SI8510691A - Method for assembling three-dimensional metal structures, machine forthe manufacturing thereof and structures obtained with such a method - Google Patents
Method for assembling three-dimensional metal structures, machine forthe manufacturing thereof and structures obtained with such a method Download PDFInfo
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- SI8510691A SI8510691A SI8510691A SI8510691A SI8510691A SI 8510691 A SI8510691 A SI 8510691A SI 8510691 A SI8510691 A SI 8510691A SI 8510691 A SI8510691 A SI 8510691A SI 8510691 A SI8510691 A SI 8510691A
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- Slovenia
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- wires
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- welding
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- Wire Processing (AREA)
Objavlja se izum, s katerim se zagotavlja postopek montaže, ki je enostaven in relativno poceni, ki pa omogoča montažo zelo preciznih trodimenzionalnih žičnih mrež, ki imajo veliko odpornost na obtežbe. Ta postopek, v skladu s predmetom izuma sestoji iz sledečih faz: a) Priprava niza ravnih mrež, ki se sestoje iz vzdolžnih in prečnih žic, ki so med seboj zvarjene; b) Postavljanje teh mrež v skladu z določenim globinskim pomikom; c) Poravnavanje teh mrež na tak način, da se prečne žice iz različnih mreč dovedejo v isto ravnino; d) Poravnavanje vzdolžnih žic vsaj z ene strani mrež, tako da se definirajo ravnine poravnavanja konstrukcije; e) Postavljanje najmanj ene križne žice v položaj, v katerem se ta žica križa z vzdolžnimi žicami ali prečnimi žicami iz mrež na različnih mestih križanja teh vzdolžnih in prečnih žic; f) Pristopanje z najmanj eno enoto za varenje k mestu, kjer se mreže križajo s križno žico na tak način, da elektrode te enote za varenje ležijo nasproti križnih žic na ustreznem mestu križanja; g) Spajanje žic, ki se križajo in elektrod, da bi se izvedlo varenje na tem mestu križanja; h) Relativno premikanje mrež in te enote za varenje za razdaljo, ki je enaka medsebojni razdalji teh mrež, istočasno zadržavajoč prečne mreže v isti ravnini; i) Ponavljanje faze f) do h) za novo križno žico in nova mesta križanja, vse dokler se križne žice ne zavarijo z vzdolžnimi in prečnimi žicami te mrežne konstrukcije.An invention is hereby published assembly process that is simple and relatively inexpensive, which, however, allows for the installation of highly accurate three-dimensional wire mesh having high resistance to loads. This process according to the object of the invention consists of the following phases: a) Preparation of a series of straight nets which they consist of longitudinal and transverse wires interconnected welded; b) Setting up these nets in accordance with a specific one by the depth shift; c) Alignment of these networks in such a way that the transverse wires from the various nets brought into the same plane; d) Alignment of longitudinal wires at least on one side of the grids so that the planes are defined alignment of the structure; e) Putting at least one cross wire to the position where that wire intersects with longitudinal or transverse wires from nets to different intersections of these longitudinal and transverse wires; f) Approach with at least one spot guard unit, where the nets intersect with cross wire in such a way that the electrodes of this welding unit lie opposite the cross wires at the appropriate crossing point; g) Joining of wires that cross and electrode to perform welding on this the point of intersection; h) Relative movement of nets and tees welding units for a distance equal to each other the distance of these nets while retaining the transverse ones nets in the same plane; i) Repeat phase f) to h) for new cross wire and new intersections as long as cross wires are not welded with longitudinal and transverse wires and network structures.
Izum se nanaša na postopek za konstruiranje trodmenzionalnih kovinskih konstrukcij, naprimer za prefabricirane elemente kot so zidovi in strehe, ki se uporabljajo pri gradnji. Predmet izuma se nanaša tudi na naprave, ki proizvajajo skladno z omenjenim postopkom in končno tudi na konstrukcije, ki so proizvod takšnega postopka.The invention relates to a process for constructing three-dimensional metal structures, for example for prefabricated elements such as walls and roofs used in construction. The subject of the invention also relates to devices which manufacture according to the said process and finally to the constructions which are the product of such a process.
Ta izum rešuje tehnični problem kako zagotoviti postopek montiranja, ki je enostaven in relativno poceni, vendar pa omogoča montiranje zelo preciznih trodimenzionalnih armaturnih mrež velike odpornosti na obremenitve.The present invention solves the technical problem of how to provide a mounting procedure that is simple and relatively inexpensive, but allows the mounting of highly accurate three-dimensional reinforcement nets with high load resistance.
Znana je trodimenzionalna žična konstrukcija, ki je sestavljena iz niza ravnih mrež. Vsaka mreža ima najmanj en par vzdolžnih in prečnih žic. Te mreže imajo vnaprej določeno medsebojno razdaljo, kar jim omogoča niz križnih žic, ki so privarjene na vzdolžne ali prečne žice mrež. Takšna konstrukcija formira nosilne ravnine za vzdolžne elemente odgovarjajočih dimenzij, ki so izdelani iz lahkega izolacijskega materiala in ki se vgrajujejo znotraj te konstrukcije. Izdelava takšne konstrukcije zahteva zelo stroge tolerance za različne komponente in pazljivo poravnavanje teh delov v času posameznih faz izdelave, v katerih se izvaja varjenje. Za izpolnjevanje takšnih zahtev je potrebno veliko ročnih operacij, da bi se enote za varjenje privedle do tistih prečnih prerezov, v katerih ležijo žice, ki jih je potrebno zavariti, predvsem pa da bi se obdržai deli poravnani. Tak postopek je zaradi tega neizbežno drag. Predvsem pa je zelo težko doseči istočasno poravnanje prečnih žic in različnih delov konstrukcije v isti ravnini. Tako se je pojavilo več problemov pri izdelavi takšnih konstrukcij, posebno glede na sigurnost kvalitetnega varjenja in doseganja visoke odpornosti glede nastatično in dinamično obremenitev konstrukcije.A three-dimensional wire construction consisting of a series of straight nets is known. Each grid shall have at least one pair of longitudinal and transverse wires. These nets have a predetermined distance to each other, which allows them to have a series of cross wires welded to the longitudinal or transverse wires of the nets. Such construction forms support planes for longitudinal elements of corresponding dimensions, which are made of lightweight insulating material and which are installed within this structure. The manufacture of such a structure requires very strict tolerances for the various components and the careful alignment of these parts during the individual stages of manufacture during which welding is performed. Many manual operations are required to meet such requirements in order to bring the welding units to those cross sections in which the wires to be welded lie, and in particular to keep the parts aligned. Such a procedure is therefore inevitably expensive. Above all, it is very difficult to simultaneously align the transverse wires and different parts of the structure in the same plane. Thus, several problems arose in the manufacture of such structures, especially with regard to the safety of quality welding and the achievement of high resistance to the static and dynamic loading of the structure.
Osnovni cilj predmeta tega izuma je , kako zagotoviti postopek montaže, ki je enostaven in relativno poceni, pa vendar omogoča montažo zelo preciznih tridomenzionalnih žičnih mrež, ki so zelo odporne na obremenitve. Naloga se lahko reši s pomočjo postopka v skladu s predmetom izuma, ki vsebuje naslednje faze:The primary object of the present invention is to provide an assembly process that is simple and relatively inexpensive, yet allows for the installation of highly accurate three-dimensional, highly load-resistant wire mesh. The task can be solved by a process according to the invention, which comprises the following steps:
a) Pripravo niza ravnih mrež, ki sestoje iz vzdolžnih in prečnih žic, ki so medseboj zavarjene;a) Preparation of a series of straight nets consisting of longitudinal and transverse welded wires;
b) Postavljanje teh mrež skladno z določenim globinskim pomikom;b) Laying these nets in accordance with a certain depth displacement;
c) Poravnavanje mrež tako, da se prečne žice iz različnih mrež poravnajo v isto ravnino;c) Align the nets so that the transverse wires from the different nets align in the same plane;
d) Poravnavanje vzdolžnih žic vsaj na eni strani mrež, tako da se definirajo ravnine poravnanja konstrukcije;d) Alignment of longitudinal wires on at least one side of the nets so that the alignment planes of the structure are defined;
e) Postavljanje najmanj ene prečne žice v položaj, v katerem se ta žica križa z vzdolžnimi ali prečnimi žicami mrež na različnih mestih križanja teh vzdolžnih in prečnih žic;e) Placing at least one transverse wire in a position in which this wire intersects with the longitudinal or transverse wires of the nets at different intersections of these longitudinal and transverse wires;
f) Pristop z najmanj eno enoto za varjenje k mestu, kjer se mreže križajo s križno žico na tak način, da ležijo elektrode te enote za varjenje na določenem mestu križanja, nasproti križnih žic;f) Approach with at least one welding unit to the point where the nets intersect with the cross wire in such a way that the electrodes of this welding unit lie at a specific intersection point opposite the cross wires;
g) Spajanje žic, ki se križajo in elektrod, da bi se izvedlo varjenje žic na mestu križanja;g) Joining intersecting wires and electrodes to weld the wires at the intersection;
h) Relativno premikanje mrež in enote za varjenje za razdaljo, ki je enaka medsebojni razdalji mrež, istočasno zadžavajoč prečne žice v isti ravnini;h) Relative movement of nets and welding units for a distance equal to the distance of the nets while simultaneously keeping the transverse wires in the same plane;
i) Ponavljanje faze f) do h) za novo križno žico in nova mesta križanja, tako dolgo, dokler križne žice niso zvarjene z vzdolžnimi ali prečnimi žicami te mrežne konstrukcije.i) Repeat phase f) to h) for new cross wire and new junction points until cross wires are welded with longitudinal or transverse wires of this mesh construction.
Skladno s še eno značilnostjo predmeta izuma vsebuje montiranje mrež, ki sestavljajo trodimenzionalno konstrukcijo, naslednje faze:According to another feature of the object of the invention, the assembly of the nets constituting the three-dimensional construction comprises the following stages:
a) Pripravljanje ravnih žic s kolutov, z ojačitvijo in istočasnim prepletanjem teh žic;a) Preparation of straight wires from the reels, by reinforcing and simultaneously interconnecting these wires;
b) Postavljanje skupine vzdolžnih žic v držala za poravnavanje, ki omogočajo, da se žice postavijo paralelno ena na drugo;b) Placing a group of longitudinal wires in alignment brackets that allow the wires to be placed parallel to each other;
c) Varjenje v odgovarjajočih točkah križanja vzdolžnih žic z eno prečno žico na tak način, da te žice ležijo praktično v isti ravnini kot prečna žica; d) Premik vzdolžnih žic v odnosu na držalo za poravnavanje, za razdaljo, ki je enaka razdalji, s katero se ponavljajo prečne žice, da bi se lahko določila druga sekcija markacije, ki je praktično enaka predhodni;c) Welding at appropriate points of intersection of longitudinal wires with one transverse wire in such a way that these wires lie practically in the same plane as the transverse wire; d) Movement of the longitudinal wires relative to the alignment holder by a distance equal to the distance with which the transverse wires are repeated, in order to determine a second section of the marking substantially identical to the previous one;
e) Postavitev druge prečne žice na način, da ta prečna žica seka drugo sekcijo arkacije vzdolžnih žic, da je v njeni bližini ali se je rahlo dotika, na tak način, da leži na točno določeni razdalji od predhodne prečne žice;e) Positioning the second transverse wire in such a way that the transverse wire intersects the second section of the arcing of the longitudinal wires, that it is near or slightly in contact with it, in such a way that it lies at a certain distance from the previous transverse wire;
f) Varjenje te druge prečne žice z vzdolžnimi žicami na odgovarjajočih mestih križanja;f) Welding of this second transverse wire with longitudinal wires at the appropriate intersection points;
g) Ponavljanje faze d) do f), dokler se ne izvedejo vsi zvari, potrebni za sestavitev take mreže.g) Repeating steps d) through f) until all the welds required to assemble such a net have been completed.
Trodimenzionalna konstrukcija, ki nastane s pomočjo postopka,v skladu s predmetom izuma, je odporna na obremenitve, zahvaljujoč prepletanju žic ter pravilnem in natančnem varjenju. Nadalnja karakteristika takšne konstrukci so pravilne ravnine, v katerih ležijo različne prečne žice, s čemer se doseže zelo majhne razdalje med vzdolžnimi komadi, s katerimi se precizno izpolni notranjost konstrukcije. Poleg tega je tako montirana konstrukcija zelo točna v dimenzijah, s čimer je zagotovljeno optimalno postavljanje panelov tekom gradnje objektov.The three-dimensional construction resulting from the process according to the invention is load-resistant thanks to the interconnection of wires and the correct and accurate welding. A further feature of such structures is the regular planes in which the various transverse wires lie, thereby achieving very short distances between the longitudinal pieces to accurately fill the interior of the structure. In addition, the structure thus constructed is very accurate in dimensions, ensuring the optimal placement of panels during the construction of structures.
Ostali detajli in karakteristike predmeta izuma bodo postali bolj jasni iz sledečega opisa, ki je naveden kot primer, s katerim se ne omejuje obseg izuma in kateremu je potrebno slediti po priloženih rizbah, na katerih:Other details and features of the object of the invention will become more apparent from the following description, which is cited as an example which does not limit the scope of the invention and which should be followed by the accompanying drawings, in which:
Slika 1 predstavlja splošni shematski prikaz strojev za montažo, ki se uporabljajo v postopku glede na predmet izuma;Figure 1 is a general schematic representation of the assembly machines used in the process according to the invention;
Slika 2 predstavlja perspektivno sliko enega stroja za montažo, ki je prikazan na sliki 1;Figure 2 is a perspective view of one assembly machine shown in Figure 1;
Slika 3 predstavlja shematski del načrtnega izgleda stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 2;Figure 3 is a schematic view of a plan view of the machine shown in Figure 2;
Slika 4 predstavlja stranski pogled na stroj, ki je prikazan na sliki 3, ko je leta v delovnem položaju;Figure 4 represents a side view of the machine shown in Figure 3 when the flight is in working position;
Slika 5 predstavlja prednji pogled detajla stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 2;Figure 5 is a front view of a machine detail shown in Figure 2;
Slika 6 prikazuje detajle s slike 5 v času ene delovne faze;Figure 6 shows the details of Figure 5 during one operating phase;
Slika 7 predstavlja pogled s strani elementa stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 2;Figure 7 is a perspective view of the machine element shown in Figure 2;
Slika 8 prikazuje detajle s slike 7 v teku ene delovne faze;Figure 8 shows the details of Figure 7 during a single operating phase;
Slika 9 predstavlja shematski pogled vzdolž linije prereza ΙΧ-ΙΧ iz slike 4;Figure 9 is a schematic view along the cross-section line ΙΧ-ΙΧ of Figure 4;
Slika 10 prikazuje shematski pogled prečnega prereza detajla stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 2;Figure 10 shows a schematic cross-sectional view of the machine detail shown in Figure 2;
Slika 11 predstavlja shematski pogled drugega detajla stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 2;Figure 11 is a schematic view of another machine detail shown in Figure 2;
Slika 12 predstavlja načrtni pogled varijacije detajla stroja s slike2;Figure 12 is a plan view of the variation of the machine detail of Figure 2;
Slika 13 predstavlja shematski pogled s strani varijacije, ki je prikazana na sliki 12;Fig. 13 is a schematic side view of the variation shown in Fig. 12;
Slika 14 prikazuje elemente, ki so prikazani na sliki 12 v času ene delovne faze;Figure 14 shows the elements shown in Figure 12 during one working phase;
Slika 15 prikazuje dinamični delovni diagram stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 2;Figure 15 shows a dynamic working diagram of the machine shown in Figure 2;
Slika 16 prikazuje dijagram celega stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 2;Figure 16 shows a diagram of the whole machine shown in Figure 2;
Slika 17 predstavlja shematski načrtni pogled drugega stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 1;Figure 17 is a schematic plan view of another machine shown in Figure 1;
Slika 18 predstavlja pogled stroja, ki je prikazan na sliki 17 s strani;18 is a view of the machine shown in FIG. 17 on the side;
Slika 19 predstavlja skupinski dijagram strojev prikazanih na sliki 17;Figure 19 is a group diagram of the machines shown in Figure 17;
Slika 20 predstavlja splošni skupinski dijagram operacij, ki so zagotovljene s postopkom, ki je predmet izuma.Figure 20 is a general block diagram of operations provided by the process of the invention.
Postopek montaže po tem izumu je namenjen za izdelavo naprimer trodimenzionalne kovinske konstrukcije 30 ( slika 2 ), tipa, ki je opisan v evropski patentni prijavi 821020021, ki je bila objavljena 29. septembra 1982.The assembly process of the present invention is intended for the manufacture of, for example, a three-dimensional metal structure 30 (Figure 2), of the type described in European patent application 821020021, published September 29, 1982.
Postopek je posebej primeren za montiranje ravnih mrež 36, izdelanih iz jeklenih žic s križnimi žicami 37, priporoča pa se za uporabo strojev, ki omogočajo montiranje trodimenzionalnih konstrukcij 40.The method is particularly suitable for mounting flat nets 36 made of steel wires with cross wires 37, and is recommended for the use of machines that allow the installation of three-dimensional structures 40.
Mreže 36 sestoje iz vzdolžnih žic 34 in prečnih žic 35, v fazi izdelave pred montažo tridimenzionalne konstrukcije pa so bile pripravljene s pomočjo ravne naprave za varjenje 38 (slika 1 ).The nets 36 consist of longitudinal wires 34 and transverse wires 35, and in the fabrication phase, prior to the assembly of the three-dimensional structure, were prepared using a flat welding device 38 (Figure 1).
Stroj za montiranje 40 (slika 2 ) se sestoji iz nosilne konstrukcije 41, ki nosi mreže 36, bloka za oskrbo 42, iz katerega se jemljejo križne žice 37, da bi se zvarile z mrežami 36, niza enot za varjenje 43, bloka 45 za dostavo, ki se uporablja za konstrukcijo 30 v času montaže, kakor tudi sprejemno enoto 50 (slika 1 ).The mounting machine 40 (FIG. 2) consists of a supporting structure 41 carrying nets 36, a supply block 42 from which cross wires 37 are taken to be welded with nets 36, a series of welding units 43, a block 45 for the delivery used for construction 30 at the time of assembly, as well as the receiving unit 50 (Figure 1).
V tem stroju je dalje zagotovljen elektronski blok 57 (slika 10), zaradi sekvenčne kontrole različnih faz montaže in varjenja, kontrolni panel 58, pnevmatske enote 59 za izvrševanje ukazov, ki jih pošilja enota 58, kakor tudi hidraulična enota za hlajenje elektrod za varjenje v strojih za montažo 38 in 40.This machine further provides an electronic block 57 (Figure 10) for sequential control of the various assembly and welding stages, control panel 58, pneumatic unit 59 for executing the instructions sent by unit 58, as well as a hydraulic unit for cooling electrodes for welding in assembly machines 38 and 40.
Naslednji opis se nanaša na nosilno konstrukcijo:The following description applies to the load-bearing structure:
Nosilna konstrukcija 41 vsebuje skup stebričkov 79, na katerih se nahaja niz prečnih gred 80, pričvrščenih v parih na pravilni medsebojni razdalji. Prečne grede 80 nosijo niz preko njih postavljenih horizontalnih nosilnih plošč 81. Razdalja med ploščami 81 je enak in definira povprečno fazo razmika med ravnimi mrežami 36 v odnosu na že montirano konstrukcijo 30.The supporting structure 41 comprises a set of pillars 79, on which is a series of transverse shafts 80, fixed in pairs at the correct distance from each other. The transverse beams 80 carry a series of horizontal bearing plates 81 over them. The distance between the plates 81 is the same and defines the average phase spacing between the straight nets 36 relative to the structure 30 already mounted.
Plošče 81 (slika3) so zelo raztegnjene pravokotne oblike in imajo dve bočne strani 82 in 83 na svoji levi in desni strani, kot je to prikazano na sliki 4 in nosijo ustrezne ravne mreže 36.The panels 81 (Fig. 3) are very elongated rectangular in shape and have two lateral sides 82 and 83 on their left and right sides, respectively, as shown in Fig. 4, and carry corresponding straight nets 36.
Kontrolni element 83, ki ima en izbočen del s pravokotnim prečnim prerezom, je pričvrščen z vsake strani 82 in ima kontrolno površino 85, ki je lahko v kontaktu, kot se lahko vidi na levi strani slike, s prečnimi žicami 35 iz mrež 36. Površine 85 kontrolnih elementov 83 in različnih plošč 81 se nahajajo v isti ravnini in definirajo vertikalno ravnino markacije trodimenzionalne konstrukcije 30.The control element 83, which has one convex section with a rectangular cross-section, is fixed on each side 82 and has a control surface 85 which can be in contact, as can be seen on the left side of the figure, with cross wires 35 from the nets 36. Surfaces 85 controls 83 and various panels 81 are in the same plane and define the vertical marking plane of the three-dimensional structure 30.
Drugi kontrolni element 86, ki ima pravtako en del izbočen s pravokotnim prečnim prerezom, se nastavljivo pritrdi na stranico 83 vsake plošče 81 in ima kontrolno površino 87, ki lahko, kot se to lahko vidi tudi na desni strani slike, na koncih kontaktira s prečnimi žicami 35 iz mreže 36. Površine 87 kontrolnih elementov 86 ležijo v isti ravnini in definirajo drugo vertikalno ravnino markacije trodimenzionalne konstrukcije 30, ki je vzporedna z vertikalno ravnino, ki jo definirajo površine 85. Obe ravnini za markacijo sta postavljeni tako, da postavljata vzdolžne žice 34 v isto ravnino na isti strani različnih mrež 36, poleg tega pa ležita pravokotno glede na ravnine mrež 36. Kot je prikazano na sliki 3, so na prednjem delu elementa 85 in 86 pričvrščeni krmilni elementi 92 in 93, ki so sestavljeni iz izbočenih delov s prečnim prerezom v obliki črke U, kjer ti deli štrlijo iz ravnine 81. Ti elementi se dotikajo konic prečnih žic 35, prav tako pa tudi konic vzdolžnih žic 34 iz ravnih mrež 36 ter služijo zato, da se točno definirajo vertikalne ravnine za markacijo konstrukcije 30 ter da se prepreči zvijanje mrež 36 v tem delu, ki se nahaja ob vhodnem delu krmilnih elementov 92 in 93 in poleg enot za varjenje 43.The second control element 86, which also has a single portion convex with a rectangular cross-section, is adjustably mounted on the side 83 of each panel 81 and has a control surface 87 which, as can be seen on the right side of the image, can contact the transverse ends wires 35 from net 36. The surfaces 87 of the control elements 86 lie in the same plane and define the second vertical marking plane of the three-dimensional structure 30, which is parallel to the vertical plane defined by the surfaces 85. Both marking planes are positioned to place longitudinal wires 34 in the same plane on the same side of the different nets 36, and in addition they are perpendicular to the planes of the nets 36. As shown in Figure 3, control elements 92 and 93 are attached at the front of the elements 85 and 86, consisting of convex parts with a U-shaped cross-section where these parts project from the plane 81. These elements touch the ends of the transverse wires 35 and also the ends along wire wires 34 from straight nets 36 and serve to define precisely the vertical planes for marking the structure 30 and to prevent twisting of nets 36 in this part adjacent to the inlet part of control elements 92 and 93 and adjacent to welding units 43.
Kontrolni elementi 87 in krmilni elementi 93 se lahko relativno premaknejo v odnosu na rob 83, naprimer s pomočjo vijaka 94. Na ta način se lahko spremeni razdaljo med ravninami za markacijo 87 in krmilnimi elementi 92 ali relativno v odnosu na ravnino za markacijo 85, ali relativno v odnosu na krmilne elemente 93, da se točno definirajo vertikalne ravnine za markacijo konstrukcije 30, omogočujoč uporabo mrež 36 različnih širin.The control elements 87 and the control elements 93 can be relatively moved relative to the edge 83, for example by means of a screw 94. This may change the distance between the marking planes 87 and the control elements 92 or relative to the marking plane 85, or relative to the controls 93, to define precisely the vertical planes for marking the structure 30, allowing the use of nets 36 of different widths.
Za nosilno konstrukcijo se nahaja blok za dostavo. Blok za dostavo 42 se deli v dve enoti, od katerih ima vsaka magazin 101 (slika), v katerem so postavljene križne žice 37. Te žice, zahvaljujoč gravitaciji, padajo v izhodni kanal 102 (slika 11), operacijo pa olajšuje delovanje ekscentra 103. Zagotovljena je naprava 104, ki omogoča, da žice 37 padajo ena po ena, potem pa se te žice vodijo s pomočjo nagnjenih palic 105 ter se zaustavljajo na osnovi teh palic 105, ko naletijo na obode 106. Prisotnost žice 37, ki se zadrži na obodih 106, se detektira s pomočjo magnetnega senzorja 105, ki s pomočjo električnih signalov pošlje odgovarjajočo informacijo upravljalski enoti 57.There is a delivery block behind the supporting structure. Delivery block 42 is divided into two units, each of which has a magazine 101 (picture) in which the cross wires 37 are placed. These wires, thanks to gravity, fall into the exit channel 102 (picture 11), and the operation is facilitated by the operation of the eccentric 103 A device 104 is provided to allow the wires 37 to fall one by one, and then these wires are guided by tilting bars 105 and stopping at the base of these bars 105 when they reach the circumference 106. The presence of the holding wire 37 at the periphery 106, it is detected by a magnetic sensor 105, which sends the corresponding information to the control unit 57 by means of electrical signals.
Med nosilci 41 in magazini 101 (slika 3) se nahajata dve zategovalni ročici 111, od katerih je vsaka sestavljena s pomočjo gredice v obliki paralelopipeda, z nosilnim mestom na koncu ter izhodno osjo 112 pnevmatsko premakljivega elementa 113. Ta element za premikanje 113 služi za rotiranje zategovalne ročice iz horizontalnega položaja v vertikalni položaj. Vsaka zategovalna ročica je v svojem horizontalnem položaju praktično poravnana z žico 37 in postavljena prek nje v trenutku, ko je ta žica zaustavljena za določen čas na obodu 106 in ko se nahaja točno ob tej žici. Več magnetov 114 je postavljeno tako, da potiskajo žico 37 z oboda 106 in jo držijo na ročici 111, poravnano z osjo te iste ročice.There are two clamping arms 111 between the supports 41 and magazines 101 (FIG. 3), each of which is assembled by means of a parallelopiped billet, with a support point at the end and an output axis 112 of the pneumatically movable element 113. This moving element 113 is used for rotation of the tightening lever from horizontal position to vertical position. Each clamping lever is, in its horizontal position, practically aligned with the wire 37 and placed over it at the moment when that wire is stopped for a certain time at the circumference 106 and when it is located exactly along that wire. Several magnets 114 are positioned to push a wire 37 from the circumference 106 and hold it on a lever 111 aligned with the axis of that same lever.
Ta pozicija ostane nespremenjena celo v trenutku, ko ročica 111 stoji v vertikalnem položaju. Poleg tega služita dva senzorja 115 in 116 za detektiranje ročice 111 v horizontalnem in vertikalnem položaju ter da informacijo preneseta enoti za upravljanje 57.This position remains unchanged even when the lever 111 is in the vertical position. In addition, two sensors 115 and 116 are used to detect the lever 111 in the horizontal and vertical positions and to transmit the information to the control units 57.
Nasproti magazina 101 (sliki 2 in 3) sta postavljena dva pnevmatska aktuatorja 121, ki imata bate 122, ki se lahko premaknejo v horizontalni ravnini v smeri pravokotno v odnosu na ravnini za markacijo 85 in 86. Na teh batih 122 sta pričvrščena dva ustrezna nosilna bloka 123, na katerih sta s svoje strani pričvrščena dva druga pneumatska aktuatorja 124. Ti aktuatorji 124 imajo bate 125, ki se lahko pomikajo horizontalno, v smeri, ki se nahaja poševno pod kotom 45 stopinj, v odnosu na ravnini za markacijo 85 in 86. Ti bati 125 nosijo dva stebrička 126, na katerih sta pričvrščena dva ustrezna niza spon 127, ki se pnevmatsko aktivirajo in ki lahko premikajo žice 37 iz ročic 111 in jih držijo tako, da so paralelne s stebričkoma 126. Senzorji 128 omogočajo detektiranje prisotnosti ene ali več žic 37, ki se nahajajo v teh sponah 127. Nosilci 123 se lahko premikajo od batov 122 in to od bočne pozicije ob magazinih do centralne pozicije ob enotah za varjenje 43 in krmilnih elementov 92 in 93. Stebrički 126 se s svoje strani lahko pomikajo od batov 125 in to od položaja, ki je oddaljen od magazina 101 in krmilnih elementov 92 in 93, proti položaju, ki se nahaja ob ročicah 111, ko so lete v vertikalnem položaju ter ob enotah za varjenje 43.Opposite magazine 101 (FIGS. 2 and 3) are two pneumatic actuators 121, which have pistons 122 that can be moved in a horizontal plane in a direction perpendicular to the planes 85 and 86. Two corresponding mounting brackets are attached to these pistons 122. blocks 123 on which two other pneumatic actuators 124 are attached. These actuators 124 have pistons 125 that can be moved horizontally in a direction inclined at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the marking planes 85 and 86 These pistons 125 carry two pillars 126 to which are attached two corresponding sets of pneumatically actuated clips 127 that can move the wires 37 from the arms 111 and hold them in such a way that they are parallel to the pillars 126. The sensors 128 allow the presence of one to be detected. or more of the wires 37 located in these terminals 127. The supports 123 may move from pistons 122 and from the lateral position next to the magazines to the central position next to the welding units 43 and the control el. elements 92 and 93. The columns 126 may, for their part, move from pistons 125, away from the position away from magazine 101 and controls 92 and 93, to the position adjacent to arms 111 when vertically positioned. and at welding units 43.
Končni senzorji 131 in 132 za aktuatorje 121 detektirajo bočne in centralne položaje blokov 123, končni senzorji 133 aktuatorjev 124 detektirajo položaj stebričkov 126 ob ročicah 111 in enote za varjenje 43. Poleg tega magnetni senzorji 134 detektirajo prisotnost žic 37 na stebričke 126, ko jih držijo spone 127. Informacije s senzorjev 134 se prav tako prenašajo v upravljalsko enoto 57. Magazini 101 so konstruirana tako, da vsaki sprejme, z ustreznimi pregradnimi elementi, po dva niza križnih žic 37, katerih dolžina je komaj nekaj manjša od maksimalne širine magazina. Poševne palice 105, zategovalne ročice 111, stebrički 126, spone 127 in različni senzorji lahko delajo istočasno z dvema žicama 37, ki sta v odnosu ena na drugo poravnani in se nahajata ena poleg druge. To omogoča istočasno montažo dveh trodimenzionalnih konstrukcij, ki sta visoki nekaj manj od polovice višine konstrukcije maksimalne višine.End sensors 131 and 132 for actuators 121 detect the lateral and central positions of blocks 123, end sensors 133 of actuators 124 detect the position of pillars 126 at arms 111 and welding units 43. In addition, magnetic sensors 134 detect the presence of wires 37 on pillars 126 when held. clamps 127. Information from sensors 134 is also transmitted to control unit 57. Magazines 101 are designed to receive, each with appropriate barrier elements, two sets of cross wires 37 whose length is only slightly less than the maximum width of the magazine. Oblique rods 105, clamping arms 111, columns 126, clamps 127, and various sensors can work simultaneously with two wires 37 that are aligned with one another and are adjacent to each other. This allows the simultaneous installation of two three-dimensional structures that are slightly less than half the height of the maximum height structure.
Enote za varjenje 43 (slika 3) se delijo v dve skupini, ki sta montirani na dve plošči 145 in 146. Ti plošči sta pritrjeni na vertikalne stebričke 147, tako da lahko drsita na mestih, kjer so stebrički postavljeni levo in desno od krmilnih elementov 92 in 93 na ta način, da se vsakemu paru elementa 92 in 93 lahko pridruži en par enot za varjenje 43.The welding units 43 (Fig. 3) are divided into two groups, which are mounted on two panels 145 and 146. These panels are attached to the vertical posts 147 so that they can slide at the places where the posts are placed to the left and right of the controls 92 and 93 in such a way that each pair of element 92 and 93 can be joined by one pair of welding units 43.
Vsaka enota 43 ima telo 151 v obliki votlega paralelopipeda, na katerem so montirani transformator 152, pnevmatski aktuator 153, premakljiva elektroda 154 in nasprotna elektroda 155.Each unit 43 has a body 151 in the form of a hollow parallelopiped, on which are mounted a transformer 152, a pneumatic actuator 153, a movable electrode 154 and a counter electrode 155.
Premakljiva elektroda 154 je pritrjena na bat 157 aktuatorja 153, ki se s svoje strani vodi s pomočjo naglavka, ki ga izolira od telesa 151. Nasprotna elektroda 155 ima telo oblike črke L in je električno povezana s telesom 151. Tansformator 152 je delno montiran znotraj telesa 151 v obliki paralelopipeda in ima primarni navoj, katerega priključki se lahko vežejo na izvor napajanja. Sekundarni navoj tega transformatorja ima dva priključka 159 in 160, ki sta povezana z elektrodama 154 in 155. Aktivni del vsake premakljive elektrode 154 (slika 5), ki je označen s 163 ima obliko cilindra in leži na relativno večji višini v odnosu na bat 157, s tem, da je ta del povezan s pomočjo bloka 164. Aktivni del vsake elektrode 155 je označen s 165 ter ima obliko paralelopipeda in štrli navzgor iz elektrode 155. Znotraj blokov 164 elektrod 154 in 155 se nahaja kanal za hlajenje, ki ima majhne vhodne in izhodne odprtine 166 in 167, ki so povezane s hidravlično enoto 60.The movable electrode 154 is attached to the piston 157 of the actuator 153, which in turn is guided by a sleeve that isolates it from the body 151. The counter electrode 155 has an L-shaped body and is electrically connected to the body 151. The transformer 152 is partially mounted inside body 151 in the form of a parallelopiped and having a primary thread whose connectors can be attached to the power source. The secondary thread of this transformer has two terminals 159 and 160, which are connected to electrodes 154 and 155. The active part of each movable electrode 154 (Fig. 5), marked 163, has a cylinder shape and lies at a relatively higher height than the piston 157 , in that this part is connected by block 164. The active part of each electrode 155 is marked 165 and has a parallelopiped shape and protrudes upwards from the electrode 155. Within the blocks 164 of electrodes 154 and 155 there is a cooling channel having small the inlet and outlet openings 166 and 167 connected to the hydraulic unit 60.
V položaju mirovanja ležijo deli 163 in 165 enote 43 pod ravninami mrež 36, medtem ko sta plošči 145 in 146 vertikalno premakljivi v odnosu na stebričke 147. Aktuator 170 premika enoto za varjenje 43 navzgor, da se deli 163 in 165 postavijo poravnano z ravninami mrež 36. Dva končna senzorja 168 in 169 lahko detektirata ta visoki in nizki položaj enot 43. V varianti, ki je prikazana na slikah 12 in 13, se enote za varjenje montirajo na dve fiksni plošči 180. Vse nasprotne elektrode, ki so označene s 171, imajo vzvodno ročico 173 in se vrtijo okrog naglavka 172, vzporedno v odnosu na bat 157. Aktivni deli 163 pomičnih elektrod 154 so poravnani z ravninami različnih mrež 36, medtem ko se aktivni deli elektrod 171 nahajajo pod temi površinami. Ročice 173 se vrtijo okoli vertikalne vezi 174, ki je s svoje strani povezana s pnevmatskim aktuatorjem 175.In the idle position, parts 163 and 165 of unit 43 lie below the planes 36, while panels 145 and 146 are vertically movable relative to the pillars 147. The actuator 170 moves the welding unit 43 upward so that parts 163 and 165 are aligned with the planes of the grids. 36. Two end sensors 168 and 169 can detect this high and low position of units 43. In the variant shown in Figures 12 and 13, the welding units are mounted on two fixed plates 180. All opposite electrodes marked with 171 , have a lever arm 173 and rotate about the head 172, parallel to the piston 157. The active parts 163 of the displacement electrodes 154 are aligned with the planes of the various nets 36, while the active parts of the electrodes 171 are located below these surfaces. The arms 173 rotate about a vertical link 174, which in turn is connected to a pneumatic actuator 175.
Aktuator 175 je konstruiran tako, da obrača aktivne dele 164, tako da so leti poravnani z ravninami mrež 36. Senzorji 168 in 169 detektirajo v tem primeru odgovarjajoče visoke in nizke položaje elektrod 171.The actuator 175 is designed to rotate the active parts 164 so that the flights are aligned with the planes of the nets 36. The sensors 168 and 169 detect in this case the corresponding high and low positions of the electrodes 171.
Blok 45, takoimenovani blok za dostavo (slika 3 in 7), vsebuje pnevmatski aktuator 182, ki ima dve bata 183, ki sta premakljiva paralelno v odnosu na krmilne elemente 92 in 93. Na teh batih 183 je montirana vertikalna palica 184, na kateri so pritrjene horizontalne ročice 185 v obliki črke L, ki so postavljene v prostor, med ravninami mrež 36. Te ročice 185 imajo vzdolžni del 186, ki leži v srednji ravnini med vertikalnimi ravninami markacij, definiranih s pomočjo krmilnih elementov 92 in 93.Block 45, the so-called delivery block (Figures 3 and 7), contains a pneumatic actuator 182, which has two pistons 183 that are movable in parallel with the control elements 92 and 93. These rods 183 have a vertical rod 184 mounted on which the L-shaped horizontal arms 185 are placed in a space between the planes of the nets 36. These arms 185 have a longitudinal portion 186 which lies in the median plane between the vertical planes of markings defined by the control elements 92 and 93.
Na vsakem delu 186 se s pomočjo osi 187 vrti zobati vzvod 190, ki ima na spodnjem delu prednji zob 191 in zadnji zob 192. V mirujočem stanju se ta vzvod nahaja v vodoravnem položaju, s pomočjo gravitacije na mejnem elementu 188 dela 186. Oba zoba, tako 191 in 192, imata na svojem prednjem delu ustrezen praktično vertikalni kontaktn rob 193, na zadnjem delu pa pošeni rob 194. Kontaktni robovi 193 zobov 191 in 192 so poravnani med seboj v dve vertikalni ravnini, katerih medsebojna razdalja je nekaj širša (za približno 1mm za žice deb. 0,6 mm do 0,7 mm) od polovice pomika prečnih žic 35 in mrež 36. Aktuator 189 je konstruiran tako, da premakne palico 184 in s tem tudi vzvode 190 za razdaljo , ki je enaka polovici premika prečnih žic 35. Par končnih senzorjev 197 in 196 precizno ugotavlja konec tega hoda in prenaša informacijo upravljalski enoti 57. Krmilni robovi 193 so konstruirane tako, da kooperirajo s prečnimi žicami 35 tako, da skupaj premaknejo mreže 36, obenem pa zadržujejo prečne žice različnih mrež 36 v isti ravnini ali pred montažo konstrukcije 30 ali v času premika mrež 36 v teku operacije varjenja.A gear lever 190 is rotated on each part 186 by means of an axis 187 having a front tooth 191 on the lower part and a rear tooth 192. In the stationary state, this lever is in a horizontal position by gravity on the boundary element 188 of part 186. Both teeth , both 191 and 192, have at their front a corresponding virtually vertical contact edge 193 and a rear edge 194. The contact edges 193 of teeth 191 and 192 are aligned with each other in two vertical planes, the distance of which is slightly wider (for approximately 1mm for wires 0.6 mm to 0.7 mm) from half displacement of transverse wires 35 and nets 36. Actuator 189 is designed to move rod 184 and thereby levers 190 for a distance equal to half displacement transverse wires 35. The pair of end sensors 197 and 196 accurately detects the end of this stroke and transmits information to the control unit 57. The control edges 193 are designed to cooperate with the transverse wires 35 by moving the nets 36 together, simultaneously a keep the transverse wires of the various nets 36 in the same plane either before mounting the structure 30 or during the movement of the nets 36 during the welding operation.
Bolj konkretno, kontrolni robovi 193 zobov 191 ali 192 ležijo v položaju mirovanja 99 ali za prečnimi žicami 35 mrež 36. Glede na to v času pomikanja batov 183 naprej, prenašajo robovi 193 zobov 191 ali zobov 192 z vzvodov 190 mreže 36 proti prednjemu delu stroja, to pa se dogaja v času hoda, ki je enak polovici premika prečnih žic 35.More specifically, the control edges 193 of the teeth 191 or 192 lie in the resting position 99 or behind the transverse wires 35 of the mesh 36. Accordingly, at the time of moving the pistons 183 forward, the edges of the 193 teeth 191 or teeth 192 from the levers 190 of the mesh 36 toward the front of the machine , but this occurs at a stroke equal to half the displacement of the transverse wires 35.
V času povratnega hoda prečne žice 35 s poševnimi robovi 194 povzročajo dvigovanje nazobčanih vzvodov 190, ki lahko na ta način ponovno vrnejo robove 193 za prečne žice 35, zaradi nove dostave mrež 36. V času obeh ciklusov premika naprej in nazaj delujejo vzvodi 190 in zobovi 191 in 192 samo enkrat ali samo na eni in isti prečni žici 35. Na ta način se dobi za križne žice 37 premik, ki je praktično enak polovici premika prečnih žic 35 v že montirani konstrukciji 30.During the reverse stroke, the transverse wires 35 with oblique edges 194 cause the toothed levers 190 to be raised, which can thus return the edges 193 to the transverse wires 35, due to the new delivery of the nets 36. During the two cycles, the levers 190 and the teeth act back and forth. 191 and 192 only once or only on one and the same transverse wire 35. In this way, a displacement of virtually equal to half the displacement of the transverse wires 35 in an already mounted structure 30 is obtained for the cross wires 37.
Na sliki 1 lahko opazimo, da sprejemna enota 50 vsebuje obrnjeno ploščo 201, ki ima osnovo 202 za sprejem že montiranih konstrukcij i vsaj eno področje 203, ki lahko sprejme konzolo za drugo konstrukcijo, ko stroj za montažo 40 montira istočasno dve konstrukciji z zmanjšanima višinama.It can be seen from Fig. 1 that the receiving unit 50 comprises an inverted plate 201 having a base 202 for receiving already mounted structures and at least one area 203 that can receive a console for another structure when the assembly machine 40 mounts simultaneously two structures with reduced heights .
Enota 57 takoimenovana upravljalska enota 57 vsebuje mikroprocesor 210, ki ima vrsto vhodno izhodnih enot vmesnika (interfejsa). Vhodni vmesnik (interfejs) sprejema podatke iz senzorjev, ki detektirajo prisotnost žic in senzorjev, ki detektirajo konec hoda aktuatorja. Enote izhodnega vmesnika (interfejsa) so povezane z releji, možna pa je tudi povezava s polprevodnškimi stikali, ki upravljajo odpiranje in zapiranje ventilov 212-219, ki so postavljene med napeljave za zrak pod pritiskom 225 pnevmatske enote in aktuatorjev 104,113,122,124, 127, 182, 169 ali 175, kot tudi vseh aktuatorjev 153 enot za varjenje 43.Unit 57, the so-called control unit 57, contains a microprocessor 210 which has a series of input-output units of the interface. The input interface receives data from sensors that detect the presence of wires and sensors that detect the end of the actuator stroke. The units of the output interface are connected to relays, and semiconductor switches can be connected to control the opening and closing of valves 212-219, which are placed between the air ducts of 225 pneumatic units and actuators 104,113,122,124, 127, 182. 169 or 175, as well as all actuators of 153 welding units 43.
Mikroprocesor je prilagojen tako, da upravlja enoto za napajanje 226, ki povezuje primarne navoje transformatorja 152 z virom napajanja v enotah 43. Mikroprocesor 210 ima program, ki upravlja z izvrševanjem operacij različnih električnih ventilov v vnaprej določenem vrstnem redu in v odvisnosti glede na stanje različnih senzorjev. Ta mikroprocesorje razen tega povezan z vrsto elementov za uravnavanje, da se omogoči variranje časovnih intervalov varjenja.The microprocessor is adapted to control the power unit 226 that connects the primary threads of the transformer 152 to the power source in the units 43. The microprocessor 210 has a program that manages the operation of various electric valves in a predetermined order and depending on the state of the various sensors. In addition, these microprocessors are coupled to a series of control elements to allow variation in welding time intervals.
Postopek montaže je prikazan z dijagramom na sliki 20 in je projektiran tako, da se v fazah 211 in 212 vrši zbiranje žic 37 magazina 101 in pozicioniranje mrež 36 (slika 3) na nosilnih ploščah 81. Vzdolžne žice 34 so na ta način vpete v različnih krmilnih elementih 92 in 93, medtem ko ležijo prečne žice 35 iz prvega niza pred upravljalskimi robovi 193 zoba 191.The assembly process is shown in the diagram in Fig. 20 and is designed to collect the wires 37 of magazine 101 and the positioning of nets 36 (Fig. 3) on the support plates 81 in stages 211 and 212. control elements 92 and 93, while the transverse wires 35 of the first set lie in front of the control edges 193 of tooth 191.
Stroj 40 je konstruiran tako, da dela z dvema žicama 37 ali s štirimi žicami v primeru, ko se montirata dve konstrukciji , ko so te žice že postavljene na ročicah 111 in to v vertikalnem položaju. Bloki 123 ležijo v ustreznih bočnih pozicijah, z ročic 111 pa so odstranjeni stebrički. V tej fazi je upravljalska enota 57 pripravljena da starta montažo konstrukcije 30. S pritiskom na startni gumb se aktivirajo aktuatorji 182 in premaknejo ustrezne vzvode 190 v smeri proti prednjemu delu stroja, povzročujoč na ta način, da se še nemontirane mreže 36 istočasno premaknejo. Glede na to, da so prečne žice 35 iz prvega niza primerno nameščene v isti ravnini, se vzdolžne žice 34 privedejo na ustrezna mesta za varjenje.The machine 40 is designed to work with two wires 37 or four wires in the case when two structures are mounted when these wires are already mounted on the arms 111 in a vertical position. The blocks 123 are in the respective lateral positions, and the columns 111 are removed from the arms. At this stage, control unit 57 is ready to start mounting structure 30. Pressing the start button activates actuators 182 and moves the corresponding levers 190 towards the front of the machine, causing the unmounted nets 36 to be moved simultaneously. Given that the transverse wires 35 of the first set are suitably positioned in the same plane, the longitudinal wires 34 are brought to suitable welding points.
Ker je dovod mrež 36 vnaprej detektiran s senzorji 198, upravljalska enota 57 aktivira aktuatorje 124, da privedejo stebričke 126 ob ročice 111. Enota 57 upravlja z zapiranjem spon 127 okoli žic 37 in prenosom teh žic do stebričkov 126. Potem, ko je to stanje detektirano, zagotovi enota 57, da se aktuatorji 124 aktivirajo na nasprotni strani odstranijo stebričke 126 ter na ta način tudi žice iz ročic 111. Enota 57 aktivira aktuatorje 121, ki premaknejo nosilne bloke 123 proti mestom za varjenje.Because the inlet of the nets 36 is pre-detected by the sensors 198, the control unit 57 activates the actuators 124 to bring the pillars 126 to the levers 111. The unit 57 controls the closing of the clamps 127 around the wires 37 and the transfer of these wires to the pillars 126. After this condition detected, unit 57 ensures that actuators 124 are actuated on the opposite side to remove pillars 126, and thus also wires from the arms 111. Unit 57 activates actuators 121, which move carrier blocks 123 toward welding points.
Po preverjanju novega položaja teh elementov s pomočjo senzorjev 131, upravljalska enota 57 ponovno aktivira aktuatorje 124 (slika 15), tako da leti dovedejo žice 37 direktno ob vzdolžne žice 34. Ker se bati 125 premikajo pod kotom 45 stopinj v odnosu na osi elektrod in žic 34, se lahko žice 37 in stebrički 126 premaknejo brez ovir. Novi položaj žic 37 se detektira s senzorji 133. Enota 57 v tej fazi povzroča dvigovanje plošč 145 in 146, kakor tudi vseh enot za varjenje 43 ali vertikalnih vezi 174 (slika 13) s prvimi elektrodami 171, vse dokler se aktivni deli elektrod 163 in 165 (slika 5) ne poravnajo z vzdolžnimi žicami 34 in ne leže koaksijalno z mesti križanja križnih žic 37 in vzdolžnih žic 34. Enota 57 zagotavlja tudi delo aktuatorjev 113 na tak način, da leti premaknejo ročice 111 v horizontalni položaj, da se omogoči prevzem drugega para žic 37 (ali štirih žic v primeru dveh konstrukcij) iz magazina 101.After checking the new position of these elements with the help of sensors 131, control unit 57 reactivates actuators 124 (Fig. 15) so that the flights bring the wires 37 directly along the longitudinal wires 34. As the pistons 125 move at an angle of 45 degrees with respect to the axis of the electrodes and of wires 34, wires 37 and columns 126 can be moved without obstruction. The new position of the wires 37 is detected by sensors 133. The unit 57 at this stage causes the plates 145 and 146 to be lifted, as well as all welding units 43 or vertical links 174 (Figure 13) with the first electrodes 171, as long as the active parts of the electrodes 163 and 165 (Figure 5) does not align with the longitudinal wires 34 and does not coaxially lie with the intersections of the cross wires 37 and the longitudinal wires 34. Unit 57 also provides actuators 113 in such a way that the flights move the arms 111 to a horizontal position to allow for pickup a second pair of wires 37 (or four wires in the case of two constructions) from magazine 101.
Pri naslednji fazi zagotavlja enota 57 upravljanje vseh aktuatorjev 153 v vseh enotah za varjenje 43. Kot posledica tega dovedejo premakljive elektrode 154 križne žice 34 in 37 v kontakt z ustreznimi nasprotnimi elektrodami. Enota 57 tedaj zagotavlja napajanje primarnih navojev transformatorja 152 in varjenje žic 34 in 37 na ustreznih mestih križanja. V času, ko elektrode še vedno drže žice 34 in 37, požene enota 57 aktuatorje 182 tako, da leti izvršujejo povratni hod proti zadnjemu delu stroja. Vzvodi 190 se na ta način vračajo nazaj in s svojim zadnjim zobom 192 neznatno štrlijo v odnosu na prečne žice 35 drugega niza. Potem ko so senzorji 197 ugotovili tak novi položaj vzvodov 190, enota 57 povzroči odpiranje elektrod in spon ter aktivira aktuatorje 180 in 135 tako, da se premaknejo v nasprotno smer, da bi odstranili elektrode s poti prečnih žic 35. Poleg tega enota 57 vrača ročice 111 v vertikalni položaj. Na koncu enota 57 odstrani stebričke 126 in bloke 123 z mesta za varjenje, vračajoč na ta način stroj v prvotni položaj.In the next phase, unit 57 provides control of all actuators 153 in all welding units 43. As a result, the movable electrodes 154 of the cross wires 34 and 37 are brought into contact with the corresponding counter electrodes. Unit 57 then supplies the primary threads of the transformer 152 and welds wires 34 and 37 at the appropriate intersection points. While the electrodes are still holding the wires 34 and 37, the actuator unit 182 is actuated 182 so that the flights return to the rear of the machine. The levers 190 are thus reversed and, with their rear tooth 192, protruding slightly relative to the transverse wires 35 of the second string. After sensors 197 have identified such a new position of the levers 190, unit 57 causes the electrodes and terminals to open and activates actuators 180 and 135 by moving in the opposite direction to remove the electrodes from the path of the transverse wires 35. In addition, unit 57 returns the levers 111 to the vertical position. Finally, unit 57 removes the posts 126 and blocks 123 from the welding point, thereby returning the machine to its original position.
Na sliki 3 je s črtkano črto prikazan položaj blokov 123 ob mestih za varjenje s sponami 127, ki so prikazane odprte in izven mesta za varjenje. Podaljšani položaji nazobčanih vzvodov 190 in mrež 36 so prikazani na enak način. Na sliki 4 je prikazan položaj aktuatorjev 121 in 124 za fazo varjenja, kjer so žice 35 poravnane s pomočjo zobatih vzvodov 190. Na sliki 8 so prikazani položaji enot 43 v času faze varjenja, s črtkano črto pa v fazi, ko zob 192 prevzame žice 35.In Fig. 3, the dashed line shows the position of the blocks 123 adjacent to the welding locations with clamps 127, which are shown open and off the welding site. The extended positions of the toothed levers 190 and the nets 36 are shown in the same manner. Figure 4 shows the position of actuators 121 and 124 for the welding phase, where the wires 35 are aligned with the toothed levers 190. Figure 8 shows the positions of the units 43 during the welding phase, and the dashed line indicates the phase when the tooth 192 takes over the wires 35.
Na sliki 15 je prikazan časovni diagram poteka varjenja 221, premika pomičnih elektrod 154 v odnosu na nasprotne elektrode 157 in 171, kakor tudi premik enot 43 ali elektrod 171. Ta diagram prav tako prikazuje premik spon 127,aktuatorjev 122 in 123, žice 37 na ročicah 105, kot tudi premik ročic 111.Figure 15 shows a timing diagram of welding 221, displacement of displacement electrodes 154 relative to opposite electrodes 157 and 171, as well as displacement of units 43 or electrodes 171. This diagram also shows the displacement of terminals 127, actuators 122 and 123, wires 37 at levers 105, as well as the movement of the levers 111.
Vzdolžne žice 34 se pred varjenjem s prečnimi žicami 35 odmotavajo s koluta 240 (slika 1) velikega obsega, najprej pa se ojačajo s pomočjo stroja za ojačanje žic 241. Ta znani stroj tukaj ne bo detajlno opisan. Običajno ima niz valjev za ojačitev in kontra valje 242, ki ojačujejo žice.The longitudinal wires 34 are unwound from the large-scale reel 240 (Fig. 1) before welding with the transverse wires 35, first being reinforced with the help of a wire-reinforcing machine 241. This known machine will not be described in detail here. Typically, it has a set of reinforcement cylinders and 242 reinforcing rollers that reinforce the wires.
V času ojačevanja se žice utrjujejo zaradi učinka odvijanja in distorzije zaradi prepletanja, ki se izvaja v tej fazi. Stroj za montažo 38 za montiranje mrež 36 ima en podolgovat okvir 245, ki ima vhodno in izhodno področje 244. Okvir 245 (slika 17) ima niz križnih gred 246, ki lahko držijo vzdolžne žice 34. Vzdolžne žice 34 se držijo skupaj na vnaprej določeni medsebojni razdalji s pomočjo vodil 257, ki so premakljiva vzdolž teh križnih gred. Poleg tega se v srednjem delu okvirja 245 nahajajo natančno odmerjena držala za poravnavanje 246, ki so tako dolgi, da vzdolžne žice 34 leže praktično paralelno ene proti drugim na mestih markacije, neposredno ob mestih, na katerih se nahajajo držala. Žice 34 ležijo praktično v isti ravnini, medsebojna razdalja med temi žicami je zelo natančna in z zelo visokimi tolerancami v odnosu na zahteve projektiranja. Med izhodnim področjem in držali 248 se nahaja naprava 250 za dobavo prečnih žic 35, kakor tudi enot za varjenje 251. Ta naprava 250 je konstruirana tako, da postavlja vsako prečno žico 35 tako, da se križa z vzdolžnimi žicami 34 in to tako, da so vse žice 35 medseboj paralelne in tako, da je vsaka žica kar najbližje ali se dotika žic 34 na ustreznih mestih markacije. Naprava 250 (slika 18) je sestavljena iz magazina 252, ki ima izhodni kanal 253, ki se kontrolira z aktuatorjem 254, več poševnih palic 256 in niz majhnih obodov 258. Enote za varjenje 251 vsebuje fiksno elektrodo 260, ki leži malo pod žicami 34 in se križa z žicami na mestih, ki so markirana, kakor tudi niz premičnih elektrod 261. Aktivni del elektrode 261 leži praktično paralelno z aktivnim delom elektrode 260, elektrode 261 so konstruirane tako, da se pomikajo vertikalno v odnosu na elektrodo 260 z delovanjem ustreznih aktuatorjev 262. Elektrode 261, ki se pomikajo navzdol, so konstruirane tako, da kooperirajo s prečno žico 35 in jo potiskajo proti vzdolžnim žicam 34, ki jih ustavlja fiksna elektroda 260 na ustreznih mestih križanja, zaradi sekvenčnega varjenja žic 34 in 35. Stroj 38 ima tudi element za dostavo 270, ki lahko dostavljajo vzdolžne žice proti elektrodam 260 in 261 za razdaljo, ki je enaka premiku prečnih žic. Ta naprava vsebuje križni zob 272, ki se pomika z verigo 273 in ki lahko zagrabi prečne žice 35 po varjenju. Hod tega zoba 272 se pazljivo kontrolira s pomočjo koderja ekstenzije 275, ki natančno meri kot premika osi 276, na kateri je pritrjeno kolo zobčenika, ki je upet z verigo 271. Veriga se pomika s pomočjo servomehanizma, ki vsebuje motor 277, ki se upravlja s pomočjo tega koderja ekstenzije v skladu s programom, ki je sinhroniziran s premikom elektrod 261 in z varjenjem žic. Za napravo 250 se nahaja naprava 278 za sekanje, ki deluje s pomočjo pnevmatskega elementa 279 in vsebuje sekače, ki lahko precizno odsekajo prečne žice 35 neposredno ob mestih zvara, medtem ko ležijo žice 34 izven mreže. Zaradi tega imajo mreže zelo precizne dimenzije, kar omogoča natančen vrstni red operacij konstrukcije 30 na stroju 40.During reinforcement, the wires are hardened by the unwinding and distortion effects due to the intertwining carried out at this stage. The mounting machine 38 for mounting the nets 36 has one elongated frame 245 having an inlet and an outlet area 244. The frame 245 (FIG. 17) has a series of cross shafts 246 that can hold the longitudinal wires 34. The longitudinal wires 34 are held together in a predetermined manner distances by means of guides 257 which are movable along these cross beams. In addition, in the middle part of the frame 245 there are precisely aligned alignment holders 246, which are long enough that the longitudinal wires 34 are substantially parallel to each other at the marking points, directly adjacent to the positions of the holders. The wires 34 lie practically in the same plane, the distance between these wires being very precise and with very high tolerances relative to the design requirements. Between the exit area and the holders 248 there is a device 250 for supplying the transverse wires 35 as well as the welding units 251. This device 250 is designed to position each transverse wire 35 so that it intersects with the longitudinal wires 34 and so that all the wires 35 are parallel to each other and so that each wire is as close as possible or touches wires 34 at the appropriate marking points. The apparatus 250 (FIG. 18) consists of a magazine 252 having an output channel 253 controlled by an actuator 254, several oblique bars 256, and a series of small circumferences 258. The welding unit 251 comprises a fixed electrode 260 which lies just below the wires 34 and intersects with the wires at the marked sites, as well as a series of movable electrodes 261. The active part of the electrode 261 lies substantially parallel to the active part of the electrode 260, the electrodes 261 are designed to move vertically with respect to the electrode 260 by acting actuators 262. The downward moving electrodes 261 are designed to cooperate with the transverse wire 35 and push it against the longitudinal wires 34, which are stopped by the fixed electrode 260 at the corresponding intersection points, for sequential welding of wires 34 and 35. Machine 38 it also has a delivery member 270 that can deliver longitudinal wires to electrodes 260 and 261 for a distance equal to the displacement of the transverse wires. This device contains a cross tooth 272 that moves with the chain 273 and which can trap the transverse wires 35 after welding. The travel of this tooth 272 is carefully controlled by an extension coder 275, which accurately measures the axis of movement of the axle 276 on which the pinion wheel is attached, which is fastened to the chain 271. The chain is moved by a servomechanism containing an engine 277 which is operated using this extension encoder according to a program synchronized with electrode movement 261 and wire welding. For device 250, there is a chopping device 278 that operates by means of a pneumatic element 279 and includes cutters that can precisely cut the transverse wires 35 directly adjacent to the weld locations while the wires 34 are off the grid. Due to this, the nets have very precise dimensions, which enables the exact order of the operations of the construction 30 on the machine 40.
Stroj 38 omogoča istočasno montažo več mrež. Takšna operacija se vrši z uporabo ene prečne žice za več mrež. Te mreže se nato razdvojijo v teku iste faze odsekanja, ki sledi varjenju. Različne faze dostave mrež, za odsekavanje in za varjenje se upravljajo iz upravljalske enote 281, ki vsebuje mikroprocesor 282 (slika 19) in krmilni panel 283. Različne delovne faze, faza dostave in čas varjenja se lahko programirajo in sinhronizirajo v tem mikroprocesorju. Slika 20 prikazuje sumarni pregled različnih faz montaže konstrukcije 30.The machine 38 allows several nets to be mounted simultaneously. Such an operation is performed using a single cross wire for several nets. These nets are then separated during the same cutting phase that follows the welding process. The different delivery phases of the mesh, the cutting and the welding are controlled from the control unit 281, which contains the microprocessor 282 (Fig. 19) and the control panel 283. The different operating phases, the delivery phase and the welding time can be programmed and synchronized in this microprocessor. Figure 20 shows a summary overview of the various assembly stages of construction 30.
V času faze 29 se vrši varjenje in prepletanje žic 34,35 in 37, kjer so žice odsekane v fazah 291, 292 in 293. V času faz 294 in 295 se žice 34 postavljajo na držala 246 stroja 38, žice 35 pa se postavljajo v ustrezen magazin 252. Žice 34 in 35 se varijo v fazi 296 in nato odsekajo v fazi 287. Po tem, v času ko se križni zob 272 vrača na mesto varjenja v teku faze 298, se mreže lahko ujamejo v fazi 299 in postavijo na nosilne plošče 81 stroja za montažo 40. Križne žice 37 se v teku faze 211 zberajo v magazinu 101. Nato sledi korak montaže konstrukcije 30, v katerem se zagotovi dostava, fazo po fazo, križnih žic v teku faze 300, medtem ko aktuator 104 in ročice 111 locirajo žico 37 v srednji položaj v teku faze 303.During phase 29, welding and entanglement of wires 34,35 and 37 is performed, where the wires are cut off in phases 291, 292 and 293. During phases 294 and 295, wires 34 are mounted on holders 246 of machine 38, and wires 35 are placed in the corresponding magazine 252. The wires 34 and 35 are welded in phase 296 and then cut off in phase 287. After that, when the cross tooth 272 returns to the welding point during phase 298, the nets can be caught in phase 299 and placed on the supporting members plates 81 of the assembly machine 40. The cross wires 37 are collected in magazine 101 during phase 211. The assembly step 30 is then followed, in which delivery is provided, phase by phase, of the cross wires during phase 300, while the actuator 104 and the arms 111 locate the wire 37 in the middle position during phase 303.
Iz tega sledi dvigovanje elektrod v fazi 305, varjenje v fazi 306 in vračanje vzvoda 190 v fazi 307. Povelje za spuščanje elektrod se izvrši v fazi 309, prevzem montirane konstrukcije na telesu 50 pa se vrši v fazi 310.This results in the lifting of the electrodes in phase 305, the welding in phase 306 and the return of the lever 190 in phase 307. The command for lowering the electrodes is performed in phase 309, and the installation of the mounted structure on the body 50 is carried out in phase 310.
Claims (35)
Applications Claiming Priority (2)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
EP84870056A EP0162183B1 (en) | 1984-04-24 | 1984-04-24 | Method of assembling three-dimensional metal wire structures, and machine for carrying out the method |
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SI8510691A true SI8510691A (en) | 1996-04-30 |
SI8510691B SI8510691B (en) | 1998-06-30 |
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Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
SI8510691A SI8510691B (en) | 1984-04-24 | 1985-04-24 | Method for assembling three-dimensional metal structures, machine forthe manufacturing thereof and structures obtained with such a method |
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SI (1) | SI8510691B (en) |
- 1985-04-24 SI SI8510691A patent/SI8510691B/en unknown
- 1992-09-24 HR HR920447A patent/HRP920447A2/en not_active Application Discontinuation
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HRP920447A2 (en) | 1994-12-31 |
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