SI23366A - Clamping mechanism of file folder with improved base plate - Google Patents
Clamping mechanism of file folder with improved base plate Download PDFInfo
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- SI23366A SI23366A SI201000156A SI201000156A SI23366A SI 23366 A SI23366 A SI 23366A SI 201000156 A SI201000156 A SI 201000156A SI 201000156 A SI201000156 A SI 201000156A SI 23366 A SI23366 A SI 23366A
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- base plate
- clamping mechanism
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- Prior art date
- B42F13/00—Filing appliances with means for engaging perforations or slots
- B42F13/16—Filing appliances with means for engaging perforations or slots with claws or rings
- B42F13/20—Filing appliances with means for engaging perforations or slots with claws or rings pivotable about an axis or axes parallel to binding edges
- B42F13/22—Filing appliances with means for engaging perforations or slots with claws or rings pivotable about an axis or axes parallel to binding edges in two sections engaging each other when closed
- B42F13/24—Filing appliances with means for engaging perforations or slots with claws or rings pivotable about an axis or axes parallel to binding edges in two sections engaging each other when closed wherein one section is in the form of fixed rods
- Sheet Holders (AREA)
NIKO, Kovinarsko podjetje, d.d., ŽeleznikiNIKO, Metalworking Company, d.d., Zelezniki
MPK8: B 42 F 13/24MPK 8 : B 42 F 13/24
Vpenjalni mehanizem registratorja z izpopolnjeno osnovno ploščoClamping mechanism of the binder with a refined base plate
Izum spada na področje knjigoveštva in pripomočkov za začasno vpenjanje oz. shranjevanje dokumentov, namreč na področje pripomočkov za urejanje in odlaganje dokumentov, zlasti takšnih, ki obsegajo sredstvo za uprijemanje v luknje, s katerimi so opremljeni za vpenjanje predvideni dokumenti, namreč dvodelni vpenjalni sklop, obsegajoč nepremakljiv del z vsaj dvema trnoma ter premakljiv del s prav tako vsaj dvema trnoma.The invention is in the field of bookbinding and temporary clamping aids. the storage of documents, namely, in the field of document editing and depositing aids, in particular those comprising a means of clamping down the holes with which the documents provided for clamping are provided, namely a two-part clamping assembly comprising a fixed part with at least two mandrels and a movable part with thus at least two thorns.
Izhajajoč iz znanega tovrstnega mehanizma, ki sestoji iz osnovne plošče, na kateri sta fiksno pritrjena dva nepremakljiva trna in zasukljivo dva premakljiva trna, ki sta s pomočjo ustreznega mehanizma bodisi pritisljiva proti omenjenima nepremakljivima trnoma ali začasno premakljiva v položaj na odmiku od nepremakljivih trnov, pri čemer je omenjena plošča prirejena za pritrditev na notranjo površino kartonske platnice registratorja za arhiviranje ustrezno perforiranih listov, je izum osnovan na problemu, kako zasnovati mehanizem omenjenega registratorja, pri katerem bi bilo na karseda ekonomičen način in po možnosti brez dodatnih stroškov v procesu same izdelave mehanizma slednjega možno dolgoročno obvarovati pred neugodnimi vplivi omenjene kartonske podlage, na kateri je mehanizem pritrjen, še zlasti pred tveganjem pojava • · korozije osnovne plošče mehanizma zaradi higroskopnosti kartonskega materiala, s katerim je med uporabo mehanizma oz. celotnega registratorja osnovna plošča stalno v stiku.Starting from a known mechanism of this type, consisting of a base plate on which are fixed two movable mandrels and rotatably two movable mandrels, which are either pressed against the said motionless mandrels by means of a suitable mechanism or temporarily move to a position at a distance from the said mandrels, at the said plate being adapted for attachment to the inner surface of a cardboard cover of a registrar for archiving of appropriately perforated sheets, the invention is based on the problem of how to design a mechanism of said registrar in which it would be economical in the most economical way and possibly at no additional cost in the process of making the mechanism itself the latter can be protected in the long term from the adverse effects of the cardboard substrate on which the mechanism is attached, in particular against the risk of • corrosion of the base plate of the mechanism due to the hygroscopicity of the cardboard material with which the mechanism or material is used. of the whole binder the baseplate is constantly in contact.
Strokovnjakom so znane številne rešitve vpenjalnih mehanizmov za registratorje. Dve izmed njih, ki ju med drugim uporabljajo za pritrditev na notranjo površino ene od kartonskih platnic registratorja, sta opisani v EP 0 775 058 BI in EP 1 606 122 BI.Many of the solutions of clamping mechanisms for registrars are known to those skilled in the art. Two of them, which are used inter alia to attach to the inner surface of one of the binder covers of a binder, are described in EP 0 775 058 BI and EP 1 606 122 BI.
Vsaka izmed njiju obsega osnovno ploščo, ki v osnovi predstavlja pravokoten pločevinast odpresek z zaokroženimi vogalnimi območji, ki med drugim obsega različne vdolbine, rebra in utore, ki osnovni plošči zagotavljajo potrebno togost. Tovrstna plošča v osnovi sestoji iz proti koroziji zaščitene jeklene pločevine, ki je predhodno npr. galvansko obdelana ali prevlečena s slojem protikorozijskega zaščitnega barvnega premaza ter zatem podvržena rezanju in preoblikovanju v ustreznih orodjih, ki so vpeta v primernih stiskalnicah.Each of them comprises a base plate, which is basically a rectangular sheet section with rounded corner areas, comprising, inter alia, different recesses, ribs and grooves which provide the base plate with the necessary rigidity. Such a plate basically consists of a corrosion-resistant steel sheet, which is previously e.g. Electroplated or coated with a layer of anti-corrosion protective paint and then subjected to cutting and forming in suitable tools embedded in suitable presses.
Ob enem od daljših vzdolžnih robov sta na omenjeni osnovni plošči fiksno pritrjena nepremakljiva trna, katerih prosta konca sta blago ukrivljena v smeri proti preostalemu daljšemu vzdolžnemu robu osnovne plošče. V bližini preostalega od daljših vzdolžnih robov osnovne plošče sta predvideni ležišči, v katerih sta zasukljivo uležiščena odseka vpenjalnega sklopa, ki poleg omenjenih odsekov obsega še ekscentrično glede na omenjeni ležišči potekajoč vmesni odsek in premakljiva trna, ki sta na svojih prostih koncih blago ukrivljena v smeri proti prostima koncema nepremakljivih trnov. Nadalje je približno v osrednjem območju osnovne plošče predviden konzolni nosilec, ki štrli približno pravokotno glede na ravnino osnovne plošče in na katerem je zasukljivo uležiščena upravljalna ročica z ustreznim pritisnim elementom, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z omenjenim vmesnim odsekom vpenjalnega sklopa. Na ta način se s • ·· ·Along one of the longer longitudinal edges, the fixed base is fixed to the said base plate, the free ends of which are slightly curved in the direction of the remaining longer longitudinal edge of the base plate. In the vicinity of the rest of the longer longitudinal edges of the base plate there are provided beds in which the swivel sections of the clamping assembly are rotated, which in addition to said sections also comprises an eccentric intermediate section and movable spikes which are slightly curved in their directions at their free ends. towards the free ends of the fixed thorns. Further, a cantilever bracket projecting approximately orthogonal to the plane of the base plate is provided in the central region of the base plate and on which a control arm with a suitable pressure element adapted to engage with said intermediate section of the clamp assembly is rotatably mounted. In this way, with • · · ·
premikom upravljalne ročice v eno smer doseže zasuk vpenjalnega sklopa v ležiščih v eno smer in s tem npr. odmik premakljivih trnov od nepremakljivih trnov, s premikom ročice v nasprotno smer pa se doseže zasuk vpenjalnega sklopa v nasprotno smer, pri čemer sta prosta konca premakljivih trnov pritisnjena proti pripadajočima prostima koncema nepremakljivih trnov.moving the control lever in one direction results in a rotation of the clamping assembly in the beds in one direction, and thus e.g. the displacement of the movable mandrels from the non-movable mandrels, and by moving the lever in the opposite direction, a rotation of the clamping assembly in the opposite direction is achieved, with the free ends of the movable mandrels pressed against the corresponding free ends of the movable mandrels.
Tovrsten vpenjalni mehanizem je kot rečeno pritrdljiv na notranjo površino ene izmed platnic registratorja. Večina tačas uporabljanih registratorjev za arhiviranje papirnih dokumentov sestoji iz para platnic, ki sta med seboj povezani preko ustreznega hrbtišča, pri čemer je omenjeno hrbtišče izvedeno enovito z omenjenima platnicama in pri čemer pri najbolj pogosto uporabljanih in tudi cenovno najbolj dostopnih registratorjih obe platnici vključno s hrbtiščem sestojita iz kartona. Pri tem je omenjena osnovna plošča običajno na neodstranljiv način, še zlasti s kovičenjem pritrdljiva na omenjeno notranjo površino ene izmed platnic, tako da se vpenjalni mehanizem razporejen v osrednjem območju platnice in v neposredni bližini hrbtišča registratorja. V ta namen so na osnovni plošči predvidene skoznje luknje, skozi katere se vrši kovičenje osnovne plošče vpenjalnega mehanizma na vsakokrat pripadajočo platnico registratorja. Doslej znane osnovne plošče so tako zasnovane, da so območja za kovičenje predvidenih lukenj oziroma območja v neposredni bližini oz. okoli omenjenih lukenj nahajajo v isti ravnini kot sklenjen obodni rob plošče. Posledica tega je, da po pritrditvi osnovne plošče vpenjalnega mehanizma na notranjo površino platnice registratorja na omenjeni notranji površini praktično po celotnem obodu plošče nalega tudi obodni rob osnovne plošče. Ker je med samo izdelavo plošče omenjen obodni rob osnovne plošče izpostavljen rezanju, se v območju vzdolž celotnega obodnega roba površinska zaščitna plast, s katero je pred rezanjem in preoblikovanjem osnovne plošče opremljena pločevina, poškoduje oziroma prekine. Temu ustrezno je vzdolž celotnega oboda osnovne plošče obodni rob slednje praktično nezaščiten proti koroziji. Pri registratorjih, pri katerih platnici in hrbtišče • · sestojijo iz kartona, med uporabo registracije lahko prihaja do sprememb vlažnosti materiala platnice, na kateri je pritrjen vpenjalni mehanizem. Karton je namreč higroskopen in je v primeru spremembe vlažnosti okoliškega zraka zmožen sprejeti razmeroma veliko količino vlage. Vlaga, ki je prisotna v gradivu platnice, med uporabo registratorja neposredno vpliva na možnost pojava in napredovanja korozije v območju omenjenega obodnega roba osnovne plošče, ki je zaradi narave same izdelave osnovne plošče kot rečeno, proti koroziji praktično popolnoma nezaščiten. Prijavitelj se zaveda, da bi bilo pojav korozije možno preprečiti z eliminacijo vzrokov zanjo, pri čemer npr. bodisi namesto kartonske platnice uporabili platnico iz drugačnega gradiva sli vsaj plastificirano kartonsko platnico, ali pa omenjen obodni rob po izdelavi osnovne plošče še dodatno zaščitili proti koroziji. Vendar so v praksi tovrstni ukrepi praktično neizvedljivi, saj uporaba drugih materialov za platnice znatno vpliva na končno ceno celotnega registratorja, dodatna operacija protikorozijske zaščite obodnega roba osnovne plošče pa v velikoserijski proizvodnji prav tako za posledico znatno povečanje stroškov, česar trg ni pripravljen sprejeti. Ker se z omenjeno težavo soočajo praktično vsi proizvajalci registratorjev po svetu, bi njena eliminacija vsekakor pomenila bistveno konkurenčno prednost.Such a clamping mechanism is said to be mounted on the inner surface of one of the binder covers. Most of the paper-based registrars used for archiving paper documents consist of a pair of covers connected to one another by a suitable back, the said back being made uniformly with said covers, and for the most commonly used and also the most affordable registrars, both covers including the back consist of cardboard. In this case, said baseplate is usually in a non-removable manner, especially by riveting, it is secured to said inner surface of one of the covers so that the clamping mechanism is arranged in the central area of the cover and in the immediate vicinity of the back of the recorder. For this purpose, holes are provided through the base plate through which the base plate of the clamping mechanism is riveted onto the corresponding binder cover. The base plates known to date are designed in such a way that the riveting areas of the intended holes or areas are in close proximity to or. they are located around the holes in the same plane as the circumferential edge of the panel. As a result, after attaching the base plate of the clamping mechanism to the inner surface of the binder cover on said inner surface, the circumferential edge of the base plate is positioned practically along the entire circumference of the plate. Since the circumferential edge of the base plate is exposed to cutting during the manufacture of the board itself, the surface protective layer, which is provided with the sheet metal prior to cutting and transformation of the base plate, is damaged or interrupted in the area along the entire circumferential edge. Accordingly, along the entire circumference of the base plate, the circumferential edge of the latter is virtually unprotected against corrosion. For recorders with a cover and back • · made of cardboard, changes in the humidity of the cover material on which the clamping mechanism is attached may occur during registration. The cardboard is hygroscopic and can absorb a relatively large amount of moisture in the event of a change in the humidity of the surrounding air. The moisture present in the cover material directly affects the possibility of corrosion occurrence and progression in the area of said peripheral edge of the base plate, which, as mentioned above, is virtually completely unprotected due to the nature of the base plate itself. The Applicant is aware that corrosion can be prevented by eliminating its causes, e.g. either use a cover of different material instead of a cardboard cover or at least a plasticized cardboard cover, or additionally protect the said circumferential edge after corrosion of the base plate. However, in practice, such measures are practically impracticable, since the use of other cover materials has a significant impact on the final price of the entire binder, and the additional corrosion protection operation of the peripheral edge of the baseplate in large-scale production also results in a significant increase in costs, which the market is not prepared to accept. As virtually all registrar manufacturers worldwide face this problem, eliminating it would certainly be a significant competitive advantage.
Izum se nanaša na vpenjalni mehanizem registratorja z izpopolnjeno osnovno ploščo, ki je predviden za neodstranljivo pritrditev, zlasti kovičenje, v registrator, ki sestoji iz para med seboj preko hrbtišča povezanih in s slednjim enovito izvedenih in iz higroskopnega gradiva, še zlasti iz kartona, sestoječih platnic. Tovrstni mehanizem obsega ustrezno togo zasnovano in iz protikorozijsko zaščitene jeklene pločevine določene debeline sestoječo ter v osnovi pravokotno zasnovano osnovno ploščo z obodnim robom, ki se nahaja v eni ravnini in sestoji iz para daljših vzdolžnih robov in para krajših prečnih robov. Na omenjeni osnovni plošči sta ob enem od daljših vzdolžnih robov fiksno pritrjena nepremakljiva trna, katerih prosta konca sta blago ukrivljena v smeri proti preostalemu • · · · • · · · daljšemu vzdolžnemu robu osnovne plošče, v bližini preostalega od daljših vzdolžnih robov osnovne plošče pa sta predvideni ležišči, v katerih sta zasukljivo uležiščena odseka vpenjalnega sklopa, ki poleg omenjenih odsekov obsega še ekscentrično glede na omenjeni ležišči potekajoč vmesni odsek in premakljiva trna, ki sta na svojih prostih koncih blago ukrivljena v smeri proti prostima koncema omenjenih nepremakljivih trnov. Nadalje je približno v osrednjem območju osnovne plošče predviden približno pravokotno glede na ravnino osnovne plošče štrleč nosilec, na katerem je zasukljivo uležiščena upravljalna ročica z ustreznim pritisnim elementom, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z omenjenim vmesnim odsekom vpenjalnega sklopa, tako da se s premikom upravljalne ročice v eno smer doseže zasuk vpenjalnega sklopa v ležiščih v eno smer in s tem npr. odmik premakljivih trnov od nepremakljivih trnov, s premikom upravljalne ročice v nasprotno smer pa se doseže zasuk vpenjalnega sklopa v nasprotno smer, pri čemer sta prosta konca premakljivih trnov pritisnjena proti pripadajočima prostima koncema nepremakljivih trnov. Nadalje je za potrebe pritrditve vpenjalnega mehanizma na notranjo površino vsakokrat pripadajoče platnice registratorja osnovna plošča vpenjalnega mehanizma opremljena z luknjami, ki so prirejene za prejem ustreznih kovic ali drugih pritrdilnih sredstev, ki omogočajo vzpostavitev za funkcionalnost registratorja potrebne povezave med vpenjalnim mehanizmom in pripadajočo platnico.The invention relates to a clamping mechanism of a binder with a sophisticated base plate intended for unrestrained attachment, in particular riveting, to a binder consisting of a pair connected to one another via a back and uniquely derived and of hygroscopic material, in particular of cardboard, consisting of covers. Such a mechanism comprises an appropriately rigid and corrosion-proof steel sheet of a certain thickness, consisting of a substantially rectangular base plate with a peripheral edge, which is in one plane and consists of a pair of longer longitudinal edges and a pair of shorter transverse edges. On the said baseplate, there are fixed fixed pegs along one of the longer longitudinal edges, the free ends of which are slightly curved in the direction of the remaining longitudinal edge of the base plate and, in the vicinity of the remaining longitudinal edges of the base plate, are provided beds in which the sections of the clamping assembly are rotatably restrained, which in addition to said sections also comprises an eccentric intermediate section with respect to said beds and movable mandrels, which are slightly curved at their free ends in the direction towards the free ends of said stationary mandrels. Furthermore, a projection about a perpendicular with respect to the plane of the base plate is provided in a projection substantially perpendicular to the plane of the base plate, on which a control lever with a suitable pressure element adapted to engage with said intermediate section of the clamping assembly is rotated, such that by moving the control lever in one direction reaches the rotation of the clamping assembly in the beds in one direction and thus e.g. the displacement of the movable mandrels from the non-movable mandrels, by moving the control lever in the opposite direction to rotate the clamping assembly in the opposite direction, with the free ends of the movable mandrels pressed against the corresponding free ends of the movable mandrels. In addition, for the purpose of attaching the clamping mechanism to the inner surface of the corresponding cover of each registrar, the base plate of the clamping mechanism is provided with holes adapted to receive suitable rivets or other fastening means which allow the connection between the clamping mechanism and the corresponding cover to be made necessary for the functionality of the recorder.
Po izumu je vsaka od omenjenih lukenj, s katerimi je opremljena osnovna plošča zaradi pritrditve slednje in s tem celotnega vpenjalnega mehanizma registratorja na notranjo površino vsakokrat pripadajoče platnice registratorja, obdana z ravnim vtisnjenim območjem, vsa omenjena ravna vtisnjena območja z omenjenimi luknjami pa se nahajajo v isti ravnini, ki v vgrajenem stanju vpenjalnega mehanizma sovpada z notranjo površino pripadajoče platnice in ki je za vnaprej določeno razdaljo oddaljena od ravnine, v kateri se nahaja vsaj iz para daljših vzdolžnih robov in para krajših prečnih robov sestoječ obodni rob osnovne plošče vpenjalnega mehanizma registratorja.According to the invention, each of said holes, which is provided with a base plate for attaching the latter and thus the entire clamping mechanism of the binder to the inner surface of the respective binder cover, is surrounded by a straight embossed area, and all said straight embossed areas with said holes are located in on the same plane coinciding with the inner surface of the associated cover in the mounted state of the clamping mechanism, and for a predetermined distance away from a plane in which at least a pair of longitudinal longitudinal edges and a pair of shorter transverse edges, the peripheral edge of the base plate of the clamping mechanism of the binder is located.
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Razdalja med omenjeno ravnino naleganja ravnih vtisnjenih območij na notranji površini platnice registratorja in ravnino, v kateri se vsakokrat nahaja obodni rob osnovne plošče vpenjalnega mehanizma, v splošnem ustreza vrednosti od 0,25 do 2,5 debeline pločevine, iz katere sestoji osnovna plošča, pri prednostni izvedbi izuma pa omenjena razdalja znaša med 0,5 in 1,5 debeline pločevine, iz katere sestoji osnovna plošča vpenjalnega mehanizma registratorja.The distance between said plane of contact of the straight embossed areas on the inner surface of the binder cover and the plane in which the circumferential edge of the clamping base plate is at each time generally corresponds to a value of 0.25 to 2.5 thickness of the sheet comprising the base plate, at in a preferred embodiment of the invention, said distance is between 0.5 and 1.5 thicknesses of sheet metal comprising the base plate of the clamping mechanism of the binder.
Mehanizem po izumu bo v nadaljevanje podrobneje obrazložen na osnovi primera izvedbe, kije ponazorjen na priloženi skici, kjer kažejoThe mechanism of the invention will now be explained in greater detail on the basis of an embodiment illustrated in the accompanying drawing showing
Sl. 1 registrator z vgrajenim vpenjalnim mehanizmom v odprtem stanju in v narisu;FIG. 1 recorder with integrated clamping mechanism in open state and in outline;
Sl. 2 podrobnost A po Sl. 1FIG. 2 is a detail A according to FIG. 1
Sl. 3 registrator po Sl. 1 in 2 v pogledu od strani;FIG. 3 is a register according to FIG. 1 and 2 in side view;
Sl. 4 registrator po Sl. 1 in 2 v narisu;FIG. 4 is a register according to FIG. 1 and 2 in the outline;
Sl. 5 vpenjalni mehanizem registratorja v perspektivne pogledu z ene strani,FIG. 5 the clamping mechanism of the binder in a perspective view from one side,
Sl. 6 pa vpenjalni mehanizem registratorja v perspektivne pogledu z nasprotne strani.FIG. 6 and the clamping mechanism of the binder in perspective perspectives from the opposite side.
Vpenjalni mehanizem 1 po izumu je predviden za vgradnjo v registrator 2 za arhiviranje na skici neprikazanih papirnih dokumentov, sestoječ iz para platnic 21, 22, ki sta med seboj povezani preko ustreznega hrbtišča 23, pri čemer je omenjeno hrbtišče 23 izvedeno enovito z omenjenima platnicama 21, 22 in pri čemer obe platnici 21, 22 vključno s hrbtiščem 23 sestoj ita iz higroskopnega gradiva, še zlasti iz kartona. V prikazanem primeru je vpenjalni mehanizem 1 v splošnem neodstranljivo, prednostno s kovičenjem, pritrjen na notranjo površino 220 platnice 22.The clamping mechanism 1 according to the invention is provided for installation in a binder 2 for archiving on a sketch of non-displayed paper documents, consisting of a pair of covers 21, 22, which are connected to each other via a corresponding back 23, said back 23 being made uniformly with said covers 21 , 22, and both covers 21, 22 including the back 23 consist of hygroscopic material, in particular cardboard. In the example shown, the clamping mechanism 1 is generally non-removable, preferably by riveting, attached to the inner surface 220 of the cover 22.
Vpenjalni mehanizem 1 obsega osnovno ploščo 10, ki v osnovi predstavlja pravokoten pločevinast odpresek z zaokroženimi vogalnimi območji, in ki med drugim obsega različne vdolbine, rebra in utore, ki osnovni plošči 10 zagotavljajo potrebno togost.The clamping mechanism 1 comprises a base plate 10, which basically represents a rectangular sheet section with rounded corner areas, and which, inter alia, comprises various recesses, ribs and grooves that provide the base plate 10 with the necessary rigidity.
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Tovrstna plošča 10 v osnovi sestoji iz proti koroziji zaščitene jeklene pločevine debeline t, ki je predhodno npr. galvansko obdelana ali prevlečena s slojem protikorozijskega zaščitnega barvnega premaza ter zatem podvržena rezanju in preoblikovanju v ustreznih orodjih, ki so vpeta v primernih stiskalnicah. Zaradi narave izdelave osnovne plošče 10 proti koroziji nezaščiten obodni rob 105 sestoji iz daljših vzdolžnih robov 101, 102 in krajših prečnih robov 103, 104.Such a plate 10 basically consists of a corrosion-resistant steel sheet t of thickness t, e.g. Electroplated or coated with a layer of anti-corrosion protective paint and then subjected to cutting and forming in suitable tools embedded in suitable presses. Due to the nature of the construction of the base plate 10, the non-shielded circumferential edge 105 consists of longer longitudinal edges 101, 102 and shorter transverse edges 103, 104.
Ob enem od daljših vzdolžnih robov 101, 102 sta na omenjeni osnovni plošči 10 fiksno pritrjena nepremakljiva trna 11, 12, katerih prosta konca 1Γ, 12' sta blago ukrivljena v smeri proti preostalemu daljšemu vzdolžnemu robu 102 osnovne plošče 10. V bližini preostalega od daljših vzdolžnih robov 101, 102 osnovne plošče 10 sta predvideni ležišči 13', 13, v katerih sta zasukljivo uležiščena odseka 141, 142 vpenjalnega sklopa 14, ki poleg omenjenih odsekov 141, 142 obsega še ekscentrično glede na omenjeni ležišči 13', 13 potekajoč vmesni odsek 143 in premakljiva trna 144, 145, ki sta na svojih prostih koncih 144', 145' blago ukrivljena v smeri proti prostima koncema 1Γ, 12' nepremakljivih tmov 11, 12.Along one of the longer longitudinal edges 101, 102, the fixed base 10 is fixed securely to said base plate 10, whose free ends 1Γ, 12 'are slightly curved in the direction of the remaining longer longitudinal edge 102 of the base plate 10. Near the rest of the longer ones along the longitudinal edges 101, 102 of the base plate 10, there are provided slots 13 ', 13 in which the sections 141, 142 of the clamping assembly 14 are rotatably spaced apart, in addition to said sections 141, 142, having an intermediate section eccentric with respect to said slots 13', 13. 143 and the movable mandrel 144, 145, which are slightly curved at their free ends 144 ', 145' in the direction of the free ends 1Γ, 12 'of the immovable toms 11, 12.
Nadalje je približno v osrednjem območju osnovne plošče 10 predviden konzolni nosilec 15, ki štrli približno pravokotno glede na ravnino osnovne plošče 10 in na katerem je zasukljivo uležiščena upravljalna ročica 16 z ustreznim pritisnim elementom 17, ki je prirejen za sodelovanje z omenjenim vmesnim odsekom 143 vpenjalnega sklopa 14. Na ta način se s premikom upravljalne ročice 16 v eno smer doseže zasuk vpenjalnega sklopa 14 v ležiščih 13', 13 v eno smer in s tem npr. odmik premakljivih tmov 144, 145 od nepremakljivih tmov 11, 12, s premikom upravljalne ročice 16 v nasprotno smer pa se doseže zasuk vpenjalnega sklopa 14 v nasprotno smer, pri čemer sta prosta konca 144', 145' premakljivih tmov 144, 145 pritisnjena proti pripadajočima prostima koncema 1Γ, 12' nepremakljivih tmov 11, 12.Further, a cantilever bracket 15 projecting about orthogonal to the plane of the base plate 10 is provided in about the central region of the base plate 10, and on which the control lever 16 with a suitable pressure element 17 adapted to cooperate with said intermediate section 143 of the clamp is rotatably arranged. In this way, by moving the control lever 16 in one direction, the rotation of the clamping assembly 14 in the beds 13 ', 13 in one direction is achieved, and thus e.g. moving the movable toms 144, 145 away from the stationary toms 11, 12, moving the control lever 16 in the opposite direction to rotate the clamping assembly 14 in the opposite direction, with the free ends 144 ', 145' of the moving toms 144, 145 pressed against their respective free ends 1Γ, 12 'of immovable toms 11, 12.
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Za potrebe pritrditve vpenjalnega mehanizma 1 na notranjo površino 220 pripadajoče platnice 22 registratorja 2 je osnovna plošča 10 opremljena z luknjami 181, 182, 183, 184, ki so prirejene za prejem neprikazanih kovic ali drugih pritrdilnih sredstev, ki omogočajo vzpostavitev potrebne povezave med vpenjalnim mehanizmom 1 in pripadajočo platnico 22. Niti število niti razporeditev omenjenih lukenj 181, 182, 183, 184 v kontekstu pričujočega izuma nista povezana z nikakršnimi omejitvami; edini cilj in namen prisotnosti lukenj 181, 182, 183, 184 je zagotoviti omenjeno povezavo med vpenjalnim mehanizmom 1 in platnico 22 registratorja 2. Vsaka od omenjenih lukenj 181, 182, 183, 184 je vsaj v svoji neposredni bližini obdana z ravnim območjem 18Γ, 182', 183', 184', pri čemer je za omenjena območja 181', 182', 183', 184' značilno, da se vsa vsaj v območju svojih za naleganje na platnici 22 predvidenih površin nahajajo v isti ravnini El in so torej koplanama. Ravnina El n vgrajenem stanju vpenjalnega mehanizma 1 ustreza notranji površini 22 platnice 22 (Sl. 3 in 4) in je za določeno razdaljo δ odmaknjena od ravnine E2, v kateri se nahaja spodnja površina osnovne plošče 10 v območju njenega obodnega roba 105. Temu ustrezno so torej območja 181', 182', 183', 184' osnovne plošče 10, v katerih se nahajajo luknje 181, 182, 183, 184, v osnovni plošči 10 vtisnjena pod nivo obodnega roba 105, tako daje po vgradnji vpenjalnega mehanizma 1 v registrator 2 obodni rob 105 držan na odmiku od notranje površine 220 vsakokrat pripadajoče platnice 20. S tem obodni rob 105 ni več izpostavljen neposrednemu vplivu higroskopnega materiala platnice 22 in ne more priti v neposreden stik z vlago, ki je vsebovana v gradivu platnice 22, zato je njegova izpostavljenost koroziji v osnovi odpravljena ali vsaj znatno zmanjšana.For the purpose of attaching the clamping mechanism 1 to the inner surface 220 of the corresponding cover 22 of the binder 2, the base plate 10 is provided with holes 181, 182, 183, 184, adapted to receive unshown rivets or other fastening means to allow the necessary connection between the clamping mechanism. 1 and the associated cover 22. Neither the number nor the arrangement of said holes 181, 182, 183, 184 in the context of the present invention are bound by any limitation; the sole purpose and purpose of the presence of holes 181, 182, 183, 184 is to provide said connection between the clamping mechanism 1 and the cover 22 of the binder 2. Each of said holes 181, 182, 183, 184 is at least in its immediate vicinity surrounded by a flat area 18 območ, 182 ', 183', 184 ', characterized in that for the said areas 181', 182 ', 183', 184 ', all at least in the region of their abutment on the cover 22 of the intended surfaces are in the same plane El and are therefore koplanama. The plane El n of the mounted state of the clamping mechanism 1 corresponds to the inner surface 22 of the cover 22 (Figs. 3 and 4) and is, for a given distance, offset from the plane E2 in which the lower surface of the base plate 10 is located in the region of its circumferential edge 105. Accordingly, therefore, the areas 181 ', 182', 183 ', 184' of the base plate 10, in which the holes 181, 182, 183, 184 are located, in the base plate 10 are embossed below the level of the circumferential edge 105, so that after mounting the clamping mechanism 1 in binder 2 the circumferential edge 105 kept at a distance from the inner surface 220 of the respective cover 20. Thus, the circumferential edge 105 is no longer exposed to the direct influence of the hygroscopic material of the cover 22 and cannot come into direct contact with the moisture contained in the cover material 22, its corrosion exposure is basically eliminated or at least significantly reduced.
Po izumu je predvideno, da razdalja £med ravnino El naleganja območij 181', 182', 183', 184' na notranji površini platnice 22 registratorja 2 in ravnino E2, v kateri se nahaja obodni rob 105 osnovne plošče 10 vpenjalnega mehanizma 1, ustreza vrednosti od 0,25 doAccording to the invention, it is contemplated that the distance £ between the plane El of the contact areas 181 ', 182', 183 ', 184' on the inner surface of the cover 22 of the register 2 and the plane E2 in which the circumferential edge 105 of the base plate 10 of the clamping mechanism 1 is located corresponds to values from 0.25 to
2,5 t, prednostno pa znaša med 0,5 in 1,5 t, pri čemer t predstavlja debelino pločevine, iz katere sestoji osnovna plošča 10.2.5 t, preferably between 0.5 and 1.5 t, with t representing the thickness of the sheet comprising the base plate 10.
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SI201000156A SI23366A (en) | 2010-05-25 | 2010-05-25 | Clamping mechanism of file folder with improved base plate |
EP11731153.0A EP2576236B1 (en) | 2010-05-25 | 2011-05-20 | Document file ring mechanism with improved base plate |
PCT/SI2011/000026 WO2011149430A1 (en) | 2010-05-24 | 2011-05-20 | Document file ring mechanism with improved base plate |
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SI201000156A SI23366A (en) | 2010-05-25 | 2010-05-25 | Clamping mechanism of file folder with improved base plate |
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SI201000156A SI23366A (en) | 2010-05-24 | 2010-05-25 | Clamping mechanism of file folder with improved base plate |
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NL179465C (en) * | 1978-02-06 | 1986-09-16 | Briefhouder En Metaalfab Egidi | LOADING DEVICE FOR PERFORATED SHEETS. |
DE4428113A1 (en) | 1994-08-09 | 1996-02-15 | Leitz Louis Kg | Folder mechanics |
WO2002036359A2 (en) * | 2000-10-30 | 2002-05-10 | World Wide Stationery Manufacturing Company Limited | Ring binder housing cover |
SI21455A (en) | 2003-03-18 | 2004-10-31 | NIKO, Kovinarsko podjetje, d.d., �elezniki | Clamping mechanism for folders |
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