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USD16346S - Design for a heating-stove - Google Patents

Design for a heating-stove Download PDF


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USD16346S US D16346 S USD16346 S US D16346S
United States
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William A
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07463 OR D 16,346
No. 16,346 Patented Oct. 20, 1885.
PATENT U 1 11mm, .Iosicru w.
SPECIFICATION forming part of Design No. 16,346, dated October 20, 1885.
Application filed July 14, 188;).
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that we, RODNEY F. Senna- MERHORN and FERDNAND S. \VELLER, both of the city of Quincy, county of Adams, State of IllillOiS, have invented a new and original Design for Heating-Stovesz and the said Ro'DNnY F. SCHERMERIIORN and FERD- NAND S. WELLER hereby declare that the following is a specification of the said new design, reference being had to the accompanying engraving of a heating-stove having said dos1 11.
This design embraces several new and distinctive parts which go to make up the whole design, as hereinafter specified.
One integral part of this design is the ornamentation of the side A, which ornamentation consists of the horizontal row of raised circles a, having raised rosettes c where the circumferences touch.
Another part relates to the ornamentation of the ends of the side A, which ornamentation consists of conventional branches and flowers d,displayed alternately with flowers 0, each decoration marked off from the next by a plain raised bar, f.
Another part relates to the ornamentation along the top of the side A, which orna1nentation consists of the raised branches and blooms g, displayed horizontally and separated by the perpendicular bar of raised scales h.
Another part relates to the ornamentation within the space inclosed by the foregoing ornamentation, which consists of seven rosettes, t, in a horizontal row across the top of said space, and at either end thereof of a raised upright vine and flowers, j, ona rough ground, inclosed by four narrow raised lines in rectangle.
Another part relates to the ornamentation of the side fire-door, B, said fire-door having a flat face with two incut right lines all around near the outside edge thereof, and said ornamentation further consisting of four rows of three mica lights each, It, between the illside rows whereof at the top and bottom is a flat surface, and between the center micalight spaces of the inside rows is a square, in, of a size and so displayed that two of its points touch the outside of said center mica-light spaces, said center square, in, having :1 rough depressed surface, a, and a raised roscltc, o, in each corner thereof.
Another part relates to the ornamentation of the beveled-edged shelf t, which ornamentation consists of decorative perforations arranged as shown.
Another and further distinctive part of this design is the ornamention of the top l),which ornamentation consists, across each end of said top D, of the row of raised branches and flowers q, alternating with the raised flower r, and across the front side of said top 1), lengthwise, a straight row of sprays, 8.
Another part relates to the further ornamentation of the top D, which ornamentation consists of the large vine and flowers 1*], dis played on a rough surface, terminated above and below by raised lines 1.
Another part relates to the further ornamentation of the top I), which ornamentation consists of the raised compound ornament F, surrounded by the four raised lines u, in rectangle.
Another part relates to the further ornamentation of the top D, which ornamentation consists of the compound ornaments G, displayed on the beveled front corners of the lid seat H, the bevel flaring upward from a point with a partly concave and partly convex face.
The whole design embraces the shape and ornamentation of the side A and top I).
We claim as newl. In a design forastove, the design for the side A, consisting of the parts a c d cfg 1i. i j, shaped and ornamented as shown and described.
2. In a design for astove, the design for the fire-door 13, consisting of the parts k m n 0, shaped and ornamented as shown and described.
3. In a design for a stove, the shape and ornamentation of the shelf 0, the same being of the form shown, beveled-edged, and having perforations p on the face thereof, allas shown and described.
4. In a design for a stove, the shape and ornamentation of the top D, the same being of [111: formshown, t111- ornamvniniiion ('OIISIISC- ing of H10 parts Q1 N I 11 1* G H, 11H as shown 211111 described.
5. The design furihn 1101111111111 top of :1 111 111 ing-Siovv, embracing 1111: side 1111110, A. with 11 side fire-11001 and shelf, and 1111: top pinto, l), :11] shaped and ornamented substantially as shown and described.
nussus, this 2d day 01' July. 1883.
K111111111) )I. Ssii'in, EDWARD J. l.\n|\' 1 11:.
111 tuxiimony hm-001' Wu hereunto 50150111 hands, in H11 pmsunm- 01' 11111 subscribing wit-



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