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SE192737C1 - - Google Patents


Publication number
SE192737C1 SE192737DA SE192737C1 SE 192737 C1 SE192737 C1 SE 192737C1 SE 192737D A SE192737D A SE 192737DA SE 192737 C1 SE192737 C1 SE 192737C1
Prior art keywords
mold cavities
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Swedish (sv)
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Publication of SE192737C1 publication Critical patent/SE192737C1/sv



    • B22D5/00Machines or plants for pig or like casting
    • B22D5/04Machines or plants for pig or like casting with endless casting conveyors


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Continuous Casting (AREA)


KLASS INTERNATIONELLSVENSK B 22 d31 c:28/02 PATENT- OCH REGISTRERINGSVERKET Ans. 1502/1960 inkom den 15/2 1960 utlagd den 23/3 1964- N 0 EKELOF, LIMHAMN Apparat for gjutning av sma gjutstycken i en kontinuerlig operation Denna uppfinning bar avseende pa en apparat for gjutning av sma gjutstycken i en kontinuerlig operation. CLASS INTERNATIONAL SWEDISH B 22 d31 c: 28/02 PATENT AND REGISTRATION AGENCY Ans. 1502/1960 was received on 15/2 1960 issued on 23/3 1964- N 0 EKELOF, LIMHAMN Apparatus for casting small castings in a continuous operation This invention relates to an apparatus for casting small castings in a continuous operation.

Vid gjutning av smâ gjutstycken i stort natal t. ex. av gjutjarn är det vanligt att begagna sig av sandformar, som var och en innehalla ett flertal formhalrum och som stãllas flera ovanpfi. varandra forsedda med gemensamt ingjut. Detta sift Or dock omstOndligt och dyrbart, ty sandformarna maste nytillverkas for varje gjutning och utbytet av fardiga gjutstycken i forhallande till mangden small. gjutmaterial (gjutjarn), som at* vid gjutningen, blir Mgt, av storleksordningen 60 %. When casting small castings in large natal e.g. of cast iron, it is common to use sand molds, each of which contains several mold cavities and which are placed several above. provided with joint infusion. This sieve is, however, cumbersome and expensive, for the sand molds must be remanufactured for each casting and the replacement of finished castings in proportion to the quantity small. casting material (cast iron), such as that * during casting, becomes Mgt, of the order of 60%.

Del har for undgaende av de ovannlimmla olOgenheterna foreslagits gjutapparater, vid vilka gjutningen sker kontinuerligt frail en gjutskdl, som innehaller en smalta av gjutmaterialet, i en rad kokiller, sandformar eller andra slag av gjutformar, som transporteras forbi under utloppet frail gjutskalen. Vid en kand gjutapparat av detta slag fOr framstallning av sma gjutstycken, sasom metallkulor till kulkvarnar, aro gjutformarna anordnade i en krans pa en karusell med lutande rotationsaxel, varvid formarna fyllas med metallsmqlta frail gjutskalen pfi ett stalle av deras cirMara rorelsebana, dar de rora sig uppfor det lutande plan som karusellens oversida representerar. Overskott av smaltan rinner nedat over de former, som redan Moult blivit fyllda, och tillforsdkrar en efterfyllning av sadana tomrum, som kunna ha uppstatt i dessa formar genom den stelnande metallens krympning. Det forekommer daremot ingen mekanisk utbredning och avstrykning av ett avsiktligt bildat overskott av smdlta, och man her darfor ingen sakerhet far att fyllningen av alla formhalrummen blir exakt, sa aft de fardiga gjutstyckena bliva lika till storlek och form. In order to avoid the above-mentioned contaminants, casting apparatus has been proposed, in which the casting takes place continuously from a casting vessel, which contains a melt of the casting material, in a series of molds, sand molds or other types of molds, which are transported past below the outlet from the casting shell. In a known casting apparatus of this kind for the production of small castings, such as metal balls for ball mills, the molds are arranged in a ring on a carousel with an inclined axis of rotation, the molds being filled with molten metal from the casting shells in a stable of their circular motions. up the inclined plane that the upper side of the carousel represents. Excess of the melt flows downwards over the molds which Moult has already been filled, and provides a refill of such voids, which may have arisen in these molds by the shrinkage of the solidifying metal. On the other hand, there is no mechanical spreading and wiping of a deliberately formed excess of melt, and there is therefore no certainty that the filling of all the mold cavities will be exact, so that the finished castings become equal in size and shape.

Man kanner vidare Oxen en gjutapparat for gjutning av smalt slagg i kokiller, som foras fram i en rad pa en audios transportor Wit under utloppsoppningen hos en slaggbehallare, Iran vilken kokillerna fyfllas med den smalta slaggen och vars framre vagg Or forsedd med en svangbart lagrad, handpaverkad skrapa. Medelst denna skrapa kan man unbesorja, att slaggen sammanpressas i formhalrummen. En sadan apparat Or icke anvandbar fOr kontinuerlig gjutning av en smdlta av gjutjarn. En av orsakerna hartill Or, att gjutjarnsmaltan har hog specifik vikt och clarfOr utovar ett betydande statiskt tryck pa Oversidan av kokillerna, varigenom det srnalta j Or-net tryckes ut genom den minsta springa metlan behallarens underkant och kokillens Over-side och lyfter behallaren, sa att annu him springer uppsta pa andra st011en. PO. grund harav skulle flagon avstrykning av j arnsmaltan oforfinderligen i niva med kokillernas Oversida icke kunna utf8ras med den pa behallaren svangbart lagrade skrapan. En annan orsak till all: ifragavarande apparat icke kan anvandas for gj utj Orn Or, att skrapan avlagsnar overskottet av gjutjarnsmaltan omedelbart efter det att den avsatt sig pa kokillerna, innan den smdlta som fyllt formhalrummen hunnit stelna och krympa i namnyard grad, sa att det nar stelningen bOrjar icke finnes kvar small material for efterfyllning av krymphfilrum. Av bada orsakerna skulle de erhallna gjutjarnstyckena foljaktligen icke kunna hallas inom noggranna storleks- och formtoleranser. Oxen is also known as a casting device for casting narrow slag in molds, which is conveyed in a row on an audio conveyor Wit during the outlet opening of a slag container, Iran, the molds being filled with the narrow slag and whose front cradle is provided with a pivotally mounted bearing. hand-made scraper. By means of this scraper, it can be ensured that the slag is compressed in the mold cavities. Such an apparatus is not usable for the continuous casting of a cast iron smelter. One of the reasons for this is that the cast iron malt has a high specific gravity and clarity. that annu him runs uppsta pa andra st011en. PO. Due to this, flaking of the iron malt could inevitably be carried out at the level of the upper side of the molds with the scraper pivotally mounted on the container. Another reason for all: the apparatus in question cannot be used for casting Orn Or, that the scraper removes the excess cast iron malt immediately after it has deposited on the molds, before the mold which has filled the mold cavities has solidified and shrunk to a nominal degree, so that it when the solidification begins, there is no small material left for refilling the shrink film space. For both reasons, the cast iron pieces obtained would consequently not be able to be kept within precise size and shape tolerances.

Genom foreliggande uppfinning har det fistadkommits en forbattrad apparat, medelst vilken sadana sma gjutstycken som t. ex. malkroppar for kulkvarnar kunna gjutas i stora mangder hastigare, noggrannare, tillforlitligare och billigare On tidigare och i synnerhet sa att alla gjutstyckena bliva av likformig vikt med en h8g grad av noggrannhet. By means of the present invention, an improved apparatus has been provided, by means of which such small castings as e.g. grinding bodies for ball mills can be cast in large quantities faster, more accurately, more reliably and cheaper On earlier and in particular said that all castings become of uniform weight with a high degree of accuracy.

Apparaten enligt uppfinningen, vid vilken en gjutskal eller liknande, som Or avsedd att innehalla en smalta av gj utmaterial med hog 2— — smaltpunkt (t. ex. gjutjarn), har sitt eller sina utlopp sa anordnade ovanfor en vandrande bana av intill varandra stotande kokiller, som var och en ha ett flertal oppna formhalrum, att det som fria stralar utstrommande gjutmaterialet aysatter sig p0 oversidan av kokillerna bade i och omkring formhalrummen, och ett avstrykareorgan är anordnat ovanfOr banan framfor aysattningsstallet, raknat i banans yandringsriktning, far aft aystryka gjutmaterialsmalta fran oversidan av kOnnetecknas darav, att avstrykareorganet utgores av ett p0 nagot avstand framfor gjutskalen oberoende av denna anordnat grafitblock, som Or anordnat att fjadrande anpressas mot oversidan av kokillerna for att ombesorja, att smaltan, after det att den avsalt sig p0 kokillerna, skall bilda ett uppdamt skikt intill grafitblocket och ay detta bredas at som ett jamnt tficke tvars Over Oyersidan av kokillerna och alla formhalrummen med sakerhet bliva helt fyllda och att Oyerskott av smaltan slutligen skall aystrykas. The apparatus according to the invention, in which a casting shell or the like, as Or intended to contain a melt of casting material with a high melting point (e.g. cast iron), has its or its outlets arranged above a traveling path of adjacent abutments. molds, each of which has a plurality of open mold cavities, that the free-flowing casting material settles on the upper side of the molds both in and around the mold cavities, and a wiper means is arranged above the web in front of the loading stall, shaved in the direction of web of the web. from the upper side of it is characterized in that the wiper means is formed at a certain distance in front of the casting shell independently of this arranged graphite block, which is arranged to be resiliently pressed against the upper side of the molds to ensure that the melt, after it has formed on the molds, a dammed layer next to the graphite block and ay this widens at as a uniform tficke across Oy the outside of the molds and all the mold cavities are sure to be completely filled and that the Oyer shot of the melt should finally be ironed out.

I det foljande skall uppfinningen beskrivas narmare med hanvisning till bifogade ritningar. Fig. 1 visor sehematiskt i sidoprojektion en apparat enligt uppfinningen. Fig. 2 visor i tvarsektion ett brottstycke ay en i apparaten ingaende audios kedjetransportor. Fig. 3 ar en yertikal langdsektion genom en del av apparaten. Fig. 4 Or en horisontalprojektion av samma del av apparaten. In the following, the invention will be described in more detail with reference to the accompanying drawings. Fig. 1 shows seematically in side projection an apparatus according to the invention. Fig. 2 shows in cross section a fragment of a chain conveyor of an audio input in the apparatus. Fig. 3 is a vertical longitudinal section through a part of the apparatus. Fig. 4 Or a horizontal projection of the same part of the apparatus.

Den pa ritningarna yisade apparaten innefattar en horisontal audios kedjetransportor, som Or uppbyggd ay ett fast stativ 1, tva detta lagrade kedjehjul 2 och 3, ay vilkahjulet 2 Or drivet av en icke visad drivinekanism, saint en oinkring kedjehjulen lagd kedja 4. The apparatus shown in the drawings comprises a horizontal audio chain conveyor, which is built on a fixed frame 1, two this mounted sprocket 2 and 3, on which the sprocket 2 is driven by a drive mechanism (not shown), as well as a chain 4 laid around the sprocket.

I stativet 1 ingar ett antal bockar 5, pa vilka tva langsgaende vinkeljarn 6 aro horisontalt upplagda pa avstand fran varandra (se fig. 1 ochPa de mot varandra vanda sidorna ax yinkeljarnens 6 uppatriktade flansar Oro anbringade ett antal yridbart lagrade rullar 7, vilka den Owe parten ay kedjan 4 Or understodd pit sin yag frail hjulet 2 till hjulet 3. Den undre parten ay kedjan 4 Or likaledes understodd p0 rullar (joke yisade), som Oro uppburna ay tv0 nedtill i stativet anordnade langsgaende vinkeljarn 8. Pa kedjan 4 Oro i en rad after varandra fastsatta kokiller 9 t. ex. av gjutjarn med hjalp ay bultar, som iiro fOrda igenom kedjans lankar och inskruvade i bottenutsprang p0 kokillerna, sasom synes i fig. 2. Kokillerna 9, vilka var och en ha trettio oppna formhalrum 10 ordnade i fern langsgaende radar brethid varandra med sex halrum i varje rad, stota taft intill varandra yid sina ovre tvargaende kanter p0 de ovre och undre horisontala parterna av transportorkedjan men Oro fria att skilja sig fran varandra omkring kedjehjulen. Pa den ovre par-ten av transportorkedjan bilda kokillerna 9 darfor en sammanhiingande oversida, p0 vil ken formhalrummen 10 ligga i fern langa langsgaende rader och i vane rad befinna sig p0 lika avstand fran varandra. In the frame 1 there are a number of trestles 5, on which two longitudinal angle irons 6 are horizontally arranged at a distance from each other (see Fig. 1 and. the part ay chain 4 Or supported pit its yag frail wheel 2 to wheel 3. The lower part ay chain 4 Or likewise supported p0 reels (joke yisade), which Oro supported ay tv0 at the bottom of the frame arranged longitudinal angle iron 8. On the chain 4 Oro i a series of successively fixed molds 9, for example of cast iron with the aid of bolts, which are passed through the chains of the chain and screwed into bottom projections on the molds, as can be seen in Fig. 2. The molds 9, each of which has thirty open mold cavities 10 arranged in four longitudinal radars wide each other with six halos in each row, thrust taft next to each other yid their upper transverse edges on the upper and lower horizontal parts of the conveyor chain but Worry free to so. line up from each other around the sprockets. On the upper part of the conveyor chain the molds 9 therefore form a continuous upper side, on which the mold hall spaces 10 lie in four long longitudinal rows and in the usual row are at equal distances from each other.

Pa ett stalle av stativet 1 mellan kedjehjulen 2 och 3, lampligen ungefar mitt emellan dessa, uppbar det pit de bada ovre vinkeljarnen 6 en brygga 11, som stracker sig Over bredden av transportoren. Denna brygga tjanar till uppstallning av en gjutskal 12, vilken utgOres av en behallare av torkad sand och fir avsedd att hallas fylld med en smalta av materialet, som skall gjntas. Gjutskalen 12 Or pa en av sina sidor, vilken skall vara valid framat i transportorens yandringsriktning, in-yid bottnen forsedd med fern bredvid varandra liggande parallella horisontalutlopp 13, vilka sasom fig. 3 och 4 visa halt enkelt utgoras av hal genom skalens sidoyagg. Genom dessa utlopp sprutas smaltan ut yasentligen horisontalt i fria framkriktade stralar, vilka falla mot var sin av raderna av formhalrum 10 och fylla dessa, efter band som de foras framat med transportoren. 130 bottnen av gjutskalen Or anordnad en som syalldampare yerkande uppstaende skarm 14 parallell med den sidovagg, i vilken utloppen 13 befinna sig. In one place of the frame 1 between the sprockets 2 and 3, apparently approximately in the middle between them, the pit of the two upper angle irons 6 carried a bridge 11, which extends over the width of the conveyor. This bridge serves to house a casting shell 12, which consists of a container of dried sand and is intended to be kept filled with a melt of the material to be repeated. The casting shell 12 Or on one of its sides, which is to be valid forward in the direction of travel of the conveyor, in-yid the bottom provided with four adjacent horizontal horizontal outlets 13, which as shown in Figs. Through these outlets the melt is ejected substantially horizontally in free projecting jets, which fall against each of the rows of mold cavities 10 and fill them, according to bands which they are fed forward with the conveyor. 130 the bottom of the casting shell Or arranged a screen 14 acting as a cylinder steamer parallel to the side cradle in which the outlets 13 are located.

Framfor bryggan 11 och tatt mull densamma Or ett grafitblock 15 anordnat fritt liggande ovanpa kokillerna, varvid det hindras Iran att folja med dessa i framatriirelsen av medal, som strax skola omtalas. Grafitblocket 15 liar urtagningar 16 i sin framkant mitt Over raderna av formhalrum 10 i kokillerna och Or darjamte utformat med rannor 17 pa sin Oyersida, vilka sluttande nedat stracka sig framat till var sin ay urtagningarna 16, samtidigt som de bliya. bredare. Rannorna 17 Oro avsedda att mottaga var sin av stralarna ay smaltan for att styra denna ned genom urtagningarna 16 till forrnhalrummen 10, Oven am stralarna skulle sprutas at i en riktning nagot ayvikande fran transportorens langdriktning och Oven am de till fOljd av otillracklig tryckhojd av smaltan i gjutskalen eller allifor stort utstromningsmotstand icke na anda fram Over formhalrummen. In front of the bridge 11 and taken soil the same Or a graphite block 15 arranged freely lying on top of the molds, whereby Iran is prevented from following them in the production of medals, which will soon be mentioned. The graphite block 15 lies in recesses 16 in its leading edge in the middle. wider. The grooves 17 are intended to receive each of the jets ay the melt to guide it down through the recesses 16 to the forearm cavities 10. the casting shell or all too great outflow resistance does not reach the spirit Over the mold hall spaces.

P0 nagot aystand framfor bryggan 11 Or vi-dare anbragt en anordning for avstrykning av overskott av gjutmaterial fran de fyllda formhalrummen. Derma anordning innefattar tva vertikala standare 18, lampligen ay rundjarn, som aro fasta med sina undre andar yid var silt av de ovre vinkeljarnen 6. Dessa standare uppbara mellan sig en fast hallare 19, vilken bestar av en tvargaende vertikal platta fast pa tva. Over standarna tradda hylsor 21 och ay ett par vinkelarmar 22, som stracka sig bakat fran plattan 20. 'Malian dessa yinkelarmar 22 Or ett som aystrykare verkande Med anvandning av den beskrivna apparaten kan forfaringssattet enligt uppfinningen utforas som foljer. Medan kedjetransportoren vandrar framat, Mlles gjutskalen 12 standigt fylld med smalta fran en icke visad skink, varvid smaltan strommar ut i fria stralar, befriade fran overtryck, genom utloppen 13 och Magas upp ovanpa kokillerna 9 och i deras formhalrum 10 samt i rannorna 17 pa grafitblocket 15. Oversidan av kokillerna 9 och formhalrumrnens vaggar ha lampligen i for-nag bepudrats med grafitpulver. Sedan formhalrummen blunt fyllda med smalta, breder iiverskottet av denna ut sig vidare pa de kringliggande fria delarna av kokillernas oversida, och nar formhalrummen narma sig avstrykaren 23, dammes det upp som en sammanhangande vall over hela bredden av kokillerna. Tack vare denna verkan av avstrykaren kan gjutningen i formhalrummen 10 fOrsigga med fullgott resultat, trots att kokillerna 9 rora sig framat kontinuerligt, och vidare tillforsakras darigenom, att alla i bredd liggande formhalrum bliva likformigt fyllda, aven om mangden smalta icke skulle vara fullt lika stor i alla stralarna. De i plan med kokillernas oversid.a avstrukna fyllningarna i formhalrummen svalna och stelna under den fortsatta vandringen av kokillerna 9 pa den andra sidan cm avstrykaren 23 samt falla ut som fardiga gjutstycken ur kokillerna pa den undre parten av transportoren. P0 somewhat spaced in front of the bridge 11 Or further arranged a device for wiping off excess casting material from the filled mold cavities. This device comprises two vertical posts 18, namely round yarns, which are fixed with their lower ends yid each silt of the upper angle irons 6. These posts support between them a fixed holder 19, which consists of a transverse vertical plate fixed to two. Sleeves 21 are threaded over the stands and have a pair of angular arms 22 extending rearwardly from the plate 20. Malian these angular arms 22 act as a straightener Using the described apparatus, the method set according to the invention can be designed as follows. As the chain conveyor travels forward, the mold shell 12 is constantly filled with slurry from a ham (not shown), the slurry flowing out in free jets, free from overpressure, through the outlets 13 and Magas up on top of the molds 9 and in their mold cavities 10 and in the grooves 17 on the graphite block. 15. The upper side of the molds 9 and the cradles of the mold halls have apparently been powdered with graphite powder in the past. After the mold cavities are bluntly filled with narrow, the excess of it spreads further on the surrounding free parts of the upper side of the molds, and when the mold cavities approach the wiper 23, it is dusted up as a continuous embankment over the entire width of the molds. Thanks to this action of the wiper, the casting in the mold cavities 10 can proceed with perfect result, despite the fact that the molds 9 move forward continuously, and is further ensured that all width mold cavities are uniformly filled, even if the amount of narrow would not be quite as large. in all the rays. The fillings flattened in the plane with the upper side of the molds in the mold cavities cool and solidify during the continued migration of the molds 9 on the other side of the scraper 23 and fall out as finished castings from the molds on the lower part of the conveyor.

Lampligen avpassas kapaciteten hos alla kokillerna 9 pa kedjetransportoren, dennas vandringshastighet samt storleken av den mangd smalta, som kan tillforas gjutskalen 12 fran en enda fyllning av skanken, sã att denna mangd raeker for ett helt eller eventuellt flera hela omlopp an transportoren. Genom lamplig dimensionering av utloppen 13 kan man vidare uppna, att praktiskt taget hela mangdeui smalta hlir utnyttjad, dvs. det uppstar intet atergangsmaterial, som maste smaltas om. Del uppehall i drif ten, som uppstar vid utbytet av den tomma skanken, begc.gnas for erforderlig tillsyn, rensning och hepudring av kokillerna. The capacity of all the molds 9 on the chain conveyor is suitably adjusted, its travel speed and the size of the amount of narrow that can be fed to the casting shell 12 from a single filling of the shank, so that this amount accounts for one whole or possibly several whole orbits of the conveyor. By suitable dimensioning of the outlets 13, it can further be achieved that practically the entire mangdeui narrow hlir is utilized, ie. no return material arises, which must be remelted. Part of the maintenance during operation, which arises during the replacement of the empty shank, is used for the necessary supervision, cleaning and powdering of the molds.

Det torde inses, att for erhallande av en kontinuerligt och snabbt fortlopande gjutning, vid vilken de fardiga gjutstyckena, som falla ut an kokillerna, alla aro av i huvudsak hkformig mild, ar det av vasentlig betydelse, att avstrykningen av overskottet av smalta alltid sker jamnt och nara intill 8versidan av ko- killerna. Delta resultat uppnas enligt uppfin- ningen medelst den av grafit besthende avstrykaren 23. Del har befunnits, att grafiten till skillnad fran andra material, som skulle kunna formodas vara anvandbara, sasom svarsmalta metallegeringar, t. ex. ferronickel, eller eldfast tegel, har egenskapen att f Orhindra, att flagon del av overskottssmaltan fastnar vid avstrykaren och bildar stelnade avsattningar pa denna. Speciellt bildas ingen avsattning pa undersidan air avstrykaren, med vilken denna anligger mot oversidan av kokillerna Dar denna oversida i forvag bepudrats med grafitpulver, undgas aven fullstandigt vidhaftning av den stelnande smaltan vid densamma. Avstrykaren kommer darfor under det kontinuerliga gjutningsforloppet all bibehallas anpressad direkt och plant mot 8versidan av kokillerna. Vid en avstrykare an annat material kommer den daremot att efter hand upplyftas alltmera frail kokillerna pa grund av ansamlingar av stelnad smalta, som aro hundna antingen vid undersidan an anstrykaren eller vid oversidan av kokillerna. Det an sjalvklart att de gjutstycken, som darafter framstallas i apparaten, icke bliva avstrukna i jamnhojd med kokillernas Oversida och darfor bliva av alltfOr stor vikt och dessutom komma att hanga samman med varandra genom ett tunt hladformigt skikt av den stelnade smaltan. It should be understood that in order to obtain a continuous and rapid continuous casting, in which the finished castings which fall out of the molds are all of substantially angular shape, it is of essential importance that the smearing of the excess of melt always takes place evenly. and near the top of the molds. Delta results are achieved according to the invention by means of the graphite-containing scraper 23. It has been found that the graphite, unlike other materials which could be presumed to be usable, such as refractory metal alloys, e.g. ferro-nickel, or refractory brick, has the property of preventing the flake part of the excess malt from sticking to the scraper and forming solidified deposits thereon. In particular, no deposit is formed on the underside of the wiper, with which it abuts against the upper side of the molds. The scraper will therefore, during the continuous casting process, all be kept pressed directly and flat against the top of the molds. In the case of a scraper other material, on the other hand, it will gradually be lifted more and more from the molds due to accumulations of solidified melt, which are dogs either at the underside of the coater or at the top of the molds. It is a matter of course that the castings, which are then produced in the apparatus, are not smeared flush with the upper side of the molds and therefore become of too great importance and also become connected to each other by a thin sheet-shaped layer of the solidified melt.

Som ett exempel pa tillampningen an uppfinningen antages, att man skall gjuta malkroppar av gjutjarn [Or kulkvarnar av det slag, som i star utstrackning anvandes for malning I. ex. av kalksten och lera i saraband med cementfabrikation, varvid malkropparna ha en vikt av ea 60 g. Vid en langd av 12 m av transportorens andlosa kedja uppbar den 60 kokiller, vilka tillsammans ha 1800 formhalrum 10 med 360 i varje langsgaende rad. FOr gjutningen atgar da en sets gjutjarnssmalta av ca 110 kg. Vid en vandringshastighet hos transportoren av ca 8 m/min tager gjutningen av hela satsen ungefar 1,5 min. As an example of the application of the invention, it is assumed that grinding bodies of cast iron [Or ball mills of the kind which are to a large extent used for grinding I. of limestone and clay in saraband with cement fabrication, the grinding bodies having a weight of ea 60 g. At a length of 12 m of the conveyor chain andless chain, it carried 60 molds, which together have 1800 mold cavities 10 with 360 in each longitudinal row. For the casting, a set of cast iron malt of about 110 kg is then used. At a travel speed of the conveyor of about 8 m / min, the casting of the entire batch takes approximately 1.5 min.

Claims (2)

Patentansprak:Patent claim: 1. App arat [Or gjutning av sma gjutstycken i en kontinuerlig operation, -vid vilken en gjutskal (12) eller liknande, som ãr avsedd att innehalla en smalta an gjutmaterial mad hog smaltpunkt (t. ex. gjutjarn), bar sitt eller sine utlopp sa anordnade ovanfor en vandrande bana av intill varandra stotande kokiller (9), som var och en ha ett flertal oppna formhalrum (10), att det som fria stralar utstrommande gjutmaterialet avsatter sig pa. oversidan av kokillerna bade i och omkring formhalrummen, och ett avstrykareorgan (23) Or 1— — anordnat ovanfor banan framfor avsattningsstdllet, rdknat i banans vandringsriktning, for att avstryka gjutmaterialsmalta fran Oversidan av kokillerna, kannetecknad ddrav, att avstrykareorganet (23) utgares av ett ph rid-got avstand framfor gjutskalen (12) oberoende av denna anordnat grafitblock, som dr anordnat att tjadrande anpressas mot oversidan av kokillerna for att ombesOrja, att smdltan, eller det att den avsatt sig pa kokillerna, skall bilda ett uppddmt skikt intill avslrykaren °eh av denna bredas ut som ett jamt tacke tvars Over tiversidan air kokillerna och alia formMilrummen med sakerhet bliva belt fylIda och att overskott av smaltan slutligen skall avstrykas.1. App arat [Or casting of small castings in a continuous operation, in which a casting shell (12) or the like, which is intended to contain a narrow casting material with a high melting point (e.g. cast iron), carried its or its outlets so arranged above a traveling path of adjacent molds (9), each having a plurality of open mold cavities (10), that the free-flowing casting material is deposited on. the top of the molds bathed in and around the mold cavities, and a wiper means (23) Or 1— - arranged above the web in front of the deposition site, counted in the direction of travel of the web, to wipe cast material malt from the top of the molds ph rid-got distance in front of the casting shell (12) independently of this arranged graphite block, which there arranged to be tethered against the upper side of the molds to ensure that the melt, or that it has deposited on the molds, shall form a deposited layer next to the scavenger °. eh of this is spread out like a jamt tkeke across the tiversidan air the molds and alia formMilrummen with certainty be belt filled and that excess of the smalt should finally be wiped off. 2. Apparat enligt patentanspraket 1, kannetecknad ddrav, att avstrykaren (23) dr fritt fOrskjutbart upp och ned i en fast hallare (20, 22) och att ovanfor hallaren dr anordnad en fjdderpiiverkad okplatta (24) for anpressning av avstrykaren mot kokillerna (9). Anforda publikationer:- Patentskrifter friin Storbritannien 19 884/1912, 546 871; Tyskland 841 040.Apparatus according to claim 1, characterized in that the wiper (23) slides freely up and down in a fixed holder (20, 22) and that above the holder a spring-actuated yoke plate (24) is arranged for pressing the wiper against the molds (9). ). Request publications: - Patents for the United Kingdom 19 884/1912, 546 871; Germany 841 040.
SE192737D SE192737C1 (en)

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SE192737C1 true SE192737C1 (en) 1964-01-01



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SE192737D SE192737C1 (en)

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