As per T265771, we want to measure the vectors for how multimedia content gets added to Wikipedia articles - via Visual Editor, direct Wikitext editing, or bots. This will help us understand where the most impactful places will be to target our work on media matching, and to be able to measure the success of that work.
This ticket is to create an edit tag for media additions so that we can do those measurements. (Information about whether the additions come from VE, Wikitext, or bots will come from other avenues - see Morten's comment in T266067#6634887).
Acceptance criteria:
- An edit tag add media is applied to all edits that add any type of media to an article, specifically:
Changes in media | Edit tag |
User adds one or more images | mw-add-media |
User deletes one or more images | mw-remove-media |
User adds two images, deletes one image | mw-add-media + mw-remove-media |
User updates 1 image to a different one | mw-add-media + mw-remove-media |
- The tag description should be "Edits that add media"/"Edits that remove media"
- The tag should be a hidden tag