This is a microtask for T256626: Refactor WebdriverIO tests from sync to async mode. See that task for more information and how to get help.
- T293381: Create a Wikimedia developer account.
- Clone test/test git repository: git clone ""
- Create a branch: git checkout -b T293258
- Make any change to the repository, like creating a new file.
- Create a commit: git commit.
- It is important to write good commit messages. Please read Gerrit/Commit message guidelines to learn more.
- Push to commit to Gerrit: git review
- For previous step you will need your developer account username and HTTP password (not developer account password). See T293381: Create a Wikimedia developer account.
- Update this task with your username and paste. I have added my username (@zeljkofilipin), commit (730561) and a paste (P17474) as an example.
previous T293381: Create a Wikimedia developer account | next T293374: Amend existing commit in Gerrit