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SI21006A2 - Wardrobe - Google Patents

Wardrobe Download PDF


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SI21006A2 SI200100209A SI200100209A SI21006A2 SI 21006 A2 SI21006 A2 SI 21006A2 SI 200100209 A SI200100209 A SI 200100209A SI 200100209 A SI200100209 A SI 200100209A SI 21006 A2 SI21006 A2 SI 21006A2
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Ale� Vene
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Ale� Vene
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Application filed by Ale� Vene filed Critical Ale� Vene
Priority to SI200100209A priority Critical patent/SI21006A2/en
Priority to HR20020656A priority patent/HRPK20020656B3/en
Priority to EP02017754A priority patent/EP1284112B1/en
Priority to DE60208610T priority patent/DE60208610D1/en
Priority to AT02017754T priority patent/ATE315347T1/en
Publication of SI21006A2 publication Critical patent/SI21006A2/en



    • A47B61/00Wardrobes


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A wardrobe, preferentially a prefabricated one in accordance with the invention, has been designed to be assembled and located on the very site without dimensions of the surrounding room to dictate the possibility of its emplacement. In spite of the outlook of the wardrobe installed, its structure enables it to stand independently without fixation to the walls and the ceiling, but nevertheless allows a good circulation of air in order to prevent the apparition of mildew and water condensate on sides adjacent to the walls and the ceiling and at the same time, enables a servicing access to its backside wall for cleaning and whitewashing, if needed. The wardrobe is constructed in such a manner that the bottom (3) and the ceiling (4) are at a certain distance from rear edges of upright elements (1 and 2). Behind the bottom (3) and the ceiling (4) or between them as well as between the elements (1 and 2), there are transverse profiles (5) for ventilation of the wardrobe. The interspace between the profiles (5) and the rear edge of the upright elements (1 and 2) determines a ventilation gap (9) which is running all along the wardrobe height and is connecting the space under the bottom (3) with the space above the ceiling (4) to assure the flow of air behind the backside of the wardrobe. Door leafs (6) are mounted on the upright elements (1 and 2) in front of the profiles (5) and are creating the backside of the wardrobe.


Predmet izuma je omara s policami ali pa obešali in poljubnimi vrati ali brez njih.The subject of the invention is a cabinet with shelves or hangers and any door with or without them.

Tehnični problemA technical problem

Tehnični problem, ki ga rešuje izum je, kako zasnovati tako omaro, prednostno prefabricirano, ki jo bo mogoče sestaviti in namestiti neposredno na njenem mestu, ne da bi dimenzije okolice pogojevale možnost namestitve in da je kljub izgledu vgrajene omare njena konstrukcija taka, da stoji samostojno brez pritrditve na stene ali strop, pri čemer omogoča dobro kroženje zraka zaradi preprečitve pojava plesni in kondenza ob stenam in stropu priležnih stranicah, hkrati pa omogoča servisni dostop do hrbtne stene za čiščenje in po potrebi beljenje.The technical problem solved by the invention is how to design such a cabinet, preferably prefabricated, which can be assembled and installed directly in its place, without the dimensions of the surroundings condition the possibility of installation and that despite the appearance of the built-in cabinet, its construction is such that it stands on its own without wall or ceiling attachment, allowing good air circulation to prevent mold and condensation along the sides and ceiling of adjacent sides, while also providing service access to the back wall for cleaning and, where necessary, bleaching.

Znano stanje tehnikeThe prior art

Znane vzidane omare so izdelane namensko po meri in ne omogočajo prefabriciranja. Zato so dražje.The well-known built-in cabinets are custom-made and do not allow for prefabrication. Therefore, they are more expensive.

Nadalje je znana tovrstna omara po slovenskem patentu P 2000 0 0040 (Vene Aleš), ki rešuje samo prilagajanje prefabricirane omare po višini, ne pa po širini, ter tudi prezračevanje izza njenega hrbtišča.Furthermore, this type of cabinet is known according to the Slovenian patent P 2000 0 0040 (Vene Aleš), which solves only the adjustment of the prefabricated cabinet in height and not in width, as well as ventilation from behind.

27104.doc/VIII-01/D27-Vr27104.doc / VIII-01 / D27-Vr

Obstaja pa potreba po še bolj splošni rešitvi, ki bo omogočala večjo prilagodljivost prostoru in potrebam uporabnikov ob čim večji prefabriciranosti izdelka zaradi znižanja cene ob ohranitvi kakovosti.However, there is a need for an even more general solution that will allow more flexibility in the space and the needs of users while maximizing product prefabrication to reduce cost while maintaining quality.

Rešitev tehničnega problemaThe solution to a technical problem

Opisani tehnični problem je rešen z omaro po izumu, katere bistvena značilnost je v tem, daje izvedena iz prefabriciranih pokončnih plošč, stranskih in po potrebi vmesnih, vodoravnega poda in stropa, ki sta locirana odmaknjeno od tal in stropa prostora zaradi boljšega kroženja zraka, hrbtišča, ki je izdelano v vsakem območju med sosednjima pokončnima ploščama kot eno ali dvoje vratnih kril, ki se lahko odpirajo, da nudijo dostop do zidu za omaro in prečnih profilov ob navedenih vratnih krilih kot hrbtišča, ki zagotavljajo zavetrovanje omare.The described technical problem is solved by a closet according to the invention, the essential feature of which is that it is made of prefabricated upright panels, lateral and if necessary intermediate, horizontal floor and ceiling, located away from the floor and ceiling of the room for better circulation of air, back , which is constructed in each area between adjacent upright panels as one or two door wings that can be opened to provide access to the closet wall and cross-sections along said door wings as backs to provide cabinet weathering.

Podrobneje bo izum pojasnjen v nadaljevanju z opisom izvedbenega primera in priložene risbe, na kateri kaže sl. 1 naris omare po izumu z delnim prerezom čelnih vrat, sl. 2 pokončni prerez omare po črti II - II s sl. 1.The invention will now be explained in more detail below with a description of an embodiment and the accompanying drawing, in which FIG. 1 is a drawing of a cabinet according to the invention with a partial cross-section of the front door, FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the cabinet along line II - II of FIG. 1.

Omara je izvedena iz bočnih pokončnih elementov 1, prednostno plošč in po potrebi vmesnih pokončnih elementov 2. Elementi 1 in 2 so med seboj povezani na spodnjem delu z dnom 3, na zgornjem delu pa s stropom 4, ki tečeta od sprednjih robov elementov 1 in 2 do v odmiku od zadnjih robov pokončnih elementov 1 in 2, kjer so izza dna 3 in stropa 4 ter med elementi 1 in 2 nameščeni prečno potekajoči profili 5 za zavetrovanje omare. Po potrebi je med dnom 3 in stropom 4 nameščenih še več takih profilov 5, prednostno vsaj eden. Na pokončnih elementih 1 in 2 so tik pred profili 5 nameščena vratna krila 6 naThe cabinet is made of side upright elements 1, preferably panels and, if necessary, upright upright elements 2. The elements 1 and 2 are connected to one another at the bottom by the bottom 3, and at the top by the ceiling 4, which flow from the front edges of the elements 1 and 2 to the offset from the rear edges of the upright elements 1 and 2, where transversally extending profiles 5 are provided to secure the cabinet from behind the bottom 3 and the ceiling 4 and between the elements 1 and 2. If necessary, more such profiles 5 are installed between the bottom 3 and the ceiling 4, preferably at least one. On the uprights 1 and 2, door wings 6 are mounted just before the profiles 5

27104.doc/VIII-01/D27-Vr tečajih 7 in sicer glede na razmik med sosednjima pokončnima elementoma 1 in 2 enojno krilo ali pa dvojno in tvori hrbet omare.27104.doc / VIII-01 / D27-Vr hinges 7, relative to the spacing between adjacent upright elements 1 and 2, single wing or double and forming the back of the cabinet.

Pod dnom 3 omare je po potrebi prostor zapolnjen z izvlečljivim predalom 8, ki je po konstrukciji znan. Nad stropom 4 je sorazmerno velik prostor do stropa sobe.Underneath the bottom 3 of the cabinet, the space is filled, if necessary, with a pull-out drawer 8, which is known by design. Above the ceiling 4, there is a relatively large space up to the ceiling of the room.

Razmik med profili 5 in zadnjim robom pokončnih elementov 1 in 2, ki praviloma nalegajo ali pa potekajo tik ob zadnji steni prostora, določa prezračevalno režo 9, ki poteka po vsej višini omare in povezuje prostor pod dnom 3 in prostor nad stropom 4 in zagotavlja strujanje zraka za hrbtiščem omare.The spacing between the profiles 5 and the rear edge of the upright elements 1 and 2, which generally lie in place or extend near the rear wall, determines a ventilation gap 9 extending over the entire height of the cabinet and connecting the space below the floor 3 and the space above the ceiling 4 and providing flow air behind the back of the cabinet.

Vrata 10 omare so predvidena tako, da potekajo v sorazmerno majhnem odmiku od tal in stropa prostora, da tvorijo prezračevalni reži 11, 12.The cabinet doors 10 are designed to extend at a relatively small distance from the floor and ceiling of the room to form ventilation slots 11, 12.

Za vrati 10 na zgornjem delu omare je po potrebi izvedena še prečna oporna letev 13, medtem ko nad tlemi ni potrebna podobna letev.After door 10 on the upper part of the cabinet, if necessary, a transverse supporting lath 13 is made, while no similar lath is required above the floor.

Za niveliranje omare so pod pokončnimi elementi 1 in 2 nameščene vijačne nogice 14 ali podobni znani tonamenski pohištveni elementi.For leveling the cabinet, screw feet 14 or similar known tan furniture elements are mounted below the upright elements 1 and 2.

Za zapiranje rež med bočnima pokončnima elementoma 1 in stenama prostora so predvidena zaključna vrata 15, ki so prednostno nameščena na elementih 1 s standardnimi podboji in imata na steni priležnem robu po potrebi nameščena še dodatna zaključna zaključna profila 16, ki ju fiksiramo na licu mesta za natančno prilagoditev neravnosti sten.Closing doors 15 between the side uprights 1 and the walls of the space are provided for closing the slots, which are preferably mounted on the standard lining elements 1 and, if necessary, have additional end closing profiles 16 fixed on the wall, which are fixed on the spot for fine adjustment of wall unevenness.

27104-1 ,doc/IX-01/D28-Vr27104-1, doc / IX-01 / D28-Vr

Vsi spojni elementi in podboji so tipski in izbrani glede na vsakokratne potrebe. Tudi zunanji izgled omare je poljuben in ga omogoča konstrukcija, ko t je bila opisana. Namesto vrat na tečajih so lahko izvedena tudi smučna vrata, ali pa vrat, ki ne tečejo od tal do stropa: samo delno ali pa so v prečni smeri predeljena v več vrat. Predali so lahko vidni ali pa zakriti za vrati. Nadalje so možne še druge oblikovne različice, ne da bi obšli bistvo izuma, ki je opredeljeno v sledečih patentnih zahtevkih.All fittings and frames are standard and selected according to their respective needs. Also, the exterior of the cabinet is arbitrary and is made possible by the construction when t has been described. Instead of a hinged door, a ski door may be provided, or a door that does not run from floor to ceiling: only partially or, in the transverse direction, several doors can be converted. The drawers can be visible or hidden behind the door. Further embodiments are possible without circumventing the essence of the invention as defined in the following claims.

Claims (4)

1. Omara, ki je izvedena iz bočnih pokončnih elementov (1), prednostno plošč in po potrebi vmesnih pokončnih elementov (2) z nivelimimi vijačnimi nogicami (14) in so elementi (1) in (2) med seboj povezani na spodnjem delu z dnom (3), na zgornjem delu pa s stropom (4), pri čemer so na licu omare nameščena vratna krila (10), v njej pa po potrebi predali (8), označena s tem, da tečeta dno (3) in strop (4) v odmiku od zadnjih robov pokončnih elementov (1 in 2), kjer so izza dna (3), stropa (4) ter po potrebi tudi vmes in med elementi (1 in 2) nameščeni prečno potekajoči profili (5) za zavetrovanje omare, s čimer določa razmik med profili (5) in zadnjim robom pokončnih elementov (1 in 2) prezračevalno režo (9), ki poteka po vsej višini omare in povezuje prostor pod dnom (3) in prostor nad stropom (4) in zagotavlja strujanje zraka za hrbtiščem omare, ter da so na pokončnih elementih (1 in 2) pred profili (5) nameščena vratna krila (6) kot hrbtišče omareA cabinet made of laterally upright elements (1), preferably panels and, where appropriate, upright upright elements (2) with leveling screw legs (14) and elements (1) and (2) interconnected at the bottom by the bottom (3) and the upper part with a ceiling (4), with door leafs (10) mounted on the cabinet face and drawers (8) in it, characterized in that the bottom (3) and the ceiling flow. (4) away from the rear edges of the upright elements (1 and 2), where transversely flowing profiles (5) are mounted behind and between the bottom (3), ceiling (4) and, if necessary, between and between the elements (1 and 2) cabinets, thereby determining the distance between the profiles (5) and the rear edge of the upright elements (1 and 2) a ventilation slot (9) extending over the entire height of the cabinet and connecting the space below the floor (3) and the space above the ceiling (4) air flow behind the back of the cabinet, and that the uprights (1 and 2) in front of the profiles (5) have door wings (6) installed as the back of the cabinet 2. Omara po zahtevku 1, označena s tem, da so čelna vrata (10) omare so predvidena tako, da potekajo v sorazmerno majhnem odmiku od tal in stropa prostora, da tvorijo prezračevalni reži (11, 12).Cabinet according to claim 1, characterized in that the front door (10) of the cabinet is designed to extend at a relatively small distance from the floor and ceiling of the room to form ventilation slots (11, 12). 3. Omara po zahtevkih 1 in 2 označena s tem, da je za vrati (10) na zgornjem delu omare po potrebi izvedena še prečna oporna letev (13).Cabinet according to claims 1 and 2, characterized in that a transverse support strip (13) is provided behind the door (10) on the upper part of the cabinet if necessary. 4. Omara po zahtevkih 1 do 3 označena s tem, da so med bočnima pokončnima elementoma (1) in stenama prostora predvidena zaključna vrata (15), ki imata na steni priležnem robu po potrebi nameščen še dodatna zaključna profila (16).Cabinet according to Claims 1 to 3, characterized in that an end door (15) is provided between the side uprights (1) and the walls of the room, which, if necessary, have additional end profiles (16) on the adjacent wall.
SI200100209A 2001-08-08 2001-08-08 Wardrobe SI21006A2 (en)

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* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
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CN109259450A (en) * 2018-11-05 2019-01-25 嘉兴市中深爱的家居科技有限公司 A kind of wardrobe convenient for adjusting inner space size with cleaning function
CN112641244B (en) * 2020-11-27 2022-07-19 国科华创认证有限责任公司 Scientific research achievement comprehensive management device

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US1488057A (en) * 1923-01-16 1924-03-25 Pilz Morris Sheet-metal clothing closet or locker
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JP3584711B2 (en) * 1997-12-22 2004-11-04 松下電工株式会社 Closet dust collection structure

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