SI20058A - Pharmaceutical forms - Google Patents
Pharmaceutical forms Download PDFInfo
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- SI20058A SI20058A SI9800281A SI9800281A SI20058A SI 20058 A SI20058 A SI 20058A SI 9800281 A SI9800281 A SI 9800281A SI 9800281 A SI9800281 A SI 9800281A SI 20058 A SI20058 A SI 20058A
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- Slovenia
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- cellulose
- pharmaceutical formulation
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- formulation according
- pharmaceutical
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- Medicinal Preparation (AREA)
- Pharmaceuticals Containing Other Organic And Inorganic Compounds (AREA)
Področje tehnike, v katero spada izumFIELD OF THE INVENTION
A 61K 31/43A 61K 31/43
Izum spada v področje farmacevtske tehnologije in se nanaša na stabilne farmacevtske oblike amoksicilina in klavulanske kisline za peroralno aplikacijo. Izum se nanaša na vodne suspenzije in disperzije, ki jih dobimo po rekonstituciji praška ali granulata z dodatkom predpisane količine vode. Izum se nanaša tudi na na prašek za pripravo stabilne vodne suspenzije in granulata za pripravo vodne disperzije.The invention relates to the field of pharmaceutical technology and relates to stable pharmaceutical forms of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid for oral administration. The invention relates to aqueous suspensions and dispersions obtained after reconstitution of a powder or granulate with the addition of a prescribed amount of water. The invention also relates to a powder for preparing a stable aqueous suspension and a granulate for preparing an aqueous dispersion.
Tehnični problemA technical problem
Amoksicilin je dobro znan širokospektralni antibiotik, ki v kombinaciji s klavulansko kislino, ki deluje kot inhibitor β-laktamaz, učinkuje tudi pri bakterijskih sojih, ki so rezistentni na β-laktamaze. Znano je, da pri terapiji z antibiotiki nastopajo kot pogost stranski učinek gastrointestinalne motnje, ki so zlasti izrazite pri občutljivih osebah in pri majhnih otrocih. Zato obstaja stalna potreba po razvoju farmacevtskih oblik, ki bi bile stabilne, sprejemljivega okusa in bi istočasno imele čimmanj stranskih učinkov na gastrointestinalni trakt.Amoxicillin is a well-known broad-spectrum antibiotic that, in combination with clavulanic acid, which acts as an inhibitor of β-lactamases, also acts on bacterial strains that are resistant to β-lactamases. Antibiotic therapy is known to be a common side effect of gastrointestinal disorders, particularly pronounced in susceptible persons and young children. Therefore, there is an ongoing need to develop pharmaceutical formulations that are stable, acceptable in taste and that have as little adverse effects on the gastrointestinal tract as possible.
Stanje tehnikeThe state of the art
Običajne formulacije v obliki praška za suspenzijo ali granulata za disperzijo vsebujejo kot glavno polnilo sladkorje kot so glukoza, fruktoza, laktoza, maltoza ali poliole kot npr. manitol, sorbitol, ksilitol. Sladkorji in polioli imajo to slabo lastnost, da pri oralni aplikaciji v večjih količinah delujejo laksativno, omogočajo pa izdelavo farmacevtskega proizvoda s prijetnim okusom, kar je zlasti pomembno pri terapiji pri majhnih otrocih.Conventional formulations in the form of a powder for powder or dispersion granulate contain sugars such as glucose, fructose, lactose, maltose or polyols such as e.g. mannitol, sorbitol, xylitol. Sugars and polyols have this poor property of having a laxative effect on oral administration, in large quantities, and of producing a palatable pharmaceutical product, which is especially important in therapy in young children.
Da bi suspenzije amoksicilina in klavulanske kisline povzročale manj gastrointestinalnih težav, so sladkor ali manitol zamenjali npr. s silicijevim dioksidom. Pri tem pa se je poslabšal okus suspenzije.To make suspensions of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid less gastrointestinal, sugar or mannitol have been replaced, for example. with silica. In doing so, the taste of the suspension deteriorated.
Stranske učinke na gastrointestinalni trakt, ki jih povzroča zdravljenje z zdravili, ki vsebujejo amoksicilin in klavulansko kislino, so poskušali zmanjšati tudi z različnimi dodatki. V patentni prijavi WO 96/07408 so opisane farmacevtske oblike, ki vsebujejo amoksicilin in klavulansko kislino ter dodatek farmacevtsko sprejemljivih organskih kislin ali njihovih soli, ki zmanjšajo stranske učinke na gastrointestinalni trakt. WO 97/06798 opisuje farmacevtske oblike s klavulanatom, ki za zmanjšanje gastrointestinalne intolerance vsebujejo farmacevtsko sprejemljive soli zemljoalkalijskih kovin in anorganskih kislin.The side effects on the gastrointestinal tract caused by treatment with drugs containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid have also been tried to reduce various supplements. WO 96/07408 discloses pharmaceutical formulations containing amoxicillin and clavulanic acid and the addition of pharmaceutically acceptable organic acids or their salts, which reduce side effects on the gastrointestinal tract. WO 97/06798 discloses pharmaceutical forms with clavulanate containing pharmaceutically acceptable salts of alkaline earth metals and inorganic acids to reduce gastrointestinal intolerance.
Dodatek raznih metalnih soli zlasti pri prevladujoči količini silicijevega dioksida poveča neprijetnost okusa in take formulacije so težko sprejemljive za uživanje.The addition of various metallic salts, especially with the predominant amount of silica, increases the taste discomfort and such formulations are difficult to accept.
Opis rešitve tehničnega problemaDescription of solution to a technical problem
Osnovni namen izuma je priprava praška za suspenzijo ali granulata za disperzijo z amoksicilin trihidratom in kalijevim klavulanatom, ki ima pri oralni aplikaciji zmanjšan pojav gastrointestinalne intolerance in je prijetnega okusa. Okus suspenzije je zlasti pomemben pri terapiji pri majhnih otrocih. Ta cilj dosežemo s tem, da kot polnilo uporabimo celulozo, ki je lahko mikrokristalna ali v prahu. V ta namen lahko uporabljamo različne tipe celuloz, ki dajejo glede na svoje lastnosti kot so sposobnosti nabrekanja ali različna velikost delcev, stabilne suspenzije. Celuloza je naravni polisaharid, dobljen iz rastlinskih vlaken. Na razpolago je v dveh oblikah: v koloidni obliki, ki se uporablja v kombinaciji z drugimi polnili kot sredstvo za suspendiranje, in v obliki, ki se ne dispergira v vodi in je primerna kot polnilo pri izdelavi tablet. Običajno se v suspenzijah uporabljajo drugi tipi celuloz z večjo sposobnostjo nabrekanja, ki delujejo kot zgoščevalci v suspenzijah in v manjših koncentracijah (0,2 - 5%).The main purpose of the invention is to provide a powder for suspension or granulate for dispersion with amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate, which in oral administration has reduced gastrointestinal intolerance and has a pleasant taste. The taste of suspension is particularly important in therapy in young children. This objective is achieved by using cellulose, which may be microcrystalline or powdered, as a filler. For this purpose, different types of cellulose can be used which give stable suspensions depending on their properties such as swelling ability or different particle size. Cellulose is a natural polysaccharide derived from vegetable fibers. It is available in two forms: the colloidal form, used in combination with other fillers as a suspending agent, and the non-water dispersible formulation, which is suitable as a filler for tablet manufacture. Typically, other types of cellulose with higher swelling capacity are used in suspensions, which act as thickeners in suspensions and at lower concentrations (0.2 - 5%).
Z uporabo celuloze kot polnilom, ki ima istočasno funkcijo kot sredstvo za zgoščevanje in sredstvo za stabilizacijo suspenzije in ki jo predhodno osušimo in s tem zmanjšamo količino proste vode, ki neugodno vpliva na stabilnost klavulanske kisline, dosežemo dobro stabilnost rekonstituirane suspenzije v času uporabe 7 do 10 dni. Količina celuloze kot glavnega polnila v formulaciji lahko znaša od 5 - 60 utežnih %. Delež učinkovin je 20 do 70%.By using cellulose as a filler, which simultaneously acts as a thickening agent and a stabilizing agent of the suspension and which is previously dried to reduce the amount of free water which adversely affects the stability of clavulanic acid, good stability of the reconstituted suspension is achieved during use 7 to 10 days. The amount of cellulose as the main filler in the formulation may range from 5 to 60% by weight. The percentage of active ingredients is 20 to 70%.
Kot celuloza se lahko uporabi mikrokristalna celuloza (Avicel, Emcocel, Vitacel) s povprečno velikostjo delcev 50μηι, še bolje mikrokristalna celuloza s finejšimi delci npr. s povprečno velikostjo delcev 20μηη.Microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel, Emcocel, Vitacel) with an average particle size of 50μηι, more preferably microcrystalline cellulose with finer particles, e.g. with an average particle size of 20μηη.
Lahko se uporabi celuloza v prahu (Vivacel, Elcema, Solka-Flok) z različno velikostjo delcev ali kot granuliran prašek.Powdered cellulose (Vivacel, Elcema, Solka-Flok) with different particle sizes or as granulated powder may be used.
Lahko uporabimo tudi celulozo v kombinaciji s sladkorji ali polioli v takšni količini, da ne pride do taksativnega delovanja.Cellulose in combination with sugars or polyols may also be used in such an amount that no action is taken.
Kot pomožne snovi so v formulacijo vključeni ingredienti, ki se običajno uporabljajo v farmacevtiki za izdelavo tovrstnih pripravkov. Za izboljšanje okusa dodamo ustrezne arome in sladila, prednostno saharin, njegovo natrijevo sol ali aspartam v koncentraciji, ki je dovoljena za uporabo v oralnih farmacevtskih oblikah. Lahko se uporabi ena aroma ali še bolje kombinacija dveh ali več arom kot npr. jagodna aroma, aroma češnja, divja češnja, aroma limona, banana, malina, pomaranča, karamel in druge sadne arome ter ostale arome, ki dajejo v kombinaciji z antibiotiki prijeten vonj in okus.Excipients commonly used in the pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of such preparations are included as excipients. To improve the taste, suitable flavors and sweeteners are added, preferably saccharin, its sodium salt or aspartame in a concentration authorized for use in oral pharmaceutical forms. One flavor or even better combination of two or more flavors such as e.g. berry aroma, cherry aroma, wild cherry, lemon, banana, raspberry, orange, caramel and other fruit aromas and other aromas that, in combination with antibiotics, have a pleasant aroma and taste.
Kot ostali dodatki se lahko uporabljajo sredstva za uravnavo pH kot so razne kisline npr. citronska kislina, jantarna kislina, sredstva za nabrekanje in zgoščevanje kot npr. alginati, guma xantan, celuloze, drsljivci kot silicijevi dioksidi, konzervansi, stabilizatorji suspenzij in drugi dodatki.As other additives, pH adjusting agents such as various acids can be used. citric acid, succinic acid, swelling and thickening agents such as e.g. alginates, xanthan gum, cellulose, silica slides, preservatives, suspension stabilizers and other additives.
Formulacija je namenjena za peroralno terapijo pri doziranju 2x dnevno ali 3x dnevno v predpisani dozi. Namenjena je zdravljenju v pediatriji, zdravljenju odraslih oseb in starejših ter tistih, ki imajo težave pri požiranju.The formulation is intended for oral therapy at a dosage of 2x daily or 3x daily at the prescribed dose. It is intended for pediatric treatment, treatment for adults and the elderly, and those who have difficulty swallowing.
Formulacija se nanaša na kombinacijo klavulanske kisline in amoksicilin trihidrata v razmerju 1:1 do 1:20 izraženo na prosto kislino, prednostno 4:1 do 8:1. Zajema prašek za supenzijo ali granulat za disperzijo za oralno aplikacijo v dozah:The formulation refers to a combination of clavulanic acid and amoxicillin trihydrate in a ratio of 1: 1 to 1:20 expressed in free acid, preferably 4: 1 to 8: 1. Covers powder for suspension or granulate for dispersion for oral administration in doses of:
Možne so tudi druge doze.Other doses are also possible.
Prašek ali granulat je embaliran v zrakotesno embalažo kot so stekleničke ali plastenke z ustreznim navojem ali vrečke za pripravo supenzije oz. disperzije tik pred uporabo.The powder or granulate is packaged in an airtight container such as bottles or bottles with a suitable thread or sachets for the preparation of the suspension or sachets. dispersions just before use.
Za pripravo praška ali granulata uporabimo običajne postopke kot so homogenzacija, sejanje in mletje. Del ingredientov se lahko predhodno granulira ali pa se uporabijo že granulirani ingredienti. S tem dosežemo boljšo vsipljivost praška, kar je zlasti pomembno pri embaliranju v vrečke.For the preparation of a powder or granulate, conventional procedures such as homogenization, sieving and milling are used. Part of the constituents may be pre-granulated or pre-granulated ingredients may be used. This results in better absorption of the powder, which is especially important when packing in bags.
Ingredienti, ki se uporabljajo v formulaciji naj bodo tudi predhodno osušeni ali pa uporabimo brezvodno obliko. Tako sušimo celulozo in kombinacijo celuloze z natrijevo karboksimetilcelulozo do izgube pri sušenju pod 1%. Sušenje lahko poteka na pladenjskem sušilniku ali v vakumskem sušilniku. Z dodatnim sušenjem ingredientov dosežemo, da ima prašek oz. granulat nizko vlago, npr pod 6%. Znano je namreč, da je klavulanska kislina oz. njene soli izredno občutljiva na prisotnost vlage in proste vode ter podvržena hitremu hidrolitskemu razkroju. Izdelava formulacije zato poteka v ustrezno klimatiziranih proizvodnih prostorih z relativno vlago pod 30% in temperaturo pod 25°C.The ingredients used in the formulation should also be pre-dried or use an anhydrous form. The cellulose and cellulose combination are thus dried with sodium carboxymethylcellulose to a drying loss of less than 1%. Drying can be done on a tray dryer or in a vacuum dryer. By additionally drying the ingredients, it is possible to have a powder or a powder. low moisture granulate, eg below 6%. Namely, clavulanic acid is known. its salts are extremely sensitive to the presence of moisture and free water and subject to rapid hydrolytic degradation. The formulation is therefore carried out in properly air-conditioned production rooms with relative humidity below 30% and temperature below 25 ° C.
Izvedbeni primeri:Implementing examples:
Primer 1:Example 1:
Pripravili smo štiri formulacije z različno vsebnostjo amoksicilin trihidrata in kalijevega klavulanata. Njihova sestava in vloga posameznih pomožnih snovi je podana v tabeli:Four formulations with different content of amoxicillin trihydrate and potassium clavulanate were prepared. Their composition and the role of each of the excipients is given in the table:
Za pripravo smo uporabili tehnike, ki so v farmacevtski tehnologiji običajne za pripravo praškov in granulata za rekonstitucijo.For the preparation, we used techniques that are common in pharmaceutical technology for the preparation of powders and granules for reconstitution.
Količine farmacevtskih pomožnih snovi se lahko v formulaciji spreminjajo tako, da dobimo glede na okus in stabilnost najugodnejšo formulacijo.The quantities of pharmaceutical excipients can be varied in the formulation so that the most favorable formulation is obtained according to taste and stability.
Rezultati tromesečne stabilnosti stabilnosti pri 40°C in 75% relativni vlagi kažejo, da so formulacije, v katerih je celuloza glavno polnilo, stabilne.The results of a three-month stability test at 40 ° C and 75% relative humidity indicate that the formulations in which the cellulose is the main filler are stable.
Lek, tovarna farmacevtskih in kemičnih izdelkovr d.d.Lek, a pharmaceutical and chemical factoryr d.d.
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SI9800281A SI20058A (en) | 1998-10-29 | 1998-10-29 | Pharmaceutical forms |
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SI9800281A SI20058A (en) | 1998-10-29 | 1998-10-29 | Pharmaceutical forms |
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SI20058A true SI20058A (en) | 2000-04-30 |
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SI9800281A SI20058A (en) | 1998-10-29 | 1998-10-29 | Pharmaceutical forms |
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- 1998-10-29 SI SI9800281A patent/SI20058A/en not_active IP Right Cessation
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