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Curriculum Vitae

University of Pittsburgh, Slavic Languages and Literatures, Faculty Member
CURRICULUM VITAE PERSONAL Nancy Condee, Co-Chair Director Professor of Slavic and Film Studies Center for Russian & East European Studies (Title TVI) Slavic Languages and Literatures University Center for International Studies (UCIS) Cathedral of Learning CL 1228 4419 Wesley W. Posvar Hall University of Pittsburgh University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 230 South Bouquet Street +1 412-363-7180 Pittsburgh, PA 15260 +1 412-363-7180 EDUCATION Yale University PhD 1979 Slavic Department MPhil 1974 Moscow State University PhD Research 1977-78 Literary Theory Department Brown University MA 1973 Slavic Department Leningrad State University Certificate of Study 1972 Russian Department Sarah Lawrence College BA 1972 Russian Department Columbia University Graduate work 1970-72 Slavic Department PROFESSIONAL HISTORY Russian Presidential Academy of the 2015-2016 Yegor Gaidar Fellow (School of Public Policy) National Economy (Moscow) University of Pittsburgh 2017-2022 Director, Russian and East European Studies Center (Title VI) 2011-2017 Director, Global Studies Center (Title VI) 2008-2017 Academic Dir., PittMAP (global study abroad) 1995-2006 Director, Program for Cultural Studies Oxford University (St. Antony’s) 2004 Senior Associate Member, Visiting Fellow National Council for Eurasian and 2001-2006 Chair, Board of Directors East European Research (NCEEER) Wheaton College (MA) 1989 Associate Professor of Russian 1986-89 Chair, Russian Department 198087 Assistant Professor of Russian Gor'kii Institute of World Literature 1982 Guest Lecturer, Soviet Literature Department (Academy of Sciences, USSR) Wilhelm-Pieck Universität, GDR 1981-82 Guest Professor, Foreign Language Institute (East Germany) Brown University 197980 Visiting Professor, Slavic Department MAJOR AWARDS AND PRIZES 2016. Outstanding Contribution to AATSEEL (American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. 2015. Yegor Gaidar Fellowship. Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economy (School of Public Policy, Moscow). 2011. Modern Language Association (MLA) Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures. 2010. Society for Cinema and Media Studies; Katherine Singer Kovács Book Award. 2004. British Academy Visiting Fellow: Oxford (St. Antony’s College). LANGUAGES English: native German: functional for research and public discussion Russian: near-native French: functional for research and public discussion Spanish: rudimentary PUBLICATIONS Under consideration: Condee, Nancy. “Balaclavas and Incense: Remarks on Russian Cultural Politics.” boundary 2. Under contract: Condee, Nancy, Alexander Prokhorov, and Elena Prokhorova, eds. Cinemasaurus: Recent Russian Film in its Contemporary Context. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2019 (estimated). In print: Books (single-authored, edited, co-edited), electronic data-bases: Slobin, Greta N. Russians Abroad: Literary and Cultural Politics of Diaspora (1919-1939). Ed. Katerina Clark, Nancy Condee, Dan Slobin, and Mark Slobin. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. Reviews: Fergus, Adam. Modern Language Review [UK] Vol 111, Part 2 (April 2016): 604-606. Rubins, Maria. Slavonic and East European Review [UK] Vol. 92, No. 3 (July 2014): 524-26. Wanner, Adrian. Slavic Review Vol. 73, No. 2 (Summer 2014): 436-38. Livak, Leonid. Russian Review Vol. 73, No. 2 (April 2014): 306-07. Beumers, Birgit and Nancy Condee, eds. The Cinema of Alexander Sokurov. The Russian Cinema Series. London: I. B. Tauris, 2011. Reviews: Eshelman, Raoul. Art Margins 6 May 2013: Naffis-Sahely, André. Time Literary Supplement, No. 5678 (27 January 2012): 27. Condee, Nancy. The Imperial Trace: Recent Russian Cinema. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009. Awards Modern Language Association (MLA) Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for Studies in Slavic Languages and Literatures (2011) Award citation: “Condee brilliantly accomplishes two pressing goals at once. The book is an insightful guide to six major post-Soviet filmmakers whose work it explores aesthetically as a function of cinematic style and cultural ideology and historically as an imaginative response to the decay and collapse of the Soviet Union and to the turbulent post-Soviet aftermath. If the debate on Russia’s imperial and national identities has been dominated by historians and social scientists, then The Imperial Trace insists on the pertinence of cultural production even as it engages in a dialogue across disciplines. Condee succeeds in her goal, not by dissolving each filmmaker into his or her context, but by exploring the more oblique tricks of the imaginative trade by which a work of art ponders, disavows, or transfigures its own time.” Annual research prize from the Society for Cinema and Media Studies (Katherine Singer Kovács Book Award 2010): Award citation: “Our selection for the K.S. Kovacs Book Award was Nancy Condee’s The Imperial Trace: Recent Russian Cinema (Oxford, 2009).  Condee’s book is an intellectually serious and erudite study of Russian cinema that intervenes squarely and decisively into one of the debates around which our field is centered:  the role of media in national culture and the question of understanding cinemas as national in character.  In proposing Russian cinema (taken through the tsarist, Soviet, and post-Soviet eras) as “imperial,” Condee notices what she calls a “radical disjunction” between Benedict Anderson’s model of nation with its horizontal comradeship of “imagined community” and, by contrast, the vertical, state-centered, but also spatially vast and fragmented territories of the Russian empire. What Condee does with this distinction is dazzling.  In prose that is as beautiful as it is careful, she sets out to perform readings of Russia’s imperial cinema, not on the level of content (although sometimes it’s surely there) but of form, what she calls the “imperial trace.”  The material circumstances of cinematic production become central to articulating the elements that contribute formally to this haunting or trace, sometimes belonging to mise-en-scene (lighting in Tarkovsky) or to broader visual treatments of collectivity and belonging.  This is passionate cinema/media study, informed, acute, and capable of transforming our field.” One of eight recommended books on Russo-Soviet cinema in Martha P. Nochimson, ed., World on Film (New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2010). Finalist twice (2010 and 2011). Best Book of Slavic Literary and Cultural Criticism, American Association for Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL). Reviews: Anemone, Anthony. Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema, Volume 3, Issue 3 (December 2009): 374-76. Karriker, Alexandra. The Russian Review Vol. 69, No. 2 (April 2010): 335-36. Riley, John A. Scope: an online journal of film and television studies (ISSN 1465-9166; University of Nottingham). Issue 22, February 2012:61-68. Sklokina, Iryna. Ukraïna moderna 5 (16) 2010: 321-36. White, Frederick H. Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 53, No. 4 (Winter 2009): 698-99. Youngblood, Denise J. Slavic Review Vol. 69, No. 1 (Spring 2010): 193-96. Smith, Terry, Okwui Enwezor, Nancy Condee, eds. Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008. Reviews: Carrier, David. CAA Reviews (May 2009); Pennisi, Guiseppe. Leonardo online (June 2009); ---. M/C: Modernity and contemporaneity. Symposium audio archive (mp3 format: 18 hours running time). Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Museum of Art, 2005. Condee, Nancy, Executive Producer. Kino ottepeli [Thaw Cinema]. Marina Trush and Artem Grishanin, producers. Studio Artima (Moscow), 2002. CD-rom on Khrushchev-era film (300 film entries, 2000 illustrations; 130 posters; 17 video fragments; memoirs and interviews; 3,500 references and overview pages). Balina, Marina, Nancy Condee, and Evgeny Dobrenko, eds. Endquote: Sots-Art Literature and Soviet Grand Style. Evanston, IL: Northwestern UP, 2000. Reviews: Neubauer, John. The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review Vol. 41, No. 2 (2014): 248-52. Chances, Ellen. Slavic Review Vol. 61, No. 1 (Spring 2002): 194-96. McMillan, Arnold. Slavonic and East European Review Vol. 80, No. 2 (April 2002): 335-36. Condee, Nancy, ed. Soviet Hieroglyphics: Visual Culture in Late 20c. Russia. Bloomington and London: Indiana University Press and British Film Institute, 1995. Reviews: Iordanova, Dina. Historical Journal of Film, Radio, and Television Vol. 17, No. 2 (June 1997): 289-91. Byers, Mary Hannah. Europe-Asia Studies Vol. 49, No. 3 (May 1997): 546-47. Kelly, Catriona. “Russia’s Revolutionary Visions.” The Times Literary Supplement (UK) 29 November 1996. Rifkin, Benjamin (University of Wisconsin, Madison). Slavic Review Vol. 55, No. 4 (Winter 1996): 940-41. De Roeck, Galina L. Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 40, No. 3 (Autumn 1996): 580-82. Taylor, Richard. Slavonic and East European Review Vol. 74, No. 4 (October 1996): 738-39. Grace, Helen. Media International Australia 79 (February 1996): 138-39. Falkowska, Janina. Canadian Slavonic Papers Vol. 37, Issues 1-2 (March-June 1995): 270-71. Special journal issues: Condee, Nancy and Colin MacCabe, eds. September 11th A Year On: A Research Symposium. Special Issue on the anniversary of 9/11. Critical Quarterly Vol. 45, Number 3 (2003). Introduction by Condee and MacCabe. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov, eds. Soviet Studies in Literature. Special issue. Culture’s Tapestry. On the Writings of Lev Anninskii Vol. 27, No. 4 (Fall 1991). ---. Soviet Studies in Literature. Three-part special issue (I). Recently Published Soviet Prose: The Critical Response. Part One Vol. 24, No. 3 (Summer 1988). ---. Soviet Studies in Literature. Three-part special issue (II). Recently Published Soviet Prose: The Critical Response. Part Two Vol. 24, No. 4 (Fall 1988). ---. Soviet Studies in Literature. Three-part special issue (III). Recently Published Soviet Prose: The Critical Response. Part Three Vol. 25, No. 1 (Winter 1988-89). Articles and chapters: Condee, Nancy. “La question du cinéma « post-Balabanovien ».” In Eugénie Zvonkine, ed. Cinéma russe contemporain, (r)évolutions. Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2017. Condee, Nancy, ed. “Talking with Scholarly Publishers (Historia Nova Prize Part II).” All the Russias. Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University); 9 August 2017. Online at ---. “3 Questions: Russian intellectual history as a practice and project (Historia Nova Interviews, Part I).” All the Russias. Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University); 7 August 2017. Online at ---. “Knowledge (imperfective): Andrei Zviagintsev and Contemporary Cinema.” Companion to Russian Cinema. Ed. Birgit Beumers. Oxford: Blackwell-Wiley, 2016. 565-84. ---. “Cold Snap (Part I): Russian Film after Leviathan.” All the Russias. Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University); 22 July 2015. Online at ---. “Cold Snap (Part II): Russian Film after Leviathan.” All the Russias. Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia (New York University); 23 July 2015. Online at ---. “The Russian Pavilion at Cannes 2015: Film Politics after Leviathan.” KinoKultura 49 (2015); ---. “Небо. Самолет. Девушка [Sky. Plane. Girl].” Essay on Vera Storozheva, dir. Directory of World Cinema: Russia. Vol 2. Ed. Birgit Beumers. Bristol: Intellect, 2015. 191-92. ---. “Kinotavr 2013 (and Three Afterthoughts): Current Russian Cinema.” KinoKultura 42 (October 2013); ---. “Kira Muratova, Tuner.”  The Russian Cinema Reader, Volume Two: From the Thaw to the Present.  Ed. Rimgaila Salys. Boston: Academic Studies Press, 2013. 313-23. Kondi, Nensi. “Vilka Mortona (Zametki o Kinotavre-2013).” Iskusstvo kino 8 (2013); ---. “Sovremennoe rossiiskoe kino i problema vnutrennei kolonizatsii.” In Aleksandr Etkind, Dirk Uffelmann, Il’ia Kukulin, eds. Tam, vnutri: Praktiki vnutrennei kolonizatsii v kul’turnoi istorii Rossii. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2012. 760-86. ---. “Kinoformat goda.” Iskusstvo kino 8 (2012); Konde, Nensi. “Astenicheskii sindrom (1990).” Noev kovcheg russkogo kino. Ot 'Sten'ki Razina' do 'Stiliag'. Nikita Braguinskii and Ekaterina Vassilieva, eds. Vinnytsia: Globus-Press, 2012. 433-37. Condee, Nancy. “Tales Told by Nationalists.” In Mark Bassin and Catriona Kelly, eds. Soviet and Post-Soviet Identities. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. 86-118. Review mention of individual chapter: Bishop, Sarah Clovis (Willamette University). Slavic and East European Review Vol. 58, No. 4 (Winter 2014): 732-34: “Nancy Condee’s outstanding article ‘Tales Told by Nationalists’ combines a rhetorical reassessment of nationalism with an analysis of three distinct nationalisms portrayed in contemporary Russian cinema.” ---. “Endstate and Allegory (Late Sokurov).” In Beumers and Condee, eds. The Cinema of Alexander Sokurov. The Russian Cinema Series. London: I. B. Tauris, 2011. 246-60. Condee, Nancy and Evgeniia Kupsan. “The Rebirth of Academism.” In Evgeny Dobrenko and Galin Tihanov, eds. A History of Soviet Literary Theory and Criticism: The Soviet Era and Beyond. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2011. 306-22. Award: 2012 Efim Etkind Prize for Best Book on Russian Culture (European University, St. Petersburg, Russia) Reviews: Depretto, Catherine. Cahiers du monde russe 53.4 (2012); McGarry, Matthew. Slavic and East European Journal 57.3 (Fall 2013): 487-88. Neubauer, John. The Soviet and Post-Soviet Review. 41.2 (2014): 248 –252. Uffelmann, Dirk. Arcadia 48.2 (2013): 458-64. Vaingurt, Julia. The NEP Era: Soviet Russia 1921-1928 6 (2012): 93-96. Kondi, Nensi and Evgeniia Kupsan. “Postsovetskoe literaturovedenie: Vozrozhdenie akademizma.” In Evgenii Dobrenko and Galan Tihanov, eds. Istoriia russkoi literaturnoi kritiki sovetskoi i postsovetskoi epokh. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2011. 555-585. This chapter is a Russian, re-edited version of # 27 above. Beumers, Birgit and Nancy Condee. “Kinotavr 2011: Russian Cinema as a State of Mind.” KinoKultura 34 (2011); Kondi, Nensi. “K voprosu o ‘regional’nom syr’e.” Iskusstvo kino 4 (2011): 54-55. Condee, Nancy and Birgit Beumers. “Festival Focus: Kinotavr.” In Birgit Beumers, ed. Directory of World Cinema: Russia. London: Intellect Books, 2010. 22-27. Condee, Nancy. “Veronica Fuses Out: Rape and Medium Specificity in The Cranes are Flying.” Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema Vol. 3, No. 2 (2009): 173-83. Kondi, Nensi i Vladimir Padunov. “Ponty patriotov kak skrytaia reklama: chto uvideli inostrannye uchennye, posmotrev na sovremennoe rossiiskoe kino?” Novaia gazeta 55 (31 July 2008): 16. Condee, Nancy. “The Modern after Postmodernity? Victor Erlich, Slavic Studies, Modernism.” 2007 AATSEEL Distinguished Professor Lecture (in honor of Victor Erlich). Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 52, No. 1 (Spring 2008): 1-10. ---. “Mediation, Imagination, and Time: Speculative Remarks on Russian Culture.” Ab Imperio 1 (2008): 177-92. ---. “The State Face: The Empire’s Televisual Imagination.” In Birgit Beumers, Stephen Hutchings and Natalia Rulyova, eds. The Post-Soviet Russian Media: Conflicting Signals. London: Routledge, 2008. 178-87. ---. “Borat: Putting the Id Back in Identity Politics.” Lead commentary to special section of six articles on Larry Charles, dir. Borat! Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. Slavic Review Vol. 67, No. 1 (Spring 2008): 84-87. ---. “From Emigration to E-migration: Contemporaneity and the Former Second World.” In Terry Smith, Okwui Enwezor, and Nancy Condee, eds. Antinomies of Art and Culture: Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity . Durham: Duke University Press, 2008. 235-49. ---. “When Bakunin Moved in with Turgenev: Philiterature in the Empire.” boundary 2, Vol. 34, No. 1 (Spring 2007): 173-95. ---. “Vicarious Catastrophe: The Empire Watches Death of the Empire.” Pro et Contra (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace/ Carnegie Moscow Center) Vol. 4, No. 33 (September 2006): 29-37; . This is a re-edited version, for a policy (rather than academic) readership, of # 36 above. ---. “The Anti-Imperialist Empire and After: In Dialogue with Gayatri Spivak’s ‘Are You Postcolonial?’“ PMLA Vol. 120, No. 3 (May 2006): 829-31. Introduction by Gayatri Spivak. See # 107 below for the ensuing polemics (under “Essay-Reviews, Debates”). ---. “Drowning or Waving? Some Remarks on Russian Cultural Studies.” Slavic and East European Journal (Special Issue: Fiftieth Anniversary) Vol. 50, No. 1 (Spring 2006): 197-203. Kondi, Nensi. Commissioned essay on “Obrazovanie v antropologii i sotsial’nykh naukakh.” Antropologicheskii Forum/Anthropology Forum, joint publication of Oxford University, European University of St. Petersburg, and Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (St. Petersburg) 3 (2005): 70-79. Condee, Nancy. “Imperialism Ectoplasm.” KinoKultura 6 (October 2004); Kondi, Nensi. “Putenitsa sovremennosti: imperiia i natsiia.” Kul’tura Post. Voronezh: Voronezh State University, 2004. ---. “Otstuplenie o geroe.” Iskusstvo kino 10 (2003): 72-73. Commentary in response to Elena Stishova, “Krizis srednego vozrasta.” Iskusstvo kino 10 (2003): 69-76. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “Subtropical Cinema: Kinotavr, Collective Heroes and the Small Screen.” KinoKul’tura 1 (June 2003); Condee, Nancy. “Körperzeichnungen: Der Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus.” Berliner Debatte Initial Vol. 13, No. 1 (2002): 71-88. This article is a re-edited version, for a German-speaking readership, of # 51 below. ---. “Uncles, Deviance, and Ritual Combat: The Cultural Codes of Khrushchev’s Thaw.” Nikita Khrushchev. Ed. William Taubman, Sergei Khrushchev, and Abbott Gleason. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2000. 160-76. Re-edited and translated into Russian (see # 60 below). Review mention of individual chapter: McCauley, Martin. The American Historical Review Vol. 106, No. 3 (June 2001): 1098-99: “There are many fine essays, but two are outstanding: one by Elena Zubkova on Khrushchev's rivalry with Georgii Malenkov and the other by Nancy Condee on cultural codes of the Thaw.” ---. “The Death of Russian Cinema, or Sochi: Russia’s Last Resort.” Russia at the End of the Twentieth Century: Culture and Its Horizons in Politics and Society. Comp and ed. Gregory Freidin. Stanford University, 2000. ---. “Body Graphics: Tattooing the Fall of Communism.” Consuming Russia: Popular Culture, Sex, and Society since Gorbachev. Ed. Adele Barker. Durham: Duke UP, 1999. 339-61. This chapter was re-edited and translated into Russian for an academic readership (see # 52 below). Review mention of individual chapter: Sturdee, Nick (University College London). Slavonic and East European Review Vol. 79, No. 3 (July 2001): 522-23: “Nancy Condee’s fascinating chapter on the meaning of tattoos in prison culture reveals that here too the sign is shifting its meaning.” Kondi, Nensi. “Grafika na tele: tatuirovki i krakh kommunizma.” Tr. N. S. Vnuchenko. Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie 39 (1999): 101-18. This article is a re-edited version, for a Russian-intellectual (non-academic) readership, of # 51 above. Condee, Nancy. “No Glory, No Majesty, or Honor: The Russian Idea and Inverse Value.” Russia on Reels: The Russian Idea in Post-Soviet Cinema. Ed. Birgit Beumers. London: I. B. Tauris, 1999. 25-33. Review mentions of individual chapter: Horton, Andrew. Slavic Review Vol. 60, No. 1 (Spring 2001): 218-19: “Contributors include many familiar names in the field of Soviet and post-Soviet cinema including Richard Taylor, Nancy Condee, and Mikhail Iampolski, together with a number of lesser known but able commentators. […] Nancy Condee’s essay frames the entire collection, for she concisely depicts the concept of the ‘Russian idea.’“ Iordanova, Dina. Europe-Asia Studies Vol. 52, No. 3 (May 2000): 587-89: “Condee’s greatly superior theoretical piece examines the foundations of ‘the Russian idea’ as expressed by philosophers of Berdyaev’s line of thought. She closely links ‘the Russian idea’ to Orthodoxy and the process of Russia’s historical estrangement from Byzantium.” ---. “Why Cultural Studies Matters.” Carnegie Mellon University Series: Lectures on Demand. 24 October 1998. Streaming audio file: Kondi, Nensi. “Konets stoletiekonets chernukhi?” Iskusstvo kino 3-4 (1998): 169-70. ---. “Vse bani—zhenskie bani.” Iskusstvo kino 5 (1997): 76-81. This is a re-edited version, for a Russian-speaking readership, of article # 58 below. Condee, Nancy. “The Dream of Well-Being” (on contemporary Russian cinema and film festivals). Sight and Sound Vol. 7, No. 12 (December 1997): 18-21. ---. “The Second Mother Fantasy, or All Baths are Women’s Baths.” Russia * Women * Culture: From Bathhouse to Ballroom. Ed. Helena Goscilo and Beth Holmgren. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1996. 3-30. This chapter was re-edited and translated into Russian for an academic audience (see # 56 above). Kondi, Nensi. “Desiat’ zametok s ‘Kinotavra.’“ Iskusstvo kino 10 (1996): 98-100. ---. “Kul’turnye kody ‘Ottepeli.’” Tr. N. Mikhailova. Russkaia literatura XX veka: napravleniia i techeniia. Vypusk 3 (Ekaterinburg 1996). 167-182. This article is a revised version, for a Russian academic readership, of article # 49 above. Condee, Nancy. “The Relentless Cult of Novelty, or How to Wreck the Century: Rethinking Soviet Studies.” Beyond Soviet Studies. Ed. Daniel Orlovsky. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson Press, 1995. 289-304. Review mention of individual chapter: Robinson, Neil. Europe-Asia Studies Vol. 48, No. 4 (June 1996): 670-72. “Finally, the book ends with essays by Nancy Condee and Richard Stites, which both make strong—and very entertaining—arguments for studying the cultural diversity of the FSU and Russia. […] These two papers […] struck me as models of what we should be seeking to achieve: theoretical, yet balanced with empirical knowledge; broad area-studies consciousness, mixed with the ability to move freely within and between humanities and social-science disciplines. Condee and Stites gave me a little hope that we might be able to go the distance.” Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “The ABC of Russian Consumer Culture: Readings, Ratings, and Real Estate.” Soviet Hieroglyphics: Visual Culture in Late 20c. Russia. Ed. Nancy Condee. Bloomington /London: Indiana UP/British Film Institute, 1994. 130-72. Review mentions of individual chapter: Byers, Mary Hannah. Europe-Asia Studies Vol. 49, No. 3 (May 1997): 546-47: “The final article in this collection […] is by far one of the best documented and analyses the more prosaic elements of modern Russian visual culture with delightful veracity.” Falkowska, Janina. Canadian Slavonic Papers Vol. 37, Issues 1-2 (March-June 1995): 270-71: “Nancy Condee’s and Vladimir Padunov’s article, “The ABC of Russian Consumer Culture: Readings, Ratings and Real Estate,” is by far the most interesting. […] It is a revealing and very well-documented article, which discusses recent phenomena in popular culture in an engaging manner. The article finalizes a provocative and insightful discussion of the changing status of cultural objects and practices in an economic order that has collapsed.” Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “Pair-a-Dice Lost: The Socialist Gamble, Market Determinism, and Compulsory Postmodernism.” New Formations 22 (Spring 1994). Special issue entitled Postcommunism: Rethinking the Second World: 72-94. Kondi, Nensi i Vladimir Padunov. “Proigrannyi rai: Ruletka sotsializma, rynochnyi determinizm i postmodernizm po obiazatel’oi programme.” Iskusstvo kino 9 (1992): 72-81. This article is a re-edited version, for a Russian-speaking readership, of # 63 above. Reprinted: Novaia volna: russkaia kul’tura i subkul’tury na rubezhe 80-90 godov. Ed. Nadezhda Azhgikhina. Moscow: Moskovskii rabochii, 1994. 4-19. ---. “Perestroika Suicide: Not By Bred Alone.” The Harriman Institute Forum Vol. 5, No. 5 (January 1992). Reprinted: New Left Review 189 (1991): 69-91. Stanford Slavic Studies. Russian Culture in Transition: Selected Papers of the Working Group for the Study of Contemporary Russian Culture 1990-1991. Ed. Gregory Freidin. Vol. 7 (1993): 91-122. Kondi, Nensi i Vladimir Padunov. “Samoubiistvo perestroiki: ne bredom edinym.” Trans. I. Chabanov. Znamia 1 (1992): 209-12. This article is a re-edited version, for a Russian-speaking readership, of # 65 above. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “Makulakul’tura: Reprocessing Culture.” October 57 (Summer 1991): 79-103. Reprinted: Stanford Slavonic Studies. Russian Culture in Transition: Selected Papers of the Working Group for the Study of Contemporary Russian Culture 1990-1991. Ed. Gregory Freidin. Vol. 7 (1993): 53-80. ---. “Makulakul’tura ili vtorichnaia pererabotka kul’tury.” Tr. F. and O. Urnovy. Voprosy literatury 1 (1991): 101-26, with responses by Lev Anninskii and Mikhail Zolotonosov in the same issue. This article is a re-edited version for a Russian academic readership of # 67 above. ---. “The Cultural Combat Zone: Where is the DMZ?” Soviet Union/Union Sovietique Vol. 15, No. 2-3 (1988): 167-185. ---. “Frontiers of Soviet Culture: Reaching the Limits?” The Harriman Institute Forum Vol. 1, No. 5 (1988): 1-8. Reprinted: The Soviet Union 1988: Essays from the Harriman Institute Forum. Ed. Paul Lerner. NY: Crane Russak, 1989. ---. “‘New’ Soviet Cinema: Once Again the Most Important Art.” San Francisco International Film Festival Catalogue (1988): 32-37. ---. “Soviet Cultural Politics and Cultural Production.” IREX Occasional Papers 2 (1987): 1-21. ---. “The Outposts of Official Art: Recharting Soviet Cultural History.” Framework 34 (1987): 59106. ---. “Spring Cleaning in Moscow’s House of Cinema.” Lead article in Forty-First International Edinburgh Film Festival Catalogue (1987): 69. ---. “Reforming Soviet Culture: Retrieving Soviet History.” The Nation 13 June 1987: 815820. Condee, Nancy. “Tat’iana Tolstaia: Commentary and Translation of Sonia.” Institute of Current World Affairs (ICWA, Hanover, New Hampshire) 1 June 1986 (NPC-17): 1-9. This entry and similar ones (## 77-82, 84, 86-91, 113-22) comprise a series of articles written during a two-year fellowship period in the Soviet Union (198486) and distributed to a readership of 2,000 members of the scholarly, diplomatic, and journalist communities. For more information, see ---. “Liudmila Petrushevskaia: How the `Lost People’ Live.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 February 1986 (NPC-14): 111. ---. “Borderline Theatre: The Southwest. Directions of Change in Theatre Today: The Discussion Begins.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 January 1986 (NPC-13): 18. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “Children at War: Films by Gubenko, Evtushenko, and Bykov.” Framework 30-31 (1986): 1634. Condee, Nancy. “Literary Cartoons: Wingless Pegasus and Rider’s Cramp.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 November 1985 (NPC-12): 19. ---. “Irina Grekova.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 September 1985 (NPC-10): 410. ---. “`Breaking Through’: Young Writers and Contemporary Literary Problems.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 August 1985 (NPC-9): 111. ---. “The Contemporary Literary Process: Three Changes in Two Decades.” Challenge of the Century. Ed. Horst Höhne. Rostock: Wilhelm Pieck Universität, 1985: 5762. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “Recent Soviet Cinema and Public Responses: Abdrashitov and German.” Framework 29 (1985): 4256. Condee, Nancy. “Axmadulina’s Poèmy: Poems of Transformation and Origins.” Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 29, No. 2 (Summer 1985): 17687. Reprinted: Poetry Criticism, Volume 43 (January 2004): ---. “Evgenii Rein.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 April 1985 (NPC-7): 715. ---. “Scarecrow: Private Responses / Public Responses.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 March 1985 (NPC-6): 17. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “Recent Russian Cinema.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 February 1985 (NPC/VP-5): 19. ---. “Literary Rank and File” (Discussion of Moscow writing seminar). Institute of Current World Affairs 1 January 1985 (NPC-4): 27. ---. Critical entries on Soviet writers Akhmadulina, Berggol’ts, Evtushenko, Okudzhava, Rozhdestvenskii, Shukshin, Tarkovskii, Vinokurov, and Voznesenskii. Handbook of Russian Literature. Ed. Victor Terras. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1985. ---. “Contemporary Soviet Drama. Institute of Current World Affairs 1 December 1984 (NPC-3): 7-10. ---. “Moscow Theatre.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 October 1984 (NPC-1): 5-9. ---. “Slavistik in the Dialogue between East and West.” Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Wilhelm Pieck Universität. Jahrgang XXXI. Gesellschaftwissenschaftliche Reihe. Heft 8 (1982): 7173. ---. “Ideology and Contemporary Verse.” Zeitschrift für Anglistik und Amerikanistik Vol. 30, No. 3 (1982): 23243. ---. “The Study of Soviet Literature in the German Democratic Republic.” Germano-Slavica Vol. 4, No. 1 (1982): 3949. ---. “American Poetry and the Political Statement: An Overview of the Sixties and Seventies.” Englische und amerikanische Lyrik des 20. Jahrhunderts im Weltliterarischen Kontext. Rostock: Wilhelm Pieck Universität, 1981: 12444. Essay-Reviews, Debates: Condee, Nancy. “A Return to the Museum: Sokurov’s Hermitage (Russian Ark, 2002).” Special 50th Anniversary Issue of KinoKultura 50 (October 2015); ---. “History in a Time of Premeditated Amnesia: The 25th Kinotavr Open Russian Film Festival.” KinoKultura 46 (October 2014); ---. “Fifteen Realities of Russian Cinema (Kinotavr 2012). KinoKultura 38 (October 2012); ---. Rev. of Aleksandr Sokurov, dir. Faust. KinoKultura 37 (July 2012); ---. Rev. of Aleksei Balabanov, dir. The Stoker [Kochegar]. KinoKultura 32 (April 2011); ---. “‘Raise Your Eyes to the Heavens.’“ Essay-review on Kira Muratova, dir. Melodiia dlia sharmanki, 2009. KinoKultura 26 (October 2009); ---. “The Rape Scene (Cranes are Flying).” Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema Vol. 3, No. 1 (2009): 71-73. This is an abbreviated and re-edited version of article # 32 above. ---. “Angel.” Essay-review on Andrei Smirnov, dir. Angel. Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema Vol. 2, No. 3 (October 2008): 347-49. ---. “Sokurov’s Chechnia.” Essay-review on Aleksandr Sokurov, dir. Aleksandra. KinoKultura 18 (October 2007); ---. “1 + 1 = 3, or Double-Yoked Cinema.” Essay-review on Kira Muratova, dir. Two in One. KinoKultura (July 2007); ---. “Eurasia and Imperialism.” Reader’s polemics with the authors concerning the term “Eurasia” (participants include Gayatri Spivak and Harsha Ram). PMLA Vol. 122, No. 1 (January 2007): 360-61. See # 41 above for the context of this debate. ---. “Learnings of Borat for Make Benefit Cultural Studies.” Essay-review on Larry Charles, dir. Borat! Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 12 November 2006: H-6. This is a re-edited version, for a general readership, of # 129 below. ---. “As Much Happiness as Unhappiness.” Essay-review on Sergei Ursuliak, dir. Dolgoe proshchanie (Long Farewell). KinoKultura (October 2005); Kondi, Nensi. Commissioned commentary. “Russian Cinema Abroad” [Russkoe kino za rubezhom]. Seans [Seance] 19-20 (2005): 194. Condee, Nancy. “Muratova’s Well-Tempered Scam.” Essay-review on Kira Muratova, dir. Nastroishchik (The Tuner). KinoKul’tura (January 2005); . ---. Essay-review on Judith Mayne’s Kino and the Woman Question: Feminism and Soviet Silent Film. Wide Angle (special issue on Soviet cinema) Vol. 12, No. 4 (October 1990): 82-86. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “The Soiuz on Trial: Voinovich as Magistrate and Stage Manager.” Essay-review on Vladimir Voinovich, Antisovetskii Sovetskii Soiuz. The Russian Review Vol. 46, No. 3 (1987): 31519. Cultural journalism on the (then) contemporary Soviet Union: Condee, Nancy. “Russian Remedies: Folk Medicine in Moscow.” The Wilson Quarterly Vol. 12, No. 3 (1988): 167-71. Reprinted: The Washington Post 2 June 1988: A-20 (Editorial Page) for the Reagan-Gorbachev Moscow Summit. ---. “Moscow.” Lead article in special issue on the USSR in Response May 1987: 49, 34. ---. “Getting By (II): Colic, Curing the Common Cold, and Mumiyo.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 April 1986 (NPC-16): 19. ---. “Getting By (I): Apartment-Hunting on Bath Lane.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 March 1986 (NPC-15): 15. ---. “Communists and Millionaires: What Do They Think of Us?” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 October 1985 (NPC-11): 16. ---. “Anti-Alcohol Measures in Moscow. The Farmers’ Markets.” Institute of Current World Affairs (Hanover, New Hampshire) 1 September 1985 (NPC-10): 1-4. ---. “Land of Fire” [Azerbaidjan]. Institute of Current World Affairs (Hanover, New Hampshire) 1 May 1985 (NPC-8): 1-4. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “November 7th Celebration in Late Stagnation.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 December 1984 (NPC/VP-3): 1-5. Condee, Nancy. Untitled [Training Creative Writers at the GDR’s Johannes R. Becher Literary Institute]. Institute of Current World Affairs 1 November 1984 (NPC-2): 1-8. ---. “Moscow State University.” Institute of Current World Affairs 1 October 1984 (NPC-1): 1-5. Reviews, annotated bibliographies, conference reports: Condee, Nancy. Rev. of Andrei Zviagintsev, dir. Leviathan. Slavic Review 74.3 (Fall 2015): 607-08. ---. Rev. of Marina Balina and Evgeny Dobrenko, eds. Petrified Utopia: Happiness Soviet Style. Slavic Review 70.2 (Summer 2011): 484-485. ---. Rev. of Birgit Beumers, A History of Russian Cinema. Slavic Review Vol. 69, No. 2 (Summer 2010): 490-91. Condee, Nancy, ed. “State of the Field: Russian Film Studies.” AATSEEL Newsletter Vol. 52, No. 2 (April 2009): 7-9. Condee, Nancy. Rev. of Victor Erlich, Child of a Turbulent Century. Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 52, No. 2 (Summer 2008): 287-88. ---. Rev. of Catriona Kelly, Comrade Pavlik: The Rise and Fall of a Soviet Boy Hero.  Modern Language Review Vol. 102, No. 2 (April 2007): 614-16. ---. “Borat’s New Blackface.” Rev. of Larry Charles, dir. Borat! Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. In KinoKultura (January 2007); This is a re-edited version (as a film review) of # 37 above. Kondi, Nensi. Rev. of Aleksandr Sokurov, dir. Solntse [The Sun]. Seans 25-26 (2005): 170. Condee, Nancy. Rev. of John Haynes, New Soviet Man: Gender and Masculinity in Stalinist Soviet Cinema. Modern Language Review Issue 4 (October 2005): 1165-67. ---. “Les cinemas russe et soviétique: Bibliographie.” Cinémas d’Europe du Nord: de Fritz Lang à von Trier. Ed. Lucy Lean. Tr. Guillaume Villeneuve. Paris: Arte Éditions/Mille et une nuits, 1998. 247-55. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. “A ‘Reading Room’ for Research on Russian Cinema.” Rev. of cinema journal Chital’nyi zal. The Russian Review Vol. 57, No. 1 (January 1998): 104-06. Condee, Nancy. Rev. of Ellen E. Berry and Anesa Miller-Pogacar, eds., Re-Entering the Sign: Articulating the New Russian Culture. Slavic Review Vol. 56, No. 3 (Fall 1997): 593-94. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. Rev. of cinema journal Seans. Slavic Review Vol. 56, No. 2 (Summer 1997): 390-91. Condee, Nancy. Rev. of Josephine Woll, Invented Truth: Soviet Reality and the Literary Imagination of Iurii Trifonov. The Russian Review Vol. 53, No. 4 (October 1994): 574-75. ---. Rev. of Karen Shakhnazarov, dir. Gorod Zero. Slavic Review Vol. 51, No. 3 (Autumn 1992): 565-66. Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov. Rev. of Anatolii Rybakov, Children of the Arbat. The Wilson Quarterly Vol. 13, No. 1 (1988): 120-121. ---. Rev. of David Lowe, Russian Writing Since 1953: A Critical Survey. Slavic Review Vol. 47, No. 2 (1988): 578-80. ---. Rev. of Yuri Glazov, The Russian Mind Since Stalin’s Death. Slavic Review Vol. 46, No. 1 (1987): 14950. Condee, Nancy. Rev. of Karl Gutschmidt, Heinz Pohrt, and Johannes Schultheis, eds. Bibliographie slawistischer Publikationen aus der Deutsche Demokratische Republik 1973-77. Germano-Slavica Vol. 4, No. 1 (1982): 5355. ---. “The International Conference at Leipzig (GDR) on Literature in the Developed Socialist Society: Multi-National Soviet Literature of the Sixties and Seventies: A Report.” Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 29 (1980): 11618. Translations: Condee, Nancy and Vladimir Padunov, trans. Three poems by Dmitrii Prigov: “15 Wise Exhortations,” “Telegrams,” “The Weather on the Planet.” the minnesota review n.s. 41-42 (Fall/Winter 1993-94): 11-15. ---, trans. Bella Ezersky. “Interview with Vassily Aksenov.” Interview. October 1984: 8284. Condee, Nancy, trans. Aleksei Remizov. Eleven prose poems from Martyn Zadeka:Sonnik in The Prose Poem: An International Anthology. Ed. Michael Benedikt. New York: Dell, 1976. 40914. ---, trans. Ivan Turgenev. Five prose poems from Senilia: stikhotvoreniia v proze. The Prose Poem. 399404. ---, trans. Velemir Khlebnikov. “Zverinets.” The Prose Poem. 40508. ---, trans. Bella Akhmadulina. Four poems. Russian Literature Triquarterly 11 (1975): 30913. Other: Condee, Nancy. Commentary. Screening Europe: Image and Identity in Contemporary European Cinema. Ed. Duncan Petrie. London: British Film Institute, 1992. 73-76. ---. Program Notes on directors Herz Frank (The Highest Court) and Aleksandr Rekhviashvili (The Way Home). San Francisco International Film Festival 1988 Program Guide. 18, 32. ---. Photographs of Soviet art exhibit. ARTnews October 1987: 102107. INVITED TALKS (alphabetically by country; then in reverse chronology within country) International (keynote talks in bold): Argentina UNESCO International Forum on the Social Science/Policy Nexus: Social Sciences, Social Transformation, Social Policies. Buenos Aires (Argentina). Keynote entitled “Hollywood, Moscow: Cultural Innovation as Resistance to Change?” 20-24 February 2006. Australia University College Melbourne. The Melbourne Conferences: Modernity and Narratives of Soviet Power. Paper entitled “Sloughing off the Imperial Coil: Sokurov and Death.” 6 July 2006. Canada McGill University (Montreal). Keynote for conference Russian Provinces in Film. Talk entitled “To Provinsk: Right onto Moral Repository; Left at Bleak Endscape.” 22 October 2015. France Université Paris 8 and Université Paris 3. Le cinéma russe depuis 1991: ruptures et héritage (10-12 December 2014). “La question du cinéma ‘post-Balabanovien.’” 10 December 2014. Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme. Two-week seminar on Global Justice. 3-16 August 2014. UNESCO (Paris). International Symposium entitled Forms and Dynamics of Exclusion: Injustice, Discrimination, and Annihilation. Paper entitled “Tattoo Manifesto: Self-Exclusion and Soviet-Russian Politics.” 23-26 June 1997. German Democratic Republic (East Germany) Wilhelm Pieck Universität (Rostock), GDR. Lecturer, “O poèzii Andreia Voznesenskogo i otnoshenii poèta k proshlomu” [“On the Poetry of Andrei Voznesenskii and the Poet’s Relation to the Past”]. December 1979. Germany Freie Universität Berlin. “Fictional Temporalities.” Peter Szondi Institute of General and Comparative Literary Studies (Department of East European Studies). 9 February 2012. Humboldt Universität. Institut für Slawistik. “Strategic Amnesia: Postcolonialist Recall and the Second World.” 8 February 2012. Universität Passau. “Kontranimy vnutrennoi kolonizatsii (o russkom kino)” [“The Contranyms of Internal Colonization (on Russian Cinema)”]. International conference Vnutrenniaia kolonizatsiia Rossii. 25 March 2010. Freie Universität Berlin. Osteuropa Institute. “Virtual Russia.” Lecture series “Vom Elitären zum Populären: Popular Culture im Ost-West-Vergleich.” 10 January 2001. Universität Mainz. “Cinema and Yeltsin.” 12 January 2001. Universität Bremen. “Virtual Russia.” 15 January 2001. Universität Bielefeld. “Cinema and National Fetish.” 16 January 2001. Italy Villa La Pietra (Florence). “New Skin: Representing Post-Communism.” New York University International Center in Italy. 24 November 2005. Netherlands University of Groningen. Keynote. “Cop Angst: Working Through and Acting Out.” Suffering, Agency, and Memory in Polish, Russian, and Ukrainian Films (Memory at War multi-year, international collaborative project funded by HERA). 22-23 March 2012. Russia (chronological) Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow). “Blockbuster, Arthouse…? Which Russia Do We See Onscreen?” 9 November 2015. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, Russian State Humanities University (RGGU), New Literary Review Publishers (NLO), Prigov Fund. Talk entitled “’Peace and Friendship’: Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Prigov in the Twilight Years of American Sovietology” [“’Mir i druzhba: Dmitrii Aleksandrovich i zakat amerikanskoi sovetologii”]. Fifth Annual Prigov Days (75th Anniversary of the Birth of D.A. Prigov (5-7 November 2015). Muzeon Complex, Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts. 6 November 2015. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow). “Custodian of Memory: Russian Cinema and the Politics of Recall.” 2 November 2015. Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Moscow). “Kino-Rossiia 2015: Challenges, Trends, Future Films.” 28 October 2015. Kinotavr International Film Festival (Sochi). “Remarks on contemporary cinema.” June 2014 Voronezh State University. “Khranitel’ imperii.” [“Custodian of the Empire”]. 16 April 2003. Ogonek, Moscow. “Proigrannyi rai: Ruletka sotsializma, rynochnyi determinizm i postmodernizm po obiazatel’oi programme” [“Pair-a-Dice Lost: The Socialist Gamble, Market Determinism, and Compulsory Postmodernism”]. June 1992. A.M. Gor’kii Institute of World Literature (USSR Academy of Sciences), Moscow. “Makulakul’tura: Pererabotka kul’tury” [“Makulakul’tura: Reprocessing Culture”]. June 1990. Moscow State University. Lecturer, “O roli lektsii po literature v obuchenii russkomu iazyku na prodvinutom etape” [“On the Role of Lectures in the Study of Russian at the Advanced Level”]. July 1983. A.M. Gorkii Institute of World Literature (USSR Academy of Sciences), Moscow. “Sovremennaia sovetskaia poezija glazami amerikanskogo slavista” [“Contemporary Soviet Poetry through the Eyes of an American Slavist”] (with support from the American Philosophical Society). June 1982. A.M. Gorkii Institute of World Literature (USSR Academy of Sciences), Moscow. “Sovremennaia amerikanskaia poèziia” [“Contemporary American Poetry”] (with support from the American Philosophical Society). July 1982. United Kingdom (chronological) Russian Film Week (London). Professional roundtable (Women in Film: Gender Equality and Diversity Do Not Come by Themselves). Waterstones Piccadilly. 22 November 2017. University of St. Andrew. “Russian Cine-Politics (2017): Memory, Amnesia, and Risk.” Slavic Research Seminar. 16 November 2017. University of Sheffield (The Prokhorov Centre for the Study of Central and Eastern European Intellectual and Cultural History). Keynote: “Modernities: That Thing They Once Called Europe.” Constructing Europe(s): The Cultural Borders of Western and Eastern Europe Past, Present, and Future. 26-27 May 2017 University of London (Birkbeck Institute for the Moving Image/University of Pittsburgh Workshop). “Moral Repository.” Urban Change. 10-12 May 2017 Cambridge University (Faculty of Modern & Medieval Languages). “Sharp Research Focus or Cross-Disciplinary Competence?” Graduate Training Program 2015/16. 25 May 2016. Cambridge University (Trinity College, St. John’s College, Fitzwilliam College), University College London, and I. B. Tauris. New Directions in Russian, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Cinema Studies (18-20 September 2014). Trinity College, Cambridge (UK). Paper entitled “After Balabanov.” 18 September 2014. University of Leeds. Russian and Chinese Cinema: Productive Interactions Workshop. “Young Sacrifice: Its Appeal, Controversies, and Revisions.” 12 March 2013. University of Leeds. Inaugural Conference Russia(n) in Global Context. Panel on globalizing Russian studies research. 9 March 2012. Cambridge University (Kings College). Conference Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe. Paper entitled “City-Cemetery, or the New Enchantments of Russian Landscape.” 5 July 2011. University of Sheffield (Humanities Research Institute). “Stalin’s Closing Word and Its Meaning for Us Today.” Invitation to international workshop Between History and Past: Soviet Legacy as the Traumatic Object of Contemporary Russian Culture. 30-31 October 2010. Cambridge University (Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities). “Memory Theatres: Collective Recall and the Uses of Contemporary Cinema.” 6 October 2010. Oxford University (New College). “‘Tales Told by Nationalists’: Antilogy’s Loophole.” International research group National Identity in Modern Eurasia: Identities and Traditions (culmination of two-year research network, headed by Catriona Kelly [Oxford] and funded by the UK Arts and Humanities Council). 23-25 March 2009. University College London (School of Slavonic Studies; Centre for Russian Studies; Russian Cinema Research Group). “Russian Film at 100: Art-House Identity and the State’s Autobiography.” 13 October 2008. University of Manchester. “The Russian Imperial Revenant: Is There a ‘National Identity’?” Lecture at Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies. 22 February 2007. University of Surrey and BASEES Study Group for Culture and the Media. Conference Mass Media in Post-Soviet Russia: International Conference. Talk entitled “Vicarious Catastrophe: Russia’s Third Empire Watches Gibel’ imperii [Death of the Empire].” 6-8 April 2006. SSEES 90th Anniversary Conference towards the SSEES Centenary: Ideas and Issues into the Next Decade. University College London (School of Slavonic and East European Studies). Guest speaker, “Literature and Culture in Contemporary Russia.” 21 October 2005. University of Nottingham, School of Modern Languages. “Anti-Imperialist Empire: A Critique of Russian National Identity.” 11 October 2004. Cambridge University. Lead talk for year-long series Russia Hangs Out: Consumer Culture from the Tsars to Putin. Talk entitled “Hard Candy, Soft Currency: Russian Paradoxes of Consumer Culture.” 7 October 2004. School of Advanced Studies (London University Screen Studies); Birkbeck College, University of London. “Time, Forward? Russian Cinema since the Soviet Era.” 1 October 2004. Oxford University (Magdalen College). Film symposium and panel on national identity: Keynote “Contemporary Russian Cinema.” 27-30 May 2004. Oxford University (Wolfson College). “Empire and Nation: The Muddle of Contemporaneity.” 20 May 2004. Watershed Media Centre (Bristol) and University of Bristol. International event entitled Russian Cinema in the 1990s. Paper entitled “Dilatory Grandeur: Getting the Russian Idea.” 17-18 October 1997. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London. Fourth meeting of Working Group. Paper entitled “Azbuka russkoi potrebitel’skoi kul’tury: prochteniia, reitingi i nedvizhimost’“ [“The ABC of Russian Consumer Culture: Readings, Ratings, and Real Estate”]. July 1993. National Film Theatre, London. Invited Respondent at event Screening Europe: Images of Post-Colonialism? Sponsored by the British Film Institute. 7-8 June 1991. US invited lectures (abbreviated list; keynote talks and inaugural lectures in bold): Brown University Center for Foreign Policy Development of the Thomas J. Watson Jr. Institute for International Studies. Khrushchev Centenary Conference. 1-3 December 1994. Paper entitled “Uncles, Deviance, and Ritual Combat: Cultural Codes of the Thaw Period.” 2 December 1994. Slavic Department. “Patterns of Cultural Reform under Gorbachev.” 30 April 1987. Slavic Department. “Aestheticians and Aesthetes: The Soviet Literary Establishment.” 11 November 1978. Slavic Department. “The Soviet Union: Cultural Continuity and Change.” 10 October 1978. Chautauqua Institution Lakeside Chautauqua. Chautauqua Lecture Series. “Russian Cultural Wars Today: Belief & Incredulity.” 20 July 2017. Lakeside Chautauqua. Chautauqua Lecture Series. “Russian Cinema Politics: What Can Be Shown (and Why Not?)” 20 July 2017. College of William and Mary Gregory Tepper Lecture Series Ukraine & Russia: Past, Present & Future of the Region (Russian and Post-Soviet Studies Program). “Balaclavas and Incense (on Russian Spectacle, the Oscar, and Yalta-Film).” 24 September 2015. Columbia University Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. Soviet, Post-Soviet, and Émigré Culture. Closing comments. 8 April 2016. Harriman Institute for Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies. Research impact of Catharine Nepomnyashchy on contemporary Russian scholarship. Memorial event. Union Theological Seminary. 2 October 2015. Harriman Institute. Keynote for the conference The Politics and Pragmatics of Translation in the USSR: The Daily Life of Language in a Multi-National Empire. 7-8 April 2011. Harriman Institute. Russian Film Week. Roundtable (“‘New Barbarians’ in Russian Cinema: A New Generation of Russian Film Directors”). 18 November 2009. Society of Fellows in the Humanities; Harriman Institute.  Research symposium Screened Sexuality: Desire in Russian, Soviet, and Post-Soviet Cinema.  “Rape and Camera Work (Mikhail Kalatozov’s Cranes are Flying).  10 October 2008. Harriman Institute; Center for Comparative Literature and Society. Keynote for the series Post-Soviet Comparativisms. “Post-Coloniality and the Second World.” 8 March 2005. Harriman Institute. Press briefing for Reagan - Gorbachev Summit in Moscow. 11 May 1988. Harriman Institute. “Recuperating the Émigré Heritage: Soviet Cultural Reform.” 6 March 1987. Emory University Sawyer Seminar. “Remembering and Forgetting: Memory and Reconciliation.” Other participants were Benedict Anderson and Ronald Suny. 18 October 2001. Carter Center. Event entitled Soviet Culture and Communication Under Gorbachev. Paper entitled “The Cultural DMZ: Where is the Combat Zone?” 20-21 May 1989. New York University 2015 Distinguished Lecture. Jordan Center for Advanced Russian Studies. “Property Rites: Russian Culture Today and the Politics of Seizure.” 25 September 2015. Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, in collaboration with Comparative Literature and Cinema Studies. Talk entitled “‘Not History’s Stenographer’: Enacting X at the Winter Palace.” Conference entitled Re-Enactments of 1917 in Film. 18 November 2013. Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia, in collaboration with Comparative Literature and Cinema Studies. Roundtable “Re-enactment: Art, Memory, Media” (with Oksana Bulgakova, Yuri Tsivian, Anke Hennig, Inke Arns, Daria Khitrova) at conference entitled Re-Enactments of 1917 in Film. 18 November 2013. Jordan Center for the Advanced Study of Russia. Inaugural lecture (one of two guests). “20 Cossacks on Horseback: 1812 and Civic Spectacle.” 2 November 2012. Cooper Union, Humanities Initiative. “The Challenge of the Humanities in the Post-Soviet Era in the US and Abroad.” 10 March 2009. New York University. Event entitled The State of Representation: Representation and the State. Paper entitled “Reprocessing Soviet Culture.” 27 October 1990. Princeton University REEES and Slavic. Post-Soviet Russian Cinema: Theory and Practice. Talk entitled “Russian Cinema 2015: Challenges, Trends.” 11 December 2015. REEES and Slavic. Individual invitation as part of the four-part yearlong series Soviet Modernity and Empire. Talk entitled “No Animals were Harmed in the Filming of the Abattoir: Paradoxes of Post-Soviet Culture.” 22 April 2014. Stanford University Slavic and Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. Charismatic Modernisms. Roundtable on contemporary Russian studies. 17 October 2015. Slavic, Film Studies, Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies. “Post-Colonial Russia as Conceptual Disorder.” 25 April 2012. School of Humanities and Sciences. Fiftieth Anniversary International Conference Russia at the End of the Twentieth Century. Talk on contemporary Russian film and screening of Lidiia Bobrova’s “V toi strane” [“In That Land”]. 5-7 November 1998. Slavic Department. “Literature and Literary Politics in the Soviet Union, 198586.” 18 July 1986. ACLS-SSRC Summer Seminar on Contemporary Soviet Culture. Round-table discussion with Andrei Siniavskii on recent Soviet literature. 18 July 1986. State University of New York (SUNY) State University of New York at Stony Brook. Event entitled Russian Literature Today. Paper entitled “The Image of the Poet in Akhmadulina’s Recent Work.” 8 April 1983. State University of New York at Stony Brook. Event entitled Eastern Europe: Literature and Society. Paper entitled “Dual Reception: The Literary Canon East and West.” 23 April 1982. State University of New York at Plattsburgh. “Socialist Realism and Contemporary Literary Politics.” 15 May 1979. University of California (Berkeley, Riverside, Santa Cruz) University of California Berkeley. Invited talk for Slavic, Film Studies, and Comparative Literature. “Postcolonial Recall, the Second World, and Post-Soviet Cinema.” 23 April 2012 University of California Berkeley. Second meeting of the Working Group. Paper entitled “Samoubiistvo perestroiki: ne bredom edinym.” June 1991. University of California Berkeley. Sixth Berkeley-Stanford Conference entitled Reforming Socialist Systems: The Chinese and Soviet Experiences. “The Boundaries of Glasnost’.” 3 April 1987. University of California Riverside (Center for Ideas and Society). Event entitled The Stalin Period: New Ideas, New Conversations. Paper entitled “Pavlik Morozov: Post-Soviet Muse.” 12-14 March 1998. University of California Santa Cruz (Center for Cultural Studies). Event entitled Postcommunism: Rethinking the Second World. Paper entitled “Peddlers and Patrons: Russian Culture for Sale.” 6 March 1993. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Unit for Criticism and Interpretive Theory. The Eighties in Theory and Practice. 2-3 May 2013. Russian and East European Center. “Perestroika’s Fragile Scaffolding: The Babel of Culture.” 12 April 1989. Slavic Department. “Cultural Production Under Gorbachev.” 2 July 1986. U.S. government (Senate, House of Representatives) and policy community Smithsonian Institution (Kennan Institute; Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars). Guest speaker. “The Integration of Russia into the International Academic Community: Perspectives from Russian Education and Scholarship.” Conference of Russian Centers for Advanced Study and Education (CASE). 30 September-1 October 2003. Kennan Institute. Ford Foundation Workshop Rethinking Soviet Studies. Paper entitled “The Relentless Cult of Novelty, or How to Wreck the Century: Rethinking Soviet Studies.” 26 February 1993. Kennan Institute. “Recent Trends in Soviet Literary Politics: Redefining Samizdat.” 13 June 1988. United States Congress (Senate Foreign Relations Committee). “What Are the Prospects for Gorbachev’s Reforms?” 25 May 1988. United States Congress (House of Representatives). “Glasnost’ in the Soviet Union.” Presentation by scholars of the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. 1 March 1988. Council on Foreign Relations. “Culture, the Press, and Glasnost’ Under Gorbachev.” 10 November 1987. IREX Board Meeting, New York. “The Soviet Cultural World Under Gorbachev.” 7 November 1986. U.S Congress (House of Representatives). House Congressional Seminar Series on Life and Society in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. Seminar entitled The Soviet People: Social, Political, and Intellectual Life. 1 August 1986. Yale University Yale University (European Studies Council, Carnegie Foundation, Film and Media Studies). Film Colloquium with Russian director Natalia Meshchaninova. 10 March 2016. Yale Film and Media Studies series Crime and Transcendence: The Films of Aleksei Balabanov. Talk entitled “The Inexpedient Body: Cinema in the Time of Balabanov (and After…).” 28 April 2015. Slavic Film Colloquium and Slavic Theory Colloquium. Talk and discussion with screening of Karen Shakhnazarov’s Vanished Empire (2008). 7 December 2009. Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures. “Russia’s Identity Debates: State, Nation, Empire.” 3 March 2008. Council on European Studies. “There’s No Place Like ‘Home’: 2nd World Exceptionalism and National Cinema.” 14 April 2004. Council on Russian and East European Studies and Yale Film Studies Program. Event entitled From High Stalinism to the Thaw: Soviet Cinema between Two Epochs. Round table commentator. 2-4 May 1997. Yale University Trumbull Lecture Funds 1996 and Center for Russian and East European Studies. “Pyr’ev and Stalinist Cinema.” 6 April 1996. Yale University Trumbull Lecture Funds 1995. “The Empire Looks Back: Ethnicity and Identity in Recent Film from the Former Soviet Union.” 21-23 April 1995. Other talks (reverse chronology) Kenyon College. Talk, introduction, and discussion on Andrei Zviagintsev’s Leviathan. Community Foundation Theater (Gund Gallery). 8 December 2016 Miami University of Ohio (Humanities Center). “Ideology and Cine-Politics: What Russia do We See on Screen?” 15 March 2016. University of Maryland (Department of Government and Politics; College of Arts and Humanities). Freedom of Speech in Russia. Talk entitled “Eminent Domain, Fire Codes, and the Plundered Self.” 24 April 2015. Pennsylvania State University. Invited talk for the Department of Comparative Literature. “Strategic Amnesia: Postcolonial Studies and the Second World.” 20 February 2012 Carnegie Mellon University (Department of History). “Inventing the Enemy: Wendy Goldman’s Recent Work.” 20 January 2012. New York Film Academy. Roundtable (“Independent Post-Soviet Cinema”), Russian Film Week. 17 November 2009. Cornell University (Society for the Humanities). Violence, Gender, and the Cinematic Nation. “Stillbirth of a Nation: Russian Cinema and Its Identity Debates.” 27-28 March 2009. University of Florida (Center for the Humanities and the Public Sphere). Up from the Ashes: National Revival and Imperial Aspirations in Putin-Era Russia. “‘Nationalist’? ‘Imperial’? Calling Russia Names.” 27 February 2009. Stetson University (Russian Studies Program) Keynote: 50th anniversary of the Russian Studies Program. “The Imperial Trace in ‘National’ Culture.” 16 April 2008. Georgetown University. “Cultural Studies, Area Studies, and Post-Cold War Academia.” 3 November 2000. Amherst College. Symposium entitled Films of the Khrushchev Thaw. Presentation entitled “Comments on Khutsiev’s Iul’skii dozhd’ (1967).” 10 May 1998. University of North Carolina-Duke (Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies). Event entitled Pushkin to Pulp Fiction: New Readings of Russian Popular Culture. Paper entitled “Body Graphics: Tattooing the Fall of Communism.” 26 April 1997. Dartmouth College (The Nelson A. Rockefeller Center for the Social Sciences). Keynote (with Vladimir Padunov) at event entitled The Arts in the USSR and Eastern Europe: From Glasnost to Perestroika to... 23-26 September 1991. Vermont Council on the Humanities. Event entitled Different Dreams of Freedom. Talk entitled “The Unpredictable Past of Soviet Literature Today.” 11 November 1990. International Peace Walk. “Defining Cultural Differences: US and Soviet Encounters.” 15 June 1988. Boston University (Russian Research Institute). Event entitled America and the Soviet Union: Cultural Encounters in the 1980’s. Paper entitled “Information and Disinformation in US and Soviet Documentary Film.” 31 October 1987. Amherst College. “Women in Recent Soviet Film.” 5 March 1987. University of Rochester. “Cultural Politics in the USSR Today.” 29 October 1986. Institute of Current World Affairs, Salisbury, Connecticut. “Soviet Cultural Politics: Recent Changes.” 21 June 1986. Conway, New Hampshire. “The Soviet Union: Sixty Years After.” Keynote 5 August 1978. CONVENTION PAPERS (abbreviated list: keynote, presidential roundtable, etc. only) Keynote speaker. Presidential plenary on Persistence of Empire. American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS) Convention: Washington DC. 16 November 2007. See online commentary to my talk at Ab imperio 1 (2008): “Mekhanizmy i diskursy impersoki iskliuchitel'nosti” [“Imperial Exceptionalisms: Mechanisms and Discourses”] Presidential Roundtable. American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL) Convention: Philadelphia. “The Field since Victor Erlich’s Formalism,” 28 December 2006. Keynote Speaker. 44th Annual Meeting of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies. “The Empire Has No Close: Some Comments on National Identity.” University of South Carolina. 24 March 2006. Special Roundtable with Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. AATSEEL Convention: Washington DC. “Are We Post-Colonial?” 29 December 2005. Outcome: publications ## 41, 107. President’s Roundtable. AATSEEL Annual Convention: Philadelphia. Invited talk: “What Is a Slavist?” 28 December 2004. Keynote speaker. Oxford University (Mansfield College). BASEES (British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies) Study Group for Literature of the 20th Century and Beyond. “Nation, Hallucination, and the Critical Difference.” 17-18 September 2003. TELEVISION, RADIO, NEWSPAPER INTERVIEWS/QUOTATIONS (reverse chronology): TASS. 25 November 2017. Maksim Ryzhkov. “The Specialist: A Small Budget Helps Unite the Artistic Crews of Arthouse Cinema” [“Специалист: малый бюджет помогает соединять творческие группы артхаусного кино”]. Online at Meduza (independent media project). 25 November 2017. Interview on Russian Film Week (London). TASS. 19 November 2017. Il’ia Dmitriachev. Print interview on London’s Russian Film Week. “ In Great Britain, the Russian Film Week Opens with a Screening of Bondarchuk’s Attraction” [“В Великобритании Неделя российского кино открылась показом "Притяжения" Бондарчука”]. Online at FKT (Russian Federal Cable Television). 14 June 2017. Television interview on Kinotavr Open Film Festival. Online at FKT (Russian Federal Cable Television). 11 June 2015. Television interview on Mikhail Mestetskii’s 2015 drama Rag Union [Triapichnyj soiuz]. Online at Maliukova, Larisa. “Geroi v Rossii—eto geroinia.” Novaia gazeta (# 62): 10 June 2016 Anon.  “Объявлена программа фестиваля 'Кинотавр.’ Жюри возглавит Евгений Миронов.” Meduza 15 May 2017 online at Korenev, Evgenii.  “Евгений Миронов возглавил жюри кинофестиваля ‘Кинотавр-2017.’”  Sochi News 15 May 2017 online at VGTRK (Russian federal state television and radio service). 14 May 2015. Radio interview on Viktor Ginzburg’s 2015 fantasy film V Ampir. Pittsburgh Tribune Review. Tom Fontaine, “Pittsburgh pair plans rare trip to Iran for American classical musicians.” 19 April 2015. Interview on cultural diplomacy; The New York Times. J. Hoberman, “A Small Batch from Life’s Work.” 25 January 2015; Arts Section: 16. Quotation on Russian director Aleksei German (event at Anthology Film Archives); The New York Times. Larry Rohter, “Champion of the Lone Russian Everyman.” 21 December 2014; Arts Section. Quotation from interview on Andrei Zviagintsev’s Leviathan [Левиафан, 2014]; Voice of America (Russian Service). Oleg Sul’kin, “V Moskve nikakogo diskomforta ne oshchushchaesh'.” 1 July 2014. Quotation from interview on 2014 Moscow International Film Festival; National State Teleradio Company (Belarus TV satellite channel), 8 November 2013 to discuss XX Minsk International Film Festival Listapad (1-8 November 2013) and contemporary world cinema. Belarus Channel One Television, 8 November 2013 to discuss XX Minsk International Film Festival Listapad (1-8 November 2013) and contemporary world cinema. Novaia Evropa (internet journal) 8 November 2013 on contemporary cultural politics. Belarus Channel One Television, 7 November 2013 to discuss XX Minsk International Film Festival Listapad (1-8 November 2013) and contemporary world cinema. Television broadcast Закрытый показ [Closed Screening], Channel One Television (the major state television network: 14 million viewers), 19 June 2013 to discuss Larisa Sadilova’ s 2013 film Она [She]. Television broadcast Закрытый показ [Closed Screening] on Channel One Television, 19 June 2013 to discuss Sergei Il’in-Kozlovskii’s 2013 film Самый последний конец мира [The Very Last End of the World]. Voice of America [Голос Америки] interview, 21 February 2013 by Oleg Sul'kin on the death of film director Aleksei German. “We All Emerged from German’s Overcoat” [“Все мы вышли из шинели Германа”]; Kul’tura Television interview (Russia) 10 June 2012 on contemporary Russian film. Ren-TV interview (Russia) 7 June 2012 on contemporary Russian film. 2 x 2 (Дважды два) Television interview (Russia) 6 June 2012 on contemporary Russian film. Voice of America (Russian Service) radio interview 13 June 2011 with Aleksei Pimenov on Russian national holiday and contemporary politics. Voice of Russia radio interview 10 June 2011 with Evelina Guretskaia on contemporary Russian cinema. BBC (Russian Service) Vam slovo [World, Have Your Say] radio interview 5 January 2011 with Seva Novgorodtsev (US censorship of Mark Twain’s work). Channel One Russia Television interview 18 November 2009 with Anna Elnikova, Russian Film Week (New York). Channel One Russia Television interview with Anton Vernitskii, Correspondents Division, News and Information Department) 24 September 2009 on visit of Dmitrii Medvedev to the University of Pittsburgh. Voice of America (Russian Service) interview 22 September 2009 on how US scholars look at contemporary Russian culture (in association with G-20 events at Pittsburgh). BBC The World radio interview 21 June 2007 with producer Alex Gallafent on contemporary Russian cinema (in particular Aleksei Balabanov’s Gruz 200). BBC (Russian Service): Vam slovo [World, Have Your Say] radio interview and call-in program 18 May 2007 with Aleksandr Baranov on the politics of Russian state holidays. KMOX (CBS affiliate, St. Louis): Donald Wolff, Justice for All. Live radio interview 26 November 2006 on Borat! Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan. BBC (Russian Service) radio interview 8 April 2006 on Russian television serials, contemporary identity and cultural politics. BBC (Russian Service) radio interview October 2005 on prospects for contemporary Russian literature and cinema. REN-TV (Russia) television interview June 2005on contemporary Russian cinema. Severnyi Kavkaz [Northern Caucasus] television interview 14 June 2005 on the Kinotavr International Film Festival. Russian Culture Navigator television interview June 2005 with L. Roshchina on 2005 Russian films. REN TV National News (Russia) television interview June 2004 on Kinotavr International Film Festival. STS Television News interview June 2003 on contemporary Russian cinema. Ekho Moskvy [Moscow Echo] “Global Amnesia: Central Asia and the Politics of Space” May 2002 national radio news program on conference I organized at the State Research Institute of Cinema Art (Moscow). Radio Liberty (Russian Service) “Themes of the Day” 23 August 2001 (radio interview on contemporary Russian cinema). Voice of America “Soviet Cinema: Current Issues” 23 June 1988 (radio interview on contemporary Soviet cinema). Interpreting: Fund for Peace (New York) and USSR Union of Cinematographers. Consultant and interpreter for delegation of Soviet film directors. 1987. Council on International Educational Exchange. Chief interpreter for Soviet delegation of factory workers. 1976. Environmental Protection Agency. Interpreter for Soviet delegation of oceanographers. 1973. GRANTS, FELLOWSHIPS, AWARDS (abbreviated list; reverse chronology) 2016: Hewlett International Grant: Moscow International Film Festival. Spring 2016. $ 3450. -Russian and East European Studies (REES) Center Small Grant: Cannes Film Festival. Spring 2016. $ 1500. 2015: Hewlett International Grant: Moscow International Film Festival. Spring 2015. $ 3435. Grant outcome: publication # 14. -Russian and East European Studies (REES) Center Small Grant: Cannes Film Festival. Spring 2015. $ 1500. Grant outcome: publication # 17 (and forthcoming article in boundary 2). -REES Small Grant: Kinotavr Film Festival. Spring 2015. $ 1500. Grant outcome: publication # 15, 16. 2014: Russian and East European Studies Center Small Grant: Paris conference. December 2014. $ 1,500. Grant outcome: forthcoming chapter in Eugénie Zvonkine, ed., Le cinéma russe depuis 1991: ruptures et heritage (Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, 2017). -Russian and East European Studies Center Small Grant to Moscow International Film Festival. June 2014. $ 1,500. Grant outcome: publication # 18. -UCIS Hewlett International Grant to the Kinotavr International Film Festival (Sochi, Russia). June 2014. $ 2990. Grant outcome: publication # 18. 2013: UCIS Hewlett International Grant to the Kinotavr International Film Festival (Sochi, Russia). June 2013. $ 2990. Outcome: publication # 19. 2012: UCIS Hewlett International Grant to the Kinotavr International Film Festival (Sochi, Russia). June 2012. $ 2,800. Outcome: publications ## 23, 99. -Russian and East European Studies Center Small Grant: work in Moscow film archives. Fall 2012. $ 1,500. Outcome: publications ## 21, 100. -Russian and East European Studies Center (REES) Small Grant to Cambridge University (UK) for research period. 29 February-25 March 2012. $ 1500. Outcome: publications ## 20. 2011: Russian and East European Studies Center (REES) Small Grant to Kings College, Cambridge University (UK) for conference Memory and Theory in Eastern Europe. 4-5 July 2011. $ 1500. -UCIS Hewlett International Grant: work in Moscow film archives and Moscow International Film Festival. June 2011. $ 3,500. Outcome: publication # 101. -REES Small Grant to Kinotavr Film Festival, Sochi. June 2011. $ 1500. Outcome: publications ## 24, 29. 2010: REES Small Grant: invitation-only founding conference of the International Humanities Association, Lviv, Ukraine. 8-10 October 2010. $ 1,500. -REES Small Grant: Moscow Film Festival. June 2010. $ 1,500. Outcome: publication # 30. -UCIS Hewlett International Grant: Universität Passau conference on internal colonization. March 2010. $ 2,300. Outcome: publication # 22. 2009: REES Small Grant: Kinotavr Film Festival, Sochi. June 2009. $ 1,500. Outcome: publication # 31. 2007-2009: Appointment to Oxford University (New College) Research Network: Russian National Identity since 1961: Traditions and Deterritorialisation. Multi-year international research network funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (UK). Outcome: publication # 25. 2006: UCIS Hewlett International Grant: Kinotavr Film Festival, Sochi. June 2006. $ 2,500. Outcome: publication # 40. -REES Small Grant: UNESCO International Forum on the Social Science/Policy Nexus: Social Sciences, Social Transformation, Social Policies (Buenos Aires). Talk at UNESCO Management of Social Transformations. 20-24 February 2006. $ 1,500. 2005: REES Small Grant: Florence lecture at La Pietra (New York University). $ 1,500. 2004: British Academy Visiting Fellow: Oxford (St. Antony’s College). ₤ 3,000. Outcome: publications # 3, 43, 44. -REES Small Grant: Moscow research for articles on post-communist elite journals. Outcome: publications ## 27, 28. $ 1,500. 2003: REES Small Grant to Russia: Kinotavr Film Festival, Sochi. June 2003. $ 1,500. Outcome: publications ## 46, 47. 2002: REES Small Grant to Moscow: negotiations for Arrogance and Envy, upcoming 2003 Russian Film Symposium on Russia’s anti-American cinema. $ 1,500. 2001: REES Small Grant to Moscow: negotiations for online conversion of cinema journal Iskusstvo kino (Art of Cinema). $ 1,500. -Hewlett International Faculty Award to Moscow: cinema database project Kino ottepeli (Thaw Cinema). $ 2,500. Outcome: publication # 6. -Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty Research and Scholarship Program Grant to Moscow: negotiations for upcoming Moscow film conference Global Amnesia: Eurasia and the Politics of Memory in the 21st Century (held at State Research Institute of Cinema Art, Moscow). 2000-2002: Ford Foundation Grant on Globalization and Popular Culture. Outcome: support of Russian Film Symposia (2000-2002); publications ## 44-47, 50. 2000: REES Small Grant to Moscow: Cinema Center and Union of Cinematographers. Outcome: publications ## 45, 50. -REES Course Development Grant: slides of socialist realism for RUSS 0860 (Modern Russian Culture). -University of Pittsburgh Faculty of Arts and Sciences Faculty Research and Scholarship Program Grant to Moscow: negotiations for upcoming 2001 Russian Film Symposium Neither East nor West: Beyond the European Order. -UCIS Hewlett International Faculty Award: lectures at Freie Universität Berlin, Universities of Bielefeld, Mainz, and Bremen. 1999: International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX): Independent Short-Term Research Grant for work on Khrushchev centennial article. Outcome: publications ## 49, 60. -REES Small Grant to Russia: Kinotavr Film Festival, Sochi. Outcome: publication # 50. -University of Pittsburgh Richard D. and Mary Jane Edwards Endowed Fund: illustration expenses. Outcome: publication # 7. 1998: International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) Grant for Independent Short-Term Research: article on Russian cinema. Outcome: publications ## 53,133, 134. 1997: UCIS Hewlett International Small Grant to Moscow: article on Russian postmodernism. Outcome: publication # 55. 1996: UCIS Hewlett International Small Grants to Moscow: article on Russian prison tattoos. Outcome: publications ## 48, 51, 52. 1995: IREX Grant for Short-Term Research: Kinotavr Film Festival, Sochi. June 1995. Outcome: publications ## 57, 59. 1994: IREX Grant for Short-Term Research: article on women’s public baths. Outcome: publications ## 56, 58, 61. 1993: IREX Grant for Short-Term Research. Outcome: publication # 62. -Hewlett International Small Grants Program Travel Grant. Outcome: publication # 63. 1990-93: Working Group on Contemporary Russian Culture: four-year project supported by the Joint Committee for the Study of the Soviet Union and its Successor States of the American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) and the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) with funds from the Mellon Foundation. Additional funding from the British Film Institute, the Diagilev Center (Moscow), John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the National Film Theatre (London), the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (University of London), the Soros Foundation. Four annual meetings in Russia (USSR Academy of Sciences; the journal Ogoenk), United States (UC Berkeley), and Great Britain (University College London). Director of project with Vladimir Padunov. Outcome: publications ## 8, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73. 1991: REES Small Grant to Russia. Outcome: publication # 64. -University of Pittsburgh John G. Bowman Faculty Grant. Outcome: publication # 65. 1989: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Research and Writing in International Peace and Security. Outcome: publications ## 66-68. 1988: Kennan Institute of Advanced Russian Studies (Smithsonian Institution) Research Grant. Outcome: publications ## 61, 69-71. 1987: Wheaton College Hewlett-Mellon Award for research in Soviet film. Outcome: publications ## 69-71. 1986: Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Summer Seminar on Soviet Literature and Society (Stanford University): seminar participant. Outcome: publications ## 74-75. 198486: Institute of Current World Affairs Fellowship to the USSR. Outcome: publications ## 10-13, 77-82, 84, 86-91, 113-22). 1983: Rhode Island State Council on the Arts Award in Literature: NEH state poetry award for two volumes: Explosion in the Puzzle Factory and Saint Emad (not cited in this document) -IREX US-USSR Summer Exchange of Language Teachers (high-proficiency language training for teachers at Moscow State University). 198283: Harvard University Russian Research Center Fellow. Outcome: publication # 83. 1982: American Philosophical Society Penrose Grant to the USSR. Outcome: publications ## 85, 90, 149 (interview). -University of Illinois Grant: Research Laboratory on Russia and Eastern Europe. Outcome: publications ## 85, 90, 149 (library work). 1981: Mellon Foundation Faculty Development Grant to GDR, Wheaton College. Outcome: publications ## 92, 93 94, 95. 1980: American Council of Learned Societies Grant for Eastern European Studies/GDR. Outcome: publications ## 83, 141, 142. 197980: IREX Research Fellowship to Eastern Europe/GDR. Outcome: publications ## 83, 141. 197778: IREX Research Fellowship to USSR: Yale PhD dissertation research. 1976: Council on Russian and East European Studies, Yale University Fellowship. 197377: National Defense Foreign Language (NDFL), Title VI Fellowship (Yale). 1972: NDFL Title VI Fellowship (Brown). Grants in which I was a secondary figure (not PI): University of Pittsburgh Humanities Center Collaborative Research Grant (Terry Smith: Principal Organizer): research seminar and conference, and publication project Imagining Planetarity: World Picturing, Placemaking, Connectivity. 2010-2013. $ 5,000. University Center for International Studies (UCIS) Global Academic Partnership: grant for conference Film and the End of Empire (Colin MacCabe: Principal Organizer). $ 20,000 University of Pittsburgh School of Arts and Sciences, The Pittsburgh Foundation, The Heinz Endowments (Terry Smith: Principal Organizer): grants for International Symposium on Modernity and Contemporaneity, November 4-6, 2004. Outcome: publications ## 4, 5, 38. $ 200,000. CONSULTANCIES (reverse chronology) Andy Warhol Museum. Consultant, Warhol History Project, 2006-2009 Public Broadcasting Service: Frontline. Consultant for documentary series “The Struggle for Russia,” 1993-94. Public Broadcasting Service: Frontline. Consultant for documentary series “Inside Gorbachev’s USSR,” 1990. Fund for the Arts, Louisville, Kentucky. Consultant and host for Constructivist Film Symposium of 1989 arts festival “Classics in Context: Art and Russia in Revolution,” 29 September-1 October 1989. Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities. Consultant for the Massachusetts-Moscow Cultural Festival. Advising the Council on Soviet cultural exchange projects. 1987-88. Library of Congress. Consultant. US Congress-Supreme Soviet Film Exchange. Screenings and discussion on Soviet films for members of Congress and the public. July 1988. San Francisco International Film Festival. Consultant for director Aleksandr Askol'dov (Commissar) and screenings of recently un-shelved Soviet films. March 1988. Soviet Reportage Project. Center for War, Peace, and the News Media (New York University). Consultant for Moscow bureau chiefs of major US newspapers on the scope and accuracy of news reporting about the Soviet Union. 1988-90. Edinburgh International Film Festival. Consultant, negotiator, resource specialist on Soviet film for Edinburgh visit of delegation of directors and scriptwriters from Union of Filmmakers; screenings; public lectures and seminar on contemporary Soviet cinema. August 1987. PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Juries Russian Film Week (London). Jury member. 19-26 November 2017. Kinotavr Open Russian Film Festival (Sochi) Main Competition Jury member. 7-14 June 2017 Note: This is only the second time that Russia’s lead film festival has named a US jury member to its Main Jury Competition, televised live on national television for its Opening and Closing Ceremonies. For the Festival Board, it is a controversial move at a time when the US-Russian relations are the worst they have been since the early 1970s. Russian Guild of Cinema Scholars and Critics Jury member (Short Films Competition). Kinotavr Open Russian Film Festival (Sochi). 2015-2017. Vucinich Prize Committee, ASEEES (“the most important contribution to Russian, Eurasian, and East European studies in any discipline of the humanities or social sciences published in English in the United States in the previous calendar year”). 2016-2018. Historia Nova Prize for Best Book on Russian Intellectual History (Mikhail Prokhorov Foundation and Academic Series Press). 2013 (Inaugural Jury), 2014-2016. KinoKultura Jury Member. US/UK essay competition. Spring 2014. Chair, International Critics’ Jury for XX Minsk International Film Festival Listapad: Main Competition, Documentary Competition, Youth Competition. 1-8 November 2013. Editorial and advisory boards (alphabetical): Academic Studies Press. Advisory Board. NEH/Mellon Foundation Open Books Program. 2016-present. ---. Editorial Advisory Board. Slavic Series Film and Media Studies, 2016-present. ---. Editorial Advisory Board. Slavic Series Myths and Taboos in Russian Culture, 2011-present. ---. Editorial Advisory Board. Slavic Series The Real Twentieth Century, 2011-present. boundary 2. Advisory Board, 2012-present. Carnegie Corporation of New York. Advisory Committee for baseline study on the state of Russian studies at US universities (“The State of Russian Studies and Research at US Universities – Assessment of Best Practices and Needs”), 2015. Cinema Art Online. Project Director for online conversion of print issues of leading Russian cinema journal, Cinema Art [Iskusstvo kino], 2000-2002. Critical Quarterly. Editorial Board. 2004-present. Directory of World Cinema: Russia. London: Intellect Books. Editorial Board of hard-copy book and online version. Graduate Essays on Slavic Languages and Literatures. Editorial Board, 1990-1999. KinoKultura. Advisory Board, 2006-present. KINORUSS Film Art Journal (University of São Paulo, Brazil). Scholarly Board, 2014-present. Pennsylvania State University Press. Editorial Advisory Board. Post-Communist Cultural Studies. 1996-2006. Russian Studies in Literature: Editorial Board, 1991-2016. Slavic and East European Journal. Advisory Board. 2015-present. Soviet Studies in Literature (M. E. Sharpe). Editorial Board. 1989-1991 Studies in Russian and Soviet Cinema. Founding deputy editor, 2006-present. Executive positions: boards of directors, major consultancies (alphabetical): American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS). Board of Directors for three-year term. 2009-2011. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES). Davis Travel Grant Committee. 2011-2013. American Association of Teachers of Russian and East European Languages (AATSEEL). President for two-year term. 2011-2012. American Council for Learned Societies/Social Science Research Council (ACLS/SSRC). Subcommittee on Soviet Literature and Popular Culture of the Joint Committee on Soviet Studies. 1988-1991. American-Soviet Film Initiative. Founding member, Board of Advisors. 1987-1988. Center for Global Studies, Pennsylvania State University. Executive Board, 2011-present. Cultural Studies Association. Founding organizer, Executive Committee. 2002-2007. Institute of Current World Affairs. Advisor to Research Fellow George Feiffer (now NPR Moscow correspondent). 1999-2001. National Public Radio. Consultant. 2006-present. Pittsburgh 250 Celebration Committee (with Presidents of the Heinz Endowments, the Buhl Foundation, Pittsburgh Symphony; Executive Editor of Pittsburgh Post-Gazette and Director of Andy Warhol Museum) 2007. Russian Guild of Cinema Scholars and Critics, Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation. International member. 2005-present. Working Group for the Study of Slavic Cinema and Television, American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. Founding member. 1987-present. Review/selection committees (alphabetical) International British Academy. Internal reviewer 2009-2010. Central European University (Budapest). Academic peer review for seminar proposals 2005. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Internal reader 2009-2010. National American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS: Humanities Program in the Former Soviet Union). Selection Committee, Grants for Support of Publications 1999-2000; 2003-2004. American Councils for International Education. Title VIII Selection Committee 2000, 2002. Carnegie Research Fellowship Program. Selection Committee 2001, 2002. Columbia University (Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures). External Academic Review committee. Spring 2010. International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX). Selection panel for short-term grants (periodically) 1992-2000. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies. Selection Committee 1991, 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999. Mattress Factory Art Center. Cuban Film Series Advisory Committee 2004. National Council on Eurasian and East European Research (NCEEER). Selection Committee 2001-2006. National Endowment for the Humanities (Collaborative Humanities Fellowship). Inside reader 2000, 2002, 2006. Social Science Research Council. Selection Panel for Pre-doctoral Fellowship Program in Russian and Soviet Studies (periodically) 19862004. Stanford University (Center for Russian and East European Studies). External Review Committee 2001-2002. Journal referee (alphabetical): International Acta Slavica Iaponica (Japan) Canadian American Slavic Studies, Canadian Slavonic Papers, Digital Icons (UK), Mosaic (Canada), Public Art Dialogue Journal (UK), Slavonic and East European Review (UK), Soviet Union/Union Sovietique (US/France). National Carl Beck Papers in Russian and East European Studies, Europe-Asia Studies, Journal of Communication Inquiry (Sage), Problems of Post-Communism, The Russian Review, Slavic and East European Journal, Slavic Review, Social Science History. Manuscript referee (alphabetical): International Continuum Press, Edinburgh University Press, Palgrave, Polity Books, Wallflower Press, Wiley-Blackwell. National Cornell University Press (Culture and Society after Socialism Series), Indiana University Press, Northwestern University Press, Routledge, Stanford University Press, Studies of the Harriman Institute (Columbia University), Syracuse University Press, University of Pittsburgh Press (Post-Communist Cultural Studies), Yale University Press. Organization: international conferences: Australia Melbourne. Conference co-organizer with Evgenii Dobrenko. The Melbourne Conferences: Modernity and Narratives of Soviet Power. University College (University of Melbourne). 6 July 2006. Canada Toronto. American Council of Learned Societies/Social Science Research Council Summer Seminar, University of Toronto. Workshop organizer and leader on Soviet cultural politics for the political science seminar entitled Reform Under Gorbachev: Process, Meaning, and Historical Perspective. 518 June 1988. Russia Moscow. Symposium director. Global Amnesia: Central Asia and the Politics of Space. Institute for Cinema Studies (Moscow). May 2002. United Kingdom Birkbeck College/University of Pittsburgh. Philosophy of Biology. Co-organizer with Peter Machamer. First Pitt-London Consortium 9-13 September 2001. Tate Gallery/University of Pittsburgh. Innocence, Terror, and Public Policy: The One-Year Anniversary of September 11th, 2001. Co-organizer with Colin MacCabe. Second Pitt-London Consortium 9-13 September 2002. Outcome: publication # 9. National Film Theatre (London). The Encultment of Russian Experience (Stalin films and recent Russian parodies, 1939/1992). Co-organizer of film festival with Vladimir Padunov. 5-8 July 1993. Edinburgh Festival. Seminar organizer and leader on contemporary Soviet cinema. 816 August 1987. Global Moscow, Berkeley, London. Working Group on Contemporary Russian Culture (ACLS/SSRC). Director with Vladimir Padunov. A group of 15-20 scholars from the US, Russia, and Britain met annually for four years (1990-1993) for an ongoing series of working papers on contemporary Russian cultural politics: From a Directed Culture to an Autonomous Cultural Model. A.M. Gor’kii Institute of World Literature, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow (June 1990). Acknowledged and Unacknowledged Categories of Discourse in Cultural and Social Life under Perestroika. University of California at Berkeley (June 1991). Russian Culture and Subcultures: Late 1980s, Early 1990s. Ogonëk Editorial Bureau, Moscow (June 1992). 4. Russian Culture/Soviet Hieroglyphics. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London (June 1993). Organization: national conferences (abbreviated): Cultural Studies Association 5th Cultural Studies Association Conference. Portland State University. 19-21 April 2007. 4th Cultural Studies Association Conference. George Mason University. 19-22 April 2006. 3rd Cultural Studies Association Conference. University of Arizona. April 2005. 2nd Cultural Studies Association Conference. Northeastern University. May 2004. 1st Cultural Studies Association Conference. Carnegie Mellon University. May 2003. University of Pittsburgh Russian Philosophy beyond Marx and God? International Colloquium supported by the University of Pittsburgh Humanities Center, Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office, Cultural Studies, Slavic Department. 14 May 2010. Medicine, Ritual, and the Contemporary Deathbed. Organizer. London Consortium, School of Medicine, Center of Bioethics and Health Law. 9-10 February 2007. Modernity and Contemporaneity: Antinomies of Art and Culture after the C20th. Co-convener with Okwui Enwezor, led by Terry Smith. International symposium (600 people from 16 countries) at the University of Pittsburgh. 4-6 November 2004. Outcome: publications ## 4, 5. Frick Fine Arts Gallery. Phantom Installations: exhibit by conceptualist artist Dmitrii Aleksandrovich Prigov. Principal organizer. Frick Fine Arts Gallery, University of Pittsburgh. May 2002. Russian Film Symposia (organizing committee, 1999-present) - Kino-Ivory (2017); - Recycle, Restage, Rewind (2016); - Red Empire Reloaded (2015); - Gendering Genre (2014); - Re-Imagining Class: Recent Russian Cinema (2013); - Camp Cinema: Russian Style (2012); - Other Russias / Russia’s Others (2011); - From Arthouse to Cineplex: Russian Cinema’s Search for a Mass Audience (2010); - The New Positive Hero: Masculinity and Genre in Recent Russian Cinema (2009); - The Ideological Occult: Russian Cinema under Putin (2008); - Melodrama and Kino-Ideology (2007); - White Russian—Black Russian: Race and Ethnicity in Russian Cinema (2006); - The Yellow House of Cinema (2005); - Prophets and Gains: New Russian Cinema (2004); - Arrogance and Envy: Anti-Americanism under Communism and After (2003); - Imperial Fatigue (2002); - Evropsk, Russia: Out of European Order? (2001); - Nation, Identity, Fetish (2000); - New Russia/New Cinema, Experiments, and Directors (1999). Miscellaneous (alphabetical) George Gund Foundation. American Coordinator of US-Soviet conference “Soviet Cinema Today: Literary and Cultural Aspects,” John Carroll University and Cleveland Cinematheque 25-29 October 1989. New York Institute for the Humanities. Co-organizer of first US-Soviet feminist conference “Glasnost’ in Two Cultures: Soviet Russian/North American Women’s Writing” 21-23 March 1991. Peace and World Security Studies, Hampshire College. Seminar leader of Contemporary Soviet Culture at Faculty Institute on The Soviet Union in the Gorbachev Era. 15 June 1987. Telluride Institute (Telluride, Colorado). Week-long meeting with USSR Communist Party Central Committee members, leading Soviet and US political and cultural figures. August 1988. Yale University. American Council for Learned Societies/Social Science Research Council Summer Seminar. Faculty seminar leader on contemporary Soviet culture and society: Literature and Film in the 1980s. 5-18 July 1987. DISSERTATION COMMITTEES (46 total): 12 current and active marked with an asterisk (*). 15 departments, programs, or sectors (Pitt, unless otherwise noted): Cinema Studies (NYU), Communication and Rhetoric, English, English Studies (West Virginia University), Film and Media Studies (Yale), Film Studies, French and Italian, Germanic, Media Studies (Kazakhstan Academy of Arts); Religious Studies, Slavic, Slavonic and East European Studies (UC London), Sociology, Theatre Arts, and Theory Sector (Academy of Sciences, Russia). Director: 15 dissertations (8 completed; 7 current, marked *) Anisimova, Irina. “Power and Subversion: Heterotopias in Contemporary Russian Fiction.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2014. Placement: Postdoctoral Fellowship, Florida State University (AY18) Postdoctoral Fellowship, Havighurst Center for Russian and Post-Soviet Studies, Miami University of Ohio (AY16-17) *Budenkova, Zhanna. [Soviet Science-Fiction Cinema: title TBD]. PhD examination stage. DeBlasio, Alyssa. “Between Philosophies: The Emergence of a New Intellectual Paradigm in Russia.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2010. Placement: Dickinson College (tenured Associate Professor). Draskoczy, Julie. “A Body of Work: Building Self and Society at Stalin’s White-Baltic Sea Canal.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2010. Placement: Jewish Community High School of the Bay (Soviet History and Humanities); Stanford University (AY10-12 Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship). Graham, Seth. “Jokes in the USSR: A Cultural Analysis.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2003. Placement: University College London (Senior Lecturer); Stanford University (AY04-06 Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship). Gray, Beach. “Global Russian Cinema in the Digital Age: The Films of Timur Bekmambetov.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2016. Placement: Novetta Advanced Analytics *Hwang, Kiun. “Saint Petersburg: Museum of Contemporary City Space.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Status: prospectus defense October 2016 (AY18 Cultural Studies Fellowship). *Kim, Olga. “Tableau Cinema: Hidden Possibilities of Cinematic Medium in Post-Stalin Era.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Status: Prospectus defended 5 January 2016 (AY18 Teaching Fellow). Klimova, Olga. “Soviet Youth Drama and Aesopian Language in Late Stagnation Cinema.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2013. Placement: AY18 Visiting Lecturer, University of Pittsburgh *Mukhortova, Olga. [Renata Litvinova: exact title to be determined]. Slavic Languages and Literatures. Status: PhD examination March 2016 (AY18: University of Hawaii). Petrov, Petre. “Laying Bare: The Fate of Representation in Early Soviet Culture.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2006. Placement: University of Texas at Austin (tenure-track Assistant Professor); Princeton University (tenure-track Assistant Professor). *Sattarova, Ellina. “Biopolitics in Contemporary Russian Cinema.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Status: PhD prospectus defended 29 August 2017 (AY18 Mellon; yearlong internship at Nevafilm Analytics, St. Petersburg [Russia]) *Shlikhar, Tetyana. [Ukrainian commemorative practices]. Slavic Languages and Literatures. Status: PhD examination scheduled March 2017 (AY18 Teaching Associate) Thorsen, Elise. “Territory and Empire in Early Soviet Poetry.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Defended 2016 Placement: Novetta Advanced Analytics *Wilson, Trevor. “Relative Absolutes: Alexandre Kojève and Russian Philosophy Abroad.” Slavic Languages and Literatures. Status: dissertation (AY18 Fulbright). Committee Member: 25 dissertations (21 completed; 4 active and in progress, marked *): Alpert, Erin. “Visualizing the Past: Perestroika Documentary Memory of Stalin-Era Trauma.” Director: Vladimir Padunov (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2014. Basu, Manisha. “Fathers of a Still-born Past: Hindu Empire, Globality, and the Rhetoric of the Trikaal.” Director: Marcia Landy (English). Defended 2008. Bauman, Emily. “Reading Angels: Knowledge, Globalization, and the Steadying of the American Subject.” Director: Colin MacCabe (English). Defended 2003. *Bey-Rozet, Maxime. “Poetics of Impotence in the Works of Louis-Ferdinand Céline, the New French Extremity, Lars Von Trier and Harmony Korine.” Director: David Pettersen (French and Italian). Early dissertation stage. Bilkic, Liudmila. “‘Everything New is Born Illegal’: Historicizing Latencies in Rapid Migration through New Media Projects.” Director: Randall Halle (Germanic Languages and Literatures). Defended 31 October 2017. *Blackledge, Olga. “Animated States: The Politics, Technology, and Aesthetics of Soviet and German Cel Animation, 1930-1940s.” Director: Ronald Zboray. (Communication and Rhetoric). Prospectus defended December 2014 Chapman, Andrew. “Queuetopia: Second-World Modernity and the Soviet Culture of Allocation.” Director: Vladimir Padunov (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2013. Dimitrova, Anna. “Impasse in Multilingual Spaces: Politics of Language and Identity in Contemporary Francophone Contact Zones.” Director: David Pettersen (French and Italian). Defended 13 November 2017.  *Hassan, Hatem M. “(In)Securities in Post-Revolutionary Cairo: The Social Construction of the Thug (and Other Ideal Types).” Director: Mohammed Bamyeh (Sociology). Early stage. Henderson, Clark. “Action and Transformation in Kenneth Burke and Ralph Ellison.” Director: Paul Bove (English). Defended 2011. Król, Maria. “Christoph Heins Chronikalische Aufzeichnungen als Geschichten zur Geschichte.” Director: Amy Colin (Germanic Languages and Literatures). Defended 1996. McCausland, Gerald. “The Post-Soviet Condition: Cultural Reconfigurations of Russian National Identity.” Director: Vladimir Padunov (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2006. Murray, Amy. “Detective Narrative and the Problem of Origins in 19th Century England.” Director: Colin MacCabe (English). Defended 2006. Och, Dana. “‘The World Goes One Way and We Go Another’: Movement, Migration, and Myths of Irish Cinema.” Director: Marcia Landy (English). Defended 2006. op de Beeck, Nathalie. “Readymade Antiques: The Picture Book in America, 1924-1944.” Director: Valerie Krips (English). Defended 2003. Orel, Gwen. “Performing Cultures: English-Speaking Theatres in Post-Communist Prague.” Director: Attilio Favorini (Theatre Arts). Defended 2005. Prokhorov, Aleksandr. “Authenticity in Thaw Culture.” Director: Helena Goscilo (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2002. Prokhorova, Elena. “Soviet Spy Thriller: National Mythology and Soviet Identity.” Director: Vladimir Padunov (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2003. Ryabchikova, Natalie. “Flying Fish: Sergei Eisenstein in Europe and America.” Director: Vladimir Padunov (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2016. Seckler, Dawn. “Engendering Genre: The Contemporary Russian Buddy Film.” Director: Vladimir Padunov (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2009. Slagle, Amy. “Nostalgia without Memory: Identity, Choice-Making, and Tradition among American Converts to Eastern Orthodoxy.” Director: Alex Orbach (Religious Studies). Defended 2008. Sutcliffe, Benjamin. “Russian Women Writers and the Emergence of Feminist Approaches to Literature.” Director: Helena Goscilo (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2004. *Tanvir, Kuhu (English/Film Studies). “Fragments of Film: Popular Cinema and Small Screens in India.” Director: Neepa Majumdar (English). Prospectus stage. Trimble, Kelly. “Celebrity and Soviet Culture, 1953-1973.” Director: Vladimir Padunov (Slavic Languages and Literatures). Defended 2017. Wilson, Candice. “Re-centering the New Wave: Transnational Currents, Transgressive Women.” Director: Adam Lowenstein (English). Defended 2015. International/Outside evaluator: 6 dissertations (5 completed; 1 early stage) *Ezerova, Daria. “Derelict Futures: The Spaces of Socialism in Contemporary Russian Literature and Film.” Director: John MacKay, Yale University (Film and Media Studies Program). Early writing stage. Sakhamanov, Aidyn. “Religious Diversity in Contemporary Eurasian Cinema.” Director: Gulnara Abikeeva, Kazakh Academy of Arts, Almaty, Kazakhstan (Media Studies). Defended 2013. Ezrahi, Christina Felicitas. “Artistic Autonomy and the Soviet Cultural Project: The Kirov and Bolshoi Ballet Companies, 1853-1968.” Director: Alena Ledeneva, University College London (School of Slavonic and East European Studies). Defended 2008. Rodimtseva, Irina. “In Search of a Dream Place: Environment in the Works of East European Immigrants in the Late 20th- and 21st-Century American Literature.” Director: Kathleen Ryan West Virginia University (English). Defended 2012. Urnov, Dmitrii. “Literaturnoe proizvedenie v otsenke anglo-amerikanskoi `novoi kritiki.’“ [“The Literary Work in the Assessment of Anglo-American ‘New Criticism’“]. Director: Valentin Smirnov, USSR Academy of Sciences (A.M. Gor’kii Institute of World Literature, Literary Theory Sector). Defended 1982. Vinogradova, Maria. “Amateur Cinema in the Soviet Union (1957 - 1991): History, Ideology and Culture.” Director: Dan Streible (Cinema Studies, Tisch School of Arts, New York University). Defended 2016. COURSES Undergraduate courses: Language courses (in Russian): Literature courses (in English): - Beginning Russian - History of the Russian Novel: 19th Century - Beginning Intensive Russian - History of the Russian Novel: 20th Century - Intermediate Russian - Poetry and Politics under Socialism - Advanced Russian - Prison Literature: Russian and American - Advanced Grammar and Composition - Short Story: Tolstoi, Turgenev, Dostoevskii - Advanced Communication Skills Culture courses (in Russian): Cinema courses (in English or Russian): - Current Soviet Press - Images of Revolution & Counterrevolution - History of Russian Poetry - 19th Century - Kinotalk: Recent Russian Cinema (Russian) - History of Russian Poetry - 20th Century - Russian Film: From Stalin to the Present - History of Russian Prose - 19th Century - Soviet Cinema - History of Russian Prose - 20th Century - Readings in Contemporary Russian Literature Culture courses (in English): - Russian Civilization: Music and Literature - Russian Cultural History: Orthodoxy and Dissent - Madness and Madmen in Russian Culture (planning stage) - Medieval Russian Culture (988-1825) - Modern Russian Culture (1825-Present) - State Memory/Private Lives (PittMAP global semester, Spring 2010) Graduate courses: - 20th Century Russian Poetry - Anti-Imperialist Empire: Formations of Second-World Culture - Commemorative Vigilance - Cultural Studies Common Seminar: Intellectual Orthodoxy - Cultural Studies Common Seminar: Doxa and Deviance - Empire and Nation - Film History and Theory II (required Film Studies seminar) - Imaginative Geographies - Introduction to Literary and Cultural Theory (required interdepartmental seminar) - Medieval Russia - Narrative and Cultural Politics - Outside Capital: Postmodernism as Second-World Practice - Post-Socialist Realism - Proseminar I: Periods and Movements - Proseminar II: Methods and Materials - Russian Cinema: Perestroika and Beyond - Russian Philosophy (Independent Study) - Russian Speculative Philosophy - Socialist Realism - Soviet Culture 1917-1953 - Stalin Culture - Thaw, Stagnation, and Perestroika - Tolstoi: The Major Novels UNIVERSITY COMMITTEES AND OTHER UNIVERSITY SERVICE Provost’s Office: - Provost’s Program Evaluation Committee for the University Honors College. 2015-16 - University’s Strategic Planning Committee (Strengthen Communities Global Subcommittee). 2015 - Search Committee for Director of the University Center for International Studies. 2014 University Center for International Studies (UCIS): - Russian and East European Studies (REES) Core Faculty, 1989-present School of Arts and Sciences: - Arts and Sciences Graduate Council, 2001-2004, 2010-2012 - Humanities Center, founding Advisory Committee, 2008-2009, 2010-2014, 2015-2018 - Tenure and Promotion Committee, 1998-2017 - Tenure Council Selection Committee, 2002-2004, 2008-2009 Cultural Studies Program: - Executive Committee, 1995-2006, 2008-2009, 2010-2011, 2015-2016 - Fellowship Committee, 1994-1995, 2015-2016 - Liaison Committee, 1994-present Film Studies Program: - Film Studies Doctoral Steering Committee, 2011-2012 Slavic Department: - Provost Humanities Fellowship Competition, 2014-2015 - Admissions Liaison, 2001-present - Chair, Diversity Committee, 2005-present - Departmental Tenure Representative, 1998-2017 - Director of Graduate Studies, 1990-1994 and 2003-2017 - French Examination Chair, 2000-present REFERENCES: Available upon request Condee 12/12/2017: 1