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TWM369391U - Improved structure of permanent-magnet bottle-packaged pump - Google Patents

Improved structure of permanent-magnet bottle-packaged pump Download PDF


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TWM369391U TW98207147U TW98207147U TWM369391U TW M369391 U TWM369391 U TW M369391U TW 98207147 U TW98207147 U TW 98207147U TW 98207147 U TW98207147 U TW 98207147U TW M369391 U TWM369391 U TW M369391U
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Huan-Ran Jian
Jin-Cheng Wang
zhi-kuan Shi
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Assoma Inc
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Application filed by Assoma Inc filed Critical Assoma Inc
Priority to TW98207147U priority Critical patent/TWM369391U/en
Publication of TWM369391U publication Critical patent/TWM369391U/en



  • Structures Of Non-Positive Displacement Pumps (AREA)


M369391 五、新型說明: 【新型所屬之技術領域】 由於生產者追求生產設備的最大使用效益 揚程,也可以被使用在高揚程低流量二 而生產線的管理者在許多因素的考量下,並不一 規格的泵浦隨時_,使得永磁魏泵逐漸為使用者重視·本創 作糾讀雜—纽&,⑽街躲浦結構使 水磁罐裝泵能滿足各種用途的需求。 本創作係提供-種制永磁馬達軸的罐裝縣軸封, 以下簡稱減職泵浦之、轉改良,尤其_於高雜性化學液 體送、加壓與循環等用途之塑膠或塑膠_的泵浦;因為高腐餘 性化學液體侵錄·容錢漏,加上製程中的液體溫度會達到 85C ’會使得_件_度大幅降低並產生變形,f知的塑膠或 塑膠内襯罐裝型無轴封泵浦之固定㈣狀口三㈣與密封後蓋 雙邊支撐,或以密封後蓋的強化結構作固定軸單邊支撐其可靠 度與性能將大為降低;本創作提出結構改良以增進可靠度與使用 壽命。 、 【先前技術】 永磁罐裝泵浦已廣泛應用於許多耐腐蝕或不容許洩漏的用 途,以金屬材料製作的罐裝型無轴封泵浦更是應用在許多的工業 用途;但以工程塑膠材質製作的罐裝型無軸封泵浦,其設計理念 係承襲無軸封磁驅動泵的設計理念,並進一步結合永磁馬達取代 傳統的感應馬達,其目的在使用高效率馬達並提升泵浦的應用範 圍,且更容易調整流量與揚程而體積更小,在生產製程上更能滿 足使用者更廣泛性的需求。 請參閱第一圖所示,一般習用的永磁罐裝泵浦為雙邊支撐固 M369391 定軸結構;果浦係由泵前蓋4、葉輪5、密封後蓋41、固定轴3、 轴三腳架31與罐裝馬達8所構成;果前蓋4設有一入口从、出口 45及-流道空間47,用來容納葉輪5,系前蓋4内側在入口料 處設有-人π止純46,絲與葉輪5人口_葉輪止推環犯 耗合共同構成轴向止推轴承; 葉輪5被安裝在果前蓋4内部,固定錢前蓋4入口處的三 :架^可以軸向穿過葉輪轂開孔54’用來支翻定軸3的一端; 葉輪轂52為㈣延伸__構,叫與馬達轉子7 _向 部76結合,使葉輪5與馬達轉子7構成-體 子7與葉輪轂52射出成形為一體之結構;W眺疋馬達轉 馬達轉子7是由永久磁鐵71、轉子鲕邱7 :4並由轉=的工程塑膠包覆成-無軸 4 ’轉子7中空部設有軸承77與軸承78,用來與固定 j液動壓軸承系統以支撐轉子7的轉動與動力傳遞;轉子7之 結構為軸向延伸部76,用來與葉輪52相結合以有效傳遞 體之結^動力,許多情形是馬達轉子7與葉輪轂52射出成形為一 為一杯狀結構,其前端之法蘭部411結合泵前蓋4及 邊圓何邻It蘭81卜絲防止舰顏⑽漏;後蓋41之侧 邊圓筒》M12套入馬達定子83的内jg,用來 ==:腐:’後蓋41之底部為平整盤=== 凹盲孔結構之軸孔座413用來支撲固定轴3的另 ^ t蓋止推軸承環414,後蓋41之内部容室空間415晉= 軸3與馬達轉子7 ; 來t置固疋 ,定轴3為雙邊支撐結構,由_倾_耗的 成’其一端分別由三腳架31與袖孔座413所支撐固定中間部= M369391 與軸承77及軸承78轉合用來支樓轉子7的轉動; 罐裝馬達8由馬達定子83、馬達中框8卜 -舆馬達轉子7及固定轴3所構成,其中 =子= 並達中框81之中’馬達後框82被固定在馬達中框81上, 且中央部份有一凹陷軸支撲座821用來固定後蓋 用氺Γ強化固定軸的鱗力量;馬達中框81在泵咖蘭811 .達疋子83及其線圈831則由徭篆41 —么#^ 衷属,馬 軸接觸··馬達後框82的=:==隔絕顧液體的 動器的電力編連結定子線圈:媒有動馬電達力·出口瞇,使堪 清參閱第二圖所示,習用的永磁 軸結構;泵浦係由泵前蓋4、葉輪5、f另一例為懸臂固定 裝馬達8所構成,泵前蓋4 __ A固定軸3與罐 =容納葉輪5,泵前蓋4内側在二=-:道= 環46,用來與葉輪5入口侧的 I有-入口止推 推軸承; >、推衣53輕合共同構成軸向止 葉輪5被安裝在栗前蓋4内部 來作為内部濁滑猶環的回流孔 j輪數板55的開孔54用 葉輪轂52為轴向延伸的環型結構=除麵推力的平衡孔, 部76結合,使葉輪5與馬達轉 與馬達轉子7的轴向延伸 子7與葉難52射出成形為一體之^丁體’許多情形是馬達轉 馬達轉子7是由永久磁鐵7卜轉子_ 構’並由耐腐飯的工程塑膠包覆 。72所構成的環型結 膠74,轉子7中空部設有軸承77與^洩漏缝的環狀磁性轉子包 合成液動壓軸承系統以支撐轉子7的承78,用來與固定軸3耦 圓筒狀結構為轴向延伸部76,與動力傳遞,轉子7之 興葉輪較52相結合以有效傳遞 M369391 =動力’許多情形是馬達轉子7與_52射出成形為一 „ 後蓋41為一杯狀結構,其前端之法蘭部411結合泵前蓋4及 馬達8之中框法蘭8U,用來防止腐姓液體的茂漏,後蓋41之侧 邊圓筒部412套入馬達定子83的内圓,用來隔絕腐餘液體防止馬 達線圈831被腐餘;後蓋41之底部完整包覆有一剛性結構件· 與固定轴3的—端,其中剛性結構件·之中央孔絲支撐固定 軸3的-端,並提供固定座來固定後蓋止推轴承環414 之内部2室空間415用來安置固定轴3與馬達轉子7; 固疋轴3為懸臂結構由耐腐做耐磨耗的陶紐料構成,盆 部·結構416所支撐固定,中間部份與軸i 77及轴承78耦合用來支撐轉子7的轉動; 職馬達8纟馬奴子83、馬射框8 固定軸3所構成,其中馬達定子: =腐練體的茂漏,馬達定子83及其線圈δ3ΐ則= 以驅動馬達,·使驅動器的電力鏡線能連結定子線圈 請參閱第一圖與第二圖所示,軎 流經葉輪5之流道後成為具有;1力:财動方向6 泵出口 45輪中,m本古细\的机體流動方向61,並由 的背編入°卩域體’如軸方向62,經由葉輪5 的間隊峨外倾後蓋内徑 77及轴承78之間隙流動’如流動方向64,最承 M369391 如流動方向65,回到葉輪入口,此一流體的循環流動用來提供陶 '瓷軸承潤滑所需並帶走轉子產生的熱; 八 — 永磁職泵浦的基本結構是轉裝馬達8之馬魏圈831提 供定子旋轉磁場’並與馬達轉子7永磁磁場相互作用產生扭矩與 轉動’驅動方法與無姉娜㈣永_外轉子直接輕合ς 動不同;由於馬達線圈831是由感應線圈構成,這意味著感&線 圈需要比永久磁磁鐵更大的體積方能產生足夠的磁通量,或者相 對的,大馬達轉子7的磁通量’所以,馬達轉子7的結構必須與 • 馬達定子83相互配合方生錄的絲;但這也意味著馬達8 的固定轴3必須承擔更多來自馬達轉子7重量產生的離心力負 荷,這些離心力的負荷來自於馬達轉子7本身的殘餘不平衡量,' 加上液動壓軸承運轉時的潤滑間隙偏心所產生的離心力; 習用的技術以塑膠件結構強度來支撐馬達固定軸3時,往往 需要面對結構強度不足的問題,尤其溫度在耽時;其次是塑膠 件與陶€件的紐形量獨’也會大幅降侧定轴3的支撑力或 產生變形’例如雙邊支撐固定軸的主要的支撐結構件之—是三腳 籲架31’二腳架31的懸臂結構在高溫下強度會降低使得轴偏心量增 加;無論雙邊支撐固定軸3或懸臂支撐固定軸3,後蓋41是固定 ,3的另-支撐結構件,後蓋41本身的厚度在侧邊圓筒部412較 薄’谷易因液體溫度或壓力而產生變形,雖然側邊圓筒部412有 馬達定子的内圓支撲,但其變形仍容易影響後蓋底部中央轴定 位’這也是造成固定軸產生異位的另一原因;當溫度與壓力增加 到後蓋足以變形時,固定轴將無法再與三腳架31及轴孔座413緊 密結合而鬆動,另外齡的其他原因為塑勝材料與陶究材料的熱 變雜質不同’造成固定軸3與塑膠料間產生間隙使得固定轴3 鬆動; 7 M369391 水磁罐裝泵浦是由驅動n卿動,只要柄職馬達8的輸 ,出功率在合理範圍内,或輸出扭矩在合理範圍内,都可以適當的 _增加超過額定點的轉速;當在低轉速操作時,這些變形量與ς心 力的考量並不需要制注意,但是當運轉速度超魏定轉速時, 固定軸3所承受的離心力便會以轉速比的二次方倍數增加。 綜合以上的栗浦運轉需求,針對高腐餘製程的應用需求,解 決方案必須面對的核心問題如下: (1) 塑膠與陶紐料因熱物理性質不生的結合強度不足的問 題0 (2) 塑膠材料在高溫下的強度降低問題。 (3) 運轉速度在超過額定轉速下離心力增大的問題。 、以上問題的解決方案,必舰針對各侧題的細部原因進行 刀析’方能達到完全解決問題的目的,以下為問題原因分析: ⑴塑膠材料強度問題··許多耐蚀材料的強度無法與陶竟材料相 ^ ’尤其溫度增冑時材觸度大略低,雜歸在溫度增 尚下仍有不錯的強度但其耐钮性不足。 (2) 塑膠材料錢形問題:許多顧_材料其耐熱變形物性不 佳,無法維持與陶瓷材料的緊密結合性。 (3) 二轉速離〜力問題·馬達轉子的質量大,且液動壓轴承與固 疋轴間有潤滑所需的間隙,會加大固定轴離心力的負擔,而 2〜力成轉速比的2次謂大,當麵進行高於舣轉速運 轉時,固定軸必須承擔更高的離心力。 1解決上述的問題已有相關的解決方案被提$,其中: 英國專利前案第GB2417981號是縣懸伽定轴結構設計, =後Ϊ底部使用高剛性結構件來與固定軸-起射出,使塑膠 ;斗與固疋姆密結合並提高㈣支撐力,該專舰㈣材質為 M369391 具耐高溫的且高強度的工程歸’但該種材f無法滿足氫氣酸等 高腐鋪液的需求;由於該專利前案係驗引擎冷卻水循環並無 耐錄問題,但是就以該塑膠料應用在耐腐細途而言,其固定 轴與,膠的結合方式,以及其他金屬件與歸的結合方式,都無 法對尚腐錄液體做完整密封;其次後蓋的關部 性不足’也容料成敗㈣位移或#位。 另,日本專利前案第JP2005299559號係使用雙邊支撐之固定 軸結構,在泵浦人口使用三腳架並在後蓋底部使用外加的剛性社 構件來強侧定㈣支# ;該專顺_重點在麟轉子的重^ Γί重的ΐ計’此—特點有效解決轉子的重量問題;但其結構仍 ”,、法滿足南溫下後蓋圓筒部之塑膠料軟化變形問題,三角古 摘,無難結構件必須考顧制在高腐錢二 的需求’該翻僅適相丨私卻水循環無舰賴的用途。 的解決方案並無法對高_高溫藥液製程提 答’因此本___提供最財如献制者解 本創作人有鑑於此’累積從事此 =本創作可賤-步提升“ ,叫触 【新型内容】 種接液材質為耐蝕塑膠的永; 本創作之主要目的在於提供一 罐裝果浦之結構改良,尤其針對單邊水磁 =使固,的強度能滿足各種功率需一 於創的密封功能以滿足各種化學藥液的财舰需求而ΐ 於創新的結構更能献高溫製程触翻 /職需求,由 茲佐以圖式詳細說明本創作如下: M369391 【實施方式】 請參閱第三圖所示,本創作的永磁罐裝栗浦為懸臂固定轴結 構;該泵浦係由泵前蓋4、葉輪5與罐裝馬達8所構成,其中: *栗前蓋4設有一入口 44、出口 45及一流道空間4?,用來容 納葉輪5 ;泵前蓋4 _在人日44處設有-入口止推環妨 與葉輪5入口侧的葉輪止推環53麵合共同構成轴向止推轴承; 葉輪5被安裝在栗前蓋4内部,其葉輪較板阳上設有複數個 =孔54用來作為内部潤滑循環的回流孔,也作為消除軸向推力的 2衡孔’葉錄52為轴向延伸的環型結構,用來與馬達轉子7的 抽向延伸部76結合,使葉輪5與馬達轉子7構成—體.、 蓋41之法蘭部411結合後蓋背板417成-剛性法蘭:構11 框81在麵的法_用來緊鎖後蓋法蘭中 後趙的找_觸:馬達幽:方4 馬達·壤線出口 822,使联動器的電力齡能連結定子線圈以= 罐裝馬達8之馬達轉子7是 與固定㈣合成,用來 遞,轉子7之瞻結構為^=轉^的_動力傳 馬達8之後羞41為—杯狀結構,其前端之法 M369391 先結合後蓋背板417成一剛性法蘭結構’再結合泵前蓋4及馬達8 之中框法蘭811,用來防止腐蝕液體的洩漏以強化密封性;後蓋 41之側邊圓筒部412套入馬達定子83的内圓,用來隔絕腐姓液體 防止馬達線圈831被腐蝕;後蓋41之底部中央有一附有〇型環密 封槽的轴孔418,以容納構朗定轴3之金屬轴32 ?過,該金屬 轴32係穿過陶究軸套的中心孔犯2,請參閱第七圖所*,固定轴 3係以金屬轴32 -端之圓形頭部321 一端緊壓在陶竟軸套的前端 面333 (如第九圖)’金屬軸32具有螺牙微的另一端則穿過馬達 後框孔823被緊鎖在馬達後框82 (如第八圖),使得附有止推環之 T軸套33能被緊壓在馬達後框82,並使後蓋&之底部藉由〇 ^構成—完整㈣面;後蓋41之内部容室空間415用來安置固 疋軸3與馬達轉子7 ; 罐裝馬達8之目疋軸3為懸臂結構由财腐^^與耐磨耗的陶竟 =3密^ 3__ 82構成’並與後蓋41共同構成完 柩奶夕蔽、,陶瓷軸套33由金屬軸32之圓形頭部321與後 其:金屬Γ=25緊,縮,並構成一高剛性的複合式固定㈣ 仙,請參過後盘41之底部中央附有0型環密封槽的軸孔 心孔332 * 、九圖所示,該金屬軸32係穿過陶錄套的中 333 ^ 以螺帽m银蚀1 的另一端則穿過馬達後框孔823,並 能被緊壓在馬達後===上(如第八圖)’使得陶变軸套33 保後蓋4i底部之面825上’請娜四圖所示,確 互她合構成_止推轴承推環部331用來與轉子軸承79 M369391 輸出’同時有部分流體,如流動方向62,經由葉輪5的背側進入 後蓋41的容室空間415,並經由轉子外侧與後 蓋底部流動,如流動方向63,再經由固定軸3與轴承 =如流動方向64 ’最後流經葉練孔54,如流動方向65,二 軸獅嫩_撕爾所需並带 馬達=圖:二:=3=__定在 :r的強度來_金二之===: 鱗的中心孔332,並以具有圓形頭部321 被緊厭前端面333,使得_套固定端面娜 3成為-複合體的剛性I 的雜力’使得固定轴 =糊力魏㈣繼 3的支撐力量就不再 提供成’同時由馬達後框82 後蓋41的結構弱點;1、固疋軸3之結構強度完全克服 軸3 與固定軸3所構成,固定 孔418,具有螺牙奶的加之底部中央附有0型環密封槽的轴 緊鎖在一上:使==:= 12 M369391M369391 V. New description: [New technology field] Since producers pursue the maximum use efficiency of production equipment, they can also be used in high-lift and low-flow two. The managers of the production line are not considered by many factors. The specification of the pump at any time _, so that the permanent magnet Wei pump gradually pays attention to the user. The creation of this product is miscellaneous - New &, (10) Street cistern structure enables the water magnetic canned pump to meet the needs of various purposes. This creation series provides the canned county shaft seal of the permanent magnet motor shaft, hereinafter referred to as the reduction of the pump, the improvement, especially the plastic or plastic for the application of high-mix chemical liquid, pressurization and circulation. Pumping; because high-corrosion chemical liquid invading and leaking money, plus the liquid temperature in the process will reach 85C 'will make the _ piece _ degree greatly reduced and deformed, know the plastic or plastic liner tank The reliability and performance of the fixed (four)-shaped three-way (4) and the sealed back cover, or the reinforced structure of the sealed back cover, the reliability and performance of To improve reliability and service life. [Prior Art] Permanent magnet canned pumps have been widely used in many applications that are resistant to corrosion or leaks. Canned shaftless pumps made of metal materials are used in many industrial applications; The canned shaftless pump made of plastic material is designed according to the design concept of the shaftless magnetically driven pump, and further replaces the traditional induction motor with a permanent magnet motor. The purpose is to use a high efficiency motor and lift the pump. The application range of Pu, and the easier adjustment of flow and head, and the smaller size, can meet the needs of users in a wider range of production processes. Referring to the first figure, the conventional permanent magnet canned pump is a bilateral support M369391 fixed axis structure; the fruit pump is composed of a pump front cover 4, an impeller 5, a sealing back cover 41, a fixed shaft 3, and a shaft tripod 31. The canopy motor 8 is configured; the front cover 4 is provided with an inlet, outlet 45 and a flow channel space 47 for accommodating the impeller 5, and the inner side of the front cover 4 is provided with a person π stop pure 46 at the inlet material. The wire and the impeller 5 population _ impeller thrust ring are combined to form an axial thrust bearing; the impeller 5 is installed inside the fruit front cover 4, and the three ends of the front cover 4 of the money front cover can be axially passed through the leaf The hub opening 54' is used to pivot one end of the fixed shaft 3; the impeller hub 52 is (four) extended, which is combined with the motor rotor 7_the portion 76, so that the impeller 5 and the motor rotor 7 constitute - the body 7 and the blade The hub 52 is injection-molded into a unitary structure; the W眺疋 motor-rotating motor rotor 7 is composed of a permanent magnet 71, a rotor 鲕7:4, and is coated with engineering plastics of the turn = no shaft 4' The bearing 77 and the bearing 78 are used to fix the j fluid dynamic pressure bearing system to support the rotation and power transmission of the rotor 7; the structure of the rotor 7 is axially extended. The extension portion 76 is configured to be combined with the impeller 52 to effectively transmit the power of the body. In many cases, the motor rotor 7 and the impeller hub 52 are injection-molded into a cup-like structure, and the front end flange portion 411 is combined with the pump front cover. 4 and the side of the circle, the Itan 81, the wire prevents the ship's face (10) from leaking; the side of the back cover 41, the cylinder M12, fits into the inner jg of the motor stator 83, used to ==: rot: 'the bottom of the back cover 41 is Flat plate === The hole hole seat 413 of the concave blind hole structure is used to support the other end of the fixed shaft 3 thrust bearing ring 414, the inner chamber space 415 of the rear cover 41 is the shaft 3 and the motor rotor 7; The fixed shaft 3 is a bilateral support structure, and the one end of the _ tilting-consumption is respectively supported by the tripod 31 and the arm socket 413. The middle portion is replaced with the bearing 77 and the bearing 78. Rotation of the floor rotor 7; the canned motor 8 is composed of a motor stator 83, a motor middle frame 8 - a motor rotor 7 and a fixed shaft 3, wherein = sub = and reaches the middle frame 81 - the motor rear frame 82 is fixed In the motor middle frame 81, and a central portion has a recessed shaft support 821 for fixing the back cover with 氺Γ to strengthen the scale force of the fixed shaft; the motor middle frame 81 is兰兰811. The scorpion 83 and its coil 831 are composed of 徭篆41_么#^, the horse shaft contacts the motor rear frame 82 =:== the power of the liquid actuator is connected to the stator coil : The medium has the power of the horse and the force of the export, so that the clear magnetic shaft structure is as shown in the second figure; the pump is composed of the pump front cover 4, the impeller 5, and the other is the cantilever fixed motor 8 The pump front cover 4__A fixed shaft 3 and the tank=accommodating the impeller 5, the inner side of the pump front cover 4 is at the second=-:way=ring 46, and the I-inlet thrust push bearing for the inlet side of the impeller 5 >, the pusher 53 is lightly combined to form the axial stop impeller 5 to be mounted inside the chestnut front cover 4 as the internal turbidity loop. The opening 54 of the wheel number plate 55 is axially oriented by the impeller hub 52. The extended ring structure = balance hole in addition to the surface thrust, the portion 76 is combined, so that the impeller 5 and the motor are rotated and the axial extension 7 of the motor rotor 7 and the leaf cavity 52 are integrally formed into a single body. The rotary motor rotor 7 is covered by a permanent magnet 7 and a rotor-resistant engineering plastic. The ring-shaped glue 74 composed of 72, the hollow portion of the rotor 7 is provided with a ring-shaped magnetic rotor-packed synthetic dynamic pressure bearing system of a bearing 77 and a leaking slit to support the bearing 78 of the rotor 7 for coupling with the fixed shaft 3 The cylindrical structure is an axial extension 76, and the power transmission, the rotor 7 of the rotor is combined with 52 to effectively transmit M369391 = power 'in many cases, the motor rotor 7 and _52 are injection molded into a „ back cover 41 is a cup shape The flange portion 411 of the front end is combined with the frame flange 8U of the pump front cover 4 and the motor 8 for preventing the leakage of the liquid of the rot, and the side cylindrical portion 412 of the rear cover 41 is fitted into the motor stator 83. The inner circle is used to isolate the residual liquid to prevent the motor coil 831 from being rotted; the bottom of the rear cover 41 is completely covered with a rigid structural member and the end of the fixed shaft 3, wherein the central structural member of the rigid structural member supports the fixed shaft 3 - end, and provide a fixing seat to fix the inner cover of the rear cover thrust bearing ring 414 2 chamber space 415 for positioning the fixed shaft 3 and the motor rotor 7; the solid shaft 3 is a cantilever structure made of corrosion resistance The pottery material is composed of the potted part and the structure 416, and the middle part and the shaft i 77 and The bearing 78 is coupled to support the rotation of the rotor 7; the motor 8 is a horse slave 83, and the horse frame 8 is a fixed shaft 3, wherein the motor stator: = the leakage of the sturdy body, the motor stator 83 and its coil δ3 ΐ = With the drive motor, the power mirror of the driver can be connected to the stator coil. Please refer to the first and second figures. The turbulent flow through the flow path of the impeller 5 becomes; 1 force: the direction of the fuel 6 pump outlet 45 rounds In the middle, the flow direction of the body is 61, and the back is programmed into the body of the body, such as the axis direction 62, and flows through the gap between the inner diameter of the inner wall of the impeller 5 and the gap between the bearing 78 and the bearing 78. If the flow direction is 64, the most M369391 is in the flow direction of 65, returning to the impeller inlet. The circulating flow of this fluid is used to provide the heat required for the ceramic 'ceramic bearing lubrication and to take away the heat generated by the rotor; VIII—the permanent magnet pump The basic structure is that the horse-wound circle 831 of the transposition motor 8 provides the stator rotating magnetic field 'and interacts with the permanent magnet magnetic field of the motor rotor 7 to generate torque and rotation'. The driving method is different from the direct-synchronous movement of the outer rotor; Since the motor coil 831 is composed of an induction coil, this means The sense & coil requires a larger volume than the permanent magnet to generate sufficient magnetic flux, or, in contrast, the magnetic flux of the large motor rotor 7', so the structure of the motor rotor 7 must cooperate with the motor stator 83 to produce the wire; However, this also means that the fixed shaft 3 of the motor 8 must bear more centrifugal force load from the weight of the motor rotor 7. The load of these centrifugal forces comes from the residual unbalance of the motor rotor 7 itself, 'plus the hydraulic bearing when running The centrifugal force generated by the eccentricity of the lubrication gap; the conventional technology to support the motor fixed shaft 3 with the structural strength of the plastic part often needs to face the problem of insufficient structural strength, especially when the temperature is in the enthalpy; secondly, the new one of the plastic part and the ceramic piece The shape quantity alone will also greatly reduce the supporting force of the fixed shaft 3 or cause deformation. For example, the main supporting structural member of the double-sided supporting fixed shaft is the strength of the cantilever structure of the tripod 31' bipod 31 at high temperature. Will decrease the shaft eccentricity; regardless of the bilateral support fixed shaft 3 or the cantilever support fixed shaft 3, the rear cover 41 is fixed, and the other support structure of 3 The thickness of the rear cover 41 itself is thinner in the side cylindrical portion 412. The valley is deformed by the liquid temperature or pressure. Although the side cylindrical portion 412 has the inner ring of the motor stator, the deformation is still easily affected. The central axis of the back cover is positioned 'this is another reason for the eccentricity of the fixed shaft; when the temperature and pressure increase until the back cover is sufficiently deformed, the fixed shaft can no longer be tightly coupled with the tripod 31 and the shaft hole seat 413 and loosened. The other reason for the other age is that the plastic material is different from the heat-changing material of the ceramic material, which causes a gap between the fixed shaft 3 and the plastic material to make the fixed shaft 3 loose; 7 M369391 water-magnetic canned pump is driven by the drive, As long as the output of the handle motor 8 is within a reasonable range, or the output torque is within a reasonable range, it can be appropriately increased by more than the rated point; when operating at low speed, these deformations and core strength considerations There is no need to pay attention to the system, but when the running speed exceeds the Wei speed, the centrifugal force of the fixed shaft 3 will increase by the quadratic multiple of the speed ratio. In view of the above-mentioned Lipu operation requirements, the core problems that the solution must face for the application requirements of the high-corrosion process are as follows: (1) The problem of insufficient bonding strength of plastic and ceramic materials due to thermophysical properties 0 (2) The problem of the strength of plastic materials at high temperatures is reduced. (3) The problem that the centrifugal speed increases when the operating speed exceeds the rated speed. The solution to the above problems, the ship must be analyzed for the detailed reasons of each side of the problem, in order to achieve the purpose of completely solving the problem, the following is the analysis of the cause of the problem: (1) the strength of plastic materials · · the strength of many corrosion resistant materials can not Tao Jing material phase ^ ' Especially the temperature increase, the material touch is slightly lower, the miscellaneous is still good strength under the temperature increase, but its resistance is insufficient. (2) The problem of money shape of plastic materials: Many materials have poor heat-resistant deformation properties and cannot maintain close bonding with ceramic materials. (3) Two speeds away from the force problem · The mass of the motor rotor is large, and the clearance required for lubrication between the hydraulic bearing and the solid shaft will increase the burden of the centrifugal force of the fixed shaft, and the ratio of the force to the speed of the fixed shaft is 2 2 times is said to be large, and the fixed shaft must bear higher centrifugal force when the surface is operated above the 舣 speed. 1 Solving the above problems has been related to the proposed solution, in which: The British patent pre-existing bill No. GB2417981 is the county suspension galaxie shaft structure design, = the bottom of the rear sill is made of high-rigidity structural members and the fixed shaft-starting, The plastic is combined with the solid and the (4) support force. The special ship (4) is made of M369391 with high temperature resistance and high strength. 'But this material f can not meet the demand of high-corrosion liquid such as hydrogen acid. Because the patent's previous case examines the engine cooling water circulation, there is no problem of resistance to recording, but the application of the plastic material in the anti-corrosion process, the combination of the fixed shaft and the glue, and the combination of other metal parts and return In the way, it is impossible to completely seal the liquid that is still rotted; the second part of the back cover is not enough to meet the success or failure (four) displacement or # position. In addition, the Japanese patent pre-issue No. JP2005299559 uses a fixed-axle structure with bilateral support, uses a tripod in the pump population and uses the added rigid social components at the bottom of the back cover to strengthen the side (four) branch #; The weight of the rotor ^ 重 重 ' 'This feature effectively solves the weight problem of the rotor; but its structure is still ",, the method meets the softening deformation of the plastic material of the cylindrical part of the back cover under the south temperature, triangular pick, difficult structure The pieces must be considered in the demand of the high-corruption money two. 'The turn is only suitable for the purpose of smuggling but the water cycle is not used by the ship. The solution does not answer the high _ high temperature liquid chemical process' so this ___ provides the most If the creator of the singer solves this creator, in view of this, 'accumulate to this = this creation can be improved step by step," called [new content] kind of splicing material is corrosion resistant plastic forever; the main purpose of this creation is to provide one The structure of the canned fruit is improved, especially for the unilateral water magnet = the solid, the strength can meet the various power needs of the sealing function to meet the needs of various chemical liquids, and the innovative structure can provide more High temperature process touch / Job requirements, detailed description of this creation by Zizuo as follows: M369391 [Embodiment] Please refer to the third figure, the permanent magnet canned Lipu of this creation is a cantilever fixed shaft structure; the pump is driven by a pump The front cover 4, the impeller 5 and the canned motor 8 are formed, wherein: * the chest front cover 4 is provided with an inlet 44, an outlet 45 and a first-class space 4? for accommodating the impeller 5; the pump front cover 4 _ on the person's day 44 The inlet thrust ring may be combined with the impeller thrust ring 53 on the inlet side of the impeller 5 to form an axial thrust bearing; the impeller 5 is mounted inside the chestnut front cover 4, and the impeller is provided with a plurality of impellers on the plate = hole 54 is used as a return hole for the internal lubrication cycle, and also as a two-hole hole for eliminating the axial thrust. The leaf record 52 is an axially extending ring structure for coupling with the thrust extension 76 of the motor rotor 7. The impeller 5 and the motor rotor 7 are formed into a body. The flange portion 411 of the cover 41 is combined with the back cover back plate 417 into a rigid flange: the structure of the frame 81 is on the surface _ used to lock the rear cover flange After Zhao’s search _ touch: motor sec: square 4 motor · soil line exit 822, so that the electrical age of the coupler can be connected to the stator coil to = can The motor rotor 7 of up to 8 is combined with the fixed (four), for the transfer, the structure of the rotor 7 is ^= turn ^ _ power transmission motor 8 after shame 41 is - cup-shaped structure, the front end of the method M369391 first combined with the back cover The back plate 417 is formed into a rigid flange structure 'recombined with the front cover 4 of the pump and the frame flange 811 of the motor 8 for preventing leakage of corrosive liquid to enhance the sealing property; the side cylindrical portion 412 of the rear cover 41 is inserted into the motor The inner circumference of the stator 83 is used to insulate the scum of the liquid to prevent the motor coil 831 from being corroded; the bottom of the bottom of the rear cover 41 has a shaft hole 418 with a 〇-ring seal groove to accommodate the metal shaft 32 of the shaft 3; After that, the metal shaft 32 passes through the center hole of the ceramic bushing. 2, please refer to the seventh figure. The fixed shaft 3 is made of a metal shaft 32-end circular head 321 and one end is pressed against the ceramic shaft. The front end face 333 of the sleeve (as shown in the ninth figure) 'the other end of the metal shaft 32 having the threaded teeth is passed through the motor rear frame hole 823 and locked to the motor rear frame 82 (as shown in the eighth figure), so that the thrust is attached The T-sleeve 33 of the ring can be pressed against the rear frame 82 of the motor, and the bottom of the rear cover & is formed by 〇^-complete (four) face; the back cover 41 The chamber space 415 is used for arranging the solid shaft 3 and the motor rotor 7; the target shaft 3 of the canned motor 8 is a cantilever structure composed of a ruin and a wear-resistant ceramics = 3 mils ^ 3__ 82 and Together with the rear cover 41, the ceramic sleeve 33 is formed by the circular head 321 of the metal shaft 32 and the rear metal: Γ=25 tightly and contracted, and constitutes a high-rigidity composite fixed (four) 仙Please refer to the shaft hole 332 * with the 0-ring seal groove in the center of the bottom of the rear plate 41. As shown in the figure IX, the metal shaft 32 passes through the middle of the pottery sleeve 333 ^ with the nut m silver etch 1 The other end passes through the motor rear frame hole 823, and can be pressed against the motor after === (as shown in the eighth figure), so that the ceramic sleeve 33 is secured on the bottom surface 825 of the rear cover 4i. As shown in the figure, it is true that the thrust bearing pusher portion 331 is used to output a portion of the fluid with the rotor bearing 79 M369391, such as the flow direction 62, entering the chamber space of the rear cover 41 via the back side of the impeller 5. 415, and through the outer side of the rotor and the bottom of the back cover flow, such as the flow direction 63, and then through the fixed shaft 3 and the bearing = such as the flow direction 64 ' finally flow through the leaf training hole 54, such as flow Direction 65, two-axis lion tender _ tear required and with motor = map: two: = 3 = __ set in: r strength to _ gold two ===: scale center hole 332, and with a circle The shape of the head 321 is tightly disgusted with the front end face 333, so that the _ sleeve fixed end face Na 3 becomes the hybrid of the rigidity I of the composite body, so that the fixed axis = the paste force Wei (four) is no longer provided as the support force of 3 The structure of the rear cover 41 of the motor rear frame 82 is weak; 1. The structural strength of the fixed shaft 3 completely overcomes the structure of the shaft 3 and the fixed shaft 3, and the fixing hole 418 has a threaded milk and a 0-ring sealing groove is provided at the center of the bottom. The shaft is locked on one: make ==:= 12 M369391

82之驗面825上,並確保後蓋41底部之〇 以構成一完整密封; 請參閱第五圖所示,馬達轉子7與葉輪5結合成-體的結構 說明’葉輪之葉輪轂52為-環狀軸向延伸結構,與轉子7的軸向 延伸部76相結合,使得轉子7之動力得以傳遞,馬達轉子7係由 高磁通密紅永久_ 71、料姉72、麻贿75與轉子包 膠74所構成’轉子中心孔内裝設有軸承79用來與固定軸3上的 陶竞轴套合’構成__承縣切轉子7的運轉;馬達 轉子7的㈣74為完全無_包膠,為加強軸向延伸部76之強 度,轴承襯套75也有做軸向延伸以加強其強度; 由於馬達轉子7的重量成為離心力的主要來源,其次是包膠 工作產生的偏心異位量’重量的來源包含永久磁鐵7卜轉子輛部 72、軸承襯套75、轉子包膠74與轴承79,本創作的轉子輕量化 設計重點在使永久磁鐵71與轉子輛部72輕量化,也就是能滿足 ^通密度f求下財轉作部72之最幼徑,這種結構可以取得 輕量化的轉子重量;但是在轉子_ 72之陳熱承79之外押 間會有从徑向空間存在,並導致轉+包膠74之厚度過大產生^ v等偏。異位問4,本創作採肖輕量化高強度的轴承襯套75來 服包膠工作產生變料偏心異位問題的方法,軸承襯套Μ的長度 ,蓋轉子姉72長度以及軸向_部76的長度,絲向延伸; 6的内部由軸承襯套75所支撐,確絲向延伸部?6保有最佳的 動力傳_性’由以上的設計構成本_在轉子7的包膠?4仍能 維持在合理的等厚度而不會產生不規麻㈣形,近—步讀保轉 子7的包膠工程會有優良的不平衡殘量; 、 、請參閱第六圖所示,馬達後蓋41之結構說明,馬達後蓋41 為一杯形結構,開口側有—法蘭部411用來與泵浦前蓋4相結合 13 M369391 與容室空間415,法蘭部411的後側有一後 ==::=的r強度,並•馬達_ A 密封、、Ό構以防止腐餘液體的茂漏;後蓋41 ^㈣二tM12套入馬達定子83的内圓(請參閱第四圖),用 °、、體防止馬達線圈831被腐蝕;側邊圓筒部412的厚 厚度不足衫響耐顧年限;後蓋41之 轴32穿過,用來結人齡虹太0。令汗兔屬 μ /陶是轴套3與馬達後框82以構成後蓋41 之70,封’ g 41之結構強度弱點可以完全避免; 來緊九圖:示,金屬軸32 一端具有圓形頭部321用 來緊壓陶麦軸套33 ’圓形頭部321則以塑膠包膠犯2,其上並設 以達成密封耐知力能,金屬軸32另—端為具有螺牙卿, :金屬轴32被正確安裝時’圓形頭部321緊壓在陶竟軸套33的 前端^ 333 ’螺牙323的另一端?過後蓋41之轴孔418並以螺帽 324緊鎖馬達後框82,該金屬轴32係穿過陶堯轴套抑的中心孔 332 ’使得陶甍軸套33能被緊壓在馬達後框82之麗縮面咖上, 並碟保後蓋41底部之〇型環有正摘壓缩量以構成一完整密封; 配口第八圖所不’馬達後框82為—金屬製零件,用來密封馬 達線圈使*會暴露在腐紐线巾,並提縣臂摘㈣定轴3 最有力的支撐’其中心孔823可以讓金屬轴32的螺牙咖穿過, 壓縮面825用來與陶兗軸套33之端面335相轉合,陶究轴套羽 被壓縮時提供高賊的支撐結構;當馬達後蓋41被固定轴3緊鎖 時’馬達後框82與陶竟轴套33會正確的確保後蓋41密封的〇型 環有正確的壓縮密封’馬達後框82上並設有複數個〇型環槽,分 別用來提供馬達線圈831與馬達後蓋41密封之用,馬達後框82 上並有-電纜線出π 822,用來提供驅動器的魏線連結馬達線圈 M369391 83卜 . 配合第九圖所示,陶錄套33為-管狀結構,其中心孔332 -用來容許金屬軸32穿過’端面333用來與金屬轴頭部321密合壓 縮,另一_ 331具有盤狀止推環結構,用來與轉子7之轴承79 之轴向端面相耦合,構成馬達轉子7的止推軸承;轴承外表面微 為-光滑表面與轉子7之軸承79之_面構成義壓轴承,以提 供轉子轉動所需的支樓滑動面,端面335與馬達後框82之壓縮面 825相結合以構成高剛性固定軸3。 • 本__臂式岐轴3結敎全克服習知技触限於後蓋 41強度不足的問題’而且也克服轉件與陶餅 而大幅降低支撐力或產生變形的問題,當温度與壓 41足以變形時,固定軸3也將持續提供足夠強度完全不受影響; 當操作轉速的增加超過額定點的轉速,固定軸3可以完全^受以 二次方倍數增加的離心力。 綜上所述,本創作適於變轉速永磁罐裝泵浦之高剛性固定軸 結構’懸臂式固定轴係安裝於泵浦内部的罐裝馬達,並由密封後 鲁 羞、馬達後框、陶兗抽套及金屬轴所構成,此一高剛性的朽單蜂 構可以有效地支樓馬達轉子的運轉,並維持泵浦内腐蝕藥液的密 封無洩漏,其實用功效當無庸置疑;而本創作又從未公諸於市或 已見於其他刊物’實已符合專利法之規定,爰依法提出專利申請 之0 15 M369391 【圖式簡單說明】 第一圖:係習用之雙邊支撐固定軸產品剖面示意圖。 第二圖:係習用之懸臂固定軸產品剖面示意圖。 第三圖:係本創作之實施例剖面示意圖。 第四圖:係本創作之固定軸結構示意圖。 第五圖:係本創作之馬達轉子與葉輪剖面示意圖 第六圖:係本創作之密封後蓋剖面示意圖。 第七圖:係本創作之金屬軸剖面示意圖。 第八圖:係本創作之馬達後框剖面示意圖。 第九圖:係本創作之陶瓷軸套剖面示意圖。 【主要元件符號說明】 3 : 固定轴 31 : 轴三腳架 32 : 金屬軸 321 :圓形頭部 322 :包膠 323 :螺牙 324 :螺帽 33 : 陶瓷軸套 331 :止推端面 332 :中心孔 333 :端面 334 :轴承外表面 335 :固定端面 4 : 前蓋 41 : 後蓋 M369391 411 ··法蘭部 -412:圓筒部 413 :軸孔座 414 :後蓋止推軸承環 415 :容室空間 417 :後蓋背板 418 :軸孔 44 :入口 > 45 :出口 46 :入口止推環 47 :流道空間 5 :葉輪 52 :葉輪轂 53 :葉輪止推環 54 :葉輪轂開孔 55 :葉輪轂板 _ 6:流動方向 61 :流動方向 62 :流動方向 63 :流動方向 64 :流動方向 65 :流動方向 7:馬達轉子 71 :永久磁鐵 72 :轉子輛部 74 :轉子包膠 M369391 75 :軸承襯套 76 :轴向延伸部 77 :軸承 78 :軸承 79 :轴承 8:罐裝馬達 81 :馬達中框 811 :法蘭 > 82 :馬達後框 821 :軸支撐座 822 :電力纜線出口 823 :中心孔 825 :壓縮面 83 :馬達定子 831 :馬達線圈82 on the face 825, and ensure the bottom of the back cover 41 to form a complete seal; see the fifth figure, the motor rotor 7 and the impeller 5 combined into a body structure description 'impeller wheel hub 52 is - The annular axially extending structure, in combination with the axial extension 76 of the rotor 7, allows the power of the rotor 7 to be transmitted. The motor rotor 7 is composed of a high magnetic flux dense red permanent _ 71, a magazine 72, a bribe 75 and a rotor. The rubber 74 is formed in the rotor center hole and is provided with a bearing 79 for fitting with the ceramic shaft on the fixed shaft 3 to constitute the operation of the cutting rotor 7 of the Chengxian; the (four) 74 of the motor rotor 7 is completely unpacked. In order to strengthen the strength of the axial extension 76, the bearing bushing 75 also has an axial extension to strengthen its strength; since the weight of the motor rotor 7 becomes the main source of centrifugal force, and secondly the amount of eccentricity generated by the rubberizing work' The source of the weight includes the permanent magnet 7, the rotor portion 72, the bearing bushing 75, the rotor wrap 74 and the bearing 79. The lightweight design of the rotor of the present invention focuses on making the permanent magnet 71 and the rotor portion 72 lightweight, that is, Satisfy the pass density f The diameter of this structure can achieve a lightweight rotor weight; however, there will be a radial space outside the rotor _ 72 of the heat exchanger 79, and the thickness of the turn + rubber 74 will be excessively generated. . Eccentric Q4, this method uses the lightweight and high-strength bearing bushing 75 to apply the rubber-coated work to produce the eccentricity problem of the variable material, the length of the bearing bushing, the length of the cover rotor 姊72 and the axial direction The length of 76, the wire extends; the inside of the 6 is supported by the bearing bushing 75, the wire is extended to the extension? 6 retains the best power transmission _ sex 'constructed by the above design _ in the rotor 7 encapsulation? 4 can still maintain a reasonable thickness and will not produce irregular (four) shape, near-step reading rotor 7 of the rubber project will have excellent unbalanced residual;, please refer to the sixth figure, the motor The structure of the rear cover 41 shows that the motor rear cover 41 has a cup-shaped structure, and the flange side portion 411 is used to combine with the pump front cover 4 13 M369391 and the chamber space 415, and the rear side of the flange portion 411 has a structure. After ==::= r intensity, and • motor _ A seal, Ό structure to prevent leakage of residual liquid; back cover 41 ^ (four) two tM12 nested into the inner circle of the motor stator 83 (see the fourth figure) The body coil 831 is prevented from being corroded by the °, the body; the thick thickness of the side cylindrical portion 412 is less than the age of the shirt; the shaft 32 of the back cover 41 passes through, and is used to make the human age too zero. Let the sweat rabbit μ / pottery be the sleeve 3 and the motor rear frame 82 to constitute the back cover 41 70, the structural strength weakness of the seal ' g 41 can be completely avoided; to close the nine figure: the metal shaft 32 has a round end The head 321 is used to press the ceramic wheat sleeve 33 'the round head 321 is made of plastic rubber 2, which is set up to achieve the sealing resistance, and the metal shaft 32 has the screw end. When the metal shaft 32 is properly mounted, the 'circular head 321 is pressed against the other end of the front end of the ceramic bushing 33 333 ' screw 323? The shaft hole 418 of the rear cover 41 is locked with the nut 324 to lock the motor rear frame 82. The metal shaft 32 is passed through the center hole 332 ' of the ceramic sleeve so that the ceramic sleeve 33 can be pressed against the rear frame of the motor. 82 丽 缩 面 咖 , , , 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 82 To seal the motor coil so that * will be exposed to the corrugated wire towel, and mention the county arm picking (four) fixed axis 3 the most powerful support 'the center hole 823 can let the metal shaft 32 thread through, the compression surface 825 is used with The end face 335 of the pottery sleeve 33 is rotated, and the support sleeve structure is provided when the sleeve feather is compressed; when the motor rear cover 41 is locked by the fixed shaft 3, the motor rear frame 82 and the ceramic collar 33 It will ensure that the 〇-ring sealed by the rear cover 41 has the correct compression seal. The motor rear frame 82 is provided with a plurality of 〇-shaped ring grooves for respectively providing the motor coil 831 and the motor rear cover 41 for sealing. On the rear frame 82 and there is - cable line out π 822, used to provide the driver's Wei wire connection motor coil M369391 83 Bu. With the ninth figure The ceramic casing 33 is a tubular structure having a central hole 332 for allowing the metal shaft 32 to pass through the 'end surface 333 for tight compression with the metal shaft head 321 and the other 331 having a disc-shaped thrust ring structure. For coupling with the axial end face of the bearing 79 of the rotor 7, forming a thrust bearing of the motor rotor 7; the outer surface of the bearing is a smooth surface and the bearing 79 of the rotor 7 constitutes a pressure bearing to provide a rotor The desired building sliding surface is rotated, and the end surface 335 is combined with the compression surface 825 of the motor rear frame 82 to form a highly rigid fixed shaft 3. • The __ arm type 岐 shaft 3 knots completely overcome the problem that the conventional technique is limited to the lack of strength of the rear cover 41' and also overcomes the problem of the support member and the ceramic cake greatly reducing the support force or deformation, when the temperature and pressure 41 When it is sufficient to deform, the fixed shaft 3 will continue to provide sufficient strength to be completely unaffected; when the operating speed increases beyond the rated speed, the fixed shaft 3 can be fully subjected to the centrifugal force increased by a multiple of the square. In summary, the creation is suitable for a high-rigidity fixed-axis structure of variable-speed permanent magnet canned pumping. The cantilever-type fixed shaft system is installed in the canned motor inside the pump, and is sealed by the shame, the motor rear frame, The high-rigidity single-bee structure can effectively operate the rotor of the branch motor and maintain the seal of the corrosive liquid in the pump without leakage. The practical effect is undoubted; The creation has never been published in the city or has been seen in other publications. It has already complied with the provisions of the Patent Law. 0 Patent application for legal application 0 15 M369391 [Simple description of the diagram] The first picture: the profile of the bilateral support fixed axis product schematic diagram. Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the product of the cantilever fixed shaft product. The third figure is a schematic cross-sectional view of an embodiment of the present creation. The fourth picture is a schematic diagram of the fixed axis structure of the present creation. Figure 5: Schematic diagram of the motor rotor and impeller of this creation. Figure 6: Schematic diagram of the sealed back cover of this creation. Figure 7: Schematic diagram of the metal shaft of this creation. Figure 8: A schematic diagram of the rear frame of the motor. The ninth picture: is a schematic cross-section of the ceramic bushing of the present creation. [Main component symbol description] 3 : Fixed shaft 31 : Shaft tripod 32 : Metal shaft 321 : Round head 322 : Rubber 323 : Screw 324 : Nut 33 : Ceramic bushing 331 : Thrust end face 332 : Center hole 333 : end face 334 : bearing outer surface 335 : fixed end face 4 : front cover 41 : rear cover M369391 411 · · flange portion - 412 : cylindrical portion 413 : shaft hole seat 414 : rear cover thrust bearing ring 415 : chamber Space 417: Back cover back plate 418: Shaft hole 44: Inlet > 45: Outlet 46: Entrance thrust ring 47: Flow path space 5: Impeller 52: Impeller hub 53: Impeller thrust ring 54: Impeller hub opening 55 : Impeller hub plate _ 6: Flow direction 61 : Flow direction 62 : Flow direction 63 : Flow direction 64 : Flow direction 65 : Flow direction 7 : Motor rotor 71 : Permanent magnet 72 : Rotor part 74 : Rotor envelop M369391 75 : Bearing bushing 76: axial extension 77: bearing 78: bearing 79: bearing 8: canned motor 81: motor middle frame 811: flange> 82: motor rear frame 821: shaft support 822: power cable outlet 823: center hole 825: compression surface 83: motor stator 831: motor coil

Claims (1)

M369391 M369391 六 申請專利範圍: [、職泵浦之結觀良,㈣顧輕、葉輪及 罐裝馬達所構成,其中·· =蓋’設有-入口、出口及一流道空間用來容納葉輪; 安裝在泵前蓋内部,其葉輪穀板上設有複數個開孔 :來作,_環的回流孔,也作為消除軸向推力的平 ,孔’葉驗為軸向延伸的_結構,用來與馬達轉子 向延伸部結合,使葉輪與馬達轉子構成一體; 由馬達定子、馬達巾框、馬達馳、泵浦後蓋、 軸所構成’其中馬達定子係被安裝在馬達中 雜姻定在馬達中框上,泵浦後蓋法蘭部、 ===與泵前蓋緊難封,以防止腐做體的茂漏, 由果浦後蓋完全密封,隔絕顧液體的 器的雷士觸4達後框的下方設有一電力緵線出口,使驅動 的電力觀能祕定子、_尋動馬達; 構==轉久磁鐵、轉子輛部及軸承襯套所 的環狀磁性轉 姓的工程塑膠包覆成-無編 輛合成液動壓轉子的中空部設有抽承用來與固定軸 轴承,轉子之圓筒狀結構為軸向延伸部由 遞轉子的“;剛性與強度,絲與葉輪相結合以有效傳 合前蓋t果浦後蓋為一杯狀結構’其前端之法蘭部用來結 性,後蓋Ιίί蘭,时防止腐歸體_漏以強化密ί 液體防止馬達達定子的内圓,用來隔絕雜 密封槽的觀㈣士,後蓋之底料央有—附有0型環 構成具密封功能之懸臂式固定軸;固定軸 M369391 結構由耐腐蝕與耐磨耗的陶瓷軸套、金屬軸與馬達後 m域泵紐蓋制顧完整_㈣祕,陶究軸 古两軸之0祠部與後框之麗縮面緊麵縮,以構成一 间剛性的複合朗定軸,·其巾金屬軸 :有:型環密封槽的抽孔,該金屬抽係穿過^ 屬細t具有圓形碩部之—端緊縣喊軸套的前端面,金 馬達德据,牙的另《一端則穿過馬達後框孔,並以螺帽緊鎖在 ’使得喊軸套紐緊綠馬達後框之壓縮面 完整ίΓίϊ後蓋底部之0型環有正確眺縮量以構成-型圓形頭部則以塑膠包膠,其上並設有0 ϊίΐίί力能,喊轴套之止推環部用來與轉子 承互相耦合構成液動壓止推軸承。 永纟#構从’其购馬達絲鄉裝馬達, ===:、馬達轉子、泵浦後蓋、懸臂固定 運中框及馬達後框所構成,其特徵為: 動馬達 使驅動騎電讀線能連結定子線圈以驅 結構,並::::磁鐵、轉子軛部與軸承襯套所構成的環型 轉子包膠程塑膠包覆成一無线漏缝的環狀磁性 壓轴承系統n ”卩⑦有軸承絲翻定㈣合成液動 增加剛性與靜,Ζ筒狀結構為麵延伸部由軸承襯套來 、又’來與葉輪穀相結合以有效傳遞轉子的動 20 M369391 力; 罐士,達之果浦後蓋*—杯狀結構,其前端之法蘭部用來結 〇剛蓋,中框法蘭,用來防止腐蝕液體的洩漏以強化密封 佳’後蓋之侧邊圓筒部套人馬達定子賴圓,用來隔絕腐钱 液體防止馬達_被_ ;後蓋之底部中央有—附有〇型環 密封槽的軸孔’以構成具密封功能之懸臂式固定轴; 固定轴為懸臂結構由耐顧與耐磨耗的陶究軸套、金屬軸及 馬達後框構成,並與泵浦後蓋共同構成完整的轴密封系統, • 随軸套由金屬軸之圓形頭部與後框之壓縮面緊鎖麗縮,以 構成-高剛性的複合式固定轴;其中金屬轴係穿過後蓋之底 种央附有G型環㈣槽的轴孔,該金屬⑽穿過陶竟轴套 的中心孔’伽具有®刺部之—端緊壓摘錄套的前端 面i金屬轴具有螺牙的另_端卿柄達後槪,並以螺帽 緊鎖在馬達後框上,使得陶竟軸套能被緊壓在馬達後框之壓 縮面上,並確保泵浦後蓋底部之〇型環有正確的壓縮量以構 成元整密封;金屬轴的圓形頭部則以塑膠包膠,其上並設 0 有〇型環以達成密封耐蝕功能,陶瓷轴套之止推環部用來與 轉子軸承互相耦合構成液動壓止推轴承。 3、一種永磁罐裝泵浦之結構改良,其罐裝馬達之固定軸為懸臂 結構:固定轴由陶变轴套、金屬軸及馬達後框構成,並與果 浦後蓋共同構成完整的轴密封系統,其固定軸特徵為: 金屬軸係穿過後蓋之底部中央附有〇型環密封槽的軸孔,該 金屬軸係穿過陶瓷軸套的中心孔,並以具有圓形頭部之一^ 緊壓在陶瓷軸套的前端面,金屬軸具有螺牙的另一端則穿過 馬達後框孔,並以螺帽緊鎖在馬達後框上,使得陶究軸套能 被緊壓在馬達後框之壓縮面上’並確保栗浦後蓋底部之〇型 21 M369391 環有正確的壓縮量以構成一完整密封;金屬軸的圓形頭部則 ' 以塑膠包膠,其上並設有0型環以達成密封耐蝕功能,陶曼 轴套之止推環部用來與轉子軸承互相耦合構成液動壓止推轴 承。 4、 一種永磁罐裝泵浦之結構改良’其永磁罐裝馬達之轉子係具 有高強度輕量化之轴承襯套結構,其特徵為: 馬達轉子是由永久磁鐵、轉子軛部與軸承襯套所構成的環型 結構’並由耐腐蝕的工程塑膠包覆成一無洩漏缝的環狀磁性 • 轉子包膠;馬達轉子之永久磁鐵與轉子軛部具有相近的厚 度’輕量化高強度的軸承襯套被安裝在轉子軛部的内徑上, 使轉子重量減輕並使轉子在包膠後的環狀内徑變小,環狀内 徑可以安裝轴承使與固定軸構成液動壓軸承系統,軸承襯套 的長度涵蓋轉子輛部長度以及轉子轴向延伸部,使軸向延伸 部的内部由轴承襯套所支撐,確保軸向延伸部保有最佳的動 力傳遞剛性,用來與葉輪轂相結合以有效傳遞轉子的動力。 5、 如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項所述之永磁罐裝泵浦之結構 # 改良,其中,泵浦後蓋為一杯狀結構其前端之法蘭部首先結 合後蓋背板成一剛性法蘭結構,再結合泵前蓋及馬達之中框 法蘭,用來防止腐蝕液體的洩漏以強化密封性。 如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項或第3項所述之永磁罐裝果 浦之結構改良,其中,固定轴之金屬轴之二端設有固定用鍵 槽,以容易緊鎖金屬軸之用,與金屬軸配合的陶瓷軸套與馬 達後框上也都設有相對應的鍵槽。 、 7、如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項或第3項所述之永磁罐裝泵 浦之結構改良’其巾’馬達後框可峨成二件式結構,馬達 後框本體採祕合金材質,在馬雜輒週邊坎人鋼材,以 22 M369391 維持強度並減輕馬達重量。 ,8、如申請專利範圍第1項或第2項或第4項所述之永磁罐裝泵 浦之結構改良,其中,馬達轉子包膠係採用無缝等厚度包膠。M369391 M369391 Six patent application scope: [, the position of the pump pumping Guanliang, (four) Gu light, impeller and canned motor, where · · = cover 'with - inlet, outlet and first-class road space to accommodate the impeller; Installed inside the front cover of the pump, the impeller valley plate is provided with a plurality of openings: the return hole of the _ ring is also used as a flat to eliminate the axial thrust, and the hole is tested as an axially extending structure. And the motor rotor is combined with the extension portion to make the impeller and the motor rotor integral; the motor stator, the motor towel frame, the motor motor, the pump back cover, and the shaft are formed. The motor stator is mounted in the motor and the marriage is fixed. On the frame of the motor, the flange of the rear cover of the pump, === and the front cover of the pump are difficult to seal, so as to prevent leakage of the body of the rot, completely sealed by the back cover of the Guopu, and the NVC touch of the liquid-proof device 4After the rear frame, there is a power cable exit, so that the drive power can be the secret stator, _ oscillating motor; structure == long-term magnet, rotor part and bearing bushing Plastic coated into - no braided synthetic fluid dynamic pressure rotor The pumping unit is provided with a fixed shaft bearing, and the cylindrical structure of the rotor is an axial extension of the rotor. The rigidity and strength are combined with the impeller to effectively transfer the front cover. The cup-shaped structure's flange on the front end is used for knotting, and the back cover is Ιίί兰, when it is prevented from returning to the body _ leakage to strengthen the dense liquid to prevent the motor from reaching the inner circle of the stator, and the view for isolating the miscellaneous seal groove (four) The bottom material of the back cover is provided with a 0-ring to form a cantilever-type fixed shaft with a sealing function; the fixed shaft M369391 is made of a corrosion-resistant and wear-resistant ceramic bushing, a metal shaft and a motor rear m-field pump cover The system is complete _ (four) secret, the 0-section of the axis of the two axes of the pottery and the back of the frame are tightly contracted to form a rigid composite Langding axis, and its metal shaft: there is: a ring seal The pumping hole of the slot, the metal pumping system passes through the front end surface of the circular shunt of the end of the thin shunt, the gold motor is according to the data, and the other end of the tooth passes through the rear hole of the motor. And the nut is tightly locked in the 'squeaking surface of the rear frame of the green motor. The 0-ring has the correct amount of contraction to form a --shaped round head, which is covered with plastic. It has 0 ϊ ΐ ΐ ί force force on it, and the thrust ring of the shroud is used to couple with the rotor to form a hydraulic movement.压纟# The structure consists of 'Motor motor home motor, ===:, motor rotor, pump back cover, cantilever fixed middle frame and motor rear frame, which are characterized by: The driving electric-reading line can be connected to the stator coil to drive the structure, and the ring-shaped rotor encapsulation plastic composed of the magnet, the rotor yoke portion and the bearing bushing is coated with a ring-shaped magnetic pressure of a wireless slat. The bearing system n ”7 has a bearing wire doubling (4) Synthetic hydraulic movement increases the rigidity and static, and the cylindrical structure is the surface extension from the bearing bushing, and is combined with the impeller valley to effectively transmit the rotor. 20 M369391 Force; cans, the fruit of the Pupu cover * cup-shaped structure, the front part of the flange is used to tie the cover, the middle frame flange, used to prevent the leakage of corrosive liquid to strengthen the seal good 'back cover The side cylindrical part sets the motor stator to the circle, which is used to isolate the rotten liquid prevention motor _ is _; the bottom of the bottom of the back cover has a shaft hole with a ring-shaped ring seal groove to form a cantilever-type fixed shaft with a sealing function; the fixed shaft is a cantilever structure with a durable and wear-resistant ceramic sleeve The metal shaft and the rear frame of the motor are combined with the pump back cover to form a complete shaft sealing system. • The sleeve is locked by the circular head of the metal shaft and the compression surface of the rear frame to form a high A rigid composite fixed shaft; wherein the metal shaft passes through a shaft hole of a G-ring (four) groove at the bottom of the back cover, and the metal (10) passes through the center hole of the ceramic sleeve and has a thorn-end Squeeze the front end face of the excerpt sleeve. The metal shaft has the other end of the screw to reach the rear cymbal, and the nut is locked on the rear frame of the motor, so that the ceramic sleeve can be pressed against the compression of the rear frame of the motor. On the surface, and ensure that the 〇-shaped ring at the bottom of the pump back cover has the correct amount of compression to form the integral seal; the round head of the metal shaft is covered with plastic, and the 〇-shaped ring is placed on the seal to achieve the seal. Corrosion-resistant function, the thrust ring of the ceramic bushing is used to couple with the rotor bearing to form a hydraulic pressure thrust shaft . 3. A structural improvement of a permanent magnet canned pump, wherein the fixed shaft of the canned motor is a cantilever structure: the fixed shaft is composed of a ceramic bushing, a metal shaft and a motor rear frame, and is combined with the Guopu back cover to form a complete structure. The shaft sealing system has the characteristics of a fixed shaft: the metal shaft passes through a shaft hole of a 〇-ring seal groove in the center of the bottom of the back cover, and the metal shaft passes through a central hole of the ceramic sleeve and has a round head One is pressed against the front end surface of the ceramic bushing, and the other end of the metal shaft having the thread passes through the rear frame hole of the motor, and is locked to the rear frame of the motor with a nut, so that the bushing can be pressed On the compression surface of the rear frame of the motor 'and ensure that the 21 21 M369391 ring at the bottom of the chestnut back cover has the correct amount of compression to form a complete seal; the round head of the metal shaft is 'coated with plastic, on which The 0-ring is provided to achieve the sealing and corrosion-proof function, and the thrust ring portion of the Tauman bushing is used to couple with the rotor bearing to form a hydraulic pressure thrust bearing. 4. A structural improvement of a permanent magnet canned pump. The rotor of the permanent magnet canned motor has a high strength and light weight bearing bushing structure, and is characterized in that: the motor rotor is composed of a permanent magnet, a rotor yoke and a bearing bushing. The ring structure formed by the sleeve is coated with a corrosion-resistant engineering plastic into a ring-shaped magnetic rotor without a leaking seam. The rotor is surrounded by a permanent magnet with a thickness close to the rotor yoke. Lightweight and high-strength bearings The bushing is mounted on the inner diameter of the yoke of the rotor to reduce the weight of the rotor and to reduce the annular inner diameter of the rotor after encapsulation, and the annular inner diameter can be mounted with a bearing to form a hydrodynamic bearing system with the fixed shaft. The length of the bearing bushing covers the length of the rotor and the axial extension of the rotor, so that the inside of the axial extension is supported by the bearing bushing, ensuring that the axial extension retains optimum power transmission rigidity for use with the impeller hub Combined to effectively transfer the power of the rotor. 5. The structure of the permanent magnet canned pump described in claim 1 or 2, wherein the pumping back cover is a cup-shaped structure, and the flange portion of the front end is first combined with the back cover back plate. The rigid flange structure, combined with the front flange of the pump and the frame flange of the motor, is used to prevent leakage of corrosive liquids to enhance sealing. The structural improvement of the permanent magnet canned fruit pupo as described in claim 1 or 2 or 3, wherein the fixed shaft of the metal shaft of the fixed shaft is provided with a fixing keyway for easily locking the metal shaft For the purpose, the ceramic sleeve matched with the metal shaft and the rear frame of the motor are also provided with corresponding key grooves. 7. The structural improvement of the permanent magnet canned pump according to the scope of claim 1 or 2 or 3 of the patent application can be divided into a two-piece structure, and the rear frame of the motor is adopted. The alloy material is used to maintain the strength and reduce the weight of the motor at 22 M369391. 8. The structural improvement of the permanent magnet canned pump as described in claim 1 or 2 or 4 of the patent application, wherein the motor rotor encapsulation adopts a seamless equal thickness encapsulation. 23twenty three
TW98207147U 2009-04-28 2009-04-28 Improved structure of permanent-magnet bottle-packaged pump TWM369391U (en)

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TW98207147U TWM369391U (en) 2009-04-28 2009-04-28 Improved structure of permanent-magnet bottle-packaged pump

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TW98207147U TWM369391U (en) 2009-04-28 2009-04-28 Improved structure of permanent-magnet bottle-packaged pump

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TW98207147U TWM369391U (en) 2009-04-28 2009-04-28 Improved structure of permanent-magnet bottle-packaged pump

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Cited By (4)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2587066A2 (en) 2011-10-26 2013-05-01 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet motor pump
EP2589812A2 (en) 2011-11-07 2013-05-08 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet canned motor pump with corrosion-protection housing
CN103104554A (en) * 2011-11-10 2013-05-15 协磁股份有限公司 Improved structure of anti-corrosion housing for permanent magnet canned pump
TWI424661B (en) * 2011-11-03 2014-01-21

Cited By (12)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
EP2587066A2 (en) 2011-10-26 2013-05-01 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet motor pump
EP2960517A1 (en) 2011-10-26 2015-12-30 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet motor pump
EP2960516A1 (en) 2011-10-26 2015-12-30 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet motor pump
US9599113B2 (en) 2011-10-26 2017-03-21 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet motor pump
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EP2589812A2 (en) 2011-11-07 2013-05-08 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet canned motor pump with corrosion-protection housing
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EP2940308A1 (en) 2011-11-07 2015-11-04 Assoma Inc. Permanent magnet canned motor pump with corrosion-protection housing
CN103104554A (en) * 2011-11-10 2013-05-15 协磁股份有限公司 Improved structure of anti-corrosion housing for permanent magnet canned pump
CN103104554B (en) * 2011-11-10 2016-01-20 协磁股份有限公司 Improvement of anti-corrosion shell structure of permanent magnet canned pump

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