. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2005 Mar; 17(2):198-200.
Hietala SK, Hullinger PJ, Crossley BM, Kinde H, Ardans AA. PMID: 15825506.
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Exotic Newcastle disease in California: laboratory response to an animal health emergency. Can Vet J. 2004 Dec; 45(12):1022.
Hietala S, Kinde H, Crossley BM, Ardans A. PMID: 15646851; PMCID: PMC2751724.
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Descriptive study of California egg layer premises and analysis of risk factors for Salmonella enterica serotype enteritidis as characterized by manure drag swabs. Avian Dis. 2004 Sep; 48(3):550-61.
Castellan DM, Kinde H, Kass PH, Cutler G, Breitmeyer RE, Bell DD, Ernst RA, Kerr DC, Little HE, Willoughby D, Riemann HP, Ardans A, Snowdon JA, Kuney DR. PMID: 15529977.
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The occurrence and distribution of Salmonella enteritidis and other serovars on California egg laying premises: a comparison of two sampling methods and two culturing techniques. Avian Dis. 2004 Sep; 48(3):590-4.
Kinde H, Castellan DM, Kass PH, Ardans A, Cutler G, Breitmeyer RE, Bell DD, Ernst RA, Kerr DC, Little HE, Willoughby D, Riemann HP, Snowdon JA, Kuney DR. PMID: 15529981.
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AnimalsCellsPHPublic Health
Determination of the median toxic dose of type C botulinum toxin in lactating dairy cows. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2003 Nov; 15(6):523-6.
Moeller RB, Puschner B, Walker RL, Rocke T, Galey FD, Cullor JS, Ardans AA. PMID: 14667014.
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Molecular weapons against agricultural vulnerability and the war on terror. J Vet Med Educ. 2003; 30(2):155-6.
Hietela SK, Ardans AA. PMID: 12970863.
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Sensitivity and specificity of western blot testing of cerebrospinal fluid and serum for diagnosis of equine protozoal myeloencephalitis in horses with and without neurologic abnormalities. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 2002 Oct 01; 221(7):1007-13.
Daft BM, Barr BC, Gardner IA, Read D, Bell W, Peyser KG, Ardans A, Kinde H, Morrow JK. PMID: 12369679.
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Pathologic and bacteriologic findings in 27-week-old commercial laying hens experimentally infected with Salmonella enteritidis, phage type 4. Avian Dis. 2000 Apr-Jun; 44(2):239-48.
Kinde H, Shivaprasad HL, Daft BM, Read DH, Ardans A, Breitmeyer R, Rajashekara G, Nagaraja KV, Gardner IA. PMID: 10879902.
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Hoof size, shape, and balance as possible risk factors for catastrophic musculoskeletal injury of Thoroughbred racehorses. Am J Vet Res. 1998 Dec; 59(12):1545-52.
Kane AJ, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Bock KB, Case JT, Johnson BJ, Anderson ML, Barr BC, Daft BM, Kinde H, Larochelle D, Moore J, Mysore J, Stoltz J, Woods L, Read DH, Ardans AA. PMID: 9858404.
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Association between long periods without high-speed workouts and risk of complete humeral or pelvic fracture in thoroughbred racehorses: 54 cases (1991-1994). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1998 May 15; 212(10):1582-7.
Carrier TK, Estberg L, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Johnson BJ, Read DH, Ardans AA. PMID: 9604029.
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Relationship between race start characteristics and risk of catastrophic injury in thoroughbreds: 78 cases (1992). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1998 Feb 15; 212(4):544-9.
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Prevalence of Salmonella in municipal sewage treatment plant effluents in southern California. Avian Dis. 1997 Apr-Jun; 41(2):392-8.
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High-speed exercise history and catastrophic racing fracture in thoroughbreds. Am J Vet Res. 1996 Nov; 57(11):1549-55.
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Postmortem evaluation of homotypic variation in shoe characteristics of 201 thoroughbred racehorses. Am J Vet Res. 1996 Aug; 57(8):1141-6.
Kane AJ, Stover SM, Gardner IA, Case JT, Johnson BJ, O'Brien MJ, Read DH, Ardans AA. PMID: 8836364.
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Horseshoe characteristics as possible risk factors for fatal musculoskeletal injury of thoroughbred racehorses. Am J Vet Res. 1996 Aug; 57(8):1147-52.
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Salmonella enteritidis, phase type 4 infection in a commercial layer flock in southern California: bacteriologic and epidemiologic findings. Avian Dis. 1996 Jul-Sep; 40(3):665-71.
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Sewage effluent: likely source of Salmonella enteritidis, phage type 4 infection in a commercial chicken layer flock in southern California. Avian Dis. 1996 Jul-Sep; 40(3):672-6.
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Isolation, purification and characterization of the virus responsible for vaginitis, in cows, associated with infertility. Boll Chim Farm. 1996 Apr; 135(4):244-7.
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Fatal musculoskeletal injuries incurred during racing and training in thoroughbreds. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1996 Jan 01; 208(1):92-6.
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Cumulative racing-speed exercise distance cluster as a risk factor for fatal musculoskeletal injury in Thoroughbred racehorses in California. Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 1995 Oct 1; 24(4):253-263.
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Experimental reproduction of bovine fetal Neospora infection and death with a bovine Neospora isolate. J Vet Diagn Invest. 1994 Apr; 6(2):207-15.
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Detection of serum antibody responses in cattle with natural or experimental Neospora infections. J Vet Diagn Invest. 1993 Oct; 5(4):572-8.
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In vitro isolation and characterization of a Neospora sp. from aborted bovine foetuses. Parasitology. 1993 Apr; 106 ( Pt 3):239-49.
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Congenital Neospora infection in calves born from cows that had previously aborted Neospora-infected fetuses: four cases (1990-1992). J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1993 Jan 01; 202(1):113-7.
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An association between complete and incomplete stress fractures of the humerus in racehorses. Equine Vet J. 1992 Jul; 24(4):260-3.
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Clostridium botulinum type-C intoxication associated with consumption of processed alfalfa hay cubes in horses. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1991 Sep 15; 199(6):742-6.
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Clinical illness associated with a commercial tick and flea product in dogs and cats. Vet Hum Toxicol. 1991 Feb; 33(1):19-27.
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Chlamydiosis in captive raptors. Avian Dis. 1990 Jul-Sep; 34(3):657-62.
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Enhancement of infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis by modified-live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus vaccine. Am J Vet Res. 1988 Nov; 49(11):1800-6.
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Vesicular stomatitis virus (New Jersey strain) infection in two California dairy herds: an epidemiologic study. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1987 Oct 15; 191(8):965-70.
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Interaction of Rhodococcus equi with phagocytic cells from R. equi-exposed and non-exposed foals. Vet Microbiol. 1987 Aug; 14(3):307-20.
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Neutrophil phagocytic and serum opsonic response of the foal to Corynebacterium equi. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 1987 Mar; 14(3):279-94.
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Nonspecific reactions in an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay caused by binding of immunoglobulins in situ to egg-propagated infectious bronchitis virus. Avian Dis. 1986 Jan-Mar; 30(1):149-53.
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Neutralizing monoclonal antibodies directed to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus. Arch Virol. 1986; 88(3-4):203-15.
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Application of the log-linear model in the prediction of the antinuclear antibody test in the dog. Am J Vet Res. 1985 Nov; 46(11):2336-9.
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Application of the log-linear and logistic regression models in the prediction of systemic lupus erythematosus in the dog. Am J Vet Res. 1985 Nov; 46(11):2340-5.
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Correlation of macrophage migration-inhibition factor and protection from challenge exposure in calves vaccinated with Salmonella typhimurium. Am J Vet Res. 1985 Jul; 46(7):1415-21.
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The longevity of immunoglobulin preservation in canine skin utilizing Michel's fixative. Vet Immunol Immunopathol. 1985 Jun; 9(2):161-70.
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Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for the detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhea virus in bovine sera. Vet Microbiol. 1985 Jun; 10(4):325-33.
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Pemphigus foliaceus in dogs: a review of 37 cases. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1985 Jan 01; 186(1):59-66.
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Pemphigus foliaceus of the footpads in three dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 1985 Jan 01; 186(1):67-9.
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Identification of envelope and nucleocapsid proteins of infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Vet Microbiol. 1983 Feb; 8(1):57-68.
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Optimization of parameters for detecting antibodies against infectious bronchitis virus using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay: temporal response to vaccination and challenge with live virus. Avian Dis. 1983 Jan-Mar; 27(1):196-210.
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