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philia995.com the ether personified...
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This is my little corner of the web, whatever interests me goes straight to here. I am a coder, editor, student, and learning guitarist. I take passion in web graphics as well as the late 90s early 2000s web genre. Feel free to check out my YouTube channel for some of my content. There's not really a theme to this site, whatever interests me is what I throw on here.

What is philia995?

I've had a love for coding since around 2019/2020, during the time between then and now I have taken classes (yet they didn't help me with much besides javascript & python) and ended up teaching myself. Along with this hobby, I like to create videos or "edits" and post them on YouTube. When I would upload these videos I would use the watermark "philia995.com", hence this site was born. Since then I have gotten tremendously better at coding and have made around 5 versions of this website.

to see previous versions of my website, click here

Quote Moonview (Formally known as NOAGARDEN) "Modern social networks are where creativity, nuance and empathy go to die! you can't do anything interesting with them beyond begging people to reblog/retweet/retoot/like/share the next random wall of text! social media is bad for artists, writers and so many other types of creators! NOAGARDEN (as well as philia995) exists so that i can have a space that is completely my own, away from that mess." I agree with them and I wish that eventually corporate internet will no longer be popular and that people will go back to the old way the internet once was. Neocities also supports this cause, which is why I use it as a way to build my own site.
Web Clap by FC2
Mooface's button foggybear42 cabbagesorter jorts on neocities sweetheartmemory

Cloud Strife protects this site

update log

[3/09/04]    new layout   new!
i havent edited my cloud strife
shrine since i made it so i thought id give it a new layout :)
[1/18/04]    philia995.com v5!   
after a trecherous 5 months i finally finished the new
version. leave as much feedback as youd like.
[9/28/03]    fixed page
polished up my game collection, where i track & review
various games i'm playing/played. WIP

[8/27/03]    new page
added link me, a page dedicated to all of the buttons,
blinkies, banners, etc that i made for my website which are
free to use to link back to my site.

[8/7/03]    philia995.com v4!
brand new homepage, cleaner due to my better coding skills.
hope everyone enjoys.
[7/3/03]    philia's blog
finally made a blog. read my first entry now!
[7/3/03]    new page
added my resources page. dedicated to my favorite sites
i get my resources from.
old updates
finished cd collection page 6/30
finished new library page 6/29
finished game collection page 5/20
finished brand new index 4/18
philia995.com v3! 3/23
finished new webmaster page 3/3
finished ren honjo shrine 2/25
new home page 2/20
philia995.com v2! 1/31
finished about_me page 1/31
finished cloud strife shrine 1/27

philia's corner
I first started making AMVs of my favorite characters when I was in middle school, once I became older I decided to start using my editing 'skills' to make little video projects based off of 'lost media', VHS horror, and of course, my favorite movie All About Lily Chou-Chou©.

Here's where I explain most of the videos, my first, "All About Lily Chou-Chou". Is a simple edit I made describing the emotions I felt throughout the movie, sort of a 'euphoria'. Like a fever dream.
The second, "Fall 2003", was another simple edit I made because the fall weather made me think of my childhood, the photos I used were to describe events and feelings I had when I was a kid growing up in a small town when it was fall; nothing to do.
The third is another contribution to one of my favorite movies, I created "Mirrored Mind" to show my dedication to the art of the film. All the emotions and the beautiful acting put into it.
The forth,, well.. nevermind that. I want you, the person reading this, to decide what you take from that video.
The fifth, "Silence" was a small video I made with my old camera, I noticed one night while coding that the small fish lamp I've had since I was a baby made sort of a 'white noise'. Therefore I decided to share it with my viewers.
The sixth, yet another contribution. Watching "Fallen Angels" made me reminisce on the times I would watch cable TV as a kid.
The seventh, "Waves". Is yet another short video I made with my old camera, I was spending time with my friends at the beach after school and felt the need to film it, so it would stay in my memory forever. Since I have a hard time remembering things like that, it felt right for me to put it on my channel. I also simply love the sound of waves and never want to forget them.
The eighth & ninth, "AALC #2" & "Mirrored Mind 2" are sequels to the previous videos, I felt that I appreciated the two films so much that only one video dedication wasn't enough.
Lastly, the tenth, which is in fact not my newest film, is a short anniversary edit, contributed to all of my supporters which I love dearly, as a 'thanks' to watching me for a year.

- love, philia
Dantendo 20/03 11:11

check out my blog...
not doing well 2014年2月7日
When in highschool, drama is inevitable. Even for someone like me, who sticks out a little..... continue reading
school 2013年8月10日
Today was the first day of school back from break, I'm very exhausted and since I live in the Southern part of the US it was very muggy and..... continue reading
first entry 2013年7月3日
Today I spent the day inside with my cat. I've been thinking a lot about Sam (my desceased cat that passed not too long ago) so I was pretty jaded..... continue reading
automated site message : philia995xp : happy (late) new year 2014 everyone. welcome to v5 of my website.