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TWI236603B - Warehousing system of goods - Google Patents

Warehousing system of goods Download PDF


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TWI236603B TW91135877A TW91135877A TWI236603B TW I236603 B TWI236603 B TW I236603B TW 91135877 A TW91135877 A TW 91135877A TW 91135877 A TW91135877 A TW 91135877A TW I236603 B TWI236603 B TW I236603B
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TW200410088A (en
Shu-Fang Chen
Jr-Hau Jang
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President Information Corp
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Application filed by President Information Corp filed Critical President Information Corp
Priority to TW91135877A priority Critical patent/TWI236603B/en
Publication of TW200410088A publication Critical patent/TW200410088A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of TWI236603B publication Critical patent/TWI236603B/en



  • Management, Administration, Business Operations System, And Electronic Commerce (AREA)


The invention relates to a warehousing system of goods including a database and a processor. The database stores at least one up-level record and corresponding multiple down-level records. The up-level record is defined with up-level ID, parent sequence number and up-level attribute and the corresponding down-level records are defined with a down-level ID identical to the up-level ID, child sequence number differing with the parent sequence number and down-level attribute. The processor firstly screens all up-level records with parent sequence number and fetches those with attribute as stock (sold). Further fetch the down-level records with attribute as stock (sold) corresponding to the up-level record with attribute as small quantity. Finally output the said screened records to form stock (sold) data list.


1236603 ---- 五、發明説明( 一、 發明所屬之技術領域 本發明係關^ _種進銷存管理系統,尤指—種物品庫 ^里H其適用範81包括應用於輸出存貨資料及銷貨 父易資料。 二、 先前技術 A按、’在進銷存管理領域中,庫存管理技術一直是企業 :系重視的if ’因此為了能有效管理庫存資料,以適時 調整倉儲安排,並掌握庫存實況,各企業無不致力於開發 取有效率的庫存管理系統。 在庫存管理的實際應用中,由於同一物品通常具有各 2大小尺寸不同的計數單位,例如原子筆即具有枝、打、 ^及相…等單位別;且企業有可能以不同單位來進貨或 售出士述物品(例如以盒售出、亦可以箱售出)。因此習知 庫存g理系統所開發之資料庫大多設計以個別資料表來儲 存所使用到具有不同計數單位的同一物品資料,之後再透 ϋ關連式貝料庫的觀^Γ來指定同—物品之各個資料表間的 連結關係。請參閲圖1所示,係以習知企業所發行之回數 票(或禮券)為例,其中,一盒回數票内具有五十本回數 票,因此資料庫内包括有一错存計數單位為『盒』的盒資 料表61、以及-儲存計數單位為『本』的本資料表心, 且透過關連式資料庫的設計,例如以票卷編號為參照基 準’來指定盒資料表61與本資料表62之間的連結關係。 裝---------訂--------- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁各欄) $紙張尺度朝巾0國家鮮(CNS) Α4規格(21〇>〇97^1Τ 五、發明說明(2 ) 叶,羔而,上述習知庫存管理系統之關連式資料庫的設 例Z但佔用系統空間,更不利於輸出存貨及销貨報表。 ^^企業一共售出三盒回數票及十本回數票,則在列印銷 銷售表時,習知庫存管理系統通常係根據最小單位來輸出 渔報表’亦即先自盒資料表6 1中讀取已售出的三盒回數 :並參照到本資料表62來讀取已售出的—百五十本回數 加上另外已售出的十本回數票,便會在列印出的銷 D顯示出共計一百六十筆的資料。此舉對查閲報表 、兄’不但無法從報表上—目了然地看出到底哪些回 ”:是以整盒賣出、哪些是以單本賣出,更易因列印出之 二r料而模糊焦點’進而喪失了報表的可讀性;若希 售出心盒數,則必須再從盒資料表61中擷取資料, 且列印出之報表將只有涵蓋以整盒售出的回數票,血法 顧以單本售出的回數票資訊。以上均非十分理想。 二、發明内容 本發明之主要目的係在提供一種物品庫存 並 ,合併資料表之設計,俾以節省系統之儲存空 旎簡化報表輸出流程,且減少資源之浪費。 本發明之另一目的係在提供一種物品庫存 俾能簡化輸出之報表格式,以增進報表之可讀性。…’ 為達成上述之目的,本發明所提出之物品庫 統’,用以管理物品之庫存資料,主要包括—資料庫及二 1236603 气、發明説明(3 ) 資料庫用以儲存複數筆記錄,每 識別欄位、一序號攔位、 ^ ^有— 少包括右-菩, 屬性搁位,且上述記錄至 下階v錄複數筆對應於此筆上階記錄之 下鳴δ己錄。上階記錄係用以儲存代表_上階物 =儲存於識別攔位之上階識別碼、儲 母 序號;:儲存於屬性搁位之上階屬性其係選自下列其;: ” = 料及I:階:?=以儲存代表複數 ;:=,其…筆=== 、儲存於錢麻之子序號、及儲存於屬 心:屬性。且當上階記錄之上階屬性為存貨時, /、對iC(下a記錄之τ階屬性皆同為存貨,·上乏 階屬性為銷貨時,其對岸之 、〉 貨·上ρ匕特、/挺 錄之下階屬性皆同為銷 ,^己敎上階屬性為零教時,其對應之下階之 I階屬性係選自下列其中之—:存貨、及銷貨。此夕卜下 Ρ白識別碼係與其對應之上階 庫之母庠^门减別碼相同,子序號係與其對 ,、母序號不同’而且下階記錄之子序號亦彼此不同。 而處理器則自資料庫之序號襴位中筛選出具有母序號 記錄,繼由所筛選出之上階記錄中找出= =為存貝(销貨)之上階記錄;接著並㈣選出之上階記 !=!屬性搁位為零散之上階記錄,俾對其對應之下 二:::二出其屬性欄位為存貨(銷貨)之下階記錄;且 並犯輸出上述所找出之上階記錄之上階識別碼、及 贫明説明( 所找出之下階記錄之 以形 成—存貨(销貨)資科列表切碼及其對應之子序號 四、實施方式 舉:體==瞭解本發—,特 凊參閲圖2,本發明夕鲁、 票加以説明,其中,所^ I 企業所發行之回數 高速公路回數券、宅配^票係泛指百貨公司禮券、 價票券。需注意的是,样明1人皁卩數示...等有 域中、打n u W可應用於庫存管理技術領 類#且古# 予e里惑物口口上,例如飲料 有相、打、及瓶等計數單位別;書籍具有箱、套、 及本 < 計數單位別;或零食辨 7 β鋇具有相、及包之計數單位 會’ ^本發明之應用層面並不㈣本實施例所述。 於本實施例中,回數票之計數單位包括有盒、本、及 吓即母-盒回數票(以下簡稱盒回數票”中包括有複 數本回數票(以下簡稱本回數票2)、每—本回數票2中包括 有數十張不等之張回數票(以下簡稱張回數票3),且於每 a回數示1之包裝上貼附有盒條碼1〇、於每一本回數票 封面上貼附有本條碼2〇、於每一張回數票3之表面則 列印有張條碼3 0。 上述各條碼間的對應關請參閱第3A、3B、及3c圖所 示,本例之盒條碼1 〇係由種類碼丨丨、盒序號丨2、及檢核 碼(checksum)13所組成,其中,種類碼丨丨係代表回數票 1236603 A7 B7 五、發明説明(5 ) 的品名、種類、及其對應面額等資訊,請一併參閱圖5, 例如種類碼1 1之内容為『1 5』,則表示此種回數票之品 名及面額為一百五十元,且每一盒回數票1中包括有五十 本回數票2、每一本回數票2中包括有十張回數票3,每本 回數票2之單價為1,500元…等資訊。圖3a中顯示之盒序 號1 2通常係使用流水號來標示此盒回數票1的批號;檢核 碼1 3則是利用一預設公式以根據前述種類碼丨丨、盒序號 1 2 丁以混合計算出來的’藉以達成防誤防偽功效。 圖3B顯示本例之本條碼20係由與其對應之上述盒條 碼10(包括種類碼11、盒序號12、及檢核碼13)再加上一 本序號24所組成,其中,本序號24係標示此本回數票2在 一盒回數票1中的順序,通常係以流水號表示。於本實施 例中,若一盒回數票1中包括有五十本回數票2,則每一個 本條碼2〇的本序號24定義由『〇1』至『5〇 。 同理,圖3 C顯示本例之張條碼3 〇係由與其對應之上 述本條碼20(包括種類碼n、盒序號12、檢核碼^ :及本 序號24)再加上一張序號35所組成,其中,張序號35係標 示此張回數票3在一本回數票2中的順序。 於本實施例中,蔣盒條碼1〇設計為八 為種類碼η、中間五碼為盒序號12、最後一碼為= 由於本序號2 4為二碼,因此本條碼2 〇共計十碼。 又,由於張條碼35為二碼,因此張條碼3〇共計十二碼。 其中之條碼編碼可以阿拉伯數字、或英文字母··等符號來 進行編碼。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁各欄) 裝 -----、可---------丨· (6 ) !2366〇3 五 發明説明 接下來請參閲圖4,顯千太鲁μ、士丄 由發行回數皁之人1, 實犯例(庫存管理系統係 處理器5、一顧示勞:控官,#包括有-資料庫4、-销貨報表⑵:印存貨報表521與 存之庫存資料⑽中镑存;施例資科庫4所儲 (record),每一筆纪錄儲/且有古如圖5所示之複數筆紀錄 U、屬性具有制射41、序號搁位 # 、及單位欄位44。由於從企業『發行 的角度來看,發行回數票之最小單位為『本』業二丁 ;ί:7Γ檔40僅就盒回數票1與其下對應二= ==加以説明,以簡化説明過程;當然若從 金以4 :度來看,由於消費者係以單張回數票抵用現 易’因此庫存資料⑽亦可擴充為儲存 示2及其下對應之複數張回數票3之資訊。 為了在庫存資料檔40中同時儲存有每一盒回 1(上階物品)的盒記錄(rec〇rd)Ai、Μ、即上階ζ 錄)、及其對應之複數個本回數票2(下階物品)的本钱 Bm(即下階記錄),因此將每—筆盒記錄a丨、 A2、A?…設計成:識別欄位41儲存有盒條 碼W號攔位4聯有、(母序號)㈣系(统;^ 此聿圮錄為盒記錄,屬性欄位43則根據每一盒回數孚^之 實際流通狀態分別記載著存貨、銷貨、或零;不 之上階屬性,單位攔位44則儲存有此筆記錄所對應之叶數 單位別為『盒』。 1236603 A7 . —---—---- B7_一____ 五、發明説明(7 ) '~~ 〜 此外,將每一筆本記錄Βι、、B3.·.亦設計成:識 別欄位41儲存著本條碼2〇之前八碼(下階識別碼)亦即等於 前述的盒條碼1〇(上階識別碼),序_拉42儲存著此本條 碼20之本序號24(子序號)由『〇1』至『5〇』以供系統辨 識出此筆記錄為本記錄及其順序,屬性欄位亦根據每一本 回數票2之實際流通狀態分別記載著存貨、或銷貨之不同 下階屬性,單位欄位44同樣是儲存有此筆記錄所對應之計 數單位別為『本』。 〜口 其中,盒記錄Α!、A2、As…所對應之序號攔位42亦 可儲存除了『〇〇』以外的其他代號,只要與本序號24有 所區隔,系統就可自庫存資料檔4〇中分別出盒記錄、 A2、A3···與本記錄&、、Β〗···。需注意的是,若盒記 錄之屬性搁k 4 3標示為『存貨』,表示整盒回數票1皆儲 存於倉庫中,因此其下所對應之本記錄之屬性欄位43亦將 王部核π為『存貨』,例如盒記錄A ^與本記錄b 1 ;但若 $記錄之屬性攔位43標示為『銷貨』,表示整盒回數票叉 皆已不在倉庫中,因此其下所對應之本記錄之屬性欄位以 亦知王部;^示為『銷貨』,例如盒記錄A 2與本記錄I ; 而若盒記錄之屬性攔位43標示為『零散』,則表示整盒回 數票1中,分本回數票2仍存倉庫箱中為存I,但有部 分回數票2已銷貨不在倉庫中,故其下所對應之本記錄的 ,性攔位43將會依照本回數票2的實際狀態而標示為『存 貪』或『銷貨』,例如盒記錄、與本記錄。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁各欄) 裝 -----、可--------丨· !236603 五、發明說明( 態包括本:『存 係將其通稱『存貨』回…等,為便於以下説明本例 倉庫中,其狀態包括有而出隹銷貨自』屬性泛指回數票已不在 存於庫存例係將其通稱『銷貨』。且鍺 4 、、々屬性亦可使用各種代號來表示,例 。^同又數*代號來表示不同屬性,藉以節省儲存空 右攸知上述各種狀態詳細情形,亦可分別冠以不 數字代表不同狀態以細分其類別,均仍屬本專利範圍。 因此,當系統使用者欲查詢存貨資料時,請一併參閲 • 5及圖7,首先將自庫存資料樓4()的序號欄位u中筛選 出同組又數子編號為『00』之記錄,即所有盒記錄 、八2、As···(步驟S7〇1),並從中找出屬性欄位u所儲 予屬性為存貝』<盒記錄A〗(步騾S702),再擷取盒記 錄Al對應之識別欄位4丨中儲存的盒條碼10『230506 1 0』 (步“S703) ’之後將其暫存於一暫存檔中(步騾· 接著從上述找出之盒記錄Ai、a2、A3...中再找出屬性為 、『零散』之盒記錄As(步騾S7〇5),再擷取對應相同於盒 =錄As識別攔位41之本記錄心、並篩選其中屬性為『存 貨』的本條碼20『 230506340 1』『2305〇634〇2』(步 私S 7 0 6 ),同樣將篩選出之本條碼2 〇暫存於暫存構中(步 騾S70 7);最後輸出暫存檔中所儲存的盒條碼1〇及本條碼 20(步騾S70 8),例如輸出於顯示螢幕51上,並使用印表 機52將上述資訊列印出來以形成一如圖8A所示之存貨報 I______η 本紙張尺度適用中關家標準(CNS ) A4規格(21GX297公复) ^---------、訂---------丨· (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁各攔) B7 1236603 五、發明説明(9 ) =二(步IS7G9) ’其顯示圖5所示之庫存資料檔中, ::計有-,及二本回數票仍為『存貨』,且存貨報表Mi 所顯示的『交易別』攔位即相當於庫存資料樓财 櫊^3。其中,本例所輸出之存貨報表521係自動於八碼 《益條碼1〇後加上二碼『〇〇』以形成十碼,以統一物品 條碼欄位中所記錄條碼之長度,當然亦可直接以八碼之盒 條碼10呈現,端看閲讀報表者之需求而定。 而當系統使用者欲查詢銷貨資料時,其流程大致與圖 7相同,惟其中所有找出屬性為『存貨』之記錄的步驟皆 文為找出屬性為銷七』《記錄,其餘流程相同不在此督 述,最後將可輸出如圖8辑示之銷貨報表522,顯示庫存 貝料心40中,共计有—盒及四十八本回數票已銷貨。 此外,本例庫存管理系統之資料庫中,還包括有—如 圖9所示之異動記錄檔45,每當庫存資料構4〇中之記錄有 所更改異動時,例如屬性欄位43之屬性改變時,每筆異動 記錄將會儲存在異動記錄構45中,例如於2〇〇2年9月'Μ 購入之盒回數&,係在2〇〇2年9月8日售出;而則2年9 月20日購入的盒回數票w分別在9月22日被領用—本、 在9月30日盤損-本…等。且亦可藉由一輸出裝置如印表 機5 2來輸出儲存於異動記錄檔4 5中的所有記錄。 根據上述之説明,顯示本發明藉由將上階記錄及其對 應之複數個下階記錄的資料合併於一資料樓内,以達成簡 化系、、、先,又计之功效,並能節省系統儲存空間及繁瑣的關連 式資料庫設計;且使用本發明之系統所輸出之報表格式簡 本紙張尺度適财關家標準(CNS)74規格(21()><297公石1236603 ---- V. Description of the invention (1. The technical field to which the invention belongs The present invention is related to _ a kind of inventory management system, especially a kind of inventory ^ li H, its applicable scope 81 includes the application of output inventory information and The salesman's parent information. 2. The previous technology A press, 'In the field of purchase, sales and inventory management, inventory management technology has always been an enterprise: the important if', so in order to effectively manage inventory data, adjust storage arrangements in a timely manner, and master In fact, all companies are committed to developing an efficient inventory management system. In the practical application of inventory management, because the same item usually has two count units with different sizes, for example, a ball pen has branches, dozens, ^ And related units, etc .; and the enterprise may purchase or sell the articles in different units (for example, sold in boxes, but also in boxes). Therefore, most of the databases developed by the familiar inventory management system are designed Individual data tables are used to store the same item data with different counting units, and then through the view of the connected shell material store ^ Γ to specify each asset of the same item The connection relationship between the tables. Please refer to Figure 1, which is based on a number of coupons (or gift certificates) issued by a known enterprise. Among them, there are fifty coupons in a box of coupons. The database includes a box data table 61 with a miscounted counting unit of "box", and-a data table with a storage count unit of "this", and through the design of a connected database, such as using a ticket number as a reference 'To specify the connection between the box data sheet 61 and this data sheet 62. Loading --------- Order --------- (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page (Columns) $ Paper size North Korea Fresh (CNS) A4 specification (21〇 > 〇97 ^ 1T) 5. Description of the invention (2) Ye, Lao, and the example of setting up the related database of the conventional inventory management system Z, however, occupies system space, which is not conducive to outputting inventory and sales reports. ^^ A total of three boxes and ten tickets are sold by enterprises. When printing and selling sales tables, the conventional inventory management system is usually Output the fishing report according to the minimum unit, that is, first read the number of sold three boxes from the box data table 6 1: and refer to Go to this data sheet 62 to read the sold-one hundred and fifty copies plus ten sold tickets, and the printed pin D will display a total of 160 Data. This is not only for checking the report, my brother, not only ca n’t tell from the report-which one is clear at a glance ": sold in the whole box, which is sold in a single copy, it is easier to print because of the second. r material and blurred focus', thereby losing the readability of the report; if you want to sell the number of heart boxes, you must retrieve the data from the box data table 61, and the printed report will only cover the entire box sold The above information is not ideal. Second, the main purpose of the present invention is to provide an inventory of items and combine the design of the data sheet. Save system storage space, simplify report output process, and reduce waste of resources. Another object of the present invention is to provide an item inventory, which can simplify the output report format to improve the readability of the report. … 'In order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose, the article inventory system proposed by the present invention' is used to manage the inventory data of the articles, mainly including-the database and the second 12366603 gas, invention description (3) The database is used to store multiple records, Each identification field, a serial number block, ^ ^ Yes — including right-bamboo, attribute hold, and the above records to the next level v record plural pens correspond to the δ δ record under this upper record. The upper-level record is used to store the representative_upper-level objects = the upper-level identification code and the serial number stored in the identification block; the upper-level attributes stored in the attribute shelf are selected from the following; ”= material and I : Tier:? = Represents plurals by storing;: =, which ... pen ===, stored in the serial number of the Qianma son, and stored in the belonging: attribute. And when the upper-order attribute of the upper-order record is inventory, /, For iC (the lower-order attribute of the lower a record is the same as the inventory. When the upper-order attribute is the sales, its opposite side, the goods, the upper dagger, and the lower-order attribute of the record are all the same.) When the upper-order attribute is zero teaching, its corresponding lower-order I-order attribute is selected from the following: inventory and sales. In addition, the lower P white identification code is the mother of the corresponding upper-order library.庠 ^ The gate subtraction code is the same, the child serial number is the same, the parent serial number is different ', and the child serial numbers of the lower-level records are also different from each other. The processor selects the record with the parent serial number from the serial number position in the database, and then From the selected upper-level records, find == is the upper-level records of the inventory (sales); then select the upper-level records! =! Sexual shelves are scattered upper-level records, corresponding to the next two ::: The attribute field is the lower-level records of inventory (sales); and the output of the upper-level records found above is also committed. Upper-level identification code and poor explanation (formation of the lower-level records found—inventory (sales) asset list cut-off code and its corresponding sub-serial number.) 4. Implementation examples: Body == Understand this issue—, Please refer to FIG. 2 for a description of the present invention and the ticket. Among them, the expressway coupons and home delivery coupons issued by all companies refer to gift vouchers and price coupons of department stores. Note that Yes, there are so many people in the Ming Dynasty, and so on. You can use it in the domain, playing nu W can be applied to inventory management technology ## 古 古 # 里 里 里 物 口 口, such as beverages, drinks, and bottles Equal counting units; books with boxes, covers, and books < counting unit categories; or snacks 7 β barium has phases and counting units will be included ^ The application level of the present invention is not as described in this embodiment. In this embodiment, the counting unit of the number of votes includes box, book, and scarce mother-box number of votes (hereinafter referred to as "Box Count" includes multiple replies (hereinafter referred to as Rep. 2), and each-Count 2 includes dozens of replies (hereinafter referred to as Rep. Count) 3), and a box barcode 10 is affixed to the package with a count of 1 each a, a barcode of 20 is affixed to the cover of each ticket, and the surface of each ticket is 3 A bar code 3 0 is printed. For the correspondence between the above bar codes, please refer to Figures 3A, 3B, and 3c. The box bar code 1 in this example is composed of the type code, the box number, and the check. The code (checksum) 13 is composed of the category code 丨 丨 which represents the number of votes 1236603 A7 B7 V. The description, (5) of the product name, type, and its corresponding denomination and other information, please refer to Figure 5 together, such as the type The content of the code 1 1 is "1 5", which means that the name and denomination of such a number of votes are 150 yuan, and each box of the number of votes 1 includes 50 copies of the number of votes 2, each This number of votes 2 includes ten number of votes 3, and the unit price of each number of votes 2 is 1,500 yuan ... etc. The box number 1 2 shown in Figure 3a is usually a serial number to indicate the lot number of this box number 1. The check code 1 3 is a preset formula to use the box number 1 2 and D according to the aforementioned category code. Use the calculated 'to achieve the anti-false and anti-counterfeiting effect. FIG. 3B shows that the barcode 20 of this example is composed of the corresponding box barcode 10 (including the category code 11, the box serial number 12, and the verification code 13) and a serial number 24, of which the serial number 24 is The order in which this number of votes 2 is in a box of number 1 is usually indicated by a serial number. In this embodiment, if a box of multiple votes 1 includes fifty multiple votes 2, the serial number 24 of each bar code 20 is defined from "〇1" to "50." Similarly, Figure 3C shows that the barcode 3 in this example is the corresponding barcode 20 (including the category code n, the box serial number 12, the check code ^: and this serial number 24), plus a serial number 35. The number 35 is used to indicate the order of this number of votes 3 in a number of votes 2. In this embodiment, the Jiang box barcode 10 is designed as eight as the category code η, the middle five codes are the box serial number 12, and the last code is = because this serial number 24 is the second code, so this barcode 20 has a total of ten yards. In addition, since the bar code 35 is two codes, the bar code 30 is twelve yards in total. The bar code can be coded with symbols such as Arabic numerals or English letters. (Please read the notes on the back before writing the columns on this page) Install -----, OK --------- 丨 (6)! 2366〇3 Description of the five inventions Please refer to the following Figure 4, Xian Qian Tailu μ, Shi Jiu issued by the number of people 1, the actual case (inventory management system processor 5, first look at the labor: the control officer, #including there-the database 4,-sales Statement ⑵: Print the inventory report 521 and the inventory information ⑽ stored in Chinese pounds; the record is stored in the example bank 4 and each record is stored / and there are multiple records U as shown in Figure 5. The attributes have System shooting 41, serial number shelving #, and unit field 44. Because from the perspective of the company's "issue, the smallest unit to issue a number of votes is" this "industry second division; ί: 7Γ file 40 is only the number of box returns Ticket 1 and its corresponding two === are explained to simplify the explanation process; of course, if you look at the price of 4: degrees, because the consumer uses a single number of votes to redeem cash, the inventory data can also be expanded. In order to store the information shown in Figure 2 and the corresponding plural number of votes 3. In order to store in the inventory data file 40 the box records (rec0rd) Ai, M, which is Level ζ record), and the corresponding capital Bm (lower-level records) of multiple penal votes 2 (lower-level items), so each pen box record a 丨, A2, A? ... is designed to: identify Column 41 stores the box barcode W number block 4 and (parent serial number) ㈣ system (system; ^ This record is a box record, and the attribute field 43 is based on the actual circulation status of each box ^ ^ Inventory, sales, or zero are recorded separately; without higher-level attributes, the unit block 44 stores the number of leaves corresponding to this record. The unit type is "box." 1236603 A7. --------- -B7_ 一 ____ V. Description of the invention (7) '~~ ~ In addition, each record of records Bι, B3 ... is also designed so that the identification field 41 stores the eight digits before the bar code (bottom) Level identification code) is equal to the aforementioned box barcode 10 (upper level identification code), and the order _ pull 42 stores the serial number 24 (sub serial number) of this barcode 20 from "〇1" to "5〇" for The system recognizes that this record is the record and its sequence, and the attribute field also records the different lower-level attributes of the inventory or sales according to the actual circulation status of each number of votes 2 The unit field 44 also stores the counting unit corresponding to this record as "this". ~ Among them, the serial number block 42 corresponding to the box record A !, A2, As ... can also be stored in addition to "〇〇" For other codes, as long as it is different from this serial number 24, the system can output the box records, A2, A3, and this record &, B from the inventory data file 40 ....... Note that if the attribute of the box record k 4 3 is marked as "inventory", it means that the entire box number of votes 1 is stored in the warehouse, so the attribute field 43 of this record corresponding to it will also check the king. π is "inventory", for example, box record A ^ and this record b 1; but if the attribute record 43 of the $ record is marked as "sales", it means that the entire box number of return forks are no longer in the warehouse. The corresponding attribute field of this record is also known as Wang Bu; ^ is shown as "sales", such as box record A 2 and this record I; and if the attribute block 43 of the box record is marked as "scattered", it means the whole In the box number of votes 1, the split number of votes 2 is still stored in the warehouse box as the deposit I, but some of the number of votes 2 are not sold in the warehouse. , So the present case corresponding to the recorded position of the bar 43 will return in accordance with the present state of the actual number of votes and 2 marked as "memory corruption" or "sales", for example, the recording cartridge, and this record. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in the columns on this page) Install -----, OK --------! 236603 V. Description of the invention (Statement includes this: "Deposit is the general name "Inventory" returns ... etc. For the convenience of the following description, in this example warehouse, the status includes "existing and sold from" attribute refers to the number of votes no longer in inventory. For example, it is generally called "sales". And germanium 4, 々 attributes can also be expressed using various codes, for example. ^ Same and number * code to indicate different attributes, in order to save storage space, you can know the details of each of the above states, or you can use different numbers to represent different states. Subdividing its categories are still within the scope of this patent. Therefore, when users of the system want to check the inventory information, please refer to • 5 and Figure 7 together, first of all, they will be screened from the serial number field u of the inventory data building 4 (). Select the record in the same group with the number "00", that is, all the box records, 8 and 2, As ... (step S7〇1), and find out the attribute stored in the attribute field u as the save "< Box record A〗 (step S702), and then retrieve the box barcode 10 stored in the identification field 4 corresponding to the box record Al "230506 1 0" (step "S703)" and then temporarily store it in a temporary archive (step 骡 · Then from the box records Ai, a2, A3, etc. found above, find out that the attribute is, "Scattered The box records As (step S7005), and then retrieves the same record as the box = Record As identification stop 41, and filters the barcode 20 whose attribute is "inventory" 20 "230506340 1" "2305 〇634〇2 ”(step private S 7 0 6), will also temporarily save the selected bar code 2 0 in the temporary storage structure (step 骡 S70 7); finally output the box bar code stored in the temporary archive 1 and This barcode 20 (step S70 8), for example, is output on the display screen 51, and the above information is printed out using a printer 52 to form an inventory report as shown in Figure 8A. I ______ η This paper size applies the Zhongguan standard (CNS) A4 specifications (21GX297 public reply) ^ ---------, order --------- 丨 (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in the blocks on this page) B7 1236603 V. Description of the invention (9) = 2 (step IS7G9) 'It shows that in the inventory data file shown in Figure 5, :: is counted as-, and the two coupons are still "inventory", and the inventory report Mi shows of "Transaction type" block is equivalent to inventory data building wealth ^ 3. Among them, the inventory report 521 output in this example is automatically added to the eight-digit "benefit bar code 10 plus two-digit" 〇〇 "to form ten yards, The length of the bar code recorded in the bar code field of the unified article can of course be directly displayed as the bar code 10 of the eight-code box, which depends on the needs of the person reading the report. When the system user wants to query the sales data, the process It is roughly the same as in Figure 7, except that all the steps to find the record whose attribute is "inventory" are the steps to find the attribute is "pin seven" "Record. The rest of the process is the same and will not be supervised here. In the end, it will be output as shown in Figure 8. The sales report 522 shows that there are a total of 40 boxes and forty-eight coupons in the inventory. In addition, the database of the inventory management system in this example also includes the transaction record file 45 shown in FIG. 9. Whenever the record in the inventory data structure 40 is changed, for example, the attribute in the attribute field 43 When the change is made, each transaction record will be stored in the transaction record structure 45, for example, the number of boxes purchased in 'M purchased in September 2002 & was sold on September 8, 2002; On the other hand, a number of box w tickets purchased on September 20, 2 years, were collected on September 22—books, disk losses on September 30—books, and so on. Also, all the records stored in the transaction log file 45 can be output by an output device such as a printer 5 2. According to the above description, it is shown that the present invention achieves simplified, first-come-first-served effects by merging the data of the upper-level record and its corresponding multiple lower-level records in a data building, and can save the system Storage space and cumbersome connected database design; and a simplified report format output using the system of the present invention Paper Standards Suitable for Financial Standards (CNS) 74 Specification (21 () > < 297 Gongshi

^---------、可--------- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁各欄) 1236603 五、發明説明(i〇 ) 便易讀,更能減少列印多餘資料所浪費之資源,實為〜 進步。 大 上述實犯例僅係為了方便説明而舉例而已,本發明所 王張之權利範圍自應以申請專利範圍所述為準,而非僅限 於上述實施例。 五、圖式簡單說明 圖1係習知庫存管理系統中關連式資料庫之示意圖。 圖2係本發明實施例回數票之關連示意圖。 圖3A係本發明實施例回數票之盒條碼之示意圖。 圖3B係本發明實施例回數票之本條碼之示意圖。 圖3C係本發明實施例回數票之張條碼之示意圖。 圖4係本發明實施例之實施環境示意圖。 圖5係本發明實施例庫存管理系統中資料庫之示意圖。 圖6係本發明實施例回數票與種類碼之對應參照表。 圖7係本發明實施例之流程圖。 圖8A係本發明實施例所輸出之存貨報表。 圖8B係本發明實施例所輸出之銷貨報表。 圖9係本發明實施例異動記錄構之示意圖。 f請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁各欄) ^---------^-------- 六、圖號説明 盒回數票1 盒序號1 2 本條碼2 0 盒條碼1 0 檢核碼1 3 本序號24 種類碼1 1 本回數票2 張回數票3 1236603 A7 B7^ --------- 、 may --------- (Please read the notes on the back before filling in the columns on this page) 1236603 V. Description of the invention (i〇) It is easy to read and more It can reduce the wasted resources of printing excess data, which is really ~ progress. The above actual crimes are just examples for the convenience of explanation. The scope of Wang Zhang's rights should be based on the scope of patent application, rather than being limited to the above embodiments. V. Brief description of diagrams Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of a related database in a conventional inventory management system. FIG. 2 is a schematic diagram showing the relationship of multiple votes according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 3A is a schematic diagram of a bar code for a multi-count ticket according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 3B is a schematic diagram of this barcode with multiple votes according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 3C is a schematic diagram of a bar code of a multiple ticket according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of an implementation environment of an embodiment of the present invention. 5 is a schematic diagram of a database in an inventory management system according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 6 is a reference table of the correspondence between the number of votes and the type code according to the embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 7 is a flowchart of an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 8A is an inventory report output according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 8B is a sales report output according to an embodiment of the present invention. FIG. 9 is a schematic diagram of a change recording structure according to an embodiment of the present invention. f Please read the notes on the back before filling in the columns on this page) ^ --------- ^ -------- 6. Description of the drawing number Box number 1 Box number 1 2 This barcode 2 0 Box barcode 1 0 Check code 1 3 This serial number 24 Type code 1 1 This coupon 2 coupons 3 1236603 A7 B7

五、發明説明(11 ) 張條碼3 0 庫存資料檔40 屬性欄位43 處理器5 存貨報表5 2 1 本記錄B 張序號35 識別攔位4 1 單位欄位44 顯示螢幕5 1 銷貨報表522 盒資料表6 1 資料庫4 序號欄位42 異動記錄檔45 印表機5 2 盒記錄A 本資料表62 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁各欄) IJc~yl · i^i n ·ϋ ϋϋ i^i m"y φ n m —^1 ϋ I ^^1 · 0¾ 、τ 14 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS) A4規格(210X297公釐)V. Description of the invention (11) Bar code 3 0 Inventory data file 40 Attribute field 43 Processor 5 Inventory report 5 2 1 This record B sheet number 35 Identification stop 4 1 Unit field 44 Display screen 5 1 Sales report 522 Box data sheet 6 1 Database 4 No. field 42 Change record file 45 Printer 5 2 Box record A This data sheet 62 (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in the columns on this page) IJc ~ yl · i ^ in · Ϋ ϋϋ i ^ i m " y φ nm — ^ 1 ϋ I ^^ 1 · 0¾, τ 14 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm)

Claims (1)

4、申請專利範圍 1 _ 一種物品庫存管理系統,用 科,該:品庫存管理系統主要包括"里物…存資 I資料庫,用以儲存複數筆記錄,每—筆記錄 有一識別欄位、一岸骑姻扑 ^ 錄至少包括有:屬性欄位,且該等記 料(?i一筆上階記錄,用以儲存代表-上階物品之資 ’匕括儲存於該識別攔位之—上階_碼、儲存於該序 ,欄位 母耗、及儲存於該屬性襴位之 係選自下列其中之一:存貨、銷貨、及零散;/屬11 生其 (2)複數筆對應於該筆上階記錄之下階記錄,用以儲 存代表複數個下階物品之資料,該等下階物品係能整體包 裝組成該上階物品,其中每—筆下階記錄包括有儲存二, 識別攔位之一下階識別碼、儲存於該序號攔位之一子序 號、及儲存於該屬性欄位之一下階屬性;且該上階記錄之 上階屬性為存貨時,其對應之該等下階記錄之下階屬性皆 同為存貨;該上階記錄之上階屬性為銷貨時,其對應之^ 等下階記錄之下階屬性皆同為銷貨;該上階記錄之二階^ 性為零散時,其對應之該等下階記錄之下階屬性係選自下 列其中之-:存貨、及销貨;且該等下階識別碼係與其對 應之該上階識別碼相同,該等子序號係與其對應之該母序 號不同’而且該等下階記錄之子序號亦彼此不同; 以及 一處理器,係自該資料庫之序號欄位中篩選出具有· 序號之全部上階記錄,繼由該等篩選出之上階記錄中找 15 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS) A4規格(210X297公釐)4. Scope of patent application 1 _ An article inventory management system, which includes: "Inventory management system" mainly includes "Liwu ... Depository I database, used to store multiple records, each record has an identification field , Yi An riding marriage flutter ^ records at least include: attribute field, and these records (? I a higher-level record, used to store the representative-the higher-level items of information, '' stored in the identification block- The upper order code, stored in the sequence, the column cost, and the attribute stored in the attribute position are selected from one of the following: inventory, sales, and scattered; / belong to 11 students (2) multiple correspondence The lower-level records in the upper-level record are used to store data representing a plurality of lower-level items. The lower-level items can be packaged as a whole to form the upper-level items. Each of the lower-level records includes storage two, identification. A lower-level identifier of the block, a sub-sequence number stored in the serial number block, and a lower-level attribute stored in the attribute field; and when the upper-level attribute of the upper-level record is inventory, its corresponding The order attributes under the order record are all the same; When the upper-order attribute of the upper-order record is sales, the corresponding lower-order attribute of the lower-order record is the same as the sales; when the second-order attribute of the upper-order record is scattered, the corresponding lower-order records are corresponding. The lower-level attributes are selected from the following:-inventory, and sales; and the lower-level identification codes are the same as the corresponding upper-level identification codes, and the child serial numbers are different from the corresponding parent serial numbers'; and The sub-serial numbers of these lower-level records are also different from each other; and a processor, which filters all upper-level records with a serial number from the serial number field of the database, and then finds 15 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) 其尚包括一輸 其中,該等上 其中,對應於 1236603 申請專利範圍 其屬性攔位為存貨(銷貨)之上階記錄,並由該等篩選出之 上階記錄中找出其屬性欄位為零散之上階記錄,俾對其對 應之下階記錄篩選其屬性欄位為存貨(銷貨)之下階記錄, 孩處理益並能輸出所篩選出之肖等上階記錄之上階識別 碼、及該等下階記錄之下階識別碼及其對應之子序號,以 形成一存貨(銷貨)資料列表。 2·如申請專利範圍第丨項所述之系統 出裝置以輸出該存貨(銷貨)資料列表。 3 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之系統 階記錄之母序號係設為同一組文數字。 4 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之系統 同一筆上階記錄之複數筆下階記錄,其子序號係以流:號 方式依序編该^。 5.如申請專利範圍第i項所述之系、统,其中,該資料 庫尚包m記«’俾t至少其中—筆紀錄之屬性搁 位異動時’該處理器能將該筆異動紀錄儲存減異動記錄 樓内。 二如申請專利範圍第5項所述之系統,其尚包括一輸 出裝置以輸出該異動記錄檔。 7·如申請專利範圍第5項所述之系統 記錄尚包括一異動日期。 甲/聿八勤 Jit申請專利範圍第1項所述之系統,其中,該處理 备係。、有-暫存檔用以儲存篩選出之該等上階記錄之上階 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁各欄) 裝 ----訂----- 線! 本紙張尺度適 1236603 六、申凊專利範圍 識別碼、及孩等下階記錄之下階識別碼及 號,Λ藉申由ίΓ暫存播以形成該存貨(銷幻料歹Γ表 器二= =;Γ”,_ 中。 $錄^母序賴存讀暫存構 1〇·如申請專利範圍第1項所述之¥$,#rb 階識別碼係為該上階物品上附著之條碼内系容无。其中,該上 階如中請專利範㈣1項所述之m中,竹 碼内容。 砜邊下隖物品上附著之條 12·如申請專利範圍第丨項所述 筆記錄尚包括有-單位棚位二等系::其中’每- 別。 子 等物TO <計數單位 如申凊專利範園第丨項 階識別碼包括有—種類 系:无,其中,該上 別。 用以軚不孩上階物品之種類 1 4 ·如申請專利範圍第1項所诚 > 签^ r別碼包括有-上階物品序號二Γ4、二其中’該上 唯—之上階_碼。 料母—切物品有- •如申請專利範圍第1項所、f、 階識别碼包括有 、斤Μ系統,其中,該上 性。 馬’以供驗證該上階識別碼之It also includes a loser, among which, the attribute block corresponding to the scope of the patent application of 1236603 is the upper-level record of inventory (sales), and its attribute field is found from the filtered upper-level records. It is a fragmented upper-level record, and the corresponding lower-level record is filtered. The attribute field is the lower-level record of inventory (sales). The child can process the benefit and can output the filtered upper-level record such as the Xiao-level record. Codes, and the lower-level identification codes of these lower-level records and their corresponding sub-serial numbers to form a list of inventory (sales) information. 2. The system as described in item 丨 of the scope of patent application, output the device to output the inventory (sales) data list. 3 The parent serial number of the system level record as described in item 1 of the scope of patent application is set to the same group of digits. 4 · The system described in item 1 of the scope of patent application. The multiple lower-order records of the same upper-order record have their sub-sequences serially numbered by the flow: number method. 5. The system and system as described in item i of the scope of patent application, wherein the database still contains m records «'at least one of them—at the time when the attributes of a record are changed', the processor can record the transaction Store the minus changes records in the building. 2. The system described in item 5 of the scope of patent application, further comprising an output device to output the transaction record file. 7. The system record described in item 5 of the scope of patent application still includes a date of change. A / J Baqin Jit applies for the system described in item 1 of the scope of patent application, wherein the process is prepared. 、 You-temporary archives are used to store the selected upper-level records. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in the columns on this page). ---- Order ----- Line! The size of this paper is 1236603. VI. The patent identification number of the patent application and the lower-level identification code and number of the lower-level records of the children. Λ is temporarily stored and broadcasted by ΓΓ to form the inventory (sales magic material 歹 Γ 表 器 二 = =; Γ ”, _ in. $ 录 ^ Maternal sequence depends on the temporary storage structure 10. As described in Item 1 of the scope of patent application ¥ $, #rb rank identification code is the bar code attached to the upper-level article The internal system contains nothing. Among them, the upper level is as described in item 1 of the patent application, and the content of the bamboo code is attached to the article. The article attached to the sulphone side article 12 · The record as described in item 丨 of the scope of patent application is still Includes the second-level system of unit units :: where 'per- other. Sub-totals such as TO < counting unit such as the Shenyang Patent Fanyuan item 丨 order identification code includes yes-type system: None, of which the above For the purpose of preventing the types of higher-order items 1 4 · As the first item in the scope of the patent application> ^ ^ The other codes include-the number of the upper-order item 2 Γ4, two of which 'The upper-level-higher-level _Code. Material mother-cut items are-• As in the first patent application scope, the f and level identification codes include the Y and M systems, of which, The superiority. Horse ’for verification of the higher-level identification code
TW91135877A 2002-12-11 2002-12-11 Warehousing system of goods TWI236603B (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US8112297B2 (en) 2009-01-14 2012-02-07 National Taiwan University Of Science And Technology Dual-warehouse management system and method for calculating the minimum joint cost of a supply chain

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TWI685802B (en) * 2017-11-09 2020-02-21 顏均頴 Mechanical hardware materials automatic sales system

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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US8112297B2 (en) 2009-01-14 2012-02-07 National Taiwan University Of Science And Technology Dual-warehouse management system and method for calculating the minimum joint cost of a supply chain

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