SI20247A - Adjustable device for climbing on wooden and concrete, polyester or metallic poles - Google Patents
Adjustable device for climbing on wooden and concrete, polyester or metallic poles Download PDFInfo
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- SI20247A SI20247A SI9900142A SI9900142A SI20247A SI 20247 A SI20247 A SI 20247A SI 9900142 A SI9900142 A SI 9900142A SI 9900142 A SI9900142 A SI 9900142A SI 20247 A SI20247 A SI 20247A
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- A63B27/00—Apparatus for climbing poles, trees, or the like
- A63B27/02—Climbing devices for round poles or trees attachable to the feet
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NASTAVLJIVA PRIPRAVA ZA VZPENJANJE NA LESENE IN BETONSKE, POLIESTRSKE ALI KOVINSKE DROGOVE is Predmet izuma je nastavljiva priprava za plezanje na lesene in betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove, ki je uporabna in omogoča plezanje in varno delo na drogovih različnih debelin, oziroma je možno pripravo enostavno prilagoditi spreminjajočemu se obsegu, oziroma konični obliki droga med vzpenjanjem, brez nevarnosti za zdrs plezalca.ADJUSTABLE PREPARATION FOR CLAMPING ON WOOD AND CONCRETE, POLYESTER OR METAL RODS The subject of the invention is an adjustable climbing device for wooden and concrete, polyester or metal poles, which is useful and allows climbing and safe work on poles of different thicknesses, ie adjust to the changing range, or conical shape of the pole during climb, without the risk of the climber slipping.
2o Izum sodi v razred A63B 27/00 mednarodne patentne klasifikacije.2o The invention belongs to Class A63B 27/00 of the International Patent Classification.
Tehnični problem, ki ga predložena izvedba priprave po izumu uspešno rešuje, je konstrukcija in izvedba takšnega mehanizma za plezanje, ki bo omogočal enostavno prilagajanje priprave za vzpenjanje različnim obsegom drogov brez sestopa ali posebne dodatne obremenitve plezalca.A technical problem that is successfully solved by the present embodiment of the device according to the invention is the construction and implementation of such a climbing mechanism that will allow easy adjustment of the climbing device to different ranges of masts without descent or special additional loading of the climber.
Leseni in betonski, poliestrski ali kovinski drogovi, ki jih uporabljamo kot nosilne drogove za nadzemne elektroinstalacijske vode, telefonske vode, cestno razsvetljavo ipd. imajo na vrhu nameščene izolatorje skozi katere potekajo žice. Poleg tega so na vrhu takih drogov lahko nameščene razdelilne omarice, transformatorji itd. Vsi ti deli so podvrženi okvaram, ki nastajajo zaradi različnih tehničnih vzrokov, atmosferskih praznitev ipd. Zaradi tega je potrebno občasno splezati na tak drog in na njem opraviti določena dela.Wooden and concrete, polyester or metal poles for use as supporting poles for overhead lines, telephone lines, street lighting and the like. have insulators through which wires run through. In addition, distribution boxes, transformers, etc. may be installed on top of such poles. All these parts are subject to failures caused by various technical causes, atmospheric discharges, etc. For this reason, it is necessary to climb on such a pole from time to time and perform certain work on it.
Problem, ki se pojavlja pri plezanju na take drogove, je predvsem v tem, da imajo različni drogovi različno debelino, poleg tega pa so drogovi ponavadi konično oblikovani, kar pomeni, da je lahko dimenzijska razlika med premerom v spodnjem dela in premerom na vrha precej velika. Pri plezanju na tak drog pa plezalec nima velike možnosti nastavljanja oz. prilagajanja plezalnega pripomočka debelini droga na katerega pleza.The problem with climbing such poles is that the different poles have different thicknesses, and the poles are usually conically shaped, which means that the dimensional difference between the diameter at the bottom and the diameter at the tops can be quite big. When climbing such a pole, however, the climber does not have much opportunity to adjust. adapting a climbing device to the thickness of the pole to which it is climbing.
is Tehnični problem, ki ga dosedanje rešitve plezalnih mehanizmov niso uspešno reševale, je torej izvedba takšne priprave za plezanje po lesenih in betonskih, poliestrskih ali kovinskih drogovih, ki bo uporabna za plezanje na drogove različnih debelin, poleg tega pa bo omogočeno enostavno prilagajanje različni debelini drogov tudi med samim plezanjem, m priprava pa bo uporabna tako za plezanje po lesenih, kakor tudi po betonskih, poliestrskih ali kovinskih A technical problem that has not been successfully solved by climbing mechanisms so far is the implementation of such a device for climbing wooden and concrete, polyester or metal poles, which will be useful for climbing on poles of different thicknesses, and will also allow easy adjustment to different thicknesses The poles will also be useful for climbing wooden as well as concrete, polyester or metal poles.
Dosedanje rešitve sistemov za plezanje na drogove so obsegale več ali manj neuspešne poskuse izvedbe pripomočkov, ki niso zagotavljali varnega plezanja in tudi niso omogočali delo na vrhu droga. Ena izmed takih rešitev je opisana tudi v patentnem dokumentu WO 97/43016, ki pa ne rešuje uspešno zastavljenega tehničnega problema.Previous solutions for pole-climbing systems consisted of more or less unsuccessful attempts to implement aids that did not provide safe climbing and did not allow work on top of the pole. One such solution is also described in patent document WO 97/43016, which does not, however, successfully resolve the technical problem posed.
Tudi rešitev, ki jo opisuje patentni dokument WO 94/19063 in je namenjena plezanju na drogove, ki imajo izveden poseben profiliran utor, s ne rešuje zadovoljivo zastavljenega tehničnega problema. Kot pripomoček pri plezanju na drogove služi tudi rešitev opisana v dokumentu WO 95/15790. ta rešitev predvideva uvitje posebno oblikovanih vijačnih nastavkov v drog in nato pri plezanju vtikanje posebnih nastavkov v zato prirejenem telesu vijačnega nastavka. Rešitev ne nudi zadovoljivega io učinka, poleg tega pa je treba vijačne nastavke uviti v drog še pred njegovo postavitvijo, kar dodatno podraži samo izvedbo.Also, the solution described in patent document WO 94/19063, which is intended for climbing on poles having a special profiled groove, does not solve satisfactorily the technical problem. As an accessory for pole climbing, the solution described in document WO 95/15790 also serves. this solution involves the insertion of specially designed screw nuts into the pole and then, when climbing, the inserting of the special nozzles into the adapted body of the screw nozzle. The solution does not provide a satisfactory io effect, and the screw nozzles need to be screwed into the pole even before it is installed, which only increases the cost of implementation.
Poleg opisanih naprav pa so znane tudi plezalke, ki se pritrdijo na vsako nogo in jih sestavljata fiksno povezana objemni lok in stopalo. Stopalo si pritrdi plezalec na nogo, samo vzpenjanje pa poteka tako, da is plezalec izmenično prestavlja eno in drugo nogo in s tem tudi objemni lok po drogu. Tako izvedene plezalke omogočajo vzpenjanje le po določenih dimenzijah drogov, glede na razdaljo med objemnim lokom in stopalom. Zato je treba pri plezanju na različno debele drogove uporabljati plezalke z različnimi velikostmi objemnih lokov, oziroma je položaj plezalca na so višini in ožjem drogu nestabilen.In addition to the described devices, there are also known climbers that attach to each leg and are made up of a fixedly connected hug and foot. The foot is fixed by the climber to the leg, and the climb is performed in such a way that the climber alternately moves one and the other leg, and thus also the embrace arch along the pole. Climbers made in this way allow climbing only along certain dimensions of the poles, depending on the distance between the bow arch and the foot. Therefore, climbers with different sizes of arches should be used when climbing on differently thick poles, or the position of the climber at the height and narrow pole is unstable.
Nastavljivo pripravo za plezanje na lesene in betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove po izumu sestavljata preko regulacijskega mehanizma nastavljivo povezan objemni lok s stopalom, ter nastavljiva, preko mehanizma s potezno ročico povezana pomična konzola tako, da je oprijem droga z objemnim lokom in pomično konzolo vedno v treh točkah, ne glede na debelino droga.The adjustable climbing device on wooden and concrete, polyester or metal poles according to the invention consists of a controllable connected arch with a foot via a control mechanism, and an adjustable, movable bracket connected via a pull-arm mechanism so that the grip of the pole with the arc and the movable bracket is always at three points, regardless of the thickness of the pole.
Izum bomo podrobneje obrazložili na osnovi izvedbenega primera in pripadajočih slik, od katerih kaže:The invention will be explained in more detail on the basis of an embodiment and accompanying drawings, of which:
slika 1a shematski prikaz nastavljive priprave za plezanje na lesene drogove v pogledu od zgoraj nastavljeno za plezanje na širše drogove;Figure 1a is a schematic view of an adjustable climbing device on wooden poles in a top view set for climbing broad poles;
slika 1b shematski prikaz nastavljive priprave za plezanje na lesene drogove v pogledu od zgoraj nastavljeno za plezanje na ožje drogove;Figure 1b is a schematic view of an adjustable climbing device on wooden poles in top view set for climbing narrow poles;
slika 2a shematski prikaz nastavljive priprave za plezanje na is betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove v pogledu od zgoraj nastavljeno za plezanje na širše drogove;Figure 2a is a schematic illustration of an adjustable climbing device for concrete, polyester or metal poles in a top view set for climbing wider poles;
slika 2b shematski prikaz nastavljive priprave za plezanje na betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove v pogledu od zgoraj nastavljeno za plezanje na ožje drogove.Figure 2b is a schematic illustration of an adjustable climbing device for concrete, polyester or metal poles in a top view set for climbing narrow poles.
Nastavljiva priprava po izumu, ki je prikazana na slikah 1 in 2, je uporabna tako za plezanje na lesene, kot tudi na betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove. Osnovne konstrukcijske značilnosti naprave po izumu so enake, razlika je le v tem, da so pri napravi za plezanje na lesene drogove na objemnem loku in pomični konzoli izvedeni oprijemalni zobje 2', 9' in 10', medtem ko so pri napravi za plezanje na betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove izvedene gumaste obloge 2, 9 in 10. Zato s bomo pri opisovanju priprave po izumu opisovali pripravo z gumastimi oblogami, to je za plezanje na betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove, kar pa isto velja tudi za pripravo za plezanje na lesene drogove.The adjustable device of the invention shown in Figures 1 and 2 is useful for climbing wooden as well as concrete, polyester or metal poles. The basic structural features of the device according to the invention are the same, the only difference is that the clamping teeth on the pole arch and the movable bracket have 2 ', 9' and 10 'clamping teeth while concrete, polyester or metal poles made of rubber pads 2, 9 and 10. Therefore, in describing the preparation according to the invention, we will describe the preparation with rubber pads, that is, for climbing on concrete, polyester or metal poles, which also applies to the climbing device on wooden poles.
Nastavljivo pripravo za plezanje na betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove po izumu sestavljajo objemni lok 1 na koncu katerega je io nameščena gumasta obloga 2, pri čemer je objemni lok 1 z regulacijskim mehanizmom 3 pomično pritrjen na stopalo 4, na katerem je nameščeno gumasto streme 5 s priteznim trakom in zaponko. Iz stopala 4 izhaja nastavljivo, s pomočjo mehanizma 6 s potezno ročico 7, nameščena pomična konzola 8, ki ima na koncu postavljeni dve gumasti oblogi 9, 10. is V izvedbi priprave za plezanje na lesene drogove so gumaste obloge 2, 9, nadomeščene z oprijemalnimi zobmi 2',9',10'.The adjustable climbing device on concrete, polyester or metal poles according to the invention consists of a clamping arch 1 at the end of which a rubber pad 2 is mounted, with the clamping arch 1 being movably attached to the foot 4 on which a rubber stirrup 5 is mounted. with strap and buckle. From the foot 4, a movable bracket 8 is mounted, adjustable by means of a mechanism 6 with a pull lever 7, which has two rubber pads 9, 10 installed at the end. grip teeth 2 ', 9', 10 '.
Pri nastavitvi priprave po izumu najprej s pomočjo regulacijskega mehanizma 3 nastavimo pravilno oddaljenost objemnega loka 1, s pomočjo mehanizma 6 s potezno ročico 7 pa položaj pomične konzole 8 tako, da priprava nalega preko gumastih oblog 2, 9 in 10 na drog na katerega mislimo plezati. Med samim plezanjem po drogu spremenljive višine nato enostavno s potegom potezne ročice 7 preko mehanizma 6 pomikamo pomično konzolo 8 bliže drogu tako, da imamo vselej optimalen oprijem med priprave po izumu in drogom v treh točkah.When adjusting the device according to the invention, first, by means of the control mechanism 3, the correct distance of the clamping arc 1 is adjusted, and by the mechanism 6 with the crank 7, the position of the movable bracket 8 so that the device rests on the pole on which it is intended to climb via the rubber pads 2, 9 and 10 . While climbing the variable height pole, then by simply pulling the pull lever 7 through the mechanism 6, the sliding bracket 8 is moved closer to the pole, so that there is always an optimal grip between the devices of the invention and the pole at three points.
Stopalo 4, na katerem je nameščeno gumasto streme 5 s priteznim trakom in zaponko, je oblikovano tako, da se nanj prilega vsaka velikost čevlja. Gumasto streme 5 drži pritezni trak v takem položaju, da je namestitev priprave na nogo hitra in enostavna. Pripravo po izumu pritrdimo na nogo le s potegom priteznega pasu skozi drsno zaponko. Na enak način tudi snamemo pripravo z noge.The foot 4, on which a rubber stirrup 5 is mounted with a clamping strap and a buckle, is designed to fit any shoe size. The rubber stirrup 5 holds the clamping strap in such a position that it is quick and easy to place the leg preparation. The device according to the invention is fixed to the leg only by pulling the clamping belt through the sliding buckle. In the same way, we also remove the preparation from the foot.
Glavna značilnost opisane nastavljive priprave za plezanje na betonske, poliestrske ali kovinske drogove po izumu je njena enostavna prilagodljivost na različne debeline drogov preko nastavljanja položaja objemnega loka 1 s pomočjo regulacijskega mehanizma 3, oziroma enostavna možnost reguacije položaja pomične konzole 8 s pomočjo mehanizma 6 s potezno ročico 7 med samim plezanjem. Na ta način nam priprava po izumu nadomesti več velikostnih tipov standardnih plezalk, med plezanjem po konično oblikovanem drogu pa je priprava vedno v stiku z drogom v treh točkah preko gumastih oblog 2, 9, 10 ali zob 2', 9',The main feature of the adjustable device for climbing concrete, polyester or metal poles according to the invention is its simple adaptability to different thicknesses of the poles by adjusting the position of the clamping arc 1 by means of the control mechanism 3, or by the simple possibility of adjusting the position of the movable bracket 8 by means of a mechanism 6 with a drawbar lever 7 while climbing. In this way, the device according to the invention replaces several size types of standard climbers, and while climbing a conically shaped pole, the device is always in contact with the pole at three points through rubber linings 2, 9, 10 or teeth 2 ', 9',
10'.10 '.
Samo telo priprave kot tudi objemni lok 1 so izdelani iz votlih profilov in ne iz masivnih materialov, kot je to primer pri dosedaj znanih izvedbah plezalk.Only the preparation body as well as the clamping arch 1 are made of hollow profiles and not of solid materials, as is the case with climbers known so far.
Claims (4)
Priority Applications (4)
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SI9900142A SI20247A (en) | 1999-06-03 | 1999-06-03 | Adjustable device for climbing on wooden and concrete, polyester or metallic poles |
PCT/SI2000/000015 WO2000074791A1 (en) | 1999-06-03 | 2000-06-02 | Adjustable device for climbing wooden, concrete, polyester or metal posts |
AU55850/00A AU5585000A (en) | 1999-06-03 | 2000-06-02 | Adjustable device for climbing wooden, concrete, polyester or metal posts |
EP00941094A EP1218066A1 (en) | 1999-06-03 | 2000-06-02 | Adjustable device for climbing wooden, concrete, polyester or metal posts |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
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SI9900142A SI20247A (en) | 1999-06-03 | 1999-06-03 | Adjustable device for climbing on wooden and concrete, polyester or metallic poles |
Publications (1)
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SI20247A true SI20247A (en) | 2000-12-31 |
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SI9900142A SI20247A (en) | 1999-06-03 | 1999-06-03 | Adjustable device for climbing on wooden and concrete, polyester or metallic poles |
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Cited By (1)
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Cited By (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
CN104815422A (en) * | 2015-04-28 | 2015-08-05 | 国家电网公司 | Foot fastener |
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AU5585000A (en) | 2000-12-28 |
WO2000074791A1 (en) | 2000-12-14 |
EP1218066A1 (en) | 2002-07-03 |
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