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Programming Languages Lab at Peking University

The Programming Languages Lab is a part of the Institute of Software at the Department of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University. It was established in April 2019 with Professor Zhenjiang Hu as the founding director. It now includes a full professor, two associate professors, two assistant professors, two administrative staffs, and a number of students.

The lab members mainly conduct research and teach courses in programming languages. Their research interests include functional programming languages, bidirectional transformation, program calculation, domain specific languages, program analysis, program synthesis, program repair, assured artificial intelligence, and other topics. Their research results not only have a wide influence in the academia, but are also applied inside many companies and open-source programs. To recognize such results, the lab members have received honors and awards at both international and domestic levels. These include being elected as a foreign member of the European Academy of Sciences, a foreign member of the Engineering Academy of Japan, an IEEE fellow. They have been supported by the NSFC Fund for Overseas Distinguished Young Scholars and the NSFC Excellent Youth Scientist Fund. They have also won ACM SIGPLAN/SIGSOFT Distinguished Paper Awards at top programming languages and software engineering conferences.

Extended reading (in Chinese):

The Soul of Software: Programming Languages: Introduction to the Research Direction of Prof. Zhenjiang Hu

Entering the Laboratory: Interview with Prof. Yingfei Xiong

Software Quality Assurance in the Era of Software 2.0: Introduction to the Research Direction of Prof. Xin Zhang

Quantitative Reasoning about Software: Introduction to the Research Direction of Prof. Di Wang