United States Patent [191 Hulit et a1.
['4 Nov. 26, 1974 METHOD OF MAKING SUPERALLOYS Inventors: Gerald W. Hulit, Ridgewood; John C. Subelka, Dover, both of NJ.
Assignee: Howmet Corporation, Dover, N .1.
Filed: Mar. 6, 1973 Appl. No.: 338,435
U.S. Cl 75/171, 75/135, 164/57,
164/61 Int. Cl C226 19/00 Field of Search 75/135, 171; 164/57, 61
References Cited UNITED STATES PATENTS 6/1958 Kerstetter 75/171 3/l96l Eash 8/1965 Scheil et a1. ..T 75/171 3,512,963 5/1970 Schramm et a1 75/171 3,575,734 4/1971 Muzyka et al. 3,619,183 11/1971 Olson et al.. 75/171 Primary ExaminerL. Dewayne Rutledge Assistant Examiner-E. L. Weise Attorney, Agent, or FirmPennie & Edmonds [57] ABSTRACT 6 Claims, No Drawings METHOD OF MAKING SUPERALLOYS BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION Nickel-base superalloys are extensively used in the manufacture of articles such as turbine blades which are required in use to resist high temperatures. Such articles normally are produced by precision casting methods, which involve melting ingots of the superalloy in a refractory crucible and casting the resulting melt in a suitable mold.
Quite frequently the superalloy wets the refractory crucible in which it is melted. When this occurs a thin layer of the melt adheres to the surface of the crucible when molten metal is poured from it, and then freezes as a skull on the interior of the crucible surface. In so doing it contracts and pulls away from the crucible, and thereby'tears small bits of refractory from the crucible wall. When the next charge of superalloy is introduced into the crucible and melted, these bits of crucible refractory contaminate the melt and are likely to be in- V troduced into the casting made from the melt. As successive charges of superalloy are melted and cast, the amount of refractory particles torn from the crucible surface increases, and increased numbers of castings are made defective by refractory inclusions. Since the metal is melted and cast in vacuum, and since it is the usual practice to melt in each charge only about the amount of meta] required for a single lot of castings, it is not practical to remove the skull and loose refractory particles from the crucible between successive charges of metal to be melted.
Some superalloys have a greater tendency than others to wet refractory crucibles, but in general such tendency is increased in ingots made wholly or partly from foundry revert (i.e., risers, gates, scrap castings and the like). This tendency is so marked that foundries will often specify ingots made only of virgin metal (that is, ingots produced without the use of revert metal) even though the economic penalty of such specification is severe. No reliable procedure has been proposed heretofore for reducing or minimizing the tendency of nickel base superalloys to wet refractory crucibles in which they are melted.
The invention provides a method for overcoming the tendency of nickel-base superalloys to wet refractory melting crucibles by treating into such alloys in the molten state with a small amount of magnesium. Magnesium has been added to certain refractory nickel base alloys heretofore, for the purpose of deoxidizing or desulfurizing them or increasing their ductility. For example, the Randolf U.S. Pat. No. 2,001,888 describes introducing a trace" of magnesium into a nickel-magnanese-chromium alloy as a deoxidizer of the alloy and to increase its ductility. Each U.S. Pat. No. 2,974,038 describes a gall-resistant nickel base alloy which may contain 0.3 to 0.l percent magnesium as a residual deoxidizer. Eiselstein et al. U.S. Pat. No. 3,160,500 describes a nickel-base chromemolybdenum-tungsten-columbium alloy to which 0.02 to 0.05 percent magnesium is added to improve hot malleability of the metal. There are many other patents and publications mentioning the deoxidizing and duetility or malaleability-enhancing properties of magnesium in nickel base alloys, but we are not aware of any prior recognition that magnesium treatment of an already deoxidized and desulfurized nickel-base super STATEMENT OF THE INVENTION The invention provides an improved method of making nickel-base superalloys, by which ingots of such alloy having relatively little tendency to wet refractory melting crucibles may be made. The invention is directed particularly to the vacuum casting of substantially oxygen-free and sulfur-free nickel-base superalloys consisting essentially (by weight of the alloy) of 7 to 20 percent chromium, 0.5 to 7 percent aluminum, 0.5 to 6 percent titanium, 0.02 to 0.25 percent carbon, up to 0.2 percent zirconium, up to 0.02 percent boron up to 3 percent hafnium, and at least 10 percent of an amount of a matrix-strengthening element selected from the group consisting of 0 to 20 percent cobalt, 0 to 10 percent molybdenum, 0 to 13 percent tungsten, 0 to 6 percent tantalum, 0 to 5 percent columbium, and 0 to 1.5 percent vanadium, and the balance nickel. The invention provides the method of minimizing the tendency of such alloys to wet and upon solidification to adhere to a refractory vesse in which it is contained under vacuum in the molten condition, which comprises introducing into a substantially oxygen-free and sulfur-free melt of such alloy an amount of magnesium sufficient to incorporate in cooled and soldified shapes cast therefrom a residual retained amount of elemental magnesium in the range from 0.001 to 0.02 percent by weight, and casting and solidifying the magnesiumcontaining melt in a mold.
The invention is particularly useful in the manufacture of ingots which are cast from the melt in a chilled metal mold. Such ingots upon remelting under vacuum in a refractory crucible have greatly'reduced tendency to wet such crucible, as compared with ingots of the same alloy which have been similarly prepared but without the magnesium treatment.
The magnesium treatment in accordance with the invention involves the addition to the melt of enough magnesium so that the metal after casting and cooling to solidified form in vacuum retains magnesium metal in the specified concentration range (0.00l to 0.02 per cent). The magnesium preferably is incorporated in the melt within a relatively short period prior to casting, to insure against excessive loss of the magnesium by volatilization. Preferably, the molten alloy is cast into the mold, and cooling of the metal therein is commenced, within thirty minutes after addition to the melt of the magnesium.
The magnesium is preferably introduced into the melt in the form of a nickel-magnesium master alloy, such as commercially available master alloys containing 15% by weight magnesium, balance commercially pure nickel, but it may be introduced in any other suitable manner.
It is a significant advantage of the invention that ingots and the like which show little tendency to wet refractory melting crucibles can be prepared from charges containing a large proportion of foundry revert as well as from charges consisting of virgin metal.
SPECIFIC EMBODIMENTS OF THE INVENTION Alloys having the following compositions are prepared by melting under vacuum appropriate quantities of the metal involved '(all percentages are by weight of the alloy):
The alloys may be prepared in whole from virgin metal, or from major amounts of revert to which amounts of virgin metal are added as required for composition adjustment and to make up the desired weight of alloy. The alloys are prepared in accordance with conventional practice by melting revert and virgin metal additions under vacuum in an induction melting furnace. The virgin metal may be added to the charge either as commercially pure metal or as master alloy (generally a nickel master alloy) in conformity with commercial practice.
The melt is prepared as essentially oxygen-free and sulfur-free metal, by use of charge components that are themselves essentially free of these impurities. To the extent that very small proportions of oxygen or sulfur may be included in the charge, they are eliminated by the deoxidizing and desulfurizing effect of such constituents as zirconium and boron.
When the melt has been brought to the proper oxygen-free and sulfur-free composition and to the desired temperature, magnesium in the form of nickel magnesium master alloy percent by weight magnesium) is added in an amount sufficient to insure retention of 0.001 to 0.02 percent magnesium in the alloy after casting and solidification under vacuum. Generally this requires the addition of 0.05 to 0.10 percent by weight ofmagnesium to the melt, to allow for losses by volatilization.
Shortly after addition of the magnesium and dispersal of it through the melt, the melt is cast in vacuum into a suitable mold such as a chilled metallic ingot mold. Casting preferably is within thirty minutes after addition of the magnesium, and in a typical case will be within fifteen to thirty minutes thereafter. However, the time between adding the magnesium and casting may exceed thirty minutes. Castings of good quality and low tendency to wet refractory crucibles upon remelting have been poured over two hours after making the magnesium addition.
As would be expected, the magnesium content of the castings varieswith the length of time between magnesium additions and pouring of the ,melt into the mold.
' First-poured ingots from a given melt generally have substantially more retained magnesium (typically 0.008 to 0.013 percent) than last-poured ingots from the same melt (which typically may contain 0.001 to 0.002 percent). However, there is no significant correlation between the amount of retained magnesium in ingots cast from a given melt, and the non-wetting character of such ingotsrelative to refractory surfaces. It appears that the magnesium treatment of the melt prior to casting of the ingots, rather than the actual amount of retained magnesium, is responsible for the tendency of the metal not to wet refractory surfaces.
The effectiveness of the magnesium treatment may be demonstrated, or tested, without actually remelting a cast ingot in a refractory crucible, by dipping a refractory test bar or plaque into the melt from which the ingots are cast and observing to what extent the molten metal adheres when the test bar or plaque is withdrawn. Nickel-base alloy melts, after being subjected to the magnesium treatment described, generally display notably less tendency to wet such refractory test pieces than do the same melts prior to the magnesium treatment.
lngots of nickel-base superalloys prepared as described above may be remelted in vacuum in refractory crucibles, without further magnesium treatment, without significantly wetting such crucibles. Hence there is little tendency for melts prepared from such ingots to become contaminated with loose refractory particles from the crucible surface even after repeated cycles of ingot addition, melting and cooling in the same crucible. The quality of castings made from such ingot melts is correspondingly improved. This improvement is especially notable in the case of ingots made from revert metal.
We claim:
1. In the vacuum casting of nickel-base superalloys consisting essentially (by weight of the alloy) of 7 to 20 percent chromium, 0.5 to 7 percent aluminum, 0.5 to 6 percent titanium, 0.02 to 0.25 percent carbon, up to 0.2 percent zirconium, up to 0.02 percent boron, up to 3 percent hafnium, and at least 10 percent of an amount of a matrix-strengthening element selected from the group consisting of 0 to 20 percent cobalt, 0 to 10 percent molybdenum, 0-13 percent tungsten, 0-6 percent tantalum, 0-5 percent columbium and 0 to 1.5 percent vanadium, and the balance nickel, the method of minimizing tendency of the alloy in the molten state to wet and upon solidification to adhere to a refractory vessel in which it is contained under vacuum in the molten condition which comprises introducing into a substantially oxygen-free and sulfur-free melt of such alloy an amount of magnesium sufficient to incorporate in cooled and solidified shapes cast therefrom a residual retained amount of elementalmagnesium in the range from, 0.001 to 0.02 percent by weight of the al- 10y, and casting and solidifying the magnesiumcontaining melt in a mold.
2. The method according to claim 1 in which the molten metal is cast into the shape of ingots for remelting.
a nickel-magnesium master alloy.