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SI9700113A - Device for simulating orchestral music - Google Patents

Device for simulating orchestral music Download PDF


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SI9700113A SI9700113A SI9700113A SI9700113A SI 9700113 A SI9700113 A SI 9700113A SI 9700113 A SI9700113 A SI 9700113A SI 9700113 A SI9700113 A SI 9700113A SI 9700113 A SI9700113 A SI 9700113A
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Slovenian (sl)
Marijan Totter
Original Assignee
Totter Marijan, Dipl.Ing.
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Application filed by Totter Marijan, Dipl.Ing. filed Critical Totter Marijan, Dipl.Ing.
Priority to SI9700113A priority Critical patent/SI9700113A/en
Priority to DE19882351T priority patent/DE19882351C2/en
Priority to AT0904998A priority patent/AT410380B/en
Priority to PCT/SI1998/000012 priority patent/WO1998050904A1/en
Priority to AU70966/98A priority patent/AU7096698A/en
Publication of SI9700113A publication Critical patent/SI9700113A/en



    • G10H1/00Details of electrophonic musical instruments
    • G10H1/02Means for controlling the tone frequencies, e.g. attack or decay; Means for producing special musical effects, e.g. vibratos or glissandos
    • G10H1/06Circuits for establishing the harmonic content of tones, or other arrangements for changing the tone colour
    • G10H1/08Circuits for establishing the harmonic content of tones, or other arrangements for changing the tone colour by combining tones
    • G10H1/10Circuits for establishing the harmonic content of tones, or other arrangements for changing the tone colour by combining tones for obtaining chorus, celeste or ensemble effects
    • G10H1/00Details of electrophonic musical instruments
    • G10H1/36Accompaniment arrangements
    • G10H1/38Chord
    • G10H2230/00General physical, ergonomic or hardware implementation of electrophonic musical tools or instruments, e.g. shape or architecture
    • G10H2230/045Special instrument [spint], i.e. mimicking the ergonomy, shape, sound or other characteristic of a specific acoustic musical instrument category
    • G10H2230/155Spint wind instrument, i.e. mimicking musical wind instrument features; Electrophonic aspects of acoustic wind instruments; MIDI-like control therefor
    • G10H2230/171Spint brass mouthpiece, i.e. mimicking brass-like instruments equipped with a cupped mouthpiece, e.g. allowing it to be played like a brass instrument, with lip controlled sound generation as in an acoustic brass instrument; Embouchure sensor or MIDI interfaces therefor
    • G10H2230/175Spint trumpet, i.e. mimicking cylindrical bore brass instruments, e.g. bugle
    • G10H2230/00General physical, ergonomic or hardware implementation of electrophonic musical tools or instruments, e.g. shape or architecture
    • G10H2230/045Special instrument [spint], i.e. mimicking the ergonomy, shape, sound or other characteristic of a specific acoustic musical instrument category
    • G10H2230/155Spint wind instrument, i.e. mimicking musical wind instrument features; Electrophonic aspects of acoustic wind instruments; MIDI-like control therefor
    • G10H2230/195Spint flute, i.e. mimicking or emulating a transverse flute or air jet sensor arrangement therefor, e.g. sensing angle or lip position to trigger octave change
    • G10H2230/00General physical, ergonomic or hardware implementation of electrophonic musical tools or instruments, e.g. shape or architecture
    • G10H2230/045Special instrument [spint], i.e. mimicking the ergonomy, shape, sound or other characteristic of a specific acoustic musical instrument category
    • G10H2230/155Spint wind instrument, i.e. mimicking musical wind instrument features; Electrophonic aspects of acoustic wind instruments; MIDI-like control therefor
    • G10H2230/205Spint reed, i.e. mimicking or emulating reed instruments, sensors or interfaces therefor
    • G10H2230/241Spint clarinet, i.e. mimicking any member of the single reed cylindrical bore woodwind instrument family, e.g. piccolo clarinet, octocontrabass, chalumeau, hornpipes, zhaleika
    • G10H2230/00General physical, ergonomic or hardware implementation of electrophonic musical tools or instruments, e.g. shape or architecture
    • G10H2230/045Special instrument [spint], i.e. mimicking the ergonomy, shape, sound or other characteristic of a specific acoustic musical instrument category
    • G10H2230/245Spint accordion, i.e. mimicking accordions; Electrophonic instruments with one or more typical accordion features, e.g. special accordion keyboards or bellows, electrophonic aspects of mechanical accordions, Midi-like control therefor


  • Physics & Mathematics (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Acoustics & Sound (AREA)
  • Multimedia (AREA)
  • Electrophonic Musical Instruments (AREA)


This invention deals with a device which enables apart from playing one single classical or standard instrument (1) for example accordion, to generate corresponding tones of one instrument (1) at the same time providing the generation of tones of other instruments, which follow the principles of a particular type of music or particular composition of orchestra, for example a classical Alpine quintet consisting of an accordion, a trumpet, a clarinet, a guitar and a bass. Such device for simulating sounds of orchestral music can be adapted to measure when playing a standard or classical instrument (1). According to a number of pre-set parameters (NP2, NP3) and currently active parameters (AP) of the currently available classical instrument (1) it is provided to generate an output tone signal or melody of corresponding properties, particularly regarding height, voice level, speed and similar. The device features at least one selective electronic filter assembly (2) which is electrically connected to a priority analyser (3) which is then electrically connected to a delay circuit (4) and a logical circuit (6). For each classical instrument (1) one of the devices (N1, N2,...) configured according to the invention is added to replace each of the so called intelligent music instruments for each composition of orchestra.


Naprava za simulacijo orkestralne glasbeOrchestral music simulation device

Izum se nanaša na napravo za simulacijo zvoka orkestralne glasbe, s katero je med igranjem enega samega običajnega oz. klasičnega instrumenta, npr. harmonike, dobljen učinek igranja orkestralne zasedbe, zlasti npr. alpske kvintetne zasedbe.The invention relates to a device for simulating the sound of orchestral music, which, when playing a single, normal or classical instrument, e.g. accordion, the effect of playing an orchestral band, especially e.g. alpine quintet ensembles.

Izum temelji na problemu, kako zasnovati napravo, pri kateri bi med igranjem enega samega običajnega oz. klasičnega instrumenta, npr. harmonike, torej z generiranjem ustreznih tonov enega instrumenta, hkrati zagotovili smotrno generiranje pripadajočih tonov preostalih še potrebnih instrumentov, ki ustrezajo zakonitostim določene zvrsti glasbe oz. določene orkestralne zasedbe, npr. klasičnega alpskega kvinteta v zasedbi hannonika-trobenta-klarinet-kitara-bas.The invention is based on the problem of how to design a device in which while playing a single normal or classical instrument, e.g. harmonics, thus generating the appropriate tones of one instrument, at the same time ensured the rational generation of the corresponding tones of the remaining necessary instruments that correspond to the laws of a particular genre of music or music. certain orchestral ensembles, e.g. classical alpine quintet in the band hannonika-trumpet-clarinet-guitar-bass.

V svetu obstaja vrsta klasičnih glasbenih instrumentov, od katerih nekateri (npr. klarinet, trobenta, flavta) obsegajo le eno zvočilo in zato v določenem trenutku lahko generirajo le en ton, drugi (npr. harmonika, kavir, violina) pa več zvočil in zato lahko generirajo tudi več tonov hkrati.There are a number of classical musical instruments in the world, some of which (such as clarinet, trumpet, flute) comprise only one sound, and therefore can generate only one tone at a given time, while others (eg accordion, caviar, violin) produce more than one sound, they can also generate multiple tones at a time.

Po drugi strani je na področju elektronske glasbe je znana vrsta električnih naprav, ki se ukvarjajo bodisi s samim generiranjem zvoka na osnovi pritiskanja na določene tipke (npr. tista po JP 15.128.988 ali npr. po EP 288 800 A3 ali tudi po EP 343 958 A3) ali celo s kombiniranjem tako dobljenih zvočnih signalov v ustrezne oblike, pri katerih naj bi bile izpolnjene določene zahteve glede barvitosti tona in drugih podobnih učinkov (npr. EP 280 293 A3 ali EP 274 137 A3). Dasiravno so se doslej že tudi ukvarjali s filtriranjem tonov (npr. 273 447 A3), kot tudi s simulacijo zvoka drugega instrumenta pri igranju na določen instrument, prijavitelju ni znano, da bi doslej kdorkoli uspel rešiti uvodoma navedeni problem.On the other hand, in the field of electronic music, there are a number of electrical devices that deal with either the sound generation itself by pressing certain keys (eg those according to JP 15.128.988 or eg EP 288 800 A3 or also EP 343 958 A3), or even by combining the audio signals thus obtained into suitable forms in which certain requirements regarding the tone color and other similar effects are to be fulfilled (eg EP 280 293 A3 or EP 274 137 A3). So far, they have already dealt with the filtering of tones (eg 273 447 A3), as well as simulating the sound of another instrument when playing a particular instrument, it is not known to the applicant that so far anyone would be able to solve the problem mentioned above.

Tako so na voljo takoimenovani sintetizatorji, pri katerih je možno s pritiskanjem na določene tipke generirati določene tone in s tem ustvariti vsaj približno take zvoke, ki jih je sicer možno ustvariti z različnimi drugimi instrumenti. Tovrstne naprave so opremljene tudi z vrsto elektronskih sklopov, ki vršijo posamezne operacije v smislu obdelave oz. preurejanja zvoka, namreč filtriranja, poudaijanja, časovne zakasnitve, zavlačevanja ali multipiciranja v smislu odmeva in podobno. Naprave je seveda možno tudi programirati, razen tega pa je možno tudi shranjevati in zatem reproducirati shranjene programske korake oz. temu ustrezna zaporedja tonov ali njihovih kombinacij. Problem tovrstnih naprav je v tem, da kljub raznovrstnim možnostim v praksi le stežka zagotovijo generiranje tonov, ki bi bili prepričljivi. Zlasti so tovrstne naprave pri igranju v živo običajno povsem neprimerljive s klasičnimi glasbenimi instrumenti.Thus, so-called synthesizers are available, which can be used to generate certain tones by pressing certain keys, thus generating at least approximately such sounds that can otherwise be created with various other instruments. Such devices are also equipped with a series of electronic assemblies that perform individual operations in terms of processing or processing. Audio rearrangements, namely filtering, teaching, delaying, delaying or multiplying in terms of echoes and the like. Of course, the devices can also be programmed, except that it is also possible to save and afterwards save the stored program steps or. corresponding sequences of tones or combinations thereof. The problem with such devices is that, despite the many possibilities available, in practice, it is difficult to generate a convincing tone. In particular, such live gaming devices are usually completely unmatched by classical music instruments.

Po drugi strani obstajajo elektronske naprave, ki jih je možno prigraditi h klasičnim glasbenim instrumentom ter s tem omogočiti, da glasbenik razen igranja na sam instrument lahko simulira tudi igranje na drug instrument. Tako lahko npr. harmonikar med uporabo takšne naprave s pritiskom na tipke harmonike generira tone, ki bi jih bilo sicer možno generirati z igranjem violine ali drugega instrumenta. To dosežejo s tem, da k tipkam prigradijo ustrezne senzoije, ki zaznavajo pritiske na tipke ter vhodni impulz pretvorijo v digitalni izhodni signal, ki je običajno v skladu s takoimenovanim standardom MIDI (okrajšava od Musical Instrument Digital Interface). Na ta način obstaja možnost, da bi npr. več harmonikarjev simuliralo igranje določenih drugih instrumentov in torej posnemalo raznovrstne zasedbe. Kot primer bi lahko navedli, da bi lahko npr. pet harmonikarjev, ki bi poznali način in zakonitosti igranja posameznih glasbenih instrumentov v takšni zasedbi, z vgrajenimi elektronskimi pripomočki simuliralo igranje klasičnega alpskega kvinteta v zasedbi harmonika-trobenta-klarinet-kitarabas. Nikakor pa tega ne bi zmogel en sam harmonikar.On the other hand, there are electronic devices that can be attached to classical music instruments, thus enabling the musician to simulate playing other instruments besides playing the instrument itself. Thus, e.g. The accordion player generates tones while using such a device by pressing the accordion keys, which could otherwise be generated by playing a violin or other instrument. They do this by attaching appropriate sensors to the keys that detect key presses and converting the input pulse into a digital output signal, which is usually in accordance with the so-called MIDI standard (short for Musical Instrument Digital Interface). In this way, there is a possibility that e.g. several accordion players simulated the playing of certain other instruments and thus mimicked various bands. As an example, we could state that e.g. five accordion players, who would know the manner and lawfulness of playing a particular musical instrument in such a band, simulated the playing of a classical alpine quintet in the accordion-trumpet-clarinet-guitar kit with built-in electronic gadgets. By no means would a single accordionist be able to do that.

Po izumu je naprava za simulacijo zvoka orkestralne glasbe, ki je prigradljiva k običajnemu oz. klasičnemu glasbenemu instrumentu ter na osnovi vnaprej nastavljenih parametrov in vsakokratnih aktivnih parametrov vsakokrat razpoložljivega običajnega oz. klasičnega instrumenta generira izhodni tonski signal oz. melodijo ustreznih lastnosti (zlasti višine, jakosti hitrosti, barve in podobno), tako zasnovana, da obsega vsaj selektivni elekronski filtrimi sklop, ki je povezan s prioritetnim analizatorjem, ki je nadalje ob vzporedni povezavi z zakasnilnim vezjem zaporedno povezan z odločitvenim vezjem. Pri tem je selektivni elektronski filtrimi sklop predviden za urejanje od klasičnega glasbenega instrumenta prejetih aktivnih vhodnih parametrov in pretvorbo le-teh na osnovi vnaprej določljivih nastavitvenih parametrov v ustrezen signal, ki ga prejme prioritetni analizator. Hkrati je prioritetni analizator predviden za dodeljevanje prioritete oz. tudi več prioritet prejetim podatkom na osnovi vnaprej določljivih nastavitvenih parametrov in zatem posredovanje podatkov oz. sinhronizacijskih impulzov zakasnilnemu vezju ter po potrebi zadrževalnemu vezju. Način generiranja zhodnega signala v obliki digitalnega signala, npr. takšnega v skladu z že omenjenim in strokovnjakom znanim standardom MIDI, je vnaprej določljiv s kombinacijami zadrževalnega časa zadrževalnega vezja in časa zakasnitve zakasnilnega vezja. Zlasti je prednostno, če sta poleg selektivnega elektronskega filtrimega sklopa, prioritetnega analizatorja ter zakasnilnega in odločitvenega vezja vključena tudi generator tonske kontrole, ki je bodisi neposredno povezan s prioritetnim analizatorjem ali zgolj s selektivnim elektronskim filtrimim sklopom, in zadrževalno vezje, ki je v priključeno neposredno za zakasnilnim vezjem, še nadalje pa je tudi ugodno, če je naprava opremljena tudi s kontrolno ploščo. Pri tem je v smislu simuliranja vsakokrat potrebne orkestralne zasedbe vsakemu klasičnemu glasbenemu instrumentu kot dodatek za nadomeščanje vsakega izmed takoimenovanih inteligentnih glasbenih instrumentov prigrajena po ena od naprav v prej opisani konfiguraciji.According to the invention, a device for simulating the sound of orchestral music, which is adaptable to conventional or. classical musical instrument, and based on pre-set parameters and active active parameters of the available normal or of a classical instrument generates an output tone signal. a tune of appropriate characteristics (in particular height, speed, color, and the like) so designed as to comprise at least a selective electronic filter assembly coupled to a priority analyzer further connected in series with the delay circuit in parallel with the delay circuit. In this case, the selective electronic filter assembly is intended for editing received active input parameters from a classical music instrument and converting them based on predetermined tuning parameters into a corresponding signal received by the priority analyzer. At the same time, the priority analyzer is designed to assign a priority. also prioritizing the received data based on predefined tuning parameters and then transmitting the data, respectively. synchronization pulses to the delay circuit and, if necessary, the containment circuit. Method of generating an output signal in the form of a digital signal, e.g. such in accordance with the MIDI standard already mentioned and expertly known, is predetermined by combinations of the holding time of the holding circuit and the delay time of the delayed circuit. In particular, it is advantageous if, in addition to the selective electronic filter assembly, the priority analyzer, and the delay and decision circuit, a tone control generator which is either directly connected to the priority analyzer or only a selective electronic filter assembly is included and a restraint circuit connected directly behind the delay circuit, and further advantageous if the device is also equipped with a control panel. In this sense, in order to simulate the necessary orchestral ensemble for each classical musical instrument, one of the devices in the configuration described above is attached as an accessory to replace each of the so-called intelligent musical instruments.

Izum bo v nadaljevanju podrobneje obrazložen s primerom izvedbe, pri čemer kažejo sl. 1 shematično prikazano napravo za simulacijo orkestralne glasbe, sl. 2 shemo medsebojnega povezovanja tovrstnih naprav, sl. 3 shemo selektivnega elektronskega filtrimega sklopa kot podsklopa naprave, sl. 4 pa shemo prioritetnega analizatorja prav tako kot podsklopa naprave.The invention will now be explained in more detail by way of example, with FIGS. 1 is a schematically shown device for simulating orchestral music; FIG. 2 is a diagram of the interconnection of such devices, FIG. 3 is a schematic diagram of a selective electronic filter assembly as a subassembly of a device; FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a priority analyzer as well as a subassembly of a device.

Kot je razvidno na sl. je naprava po izumu zasnovana iz več med seboj električno povezanih sestavnih delov.As can be seen in FIG. is a device according to the invention designed from several electrically interconnected components.

Selektivni elektronski filtrimi sklop 2 je po eni strani povezan z običajnim oz. klasičnim glasbenim instrumentom 1 in po drugi strani s prioritetnim analizatorjemSelective electronic filter assembly 2 is connected, on the one hand, to conventional or. Classical Musical Instrument 1 and, on the other hand, a Priority Analyzer

3. Instrument 1 je v danem primem harmonika in torej obsega dva ključna podsklopa, namreč tipkovnico oz. klaviaturo 11 in meh 12, od koder selektivni elektronski filtrimi sklop 2 prejme takoimenovane aktivne parametre AP (npr. tlak v mehu 12). Instrument 1 v danem primem lahko generira istočasno bodisi le enega ali tudi več tonov.3. Instrument 1 is a given harmonic, and therefore comprises two key subassemblies, namely the keyboard or the. keypad 11 and bellows 12, from which selective electronic filters assembly 2 receives the so-called active AP parameters (eg bellows pressure 12). An instrument 1 in a given prime can generate only one or more tones at a time.

Prioritetni analizator 3 je nadalje na način, ki je shematično prikazan na sl. 1, vzporedno povezan z zakasnilnim vezjem 4 in po potrebi tudi zadrževalnim vezjem 5, vsekakor pa zaporedno tudi z odločitvenim vezjem 6.Priority analyzer 3 is further in the manner schematically shown in FIG. 1, connected in parallel with the delay circuit 4 and, if necessary, the restraint circuit 5, and in any case in series with the decision circuit 6.

Selektivni elektronski filtrimi sklop 2 je tako zasnovan, da po prejemu omenjenih aktivnih parametrov AP med igranjem instrumenta 1 omogoča izvajanje vsakokrat potrebnih ukrepov, zlasti po potrebiThe selective electronic filter assembly 2 is designed in such a way that, upon receipt of the aforementioned active AP parameters, while playing the instrument 1, it is possible to carry out the necessary measures, in particular as needed

- določi število vseh tipk, ki so hkrati pritisnjene med igranjem določene melodije,- determine the number of all keys simultaneously pressed while playing a particular melody,

- izloči najvišji ton melodije,- eliminates the highest tone of the melody,

- posamično izloči vse tone, ki se nahajajo med najvišjim in najnižjim tonom,- singles out all the tones between the highest and lowest tones individually,

- izloči najnižji ton,- eliminates the lowest tone,

- ugotovi harmonijo melodije (npr A-mol, C-dur in podobno),- determine the harmony of the melody (eg A minor, C major and the like),

- identificira posamezne lastnosti aktivnih parametrov (npr. pri harmoniki 1 določi tlak v mehu 12).- identifies the individual properties of the active parameters (eg, for accordion 1, determine the pressure in the bellows 12).

Selektivni elektronski filtrimi sklop 2 je shematično prikazan na sl. 3, kjer je razvidno, da pri vnaprej izbranih nastavitvenih parametrih NP2 sklop 2 zagotavlja transformacijo aktivnih parametrov AP v skladu s predhodno naštetimi ukrepi (funkcijami Fl, F2, F3,...) v ustrezen izhodni signal Px, ki je digitalni signal in prednostno usklajen z že omenjenim in strokovnjakom znanim standardom MIDI.The selective electronic filter assembly 2 is shown schematically in FIG. 3, where it is shown that for pre-selected tuning parameters NP2, circuit 2 provides the transformation of the active AP parameters according to the above measures (functions Fl, F2, F3, ...) into the corresponding output signal Px, which is a digital signal and preferably aligned with the MIDI standard already mentioned and expertly known.

Prioritetni analizator 3, ki je shematično prikazan na sl. 4, prejema izhodne, kot rečeno digitalne signale Px iz selektivnega elektronskega filtrimega sklopa 2, kijih ustrezno transformira na osnovi nastavitvenih parametrov NP3. Prioritetni analizator 3 ob uporabi logičnih operatorjev IN, ALI; NE, VEČJI MANJŠI poskrbi za sestavljanje ustreznega nabora izhodnih signalov, ki ga posreduje bodisi zakasnilnemu vezju 4 in zadrževalnemu vezju 5 ali neposredno odločitvenemu vezju 6. Pri tem signalom določi prioriteto ali po potrebi tudi več prioritet. Prioritetni analizator 3 je v danem primeru povezan tudi z generatorjem 7 tonske kontrole. Na sl. 4 je tudi shematično ponazoijeno, da lahko npr. prioritetni analizator 3 na osnovi vnaprej določljivih parametrov Pl, P2,.. določi prioriteto oz. prioritete posameznim tonskim signalom. Tako lahko npr. analizator 3 tonu, ki je terca ALI kvinta tona izločenega tona drugega generatorja N2 (sl. 1) IN (NI najvišji ton) IN pri katerem je tlak v mehu VEČJI od nastavljene vrednosti bodisi dodeli ali odvzame prioriteto.The priority analyzer 3 shown schematically in FIG. 4, receives the output, as said, digital signals Px from the selective electronic filtering circuit 2, which are transformed accordingly based on the tuning parameters of NP3. Priority Analyzer 3 using logical operators AND, OR; NO, MAJOR SMALLER arranges for an appropriate set of output signals to be forwarded to either the delay circuit 4 and the containment circuit 5 or directly to the decision circuit 6. It assigns priority to these signals or, if necessary, more priorities. Priority analyzer 3 is also optionally coupled to a tone control generator 7. In FIG. 4 is also schematically illustrated that e.g. priority analyzer 3 determines the priority or the priority, based on predefined parameters Pl, P2, .. prioritize individual tone signals. Thus, e.g. analyzer 3 tone, which is the tertiary OR quintile of the tone of the second tone of the second generator N2 (Fig. 1) AND (NOT the highest tone) AND at which the bellows pressure is MORE than the set value either assigns or takes priority.

Zakasnilno vezje 4 zagotavlja stabilno delovanje naprave, pri čemer je čas zakasnitve nastavljiv bodisi samodejno ali po izbiri vsakokratnega uporabnika, pri igranju narodno-zabavnega alpskega kvinteta pa prednostno znaša med 10 in 30 ms. Kot je razvidno na sl. 1, je zakasnilno vezje 4 pravzaprav nekakšen krmilni sklop elektronskega filtra 9' med prioritetnim analizatorjem 3 in odločitvenim vezjem 6.The delay circuit 4 ensures stable operation of the device, the delay time being adjustable either automatically or at the option of the individual user, and preferably between 10 and 30 ms when playing the national-fun alpine quintet. As can be seen in FIG. 1, the delay circuit 4 is actually a kind of electronic filter control 9 'between the priority analyzer 3 and the decision circuit 6.

Zadrževalno vezje 5 omogoča izbiro načina igranja, in sicer tkzv. legato, pri katerem je čas zadrževanja enak času zakasnitve, tkzv. zadrževanje, kjer je čas zadrževanja večji od časa zakasnitve, ali npr. tkzv. odstavljanje, kjer je čas zadrževanja manjši od časa zakasnitve. Kot je razvidno na sl. 1, je zadrževalno vezje 5 nekakšen krmilni sklop elektronskega stikala 9 za odločitvenim vezjem 6.Restraint circuit 5 allows you to select the mode of play, namely the so-called. legato in which the residence time is equal to the delay time, so-called. a hold where the hold time is greater than the delay time, or e.g. tkzv. weaning where the dwell time is less than the delay time. As can be seen in FIG. 1, the retaining circuit 5 is a kind of control assembly of the electronic switch 9 behind the decision circuit 6.

Kot je razvidno na sl. 1, je naprava v danem primeru opremljena tudi z generatorjem 7 tonske kontrole, ki je prednostno povezan s prioritetnim analizatorjem 3, lahko pa prejme zgolj izhodni signal Px selektivnega elektronskega filtrimega sklopa 2. Namen omenjenega generatorja 7 je predvsem ta, da na osnovi višine tona in/ali števila trenutno igranih tonov in/ali trenutnega načina oz. jakosti igranja (npr. jakosti udarcev tipk na klaviaturi 11 ali tlaka zraka v mehu 12) nastavi izhodne parametre (glasnost, intenzivnost, barvitost,...) tona.As can be seen in FIG. 1, the device is also optionally provided with a tone control generator 7, which is preferably connected to the priority analyzer 3, but can receive only the output signal Px of the selective electronic filter assembly 2. The purpose of said generator 7 is primarily based on the height of the tone and / or the number of currently played tones and / or the current mode or. Playing strengths (eg keystrokes on keypads 11 or air pressure in bag 12) set the output parameters (volume, intensity, color, ...) of the tone.

S pomočjo odločitvenega vezja 6 se na osnovi vnaprej določljivih nastavitvenih parametrov NP6 in trenutno veljavnih prioritetnih parametrov lahko izbere le določene parametre, ki se jih - običajno kodirane v skladu s takoimenovanim standardom MIDI - pošlje na izhod. Če npr. instrument 1 v določenem trenutku odigra en sam ton, gre signal le skozi eno napravo NI po izumu. Po drugi strani je možno, da v primeru, ko instrument 1 generira dva tona hkrati, en signal kot posledica igranja prvega tona potuje skozi eno napravo NI, drugi signal kot posledica drugega tona pa skozi drugo napravo N2 (sl. 1).With decision circuit 6, only certain parameters can be selected based on predefined NP6 tuning parameters and currently valid priority parameters, which - usually coded according to the so-called MIDI standard - are sent to the output. If e.g. instrument 1 plays a single tone at some point, the signal goes through only one device NOT according to the invention. On the other hand, if instrument 1 generates two tones at a time, one signal travels through one NI device as a result of playing the first tone and the other signal through the second N2 device as a result of the second tone (Fig. 1).

Razen tega je naprava po izumu prednostno opremljena s primemo kontrolno ploščo 8, ki je predvidena za prikladno vnašanje in nastavljanje vseh potrebnih parametrov glede na razpoložljivo konfiguracijo, vsakokrat uporabljen glasbeni instrument 1 in pričakovane učinke oz. pričakovano simulacijo želene orkestralne zasedbe.In addition, the device according to the invention is preferably equipped with a suitable control panel 8, which is provided for the convenient input and adjustment of all necessary parameters according to the available configuration, the musical instrument 1 used each time, and the expected effects or effects. the expected simulation of the desired orchestral composition.

Kot je razvidno na sl. 2 v kombinaciji s sl. 1, je možno napravo NI po izumu skupaj s še vsaj eno ali več enakimi ali smiselno podobnimi napravami N2,... povezati v kompleksno napravo. Z vgraditvijo take naprave je možno ustvaijati takoimenovane inteligentne instrumente, ki tvorijo melodijo, melos, medtem ko so poleg tega potrebni še drugi instrumenti, zlasti za spremljavo in podobno. Tako prigraditev vsake naprave po izumu k običajnemu, klasičnemu glasbenemu instrumentu 1 pomeni zmožnost simulacije še po enega inteligentnega instrumenta.As can be seen in FIG. 2 in combination with FIG. 1, the NI device according to the invention can be coupled to at least one or more identical or meaningfully similar N2 devices ... to a complex device. By installing such a device, it is possible to use so-called intelligent instruments that form a melody, melos, while other instruments are needed, especially for accompaniment and the like. Thus, the adaptation of each device according to the invention to a conventional, classical musical instrument 1 means the ability to simulate one more intelligent instrument.

Konkretno je za glasbeno zasedbo alpskega kvinteta zelo pomembno, da sta poleg harmonike 1 na voljo vsaj še dva inteligentna instrumenta, namreč trobenta 14 in klarinet 13. Če bi iz harmonike 1 prejeti tonski signal, ki je torej lasten igranju harmonike 1 v omenjeni zasedbi, namesto v sestav dveh naprav N1 in N2 po izumu vodili neposredno v dva sintetizatoija (enega za klarinet 13 in enega za trobento 14), bi dobili neprepričljiv in nesprejemljiv učinek. Klarinet 13 bi v skladu z zakonitostmi igranja harmonike 1 zagotovo igral neusklajeno previsoko in razen tega tudi z vidika parametrov docela neusklajeno s siceršnjim igranjem. Če bi npr. na harmoniki 1 odigrali več tonov hkrati, bi na izhodu dobili zvok več klarinetov, kar je za obravnavano zasedbo povsem neobičajno in torej nezaželeno. Podobno neusklajeno bi igrala trobenta 14. Zato v določenih trenutkih naprava, zlasti v kompleksnem sestavu po sl. 2, odfiltrira najnižji ton (npr. trobente 14) in najvišji ton (npr. klarineta 13) ter izvrši vse druge prej naštete ukrepe (npr. zakasnitve in podobno), ki pripomorejo k realizaciji zvoka, ki je ob igranju enega samega klasičnega instrumenta 1 prepričljivo primerljiv z igranjem določene glasbene zasedbe, npr. alpskega kvinteta v sestavi harmonika-trobenta-klarinet-kitara-bas.In particular, it is very important for an Alpine quintet to have at least two intelligent instruments, namely the trumpet 14 and the clarinet 13. In addition to the accordion 1, if a tone is received from accordion 1, which is inherent in playing the accordion 1 in the said composition, instead of directing two synthesizers (one for clarinet 13 and one for trumpet 14) to the assembly of the two devices N1 and N2 of the invention, a convincing and unacceptable effect would be obtained. Clarinet 13 would certainly play uncoordinated too high in accordance with the laws of playing accordion 1 and, in addition, in terms of parameters completely inconsistent with other playing. If, for example, they would play several tones at the accordion 1, they would get the sound of more clarinets at the output, which is quite unusual for this band and therefore undesirable. A trumpet 14 would play a similar mismatch. Therefore, at certain moments, the device, especially in the complex assembly of FIG. 2, filters out the lowest tone (eg, trumpets 14) and the highest tone (eg clarinet 13), and performs all other aforementioned measures (eg, delays and the like) that contribute to the realization of sound when playing a single classical instrument 1 convincingly comparable to playing a particular music band, e.g. an alpine quintet composed of accordion-trumpet-clarinet-guitar-bass.

Claims (6)

PATENTNI ZAHTEVKIPATENT APPLICATIONS 1. Naprava za simulacijo zvoka orkestralne glasbe, ki je prigradljiva k običajnemu oz. h klasičnemu glasbenemu instrumentu (1) in je na osnovi vnaprej nastavljivih parametrov in aktivnih parametrov (AP) vsakokrat razpoložljivega instrumenta (1) predvidena za generiranje izhodnega tonskega signala oz. melodije ustreznih lastnosti, zlasti višine, jakosti, hitrosti, barve in podobnega, označena s tem, da obsega selektivni elekronski filtrimi sklop (2), ki je električno povezan s prioritetnim analizatorjem (3), s katerim je po eni strani zaporedno povezano odločitveno vezje (6), po drugi strani pa vzporedno zakasnilno vezje (4).1. An orchestral sound simulation device that is customizable to conventional or to a classical musical instrument (1), and based on the pre-configurable parameters and active parameters (AP) of each available instrument (1), is provided to generate an output tone signal or tunes of suitable characteristics, in particular height, strength, speed, color and the like, characterized in that they comprise a selective electronic filter assembly (2) electrically connected to a priority analyzer (3) to which a decision circuit is connected in series. (6), on the other hand, a parallel delay circuit (4). 2. Naprava po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da sta poleg omenjenega sklopa (2), omenjenega analizatorja (3) ter omenjenih vezij (4) in (6) vključena tudi generator tonske kontrole (7), ki je bodisi neposredno povezan s prioritetnim analizatoijem (3) ali zgolj s selektivnim elektronskim filtrimim sklopom (2), in zadrževalno vezje (5), ki je priključeno neposredno za zakasnilnim vezjem (4), razen tega pa je naprava opremljena tudi z ustrezno kontrolno ploščo (8).Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that, in addition to said assembly (2), said analyzer (3) and said circuits (4) and (6), a tone control generator (7) is included, either directly connected to priority analyatoi (3), or only with a selective electronic filter assembly (2), and a retention circuit (5) connected directly behind the delay circuit (4), except that the device is also provided with a corresponding control panel (8). 3. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je vsakemu klasičnemu glasbenemu instrumentu (1) kot dodatek za nadomeščanje vsakega izmed takoimenovanih inteligentnih glasbenih instrumentov v vsakokrat zahtevani orkestralni zasedbi prigrajena po ena od naprav (NI, N2,...) v konfiguraciji po predhodnih zahtevkih.Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that each classical musical instrument (1) is fitted with one of the devices (NI, N2, ... as an accessory to replace each of the so-called intelligent musical instruments in the required orchestral composition. ) in the configuration of the preceding claims. 4. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je selektivni elektronski filtrimi sklop (2) predviden za urejanje od vsakokratnega instrumenta (1) prejetih aktivnih vhodnih parametrov (AP) in pretvorbo le-teh na osnovi vnaprej nastavljivih parametrov (NP2) v digitalni, npr. v skladu s standardom MIDI izbran signal (Px), ki ga prejme prioritetni analizator (3).Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the selective electronic filter assembly (2) is provided for editing from the instrument (1) received active input parameters (AP) and converting them based on pre-configurable parameters (NP2 ) in digital, e.g. a signal (Px) received by the priority analyzer (3) is selected in accordance with the MIDI standard. 5. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je prioritetni analizator (3) predviden za dodeljevanje vsaj ene prioritete prejetim signalom (Px) na osnovi vnaprej določljivih nastavitvenih parametrov (NP3) in zatem posredovanje podatkov oz. sinhronizacijskih impulzov zakasnilnemu vezju (4) in po potrebi tudi zadrževalnemu vezju (5)Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the priority analyzer (3) is provided for assigning at least one priority to the received signals (Px) on the basis of predefined tuning parameters (NP3) and subsequently transmitting the data, respectively. synchronization pulses to the delay circuit (4) and, if necessary, the restraint circuit (5) 6. Naprava po kateremkoli od predhodnih zahtevkov, označena s tem, da je način generiranja izhodnega tonskega signala vnaprej določljiv s kombinacijami določanja zadrževalnega časa zadrževalnega vezja (5) in časa zakasnitve zakasnilnega vezja (4).Device according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that the method of generating an output tone signal is predetermined by combinations of determining the holding time of the holding circuit (5) and the delay time of the delayed circuit (4).
SI9700113A 1997-05-02 1997-05-02 Device for simulating orchestral music SI9700113A (en)

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SI9700113A SI9700113A (en) 1997-05-02 1997-05-02 Device for simulating orchestral music
DE19882351T DE19882351C2 (en) 1997-05-02 1998-04-30 Device for simulating the sound of orchestral music
PCT/SI1998/000012 WO1998050904A1 (en) 1997-05-02 1998-04-30 A device for sound simulation of orchestral music
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