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Class: Point


The Point object represents a location in a two-dimensional coordinate system, where x represents the position on the horizontal axis and y represents the position on the vertical axis

new PIXI.Point (x, y)

Creates a new Point

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number <optional>

position of the point on the x axis

y number <optional>

position of the point on the y axis


  • {IPoint}


x number

Position of the point on the x axis

Default Value:
  • 0

y number

Position of the point on the y axis

Default Value:
  • 0


add (other, outPoint) IPointData

Adds other to this point and outputs into outPoint or a new Point.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Attributes Description
other IPointData

The point to add to this.

outPoint IPointData <optional>

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description
IPointData The outPoint reference or a new Point, with the result of the addition.

Creates a clone of this point

Type Description
PIXI.Point A clone of this point

copyFrom (p) this

Copies x and y from the given point into this point

Name Type Description
p IPointData

The point to copy from

Type Description
this The point instance itself

copyTo (p) T

Copies this point's x and y into the given point (p).

Name Type Description
p T

The point to copy to. Can be any of type that is or extends IPointData

Type Description
T The point (p) with values updated

cross (other) number

Computes the cross product of other with this point. Given two linearly independent R3 vectors a and b, the cross product, a × b (read "a cross b"), is a vector that is perpendicular to both a and b, and thus normal to the plane containing them. While cross product only exists on 3D space, we can assume the z component of 2D to be zero and the result becomes a vector that will only have magnitude on the z axis.

This function returns the z component of the cross product of the two points.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Description
other IPointData

The other point to calculate the cross product with this.

Type Description
number The z component of the result of the cross product.

dot (other) number

Computes the dot product of other with this point. The dot product is the sum of the products of the corresponding components of two vectors.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Description
other IPointData

The other point to calculate the dot product with this.

Type Description
number The result of the dot product. This is an scalar value.

equals (p) boolean

Accepts another point (p) and returns true if the given point is equal to this point

Name Type Description
p IPointData

The point to check

Type Description
boolean Returns true if both x and y are equal

magnitude () number

Computes the magnitude of this point (Euclidean distance from 0, 0).

Defined as the square root of the sum of the squares of each component.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Type Description
number The magnitude (length) of the vector.

magnitudeSquared () number

Computes the square magnitude of this point. If you are comparing the lengths of vectors, you should compare the length squared instead as it is slightly more efficient to calculate.

Defined as the sum of the squares of each component.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Type Description
number The magnitude squared (length squared) of the vector.

multiply (other, outPoint) IPointData

Multiplies component-wise other and this points and outputs into outPoint or a new Point.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Attributes Description
other IPointData

The point to multiply with this.

outPoint IPointData <optional>

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description
IPointData The outPoint reference or a new Point, with the component-wise multiplication.

multiplyScalar (scalar, outPoint) IPointData

Multiplies each component of this point with the number scalar and outputs into outPoint or a new Point.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Attributes Description
scalar number

The number to multiply both components of this.

outPoint IPointData <optional>

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description
IPointData The outPoint reference or a new Point, with the multiplication.

normalize (outPoint) IPointData

Computes a normalized version of this point.

A normalized vector is a vector of magnitude (length) 1

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Attributes Description
outPoint IPointData <optional>

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description
IPointData The normalized point.

project (onto, outPoint) IPointData

Computes vector projection of this on onto.

Imagine a light source, parallel to onto, above this. The light would cast rays perpendicular to onto. this.project(onto) is the shadow cast by this on the line defined by onto .

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Attributes Description
onto IPointData

A non zero vector describing a line on which to project this.

outPoint IPointData <optional>

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description
IPointData The this on onto projection.

reflect (normal, outPoint) IPointData

Reflects this vector off of a plane orthogonal to normal. normal is not normalized during this process. Consider normalizing your normal before use.

Imagine a light source bouncing onto a mirror. this vector is the light and normal is a vector perpendicular to the mirror. this.reflect(normal) is the reflection of this on that mirror.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Attributes Description
normal IPointData

The normal vector of your reflecting plane.

outPoint IPointData <optional>

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description
IPointData The reflection of this on your reflecting plane.

set (x, y) this

Sets the point to a new x and y position. If y is omitted, both x and y will be set to x.

Name Type Attributes Default Description
x number <optional>

position of the point on the x axis

y number <optional>

position of the point on the y axis

Type Description
this The point instance itself

subtract (other, outPoint) IPointData

Subtracts other from this point and outputs into outPoint or a new Point.

Note: Only available with @pixi/math-extras.

Name Type Attributes Description
other IPointData

The point to subtract to this.

outPoint IPointData <optional>

A Point-like object in which to store the value, optional (otherwise will create a new Point).

Type Description
IPointData The outPoint reference or a new Point, with the result of the subtraction.