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SI22473A - Device and procedure for sorting wooden boards - Google Patents

Device and procedure for sorting wooden boards Download PDF


Publication number
SI22473A SI200800071A SI200800071A SI22473A SI 22473 A SI22473 A SI 22473A SI 200800071 A SI200800071 A SI 200800071A SI 200800071 A SI200800071 A SI 200800071A SI 22473 A SI22473 A SI 22473A
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Gregor Ledinek
Pavel Ledinek
Original Assignee
Gregor Ledinek
Pavel Ledinek
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Application filed by Gregor Ledinek, Pavel Ledinek filed Critical Gregor Ledinek
Priority to SI200800071A priority Critical patent/SI22473A/en
Publication of SI22473A publication Critical patent/SI22473A/en
Priority to DE200810059628 priority patent/DE102008059628A1/en
Priority to RU2009111839/11A priority patent/RU2416471C2/en



    • B07C5/00Sorting according to a characteristic or feature of the articles or material being sorted, e.g. by control effected by devices which detect or measure such characteristic or feature; Sorting by manually actuated devices, e.g. switches
    • B07C5/04Sorting according to size
    • B07C5/12Sorting according to size characterised by the application to particular articles, not otherwise provided for
    • B07C5/14Sorting timber or logs, e.g. tree trunks, beams, planks or the like


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Biodiversity & Conservation Biology (AREA)
  • Forests & Forestry (AREA)
  • Discharge Of Articles From Conveyors (AREA)
  • Branching, Merging, And Special Transfer Between Conveyors (AREA)


The device and procedure for sorting wooden boards solve the problem of simple sorting of wooden boards (14) which are fed to the sorting line (13) at great speed and number consisting of a sequential feeding transporter (4) and sorting transporters (5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.n). For their automatic separation they are equipped with a clock-operated pushing arm (6) which according to any numerical series pushes them to the line (8) so that they travel past the endless intermediate chain (13) and with the help of the pushing cylinder (11) as automatically selected wooden boards (14.1) they fall onto the transverse conveyor (15) which feeds them to the next sorting line (3.1). The manual sorting and selection of wooden boards (14) is performed by workers (10) so that they push them to the line (9) where they pass along the endless intermediate chains (13.1), (13.2), (13.3), (13.n) in such a way that with the help of one of the pushing cylinders (12), (12.1), (12.2), (12.n) they fall as manually selected wooden boards (14.2) onto the corresponding transverse conveyor (16), (16.1), (16.2), (16.n) which forwards them to a specific storage location. The automatic selection of wooden boards (14) is performed according to any selection series, like for example even-odd or any other criteria, while their manual selection is based on the previously defined and visually evident criteria, for example quality, deformations, deviation in terms of size and similar. The device according to the invention can include any number of parallel sorting lines (3), (3.1) to (3n).



Predmet izuma je naprava in postopek za sortiranje desk, oziroma je natančneje sortirna linija z dostavnim transporterjem za mehansko in/ali ročno izločanje desk iz obtoka, ki pri tem potujejo z veliko hitrostjo in to po vnaprej določenih parametrih oziroma kriterijih, pri čemer se tako izločene deske odstranijo iz obtoka na zato določenih mestih, ostale deske pa se preusmerijo oziroma pretovorijo na druge transporterje, linije in odlagalna mesta.The subject of the invention is a device and a method for sorting boards, or more specifically a sorting line with a delivery conveyor for mechanical and / or manual removal of boards from circulation, traveling at high speed, and according to predetermined parameters or criteria, thus being eliminated. boards are removed from circulation at designated locations and other boards are diverted or transhipped to other conveyors, lines and landfills.

Po mednarodni patentni klasifikaciji sodi izum predvidoma v B 07C 3/00 in v B 07C 5/00 ter dodatno še v B 65G 47/52, B 65H 29/58, B 65H 29/68.According to the international patent classification, the invention is envisaged in B 07C 3/00 and B 07C 5/00, and additionally in B 65G 47/52, B 65H 29/58, B 65H 29/68.

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum, je takšna konstrukcija naprave, ki bo omogočala postopek avtomatičnega sortiranja oziroma izdvajanja predhodno obdelanih desk po vnaprej določenih parametrih, na primer po določenih dimenzijah, po lihem ali sodem številu in podobno, ki se bodo izločale na za to določenih lokacijah in, ki bo hkrati omogočala še ročno sortiranje desk po kvaliteti, oziroma po nekem drugem poljubnem izbranem vizualno določljivem kriteriju in to pri veliki potovalni hitrosti desk in njihovem velikem številu, tako pri vstopu na napravo, kot tudi na poti skozi njo oziroma po njej.A technical problem solved by the invention is the construction of a device that will allow the process of automatic sorting or extraction of pre-machined boards according to predetermined parameters, for example, by certain dimensions, odd or even numbers, and the like, which will be eliminated to this end. specific locations, which will also allow manual sorting of boards by quality, or according to some other visually determined criterion of any choice, at high traveling speed of the boards and their large number, both at the entrance to the device, as well as on the route through or according to the device. her.

Znanih je kar nekaj rešitev naprav za sortiranje različnega blaga oziroma predmetov. Iz dokumenta EP1055461 je znana naprava za sortiranje ploščatih, fleksibilnih ali togih predmetov. Predmeti potujejo po transporterju, ki ga sestavljajo vrtljivi valji, ti pa so gibljivo vgrajeni v nihajne ročice. Ko predmet pripotuje do določenega dvignjenega valja, zdrsi v kanal pod njim. Vsakemu valju pripada po en kanal, zato je mogoče predmete sortirati v poljubne kanale. Rešitev ni uporabna za sortiranje velikega števila daljših obdelovancev, na primer desk, ki potujejo z veliko hitrostjo.There are quite a few solutions known for sorting devices for different goods or objects. EP1055461 discloses a device for sorting flat, flexible or rigid objects. The objects travel on a conveyor consisting of rotating cylinders, and these are movably mounted in the swing arms. When an object reaches a certain raised cylinder, it slides into the channel below it. Each cylinder has one channel, so items can be sorted into any channel. The solution is not useful for sorting a large number of longer workpieces, such as boards traveling at high speed.

Druga znana rešitev po dokumentu DE1453313 in je zasnovana na sistemu transporterjev. Obdelovanec potuje po linearnem transporterju vse do transporterja, ki leži nad njim. Ko obdelovanec prispe pod ta transporter, se mu ponudita dve možnosti, v odvisnosti od položaja lopute pred obdelovancem. Če je loputa obrnjena navzgor, pade obdelovanec na spodnji transporter in se tako izdvoji iz niza obdelovancev. V primeru, ko leži loputa v vodoravnem položaju obdelovanec nadaljuje potovanje po istem linearnem transporterju naprej. Rešitev ni primerna za sortiranje večjega števila daljših obdelovancev, na primer desk, ki potujejo z veliko hitrostjo.Another known solution according to document DE1453313 is based on a conveyor system. The workpiece travels on a linear conveyor all the way to the conveyor that lies above it. When a workpiece arrives under this conveyor, it is offered two options, depending on the position of the flap in front of the workpiece. If the flap is facing up, the workpiece falls on the lower conveyor and is thus separated from the workpiece set. In the case where the flap is horizontal, the workpiece continues its journey on the same linear conveyor forwards. The solution is not suitable for sorting a large number of longer workpieces, such as boards traveling at high speed.

Naslednja znana rešitev sortirne naprave je po dokumentu PCT/VVO 2005/003003. Predmeti različnih oblik potujejo po transporterju, nad katerim so v razmaku nameščene gibljive lopute. Od položaja posameznih loput je odvisno, v katerega od izhodnih kanalov se bo izločil posamezen predmet. Rešitev ni primerna za sortiranje večjega števila daljših obdelovancev, na primer desk, ki potujejo z veliko hitrostjo.The next known sorting device solution is according to PCT / VVO 2005/003003. Objects of various shapes travel on a conveyor, above which there are movable flaps spaced. Depending on the position of the individual flaps, it depends on which of the output channels the individual object will discharge. The solution is not suitable for sorting a large number of longer workpieces, such as boards traveling at high speed.

Po dokumentu AT296155 je znana naprava za sortiranje lesa, ki se sestoji iz fiksnih in gibljivih transporterjev, pripadajočih nastavljivih loput in zbirnih posod. Po fiksnem transporterju potuje snop lesnih obdelovancev, ki jih na koncu enega po enega izdvaja gibljiva ročica in jih usmerja na enega od pripadajočih gibljivih transporterjev. Od položaja posameznih loput je odvisno, v katero od zbirnih posod bo posamezni obdelovanec padel. Rešitev ima to slabost, da je precej zapletena in ne omogoča sortiranja daljših obdelovancev, na primer desk, ki potujejo z veliko hitrostjo.According to document AT296155, a wood sorting apparatus is known, consisting of fixed and movable conveyors, associated adjustable flaps and collection bins. A bundle of wood workpieces travels through the fixed conveyor, which is pulled apart at the end by the moving lever one by one and directed to one of the associated moving conveyors. Depending on the position of the individual flaps, it depends on which of the collecting vessels the individual workpiece will fall into. The solution has the disadvantage that it is quite complex and does not allow sorting longer workpieces, such as boards traveling at high speed.

Iz dokumenta US3,791,518 je znan sortirni transporter namenjen sortiranju okroglih obdelovancev, ki pripotujejo po polževem transporterju, v ustrezen pripadajoči kanal v sklopu naprave. V ta namen služijo nastavljive drsne letve, ki so nameščene ob kanalih. Rešitev ne omogoča sortiranja večjega števila daljših obdelovancev, na primer desk, ki potujejo z veliko hitrostjo.From US3,791,518, a well-known sorting conveyor is intended for sorting round workpieces that travel on a snail's conveyor into the corresponding associated channel within the device. For this purpose, adjustable sliding slats are mounted adjacent to the ducts. The solution does not allow the sorting of a large number of longer workpieces, such as boards traveling at high speed.

Po dokumentu AT408082 je znana naprava za izločanje posameznih obdelovancev iz snopa oziroma iz paketa, ki potuje po transporterju. Prednostno gre za izločanje zadnje deske v posameznem paketu pokončno postavljenih desk na zato določenem mestu. Rešitev ima to slabost, da je sortiranje desk po vizualnih kriterijih, na primer po kakovosti ali napakah nemogoča, saj deske v paketu niso vidne v celoti. Nadalje je njena pomanjkljivost v tem, da se izločanje desk izvaja vedno in samo na istem mestu in v isti smeri. Ne omogoča pa tudi sortiranja večjega števila desk pri njihovi veliki hitroasti.According to document AT408082, a device for separating individual workpieces from a bundle or from a package traveling the conveyor is known. Preferably, it is the elimination of the backboard in a particular package of upright boards in a designated place. The disadvantage is that sorting boards by visual criteria, such as quality or error, is impossible, since the boards in the package are not fully visible. Furthermore, its disadvantage is that the elimination of boards is carried out always and only in the same place and in the same direction. It also does not allow sorting of more boards at their high speed.

Skupna značilnost navedenih znanih rešitev so lopute različnih izvedb, ki služijo za preusmerjanje predmetov iz transportnega traku v različne, med sabo ločene kanale. Problem, ki je ostal nerešen, je predvsem v tem, da so uporabne zgolj za avtomatsko sortiranje oziroma izdvajanje prednostno krajših predmetov, ki praviloma potujejo z nizko hitrostjo, s čimer je omogočeno sortiranje zgolj manjšega števila predmetov v določeni časovni enoti.A common feature of the known known solutions is the flaps of various designs, which serve to divert objects from the conveyor belt to different, interconnected channels. The problem that remains unsolved is that they are useful only for automatic sorting or extracting of preferably shorter objects, which generally travel at a low speed, thus allowing only a small number of objects to be sorted in a given time unit.

Po izumu je problem rešen z napravo in postopkom za avtomatsko in ročno sortiranje večjega števila desk, prednostno enakih dolžin, pri visoki potovalni hitrosti, ki jo tvori poljubno število sortirnih linij, sestavljenih iz zaviralnega transporterja, vstopnega transporterja in iz sortirnih transporterjev z nastavljivimi transportnimi neskončnimi verigami in pripadajočimi potisnimi ročicami ter potisnimi valji, med in pod vzdolžnimi sortirnimi linijami pa so nameščeni še prečni transporterji za prenos izločenih desk na druge linije, oziroma na druga odlagalna mesta. Izum bo opisan na prednostnem izvedbenem primeru in slikah, ki prikazujejo:According to the invention, the problem is solved by a device and a method for automatic and manual sorting of a plurality of boards, preferably of equal lengths, at a high traveling speed, formed by any number of sorting lines consisting of a brake conveyor, an inlet conveyor and a sorting conveyor with adjustable endless transport conveyors chains and associated thrust arms and thrust cylinders, and transverse conveyors are installed between and below the longitudinal sorting lines for transferring discarded boards to other lines or to other disposal sites. The invention will be described in the preferred embodiment and in the drawings showing:

sl. 1 napravo po izumu v tlorisu sl. 2 sortirno linijo v stranskem pogledu in v vzdolžnem prerezu A-A sl. 3 detail prehoda med vstopnim transporterjem in sortirnim transporterjem v tlorisu sl. 4 sortirni transporter v prečnem prerezu B-B, s shematskim prikazom položaja deske, ki potuje po njem sl. 5 sortirni transporter v prečnem prerezu C-C, s shematskim prikazom odstranitve izločene deske, pred njenim padcem v pripadajoči prečni transporter sl. 6 detail avtomatske taktne potisne ročice v tlorisu sl. 7 detail poravnalne ročice v tlorisuFIG. 1 shows the device according to the invention in the plan of FIG. 2 is a side view and a longitudinal section of the sorting line A-A of FIG. 3 is a detail view of the passage between the inlet conveyor and the sorting conveyor in the plan of FIG. 4 shows a sorting conveyor in cross-section B-B, with a schematic representation of the position of the board traveling thereon; 5 is a cross-sectional sorting conveyor C-C, with a schematic representation of the removal of the discarded board, before its fall into the corresponding cross-conveyor FIG. 6 is a detail view of the automatic stroke lever in the floor plan of FIG. 7 detail alignment lever in floor plan

V izvedbenem primeru iz sl. 1 se naprava za sortiranje desk sestoji iz sestava sortirne linije 3 z zaviralnima transporterjema 2 in 18 ter iz sestava dodatne sortirne linije 3.1 z zaviralnima transporterjema 17 in 19. Med sortirnima linijama 3 in 3.1 potekajo vmesni prečni transporterji 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2, 16.3 do 16.n. V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru lahko napravo po izumu tvori samo ena od sortirnih linij 3 ali 3.1, lahko pa se sestoji tudi iz večjega števila sortirnih linij od 3, 3.1 do 3.n, ki prednostno potekajo vzporedno in nekoliko oddaljene ena od druge.In the embodiment of FIG. 1, the desk sorting device consists of the assembly lines of sorting line 3 with inhibitory conveyors 2 and 18, and of the assembly of additional sorting line 3.1 with inhibitory conveyors 17 and 19. Intermediate transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 run between sorting lines 3, 3.1. 16.3 do 16.n. In another embodiment, the device according to the invention may be formed by only one of the sorting lines 3 or 3.1, but may also consist of a number of sorting lines 3, 3.1 to 3.n, preferably running in parallel and some distance from each other.

Pred vhodom sortirne linije 3, oziroma ob njenem vstopnem transporterju 4 je nameščen zaviralni transporter 2 , pred njim pa še dostavni transporter 1.A brake conveyor 2 is installed at the entrance of the sorting line 3, or next to its inlet conveyor 4, and a delivery conveyor 1 before it.

Zaviralni transporter 2 in dostavni transporter 1 si en napram drugemu ležita tako, da njuni vzdolžni simetrali tvorita poljubni notranji kot a, katerega velikost je odvisna od vstopne hitrosti desk 14 ter njihove dolžine in širine. Zaviralni transporter 2 ima nad transportno površino nameščeno nastavljivo dvokrako loputo 36. Razmak oziroma radialni kot med krakoma je lahko poljuben, v odvisnosti od predhodno opisanega kota α in potovalne hitrosti vstopajočih desk 14.The inhibitory conveyor 2 and the delivery conveyor 1 face each other such that their longitudinal symmetries form an arbitrary internal angle a, the size of which depends on the inlet speed of the boards 14 and their length and width. The inhibitory conveyor 2 has an adjustable double-leaf flap 36 above the transport surface. The distance or radial angle between the arms may be arbitrary, depending on the angle α described previously and the travel speed of the entry boards 14.

Kot že rečeno, je na izhodni strani zaviralnega transporterja 2 in ob njem nameščena sortirna linija 3 tako, da njuni vzdolžni simetrali oklepata poljubni medsebojni notranji kot, ki pa je prednostno manjši ali enak kotu 90’ .As already stated, a sorting line 3 is arranged on the outlet side of the brake conveyor 2 and adjacent thereto, such that their longitudinal symmetries surround any internal angle which is preferably less than or equal to 90 '.

V opisanem izvedbenem primeru se sortirna linija 3, gledano v smeri potovanja desk 14, sestoji iz vstopnega transporterja 4, iz sortirnih transporterjev 5, 5.1 in 5.2, iz prečnih transporterjev 15, 16, 16.1, 16.3 in iz njim pripadajočih zaviralnih transporterjev 17, 18, 19. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 1.In the embodiment described, the sorting line 3, viewed in the direction of travel of the boards 14, consists of an inlet conveyor 4, of the sorting conveyors 5, 5.1 and 5.2, of transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.3 and the associated brake conveyors 17, 18 , 19. The description is shown in FIG. 1.

Vstopni transporter 4 in sortirni transporterji 5, 5.1 in 5.2 so praviloma nameščeni en ob drugem oziroma en za drugim tako, da si sledijo v zaporednem nizu vzdolž daljšo središčno os sortirne linije 3 in na ta način omogočajo nemoten pretok desk 14, oziroma kasneje avtomatsko izločenih desk 14.1 in ročno izločenih desk 14.2 po sortirni liniji 3.The inlet conveyor 4 and the sorting conveyors 5, 5.1 and 5.2 are generally arranged side by side or one after the other in a sequential sequence along the longer central axis of the sorting line 3 and thus allow for the smooth flow of the boards 14, or automatically extracted later planks 14.1 and manually extracted planks 14.2 according to sorting line 3.

Vzdolž vstopni transporter 4 so vzporedno nameščene neskončne transportne verige 37, 38 in 39, ki so med sabo odmaknjene za poljubno razdaljo in na ogrodje 21 fiksno pritrjene. Nekoliko pred koncem vstopnega transporterja 4 je nanj, oziroma na eno od obeh njegovih bočnih strani, pritrjena potisna ročica 6, katere gibanje je taktno in praviloma avtomatsko izvedeno.Endless conveyor chains 37, 38 and 39 are arranged in parallel along the inlet conveyor 4, which are spaced apart from each other for any distance and fixed to the frame 21. Shortly before the end of the inlet conveyor 4, a push lever 6 is attached to it, or to one of its two lateral sides, the movement of which is tactfully and as a rule automatically performed.

Vzdolž sortirni transporter 5 vzporedno potekajo neskončne transportne verige 40, 41 in 42, ki so ena od druge poljubno odmaknjene in pritrjene na ogrodje 21.1. Transportna veriga 40 je na ogrodje 21.1 gibljivo pritrjena tako, da je na njem horizontalno pomična v prečni smeri, dočim sta transportni verigi 41 in 42 nanj praviloma fiksno pritrjeni. Enako velja tudi za neskončne transportne verige 45, 46 in 47, ki so nameščene vzdolž sortirni transporter 5.1. Prav tako potekajo vzporedno, so ena od druge odmaknjene za določeno razdaljo in so pritrjene na ogrodje 21.2 tako, da je transportna veriga 45 horizontalno pomična v prečni smeri, transportni verigi 46 in 47 pa sta praviloma fiksni. To velja tudi za neskončne transportne verige 48, 49 in 50, ki so vzporedno nameščene vzdolž sortirni transporter 5.2, pri čemer je v prečni smeri horizontalno pomična neskončna transportna veriga 48. Na koncu sortirnega transporterja 5.2 je na njegovi bočni strani pritrjena poravnalna ročica 43.Endless conveyor chains 40, 41 and 42 run parallel to the sorting conveyor 5, spaced apart from one another and attached to the frame 21.1. The conveyor chain 40 is movably attached to the frame 21.1 in such a way that it is horizontally movable in the transverse direction, while the transport chains 41 and 42 are generally fixed thereon. The same applies to the continuous transport chains 45, 46 and 47, which are arranged along the sorting conveyor 5.1. They are also run in parallel, spaced from one another for a certain distance, and are fixed to the frame 21.2 such that transport chain 45 is horizontally movable in the transverse direction, and transport chains 46 and 47 are generally fixed. This also applies to the endless conveyor chains 48, 49 and 50, which are arranged in parallel along the sorting conveyor 5.2, with the endless conveyor chain moving horizontally in the transverse direction 48. At the end of the sorting conveyor 5.2, a straightening arm 43 is attached to its lateral side.

Več vzporednih si neskončnih transportnih verig ima tudi izhodni transporter 22, ki pa niso posebej označene.Several parallel endless transport chains also have output conveyor 22, which are not specifically marked.

Upoštevajoč konstrukcijo celotne sortirne linije 3 velja pravilo, da so vse neskončne transportne verige 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47 nameščene v isti horizontalni ravnini, ki se nahaja nekoliko nad potisnimi valji 11, 12, 12.1,Considering the construction of the entire sorting line 3, the rule is that all the endless transport chains 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47 are located in the same horizontal plane, located slightly above the thrust cylinders 11, 12, 12.1 ,

12.2, 12.n. Nadalje velja pravilo, da so znotraj sortirne linije 3 gibljive neskončne transportne verige 40, 45 in 48 nameščene oziroma nastavljene tako, da ležijo zaporedno in ena za drugo v natančno v isti vzdolžni premočrtni liniji. To pomeni, da je transportna veriga 45 za enako razdaljo oddaljena od sosednje transportne verige 46, kot je transportna veriga 40 oddaljena od transportne verige 41 in transportna veriga 48 od transportne verige 49. Ta enaka razdalja je lahko poljubna in je odvisna od dolžine desk 14, ki iz dostavnega transporterja 1 in preko zaviralnega transporterja 2 pripotujejo na sortirno linijo 3, nastavitev te enovite razdalje pa omogoča horizontalno in v prečni smeri gibljiva izvedba neskončni transportnih verig 40, 45 in 48.12.2, 12.n. It is further the rule that, within the sorting line 3, the movable endless conveyor chains 40, 45 and 48 are arranged or arranged to lie in series and one after the other in exactly the same longitudinal straight line. That is, the transport chain 45 is the same distance from the adjacent transport chain 46, as the transport chain 40 is away from the transport chain 41 and the transport chain 48 from the transport chain 49. This same distance can be arbitrary and depends on the length of the boards 14 from the delivery conveyor 1 and via the brake conveyor 2 to the sorting line 3, and the adjustment of this uniform distance enables horizontal and transverse movement of endless transport chains 40, 45 and 48.

V izvedbenem primeru iz sl. 1 je na prehodu med vstopnim transporterjem 4 in sortirnim transporterjem 5 nameščen prečni transporter 15, med sortirnima transporterjema 5 in 5.1 je nameščen prečni transporter 16, med sortirnima transporterjema 5.1 in 5.2 je nameščen prečni transporter 16.1, med sortirnim transporterjem 5.2 in izhodnim transporterjem 22 pa je nameščen prečni transporter 16.3. Prečni transporterji 15, 16, 16.1 in 16.3 ležijo nekoliko pod nivojem ravnine sortirnih transporterjev 5, 5.1 in 5.2. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 1 in sl. 2. V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru so lahko izvedeni tudi drugače.In the embodiment of FIG. 1, a cross conveyor 15 is installed at the passage between the inlet conveyor 4 and the sorting conveyor 5, a cross conveyor 16 is installed between the sorting conveyors 5 and 5.1, a cross conveyor 16.1 is installed between the sorting conveyors 5.1 and 5.2, and between the sorting conveyor 5.2 and the outlet conveyor 22, a cross conveyor 16.3 is installed. Transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1 and 16.3 lie slightly below the plane of the sorting conveyors 5, 5.1 and 5.2. The description is shown in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. In another embodiment, they may be implemented differently.

V območju nad prečnim transporterjem 15 sta, vsak na svoji bočni strani sortirnega transporterja 5 in v isti ravnini, nameščena potisni valj 11 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13. Nad prečnim transporterjem 16 sta, prav tako vsak na svoji bočni strani sortirnega transporterja 5.1 in v isti ravnini, nameščena potisni valj 12 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.1. Nad prečnim transporterjem 16.1 sta, prav tako vsak na svoji bočni strani sortirnega transporterja 5.2 in v isti ravnini, nameščena potisni valj 12.1 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.2, nad prečnim transporterjem 16.3 pa potisni valj 12.2 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.3. Pri tem velja, da so lahko neskončne prehodne verige 13, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3, nameščene na eni ali drugi bočni strani sortirne linije 3. V našem izvedbenem primeru je neskončna prehodna veriga 13 nameščena ob soležni neskončni transportni verigi 42 in med linijama 8 in 9, neskončna prehodna veriga 13.1 je nameščena ob neskončni transportni verigi 40 oziroma 45, nadalje je neskončna prehodna veriga 13.2 nameščena ob neskončni transportni verigi 47 oziroma 50 in je neskončna prehodna veriga 13.3 nameščena ob neskončni transportni verigi 50. V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru so lahko neskončne prehodne verige 13, 13.1, 13.2 inIn the area above the transverse conveyor 15, a thrust roller 11 and an endless transition chain 13 are mounted on each side of the sorting conveyor 5 and in the same plane. They are above each other on their side of the sorting conveyor 5.1 and in the same plane. plane, thrust roller 12 and endless transition chain 13.1. Above the transverse conveyor 16.1, a pusher roller 12.1 and an endless transition chain 13.2 are also mounted on each side of the sorting conveyor 5.2 and in the same plane, and above the transverse conveyor 16.3 a pusher cylinder 12.2 and an infinite transition chain 13.3. In this case, the infinite transition chains 13, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 may be mounted on one or the other side of the sorting line 3. In our embodiment, the infinite transition chain 13 may be located adjacent to the infinite transport chain 42 and between lines 8 and 9, the infinite transition chain 13.1 is mounted adjacent to the infinite transport chain 40 and 45, further, the infinite transition chain 13.2 is mounted adjacent to the infinite conveyor chain 47 and 50, and the infinite transition chain 13.3 is mounted adjacent to the infinite transport chain 50. In another embodiment, endless transition chains 13, 13.1, 13.2 and

13.3 locirane in nameščene tudi drugače.13.3 located and positioned differently.

Praviloma so neskončne prehodne verige 13, 13.1, 13.2 in 13.3 nekoliko krajše od neskončnih transportnih verig 37, 38 in 39 in od neskončnih transportnih verig 40, 41,42 ter 45, 46, 47 in 48, 49, 50.As a rule, the infinite transition chains 13, 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3 are slightly shorter than the infinite transport chains 37, 38 and 39 and the infinite transport chains 40, 41.42 and 45, 46, 47 and 48, 49, 50.

Nadalje velja, da so potisni valji 11, 12, 12.1 in 12.2 praviloma nameščeni nekoliko pod nivojem delovnih površin pripadajočih oziroma soležnih neskončnih transportnih verig 40, 42, 45, 48.Furthermore, the thrust cylinders 11, 12, 12.1 and 12.2 are generally positioned slightly below the level of the working surfaces of the adjacent or adjacent endless transport chains 40, 42, 45, 48.

Predhodno opisano je prikazano na sl. 1 in sl. 2. in delno na sl. 3.The foregoing is illustrated in FIG. 1 and FIG. 2. and partly in FIG. 3.

Že omenjeni prečni transporterji 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 in 16.3 ležijo pod poljubnim, prednostno pa pod pravim kotom na vzdolžno os sortirne linije 3 in s tem na vzdolžno os njenih, predhodno že navedenih sestavnih sklopov ter na ta način med seboj pretočno povezujejo pripadajoče sklope osnovne sortirne linije 3 z ustreznimi sklopi njej vzporedno potekajoče dodatne sortirne linije 3.1. Kot je predhodno že opisano, lahko naprava po izumu v nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru obsega poljubno število sortirnih linij 3, 3.1 in/ali 3.n in prav tako poljubno število njim pripadajočih prečnih transporterjev 15, 16, 16.1, 16.3 in/ali 16.n, ki jih, z ene ali druge strani poslužuje poljubno število delavcev 10.The aforementioned transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 lie at an arbitrary, preferably at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the sorting line 3, and thus to the longitudinal axis of its previously assembled assemblies, thereby flowing with each other the corresponding sets of basic sorting line 3 with corresponding sets of additional sorting lines running in parallel 3.1. As previously described, the device of the invention may in any other embodiment comprise any number of sorting lines 3, 3.1 and / or 3.n and also any number of associated transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.3 and / or 16. n served by any number of workers on one side or the other 10.

V izvedbenem primeru iz sl. 1 in sl. 2 je na vzdolžno stranico vstopnega transporterja 4 sortirne linije 3 nameščena najmanj ena taktna potisna ročica 6, na vzdožno stranico sortirnega transporterja 5.2 pa najmanj ena poravnalna ročica 43. Za neki drugi izvedbeni primer velja, da so lahko vstopni transporter 4 in sortirni transporterji 5, 5.1, 5.2 do 5.n opremljeni s poljubnim številom taktnih potisnih ročic 6 do 6.n oziroma s poljubnim številom poravnalnih ročic 43 do 43.n, ki so nanje pritrjene vsaj z ene ali obeh bočnih strani. Njihova pritrditev je lahko poljubne izvedbe, ki pa mora omogočati njihovo gibanje okrog točke vrtišča. Taktna potisna ročica je prikazana na sl. 6.In the embodiment of FIG. 1 and FIG. 2, at least one stroke push lever 6 is mounted on the longitudinal side of the inlet conveyor 4 of the sorting line 3, and at least one alignment lever 43 on the longitudinal side of the inlet conveyor 5.2. In another embodiment, the inlet conveyor 4 and the sorting conveyors 5 may be considered, 5.1, 5.2 to 5.n. Are provided with any number of stroke levers 6 to 6.n, or with any number of alignment arms 43 to 43.n, which are secured to them from at least one or both sides. Attaching them can be of any design, but must allow them to move around the pivot point. The tact lever is shown in FIG. 6.

Za vstopnim transporterjem 4 sortirne linije 3 je, v smeri potovanja desk 14 oziroma avtomatsko izločenih desk 14.1, nameščen sortirni transporter 5, ki ima na svojem vhodu na eno vzdolžno stranico vrtljivo nameščen potisni valj 11 s pogonom, njemu nasprotno pa leži neskončna prehodna veriga 13, ki povezuje vstopni transporter 4 s sortirnim transporterjem 5. Vzdolžna os potisnega valja 11 je vzporedna z vzdolžno osjo sortirne linije 3 oziroma sortirnega transporterja 5. Pogon potisnega valja 11 ni posebej označen, saj gre za znan pogon ustrezne izvedbe. Nekoliko pod potisnim valjem 11 in neskončno prehodno verigo 13 je nameščen prečni transporter 15, ki leži prednostno pravokotno na vzdolžno os sortirnega transporterja 5 in je poljubne izvedbe in dolžine.Behind the inlet conveyor 4 of the sorting line 3, a sorting conveyor 5 is mounted in the direction of travel of the boards 14 or of the automatically removed boards 14.1, which has a rotary actuator 11 rotatably mounted at its entrance on one longitudinal side, opposite to which is an endless transition chain 13 connecting the inlet conveyor 4 to the sorting conveyor 5. The longitudinal axis of the thrust roller 11 is parallel to the longitudinal axis of the sorting line 3 or the sorting conveyor 5. The thrust roller actuator 11 is not specifically marked, since it is a known actuator of a suitable embodiment. Slightly below the thrust roller 11 and the endless transition chain 13, a transverse conveyor 15 is positioned, preferably perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the sorting conveyor 5 and of any design and length.

Na nasprotnem koncu sortirnega transporterja 5 je na njegovo nasprotno vzdolžno stranico pritrjen gibljivi potisni valj 12, pod katerim leži prečni transporter 16 prednostno pod pravim kotom na vzdolžno os sortirne linije 3, oziroma sortirnega transporterja 5. Nasproti potisnega valja 12 leži neskončna prehodna veriga 13.1, ki povezuje sortirna transporterja 5 in 5.1.At the opposite end of the sorting conveyor 5, a movable thrust roller 12 is attached to its opposite longitudinal side, under which a transverse conveyor 16 is preferably at right angles to the longitudinal axis of the sorting line 3, or the sorting conveyor 5. Opposite a transient chain 13.1 opposite the thrust cylinder 12, connecting the sorting conveyors 5 and 5.1.

Za sortirnim transporterjem 5 je nameščen sortirni transporter 5.1, pod katerim se nahaja prečni transporter 16.1, nad katerim sta, vsak na svoji strani in med sortirnima transporterjema 5 in 5.1, pritrjena rotacijsko gibljiv potisni valj 12.1 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.2.A sorting conveyor 5.1 is installed behind sorting conveyor 5, below which is a transverse conveyor 16.1, above which, on its side and between sorting conveyors 5 and 5.1, a rotary-displacement thrust roller 12.1 and a continuous transfer chain 13.2 are attached.

Za sortirnim transporterjem 5.1 je nameščen sortirni transporter 5.2, pod katerim se nahaja prečni transporter 16.3, nad katerim sta, vsak na svoji strani in med sortirnima transporterjema 5.1 in 5.2, pritrjena rotacijsko gibljiv potisni valj 12.2 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.3.A sorting conveyor 5.2 is installed behind the sorting conveyor 5.1, below which there is a transverse conveyor 16.3, above which, on its side and between the sorting conveyors 5.1 and 5.2, a rotary-displacement thrust roller 12.2 and an endless transition chain 13.3 are attached.

Za predhodno opisano velja, da je razdalja med potisnimi valji 11, 12, 12.1 inThe distance between the thrust cylinders 11, 12, 12.1 and

12.2 in med njim pripadajočimi, oziroma nasproti ležečimi neskončnimi prehodnimi verigami 13, 13.1, 13.2 in 13.3, praviloma krajša, kot pa je dolžina desk 14, ki se na sortirni liniji 3 sortirajo oziroma izločajo. Identično velja za vse ostale sortirne linije 3.1 do 3.n.12.2 and, as a rule, shorter and smaller adjacent endless transition chains 13, 13.1, 13.2 and 13.3, respectively, are shorter than the length of the boards 14, which are sorted or eliminated on sorting line 3. Identical to all other sorting lines 3.1 to 3.n.

Na koncu sortirnega transporterja 5.2 je na njegovem boku nameščena poravnalna ročica 43, kar je razvidno iz sl. 1 in je prikazana na sl. 7.At the end of sorting conveyor 5.2, an alignment lever 43 is mounted on its flank, as shown in FIG. 1 and is shown in FIG. 7.

Za sortirnim transporterjem 5.2 je nameščen izhodni transporter 22, ki zaključuje sortirno linijo 3 in je lahko poljubne izvedbe.Output conveyor 22 is installed behind sorting conveyor 5.2, which terminates sorting line 3 and may be of any design.

V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru sortirne linije 3, ki pa ni prikazan, lahko ležijo prečni transporterji 15, 16, 16.1, 16.3 do 16.n proti sortirnim transporterjem 5, 5.1, 5.2 do 5.n pod kotom, ki je večji ali manjši od pravega kota. Prav tako so lahko potisni valji 11, 12, 12.1 in 12.2 do 12.n nameščeni na poljubnih lokacijah znotraj poljubne bočne strani sortirne linije 3, kar enako velja za neskončne prehodne verige 13, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 do 13.n in taktne potisne ročice 6 do 6.n ter poravnalne ročice 43 do 43.n.In another embodiment of the sorting line 3, but not shown, the cross conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.3 to 16.n may lie against the sorting conveyors 5, 5.1, 5.2 to 5.n at an angle greater than or less than of the right angle. Likewise, thrust cylinders 11, 12, 12.1 and 12.2 to 12.n may be mounted at any location within any lateral side of the sorting line 3, which is the same with infinite transition chains 13, 13.1, 13.2, 13.3 to 13.n and tact thrust thrusters levers 6 to 6.n and alignment levers 43 to 43.n.

Iz sl. 2, na kateri je sortirna linija 3 prikazana v bočnem oziroma stranskem pogledu, je vidno, da sta delovni oziroma čelni površini njenih obeh skrajnih segmentov, na vhodu vstopnega transporterja 4 in na izhodu izhodnega transporterja 22, izvedeni horizontalno in sta si vzporedni, pri čemer leži slednja nekoliko nižje od prve. Delovne površine sortirnih transporterjev 5, 5.1 in 5.2 potekajo zaporedno in pod poljubnimi koti padajoče proti horizontalni delovni površini izhodnega transporterja 22. To pomeni, da ležijo delovne površine vstopnega transporterja 4, sortirnih transporterjev 5, 5.1 in 5.2 ter izhodnega transporterja 22 v različnih, med sabo poljubno oddaljenih ravninah, ki padajo pod poljubnimi koti proti izhodnemu transporterju 22, pri čemer se na stičnih delih lomijo in s tem oblikujejo skupek zaporednih si strmin različnih dolžin in kotov posameznih njenih odsekov.From FIG. 2, in which the sorting line 3 is shown in lateral or lateral view, respectively, that the working or front surfaces of its two extreme segments, at the inlet of the inlet conveyor 4 and at the outlet of the outlet conveyor 22, are made horizontally and are parallel, the latter lies slightly lower than the former. The work surfaces of the sorting conveyors 5, 5.1 and 5.2 run sequentially and at arbitrary angles falling towards the horizontal work surface of the outlet conveyor 22. This means that the work surfaces of the inlet conveyor 4, the sorting conveyors 5, 5.1 and 5.2 and the outlet conveyor 22 lie in different, between any arbitrarily distant planes that fall at arbitrary angles to the outlet conveyor 22, breaking at the joints to form a series of successive slopes of different lengths and angles of individual sections thereof.

Na sl. 1 je prikazana tudi dodatna sortirna linija 3.1, ki poteka vzporedno vzdolž osnovne sortirne linije 3 in od nje nekoliko odmaknjeno, katere transportne površine lahko ležijo v isti ali v različni ravnini. Pri tem velja pravilo, da ima sortirna linija 3 toliko dodatnih sortirnih linij 3.1 do 3.n kolikor je potrebno, da zadosti pogojem sortiranja desk 14, kot so število vstopajočih desk 14 v časovni enoti, vstopna in potovalna hitrost desk 14 oziroma desk 14.1 in 14.2, dalje število in zahtevnost vizualnih sortirnih kriterijev, kot so kvaliteta obdelave, deformacije, dimenzije, par-nepar in podobno.In FIG. 1 also shows an additional sorting line 3.1 which runs parallel to the basic sorting line 3 and away from it, which transport surfaces may lie in the same or different plane. The rule is that sorting line 3 has as many additional sorting lines 3.1 to 3.n as necessary to satisfy the conditions of sorting boards 14, such as the number of boards 14 entering in a time unit, the entry and travel speeds of boards 14 and 14.1 respectively, and 14.2, further number and complexity of visual sorting criteria, such as machining quality, deformation, dimensions, even-odds and the like.

Sortirni liniji 3 in 3.1 sta med sabo logistično povezani z vmesnimi prečnimi transporterji 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 in 16.3, ki so med sabo nekoliko odmaknjeni in lahko potekajo vzporedno ali pa pod poljubnimi koti od ene proti drugi. Pri tem se med prečnim trasporterjem 15 in vstopnim transporterjem 4 sortirne linije 3.1 nahaja zaviralni transporter 17, ki je, prav tako kot zaviralni transporter 2 pred sortirno linijo 3, za kot α zamaknjen od vzdolžne osi prečnega transporterja 15. Enako velja za zaviralni transporter 18 med prečnim transporterjem 16.2 in sortirnim transporterjem 5.1 sortirne linije 3 in za zaviralni transporter 19 med prečnim transporterjem 16.3 in sortirnim transporterjem 5.1 dodatne sortirne linije 3.1.Sorting lines 3 and 3.1 are logistically interconnected with intermediate transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3, which are slightly spaced apart and can run parallel or at arbitrary angles from one to the other. Here, between the transverse conveyor 15 and the inlet conveyor 4 of the sorting line 3.1, there is an inhibitory conveyor 17 which, like the inhibitory conveyor 2 in front of the sorting line 3, is offset by the angle α from the longitudinal axis of the transverse conveyor 15. The same applies to the inhibitory conveyor 18 between the cross conveyor 16.2 and the sorting conveyor 5.1 of the sorting line 3 and for the braking conveyor 19 between the cross conveyor 16.3 and the sorting conveyor 5.1 of the additional sorting line 3.1.

Enako, kot sortirna linija 3, se tudi dodatna sortirna linija 3.1, kot tudi morebitne ostale dodatne sortirne linije 3.n, praviloma sestojijo iz vstopnega transporterja 4 s taktno potisno ročico 20, iz sortirnega transporterja 5 in sortirnega transporterja 5.1 s poravnalno ročico 44 in iz zaključnega izhodnega transporterja 22, ki si sledijo v navedenem nizu. Temu identično se tudi nad prečnim transporterjem 16 nahajata potisni valj 12 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.4, vgrajena vsak ob svoj bok sortirnega transporterja 5, dalje se nad prečnim transporterjem 16.1 nahajata potisni valj 12.1 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.5, nadalje se nad prečnim transporterjem 16.2 nahajata potisni valj 12.3 in neskončna prehodna veriga 13.6, ki so lahko v nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru locirani tudi kako drugače vzdolž ene ali druge bočne strani sortirne linije 3.1. Za sortirno linijo 3.1, kot tudi za vsako morebitno dodatno sortirno linijo 3.n velja vse, kar je predhodno zapisano pri sortirni liniji 3, zato ponovno ne bo opisano.As with Sorting Line 3, the additional Sorting Line 3.1, as well as any other additional Sorting Line 3.n, generally consist of an inlet conveyor 4 with a stroke pusher 20, a sorting conveyor 5 and a sorting conveyor 5.1 with a straightening arm 44, and from the terminating output conveyor 22 following in the said set. In the same way, above the transverse conveyor 16 there is a thrust roller 12 and an infinite transition chain 13.4, mounted on each side of the sorting conveyor 5, further above the transverse conveyor 16.1 there are a thrust roller 12.1 and an infinite transitional chain 13.5, and further above the transverse conveyor 16.2. thrust roller 12.3 and endless transition chain 13.6, which may in another embodiment be located differently along one or the other side of the sorting line 3.1. Sorting line 3.1, as well as any additional sorting line 3.n, is subject to everything previously written on sorting line 3, so it will not be described again.

Taktne potisne ročice 6 in 20, ki so lahko v poljubnem številu nameščene na poljubnih bočnih straneh vstopnih transporterjev 4 sortirnih linij 3, 3.1 oziroma 3.n, so izvedbe z avtomatsko nastavitvijo taktnega delovanja, kot je prikazano na sl. 6. Poravnalne ročice 43 in 44, ki so lahko prav tako v poljubnem številu nameščene na poljubnih bočnih straneh sortirnih transporterjev 5.1 oziromaThe stroke pushers 6 and 20, which can be mounted in any number on any side of the inlet conveyors 4 of the sorting lines 3, 3.1 and 3.n, respectively, are embodied by automatic setting of the stroke operation, as shown in FIG. 6. Alignment levers 43 and 44, which may also be arranged in any number on any lateral sides of the sorting conveyors 5.1 or

5.2, so izvedbe z ročno nastavitvijo in so prikazane na sl. 7.5.2 are manual adjustable embodiments and are shown in FIG. 7.

V nekih drugih izvedbenih primerih so lahko taktne potisne ročice 6, 20 in poravnalne ročice 43, 44 nameščene tudi na druge sestavne enote sortirnih linij 3, 3.1 ali 3.n, na primer na sortirne transporterje 5 in podobno.In some other embodiments, the stroke thrust arms 6, 20 and the alignment arms 43, 44 may also be mounted on other assembly units of the sorting lines 3, 3.1 or 3.n, for example, on sorting conveyors 5 and the like.

Na sl. 6 je prikazano, da se avtomatski taktni potisni ročici 6 in 20 sestojita iz ohišja 26, na katerega sta rotacijsko gibljivo pritrjena pogon 23 in napenjalno kolo 24, ki ju obdaja in medsebojno povezuje večvrstna veriga 25. Ohišje 26 je gibljivo spojeno z odmičnim cilindrom 27 v točki vpetja 29, dočim je cilinder 27 pritrjen na vstopni transporter 4 preko točke 28 gibljivega vpetja. Njun stranski odklon v območju kota γ predstavlja kot, za katerega je veriga 25 odmaknjena od roba vstopnega transporterja 4, na katerega je gibljivo pritrjena.In FIG. 6 shows that the automatic stroke levers 6 and 20 consist of a housing 26 to which a rotatably movable actuator 23 and a tensioning wheel 24 surrounded and interconnected by a multi-row chain 25. The housing 26 is movably coupled to a camshaft 27 at the clamping point 29, while the cylinder 27 is attached to the inlet conveyor 4 via the point 28 of the movable clamping. Their lateral deflection in the angle γ represents the angle by which the chain 25 is offset from the edge of the inlet conveyor 4 to which it is movably attached.

Poravnalni ročici 43 in 44 se sestojita iz ohišja 33, na katerega sta rotacijsko gibljivo pritrjena pogon 30 in napenjalno kolo 31, ki ju obdaja in povezuje večvrstna veriga 32. V ohišje 33 je izveden vodilni izrez 34, ki skupaj s pritrdilnim elementom 35 omogoča ročno nastavitev kota β, ki predstavlja stranski odklon oziroma odmik verige 32 od sortimega transporterja 5.1. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 7.The alignment arms 43 and 44 consist of a housing 33 to which a rotatably movable actuator 30 and a tensioning wheel 31 are surrounded and connected by a multi-row chain 32. A guide cutout 34 is provided in the housing 33, which together with the fastening element 35 enables manual adjusting the angle β representing the lateral deflection or the offset of the chain 32 from the sortable conveyor 5.1. The description is shown in FIG. 7.

Za zgoraj opisane avtomatske taktne potisne ročice 6 in 20 ter poravnalne ročice 43 in 44 velja, da so tako pogona 23 in 30, napenjalni kolesi 24 in 31 ter pripadajoča večvrstna veriga 25 oziroma 32, poljubne standardne izvedbe.The automatic stroke levers 6 and 20 described above and the alignment levers 43 and 44 described above are said to be actuators 23 and 30, tensioning wheels 24 and 31, and associated multi-chain 25 or 32, of any standard design.

Naprava za sortiranje desk po izumu je prednostno koncipirana kot sestavni del oziroma nadaljevanje neke predhodne linije za obdelavo lesa, na primer naprave za spajanje in lepljenje desk v zelo dolge lesne obdelovance pri veliki hitrosti ali nekega drugega stroja za predhodno ploskovno ali drugo obdelavo teh ekstremno dolgih lesnih obdelovancev, ki se z ustrezno žago narežejo na določene manjše kose v smislu desk 14 poljubnih dolžin, ki dalje potujejo v velikem številu in z veliko hitrostjo. Prednostno je naprava po izumu namenjena za avtomatsko in ročno sortiranje desk 14 nažaganih na enake dolžine.The board sorting device according to the invention is preferably designed as an integral part or continuation of a prior woodworking line, such as a device for joining and gluing boards to very long wood workpieces at high speed or some other machine for pre-planar or other processing of these extremely long wood workpieces that are cut into smaller smaller pieces with the proper saw in terms of boards of 14 arbitrary lengths, which continue to travel in large numbers and at high speed. Preferably, the device according to the invention is intended for automatic and manual sorting of boards of 14 cut to lengths.

Kot je predhodno že opisano, se naprava za sortiranje desk po izumu sestoji iz dostavnega transporterja 1, zaviralnega transporterja 2, sortirne linije 3 in dodatne sortirne linije 3.1, ki potekata vzporedno ena ob drugi, med seboj odmaknjeni za poljubno razdaljo, ki ju medsebojno, v smislu medsebojnega pretoka avtomatsko izločenih desk 14.1 in ročno izločenih desk 14.2, povezujejo prečni transporterji 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 in 16.3 z zaviralnimi transporterji 17, 18 in 19. Ta povzetek opisa naprave po izumu je opisan kot uvod v opis postopka sortiranja desk 14, ki sledi.As described previously, the sorting device of the boards according to the invention consists of a delivery conveyor 1, a stopping conveyor 2, a sorting line 3 and an additional sorting line 3.1 running parallel to each other, spaced apart for any distance, in terms of the mutual flow of automatically ejected boards 14.1 and manually ejected boards 14.2, connect transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 and 16.3 to brake conveyors 17, 18 and 19. This summary of the description of the device according to the invention is described as an introduction to the description of the process of sorting boards 14 which follows.

Naprava po prijavljenem izumu je torej namenjena za avtomatsko in ročno sortiranje desk 14, pri čemer njihovo avtomatsko sortiranje omogočajo taktne potisne ročice 6 do 6.n oziroma 20 do 20.n, ki so pritrjene na predhodno že opisane sklope sortirnih linij 3, 3.1 do 3.n, njihovo ročno sortiranje pa izvajajo delavci 10 na zato določenih lokacijah ob njih. Pri tem je število avtomatskih taktnih potisnih ročic 6 in 20 odvisno predvsem od zahtev po številčnem zaporedju izločenih desk 14.1 in do števila sortirnih linij 3, 3.1, 3.n, dočim je število mest za ročno sortiranje s pomočjo delavcev 10 odvisno predvsem od kapacitete sortirnih linih 3, 3.1, 3.n in od vrste ter števila kriterijev za vizualno izločanje oziroma sortiranje desk 14.2, ki ga je mogoče opraviti samo z neposrednim opazovanjem in izločevanjem na ročni način. Ti kriteriji oziroma parametri sortiranja so lahko predvsem kakovost površinske obdelave desk 14, njihove dimenzije, deformacije in podobno. Deske 14, ki bodo avtomatsko izločene bodo v nadaljevanju, podobno kot v opisu naprave, zaradi lažjega razumevanja postopka sortiranja označene z 14.1, ročno izločene pa z 14.2.The device according to the present invention is therefore intended for automatic and manual sorting of boards 14, with their automatic sorting being provided by tact push levers 6 to 6.n and 20 to 20.n, which are attached to the previously described sets of sorting lines 3, 3.1 to 3.n, and their manual sorting is performed by the workers 10 in the designated locations adjacent to them. The number of automatic tact levers 6 and 20 depends, in particular, on the requirements for the numerical sequence of the boards removed 14.1 and on the number of sorting lines 3, 3.1, 3.n, whilst the number of places for manual sorting with the help of workers 10 depends primarily on the capacity of the sorting machines Lines 3, 3.1, 3.n and the type and number of criteria for visual culling or sorting of boards 14.2, which can only be done by direct observation and manual culling. These sorting criteria or parameters can primarily be the quality of surface treatment of boards 14, their dimensions, deformations and the like. The boards 14 that will be automatically extracted will be labeled 14.1 below, similar to the description of the device, for ease of understanding of the sorting process and 14.2 manually extracted.

Pred samim postopkom sortiranja desk 14 je potrebno sortirno linijo 3 in dodatno sortirno linijo 3.1 pripraviti oziroma nastaviti. To naredimo tako, da nastavimo in fiksiramo medsebojno razdaljo med neskončnima transportnima verigama 40 in 42 na sortirnem transporterju 5, kar omogoča neskončna transportna veriga 40, ki je horizontalno gibljiva v prečni smeri. Velikost prej omenjene medsebojne razdalje med transportnima verigama 40 in 42 se določi, oziroma je odvisna od dolžine desk 14, ki se bodo sortirale.Before sorting the boards 14 itself, the sorting line 3 and the additional sorting line 3.1 must be prepared or adjusted. This is done by adjusting and fixing the distance between the endless conveyor chains 40 and 42 on the sorting conveyor 5, which enables an endless conveyor chain 40 which is horizontally movable in the transverse direction. The size of the aforementioned distance between the transport chains 40 and 42 is determined or depends on the length of the boards 14 to be sorted.

Na podoben način nastavimo in fiksiramo medsebojno razdaljo med neskončnima transportnima verigama 45 in 47 na sortirnem transporterju 5.1 in prav tako med neskončnima transportnima verigama 48 in 50 na sortirnem transporterju 5.2.Similarly, adjust and fix the distance between the endless transport chains 45 and 47 on the sorting conveyor 5.1 and also between the endless transport chains 48 and 50 on the sorting conveyor 5.2.

Za vse predhodno navedene nastavitve medsebojnih razdalj pa velja pravilo, da so razdalje med neskončnimi transportnimi verigami 40 in 42, 45 in 47 ter med 48 in 50 med sabo prednostno popolnoma enake, ko se na sortirni liniji 3 izvaja sortiranje desk 14 približno enakih dolžin.However, for each of the distances mentioned above, the rule is that the distances between the endless transport chains 40, 42, 45 and 47 and between 48 and 50 are preferably exactly the same when sorting boards 14 of approximately the same lengths.

Predhodno opisano velja tudi za nastavitev medsebojnih razdalj med neskončnimi transportnimi verigami 40 in 42 ter 45 in 47 na sortirnem transporterju 5 oziroma 5.1 na dodatni sortirni liniji 3.1.The above described also applies to the adjustment of the distances between the endless transport chains 40 and 42 and 45 and 47 on the sorting conveyor 5 and 5.1 respectively on the additional sorting line 3.1.

Postopek sortiranja na tej napravi po izumu poteka tako, da deske 14 po dostavnem transporterju 1, ena za drugo, v velikem številu z veliko hitrostjo pripotujejo do zaviralnega transporterja 2, ki ima to nalogo, da zniža njihovo ekstremno visoko potovalno hitrost na ustrezno nižjo in, da jih s pomočjo nastavljive lopute 36 usmerja na vstopni transporter 4 sortirne linije 3 tako, da nanj prispejo v prečnem položaju, ki je blizu pravemu kotu. Zaradi relativno še vedno visoke potovalne hitrosti desk 14, se le te na vstopnem transporterju 4 nalagajo prečno ena ob drugi in v tem položaju po njem potujejo proti taktni potisni ročici 6. Kot je predhodno že omenjeno, je delovni takt avtomatske potisne ročice 6 odvisen predvsem od števila dodatnih sortirnih linij 3.1 do 3.n. V našem izvedbenem primeru iz sl. 1 tvorita napravo po izumu sortirni liniji 3 in 3.1., zato deluje avtomatska taktna potisna ročica 6 v dveh delovnih taktih, kot par-nepar. To pomeni, da bodo vse parne deske 14, ki jih je avtomatska taktna potisna ročica 6 potisnila naprej do linije 8 na sortirnem transporterju 5, v nadaljevanju izločene kot avtomatsko izločene deske 14.1. Vsaka neparna deska 14, ki je avtomatska taktna potisna ročica ni potisnila do linije 8, oziroma so z manjšo čelno ploskvijo ostale na liniji 7, potujejo dalje še kot deske 14 do enega ali več delavcev 10, ki jih bodo v nadaljevanju ročno izločili kot ročno izločene deske 14.2, v kolikor ne bodo ustrezale postavljenim kriterijem ali ne bodo odstranjene iz kakšnega drugega razloga. Opisano je prikazano na sl.1 in sl. 3. V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru so lahko avtomatsko izločene deske 14.1 tudi neparne, ročno izločene deske 14.2 pa parne, oziroma je lahko ta numerična izločitev tudi drugače zastavljena.The sorting process on this device according to the invention is carried out in such a way that boards 14 along the delivery conveyor 1, one after the other, arrive in large numbers at high speed to the brake conveyor 2, which has the task of reducing their extremely high traveling speed to a correspondingly lower and , by means of an adjustable flap 36, directs them to the inlet conveyor 4 of the sorting line 3 so as to reach them in a transverse position close to the right angle. Due to the relatively still high travel speed of the boards 14, they are loaded transversely side by side on the inlet conveyor 4 and in this position travel towards the stroke pusher 6. As previously mentioned, the stroke of the automatic pusher 6 depends primarily on from the number of additional sorting lines 3.1 to 3.n. In our embodiment, FIG. 1 is a sorting device according to the invention by the sorting lines 3 and 3.1. Therefore, the automatic stroke lever 6 in two working cycles functions as an even pair. This means that all steamboards 14 pushed forward to the line 8 on the sorting conveyor 5 by the automatic stroke pusher 6 will hereafter be eliminated as auto-discharged boards 14.1. Any odd planks 14 which have not been pushed by the automatic stroke lever to line 8, or have remained on line 7 with a smaller face, continue to travel further than planks 14 to one or more workers 10, which will then be manually removed as manually discarded boards 14.2 to the extent that they do not meet the criteria or are not removed for any other reason. Referring to FIG. 1 and FIG. 3. In another embodiment, the automatic eliminated boards 14.1 may also be odd and the manually eliminated boards 14.2 may be even, or this numerical exclusion may be otherwise set.

Ko predhodno aksialno potisnjena in avtomatsko izločena deska 14.1 prispe do potisnega valja 11, med vstopnim transporterjem 4 in sortirnim transporterjem 5, se le ta iz niza desk 14 izloči tako, da jo rotirajoči potisni valj 11 potisne v spodaj nameščeni prečni transporter 15. Pri tem en krajši rob deske 14.1, zaradi njenega predhodnega aksialnega zamika, pade na prečni transporter 15, dočim se njemu nasprotni krajši rob nasloni na rotirajoči potisni valj 11, ki desko 14.1 dokončno potisne v prečni transporter 15. Pri tem velja, da avtomatsko izločena deska 14.1 po potisnem valju 11 potuje v prečni transporter 15 tako dolgo, dokler tudi ta njen soležni krajši rob iz potisnega valja 11 ne zdrsne oziroma pade v, oziroma na prečni transporter 15. Pri tem prav tako velja, da mora biti razdalja med neskončno transportno verigo 40 z rotirajočim potisnim valjem 11 ter neskončno prehodno verigo 13 nekoliko manjša od dolžine desk 14 oziroma mora biti nastavljena nekoliko pod njenim krajšim robom. To identično velja tudi za razdalje med vsemi ostalimi tovrstnimi elementi vzdolž celotne sortirne linije 3, oziroma 3.1 do 3.n.When the previously axially pushed and automatically ejected board 14.1 reaches the thrust roller 11, between the inlet conveyor 4 and the sorting conveyor 5, it is removed from the series of boards 14 by being pushed by the rotating thrust cylinder 11 into the transverse conveyor 15 below. because of its previous axial displacement, one short edge of the board 14.1 falls on the transverse conveyor 15, while its opposite short edge rests on the rotary thrust cylinder 11, which finally pushes the board 14.1 into the transverse conveyor 15. In this case, the automatically ejected board 14.1 it moves to the transverse conveyor 15 via the thrust roller 15 until its shortening edge from the thrust roller 11 slides or falls into, respectively, the cross conveyor 15. It also holds that the distance between the endless transport chain 40 having a rotating thrust roller 11 and an infinite transition chain 13 slightly smaller than the length of the boards 14 or slightly adjusted below its shorter edge. This is equally true of the distances between all other such elements along the entire sorting line 3, respectively 3.1 to 3.n.

Po prečnem transporterju 15 prispe deska 14.1 do zaviralnega transporterja 17, ki ji zniža potovalno hitrost s katero vstopa na vstopni transporter 4 dodatne vzporedne sortirne linije 3.1. Pri tem velja, da je smer vrtenja potisnega valja 11 prednostno enaka smeri gibanja prečnega transporterja 15. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 1 in delno na sl. 3.After transverse conveyor 15, board 14.1 arrives at the brake conveyor 17, which reduces the travel speed at which it enters the inlet conveyor 4 of the additional parallel sorting line 3.1. In this case, the direction of rotation of the thrust roller 11 is preferably the same as the direction of movement of the cross conveyor 15. As described in FIG. 1 and partly in FIG. 3.

Deske 14, ki jih taktna potisna ročica 6 ni avtomatsko izločila, potujejo dalje po liniji 7 in preko neskončne prehodne verige 13 na sortirni transporter 5, kjer jih pričaka en ali več delavcev 10, ki bodo poskrbeli za to, da bodo iz tokokroga kot ročno izločene deske 14.2 tiste, ki ne izpolnjujejo v naprej določenih kvantitativnih, kvalitativnih oziroma drugačnih vizualno uočljivih kriterijev. Izločene bodo s tem, da jih bodo delavci 10 ročno potisnili na linijo 9, zaradi česar jih potisni valj 12 potisne v spodaj nameščeni prečni transporter 16, na način ki je predhodno opisan pri potiasnem valju 11, po katerem se transportirajo na določeno odlagalno mesto. Opisano je prikazano na sl. 4 in sl. 5, identično temu pa velja tudi za prej omenjeni potisni valj 11 s pripadajočim prečnim transporterjem 15, kot tudi za potisni valj 12.1 s prečnim transporterjem 16.1 in za potisni valj 12.2 s prečnim transporterjem 16.3, na sortirni liniji 3. Seveda enako velja tudi za potisne valje 12, 12.1 in 12.3 ter njim pripadajoče prečne transporterje 16, 16.1 in 16.2.The boards 14, which are not automatically extracted by the stroke pusher 6, continue on the line 7 and through the endless passage chain 13 to the sorting conveyor 5, where they are expected by one or more workers 10, who will make sure that they are left out of the circuit by hand. eliminated boards 14.2 those which do not meet predefined quantitative, qualitative or otherwise visually evident criteria. They will be eliminated by being pushed manually by the workers 10 to the line 9, which causes the pusher roller 12 to be pushed into the transverse conveyor 16 below, in the manner previously described for the travel roller 11, after which they are transported to a specific disposal site. The description is shown in FIG. 4 and FIG. 5, and the same applies to the aforementioned thrust roller 11 with the associated cross conveyor 15, as well as thrust roller 12.1 with a cross conveyor 16.1 and to the thrust roller 12.2 with a cross conveyor 16.3 on the sorting line 3. Of course, the same applies to thrust thrusters. cylinders 12, 12.1 and 12.3 and their respective transverse conveyors 16, 16.1 and 16.2.

Deske 14, ki jih delavci 10 niso ročni izločili iz sortirnih transporterjev 5 in 5.1, potujejo dalje po liniji 7 in preko neskončne prehodne verige 13.1 na sortirni transporter 5.2, s katerega jih lahko delavci 10, v kolikor ne zadoščajo kriterijem, ročno izločijo na predhodno že opisan način tako, da jih potisnejo na linijo 8, nakar jih potisni valj 12.1 kot deske 14.2 potisne v spodaj nameščeni prečni transporter 16.1. Po povsem enakem postopku delavci 10 izločajo neustrezne deske 14 tudi s pomočjo potisnega valja 12.2 nad prečnim transporterjem 13.3.The boards 14, which are not manually removed by the workers 10 from the sorting conveyors 5 and 5.1, move further along line 7 and through the endless transition chain 13.1 to the sorting conveyor 5.2, from which the workers 10, if they do not meet the criteria, can be manually removed to the previous one. already described by pushing them to line 8, then pushing the cylinder 12.1 as boards 14.2 into the transverse conveyor 16.1 below. In exactly the same procedure, workers 10 extract unsuitable boards 14 also by means of a thrust roller 12.2 above the cross conveyor 13.3.

Na koncu sortirne linije 3 je na sortirni transporter 5.2 nameščena poravnalna ročica 43, ki deske 14, kijih delavci 10 niso predhodno ročno izločili kot deskeAt the end of sorting line 3, an alignment lever 43 is mounted on sorting conveyor 5.2, which boards 14, which workers 10 did not previously manually remove as boards

14.2, usmerja na eno ali več odlagalnih mest po že znanem numeričnem zaporedju.14.2, directs to one or more disposal sites in a numerical sequence already known.

V nekem drugem izvedbenem primeru, ki pa ni prikazan, je lahko zaporedje, lociranost in razmerje, oziroma število vgrajenih taktnih potisnih ročic 6 do 6.n znotraj sortirne linije 3 in število vgrajenih taktnih potisnih ročic 20 do 20.n, znotraj dodatne sortirne linije 3.1 oziroma 3.n, povsem poljubno glede na potrebe in zahtevane kriterije. Enako velja za potisne valje 11, 12, 12.1, 12.2 do 12.n in za prečne transporterje 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 do 16.n.In another embodiment, which is not shown, the sequence, location and ratio, or the number of built-in push levers 6 to 6.n within the sorting line 3 and the number of built-in push levers 20 to 20.n, within the additional sorting line may be 3.1 and 3.n, respectively, according to the needs and criteria required. The same applies to thrust rollers 11, 12, 12.1, 12.2 to 12.n and to transverse conveyors 15, 16, 16.1, 16.2 to 16.n.

Kot je predhodno že opisano, padejo deske 14.1, ki jih je na osnovi postavljenega numeričnega kriterija taktna potisna ročica 6 avtomatsko izločila iz sortirne linije 3, v prečni transporter 15 in po njem potujejo do zaviralnega transporterja 17 pred dodatno sortirno linijo 3.1, ki upočasni njihovo potovalno hitrost in jih usmerja na vstopni transporter 4 linije 3.1. Tudi ta vstopni transporter 4 je lahko opremljen s taktno potisno ročico 20, za nadaljnjo izločanje desk 14.1 po numeričnem kriteriju, kot je že opisano pri sortirni liniji 3. Enako velja za poravnalno ročico 44 na koncu dodatne sortirne linije 3.1. Postopek ročnega sortiranja desk 14.2 z delavci 10 na sortirnih transporterjih 5 in 5.1 dodatne sortirne linije 3.1 je identičen prej opisanem postopku ročnega sortiranja po vizualnih kriterijih na sortirni liniji 3.As previously described, planks 14.1 fall, which, based on the set numerical criterion, are automatically removed by the tact push lever 6 from the sorting line 3, and then traversed to the transverse conveyor 15 before the additional sorting line 3.1, which slows them down. traveling speed and directing them to the inlet conveyor 4 lines 3.1. This inlet conveyor 4 may also be equipped with a stroke push lever 20 for further elimination of boards 14.1 by the numerical criterion as described in sorting line 3. The same applies for the alignment lever 44 at the end of the additional sorting line 3.1. The manual sorting procedure for boards 14.2 with workers 10 on the sorting conveyors 5 and 5.1 of the additional sorting line 3.1 is identical to the previously described manual sorting procedure according to the visual criteria on the sorting line 3.

Claims (17)

1. Naprava za sortiranje desk, pri kateri si v zaporedju sledijo vstopni transporter, sortirni transporterji in izhodni transporter, ki tvorijo posamezno sortirno linijo, značilna po tem, da so vzdolž vsaj ene strani sortirne linije (3), oziroma znotraj vsakega posameznega sortirnega transporterja (5), oziroma (5.1), oziroma (5.2), horizontalno gibljivo nameščene najmanj po ena neskončna transportna veriga (40), oziroma (45), oziroma (48), ki si sledijo v linijskem zaporedju in, ki so vsaka zase premočrtno pomične v prečni smeri, njihovo razdaljo do njim vzporedno potekajočih in fiksno pritrjenih oziroma nepomičnih neskončnih transportnih verig (41, 42), oziroma (46, 47), oziroma (49, 50), pa je mogoče poljubno nastaviti in fiksirati; da je nad vsakim od prečnih transporterjev (15), oziroma (16), oziroma (16.1), oziroma (16.2) , oziroma (16.3), nameščen najmanj en potisni valj (11) in najmanj ena neskončna prehodna veriga (13), oziroma potisni valj (12) in neskončna prehodna veriga (13.1), oziroma potisni valj (12.1) in neskončna prehodna veriga (13.2), oziroma potisni valj (12.2) in neskončna prehodna veriga (13.3), ki sta praviloma nameščena vsak na eni bočni strani pripadajočega zaporednega sestava sortirne linije (3) in si ležita linearno nasproti, med sabo oddaljena za poljubno razdaljo, ki je praviloma krajša od dolžine desk (14); da so potisni valji (11), (12), (12.1), (12.2), nameščeni nekoliko nad nivojem pripadajočih neskončnih transportnih verig (40, 41, 42), oziroma neskončnih transportnih verig (45, 46, 47), oziroma neskončnih transportnih verig (48, 49, 50); da so neskončne prehodne verige (13), (13.1), (13.2) in (13.3) na pripadajoči zaporedni sestav sortirne linije (3) nameščene tako, da so nameščene ob soležnih neskončnih transportnih verigah (39, 42), oziroma (40, 45), oziroma (47, 50).1. A desk sorting device, followed in sequence by an inbound conveyor, a sorting conveyor and an outbound conveyor, forming a single sorting line, characterized in that, along at least one side of the sorting line (3), or within each individual sorting conveyor (5) and (5.1) and (5.2), respectively, with at least one endless transport chain (40) and (45) and (48), respectively, moving horizontally, each in a straight line and each of which is in a straight line movable in the transverse direction, and their distances to the parallel running and fixedly fixed or stationary endless transport chains (41, 42) and (46, 47) and (49, 50), respectively, can be adjusted and fixed arbitrarily; that at least one of the thrust rollers (11) and at least one endless transverse chain (13), respectively, are mounted above each of the transverse conveyors (15), (16), (16.1), (16.2) and (16.3, respectively). the thrust roller (12) and the infinite transition chain (13.1), respectively, the thrust roller (12.1) and the infinite transition chain (13.2), respectively, the thrust roller (12.2) and the infinite transition chain (13.3), which are generally mounted each on one side the corresponding sequential composition of the sorting line (3) and lying in a linear opposite direction, spaced apart from each other by any distance, which is generally shorter than the length of the boards (14); that the thrust rollers (11), (12), (12.1), (12.2) are positioned slightly above the level of the associated endless transport chains (40, 41, 42), or endless transport chains (45, 46, 47), or endless transport chains (48, 49, 50); that the infinite transition chains (13), (13.1), (13.2), and (13.3) are arranged on the associated sequential assembly of the sorting line (3) so that they are arranged adjacent to the adjacent continuous transport chains (39, 42) and (40, respectively). 45) and (47, 50), respectively. 2. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da ležijo delovne oziroma transportne površine vstopnega transporterja (4), sortirnih transporterjev (5, 5.1, 5.2) in izhodnega transporterja (22) prednostno v različnih višinskih nivojih in ravninah, ki so lahko horizontalne ali pod poljubnim kotom nagnjene proti pripadajočemu ogrodju (21), oziroma ogrodju (21.1), oziroma ogrodju (21.2), oziroma ogrodju (21.3).Board sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that the working or transport surfaces of the inlet conveyor (4), the sorting conveyors (5, 5.1, 5.2) and the outlet conveyor (22) lie preferably in different height levels and planes, which they may be horizontal or at any angle inclined towards the respective frame (21) or frame (21.1) or frame (21.2) or frame (21.3). 3. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je na vstopni transporter (4) sortirne linije (3) pritrjena najmanj ena taktna potisna ročica (6), katere večvrstna veriga (25), na ohišju (26), niha znotraj poljubnega kota (γ).3. A board sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that at least one tactile push lever (6), whose multi-row chain (25), is mounted on the housing (26) to the inlet conveyor (4) of the sorting line (3), fluctuates within any angle (γ). 4. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da na sortirni transporter (5.2), ki je nameščen pred izhodnim transporterjem (22), pritrjena najmanj ena poravnalna ročica (43), pri kateri je položaj večvrstne verige (32) znotraj kota (β) nastavljiv.Board sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that at least one alignment lever (43) is attached to the sorting conveyor (5.2) located in front of the output conveyor (22), in which the position of the multi-row chain (32) inside the angle (β) adjustable. 5. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da so potisni valji (11, 12, 12.1, 12.2) opremljeni z ustreznimi samostojnimi pogoni.5. A board sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that the thrust rollers (11, 12, 12.1, 12.2) are provided with suitable independent drives. 6. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da so si neskončne transportne verige (37, 38, 39) znotraj vstopnega transporterja (4) in neskončne transportne verige (40, 41, 42) znotraj sortirnega transporterja (5) in neskončne transportne verige (45, 46, 47) znotraj sortirnega transporterja (5.1) in neskončne transportne verige (48, 49, 50) znotraj sortirnega transporterja (5.2), med sabo vzporedne in ležijo v isti ravnini in so v enakem položaju.Board sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that the endless transport chains (37, 38, 39) are inside the inlet conveyor (4) and the endless transport chains (40, 41, 42) are inside the sorting conveyor (5) and endless conveyor chains (45, 46, 47) inside the sorting conveyor (5.1) and endless conveyor chains (48, 49, 50) inside the sorting conveyor (5.2), parallel to each other and lying in the same plane and in the same position. 7. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je potisni valj (11) v prečni smeri prednostno pomičen skupaj z neskončno transportno verigo (40), potisni valj (12.1) skupaj z neskončno transportno verigo (45) in je potisni valj (12.2) pomičen skupaj z neskončno transportno verigo (48).Desk sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that the thrust roller (11) in the transverse direction is preferably movable together with the endless conveyor chain (40), the thrust roller (12.1) together with the endless conveyor chain (45) and is push cylinder (12.2) movable together with endless conveyor chain (48). 8. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da se sestoji iz poljubnega števila vzporednih sortirnih linij (3), (3.1) do (3.n), ki jih med sabo pretočno povezuje poljubno število prečnih transporterjev (15), (16), (16.1), (16.2), (16.3) do (16.n) poljubne izvedbe.A board sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that it consists of an arbitrary number of parallel sorting lines (3), (3.1) to (3.n), which are interconnected by any number of transverse conveyors (15) , (16), (16.1), (16.2), (16.3) through (16n) of any design. 9. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 8, značilna po tem, da se vsaka posamezna sortirna linija (3), (3.1). (3.n) sestoji iz poljubnega števila zaporedno nameščenih sortirnih transporterjev (5), (5.1), (5.2), (5.n).9. A board sorting device according to claim 8, characterized in that each individual sorting line (3), (3.1). (3.n) consists of any number of consecutively installed sorting conveyors (5), (5.1), (5.2), (5.n). 10. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 1, značilna po tem, da je pred sortirno linijo (3) nameščen vsaj en zaviralni transporter (2), pred sortirno linijo (3.1) pa vsaj en zaviralni transporter (17), katerih vzdolžna središčna os je prednostno za kot (a) zamaknjena od pravokotnice na vzdolžno središčno os sortirne linije (3) oziroma sortirne linije (3.1).Desk sorting device according to claim 1, characterized in that at least one inhibitory conveyor (2) is mounted in front of the sorting line (3) and at least one inhibitory conveyor (17) having a longitudinal center axis in front of the sorting line (3.1). is preferably offset by an angle (a) from the perpendicular to the longitudinal center axis of the sorting line (3) or the sorting line (3.1). 11. Naprava za sortiranje desk po zahtevku 10, značilna po tem, da sta zaviralna transporterja (2) in (17) opremljena z nastavljivo loputo (36), ki je nanju gibljivo pritrjena nad transportno ploskvijo.Board sorting device according to claim 10, characterized in that the brake conveyors (2) and (17) are provided with an adjustable flap (36), which is movably attached to them above the conveyor surface. 12. Postopek za sortiranje predhodno obdelanih in na določeno dolžino nažaganih desk približno enakih dolžin, ki na sortirno linijo pripotujejo z veliko hitrostjo, značilen po tem, da se znotraj sortirnih transporterjev (5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.n) v sortirnih linijah (3, 3.1, 3.n) prečno gibljive neskončne transportne verige (40), (45), (48) pred sortiranjem nastavijo praviloma tako, da so vse za enako razdaljo oddaljene od njim soležnih, oziroma vzporednih fiksnih neskončnih transportnih verig (41, 42), oziroma (46, 47), oziroma (49, 50), pri čemer ta razdalja ustreza dolžini desk (14), ki se bodo sortirale; da je za avtomatsko sortiranje desk (14) namenjena taktna potisna ročica (6) na vstopnem transporterju (4), ki je nastavljena na izločanje po nekem numeričnem zaporedju, na primer par-nepar ali kako drugače in, ki bližnji konec numerično izločenih desk (14) potisne na linijo (8) kot avtomatsko izločene deske (14.1), ki tako potujejo ob neskončni prehodni verigi (13) in zaradi tega s potisnjenim koncem prosto padejo v spodaj ležeči prečni transporter (15), v katerega jih na nasprotnem koncu nato dokončno porine še potisni valj (11); da so deske (14), ki s svojim koncem po liniji (7) pripotujejo iz vstopnega transporterja (4) in preko neskončne prehodne verige (13) ter potisnega valja (11) na sortirni transporter (5), izpostavljene ročnemu sortiranju, ki ga opravlja en ali več delavcev (10) tako, da bližnji konec desk (14), ki ne ustrezajo določenim, v naprej postavljenim kriterijem oziroma zahtevam, potisnejo oziroma povlečejo na linijo (7), po kateri potujejo mimo neskončne prehodne verige (13.1) dalje kot ročno izločene deske (14.2) in padejo v spodaj ležeči prečni transporter (16), v katerega jih na nasprotnem koncu potisne še potisni valj (12).12. A method for sorting pre-treated and lengthwise sawed boards of approximately equal lengths, which travel at a high speed to the sorting line, characterized in that within sorting lines (5, 5.1, 5.2, 5.n) 3, 3.1, 3.n), as a rule, the transversely movable infinite conveyor chains (40), (45), (48) are adjusted so that they are spaced apart from each other by parallel, or parallel, infinite transport chains (41, 42) or (46, 47) and (49, 50) respectively, this distance being the length of the boards (14) to be sorted; that an automatic push sorting lever (6) is intended for the automatic sorting of the boards (6) on the inlet conveyor (4), which is set to be eliminated in a numerical order, for example, even or otherwise, and which is near the end of the numerically separated boards ( 14) are pushed onto the line (8) as automatically cut boards (14.1), which thus travel along an endless transition chain (13) and consequently, with the pushed end, fall freely into the lower transverse conveyor (15), into which they are then opposite push the cylinder (11) further; that the boards (14) which, with their ends, follow the line (7) from the inlet conveyor (4) and through the endless passage chain (13) and the thrust roller (11) to the sorting conveyor (5), are subjected to manual sorting by performs one or more workers (10) by pushing or dragging the nearby end of boards (14) that do not meet certain predefined criteria or requirements to the line (7) along which they travel past the endless transition chain (13.1) as hand-cut boards (14.2) and fall into the transverse conveyor (16) below, into which the thrust cylinder (12) is pushed at the opposite end. 13. Postopek po zahtevku 12, značilen po tem, da na sortirnem transporterju (5.1) delavec (10), ki želi desko (14) ročno izločiti iz obtoka iz sortirne linije (3), potisne ali povleče na linijo (9), zaradi česar njen konec potuje mimo neskončne prehodne verige (13.2) in pade kot ročno izločena deska (14.2) v spodaj ležeči prečni transporter ((16.1), v katerega ga na nasprotnem koncu potisne potisni valj (12.1).A method according to claim 12, characterized in that, on the sorting conveyor (5.1), the worker (10), which wants to manually remove the board (14) from the circulation from the sorting line (3), pushes or pulls on the line (9), the end of which travels past the endless passage chain (13.2) and falls, like a manually cut board (14.2), into the lower cross conveyor (16.1) into which it is pushed by the thrust cylinder (12.1) at the opposite end. 14. Postopek po zahtevku 12, značilen po tem, da delavec (10) na sortirnem transporterju (5.2), ki želi desko (14) ročno izločiti iz obtoka iz sortirne linije (3), potisne ali povleče na linijo (9), zaradi česar njen konec potuje mimo neskončne prehodne verige (13.3) in pade kot ročno izločena deska (14.2) v spodaj ležeči prečni transporter ((16.3), v katerega ga na nasprotnem koncu potisne potisni valj (12.2).Method according to claim 12, characterized in that the worker (10) on the sorting conveyor (5.2), which wants to manually remove the board (14) from the circulation from the sorting line (3), due to the end of which travels past the endless passage chain (13.3) and falls like a manually cut board (14.2) into the lower cross conveyor (16.3) into which it is pushed by the thrust cylinder (12.2) at the opposite end. 15. Postopek po zahtevku 12, značilen po tem, da po izhodu iz območja sortirnega transporterja (5.2) poravnalna ročica (43) v postopku neizločene deske (14) čelno poravna in nato potujejo po izhodnem transporterju (22) na predvideno odlagalno mesto, na primer palete ali podobno.Method according to claim 12, characterized in that after leaving the area of the sorting conveyor (5.2), the alignment lever (43) aligns in the process of the unsealed board (14) and then travels through the outgoing conveyor (22) to the intended disposal site, at an example of a pallet or similar. 16. Postopek po zahtevku 12, značilen po tem, da po numeričnem principu avtomatsko izločene deske (14.1) po prečnem transporterju (15) in prednostno preko zaviralnega transporterja (17), pripotujejo na vstopni transporter (4) sosednje sortirne linije (3.1), po kateri nato poteka avtomatsko sortiranje desk (14.1) s pomočjo taktne potisne ročice (20), ročno sortiranje desk (14.2) pa s pomočjo delavcev (10), kot je to predhodno že opisano pri sortirni liniji (3).A method according to claim 12, characterized in that, according to the numerical principle, the automatically sorted boards (14.1) are transmitted to the inlet conveyor (4) of the adjacent sorting line (3.1) via the transverse conveyor (15) and preferably via the brake conveyor (17). The automatic sorting of boards (14.1) is then carried out by means of a tactile push lever (20) and manual sorting of boards (14.2) by workers (10), as previously described in the sorting line (3). 17. Postopek po zahtevku 12, značilen po tem, da avtomatsko izločene deske (14.1) praviloma potujejo dalje na eno od sosednjih sortirnih linij (3.1) oziroma (3.n), dočim ročno izločene deske (14.2) potujejo na zato določeno odlagalno mesto.Method according to claim 12, characterized in that the automatically discarded boards (14.1) generally travel further to one of the adjacent sorting lines (3.1) and (3.n), while the manually separated boards (14.2) travel to the designated disposal site .
SI200800071A 2008-03-31 2008-03-31 Device and procedure for sorting wooden boards SI22473A (en)

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