C6 D6 2〇9B6〇 五、創作説明 (請先間皆背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 本發明操有鬭一種雙層停車装置,供指一種在一般之 平面式停車位上加設一架體.藉裝置於支撐架上之平衡板 ,以及設於停車位前方之銜接板的傾斜,使平衡板與銜接 板之行車道相接,以提供一汽車在不影響其他車輔的情況 下,以最安全輿最省力之方式驶入或驶出該一停車装置之 平衡板上者。 在現今高度發展的都會匾中,對停車場的迫切需要, 故現今有若干型式之雙層或三層之停車裝置問市。然而, 此一習知之停車裝置均藉捲播機或馬遘由上而下懸吊著, 或由油壓機構由下而上支撐著;其缺點則是當在除去動力 時,易因捲揚機或馬速之鎖死機構的失效或油壓条統的渗 油,而使上層停車板産生下滑之情事而發生意外;另外, 習知之停車装置之停車板均在原車位上垂直升降,因此在 地面層以外之車輔要進出時,其必須將在地面層之原有車 輔移開,以至於有需兩車主相互交換車鍮匙,或在停車位 上向下挖一涵洞,或以多數個停車位并排為之,且於地面 層車位需設自走式橫移停車板,並至少保留一緬空位作為 移動之空間使用,而産生不便與增加成本之缺失。 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 發明人有鑑於上述習之雙層或三層停車裝置之缺失, 爱認為有開發具安全、方便、簡易、省力且能同時具節省 土地空間等功能之停車設備之必要β故經發明人精心研究 設計,終發展出之一種構造簡單、安全,操作及使用均更 為方便,且其製造成本低廉、維修方便之雙層或三層停車 装置。 * 2 - 81.10.10,000 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4螝格(210 X 297公釐) 209BS5 C6 D6 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作杜印製 五、創作説明 本發明之主要目的在提供一種雙層或三層停車裝置, 使在同一停車位之土地面稹上,能直接增加一個或二偏停 車位,或可保留其下方之原有之小建築或其地面層空藺之 使用型態者。 本發明之次一目的在提供一種雙層或三層停車装置, 使該一停車裝置中之任一車輔的進出都不會影響在該停車 位其他層之車輔者。 本發明之再一目的在提供一翟雙層或三層停車装置, 使該一停車装置之機構較為簡單、省力、安全,且其操作 及維修亦較容易者β 為逢上述之目的,本發明之裝置主要包括由支撐架、 平衡板、銜接板及驅動部等構成;其中:支撐架,其至少 具有一主承載柱位於停車位中間部位之兩《者;平衡板, 在其停車道上具有一車輪定位部,且以該平衡板之中間部 位(可為向前或向後之《移)為支點而榧裝於支撐架之主 承載柱上,藉驅動部使平衡板能以上述之支點為_心而作 上下之擺動者;驅動部(可由人力、馬逹或油壓櫬等為動 力者),僳固定在支撐架或地面上,其在使平衡板播動, 且具有固定該平衡板之擺動角度者;銜接板,則偽設置於 停車位入口處之前方地面上,其中具有一升降機構以使該 銜接板在靠停車位之一《ί能作適度的升降者。 如以上所述,本裝置可藉固定在支撐架或地面上之驅 動部的作用使平衡板産生傾斜,而銜接部亦藉其中之升降 機構的駆動而使其産生傾斜,且使上述之平衡板輿銜接板 乂請先閲Λ-背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) —裝. 訂. —線. 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210 X 297公釐) 81.】0.10,000 £098So 〇6 D6 五、創作説明 (請先閲清背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 恰相互銜接成一讎之停車道,據此,本案即能_該車道使 車輔直接上到平衡板上,並在車輞停妥於平衡板之車輪定 位部後,平衡板及銜接板均再回復為原來之型態,以完成 停車之目的,而不致彩礬在該停車位之其他層之車輛者》 又如上述,由於平衡板之承載重心僳在其固定於支播 架之支黠上,且在平衡板之支點兩蠕的重量趲於平衡,故 本案之騵動部所須施力非常小,甚可以手動構造為之,以 及滅輕驅動部長期負重而産生疲勞或損壞之情形者;另可 以反對順序行之,以將汽車駛出者。 本發明之原理、裝置及其功效,為使 贵審査委員對 之能有更深一層的認雜與《解,玆舉幾籲較佳之可行實施 例並配合圃式詳細說明如下: 圓式籣單説明: 圏一為本發明之基本使用型態示意 圔二為本發明之一實施立讎分解圏。 圖三A為本發明中平衡板之B—寶施例立讎_β _三Β為本發明之另一實施例示意·。 園四為本發明中銜接板之升降檐構之三種變化例麵。 圖五為本發明作為三靥式停車裝置之實施例圏。 經濟部中央標準局S工消費合作社印製 _六為本發明之另一平衡板及車輪定位部實施例園。 函t為本發明中車輪定位部之二可行實施例圏。 圈八為本發明之另一雙層式停車装置之實施例圔。 請參閲各圖式所示,本創作僳一種「雙層或三層停車 裝置J ,其主要裝置包括由支搰架1、平衡板2、銜接板 -4 - 81.10.10,000 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4规格(210 X 297公釐) 209883 C6 D6 經濟部中央標準局W工消费合作社印製 五、創作説明 3及驅動部4等構成;其中:支捸架1,其至少具有一主 承載柱11位於停車位中間部位之兩_者;平衡板2,在其 停車道上具有一車輪定位部5,且以該平衡板2之中間部 位(可為向前或向後之偏移)為支黏6而惺装於支撐架1 之主承載柱11上,藉驅動部4使平衡板2能以上述之支點 6為_心而作上下之擺動者;驅動部4 (如:油壓、鍊輪 、曲輪或螵桿傳動機構,而可由人力、馬達或油壓機等為 動力者>,傲固定在支撐架1或地面上以對平衡板2施力 (其施力黏可在平衡板前方、後方或固定於平衡板底部之 轉軸者>,其在使平衡板2擺動,且具有固定該平衡板2 之擺動角度者;銜接板3,則僳設置於停車位入口處之前 方地面上,其中具有一升降檐構31以使該銜接板3在靠停 車位之一倒能作適度的升降者。 據上逑之裝置,其可藉固定在支撐架1或地面上之驅 動部4的作用使平衡板2産生傾斜,而銜接部3亦藉其中 之升降機構31的囅動而使其産生傾斜,且使上述之平衡板 2與銜接板3恰相互銜接成一體之停車道;鐮此,本案邸 能藉該一停車道使車輞直接上到平衡板2上,並在車輛停 妥於平衡板2之車輪定位部5後,平衡板2及銜接板3則 分別由驅動部4與升降機構31的作用而再回復為原來之型 態,以簡單且快速的完成停車之目的,而不致影響在該停 車位之其他層之車輛者。 又,由於上逑平衡板2之承載重心始終僳固定在支撐 架1之主承載柱11上之支點6,且在平衡板2上以支貼6 (請先閲請背面之注意事項再壤寫本頁) .裝. 訂. -線. 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4规格(210 X 297公*) 81.10.10,000 C6 D6 2098S5 五、創作説明 為匾分,其前後兩端的重量縐於平衡,故本案中之驅動部 4所須施力非常小,甚可以手動構造為之,以及減輕驅動 部長期負重而産生疲勞或損壤之情形,以可得到較具安全 性及較為省力之裝置者;另外,本案可以如前段所逑之方 式以反對順序行之,亦可便捷的将汽車驶出者β 讅再參閲_一並配合圏二之實施例所示,其中在平衡 板2上之車輪定位部5傜固定在該平衡板2之後端(如鼷 二),而在該平衡板2與銜接板3形成一傾斜而銜接成一 體之停車道時,車辆則可直接由地面鬩上而停妥於車輪定 位部5上,或由平衡板2上開回到地面者。 或如園三Α之構造所示,其中設於平衡板2上之車_ 定位部5傜與該平衡板2分離而可在其上作前後》行者, 而該車輸定位部5像如圔所示由一捲嫌機51(或減速馬達) 經銷絞線52所牽引(或直接以油壓缸機構,或曲輪、蠼桿 等傳動櫬構),以使在車輛停妥於移至平衡板2前方之車 輸定位部5時,即由如上述捲播機51等構造將該車輪定位 部及其上所夾持之車轜一同拉至平衡板2的後方(即拉至 定位)而完成停車者;相反的其可先将車辆放至地面,而 使駕駛人便於上下車者》 另外,如_HB之實施例所示,其中之平衡板2如画 二所示,再於該平衡板2後端裝置一播揚機51者;然,本 案則可先將車輛開至銜接板3上,再藉裝置於平衡板2後 绱之捲欏檐51所放下之鉤具5 3勾扣於車輛上原本具有之拖 吊環(或另裝設之鉤環),再使捲揚機51配合銜接板3的升 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210 X 297公釐) ----------------i------裝------tr------線 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 經濟部中央標準局B工消費合作社印製 81J〇.l〇,〇〇〇 C6 D6 2098S3 五、創作説明 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 起而將車輛拉至定位以完成停車;反之,則使平衡板2前 端傾下並升起銜接板3,再由捲播機51放下車輛,致使本 發明可以較籣單之構造,而同樣逹到駕驶人可在地面上下 車之方便性者。 再請參閲圏四所示,本案有關銜接板3内設之升降機 構31,其除可如圔一所示僳以一油壓起重機埋設於地面之 型式,或如_二所示像以一馬達配置於一般機械式起重檐 之調整蠼桿之型式外β該升降機31亦可如四A及圓四B 所示之型態,以一油壓缸32推動一曲柄33或頂桿34,以播 起銜接板3;或如圔四C所示之型態,可在銜接板3輿地 面間襯有一氣囊35,藉其間之氣囊35為氣壓式千斤頂(即 為一升降機構31),以達到使銜接板3升降之目的。又, 具上述各種升降機構之裝置,其動力來源除以電力外,當 然亦可以人力為動力者。 經濟部中央標準局B工消費合作社印製 誚另參閲附圃五之實施例所示,在本發明中之支撐架 1傜固定在一個具有向地下挖堀之沉箱7 (或地道)内,而 在該支撐架1之主承載柱11之適笛距離上分別框裝了三層 平衡板2,且使中間之一平衡板2在呈水平時輿地面保持 在同一平面上,以及在該三値平衡板2之間以連桿21相連 接成一驩,而由騸動部4的帶動使其能一致擺動,並藉驅 動部4固定其傾斜之角度者(驅動部不拘型式,亦不限對 平衡板之施力點);再於上述平衡板2前方之地上装置一 銜接板3,該銜接板3之前端供固定於地面,後端則懸空 而設有一升降機構31以支播,且可經該一升降機構31驅使 -7 - 81.10.10,000 本紙張尺度適用t國國家標準(CNS)甲4破格(210 X 297公釐) 2〇9BS3 C6 D6 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 五、創作説明 其以前端為軸心而上下播動及保持定位者β如上述之裝置 ,當平衡板2保持水平,而銜接板3亦配合而呈水平時( 如圜五Α),則中間一層之車輛可自由進出;若,本裝置 之平衡板2前端向下傾斜到定位,而銜接板3亦配合的向 上升起到定位時(如國五Β> ,則此時在最上層之車輛可 自由進出;又當,本裝置之平衡板2前端像向上傾斜到定 位,而銜接板3亦配合的向下傾斜到定位時(如圏五C> ,則此時在底層之車輛卽可自由進出,以連本發明之創作 目的。 如上述之三層式停車位裝置,其中原在地面向下挖堀 沉箱或地道之型態,其亦可改變為在地面上架設一平台, 然,以使中間一曆之平衡板保持水平時能與上述平台齊平 ,藉平台作為車輛進出停車位之行車道,而適於大面積之 停車空地使用者。 而本案如附圖五所示之裝置,其中之平衡板2亦可如 圖二所示,將車輪定位部5直接設在毎一平衡板2的後端 由車輛直接開至定位之型態,或如圖三A所示,其中之車 輪定位部5可以油壓缸或齒輪、蠼桿等直線驅動機構使其 能在平衡板2之上作前後滑移之型態,以方便駕駛員上下 車者。另外,請再參閲附圔六所示,該平衡板2亦可包括 由一組滑軌21及一滑板22所組成,而車輪定位部5仍設於 滑板22之上可前後滑移者,在滑軌21上固定一驅動檐構23 以推動滑板22前移或後退,再於滑板22前後兩端各設一滑 輪24、2 4\而在》軌21中間適當位置處固定二條銷絞線25 -8 ~ .(請先閲请背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -裝. 訂. 線. 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4現格(210 X 297公釐) 81.10.10,000 C6 D6 209885 五、創作説明 、25\或鍊條),並使鋼絞線25、25分別繞遇滑板22兩端之 滑輪24、2 ^而將其另一端固定於車輪定位部5之上者;當 由上述之驅動機構23推使滑板22前進時,該構造將藉_絞 線25以二倍的速度與距離拉使車輪定位部5向前;反之, 當驅動機構2 3將滑板2 2向後拉時,車轜定位部5則将由另 一銷絞線2 5¾¾回。據而,如画五所示之三層停車裝置刖可 使其中之車輪定位部5伸至銜接板3的前端,以提供一種 更方便駕駛人上下車之裝置者。 再請參閲附圖八之實施例所示,當如圈五之三層式停 車裝置使用時,其中可改變設計而將位在中間之一平衡板 2除去,使該一停車裝置成為S —種型態之雙層式停車裝 置之構造;據此,本裝置則可在與團五所示之條件相同的 情況下,停放一些車身較於上逑所舉例之轎車為高之車輛 者(如:貨車、客貨兩用車、吉普車·..等)。 本案在以上各實施例中所_之車輪定位部5,於此待 舉二可行實施例如圖七八及_七8所示。圓七A為僅在平 衡板2之適當位置處設一播塊54,當車輛係由鋼絞線拉上 時,車輪只要靠到該播塊54卽可逹定位之目的。圖七B則 為在車輪定位部5之適當位置開具有輪槽55,在輪槽5 5後 緣設一播塊56,輪檐55前緣則樞設橫臥之擋板57,該播板 57可由一驅動機構58所控制而由倒向轉出以呈轚立之型態 者;據而,待車輪進入上述輪槽55中,驅動機構58卽能促 使播板57轚起,以使車輪被穩固的夾持於播塊56輿擋板57 之間,以致既使該車未經煞車亦無法脱離該定位部5之固 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4规格(210 X 297公釐) (請先閲*背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 丨裝. 訂. 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印製 81.10.10,000 C6 D6 209885 五、創作説明 定者,而肋於前逑各例之實施。 綜上所述,本發明之雙層或三層停車裝置,其構造簡 單,運作省力、安全,而能籍以增加土地之利用價值,故 本發明確實具有其功效及産業上之利用價值;又,本案於 申請前未有相同之型態或裝置公開使用或見於刊物。爰依 專利法第一條之規定,向 鈞局提起新型専利之申請,並 懇誚早日賜准本案専利,至感徳便。 本案上逑實施例,僅用以舉例説明本發明雙層或三層 停車裝置之部份可行實施例,對熟悉該項技蘑之人員,當 可對其細部之附属部份_行各種等效之變化例,惟此等變 化例,均應包括在本創作之精神及範圏内。 (請先閱諫背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) •裝. 訂 •線. 經濟部中央標準局員工消费合作社印製C6 D6 2〇9B6〇 V. Creation instructions (please fill in the notes on the back of the room before filling in this page) The invention has a double-decker parking device, which is a kind of additional one on the general flat parking space Body. By the tilting of the balance plate installed on the support frame and the connecting plate provided in front of the parking space, the balance plate is connected to the lane of the connecting plate to provide a car without affecting the other vehicle auxiliary. Drive in or out of the balance board of the parking device in the safest and most labor-saving way. In today's highly developed metropolitan plaques, there is an urgent need for parking lots, so there are several types of double or triple parking devices in the market today. However, this conventional parking device is hung from top to bottom by a hoist or horse, or is supported by a hydraulic mechanism from bottom to top; the disadvantage is that when power is removed, it is easy to The failure of the horse-speed locking mechanism or the oil leakage of the hydraulic system caused the upper parking board to slide down and cause an accident; in addition, the parking boards of the conventional parking device are vertically raised in the original parking space, so they are on the ground floor When a vehicle other than the vehicle assistant wants to enter or leave, it must remove the original vehicle assistant on the ground floor, so that it is necessary for the two vehicle owners to exchange vehicle keys with each other, or dig a culvert downward in the parking space, or park with multiple vehicles The parking spaces are arranged side by side, and a self-propelled traverse parking board needs to be set on the ground floor parking space, and at least one Myanmar vacant space is reserved for use as a moving space, resulting in inconvenience and increased cost. In view of the lack of the double-layer or three-layer parking device of the above-mentioned Xi, the inventor of the printed matter printed by the employee consumer cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs believes that it is safe, convenient, simple, labor-saving, and can simultaneously save land space and other functions. The necessary β of the equipment has been carefully researched and designed by the inventor, and a double- or triple-layer parking device with simple structure, safety, more convenient operation and use, and low manufacturing cost and convenient maintenance has been developed. * 2-81.10.10,000 This paper scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 Scorpion (210 X 297 mm) 209BS5 C6 D6 The Ministry of Economic Affairs Central Standards Bureau employee consumption cooperation du printing V. Creation Description The main purpose of the present invention Provide a double-layer or three-layer parking device, so that one or two partial parking spaces can be directly added to the land surface of the same parking space, or the original small building below it or its ground floor can be kept empty Use type. The second object of the present invention is to provide a double-layer or triple-layer parking device, so that the entry and exit of any auxiliary vehicle in the single parking device will not affect the auxiliary vehicles on the other floors of the parking space. Another object of the present invention is to provide a double-layer or three-layer parking device for a dike, so that the mechanism of the one parking device is simple, labor-saving and safe, and its operation and maintenance are also relatively easy. For the above purpose, the present invention The device mainly consists of a support frame, a balance plate, a connecting plate and a driving part; among them: the support frame, which has at least one main bearing column located in the middle of the parking space; the balance plate, which has a The wheel positioning part, and the middle part of the balance plate (which can be forward or backward "movement") as a fulcrum is mounted on the main bearing column of the support frame, and the drive part enables the balance plate to use the above fulcrum as _ The heart is used to swing up and down; the driving part (which can be powered by human power, horses or oil pressure) is fixed on the support frame or the ground, which is playing the balance plate and has the fixed plate The swing angle; the connection plate is pseudo-placed on the ground in front of the entrance of the parking space, which has a lifting mechanism to enable the connection plate to be a proper lifter in one of the parking spaces. As mentioned above, the device can tilt the balance plate by the action of the driving part fixed on the support frame or the ground, and the connecting part can also tilt the balance plate by the movement of the lifting mechanism therein, and make the balance plate mentioned above Please read the notes on the back of Λ- and then write this page.)-Pack. Order.-Line. This paper size is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) Grade 4 (210 X 297 mm) 81.] 0.10,000 £ 098So 〇6 D6 V. Creation instructions (please read the precautions on the back and then fill in this page), they are exactly connected to each other to form a parking lane. According to this, the case can be _ the lane allows the car to go directly to The balance board, and after the rim is parked on the wheel positioning portion of the balance board, the balance board and the connecting board are restored to the original form to complete the purpose of parking, without causing the color alum on other layers of the parking space "Vehicle" As mentioned above, since the center of gravity of the balance plate is fixed on the support of the support frame, and the weight of the two creeps at the support point of the balance plate is in balance, the force required by the moving part of this case Very small, it can even be constructed manually to A drive unit case perish light weight and long-term damage or fatigue of; the other may be opposed to the order of the rows, to an automobile's exit. The principle, device and function of the present invention, in order to enable your reviewing committee to have a deeper understanding of the complex and "solution, here are a few preferred and feasible embodiments and detailed descriptions in conjunction with the nursery style are as follows: : The first one is the basic usage pattern of the present invention, and the second one is one of the present invention, which is used to decompose the water. FIG. 3A is a schematic diagram of another embodiment of the invention. Park 4 is the three variations of the elevating eave structure of the connecting plate in the present invention. Fig. 5 shows an embodiment of the present invention as a triad-type parking device. Printed by the S Industry and Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs _Six is another embodiment of the balance plate and wheel positioning section of the present invention. Letter t is the second feasible embodiment of the wheel positioning portion in the present invention. Circle 8 is another embodiment of the double-layer parking device of the present invention. Please refer to the drawings, this booklet is a "double or three-story parking device J, the main device includes the support frame 1, the balance plate 2, the connecting plate -4-81.10.10,000 This paper size is suitable for China National Standard (CNS) A4 specifications (210 X 297 mm) 209883 C6 D6 Printed by the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economy W Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives 5. Creation Instructions 3 and Driver 4 etc .; Among them: support frame 1, its at least There are two main bearing columns 11 located in the middle part of the parking space; the balance plate 2 has a wheel positioning portion 5 on its parking lane, and the middle part of the balance plate 2 (may be forward or backward offset ) Installed on the main load-bearing column 11 of the support frame 1 for the support 6 and the drive part 4 enables the balance plate 2 to swing up and down with the support 6 as the center; the drive part 4 (eg: oil Press, sprocket, crank wheel or stem transmission mechanism, which can be powered by manpower, motor or hydraulic machine, etc., fixed on the support frame 1 or the ground to apply force to the balance plate 2 (the force can be stuck in the balance The front and rear of the board or the shaft fixed to the bottom of the balance board >, which swings the balance board 2, Those who have fixed the swing angle of the balance plate 2; the connection plate 3 is set on the ground in front of the entrance of the parking space, which has a lifting eaves structure 31 so that the connection plate 3 can work in one of the parking spaces Moderate lifter. According to the above device, it can tilt the balance plate 2 by the action of the driving part 4 fixed on the support frame 1 or the ground, and the connecting part 3 is also moved by the lifting mechanism 31 therein. Make it tilted, and make the balance plate 2 and the connecting plate 3 exactly connect to each other into a parking lane; sickle, this case can use this parking lane to make the rim directly onto the balance plate 2, and in the vehicle After parking on the wheel positioning part 5 of the balance plate 2, the balance plate 2 and the connecting plate 3 are restored to their original form by the action of the driving part 4 and the lifting mechanism 31, respectively, to complete the purpose of parking simply and quickly. It does not affect the vehicles on the other floors of the parking space. Also, because the center of gravity of the upper balance plate 2 is always fixed at the fulcrum 6 on the main bearing column 11 of the support frame 1, and the balance plate 2 is supported by Sticker 6 (Please read the notes on the back first (This page is written.) Binding. Binding.-Line. This paper scale is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210 X 297 g *) 81.10.10,000 C6 D6 2098S5 5. The creation description is divided into plaques, the front and back ends The weight is balanced, so the force required by the drive unit 4 in this case is very small, and it can even be constructed manually, as well as reducing the long-term load of the drive unit to produce fatigue or damage to the situation, so as to obtain more safety and more Labor-saving device; in addition, the case can be carried out in the order of opposition as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and the car can be easily removed from the car. See also the example of the example with the two, and it is in balance The wheel positioning portion 5 on the plate 2 is fixed to the rear end of the balance plate 2 (such as the second one), and when the balance plate 2 and the connecting plate 3 form an inclined and integrated parking lane, the vehicle can directly Those who parked on the wheel positioning part 5 from the ground or drove back to the ground from the balance plate 2. Or as shown in the structure of Yuansan A, where the car _ positioning part 5 is separated from the balance plate 2 and can be used as a front and back walker, and the vehicle loses its positioning part 5 like Ruji As shown, it is pulled by a coiled machine 51 (or deceleration motor) via pin twisted wire 52 (or directly driven by hydraulic cylinder mechanism, or transmission structure such as crank wheel, stalk rod, etc.), so that it can be moved to the balance plate 2 when the vehicle is parked. When the vehicle in front is transported to the positioning unit 5, the wheel positioning unit and the car clamped thereon are pulled to the rear of the balance plate 2 (that is, to the positioning) by the structure such as the above-mentioned caster 51 to complete the parking On the contrary, it can put the vehicle to the ground first, so that the driver can get on and off easily. In addition, as shown in the embodiment of _HB, where the balance board 2 is shown in drawing two, then the balance board 2 The rear end device is a broadcaster 51; however, in this case, the vehicle can be driven to the connecting plate 3 first, and then the hook 5 placed by the rolled lintel 51 behind the balance plate 2 can be hooked on the 3 The original towing ring (or hook ring installed separately) on the vehicle makes the winch 51 cooperate with the lifting plate of the connecting plate 3. National Standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210 X 297 mm) ---------------- i ------ install ------ tr ---- --Line (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) 81J〇.l〇, 〇〇〇C6 D6 2098S3 printed by the B Industry and Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (Notes will be written on this page) and then pull the vehicle to position to complete the parking; otherwise, the front end of the balance plate 2 is tilted and the connection plate 3 is raised, and then the vehicle is lowered by the caster 51, so that the invention can be compared Yi Shan's structure, but also the convenience of the driver can get on and off the ground. Please refer to figure 4 again. In this case, the lifting mechanism 31 provided in the connecting plate 3 can be buried in the ground with a hydraulic crane as shown in figure 1, or as shown in _2. The motor is arranged outside the adjustment type of the general mechanical lifting eaves. The elevator 31 can also be in the form shown in four A and four B, with a hydraulic cylinder 32 pushing a crank 33 or a jack 34, In order to broadcast the connecting plate 3; or as shown in Figure 4C, an airbag 35 can be lined between the connecting plate 3 and the ground, and the airbag 35 in between is a pneumatic jack (that is, a lifting mechanism 31), to The purpose of raising and lowering the connecting plate 3 is achieved. In addition, the device with the above-mentioned various lifting mechanisms, in addition to the power source, of course, can also be powered by manpower. Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, B Industry and Consumer Cooperatives. Also refer to the example of the attached Wupu. In the present invention, the support frame 1 is fixed in a caisson 7 (or tunnel) with a digging underground. On the proper flute distance of the main bearing column 11 of the support frame 1, three layers of balance plates 2 are respectively framed, and the middle balance plate 2 is kept on the same plane when the ground is horizontal, and the three The balance plates 2 are connected by a connecting rod 21 to form a joy, and driven by the motile part 4 to enable them to swing uniformly, and the angle of inclination is fixed by the driving part 4 (the driving part is not limited in type, nor limited to The force point of the balance board); then install a connecting plate 3 on the ground in front of the balance board 2, the front end of the connecting plate 3 is fixed to the ground, the rear end is suspended and a lifting mechanism 31 is provided to support the broadcast, and Driven by the lifting mechanism 31 -7-81.10.10,000 This paper standard is applicable to the national standard (CNS) A 4 of the country t (210 X 297 mm) 2〇9BS3 C6 D6 Printed by the employee consumer cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 、 Creation shows that it plays and protects up and down with the front end as the axis The locator β is the same as the above-mentioned device. When the balance plate 2 is kept horizontal, and the connecting plate 3 is also coordinated to be horizontal (such as Wuwu A), the vehicle in the middle layer can enter and exit freely; if, the front end of the balance plate 2 of this device When leaning down to the positioning, and the connection plate 3 also cooperates with the upward ascent to achieve positioning (such as Guowu B>, then the vehicle on the uppermost layer can enter and exit freely; again, the front of the balance plate 2 of this device looks upward When it is tilted to the positioning, and the connecting plate 3 is also coordinated to tilt downward to the positioning (such as the five C >, then the vehicle on the ground floor can freely enter and exit to connect the creative purpose of the present invention. As the above three-layer type Parking space device, which originally digs down the ground for caissons or tunnels, it can also be changed to erect a platform on the ground, however, so that the balance plate in the middle of the calendar can be level with the above platform The platform is used as a lane for vehicles to enter and exit the parking space, and is suitable for large-area parking spaces. The device shown in Figure 5 of this case, where the balance plate 2 can also be positioned as shown in Figure 2, Department 5 is located directly at each The rear end of the weighing plate 2 is opened directly by the vehicle to the positioning type, or as shown in FIG. 3A, where the wheel positioning portion 5 can be driven by a linear drive mechanism such as a hydraulic cylinder or a gear, a stalk rod, etc. The front and rear sliding patterns are provided to facilitate the driver to get in and out of the car. In addition, please refer to the attached figure 6, the balance plate 2 can also include a set of slide rails 21 and a slide plate 22, While the wheel positioning portion 5 is still provided on the sliding plate 22 and can slide forward and backward, a driving eave structure 23 is fixed on the sliding rail 21 to push the sliding plate 22 forward or backward, and a pulley 24 is provided on each of the front and rear ends of the sliding plate 22 , 2 4 \ and fix the two pin strands 25 -8 ~ at the appropriate position in the middle of the rail 21 (please read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page)-install. Order. Line. This paper size is suitable for Chinese countries Standard (CNS) A4 current grid (210 X 297 mm) 81.10.10,000 C6 D6 209885 V. Creation instructions, 25 \ or chain), and make the steel strands 25, 25 meet the pulleys 24 at both ends of the skateboard 22, respectively , 2 ^ and the other end is fixed on the wheel positioning portion 5; when the sliding mechanism 22 is pushed forward by the drive mechanism 23 described above, The structure will use the twisted wire 25 to pull the wheel positioning portion 5 forward at twice the speed and distance; conversely, when the driving mechanism 23 pulls the skateboard 22 backward, the positioning portion 5 will be twisted by another pin 2 5¾¾ back. Accordingly, the three-level parking device shown in Picture 5 can extend the wheel positioning portion 5 to the front end of the connecting plate 3 to provide a device that is more convenient for the driver to get on and off. Referring again to the embodiment shown in FIG. 8, when a three-tier parking device such as a circle is used, the design can be changed to remove the balance plate 2 in the middle, so that the parking device becomes S- The structure of various types of double-decker parking devices; according to this, the device can park some vehicles whose body is taller than the car shown in the previous example under the same conditions as the group five (such as : Vans, vans, jeep ... etc.). The wheel positioning portion 5 described in the above embodiments in this case is here to be described as two possible implementation examples as shown in FIGS. 78 and 78. Yuanqi A is to set a broadcasting block 54 only at a proper position of the balance board 2. When the vehicle is pulled up by a steel strand, the wheel can be positioned as long as it leans against the broadcasting block 54. Fig. 7B shows a wheel groove 55 at an appropriate position of the wheel positioning portion 5, a broadcasting block 56 is provided at the rear edge of the wheel groove 55, and a horizontal baffle 57 is pivotally arranged at the front edge of the wheel eaves 55. 57 can be controlled by a driving mechanism 58 and turned backwards to assume a standing shape; accordingly, when the wheel enters the above-mentioned wheel groove 55, the driving mechanism 58 can cause the broadcasting board 57 to hoist to make the wheel It is firmly clamped between the broadcasting block 56 and the baffle 57 so that even if the car is not braked, it can not be separated from the fixed paper of the positioning part 5. The standard of China's national standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210 X 297mm) (please read the precautions on the back first and then fill out this page) 丨 installed. Ordered. Printed by the Staff Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 81.10.10,000 C6 D6 209885 V. The creation instructions are fixed, but the front is the front Implementation of various examples. In summary, the double-layer or triple-layer parking device of the present invention has a simple structure, saves labor and safety, and can increase the use value of the land, so the present invention does have its efficacy and industrial use value; and In this case, the same type or device was not publicly used or seen in the publication before the application. In accordance with the provisions of Article 1 of the Patent Law, he filed an application for a new type of profit with the Jun Bureau, and sincerely granted permission for the case as soon as possible, so that he was very comfortable. The embodiments in this case are only used to illustrate some possible embodiments of the double-layer or three-layer parking device of the present invention. For those familiar with the technology, the subsidiary parts of the details can be equivalent Variations, but these variations should be included in the spirit and fandom of this creation. (Please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) • Packing. Ordering • Line. Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs
ο 1X 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4婕格(210 X四7公釐) 81.10.10,000ο 1X This paper scale is applicable to China National Standard (CNS) A 4 Jiege (210 X 4.7 mm) 81.10.10,000