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OA18447A - Use of certain herbicide combinations in tuberous root crop plants - Google Patents

Use of certain herbicide combinations in tuberous root crop plants Download PDF


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OA18447A OA1201700404 OA18447A OA 18447 A OA18447 A OA 18447A OA 1201700404 OA1201700404 OA 1201700404 OA 18447 A OA18447 A OA 18447A
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crop plants
root crop
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Bayer Cropscience Aktiengesellschaft
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Application filed by Bayer Cropscience Aktiengesellschaft filed Critical Bayer Cropscience Aktiengesellschaft
Publication of OA18447A publication Critical patent/OA18447A/en



The present invention primarily relates to the use of herbicide combinations comprising (i) flufenacet and (ii) diflufenican or of a composition comprising such herbicide combinations for controlling harmful plants in tuberous root crop plants, preferably in cassava. The present invention also relates to the use of said specific herbicide combinations or of a composition comprising said specific herbicide combinations as plant growth regulators for tuberous root crop plants, preferably as plant growth regulators for cassava. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a corresponding method of controlling harmful plants in tuberous root crop plants and to a corresponding method of regulating plant growth of tuberous root crop plants.


The présent invention primarily relates to the use of herbicide combinations comprising (i) flufcnacet and (ii) diflufcnican or of a composition comprising such herbicide combinations for controlling harmful plants in tuberous root crop plants, preferably in cassava. The présent invention also relates to the use of said spécifie 5 herbicide combinations or of a composition comprising said spécifie herbicide combinations as plant growth regulators for tuberous root crop plants, preferably as plant growth regulators for cassava. Furthermore, the present invention relates to a corresponding method of controlling harmful plants in tuberous root crop plants and to a corresponding method of rcgulating plant growth of tuberous root crop plants.
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crant?) is a major source of carbohydrate for several hundred million pcoplc, 10 mainly in Africa and to some estent in Asia and Latin Amcrica. In Africa, yiclds of cassava arc generally comparativcly low, which to a large extent is duc to cffccts of weed compétition or to uncontrolled or k unsufficicntly controlled weed growth. Hoc-wccding still is a common practice among cassava farmers.
The Procccdings ofthe 1 Ith ISRTC-AB, Kinshasa, Démocratie Republie Congo, 4-8 Octobcr 2010, pages 269275 report on the évaluation of commercially available herbicides for weed control in cassava. The treatments 15 there comprised prc-cmcrgcnt herbicides employing such as chloroacctanilidc, prometryn or S-mctolachlor.
In the Crop recommendation # 17 of the Ministry of Agriculture of Barba dos the following herbicides for weed control in cassava arc mentioned: paraquat (optionally mixed with diquat), glyphosatc, sulfosatc, pendimethalin, mctolachlor, fluazifop-butyl, sethoxydim or propaquizafop.
CN1024289I9A tcachcs a postemergcnec cassava field herbicide with mesotrion as an active component.
CN 103392724A suggests the use of a temary herbicide composition as cassava field herbicide with the active components of halosulfuron, oxyfluorfcn and an amide herbicide selected from the group of butachlor, propisochlor and mctolachlor.
G B 1,028,976 discloscs a process for the treatment of plants with storage organs, for cxamplc cassava, sweet potato or yam, which comprises spraying the plants with a substituted benzoie acid herbicide in a spécifie time 25 fram before harvest. There, herbicides like (optionally further substituted) dt-, tri- or tctrachlorobcnzotc acids arc preferred.
African Crop Science Journal 1994, 519-530 reports on weeds and their control in cassava. There, mainly the following herbicides were tested; metobromuron, fluometuron, prometryn (optionally in combination with amctrync), terbutryn, paraquat and diuron.
-2Planta Daninha, 2010,28(4), 807-816 dcscribcs the application of different hcrbicdcs on weeds in cassava. Inter alia the effects of herbicides like diuron, metribuzin, isoxaflutolc, atrazînc, ametryn, and several combinations comprising said herbicides arc reported thcrcin on two cassava varictîcs grown in the state of Paranâ, Brazil.
In their application, hcrbicidal crop protection agents (herbicides) known to date for controlling harmful plants or unwanted végétation in tuberous root crop plants hâve some disadvantages, bc it (a) that they hâve no orclsc insufficient hcrbicidal activity against spécifie harmful plants, (b) that the spectrum ofharmful plants which can bc controlled with the herbicides is not broad cnough, and/or (c) that the sclcctivity of herbicides in and the compatibility with tuberous root crop plants is too low, thereby causing unwanted damage and/or unwanted reduced harvest yiclds of the tuberous root crops.
Ovcrall, the hcrbicidal activity (above aspects (a) and (b)) and/or the sclcctivity / compatibility (above aspect (c)) of the herbicides used so far in tuberous root crop plants still allow improvement.
For the rcasons mentioned above, there still is a need for alternative, highly active herbicides or hcrbicidal compositions for the sélective application for controlling harmful plants or unwanted végétation in tuberous root crop plants.
Surprisingly, it has now been found that certain herbicide combinations or compositions comprising said herbicide combinations exhibît the desired hcrbicidal activity and arc able to sclcetivcly control harmful plants or unwanted végétation in tuberous root crop plants.
The présent invention primarily relates to the use of a combination of herbicides (herbicide combination) or of a composition comprising a combination of herbicides (herbicide combination)
- for controlling harmful plants in tuberous root crop plants, and/or
- as plant growth rcgulators in tuberous root crop plants, wherein said combination of herbicides comprises or consists of (i) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican.
The présent invention further releates to the use of a composition as defined herein in the context of the présent invention which additionally comprises one or more further components selected from the group consisting of formulation auxiliarics, additîvcs customary in crop protection, and further agrochcmically active compounds (i.e. agrochcmically active compounds different from components (i) and (ii) as defined above, i.e. agrochcmically active compounds other than (i) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican).
However, when a combination of herbicides used in the context of the présent invention consists ofherbicides (ï) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican, this mcans that in such a case the combination of herbicides used in the context
ofthe présent invention or the composition comprising said combination of herbicides used in the context ofdie présent invention does not contain any further (i.e. no additional) herbicidal active ingrédient, and preferably does not contain any further agrochcmically active compound.
In this context, the term “further herbicidal active ingrédient and “further agrochcmically active compound” refers to the herbicides and agrochcmically active compounds (pesticides), respectively, listcd in The Pesticide Manual, I6th édition, The British Crop Protection Council and the Royal Soc. of Chemistry, 2012 other than flufcnacct and diflufenican.
The herbicide combinations and the compositions comprising said herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention not only exhibit an excellent herbicidal activity in controlling harmful plants or 10 unwanted végétation in tuberous root crop plants, but also show compatibility with tuberous root crop plants,
i.c. said herbicides do not cause sîgnificant damage (like phytotoxicity) and/orunwanted reduced harvest yiclds of the tuberous root crops.
The herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and the compositions comprising said herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention allow excellent (total) weed control at an 15 agronomically acceptable level of damage of the tuberous root crop plants. Further, die type ofdamageobserved with the herbicide combinations and the compositions comprising said herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention is not noticcably harmful, and the tuberous root crop plants afïected largcly or fully rccovcr from said type of damage. For examplc, in the biological exemples hcrcinbclow, no phytotoxicity effects were observed after treatment of the cassava plants with a composition comprising a 20 herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention.
Further, the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and the compositions comprising said herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention can bc used as plant growth regulators for tuberous root crop plants, preferably as plant growth regulators for cassava, thereby increasing harvest yiclds tuberous root crop plants (in particular the weight of the tuberous root) and/or 25 increasing the plant growth of the tuberous root crop plants (in particular the growth of the lcavcs of the tuberous root crop plants), in each case în comparison to tuberous root crop plants not treated with herbicides (untreated control).
The présent invention preferably relates to the use of a combination of herbicides or of a composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined in the context of the présent invention, wherein the tuberous 30 root crop plants are selected from the group consisting ofsweet potato (tpomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta), and yam (plant species in the genus Dioscorea), more preferably wherein the tuberous root crop plant is cassava (Manihot esculenta).
The herbicides used in the context of the présent invention arc known per se, and described inter alia in The Pesticide Manual, 16th édition, The British Crop Protection Council and the Royal Soc. of Chemistry, 2012 and the literaturc cited thcrcin. The herbicides used in the context of the présent invention are described in more detail hcrcinbclow.
The herbicide combinations used in the context of the présent invention and also certain compositions comprising the herbicide combinations used in the context ofthe présent invention as such arc known. The herbicide combinations used in the context ofthe présent invention and also certain compositions comprising the herbicide combinations used in the context of the présent invention arc commcrcially available.
Tuberous roots (also called root tubers) arc perennating organs, thickcncd roots that store nutrients over periods 10 when the plant cannot activcly grow, thus permitting survival from one ycar to the next.
Tubers should not be confuscd with tuberous roots. Tubers arc modified shoots, whereas tuberous roots are modified roots.
Λ tuberous root is a modified latéral root, enlarged to fonction as a storage organ. The enlarged area ofthe roottuber, or storage root, can be produced at the end or middlc of a root or involvc the entire root It îs thus different 15 in origin but similar in fonction and appcarancc to a stem tuber. Exemples of plants with notabletuberous roots include the sweet potato, cassava, yam and dahlia.
Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz). also called manioc, yuca, balinghoy or kamoteng kahoy (in the Philippines), tabolchu (in Northeast India), mogo (in Africa), mandioca, tapioca-root, kappa (prcdominantly in India) and manioc root, a woody shrub of the Euphorbiaccac (spurge) family native to South Amcrica, is 20 cxtcnsivcly cultivated as an annual crop în tropical and subtropical régions for its cdiblc starvhy tuberous root, a major source of carbohydrates. Cassava, when dried to a powdcry (or pearly) extract, is called tapioca; its fermented, flaky version is named garri.
Cassava is the third largest source of food carbohydrates in the tropics, after rice and maize. Cassava is a major staplc food in the developing world, providing a basic dict for over half a billion pcoplc. It is one of the most 25 drought-tolcrant crops, capable ofgrowing on marginal soils. Nigeria is the world’s largest produccr of cassava, while Thailand is the largest exporting country of dried cassava.
Cassava grows poorly in weedy ficlds and consequently produccs fewer and smaller storage roots.
Yam is the common name for some plant species in the genus Dioscorea (family Dioscorcaceac) that form cdiblc tubers. These are pcrcnnial hcrbaccous vincs cultivated for the consumption of their starchy tubers in 30 Africa, Asia, Latin Amcrica, the Caribbean and Occania. There arc many cultivars ofyam. Although some varictics of sweet potato {Ipomoea ha ta ta v) arc also called yam in parts of the United States and Canada, it is not part ofthe family Dioscorcaceac.
Yams arc monocotylcdons, related to lilics and grasses. Native to Africa and Asia, yam tubers vary in size from that of a small potato to over 60 kilograms. There are over 600 varictics of yams and 95 percent of these crops arc grown in Africa.
According to the présent invention the expression composition includes compositions comprising a herbicide 5 combination as defined herein, and can be used in various acceptable or agronomically typical forms and formulations, for cxamplc in a single rcady-mix form.
The herbicides (i) and (ii) used in the herbicide combinations used in the context ofthe présent invention and the compositions comprising the herbicide combinations used in the context of the présent invention may be a combined spray mixture composed from separate formulations of the single active compounds, such as a tank10 mix, or said composition can be a combined use of the single active ingrédients when applied in a scqucntial manner, i.e. onc after die other within a rcasonably short period, such as a fcw hours (and preferably less than 24 hours).
The herbicides (i) and (ii) used in the herbicide combinations used in the context ofthe présent invention include ail stereoisomers and their mixtures, in particular also racémie mixtures and - if enantiomers arc possible - the 15 respective biologically active enantïomcr.
If, in the context of this description, the short form of the common name of an active compound is used, this includes in each case ail customary dérivatives, such as the esters and salts, and isomers, in particular optical isomers, in particular the commercially available form or forms. If the common name dénotes an ester or sait, this in each case also comprises ail other customary dérivatives, such as other esters and salts, die free acids and 20 neutral compounds, and isomers, in particular optical isomers, in particular the commercially available form or forms. The given chcmical compound names dénote at least onc of the compounds cmbruccd by the common name, frcqucntly a preferred compound. In the case of sulfonamidcs such as sulfonylurcas, salts also include the salts formed by cxchanging a hydrogen atom on the sulfonamidc group by a cation.
The salts ofcompounds used in the context of the présent invention may be used in the form of the respective 25 alkali métal salts, alkal inc earth salts or ammonium salts, preferably in the form of the respective alkali métal salts, more preferably in the form of the respective sodium or potassium salts, most preferably in the form ofthe respective sodium salts.
Flufcnacct(lUPAC-Namc:4'-fiuoro-Y-isopropyl-2-[5-(trifiuoromcthyl)-l,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yloxy]acctantlidc, CAS Rcg. No. 142459-58-3) is described for cxamplc in EP 0 348 737 Al and US 4,968,342 A.
Diflufcnican(lUPAC-Namc: 2',4'-dtfIuoro-2-(a,a,a-trinuoro-m-tolyloxy)nicotinanilidc,CASRcg.No. 8316433-4) is described for cxamplc in EP 0 053 011 Al and US 4,618,366 A.
WO 94/02014 A2 and US 5,759,955 A relate to herbicide combinations of certain heterocyclic aryloxyacctamidcs and a further herbicide. Therein, inter alia the combination of flufcnacct and diflufcnican arc described.
WO 2007/112834 A2 relates to herbicidal compositions as dispersion comprising diflufcnican and flurtamonc. 5 Therein, inter alia aqueous dispersion comprising diflufcnican, flurtamonc and flufcnacct arc disclosed.
In accordance with the présent invention, the herbicide combinations as defined herein or the composition comprising a herbicide combination as defined herein comprise a herbicidally effective amount ofsaid herbicide combination and may comprise further components, for examplcagrochcmically active compounds of a différent type and/or formulation auxiliaires and/or additivc.s customary in crop protection, or they may be employed 10 together with these.
In accordance with the présent invention, the herbicide combinations as defined herein or the composition comprising a herbicide combination as defined herein may be applied as a split application over time. Another possibility is the application of the individual herbicides (i) and (ii) as defined herein or the herbicide combinations în a pluralîty of portions (scqucntial application), for examplc aflcr prc-cmcrgcnce applications, 15 followed by post-emergence applications or after early post-emergence applications, followed by applications at medium or lato post-emergence.
PrcfcrTcd is the simultaneous or ncarly simultaneous application ofthe herbicides (i) and (ii) as defined herein. In the lutter context, a ncarly simultaneous application of the herbicides ( i) and ( ii) as defined herein means that the herbicide (i) flufcnacct and the herbicide (ii) diflufcnican arc ail applied within 24 hours, preferably within 20 12 hours, more preferably within 6 hours, even more preferably within 3 hours.
In a particularly preferred embodiment, the herbicides (i) and (ii) as defined herein arc used together, i.e. at the same time. Thus, in a particularly preferred embodiment a composition comprising the herbicides (i) and (ii)as defined herein is used.
In a preferred embodiment. the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention or a 25 composition comprising the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention arc only used once per scason. It was found that onc application per season of the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention or of a composition comprising the herbicides (i) and (n) used in accordance with the présent invention is sufficient to achicvc the effects described in the context of the présent invention, in particular regarding herbicidal activity (above aspects (a) and (b)) and/or the sclcctivity /compatibility (above 30 aspect (c)).
In a preferred embodiment, the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention or a composition comprising theherbicides (i)and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention isappliedonce,
twicc or three times per Gregorian calcndar ycar, i.e. in one application, in two applications or in three applications per ycar according to the Gregorian calcndar.
In a preferred embodiment, the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention or a composition comprising the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention is applied one time per Gregorian calcndar ycar, i.e. in one application per ycar according to the Gregorian calcndar.
In a preferred embodiment, the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention or a composition comprising the herbicides (i) and (ii) used in accordance with the présent invention is applied one time in about 12 months, i.e. in one application in about 12 months.
The effects observed when using the herbicides (i) and (ii) as defîned herein or a composition comprising the herbicides (i) and (ii) as defîned herein allow a more potent hcrbicidal action, the control of hitherto uncontrolablc spccies (activity gaps), an extended application period and/or a reduced number of required individual applications and - as a rcsult for the user - more advantageous weed control Systems both from an ceonomical and ccological point of view.
As already mentioned above, the herbicides (i) and (ii) as defîned herein or a composition comprising the 15 herbicides (i) and (ii) as defîned herein may bc used in prc-cmcrgcncc applications and/or in post-cmcrgcncc applications.
Preferaby, the herbicides (i) and (ii) as defîned herein or a composition comprising the herbicides (i) and (ii) as defîned herein are used in prc-cmcrgcncc applications.
In the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and or in the composition 20 comprising a herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention theratio by weight of the total amount of the herbicides (i) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican preferably is in the following ranges:
(i) flufcnacct to (ii) diflufcnican is in the range of from 10:1 to 1:3, based on the total amount of (i) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican in said combination of herbicides.
More preferably, in the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and or in the 25 composition comprising a herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention the ratio by weight of the total amount of the herbicides (i) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican is in the following ranges:
(i) flufcnacct to (ii) diflufcnican is in the range of from 8 : 1 to 1 :2, based on the total amount of (i) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican in said combination of herbicides.
Even more preferably, in the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and or in the composition comprising a herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention the ratio by weight of the total amount of the herbicides (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican is in the following ranges:
(i) flufenacct to (ii) diflufenican is in the range of from 6 : I to I : I, based on the total amount of (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican in said combination of herbicides.
Particularly preferably, in the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and or in the composition comprising a herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention the ratio by weight of the total amount of the herbicides (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican is in the following ranges:
(i) flufenacct to (ii) diflufenican is in the range of from 5 : I to 2 ; 1, based on the total amount of (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican in said combination of herbicides.
Most preferably, in the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and or in the composition comprising a herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention the ratio by weight ofthe total amount ofthe herbicides (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican is in the following ranges:
(i) flufenacct to (ii) diflufenican is in the range of from 5 : l to 3 :1, based on the total amount of (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican in said combination ofherbicides.
In a particularly preferred embodiment of the présent invention, in the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and or in the composition comprising a herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention the ratio by weight of the total amount of the herbicides (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican is in the following ranges:
(i) flufenacct to (ii) diflufenican is in the range of from 4.5 : 1 to 3.5 :1, even more preferably said ratio by weight is about 4:1, based on the total amount of(i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican in saidcombination ofherbicides.
The preferred application rates [indicated as g a.i/ha, i.e. grams of active ingrédient per hectare] of the herbicides used in the context ofthe présent invention as defined herein are as follows:
In ail of the above-mentioned embodiments, preferably the total amount of (i) flufenacct and (ii) diflufenican does not cxcccd 1000 g a.i./ha, preferably is equal to or less than 800 g a,i./ha, and more preferably is in the range of from 60 to 750 g a.i/ha.
Flufcnacct îs preferably applied at a rate in the range of 50 to 600 g a.î./ha, more preferably at a rate in the range of 100 to 500 g a.iyha, even more preferably at a rate in the range of 150 to 400 g a.L/ha, particularly preferably at a rate tn the range of 175 to 350 g a.i./ha.
Diflufcnican is preferably applied at a rate in the range of 10 to 150 g a.t./ha, more preferably at a rate in the 5 range of 25 to 150 g a.iJha, even more preferably at a rate in the range of 40 to 100 g a.iyha, particularly preferably at a rate in the range of 45 to 90 g a.L/ha.
Furthermore, the herbicides (i) and (ii) as defined herein can be used together with other agrochemically active compounds, for exemple from the group of the safeners, fongicides, insecticides, other herbicides and other plant growth regulators, or with formulation auxiliarics and additives customary in crop protection. Additives 10 arc, for exemple, fortilizers and colorants. Préférence îs in each case given to the ratios by weight mentioned above for flufcnacct and diflufcnican, and the application rates or the application rate ranges mentioned above for flufcnacct and diflufcnican.
The most important and most noxious weed species in cassava fields in Colombia reported arc (African Crop Science Journal 1994, 519-530): Pteridium aquilinum L. Kuhn, Imperata cylindrica L. Bcauv., Melinis 15 ninutiflora Bcauv., Sida acuta Burm F., Cyperus rotundus L.. Commelina diffusa Burm F. sub-specics diffuse
J.K. Morton, Agératum conyzoides L. and Portulaca oleraeeae L., Cyperus rotundus L (purplc nutsedge), Rottboellia exaltata (Lour) Clayton (Raoul grass), Sorghum halepense L. Pers (Johnson grass) and fpomoea sp. (moming glory).
In Nigeria, broad-leaved species were the most frequent woods in ail areas, averaging 71-78% ofall thespecies 20 rccordcd. Only 17-19%of the weed species présent were grasses and 4-7% were sedges. Five weed species, namcly, Agératum conyzoides L., Alternenthera sessilis L. R. Br. ex Roth, Mimosa invisa Mart, Digitaria horizontalis Willd, and Panicum maximum Jacq occurred in the entire area surveyed.
In south western Nigeria it was observed that annual woods, especially broad-leaved weeds, were the most common in cassava, and the prévalent species were Euphorbia hirta L. and Talinum triangulate Willd.
African Crop Science Journal 1994, Vol. 2. No.4, pp. 519-530 summarizes the ton most common weed species in cassava fields in Umuahia, southem Nigeria:
Agératum conyzoide, Calopogonium mucunoides, Alternenthera sessilis, Boreiria ocymoides, Commelina erecta. Chromolaena odorala, Mimosa in visa, Commelina benghalansis, Tridax procumbens, Brachiaria delfexa, Platostoma africanum, Digitaria adscendens, Synedrella nodtjlora, Panicum maximum, Cyperus 30 rotundus. Cyperus esculentus.
Further relevant weed spccics oeçurring in cassava fields in Nigeria arc (grasses, sedges and broadlcaf weeds): Imperaia cylindrica. Cynodon dactylon, Pennisetum polystachion, Mariscus alternifolius, Euphorbia heterophylla, Talinum triangulare.
A relevant parasitic weed spccics oeçurring in cassava fields (for exemple in Nigeria) is Cuscuta australis.
The combination of herbicides as defined herein or the composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined herein hâve an outstanding herbicidal activity against a broad spectrum of ceonomically important harmful monocotylcdonous and dicotylcdonous harmful plants in tuberous root crop plants, particularly in cassava.
In the context of the présent invention “controlling dénotes a significant réduction of the growth ofthe harmful 10 plant(s) in comparison to the untreated harmful plants. Preferably, the growth of the harmful plant(s) is essentîally dîminished (60-79%), more preferably the growth of the harmful plant(s) is largcly or fully suppressed (80-100%), and in particular the growth of the harmful plant(s) is almost fùlly or fùlly suppressed (90-100%).
Preferably, the présent invention relates to the use of the combination of herbicides as defined herein or the 15 composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined herein, wherein one, several or ail harmful plants arc selected from the group ofweed spccics consisting of Agératum spp., Calopogonium spp., Altcmanthcra spp., Borciria spp., Commelina spp., Chromolacna spp., Mimosa spp., Tridax spp., Brachiaria spp., Platostoma spp., Digitaria spp., Syncdrclla spp., Panicum spp., Cyperus spp., Impcrata spp., Cynodon spp., Pennisetum spp., Mariscus spp., Euphorbia spp., Talinum spp., Pteridium spp., Melinis spp.. Sida spp., Portulaca spp., 20 Rottbocllia spp., Sorghum spp., Ipomca spp., Dactyloetcnium spp., Spigclia spp., Boerhaavia spp., Aspilia spp.,
Aneilima spp., Hyparrhenia spp., Andropogon spp., Paspalum spp., Rhynchclytnim spp., Elcusînc spp., Setaria spp., Triumfctta spp., Stachytarphcta spp., Desmodium spp., Gomphrena spp., Tephrosia spp., Acanthospcrmum spp., Hyptis spp., Cenchrus spp., Urena spp., Vemonia spp., Cleomc spp., Crotalaria spp., Kyllinga spp., Corchorus spp., Ipomoca spp., Mitracarpus spp., Mclanthcra spp., Centrosema spp., Emilia spp., 25 Croton spp., Phyllanthus spp., Passiflore spp., Axonopus spp., Oldcnlandia spp., Schwcnckia spp., Acalypha spp., Solcnostcmon spp., Cclosia spp., Indigofera spp., Heterotis spp., Acmclla spp., Lcucacna spp., Boerhavia spp., Spcrmacocc spp., Oplismcnus spp., and Fimbristylis spp.
In a preferred aspect, the présent invention relates to the use of the combination of herbicides as defined herein or the composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined herein, whcrcîn one, several or ail harmful 30 plants arc selected from the group of weed spccics consisting of Agératum spp., Calopogonium spp.,
Altcmanthcra spp., Borciria spp., Commelina spp., Chromolacna spp.. Mimosa spp., Tridax spp., Brachiaria spp., Platostoma spp., Digitaria spp., Syncdrclla spp., Panicum spp., Cyperus spp., Impcrata spp., Cynodon spp., Pennisetum spp., Mariscus spp., Euphorbia spp., Talinum spp., Pteridium spp., Melinis spp.. Sida spp..
- Il Portulaca spp., Rottbocllia spp., Sorghum spp., Ipomca spp., Dactyloctcnium spp., Spigclia spp., Bocrhaavia spp., Aspilia spp., Ancilima spp., Hyparrhcnia spp., Andropogon spp., Paspalum spp., Rhynchclytrum spp., Elcusinçspp., Sctaria spp.,Triumfctta spp., Stachytarphcta spp., Dcsmodiumspp.,Gomphrcnaspp.,Tcphrosia spp., Acanthospcrmum spp., Hyptis spp., Ccnchrus spp., Urcna spp., Vcmonia spp., and Clcomc spp..
Particularly, the combination of herbicides as defined herein or the composition comprising a comhination of herbicides as defined herein arc used to control one. several or ail harmful plants sclcetcd from the group of weed species consisting of Agératum spp., Calopogonium spp., Altcrnanthcra spp., Boreiria spp., Commelina spp., Chromolacna spp., Mimosa spp., Tridax spp., Brachiaria spp., Platostoma spp., Digitariaspp., Syncdrclla spp., Panicum spp., Cyperus spp., Impcrata spp., Cynodon spp., Pennisetum spp., Mariscus spp., Euphorbia spp., Talinum spp., Pteridium spp., Mehnis spp.. Sida spp., Portulaca spp., Rottboellia spp., Sorghum spp.,
Ipomca spp., Dactyloctcnium spp., Spigclia spp., Bocrhaavia spp., Desmodium spp., Gomphrena spp., Tçphrosia spp., Acanthospcrmum spp., Hyptis spp., Ccnchrus spp., Urcna spp., Vcmonia spp., and Clcomc spp..
More particularly, the combination of herbicides as defined herein or the composition comprising a combination 15 of herbicides as defined herein arc used to control one, several or ail harmful plants selected from the group of weed species consisting of Agératum spp., Calopogonium spp., Altcrnanthcra spp., Boreiria spp., Commelina spp., Chromolacna spp.. Mimosa spp., Tridax spp., Brachiaria spp., Platostoma spp., Digitaria spp., Syncdrclla spp., Panicum spp., Cyperus spp., Impcrata spp., Cynodon spp., Pennisetum spp., Mariscus spp., Euphorbia spp., Talinum spp., Pteridium spp., Melinis spp.. Sida spp., Portulaca spp., Rottbocllia spp., Sorghum spp., 20 Ipomca spp., Dactyloctcnium spp., Spigclia spp., and Bocrhaavia spp..
Specifically, exemples may bc mentioned of some représentatives of the monocotylcdonousand dicotylcdonous weed flora which can bc controllcd by the combinations according to the présent invention.
In a more spécifie aspect, the présent invention relates to the use ofthe combination of herbicides as defined herein or the composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined herein, wherein one, several orall 25 harmful plants arc selected from the group consisting of Agératum conyzotdes, Calopogonium mucunoides,
Alternanthera sessilis, Boreiria ocymoides. Commelina erecta. Chromolacna odorata. Mimosa invisa. Commelina benghalensis, Tridax pmeumbens, Brachiaria delfexa, Platostoma africanum. Digitaria adscendens, Digitaria horizontalis, Syncdrclla nodiflora. Panicum maximum, Cyperus rotun dus, Cyperus esculenius, Impcrata cylindrica. Cynodon dactylon, Pennisetum polystachion, Pennisetum purpuretim, 30 Pennisetum vtolaceum, Mariscus allernifalius, Euphorbia heterophylla, Euphorbia htrta, Talinum triangulare, Pteridium aquilinum. Melinis ninutiflora. Sida acuta. Sida rhombifolia, Commelina diffusa, Portulaca oleraceae, Rottboellia exaltata, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, Sorghum halepense, ipomea triloba, Dactyloctcnium aegyptium. Brachiara lata, Spigclia anthemia, Boerhaavia erecta, Aspilia africana, Aneilima beniniense, Hyparrhenia involucrate, Andropogon gayanus, Paspalum conjugatum, Paspalum
-12orbiculalum, Rhynchelytrum repens, Eleusine indtca, Setaria barba ta, Selaria megaphylla, Triumfetta cordifolia, Stachytarpheta cayennensis, Desmodium scorpiurus, Gomphrena celosioides, Tephrosia bracieolala. Acanihospermum hispidum, Hyptis suaveolens, Cenchrux biflorus. Urena lobata, Vernonia ambigua, Cleome viscosa. Cuscula auslraiis, Corchorus ohtorius, Mitracarptis villosus, Melanthera scandens, Centroxema pubescens, Emilia coccinea, Crolon hirtus, Phyllanthus amaruv, Corchorus trilocularis, Passiflora foelida, Ipomoea involucrate, Axonopus compressas, Oldenlandia corymbosa, Acalypha ciliata, Schwenckia americana, Solenostemon monos tachyus, Celosia trigyna. Indigofera hirsute, Helerotis rotundifoha, Acmella brachyglossa, Leucaena leucocephala, Boerhavia diffusa, Spermacoce ocymoides, Oplismenus burmannii, Fimbristylis lllloralis. Cyperus iris, and Kyllinga erecta.
In a more preferred aspect, the présent invention relates to the use of the combination of herbicides as defined herein or the composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined herein, wherein one, scvcral or ail harmful plants arc selected from the group consisting of Agératum conyzotdes, Calopogonium mucunoides, Alternanlhera sessilis, Boreiria ocymoides, Commelina erecta, Chromolaena odorata. Mimosa invisa, Commelina benghalensis. Tridax procumbens, Brachiaria delfexa. Platostoma africanum. Digitaria 15 adscendens, Digitaria hori:ontalis, Synedrella nodiflora, Panicum maximum. Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus esculentus, Imperata cyhndrica, Cynodon dactylon, Pennisetum polystachion. Pennisetum purpureum, Pennisetum violaceum, Marixcus alternifolius, Euphorbia heterophylla, Euphorbia hirta, Talinum triangtdare, Pteridium aquilinum, Melinis nlnutijlora. Sida acuta, Sida rhombifolia. Commelina diffusa, Portulaca oleraceae, Rottboellia exallata, Rottboellia cochinchinensis. Sorghum halepense, Ipomea triloba, 20 Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Brachiara lata, Spigelia anthemia, Boerhaavia erecta, Aspilia africana, Aneilima beniniense, Hyparrhenia involucrate, Andropogon gayanttx, Paxpalum conjugatum, Paspalum orbiculalum, Rhynchelytrum repens, Eleusine indica, Setaria barbata, Selaria megaphylla, Triumfetta cordifolia, Stachytarpheta cayennensis, Desmodium scorpiurus, Gomphrena celosioides, Tephrosia bracieolala, Acanihospermum hispidum, flyptis suaveolens, Cenchrus biflorus, Urena lobata. Vernonia 25 ambigua, Cleome viscosa, and Cuscula auslraiis.
Particularly, the combination of herbicides as defined herein or the composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined herein arc used to control one, scvcral or ail harmful plants selected from the group cons isting of Agératum conyzoides, Calopogontummucunoides, Alternanlhera sessilis, Boreiria ocymoides, Commelina et ecta, Chromolaena odorata. Mimosa invisa. Commelina benghalensis. Tridax procumbens, 30 Brachiaria delfexa, Platosloma africanum, Digitaria adscendens, Digitaria horisonlalis, Synedrella nodiflora. Panicum maximum, Cyperus rotundus. Cyperus esculentus. Imperata cyhndrica, Cynodon dactylon, Pennisetum polystachion, Mariscus alternifolius. Euphorbia heterophylla, Euphorbia hirta, Talinum triangulare, Pteridium aquilinum, Melinis ninuliflora, Sida acuta, Commelina diffusa, Portulaca oleraceae, Rottboellia exallata, Sorghum halepense, Ipomea triloba, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Brachiara 35 lata, Spigelia anthemia, Boerhaavia erecta, Desmodium scorpiurus, Gomphrena celosioides, Tephrosia
bracteolata, Acanthospermum hispidum, Hyptis suaveolens, Cenchrus biflorus, Urena loba ta, l'ernonia ambigua. Cleome viscosa, and Cuscuta ausiralis.
More particularly, the combination of herbicides as defined herein cr the composition comprisinga combination of herbicides as defined herein arc used to control one. several or ail harmful plants selected from the group 5 consisting of Agératum conyzoides, Calopogonium ntucunoides, Alternanthera sessilts, Boreiriaocymoides,
Commelina erecta, Chromolaena odorata, Mimosa invisa, Commelina benghalensis, Tridax procumbens. Brachiaria delfexa, Platostoma africanum, Digitaria adscendens. Digitaria horizon ta!is, Synedrella nodiffora, Panicum maximum, Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus esculenius, Imperata cyhndrica, Cynodon daciylon, Pennisetum polystachion, Mariscus aliemifolius, Euphorbia heterophylla, Euphorbia hirta, 10 Talinum triangulare, Pteridium aquilinum, Melinis ninutiflora, Sida acuta, Commelina diffusa, Portulaca oleraceae, Rottboellta exaltata, Sorghum halepense, Ipomea triloba, Dactyloctenium aegyptium.Brachiara lata, Spigelta anthemia, Boerhaavia erecta and Cuscuta austrahs.
Inter alia excellent cfficacy in controlling of the following weeds was observed (sec also biological exemple below): Digitaria horizontalis, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Brachiara lata, Panicum maximum, Tridax 15 procumbens, Spigelia anthemia, Boerhaavia erecta, Euphorbia heterophylla, and Ipomea triloba.
I f a herbicide combination used according to the présent invention or if a composition comprising a herbicide combination used in the context of the présent invention is applied to the soil surface before germination, then the weed scedlings arc either prevented complctcly from cmcrgtng, or the weeds grow until they hâve rcachcd the cotylédon stage but then their growth stops, and, cvçntually, after three to four weeks have clapsed, they die 20 complctcly.
If a herbicide combination used according to the présent invention or if a composition comprising a herbicide combination used in the context of the présent invention is applied post-cmcrgcncc to the green parts of the plants, growth likcwisc stops drastically a very short time after the treatment and the weed plants rcmain at the growth stage of the point of time of application, or they die complctcly after a certain time, so that in this 25 manner compétition by the weeds, which is harmfùl to the crop plants, is climinatcd at a very carly point in time and in a sustaincd manner.
The use of a herbicide combination used according to the présent invention and the use of a composition comprising a herbicide combination used in the context of the présent invention is characterized by a rapidly commcncing and long-lasting herbicidal action.
In particular when the herbicide combinations as defined in the context of the présent invention and the compositions comprising a herbicide combination as defined in the context of the présent invention arc cmployedapplication rates may be reduced, a broader spectrum of broad-lcaved weeds and grass weeds maybc controlled, the herbicidal action may takc place more rapidly, the duration ofaction may be longer, the harmful
plants may bc controllcd better while using only one, or fcw, applications, and the application period which is possible to bc extended.
The abovementioned properties and advantages arc of benefit for weed control practice to keep agricultural crops free from undesired compcting plants and thus to safeguard and/or increase the yields from the qualitative 5 and quantitative point of view. These novel combinations markcdly cxcccd the technical state of the art with a view to the properties described.
While the herbicide combinations according to the présent invention hâve an outstanding herbicidal activity against monocotylcdonous and dtcotylcdonous weeds, the crop plants arc damaged only to a minor extent, ifat ail.
Morcover, some of the compositions according to the présent invention hâve outstanding growth-rcgulatory properties on the crop plants. They engage in the plants’ metabolism in a rcgulatory manner and can thus bc employed for provoking directed cffccts on plant constituent» and to facilitate harvesting such as for example by triggering dcsiccation and stunted growth. Morcover, they arc also suitable for the general control and inhibition of undesired végétative growth without simultancously destroying the plants. An inhibition ofvégétative growth 15 is very important in a large number of monocotylcdonous and dicotylcdonous crops sincc yield fosses as a rcsult of lodgîng can thus bc reduced, or prcvcntcd complctcly.
Owing to their herbicidal and plant-growth-rcgulatory properties, the compositions according to the présent invention can bc employed for controlling harmful plants in genetically modified crop plants or crop plants obtained by mutation/sclcction. Thèse crop plants arc distinguished as a rulc by particular, advantageous 20 properties, such as résistances to herbicidal compositions or résistances to plant diseases or causativc agents of plant diseases such as particular insects or microorganisms such as fungi, bactcria or viniscs. Other particular properties relate, for example, to the harvested material with regard to quantity,quality, storability, composition and spécifie constituent». Thus, for exemple, transgenic plants arc known whosc starch content is increased or whosc starch quality i.s altcrcd, or those where the harvested material has a different fatty acid composition.
The tuberous root crop plants can also hâve been genetically modified or been obtained by mutation sélection. For example, WO 97/44473 Al relates to transforming and producing cassava plant (protoplasts). WO 92/05259 Al dcscibcs transgenic plants having modified carbohydrate content, inter alia cassava plants.
The présent invention also relates to a method of controlling undesired végétation (e.g. harmful plants) in tuberous root crop plants, which comprises applying a herbicide combination and compositions as defined in the 30 context ofthe présent invention or applying a composition comprising a herbicide combination as defined in the context ofthe présent invention, for example by the prc-cmcrgcncc method, by the post-émergence methodor by the prc-cmcrgcncc and the post-cmcrgcncc method, to the plants, for example harmful plants, parts of these plants, plant sccds or the area where the plants grow, for examplc the area under cultivation.
Thus, in a further aspect, the présent invention relates to a method for
- controlling undesired plant growth, and/or
- controlling harmfiil plants in tuberous root crop plants, and/or
- regulating plant growth in tuberous root crop plants, comprising the step ofapplying a combination of herbicides or a composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined hcrcinabovc onto the tuberous root crop plants, parts of tuberous root crop plants, seedsof tuberous root crop plants, the area where the tuberous root crop plants grow or the area where the tuberous root 10 crop plants arc intended to grow.
Preferably, in a method according to the présent invention as defined above, the tuberous root crop plants arc selected from the group consisting ofswcct potato (Ipomoea batatas), cassava (Manihot esculenta), and yam (plant species in the genus Dioscorea), more preferably the tuberous root trop plant is cassava (Manihot esculenta).
In another aspect, the présent invention relates to a method according to the présent invention as defined above, wherein one, scvcral, or ail harmful plants as mentioned above arc controllcd.
In another aspect, the présent invention relates to a method according to the présent invention as defined abov, whercin the tuberous root crop plants hâve been gcnctically modified, preferably said tuberous root crop plants arc transgcnic plants or obtained by mutation/sclcction.
As already mentioned above, the herbicide combinations as defined in the context of the présent invention can not only be used as mixed formulations, ifappropriate together with further agrochcmîcally active compounds, additives and/or customary formulation auxiliarics, which arc then applied in thccustomary manner as a dilution with water, but also as so-called tank mixes by jointly diluting the separatcly formulated. or partially separatcly formulated, components with water.
The herbicide combinations as defined in the context of the présent inventionand the compositions comprising a herbicide combination as defined in the context of the présent invention can be formulated in various ways, depending on the prcvailing biological and/or chcmical-physical parameters. The following arc cxamples of general possibilitics for formulations: wettablc powders (WP), watcr-solublc concentrâtes, cmulsifiablc concentrâtes (EC), aqueous solutions (SL), émulsions (EW) such as oil-in-watcr and watcr-in-oil émulsions, sprayable solutions or émulsions, suspension concentrâtes (SC), oil dispersions (OD), oil- or water-based
dispersions, suspocmulsions, dusts (DP), sccd-drcssing materials, granules for soil application or for broadcasting, or watcr-dispcrsiblc granules (WG), ULV formulations, microcapsulcs or waxes.
Preferably, the herbicide combinations used in accordance with the présent invention and or the composition comprising a herbicide combination used in accordance with the présent invention are used in the context ofthe 5 présent invention in the form of aqueous dispersions, preferably aqueous dispersions as disclosed in WO 2007/112834 A2, wherein more preferably additionally the ratio by weight of the total amount ofthe hcibicidcs (i) flufcnacct and (ii) diflufcnican preferably is in the ranges defîned above in the context of the preferred, more preferred or particularly preferred or most preferred embodiments.
The individual formulation types arc known in principlc and arc desenbed for cxamplc, in: Winnackcr-Küchlcr, 10 Chcmischc Technologie, Volume 7, C. Hauser Verlag Munich, 4°1 Edition, 1986; van Valkcnburg, Pesticide
Formulations, Marvel Dckkcr N.Y., 1973; K. Martens, Spray Drying Handbook, 3rd Ed. 1979, G. Goodwin Ltd. London.
The formulation auxiliarics rcquired, such as inert materials, surfactants, solvents and other additives arc also known and arc described, for cxamplc, in Wallons, Handbook of Insecticide Dust Dilucnts and Carriers, 2nd 15 EiL, Darland Books, Caldwcll N. J.; H.v. Olphcn, Introduction to Clay Colloid Chemistry; 2nd Ed., J. Wiley &
Sons, N.Y. Marsden, Solvents Guide, 2nd Ed., Intcrscicncc, N.Y. 1950; McCutchcon's, Détergents and Emulsifïcrs Annual”, MC Publ. Corp., Ridgewood NJ.; Sislcy and Wood, Encyclopédie of Surface Active Agents, Chem. Publ. Co. Inc., N.Y. 1964; Schônfcldt, GrcnzfUchcnaktivc Âthylcnoxidadduktc [Surfaceactive clhylcnc oxide adducts], Wiss. Vcrlagsgcscllschaft, Stuttgart 1976, Winnackcr-Küchlcr, Chcmischc 20 Technologie, Volume 7, C. Hauser Verlag Munich, 4* Edition 1986.
Based on these formulations, combinations with other agrochcmically active substances, such as other herbicides not bclonging toconstitucnts (i) and (ii) as defîned in thecontext of the présent invention, fungicidcs or insecticides, and with safeners, fertilizers and/or growth rcgulators, may also bc préparai, forcxamplc in the form of a rcadymix or a tank mix.
Wcttablc powdcrs (sprayablc powdcrs) arc products which arc uniformly dispersible in water and which, besides the active compound, also comprise ionic or nonionic surfactants (wetters, dispersants), for cxamplc poïyoxcthylatcd alkylphcnols, polycthoxylated fatty alcohols or fatty amines, alkancsulfonatcs or alkylbcnzcncsulfonatcs, sodium lignosulfonatc, sodium 2,2'-dinaphthylmcthanc-6,6’-disulfonatc, sodium dibutylnaphthalcncsulfonatc or clsc sodium olcoylmcthyltauridc, in addition to a diluent or inert material.
Emulsiftablc concentrâtes arc prepared by dissolving the active compound in an organ ic solvent, for cxamplc butanol, cyelohcxanonc, dimcthylformamîdc, xylcnc or clsc highcr-boiling aromatics or hydrocarbons with addition of one or more ionic or nonionic surfactants (cmulsificrs). Exemples of cmulsificrs which may bcused arc: calcium salts of alkylarylsulfonic acids, such as calcium dodccylbcnzcnc sulfonatc, or nonionic cmulsificrs
such as fatty acid polyglycol esters, alkylatyl polyglycol éthers, fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers, propylene oxidc/cthylcnc oxide condensâtes, alkyl polycthcrs, sorbitan fatty acid esters, polyoxycthylcnc sorbitan fatty acid esters or polyoxcthylcnc sorbitol esters.
Dusts arc obtained by grinding the active compound with ftncly dividcd solid materials, for examplc talc, natural 5 clays such as kaolin, ben ton i te and pyrophyllitc, or diatomaccous carth.
Suspension concentrâtes (SC) can be water- or oil-bascd. They can be prepared, for examplc, by wet grinding by means of commercially available bcad mills and, if appropriatc, addition of further surfactants as they hâve already been mentioned for examplc above in the case of the other formulation types.
Emulsions, for examplc oil-in-water émulsions (EW), can be prepared for examplc by means ofstirrcrs,colloid 10 mills and/or static mixers using aqueous organic solvents and, if appropriatc, further surfactants as hâve already been mentioned for examplc above in the case of the other formulation types.
Granules can be prepared either by spraying the active compound onto adsorptivc, granulated inert material or by applying active compound concentrâtes to the surface of carriers such as sand, kaolinitcs or granulated inert material with the aid of binders, for examplc polyvinyl alcohol, sodium polyacrylatc or else minerai oils. 15 Suitable active compounds may also be granulated in the manner convcntionally used for the production of ferti 1 izer granules, if desired in a mixture with fertilizers. As a rulc, watcr-dispcrsiblc granules arc prepared by customary proccsscs such as spray drying, fluidized-bed granulation, disk granulation, mixing with high-speed mixers and extrusion without solid inert material. Regarding the production of disk granules, fluidized-bed granules, extrader granules and spray granules, sec, for examplc, the methods in Spray-Drying Handbook 3nl 20 cd. 1979, G. Goodwin Ltd., London; J.E. Browning, Agglomération, Chemical and Engineering 1967, page
147 et seq; Perry’s Chemical Enginccr's Handbook, 5th Ed., McGraw-Hill, New York 1973, pp. 8-57.
As regards further details on the formulation oferop protection products, sec, for examplc, G.C. Klingmam, Weed Control as a Science, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1961, pages 81-96 and J.D. Freyer, S.A. Evans, Weed Control Handbook, 5th Ed.. Blackwell Scicntific Publications, Oxford, 1968, pages 101-103.
As a raie, the agrochcmical formulations comprise 1 to 95% by weight, of active compounds, the following concentrations being customary, depending on the type of formulation:
The active compound concentration in wcttablc powdcrs is, for examplc, approximately 10 to 95% by weight, the remainder to 100% by weight being composcd of customary formulation constitucnts. In the case of cmulsifiablc concentrâtes, the active compound concentration may amount to, for examplc, 5 to 80% by weight 30 Formulations in the form of dusts comprise, in most cases, 5 to 20% by weight ofactive compound, sprayablc solutions approximately 0.2 to 25% by weight of active compound. In the case of granules such as dispcrsiblc granules, the active compound content dépends partly on whether the active compound is présent in liquid or
solid form and on which granulation auxiliarics and fi Hors arc being used. As a ru le, the content amounts to between 10 and 90% by weight in the case ofthe watcr-dispcrsiblc granules.
In addition, the abovementioned active compound formulations may comprise, if appropriate, the conventional adhesives, wetters, dispersants, emulsifiers, preservatives, antifreeze agents, solvents, fillcrs, colorants, carriers, 5 antifoams. évaporation inhibitors, pH regulators or viscosity regulators.
The herbicidal action of the herbicide combinations according to the présent invention can bc improved, for examplc, by surfactants, preferably by wetters from the group of the fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers. The fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers préférable contain 10-18 carbon atoms in the fatty alcohol radical and 2-20 cthylcnc oxide units in the polyglycol ether moiety. The fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers can bc non ionic or ionic, 10 for exemple in the form of fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers sulfates, which can bc used, for examplc, as alkali métal salts (e.g. sodium salts or potassium salts) or ammonium salts, but also as alkalinc carth métal salts such as magnésium salts, such as sodium Ci 2/Ci4-fatty alcohol diglycol ether sulfate (Genapol* LRO, Clariant); sec, for exemple, EP-A-0476555, EP-A-0048436, EP-A-0336151 or US-A-4,400,196 and also Proc. EWRS Symp. Factors AfTccting Herbicidal Activity and Selectivity, 227 - 232 (1988). Nonionic fatty alcohol polyglycol 15 ethers arc, for examplc. (Cio-Cix)-, preferably (Cio-Ci4)-fatty alkohol polyglycol ethers containing 2 - 20, preferably 3-15, cthylcnc oxide units (e.g. isotridccyl alcohol polyglycol ether), for examplc from the Genapol* séries, such as Genapol X-030, Genapol* X-060, Genapol* X-080 or Genapol* X-150 (ail from Clariant GmbH).
The présent invention furthermore cmbraccs the combination of herbicides (i) and (ii) as defined above with the 20 wetting agents mentioned above from the group of the fatty alcohol polyglycolcthcrs which preferably contain 10-18 carbon atoms in the fatty alcohol radical and 2-20 cthylcnc oxide units in the polyglycol ether moiety and which can bc présent in nonionic or ionic form (for examplc as fatty alcohol polyglycol ether sulfates). Préférence is given to Ci2/Ci4-fatty alcohol diglycol ether sulfate sodium (Genapol* LRO, Clariant); and isotridccyl alcohol polyglycol ether with 3-15 cthylcnc oxide units, for examplc from the Genapol* X séries, 25 such as Genapol X-030, Genapol X-060, Genapol* X-080 or Genapol* X-l 50 (ail from Clariant Gmbl I). It is furthermore known that fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers such as nonionic or ionic fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers (for exemple fatty alcohol polyglycol ether sulfates) arc also suitable for use as pénétrants and activity cnhanccrs for a number of other herbicides, inter alia also for herbicides from the group ofthe imidazolinoncs (see, for examplc, EP-A-0502014).
Moreover, it is known that fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers such as nonionic or ionic fatty alcohol polyglycol ethers (for exemple fatty alcohol polyglycol ether sulfates) arc also suitable as pénétrants and synergists for a number of other herbicides, inter alla also herbicides from the group ofthe imidazolinoncs; (sec, for examplc, EP-A-0502014).
-19Thc herbicidal cITcct of the herbicide combinations according to the présent invention can also be increased using vcgctablc oils. The term vcgctablc oils is to be understood as meaning oils from oil-plant species, such as soya oil, rapeseed oil, corn oil, sunflowcr oil, cottonseed oil, linseed oil, coconut oil, palm oil, safïlowcr oil or castor oil, in particular rapeseed oil, and their transestérification products, for cxamplc alkyl esters, such as rapeseed oil methyl ester or rapeseed oil ethyl ester.
The vcgctablc oils arc preferably esters of Cto-Cîi-, preferably C12-C20-fatty acids. The Cio-Cr-fatty acid esters arc, for cxamplc, esters of unsaturated or saturated Cio-Cîi-fatty acids, in particular those with an even number of carbon atoms, for cxamplc crucic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid and, in particular, Cig-fatty acids such as stcaric acid, olcic acid, linolcic acid or linolcnic acid.
Preferred Ci-Caj-alkyl-Cio-Cîî-fatty acid esters arc the methyl, ethyl, propyl, butyl, 2-cthylhcxyl and dodcçyl esters. Preferred glycol- and glyvcrd-Cio-C-j-fatty acid esters arc the uniform or mixed glycol esters and glyccrol esters of Cio-Cn-fatty acids, in particular those fatty acids which hâve an even number of carbon atoms, for cxamplc crucic acid, lauric acid, palmitic acid and, in particular, Cm-fatty acids such as stcaric acid, olcic acid, linolic acid or linolcnic acid.
The vcgctablc oils can be présent in the herbicidal compositions according to the présent invention for cxamplc in the form of commercially available oil-containing formulation additives, in particular those based on rapeseed oil such as llastcn* (Victorian Chcmical Company, Australia, hcrcinbelow tcrmçd llastcn, main constituent: rapeseed oil ethyl ester), Actirob*B (Novancc, France, hcrcinbelow termed ActirobB, main constituent: rapeseed oil methyl ester), Rako-Binol*1 (Bayer AG, Germany, termed Rako-Binol hcrcinbelow, main constituent: 20 rapeseed oil), Rcnol* (Stefes, Germany, termed Rcnol hcrcinbelow, vcgctablc oil constituent: rapeseed oil methyl ester), or Stefes Mero* (Stefes, Germany, hcrcinbelow termed Mero, main constituent: rapeseed oil methyl ester).
ln a further embodiment, the présent invention cmbraccs the combination ofa herbicide combination as defined in the context of the présent invention with the vcgctablc oils mentioned above. Thus, in a further embodiment, 25 the présent invention cmbraccs the use ofcompositions comprising a herbicide combination as defined in the context of the présent invention comprising the vcgctablc oils mentioned above, such as rapeseed oil, preferably in the form of commercially available oil-containing formulation additives, in particular those based on rapeseed oil such as llastcn* (Victorian Chcmical Company, Australia, hcrcinbelow termed Hasten, main constituent: rapeseed oil ethyl ester), Actirob*B (Novancc, France, hcrcinbelow termed ActirobB, main constituent: rapeseed 30 oil methyl ester), Rako-Binol* (Bayer AG, Germany, termed Rako-Binol hcrcinbelow, main constituent: rapeseed oil), Rend* (Stefes, Germany, termed Rend hcrcinbelow, vcgctablc oil constituent: rapeseed oil methyl ester), or Stefes Mero* (Stefes, Germany, hcrcinbelow termed Mero, main constituent: rapeseed oil methyl ester).
-20For use, the formulations, which arc présent in commercially available form, arc optionally diluted in the customary manner, for exemple using water in the case of wcttablc powdcrs, cmulsifiablc concentrâtes, dispersions and watcr-dispcrsiblc granules. Préparations in the form of dusts, soil granules, granules for broadcasting and sprayablc solutions are usually not diluted further with other inert substances prior to use.
The active compounds can bc applied to the plants, parts of the plants, seeds of the plants or the area under cultivation (soil ofa field), preferably to the green plants and parts of the planLs and, ifappropriatc,additionally to the soil of the field.
A composition comprising a herbicide combination used in the context of the présent invention has the advantage of being casier to apply, and the quantitics of the components arc advantageously alrcady presented in 10 the correct ratio to each other. Morcover, the adjuvants in the formulation can bc matchcd optimally to each other.
1. Product used
The following commercially available herbicide combination was tested (available from Bayer CropScicncc):
Product Pl contained 400 g/L of (i) flufcnacct and 100 g/L of (ii) diflufcnican, and was a suspension conccntratc (SC formulation), density 1.19 kg/L.
2. Biologieal Trials
Trials werc conductcd on cassava planLs on a Rcscarch Farm in the Ivory Coast (Côte d’ivoire), West Africa.
Table 1 shows the respective total weed control ratings for the different products tested in prc-cmcfgcncc42,49 and 56 days after treatment, respectively. In each case the total weed control takes into account the control of broad-leaved species, grasses and sedges. The control of grasses 42,49 and 56 days after treatment was 90% in each case. Weed control was always assc.sscd în comparison to the weed control of a corresponding untreated control plot.
Inter alla excellent cfficacy in controlling of the following weeds was observed: Digitaria horizontalis, 25 Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Brachiara lata, Panicum maximum, Tridax procumbens, Spigelia anthemia, Bœrhaavia erecta, Euphorbia heterophylla, and Ipomea triloba.
Table 2 shows the plant growth rcgulating effects ofproduct PI (herbicide composition used in accordance with the présent invention) on cassava crop plants after harvest relative to hoc-wccdcd cassava crop plants (as référence). The plant growth rcgulating effects werc measured as the respective fresh rootcassava yiclds, in each
case as pcreccntagc in comparison to the fresh root cassava yield of hoc-weeded cassava crop plants as reference (defined as 100%).
Table 1 : Ratings of the total weed control in plots treated pre-cmcrgcncc with the product P1 42 days, 49 days, and 56 days after treatment
Product Amount of Product appiied Total Weed Control in %
After 42 days After 49 days After 56 days
PI 0.5 L/ha 83 78 75
No phytotoxicity damages were observed in the treated cassava plants.
Table 2: Plant growth regulating effects ofproduct PI on tuberous root crop plants indicated as fresh root yield
Product or treatment Amount of Product appiied Yield of fresh root yield in comparison to hoc-wccding
PI 0.5 L/ha 166%
PI 1.0 L/ha 141%
Hoc-wecding (Référence) 100%

Claims (11)

  1. Claims:
    1. Use of a combination of herbicides or of a composition comprising a combination of herbicides
    - for controlling harmfui plants in tuberous root crop plants, and/or
    - as plant growth regulators in tuberous root crop plants, wherein
    - said combination of herbicides comprises or consists of (i) flufenacet and (ii) diflufenican; and
    - the tuberous root crop plants are cassava (Manihot esculenta).
  2. 2. Use according to claim i, wherein a composition is employed which additionally comprises one or more further components selected from the group consisting of formulation auxîliaries, additives customary in crop protection, and further agrochemically active compounds.
  3. 3. Use according to claim i or 2, wherein the ratio by weight in the combination of herbicides of (i) flufenacet to(ii) diflufenican is in the range of from 10 :1 to 1 :3, based on the total amount of (i) flufenacet and (ii) diflufenican in said combination of herbicides.
  4. 4. Use according to any one of daims 1 to 3, wherein the ratio by weight in the combination of herbicides of (i) flufenacet to (ii) diflufenican is in the range of from 8 : 1 to 1 : 2, based on the total amount of (i) flufenacet and (ii) diflufenican in said combination of herbicides.
  5. 5. Use according to any one of claims I to 4, wherein one, several or ail harmful plants are selected from the group of weed species consisting of Agératum spp., Calopogonium spp., Altemanthera spp., Boreiria spp., Commelina spp., Chromolaena spp., Mimosa spp., Tridax spp., Brachiaria spp., Platostoma spp., Digitaria spp., Synedrella spp., Paniçum spp., Cyperus spp., Imperata spp., Cynodon spp., Pennisetum spp., Mariscus spp., Euphorbîa spp., Talinum spp., Pteridium spp., Melinis spp., Sida spp., Portulaca spp., Rottboellia spp., Sorghum spp., Ipomea spp., Dactyloctenium spp., Spigelia spp., Boerhaavia spp., Aspilia spp., Aneilima spp., Hyparrhenia spp., Andropogon spp., Paspalum spp., Rhynchelytrum spp., Eleusine spp., Setaria spp., Triumfetta spp., Stachytarpheta spp., Desmodium spp., Gomphrena spp., Tephrosia spp., Acanthospcrmum spp., Hyptis spp., Cenchrus spp., Urena spp., Vemonia spp., Cleome spp., Crotalaria spp., Kyllinga spp., Corchorus spp., Ipomoea spp., Mitracarpus spp., Melanthera spp., Centrosema spp., Emilia spp., Croton spp., Phyllanthus spp., Passiflore spp., Axonopus spp., Oldenlandia spp., Schwenckia spp., Acalypha spp., Solenostemon spp., Celosia spp., Indigofera spp., Heterotis spp., Acmella spp., Leucaena spp., Boerhavia spp., Spermacoce spp., Oplismenus spp., and Fimbristylis spp..
  6. 6. Use according to any one of claims 1 to 5, wherein one, several or ail harmful plants are selected from the group of weed species consisting of Agératum spp., Calopogonium spp., Altemanthera spp., Boreiria spp., Commelina spp., Chromolaena spp., Mimosa spp., Tridax spp., Brachiaria spp., Platostoma spp., Digitaria spp,, Synedrella spp., Panicum spp., Cyperus spp., Imperata spp., Cynodon spp., Pennisetum spp., Mariscus spp., Euphorbîa spp., Talinum spp., Pteridium spp., Melinis spp., Sida spp., Portulaca spp., Rottboellia spp., Sorghum spp., Ipomea spp., Dactyloctenium spp., Spigelia spp,, Boerhaavia spp., Aspilia spp,, Aneilima spp., Hyparrhenia spp., Andropogon spp., Paspalum spp., Rhynchelytrum spp., Eleusine spp., Setaria spp., Triumfetta spp., Stachytarpheta spp., Desmodium spp., Gomphrena spp., Tephrosia spp., Acanthospermum spp., Hyptis spp., Cenchrus spp., Urena spp., Vemonia spp., and Cleome spp..
  7. 7. Use according to any one of claims 1 to 6, wherein one, several or ail harmful plants are selected from the group consisting of Agératum conysoides. Calopogonium mucunoides, Altemanthera sessilis, Boreiria ocymoides, Commelina erecta, Chromolaena odorata. Mimosa invisa, Commelina benghalensis, Tridax procumbens, Brachiaria delfexa, Platostoma africanum, Digitaria adscendens, Digitaria horisontalis, Synedrella nodiflora, Panicum maximum, Cyperus rotundus. Cyperus esculentus, Imperata cylindrica, Cynodon dactylon, Pennisetum polystachion, Pennisetum purpureum, Pennisetum violaceum, Mariscus altemifolius, Euphorbîa heterophylla, Euphorbîa hirta, Talinum triangulare, Pteridium aquilinum, Melinis ninutiflora, Sida acuta, Sida rhombifolia, Commelina diffusa, Portulaca oleraceae, Rottboellia exaltata, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, Sorghum
    -2418447 halepense, Ipomea triloba, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Brachiara lata, Spigelia anthemia, Boerhaavia erecta, Aspilia africana, Aneilîma beniniense, Hyparrhenia involucrate, Andropogon gayanus, Paspalum conjugatum, Paspalum orbiculatum, Rhynchelytrum repens, Eleusine indica, Setaria barbota, Setaria megaphylla, Triumfetta cordifolia, Stachytarpheta cayermensis, Desmodium scorpiurus, Gomphrena celosioides, Tephrosia bracteolata, Acanthospermum hispidum, Hyptis suaveolens, Cenchrus biflorus, Urenalobata, Vernonia ambigua, Cleomeviscosa, Cuscutaaustralis, Corchorus olitorius, Mitracarpus villosus, Melanthera scandens, Centrosema pubescens, Emilia coccinea, Croton hirtus, Phyllanthus amarus, Corchorus trilocularis, Passiflora foetida, Ipomoea involucrate, Axonopus compressas, Oldenlandia corymbosa, Acalypha ciliata, Schwenckia americana, Solenostemon monostachyus, Celosia trigyna, Indigofera hirsute, Heterotis rotundifolia, Acmella brachyglossa, Leucaena leucocephala, Boerhavia diffusa, Spermacoce ocymoides, Oplismenus burmannii, Fimbristylis littoralis, Cyperus iris, and Kyllinga erecta.
  8. 8. Use according to any one of claims 1 to 7, wherein one, several or ail harmful plants are selected from the group consisting of Agératum conyzoides, Calopogonium mucunoides, Alternanthera sessilis, Boreiria ocymoides. Commetina erecta, Chromolaena odorata. Mimosa invisa, Commelina benghalensis, Tridax procumbens, Brachiaria delfexa, Platostoma africanum, Digitaria adscendens, Digitaria horizontalis, Synedrella nodiflora, Panicum maximum, Cyperus rotundus, Cyperus esculentus, Imperata cylindrica. Cynodon dactylon, Pennisetum polystachion, Pennisetum purpureum, Pennisetum violaceum, Mariscus alternifolius, Euphorbia heterophylla, Euphorbia hirta, Talinum triangulare, Picridium aquilinum, Melinis ninutiflora, Sida acuta. Sida rhombifolia, Commelina diffusa, Portulaca oleraceae, Rottboellia exaltata, Rottboellia cochinchinensis, Sorghum halepense, Ipomea triloba, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Brachiara lata, Spigelia anthemia, Boerhaavia erecta, Aspilia africana, Aneilîma beniniense, Hyparrhenia involucrate, Andropogon gayanus, Paspalum conjugatum, Paspalum orbiculatum, Rhynchelytrum repens, Eleusine indica, Setaria barbota, Setaria megaphylla, Triumfetta cordifolia, Stachytarpheta cayennensis, Desmodium scorpiurus, Gomphrena celosioides, Tephrosia bracteolata. Acanthospermum hispidum, Hyptis suaveolens, Cenchrus biflorus, Urena lobata, Vernonia ambigua, Cleome viscosa, and Cuscuta australis.
  9. 9. Method for
    - controlling undesired plant growth, and/or controlling harmful plants in tuberous root crop plants,
    -2518447 and/or
    - regulating plant growth in tuberous root crop plants, comprising the step of applying a combination of herbicides or a composition comprising a combination of herbicides as defined in any one of claims 1 to 4 onto the tuberous root crop plants,
    5 parts of tuberous root crop plants, seeds of tuberous root crop plants, the area where the tuberous root crop plants grow or the area where the tuberous root crop plants are intended to grow, wherein the tuberous root crop plants are cassava (Manihot esculenta).
  10. 10. The method according to claim 9, wherein one, several, or ail harmful plants as defined in any one of
    10 claims 5 to 8 are controlled.
  11. 11. The method according to claim 9 or claim 10, wherein the tuberous root crop plants hâve been genetically modifïed, preferably said tuberous root crop plants are transgenic plants or obtained by mutation/selection.
OA1201700404 2015-04-27 2016-04-25 Use of certain herbicide combinations in tuberous root crop plants OA18447A (en)

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