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A Miserable Little Pile of Atoms
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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

A good rocket ship is more expensive than it’s ever been. This isn’t just because of inflation. Back in the 60s, rocket science was relatively primitive, and you could get away with using cheaper materials and shittier construction standards. Now, for safety and other reasons, the modern rocketeer demands something with more comfort. More breathing room. And more cost.

The average rocket manager is going to respond to this by throwing a stapler at the head of the person asking them for more money. I didn’t get into rocket science to spend my father’s money, they’ll exclaim, before taking an early lunch at the gentlemen’s club and playing two rounds of golf down at the private course. These competing sets of demands will place you, the rocket scientist, in an awkward position.

On the one hand, you want to not burn some astronauts alive. We only have a few of these folks, and lowering the standards for astronaut admission are just going to mean that things on the space station fall apart that much faster. And on the other hand, you want to be able to afford to finish the rocket, otherwise those astronauts are gonna need to hoof it, and it’s really tiring walking all the way to the moon in those crazy moon boots. You need to look for cost-reduction options, and in a lot of cases, that means outsourcing the whole thing to private companies, who can somehow (through the magic of writing shitty contracts) deliver rocket ships cheaper and faster.

Here’s how we do it, here at Seat Safety Switch Space Shooting Solutions. We take a freshly-decommissioned Greyhound bus, and we put the biggest rocket engine we can find on it. Of course, there’s lots of problems with this basic proposal. There’s a lot of air holes on a Greyhound bus, which we seal up with Home Depot’s most affordable bathroom caulk. Sometimes we steal the expired tubes out of the dumpster behind the store, and warm them up in the microwave to get them to flow again. The bus itself doesn’t hold up well to the heat of atmospheric re-entry, which is why we also wrap it in some dense layers of aluminum sheeting. And the bus doesn’t have seatbelts, which we solved by welding in some straps and asking the astronauts to bring their own rope from home. What, you can’t tie a knot? And we let you go into orbit?

Pinned Post

All my haters become aligators when I activate my gatorinator.


you laugh now, but when my gatorinator is ready, it's all over


Dr. Doofenschmirtz holding a fishing rod with Perry the Platypus hanging over a pool of gatorsALT


transmogrifying my haters into an animal that is known for something called the "death roll" has backfired in a manner no one could have forecasted



Having taken stock of the situation, it's not as bad as I originally thought. It's not like these crocodilians are an urgent problem, much less a representation of my own mortality. There's no ticking clock here.



well now you're just doing this on purpose


Screenshot of tag from previous poster (@fourthmiddlename) saying, "#posts that have 100k to me"ALT

I think that's the highest tags forecast I have received so far.


Posts that have 100k gators to me.


Actually there are only 5 gators in my post, but it is an understandable mistake.



Now there are 100,005 gators on this post



You know what? Good job.

Other people said this post had thousands of notes in their mind, but only contributed two notes.

You? You said that it had 100k gators to you.

And then you did it.

+1 respect point.


now that's what i call a

gator aid


what he means: my first girlfriend sacrificed herself for the good of her people, and she didn't think twice about it. i saw firsthand what it meant to truly protect those you love, and in that moment i also experienced what it meant to be loved enough to be protected. but i wasn't ready. i didn't have enough time to say goodbye. she was gone before she fell back to me, and i knew it even before i looked for a pulse that wasn't there. she was heavy, until she wasn't, because i saw death happen in a way i never thought it could when her body vanished from my arms. i now know what it feels like to kiss a spirit, and it's the last touch i have of her. she sacrificed herself because she believed it was her duty, an expectation she felt she needed to face, and it should never have happened. but she got dragged into a war that we brought to her home. there was nothing i could do to protect her from its devastation, and i blame myself for her death.

what he says: my first girlfriend turned into the moon


what he means: that is so out there it is literally beyond my feeble comprehension and i have no idea how to respond and yet i can tell by your tone and expression this is something that has impacted you and yea that does sound like the sorta thing that would impact a person and it seems to have been a negative impact and i would like to console you somehow make you feel better and improve the relationship between us but even on a good day and with a normal subject id have no idea how to do that like what you just said sounds like something you should talk to a therapist about or maybe a priest or something but im not gonna say that i dont wana make you feel weird or isolated you shouldnt have gone through that and i would like to say its going to be ok but i dont know if it is or if this is the right moment to say that im sorry that happened to you

what he says: thats rough buddy



i see y’all with your “steven goes to work at the mystery shack” headcanons and i’ve just gotta say… he would absolutely be the sketchiest person in gravity falls


the 2nd gravity falls summer (bc you know there would be more than one) the mystery is ‘what the fuck is wrong with this traumatized pink teenager’ instead of ‘who is the author of the journals’ 

with such great hits as 

  • mabel (upon seeing steven’s gem): you’re PERMANENTLY BEDAZZLED?????
  • dipper: ugh gideon’s the worst
  • steven: oh yeah I hate it when your friends try to kill you, but you just gotta wait it out and be patient with them and they’ll come around to you eventually
  • dipper: what. the fuck.
  • the kids repainting the sign when mabel drops her paintbrush to the ground by accident, cue steven being like ‘np i’ll get it’ and walking straight off the edge of the roof 
  • mabel: i hate that picture of me, 4th grade’s the worst
  • steven: haha yeah…grades…those exist… i definitely didn’t look exactly the same from ages 8 to 14 for complicated shapeshifting reasons
  • “our grunkle stan is kind of a sketchy guy” “oh no way most of my family are war criminals”
  • steven: *breaks a cup* aw shit *licks it and it seals back together* 
  • dipper: *furiously taking notes*
  • theres no possible way that steven “haven’t you noticed I’m a star” universe doesn’t come over to mabel’s slumber parties w/ candy and grenda and casually mention his girlfriend who a. is literally a knight in shining armor, b. has taken down multiple genocidal dictators thousands of times her size, not to mention c. mastering the art of swordfighting when she was twelve and d. saving his life and the lives of all the beach city residents on a regular basis
  • dipper: *trying to reach something on a high shelf*
  • steven: oh here you go *shapeshifts his arm to grab it and bring it down*
  • dipper: ??????thanks??
  • playing w/ waddles and nonchalantly saying something about missing his own large, pink pet, a magical lion that can teleport and that he has ridden into battle multiple times
  • (at suzy’s diner) steven: don’t worry, i’ll get the bill 
  • various pines: thanks man
  • steven: it’s cool, my dad’s a millionaire
  • dipper:

it’s honestly the funniest fucking thing to imagine steven outright not even PRETENDING to hide any of the unusual parts of himself, but dipper still acting as if it’s all some giant conspiracy he’s going to crack by the end of summer.

mabel: “dipper, stop being such a dummy-dumb, he literally TOLD us that he’s half gem on his mother’s side!”

dipper, chewing furiously on his pen: “yeah, but what does that MEAN???”



@novantinuum@thepringlesofblood​ u are visionaries 


contrary to popular belief i think calvin's adhd is, funnily enough, medicated. he takes extended release ritalin every morning alongside his chocolate frosted sugar bombs. this is because he appreciates being more easily able to focus on his various Schemes, Projects, and Machinations while more effectively ignoring schoolwork


calvin's dad pulling up to the house and seeing the whole driveway covered in a (completed) snowman recreation of the entire terracotta army and he takes a deep breath and greets calvin's mom with "i see calvin remembered his methylphenidate today"