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Application Security Review Request : Metrics Platform extension
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Project Information

2Language Files Lines Blanks Comments Code Complexity
4JSON 6 5300 0 0 5300 0
5PHP 3 320 26 40 254 2
6Markdown 2 11 4 0 7 0
7JavaScript 1 29 2 11 16 0
8License 1 339 58 0 281 0
9gitignore 1 24 2 3 19 0
11Total 14 6023 92 54 5877 2
13Estimated Cost to Develop (organic) $173,463
14Estimated Schedule Effort (organic) 7.07 months
15Estimated People Required (organic) 2.18
17Processed 204728 bytes, 0.205 megabytes (SI)

Description of the tool/project:
MetricsPlatform is an extension that hooks into EventStreamConfig by checking for stream configs managed by the Metrics Platform team via an API. This is part of a bigger project to build the Metrics Platform Instrument Configurator
Description of how the tool will be used at WMF:
This extension will enable authorized WMF staff to manage stream configurations via a new tool called MPIC.

List dependencies, or upstream projects that this project relies on.

Has this project been reviewed before?

Please link to tasks or wiki pages of previous reviews.

Working test environment

Please link or describe setup process for setting up a test environment.



Name of team responsible for tool/project after deployment and primary contact.

Data Products - @cjming


Risk Rating

Event Timeline

sbassett changed the task status from Open to In Progress.Jul 3 2024, 5:14 PM
sbassett assigned this task to mmartorana.
sbassett triaged this task as Medium priority.

hi ! just fyi, the MP extension has been deployed to testwiki on beta cluster (see T366234)

Hello, thank you for informing us. The review will be published shortly.

mmartorana closed this task as Resolved.EditedWed, Aug 21, 5:10 PM
mmartorana moved this task from In Progress to Our Part Is Done on the secscrum board.

Security Review Summary - T366233 - 2024-08-21
Last commit reviewed: 18f9619


Overall, the code of this extension seems secure and adheres to best practices. There are no identified vulnerable dependencies or SAST issues, resulting in a strong security posture with an overall low risk score.

Vulnerable Packages - Production

Vulnerable Packages - Development

Outdated Packages
As reported via npm outdated and composer outdated:
(no explicit vulnerabilities reported, simply noting for completeness' sake.)


Static Analysis Findings
Risk: low
semgrep returned no results. low risk.
snyk returned no results. low risk.
bearer returned no results. low risk.
sast-scan returned no results. low risk.
horusec returned a bunch of false-positives. low risk.
bearer returned a bunch of false-positives. low risk.

General code health score

  1. The Wikimedia code health check tool returned a weighted risk score of 34.10.
PROJECT: MetricsPlatform@master
REPOSITORY: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/mediawiki/extensions/MetricsPlatform

| Vuln Pkgs | Pkg Mgmt | Test Cov | SAST | Non-auto Cmts | Uniq Contribs | Contrib Conc | Lang Guides | Staff Supp | Task Backlog | Code Stew | Weighted Risk |
|         0 |        4 |        3 |    0 |            10 |            10 |            7 |           7 |         10 |            0 |         0 |         34.10 |

General security issues
whispers returned no results. low risk
gitleaks returned no results. low risk