^03ο4ϋ A6 ___B6_ 五、發明説明(1 ) (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再埸寫本頁) 本發明偽有關於位在抄紙機壓水(pvess)部的濕紙移 送裝置。 一般在抄紙工程中壓水部的作用,僳將藉上流工程之 造紙網(wire)部被脱水至濃度1 5〜18 %的濕紙,藉棍 予以加壓而將濃度提昇至40〜45%左右為止,而將其 移送到下一工程之乾燥部(dryer)。第9圖即是表示使用 在壓水部之習知高速壓水裝置的1實施例。在第9圖中, 藉造紙網1所形成2水分88%左右的濕紙2,除了會被 真空引紙棍3所吸引外,亦附著在引紙輥(pick up rollor)4而被搬蓮,而在由同一毛布(felt)4 , 1 P毛 經濟部中央標準局WK工消費合作社印製 布5,真空棍(suction roll)6及第1溝紋幅(grooved roll)7 a所形成之雙里..垂_布.(double felt)的第1號壓水 部1P中,經由多孔性的毛布4、 5,如圖中箭頭A、 B 所示般地於上下方向水,更者藉真空棍6之真空作用 邊被吸收邊被保持i引紙毛布4 0?背面,而反轉於由表面 平滑(hard roll),亦即由天然花崗岩、人造石、 橡膠等所被覆之壓水中心棍(press center roll)8 a與 第2溝紋棍7 b所形成的單面毛布之第2號壓水部2 P中 朝引紙毛布4方向^脱水。在此濕紙2,則自引紙毛布4 被移轉到較密的壓水中心辊8 a,而藉由棍8 a及第3溝 紋棍7c所形之第3號壓水部中,更朝3P毛布9方向被 脱水,而水分值成為55 - 60%左右,被送到下一段之 壓水部(第4號壓水部)或是下一工程之乾燥部。 其次就上述習知裝置中之送紙作業概要地加以説明。 纸張尺度通用中國固家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210 X 297 X發) -3 ~ 81.9.25,000 t ^ .........I ......-經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 A6_B6 五、發明説明(2 ) 在第3號壓水部3 P中被脱水的濕紙2乃被附著至中心提 8a之表面,而藉刮刀(doctor) 1 ◦予以割取,如2 >所 示般,暫時落於全寬壓槽(press Pit)l 1。於該狀態下 ------一> ,由於很難將全寬之濕^送到下一段之壓水部或是乾燥部 _,因此首先在送寬度較窄之濕紙(銳¥ tail )後,才將其 擴展成金寬EL態。此外有關該銳紙之送紙作業,首先在造 紙網藉高壓水噴射(jet,未圖示)而能製造任意寛度的 銳紙。此時圔中j將紙棍(paper roll) 1 5 ,導引 毛布锟(head-in felt Γ〇11)1 7之兩者或一者,移動到 1 5 /、1 7 /所示之虛線所示的位置,在確保銳紙容易 — ____________ - , 通過之空間後,由導引噴射(carrier jet)部1 9之空氣 噴嘴將空氣吹出,而自壓水中心棍8 a刮取銳紙,而如 2 "所示般,乘載於下一段壓水部之毛布2 1 ,而送到下 一段的壓水部。 '第1 0圖丨如上所述,僳表自習知壓水部之中心棍8 a ..· ·» β ——** ,將濕紙2移行至下一個第4號壓水部毛布21之蓮轉狀 態圖。在第1◦圖中,藉3Ρ毛布9被脱水之濕紙,由於 被脱水,因此被以強力的力量推附至壓水中心棍8 a侧, .·> 而成為貼於壓水中心棍8 a的狀態。而貼於壓水中心棍 8 a之濕紙,為了要移到後缠的壓水部,則必須自壓水中 心锟而剝離,因此後缠壓水部之運轉速度必須以較前一工 程之蓮轉速度為快的速度而運轉。而該增加的速度部分稱 之為牽引力(draw),該牽引力會在濕紙中産生張力,藉該 張力能與壓水中心棍之黏著力對抗,具有將濕紙自壓水中 _—_ :- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) .裝. 訂_ 丨身· 本纸張又茂適用士因因家橒準(CNS)甲4規格(210 X 297公兌) -4 - 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印剔衣 L〇3o4u A6 __B6_ 五、發明説明(3 ) 心棍剝離的作用。此時在濕紙,與牽引力配合的張力即會 作用在開放張力(open draw)部(濕紙未被毛布或棍等所 支撑的部分)的整個寬度。而藉該張力濕紙會被拉伸。又 濕紙之伸長量乃考廉集中在施予張力之濕紙的剝離部,由 於纖維量、纖維分散、填料分布等之不均勻,伸長量會部 分地産生差異,而引起應力的不均勻。由於該原因,若濕 紙部分地被破壊,會使得整値寬度産生斷紙。又若開放張 力(open draw)部長時,則部分集中之伸長量(亦即應力 ),由於係與開放張力部之長度成比例增大,因此斷紙的 危險性會變得更大。因此開放張力部必須要儘可能地縮短 。而該方法乃表示在第11圖。在第11圖之壓水中心锟 8 a與真空锟之配置,可使開放張力部縮短,且開放張力 部僅有1個。 在第1 1圖中,為了要防止斷紙而達到開放張力部為 零的目的,若將真空棍推附至壓水中心·8 a,則捲掛在 真空棍之毛布或帆布之速度,會變得與壓水中心棍同速。 其結果由於未産生牽引力,因此無法藉濕紙的張力,將濕 紙自中心棍剝離。又藉真空棍之真空壓所産生之濕紙的剝 離力,由於壓水中心棍之通氣性不充分,因此僅在加壓( nip)後有作用。其結果,僅藉真空棍之真空壓,無法使濕 紙自壓水中心锟剝離,而濕紙會藉與壓水中心棍之黏著力 ,而以附著在壓水中心棍之狀態而進行,因此為了要將濕 紙自壓水中心棍而剝離,因此必須要有牽引力,而不得不 殘留下最小限度之開放張力量。故無法根本地解決上述斷 本纸張尺度適用中a國家橒準(CNS)甲4规格(210 X 297公楚 ) _ c - 81.9.25,000 裝------.玎------^ • 冲 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) A6 B6 經濟部中央標準局WK工消費合作社印製 五、發明説明(4 ) 紙的問題。 但是由於近年來抄紙機乃高速化,以往之新聞用抄紙 機乃於1 300m/m i η附近蓮轉,更者乃多需要 1 500m/m i η的蓮轉速度。在要求抄紙機高速化中 ,1個最大的問題是有關在壓水部之間及壓水部與乾燥部 之間的濕紙的移送作業。 亦即以往如上所述,乃藉g氣噴嘴將濕紙之銳紙,自 壓水中心棍而剝離而移送至下一工程,然、若芦寒時,由於 濕紙很難自壓水中仓輯而射j離,為了要使濕紙能夠自壓水 中心锟安定地剝離,因此必須要增加_水部之間或壓水部 與乾燥部之間的牽引力(速度差)。但是在壓|後之濕紙 濃度為4 0〜45%左右,而強度與乾紙相比乃非常地低 ,又在上述區間之濕紙無法藉毛布等而予以支撑,亦即所 -、 、+ 、+ 、+ \+ V \ 、 . 謂的開@張力(open draw),因此當張力變大時,紙很容 f兩荐,又縱然若暫時地送紙而進入一般蓮轉型態,然若 有任何的變動亦有紙容易斷掉的缺點。 在此本發明為了要將渥紙自硬棍(壓、水每或上棍 t〇P Γ〇ιι)τ__離,因此使用帶,利用在 將皮帶推附至硬锟時所發生之皮帶之厚,於皮帶之 .......... ....... .............. ------- 表面會伸長一有與皮帶之厚度減少對應的量,藉此可使在 濕紙與閤産生偏差。此外為了將濕紙自硬棍取出於 史帶a間,或是將附著在皮帶之濕紙HU次一毛布或是 帆布,乃在上述皮帶之表面預定於兩周、有商設羃通或貫穿 _ ——- 皮费之小徑孔,而將真空箱為次一工程之毛布或帆布所覆 、...... _ L茂適用中因國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210 X 297公贷) _ g _ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) -丨装. 訂. -線. 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印剔衣 L〇3o4u a6 ___ B6_ 五、發明説明(5 ) 蓋者推附至濕紙,藉貫通濕紙之空氣的壓力,可將濕紙移 送到次一工程之毛布或帆布。藉此本發明可解決以上之問 題。 而本發明之濕紙移送裝置,其主要僳一抄紙機鼷水部 之濕紙移送裝置,其主要特徴僳:移送裝置乃包括:與濕 紙接觭的一面有彈性而能伸縮,而與濕紙不接觭的一面, 則由伸縮少的材料所形成之無端皮帶以及與該皮帶呈對向 配置之硬棍,令皮帶經由濕紙推附至硬棍,可使皮帶産生 變形,而使濕紙自釋棍專!1離,而能於皮帶上移送。 根據本發明,與濕紙接觸之彈性皮帶表面會常常在接 觸在濕紙的狀態下行走。此時彈性皮帶表面,則經常與濕 紙同速或f較其為快地行走,特別是在推壓壓力最大點以 後,由於彈性皮帶的變形會消失,因此速度會上昇,其結 果在開放張力一零的狀態下可產生用於将濕紙自壓水中心 * 、、·.、..-〆、·. ' " . .、 ..... ..,. 棍剝離的張力。 ' 圖面之簡單說明: 圖1係本發明之第1實施例之濕紙移送裝置的側面圖 〇 圖2僳將濕紙自圖1中之硬棍(壓水中心棍)移送到 皮帶時所說明圖。 圖3係將濕紙自本發明之硬棍移送到皮帶時之説明圖 0 圖4僳表自皮帶將濕紙移送到次一毛布(felt)時的說 本纸張尺度適用中國國家橒準(CMS)甲4規格(210 X 297公贷) -1 - 81.9.25,000 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 丨裝· 訂 —線. 經濟部中央標準局WK工消費合作社印製 A6 r________B6_ 五、發明説明(6 ) 明圖。 圖5像表自皮帶將濕紙移送到次一毛布時的斷面圖。 圖6傺表自皮帶將濕紙移送到次一毛布時之皮帶之構 造之其他例的斷面圖。 圖7像表本發明之第2實施例之濕紙移送裝置的倒面 I, — -----—»· ---------- 圖。 圖8僳表習知之送紙作業的側面圖。 圖9係表習知壓水部中之濕紙與壓水裝置之關僳的側 面圖。 圖1 0係表習知送紙作業之侧面圖。 圖1 1係表習知送紙作業之侧面圖。 以下請參照圖面來說明本發明之實施例中之在抄紙機 壓水部中的濕紙移送裝置。第1圖〜第7圖係表本發明之 實施例。第1圖傜表將本發明之濕紙移送裝置自抄紙機壓 水部之第3號壓水部(3P)應用到第4號壓水部(4P )的實施例。在第1圖中,藉造紙網1所形成之濕紙,藉 作用在真空引紙棍3的真空,會吸引附箸在引紙毛布(Pi-ck up felt)4,而附著在位於第3壓水部(3P)後方 之作為硬棍的壓水中心棍8 a而被輸送,到此之階段則與 習知例相同。而用於將濕紙2自壓水中心棍8 a送到次一 工程的濕紙移送裝置,僳由具有彈性之無端皮帶55,將 皮帶經由濕紙推附至壓水中心棍8a之壓棍50、 56, 用於驅動皮帶之皮帶驅動棍52,賦予張力於皮帶之張力 棍53,皮帶導锟54及將臛棍50、 56推附至壓水中 本纸張尺度適用中國S家標準(CNS)甲4規格(2〗0 X 297公楚) _ 〇 _ 81.9.25,000 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 丨裝. 訂 線. 經濟部中央標準局员工消費合作社印製 A6 B6 五、發明説明(7) 心棍8 a之未圖示的加壓裝置等所構成。此外在上述構成 中,係將壓棍56配置在皮帶可以接觸到(kiss touch)中 心棍8 a的位置,而使得彈性皮帶的厚度不會減少。 其次請參照圖面來說明藉上述構成將濕紙自壓水中心 棍8 a剝離的作用。在第2圖中,若在自與濕紙接觭之表 面離開之位置,將具有伸長量少之芯體59的彈性皮 帶5 5推附到壓水中心棍8 a時,則彈性皮帶之芯體的行 走速度為一定,而在被推附到壓棍之的區間,與濕紙 相接之皮帶表面速度,若忽視濕紙的厚度,則與中心棍之 表面速度成為相同。因此若將壓水中心锟8 a的表面速度 設為v,壓水中心棍8 a之半徑設為R,而自位於壓力(η ip)中心線上之芯體至與紙接觸之面為止的距離為t 忽視紙的厚度時,則芯體的速度成為: R + t 2 芯體速度= v X -^ 03ο4ϋ A6 ___B6_ V. Description of the invention (1) (Please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) This invention is about the wet paper transfer device located in the pvess part of the paper machine. Generally, in the papermaking process, the pressurized water section will be dewatered to the wet paper with a concentration of 15 to 18% by the wire part of the upstream project, and the concentration will be increased to 40 to 45% by the pressure of the stick. So far, it will be transferred to the dryer of the next project. Fig. 9 shows an embodiment of a conventional high-speed water press device used in the water press section. In Figure 9, the wet paper 2 with a moisture content of about 88% formed by the paper net 1 is attracted to the vacuum roller 3 and is also attached to a pick-up roller 4 to be moved. , And it is formed by printing 5 cloth, vacuum roll 6 and 1st grooved roll 7a on the same wool cloth (felt) 4, 1 P WK industrial and consumer cooperative of Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. In the No. 1 press water section 1P of the double felt .. vertical_cloth. (Double felt), water is flowed up and down as shown by arrows A and B in the figure through porous felts 4, 5, or more The vacuum action of the vacuum stick 6 is maintained while being absorbed while the paper guide cloth 40 is on the back side, and is reversed to the pressure water center covered by a hard roll, that is, covered by natural granite, artificial stone, rubber, etc. The single-sided felt formed by the press center roll 8 a and the second grooved roll 7 b is dewatered in the direction of the paper-feeding felt 4 in the second water press section 2 P of the single-sided felt. Here, the wet paper 2 is transferred from the leading felt 4 to the denser pressurized water center roller 8 a, and in the No. 3 pressurized water portion formed by the stick 8 a and the third grooved stick 7 c, It is further dehydrated toward the 3P felt 9 and the moisture value becomes about 55-60%, and is sent to the pressurized water section (No. 4 pressurized water section) of the next stage or the drying section of the next project. Next, the paper feeding operation in the above-mentioned conventional device will be briefly described. Paper standard General Chinese Gujia Standard (CNS) Grade 4 specification (210 X 297 X rounds) -3 ~ 81.9.25,000 t ^ ......... I ......- Ministry of Economy Central Standard A6_B6 printed by the Bureau Cooperative Consumer Co., Ltd. V. Description of the invention (2) The wet paper 2 dehydrated in the No. 3 press section 3 P is attached to the surface of the center lift 8a, and borrowed by doctor 1 Cut, as shown in 2 >, temporarily falls in the full width press groove (press Pit) l 1. In this state ----- one>, because it is difficult to send the full-width wet ^ to the pressurized water section or the drying section of the next stage, so first send the wet paper with a narrow width (sharp ¥ tail) before expanding it into the gold-wide EL state. In addition, as for the paper feeding operation of the sharp paper, first, high-pressure water jet (jet, not shown) can be used to make sharp paper of any degree in the paper making net. At this time, j will move the paper roll (paper roll) 1 5 and the two or one of the head-in felt Γ〇11 (17) to the dotted line shown by 1 5 /, 1 7 / In the position shown, after ensuring that the sharp paper is easy to — ____________-, the air is blown out by the air nozzle of the carrier jet part 19, and the sharp paper is scraped from the pressure water center stick 8 a, As shown in 2 ", the felt 2 1 carried in the press section of the next stage is sent to the press section of the next stage. 'No. 10 Figure 丨 As mentioned above, Li watch self-study the center stick 8 a ................. Β —— **, move the wet paper 2 to the next No. 4. Lotus turn state diagram. In Figure 1◦, the wet paper dehydrated with 3Ρ wool cloth 9 is dehydrated, so it is strongly attached to the side of the pressurizing center stick 8 a by strong force. 8 a state. The wet paper attached to the pressure water center stick 8 a must be peeled off from the pressure water center roller in order to move to the pressure water part of the back winding, so the operation speed of the back winding water pressure part must be higher than that of the previous project. The lotus speed is running at a fast speed. The part of the increased speed is called draw force, which will create tension in the wet paper, which can resist the adhesive force of the pressure water center stick. (Please read the precautions on the back before writing this page). Binding. Order _ 丨 Body · This paper is also suitable for CNS A4 specifications (210 X 297 conversion) -4-81.9. 25.000 Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed Clothing L〇3o4u A6 __B6_ V. Description of the invention (3) The role of heart stick stripping. At this time, in the wet paper, the tension coordinated with the traction force will act on the entire width of the open draw (the part of the wet paper that is not supported by the felt, stick, etc.). The wet paper will be stretched by this tension. In addition, the elongation of wet paper is concentrated in the peeling part of the wet paper applied with tension. Due to the non-uniformity of fiber amount, fiber dispersion, filler distribution, etc., the elongation will be partially different, causing uneven stress. For this reason, if the wet paper is partially torn, it will cause the entire width to break. If the open draw is open, the partially concentrated elongation (that is, stress) increases in proportion to the length of the open tension section, so the risk of paper breakage becomes greater. Therefore, the opening tension must be shortened as much as possible. This method is shown in Figure 11. The arrangement of the pressurized water center roller 8a and vacuum roller in Fig. 11 can shorten the open tension part, and there is only one open tension part. In Figure 11, in order to prevent the paper from breaking and to achieve the purpose of zero open tension, if the vacuum stick is pushed to the pressurizing center · 8 a, the speed of the wool or canvas that is wound on the vacuum stick will be Becomes the same speed as the pressure center stick. As a result, since no traction force is generated, the wet paper cannot be peeled from the center stick by the tension of the wet paper. The peeling force of the wet paper generated by the vacuum pressure of the vacuum stick is not sufficient because of the insufficient air permeability of the pressure water center stick, so it only works after pressurization (nip). As a result, the vacuum pressure of the vacuum stick alone cannot make the wet paper peel off from the pressurized water center roller, and the wet paper will adhere to the pressurized water center stick due to its adhesion to the pressurized water center stick, so In order to peel off the wet paper from the water pressure center stick, it must have a traction force, and the minimum amount of open tension must be left. Therefore, it is impossible to fundamentally solve the above-mentioned paper-cutting paper scale applicable to the specifications of a National Standard (CNS) A 4 (210 X 297 Gongchu) _ c-81.9.25,000 Pack ------. 玎 ----- -^ • Chong (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page) A6 B6 Printed by the WK Industrial and Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs V. Invention Instructions (4) Paper problem. However, in recent years, the speed of papermaking machines has been increased. In the past, papermaking machines for news use a lotus speed around 1 300 m / m i η, and moreover, a lotus speed of 1 500 m / m i η is required. In order to increase the speed of paper machines, one of the biggest problems is related to the transfer of wet paper between the pressurized water section and between the pressurized water section and the drying section. That is to say, as mentioned above, the sharp paper of wet paper is peeled off from the pressure water center stick by the g air nozzle and transferred to the next project. However, if the cold paper is cold, it is difficult to wet the paper from the pressure water. In order to eject the wet paper from the pressurized water center roll, the traction force (speed difference) between the water section or between the pressurized water section and the drying section must be increased. However, the wet paper density after pressing is about 40 to 45%, and the strength is very low compared to dry paper, and the wet paper in the above range cannot be supported by felt, etc., that is,-,, +, +, + \ + V \,. The so-called open @tension (open draw), so when the tension becomes larger, the paper is very suitable for two recommendations, and even if the paper is temporarily fed into the general lotus transition state, However, if there are any changes, there is also a disadvantage that the paper is easily broken. Here, in order to separate the paper from the hard stick (pressure, water, or upper stick t〇P Γ〇ιι) τ__, the belt is used to make use of the belt that occurs when the belt is attached to the hard roller Thick, because of the belt .......................................------- the surface will stretch for a while The thickness is reduced by the corresponding amount, by which the deviation between the wet paper and the close can be caused. In addition, in order to remove the wet paper from the hard stick between the belts a, or to attach the wet paper HU attached to the belt to a felt or canvas, it is scheduled to be on the surface of the belt for two weeks, and there is a commercial connection or penetration _ ——- Pi Fei ’s small diameter hole, and the vacuum box is covered with wool or canvas of the next project, ... _ L Mao applies the China National Standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (210 X 297 Public loan) _ g _ (please read the precautions on the back before filling in this page)-丨 installation. Order.-line. Printed and printed clothing L〇3o4u a6 ___ B6_ 5 5. Description of the invention (5) The cover is attached to the wet paper, and by the pressure of the air passing through the wet paper, the wet paper can be transferred to the felt or canvas of the next project. The present invention can solve the above problems. The wet paper transfer device of the present invention mainly includes a wet paper transfer device in the water section of a paper machine, and its main features: the transfer device includes: the side contacting the wet paper is elastic and can be stretched, and On the side where the paper is not in contact, an endless belt formed of a material with little stretch and a hard stick that is arranged opposite to the belt, so that the belt is pushed to the hard stick through wet paper, the belt can be deformed and the wet The paper release stick special! 1 away, and can be transferred on the belt. According to the present invention, the surface of the elastic belt that is in contact with the wet paper will often walk with the wet paper in contact. At this time, the surface of the elastic belt often walks at the same speed as the wet paper or f faster than it. Especially after the maximum pressure is pressed, the deformation of the elastic belt will disappear, so the speed will increase, and the result will be the open tension In the state of zero, the tension for peeling the wet paper from the water pressure center *,,...-〆,.. '&Quot;.......... .., can be generated. 'Brief description of the drawing: Figure 1 is a side view of the wet paper transfer device according to the first embodiment of the present invention. Figure 2 shows the transfer of wet paper from the hard stick (pressure water center stick) in Figure 1 to the belt. Illustrating. Figure 3 is an illustration of the transfer of wet paper from the rigid stick of the present invention to the belt. Figure 4 Figure 4 shows that when the wet paper is transferred from the belt to the next felt (felt), the paper size is applicable to the Chinese national standard ( CMS) A 4 specifications (210 X 297 public loan) -1-81.9.25,000 (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) 丨 Installation · Order-Line. Printed by WK Industrial and Consumer Cooperatives, Central Bureau of Standards, Ministry of Economic Affairs A6 r________B6_ V. Description of the invention (6) The illustration. Figure 5 is a cross-sectional view of the table when the wet paper is transferred to the next felt from the belt. Fig. 6 shows a cross-sectional view of another example of the structure of the belt when the wet paper is transferred from the belt to the next felt. Fig. 7 is a diagram showing the inverted surface I of the wet paper transfer device according to the second embodiment of the present invention. Figure 8 is a side view of the conventional paper feeding operation. Fig. 9 is a side view showing the relationship between the wet paper in the conventional press section and the press device. Figure 10 is a side view of the conventional paper feeding operation. Figure 11 is a side view of the conventional paper feeding operation. Hereinafter, referring to the drawings, the wet paper transfer device in the press section of the papermaking machine in the embodiment of the present invention will be described. Figures 1 to 7 show an embodiment of the present invention. Fig. 1 shows an embodiment in which the wet paper transfer device of the present invention is applied from the No. 3 press water section (3P) of the paper press press section to the No. 4 press water section (4P). In the first picture, the wet paper formed by the papermaking net 1 will attract the dust sticking to the pick-up felt 4 (Pi-ck up felt) 4 and attach to the third The water pressure center stick 8 a which is a hard stick behind the water pressure section (3P) is transported, and the stage up to this point is the same as the conventional example. The wet paper transfer device used to send the wet paper 2 from the water pressure center stick 8a to the next project is a flexible endless belt 55 that pushes the belt through the wet paper to the pressure stick of the water pressure center stick 8a 50, 56, the belt drive roller 52 for driving the belt, the tension roller 53 to give tension to the belt, the belt guide roller 54 and the rollers 50, 56 are attached to the pressurized water. This paper standard is applicable to the Chinese S family standard (CNS ) A 4 specifications (2〗 0 X 297 Gongchu) _ 〇_ 81.9.25,000 (please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) 丨 installed. Line. Printed A6 by the employee consumer cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs B6 V. Description of the invention (7) The heart stick 8 a is composed of a pressing device (not shown) and the like. In addition, in the above configuration, the pressure roller 56 is arranged at a position where the belt can touch the center roller 8a without reducing the thickness of the elastic belt. Next, referring to the drawings, the effect of peeling off the wet paper from the press water center stick 8a by the above configuration will be explained. In FIG. 2, if the elastic belt 55 having the core body 59 with little elongation is pushed to the pressurizing center stick 8 a at a position away from the surface contacting the wet paper, the core of the elastic belt The walking speed of the body is constant, and the surface speed of the belt in contact with the wet paper is the same as the surface speed of the center stick if the thickness of the wet paper is neglected in the section pushed to the pressure roller. Therefore, if the surface velocity of the pressurized center roller 8a is set to v, the radius of the pressurized center roller 8a is set to R, and the distance from the core on the center line of the pressure (η ip) to the surface in contact with the paper When t ignores the thickness of the paper, the core speed becomes: R + t 2 Core speed = v X-
R 另一方面,在自藉壓水中心棍8 a與壓棍5 0所形成 之壓力(nip)點E至皮帶離開壓錕5 ◦為止之區間02中 ,則與濕紙相接側之皮帶表面速度,若壓棍50之半徑為 r ,自芯體5 9到皮帶表面為止之距離為t 2 ,自芯體 59到皮帶背面之距離為t 2時,則 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) •裝. 訂· 本纸張又度ϋ用中a國家橒準(CNS)甲4規格(2〗0 X 297公贷) -η _ 81.9.25,000 136^··^ ο A6 B6 五、發明説明(8 ) Γ + t tR On the other hand, in the section 02 from the pressure point (nip) formed by the pressure water center stick 8 a and the pressure stick 50 to the belt leaving the pressure roller 5 ◦, the belt on the side that is in contact with the wet paper Surface speed, if the radius of the pressure roller 50 is r, the distance from the core 59 to the belt surface is t 2, and the distance from the core 59 to the belt back is t 2, then (please read the notes on the back first (Fill in this page again) • Installed. Ordered • This paper is used again in the National a Standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (2〗 0 X 297 public loan) -η _ 81.9.25,000 136 ^ ·· ^ ο A6 B6 V. Description of the invention (8) Γ + tt
皮帶表面速度=芯體速度X r + t i —般由於R>> t 面速度大略等於 + 因此在02的區間中,皮帶 t 2 -)V 〇 而在藉 open-draw + t 2 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 方式來剝離濕紙之習知例中。由於一般速度差多在3〜4 以下,因此若考慮皮帶與濕紙間之滑差(slip),將t 2 / (r + ti )設成約1. 左右時,則可得到對將濕紙 自中心锟剝離之必要的牽引力(draw)。又有鼸濕紙之牽引 力(張力)的控制,乃控制壓棍對壓水中心棍之推附力, 藉令皮帶厚度(t /2)産生受化,可調節濕紙與皮帶表 面之間的滑差。 其次請說明自上述濕紙移送裝置之後工程 中之皮帶,將濕紙移送到4Ρ毛布之情形。在第4圖中, 4Ρ毛布12乃藉真空棍51被推附到皮帶。而上述真空 棍5 1僳由備有多數孔62之單元(ce 11)60以及用於防 止真空箱6 3及真空箱與單元之間的空氣洩漏的密封填塞 (seal packing)6 1等所構成。而未圖不之真空泵,則藉 配管被連接到真空箱6 3。又皮帶5 5像由:藉具有強度 ,而卽使是作用拉力,伸長量亦小之遮網(wive cloth)等 而被補強之芯體5 9與具有彈性而能夠伸縮之彈性部5 7 •裝· -線. 經濟部中央標準局员工消費合作社印製. -10 - 81.9.25,000 經濟部中央標準局員工消費合作社印¾ Α6 Β6 五、發明説明(9 ) 所構成。在彈性部57之表面,則形成於圓周方向連續的 、溝8—(筹5圖】,該溝5 8乃於寬度方向設有多値。而 彈性皮帶部57,則愈接近舆芯體59之接合面,硬度愈 被提升而伸長量愈減小,藉此使其不致與芯體産生剝離。 若在真空锟5 1作用真空力時,則空氣G會經由被設在皮 帶之多個溝58,而貫通濕紙2、 4Ρ毛布12而流入真 空箱63内。藉該貫通濕紙之氣流,附著在皮帶之濕紙會 移轉到4Ρ毛布12,而移到次一工程之第4號壓水部。 y圖所示之皮帶,僳表設在圓周方向的溝,然亦可如第 6圖所示,取代上述溝,而設置可貫穿皮帶的孔64。又 被設在真空辊單元60之孔,為了使與毛布相接之面的開 口程度變大,可將其設成盤形孔65,藉此能將濕紙更確 實地轉移到毛布侧。 其次請參照1^ 7 @來說明本發明之第2實施例。該第 2實施例與第1實施例不同點即是:傈藉1個壓棍50將 皮帶推附至壓水中心棍8 a,藉此可將濕紙自壓水中心棍 8 a剝離。在_一乙-:步,乃將1個壓棍50朝壓水中心棍 8 a推壓。又在與壓棍5 0成相對的侧,則設有支撑棍 6 6 ,而毛布1 2則相對於壓棍5 0具有若干的捲嬈角度 。因此藉皮帶5 5之作用而自壓水中心棍8 a剝離的濕紙 ,可立即為皮帶與毛布所挾入,而不會由皮帶落下,能夠 確實地被移送到下一工程。又真空棍51則設成可與第4 上棍(top roii)8b接觸(kiss touch)狀,藉此濕紙可在 為真空力所支撑的狀態下被移送到上棍8 b。 衣纸張又度通用中國國家標準(CNS)甲4規格(210 X 297公贷〉 _ 11 - 81.9.25,000 ------------------------裝------tr-------.¾ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 經濟部中央標準局貝工消費合作社印製 A6 B6 五、發明説明(1G) 若根據來說明上述第2實施例中之濕紙的剝離 作業,則如第3圖所示,彈性皮帶於C〜D點間與中心痕 8 a相接,而與濕紙相接之皮帶表面速度,在推壓壓力成 為最大之E點,則與捲筒紙(web)速度同速。此時若將自 位於壓力(nip)下之芯體至與濕紙相接之皮帶表面為止之 ----------- 距離設為t / 2時 則由於 R + t 2 皮帶芯體湾度=v X -Belt surface speed = core speed X r + ti-generally because R > > t surface speed is roughly equal to +, so in the section of 02, belt t 2-) V 〇 and borrow open-draw + t 2 (please first Read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) to remove wet paper in the conventional example. Since the general speed difference is mostly below 3 ~ 4, if the slip between the belt and the wet paper (slip) is taken into consideration, when t 2 / (r + ti) is set to about 1. The necessary draw to peel from the center roller. There is also the control of the traction force (tension) of the wet paper, which is to control the pushing force of the pressure stick to the pressure water center stick. The thickness of the belt (t / 2) is affected, and the adjustment between the wet paper and the surface of the belt can be adjusted. Slip. Next, please explain the situation in which the wet paper is transferred to the 4Ρ felt by the belt in the project after the above wet paper transfer device. In FIG. 4, the 4P felt 12 is pushed to the belt by the vacuum stick 51. The vacuum stick 51 is composed of a unit (ce 11) 60 with a large number of holes 62, and a seal packing 61 to prevent air leakage between the vacuum box 63 and the vacuum box and the unit. . The vacuum pump (not shown) is connected to the vacuum box 63 by piping. The belt 5 5 is made up of: a core 5 9 that is reinforced by a wive cloth, etc. that has strength, but also a tensile force, and a small elongation, and an elastic part 5 7 that has elasticity and can be stretched Installed ·-line. Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs. -10-81.9.25,000 Printed by the Employee Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economics ¾ Α6 Β6 V. Composition of the invention (9). On the surface of the elastic portion 57, a circumferential continuous groove 8 is formed (Figure 5), the groove 58 is provided with multiple values in the width direction. The elastic belt portion 57 is closer to the core 59 The joint surface, the hardness is increased and the elongation is reduced, so that it will not peel off from the core. If a vacuum force is applied to the vacuum roller 51, the air G will pass through multiple grooves provided in the belt 58, and through the wet paper 2, 4Ρ wool cloth 12 and flow into the vacuum box 63. By the air flow through the wet paper, the wet paper attached to the belt will be transferred to the 4Ρ wool cloth 12, and moved to the No. 4 of the next project Water pressure section. The belt shown in the y diagram is provided with grooves in the circumferential direction, but as shown in FIG. 6, instead of the grooves, holes 64 can be provided through the belt. It is also provided in the vacuum roller unit Hole 60, in order to increase the opening degree of the surface contacting the felt, it can be set as a disc-shaped hole 65, so that the wet paper can be transferred to the felt side more reliably. Next please refer to 1 ^ 7 @ 来The second embodiment of the present invention will be described. The difference between this second embodiment and the first embodiment is that: a pressure roller 50 is used to push the belt to The water center stick 8 a can be used to peel off the wet paper from the pressure water center stick 8 a. In the _ 一 乙-: step, a pressure stick 50 is pushed toward the water pressure center stick 8 a. The stick 50 is on the opposite side, and a support stick 6 6 is provided, and the felt 12 has a certain winding angle with respect to the pressure stick 50. Therefore, it is peeled from the pressure water center stick 8 a by the action of the belt 55 The wet paper can be immediately carried by the belt and the felt without falling down from the belt, and can be reliably transferred to the next project. The vacuum stick 51 is set to be in contact with the fourth top stick (top roii) 8b (Kiss touch) shape, so that the wet paper can be transferred to the upper stick 8 b under the state of being supported by vacuum force. The clothing paper is again in accordance with the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A 4 specification (210 X 297 public loan) _ 11-81.9.25,000 ------------------------ install ------ tr -------. ¾ (please first Read the precautions on the back and then write this page) A6 B6 printed by the Beigong Consumer Cooperative of the Central Bureau of Standards of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention (1G) If the wet paper peeling operation in the above second embodiment is explained based on As shown in Figure 3, the elastic belt is between the C ~ D points and the center mark 8 a, and the surface speed of the belt that is in contact with the wet paper, at the point E where the pressing pressure becomes maximum, is the same as the speed of the web (web). If the core is under the pressure (nip) The distance from the body to the surface of the belt that is in contact with the wet paper ----------- When the distance is set to t / 2, it is due to R + t 2 belt core body degree = v X-
R 因此於Θ 2區間中與濕紙接觸之皮帶表面速度成為 Γ + t i + t 2 皮帶芯髏速度x - r + t i t、 t 2 =v ( 1 H--)(1+--) > v R r + t i 而從壓水中心棍上之與濕紙相接之C點附近開始,皮 帶表面速度會減少,而在推壓壓力最大點E (此時自芯體 ,—一一 一 到皮帶表面為止之距離為t2),則成為與濕紙速度相同 。之後再度增速,在離點後,在02之區間中以 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) ·_裝- —線. 本纸張又度通用中因S家橒準(CNS)甲4規格(210 X 297公贷) -12 - 81.9.25,000 ,0 A6 B6 五、發明説明(n) t 2 t 2 t 2 v ( 1 Η--)(1 Η--)与 ν ( 1 Η-- R r + t i r + t i (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再塡寫本頁) 經濟部中央標準局WK工消費合作社印製 的速度行走,藉此可得到對濕紙自壓水中心棍剝離為必要 之^引力(draw 又在該實施例中,在將濕紙自第4壓水部之上棍8b 移送到次一工程之乾燥部時,則藉與上述同樣的作用來進 行。亦即在此之濕紙移送裝置係由壓棍7 0、皮帶驅動提 72、張力锟73、導棍74、皮帶75及位於乾燥帆布 環路(i〇〇P)内之真空棍7 1所構成。而根據由壓棍7 0所 推附之皮帶75的作用,自上锟8b被剝離之濕紙,則在 支撑棍76部為帆布78與皮帶75所挾入,而藉真空棍 7 1之真空作用轉移至帆布,而被搬運到乾燥部。 如上所詳述,在第1、第2實施例任一者中,係在與 _____〆-------- 濕紙相接之彈性皮帶表面經常與紙相接之狀態行走,而經 常與濕紙同速或較其為快,特別是由於推壓壓力最大點以 後速度會上昇,因此開放張力.(9Ren_dr4.w) —零的狀態 下能産生用以將濕紙自壓水中心棍剝離的張力,此外在上 述任一實施例中,如第4圖、第5圖所示,由於在皮帶表 面形成溝或貫通皮帶的小孔,而能藉該些溝或小孔,能通 丨裝. 訂· 線· 衣紙張尺度適用中围园家標準(C.\S)甲4規格(210 X :?97公贷) _ 13 - 81.9.25,000 Α6 Β6 經濟部中央標準局S工消費合作社印5衣 五、發明説明(12) 過濕紙使真空锟吸引空氣,因此能將濕紙確實地移送到次 一毛布或是帆布。更者由造紙網1所形成之濕紙,在藉真 空引紙棍所吸引後,由於能與皮帶、毛布或帆布一起被搬 送到乾燥部,因此不會産生只有濕紙被搬蓮之open draw 部,而不會産生斷紙情況。此外雖未特別地詳述,然而任 一實施例中,壓棍、皮帶驅動锟、張力棍、導棍等,可藉 具有懸臂 (cantilever)之全寛撗棵(beam)7 9所支撑,而 僳一考廉易於更換皮帶之配置構造。 又為了要因應所需而淸理皮帶,亦可設置噴水部(sh-〇供61*)8〇、清理輥(〇16&11丨118 1'〇11)8 1及刮刀8 3。更 者對於在乾燥部内之送紙方法,當為很難移送全寬之濕紙 的乾燥部構造時,乃可採用以往在造紙網製作銳紙,在將 該鋭紙通過乾燥部内部之後,才擴展成全開紙的方法。但 是亦可將藉高壓水製成之鋭紙之切斷面的纖維,藉壓水部 之加壓(nip)再度予以連結。此時亦可在壓水部之位於最 後的壓水部之後方設置用於形成銳紙之高壓水噴射部84 。又在各實施例中,雖僳表彈性皮帶被旋轉之壓锟推附到 硬棍的例子,然亦可不需要旋轉,而使與皮帶相接的部分 成為圃弧狀。此時藉在皮帶與圓弧狀之呈靜止狀態之推附 裝置表面之間使用潤滑液,可防止皮帶與圓弧狀之表面體 的摩擦、發熱。 如上所詳述般,根據本發明,能夠解決以往在加快抄 紙速度時,在壓水部間或是自壓水部到乾燥部之間之開放 張力情況,因此能夠減少斷紙,而大幅地提升機器之抄紙 衣纸張尺度適用中國國家橒準(CNS)平4规格(210 X 297公兑) _ 14 - (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) .裝· 訂 -線· A6 B6 五、發明説明(13) 速度及機器效率。又由於不需要相當之技術,且不需要以 往要花費時間之送紙作業,因此除了可改善安全性外,亦 可使抄紙機之上車時間加快,而由該點來看,亦具備可提 升機器效率的優秀效果。 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再場寫本頁) •裝, 訂. 線- 經濟部中央標準局g工消費合作社印製 本紙張汷度適用中园园家標準(CNS)甲4規格(mo X 297公兌) -15 - 81.9.25,000R Therefore, the belt surface speed in contact with the wet paper in the interval Θ 2 becomes Γ + ti + t 2 belt core speed x-r + tit, t 2 = v (1 H-) (1 +-) > v R r + ti and from the point near the point C on the pressure water center stick that is in contact with the wet paper, the surface speed of the belt will decrease, and at the point E (then from the core body, one by one to the maximum pressure) The distance until the belt surface is t2) becomes the same as the wet paper speed. Then increase the speed again, after leaving the point, in the section of 02 (please read the precautions on the back and then fill out this page) · _install--line. This paper is once again common in the S family's standard (CNS ) A 4 specifications (210 X 297 public loan) -12-81.9.25,000, 0 A6 B6 V. Description of invention (n) t 2 t 2 t 2 v (1 Η--) (1 Η--) and ν ( 1 Η-- R r + tir + ti (Please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) The speed walking printed by the WK Industrial and Consumer Cooperative of the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs can get the self-pressing water center for wet paper The peeling of the stick is necessary to draw (drawing in this embodiment again). When the wet paper is transferred from the stick 8b on the fourth press section to the drying section of the next project, the same effect as above is performed. That is, the wet paper transfer device here consists of a pressure roller 70, a belt drive lift 72, a tension roller 73, a guide roller 74, a belt 75, and a vacuum roller 71 located in a drying canvas loop (i〇〇P) According to the action of the belt 75 pushed by the pressure roller 70, the wet paper stripped from the upper roller 8b is carried by the canvas 78 and the belt 75 at the support roller 76, and the vacuum roller 7 1 is used. True The function is transferred to the canvas and is transported to the drying section. As detailed above, in any of the first and second embodiments, it is connected to _____ 〆 -------- wet paper The surface of the elastic belt often walks in contact with the paper, and often at the same speed or faster than the wet paper, especially because the speed will increase after the maximum pressure is pressed, so the tension is open. (9Ren_dr4.w)-zero In the state, tension can be generated to peel the wet paper from the pressurized water center stick. In addition, in any of the above embodiments, as shown in Figures 4 and 5, the grooves or small holes that penetrate the belt are formed on the surface of the belt , And can borrow these grooves or small holes, can be installed. Order · Thread · Clothing paper size is applicable to Zhongweiyuanjia standard (C. \ S) A 4 specifications (210 X :? 97 public loan) _ 13- 81.9.25,000 Α6 Β6 Printed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Central Bureau of Standards, S Industry and Consumer Cooperative Co., Ltd. 5. Clothing Description (12) The over-wet paper makes the vacuum roller attract the air, so the wet paper can be reliably transferred to the next felt or canvas. The wet paper formed by the paper net 1 is attracted by the vacuum paper stick, because it can be connected with the belt, felt or canvas They are transferred to the drying section together, so there is no open draw section where only wet paper is transferred to the lotus, and no paper breakage occurs. In addition, although not specifically described in detail, in any embodiment, the pressure roller and belt drive The rollers, tension sticks, guide sticks, etc. can be supported by a beam 7-9 with a cantilever, and it is easy to replace the configuration of the belt. It is also necessary to manage according to the needs. The belt may also be provided with a water spraying part (sh-〇 for 61 *) 8〇, a cleaning roller (〇16 & 11 丨 118 1′〇11) 8 1 and a scraper 83. Furthermore, for the paper feeding method in the dryer section, when the dryer section structure is difficult to transfer the full width of wet paper, the sharp paper can be made in the paper net in the past, and the paper is passed through the dryer section before Expand into a full paper method. However, the fibers of the cut surface of the paper made of high-pressure water can be connected again by the nip of the pressurized water. In this case, a high-pressure water jet part 84 for forming sharp paper may be provided after the last water press part of the water press part. In each of the embodiments, although the elastic belt of the watch is attached to the hard stick by the rotating pressure roller, it is not necessary to rotate, and the portion that is in contact with the belt may be shaped like a garden arc. At this time, by using a lubricating fluid between the belt and the surface of the arc-shaped pushing device in a stationary state, the friction and heat generation of the belt and the arc-shaped surface body can be prevented. As described in detail above, according to the present invention, it is possible to solve the problem of the open tension between the pressurized water section or from the pressurized water section to the drying section when the papermaking speed is increased in the past, so it is possible to reduce paper breakage and greatly improve The paper size of the machine is suitable for China National Standard (CNS) Ping 4 specifications (210 X 297 conversion) _ 14- (please read the precautions on the back before filling this page). · A6 B6 V. Description of the invention (13) Speed and machine efficiency. And because it does not require considerable technology and does not require paper-feeding operations that used to take time, in addition to improving safety, it can also speed up the time for the paper machine to get on the vehicle. From this point of view, it also has the ability to improve Excellent effect of machine efficiency. (Please read the precautions on the back before writing this page) • Install, Order. Thread-Printed by the Central Standards Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Industry Co-operative Cooperatives. This paper is applicable to the Zhongyuanyuanjia Standard (CNS) A 4 specifications (mo X 297 public exchange) -15-81.9.25,000