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- sugar
- fusion protein
- galactosyltransferase
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- binding protein
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組換え蛋白質の大量生産には、コスト的な点を考慮すれば、細菌や酵母などの微生物に発現させる方法が有利である。しかしながら、微生物の発現系では、発現した蛋白質の多くが不溶性の封入体(inclusion body)として存在することがあり、精製に際して可溶化・再生(renaturation)の工程を必要とするので、効率的とは言えなかった。さらに、一部可溶性蛋白質として発現した酵素についても、高純度に得るためには、各種クロマトグラフィ処理を含む多くの精製工程が必要であり、多大な時間及びコストがかかるために、商業的生産用の発現系としては十分ではなかった。
本発明において、MBPをコードする遺伝子としてはその由来は特に限定されるものではないが、pMAL−p2もしくはpMAL−c2(いずれも、New England Biolabs製)に由来するものが挙げられる。
本発明における糖結合性蛋白質は、そのC末端側に配列特異性の高いプロテアーゼにより認識され切断されるアミノ酸配列を含むことが特に好ましい。該プロテアーゼとしては、血液凝固第Xa因子(以下、Factor Xaと示すこともある。)、トロンビン、レニン等を例示することができるが、好ましくはFactor Xa認識配列、すなわち、Ile−Glu−Gly−Arg(配列番号3)である。こうしたプロテアーゼ認識配列を糖結合性蛋白質のC末端側に導入することにより、例えば、MBP融合β1,3GalT(以下、MBP−β1,3GalTと示すこともある。)の精製後に、上記のようなプロテアーゼを作用させることによりMBP部分を容易に除去することも可能である。
また、より好ましい態様としては、糖結合性蛋白質は、糖結合蛋白質部位とプロテアーゼ認識部位の間に、5〜15アミノ酸残基程度のスペーサー配列を含むものが挙げられる。該スペーサー配列の存在により、糖結合性蛋白質はβ1,3GalTから遠ざかるために融合蛋白質における分子内相互作用の可能性が減じ、MBP−β1,3GalT融合蛋白質の場合、MBP部分のマルトースやアミロースに対する特異的親和性が増大する。本発明においては、配列番号7のスペーサー配列を含むpMAL−p2もしくはpMAL−c2(いずれも、New England Biolabs製)を用いることができる。
本発明において、糖結合性蛋白質−β1,3GalTは、糖結合性蛋白質をコードするDNAと、β1,3GalTをコードするDNAを、結果的に上記の性質を有する融合蛋白質として翻訳されるように、すなわち、イン・フレームに(in frame)連結したキメラDNAを含む発現ベクターにより宿主細胞を形質転換し、得られた形質転換体を適当な培地中で培養することにより取得される。
本発明において、MBPをコードするDNAは、該蛋白質のC末端側に配列特異性の高いプロテアーゼにより認識され切断されるアミノ酸配列をコードする塩基配列を含むことが特に好ましい。該プロテアーゼとしては、血液凝固第Xa因子(Factor Xa)、トロンビン、レニン等を例示することができるが、好ましくはFactor Xa認識配列、すなわち、Ile−Glu−Gly−Arg(配列番号3)である。このようなプロテアーゼ認識配列を糖結合性蛋白質のC末端側に導入することにより、例えば、MBP融合β1,3GalT(以下、MBP−β1,3GalTと示すこともある。)の精製後に、上記のようなプロテアーゼを作用させることによりMBP部分を容易に除去することができる
大腸菌由来のMBPをコードするDNAは、例えば、New England Biolab社製のpMALp2(シグナルコドンを含む)、若しくはpMALc2(シグナルコドンを欠失する)のような市販のベクターから得ることも可能である。
本発明の発現ベクターは、上記の糖結合性蛋白質−β1,3GalTをコードするキメラDNAが、大腸菌で機能し得るプロモーターの制御下におかれた、任意の発現ベクターである。該プロモーター領域には、RNAポリメラーゼの結合位置を決定するコンセンサス配列である−35領域及び−10領域が含まれる。所望の組換え蛋白質を大量に発現させる系として、誘導酵素のプロモーター領域を使用することがより好ましい。このようなプロモーター領域として、trpプロモーター、lacプロモーター、recAプロモーター、lppプロモーター、tacプロモーター等が挙げられる。これらのプロモーター領域は、リプレッサー蛋白質が結合するオペレーターをさらに含む。誘導物質(例えば、lacプロモーターではラクトースやIPTG)を添加するとリプレッサー蛋白質のオペレーターへの結合が抑制され、プロモーターの制御下におかれた遺伝子が大量に発現する。また、該発現ベクターは、翻訳開始コドンの上流にコンセンサスなShine−Dalgarno(SD)配列を含む。さらに、該発現ベクターは、糖結合性蛋白質−β1,3GalTをコードするキメラDNAの下流に転写終結シグナル、すなわちターミネーター領域を含有する。ターミネーター領域としては、通常使用されている天然又は合成のターミネーターを用いることができる。本発明の発現ベクターは、上記のプロモーター領域及びターミネーター領域に加えて、宿主大腸菌内で自律複製し得る複製起点を含む必要がある。このような複製起点としては、ColEl ori、M13 ori等が挙げられる。
発現ベクターの宿主細胞への導入は、従来公知の方法を用いて行うことができる。例えば、Cohenらの方法(塩化カルシウム法;Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 第69巻、第2110頁(1972年))、プロトプラスト法(Mol.Gen.Genet. 第168巻、第111頁(1979年))、コンピテント法(J.Mol.Biol. 第56巻、第209頁(1971年))、エレクトロポレーション法などが挙げられる。
アフィニティクロマトグラフィの吸着体としては、例えばMBPの場合には、アミロースをアガロースビーズに固定化したアミロース樹脂(例えば、New England Biolab社製Amylose resin column等)を使用することができるが、他のMBPに対するリガンド及び他の不溶性マトリックス基(例えば、セルロース、デキストラン、合成ポリマー等)を使用してもよい。
上述のように、本発明の好ましい態様においては、糖結合性蛋白質−β1,3GalTはその融合部位に配列特異的なプロテアーゼによって認識切断されるアミノ酸配列を含むので、上記のようにして精製された糖結合性蛋白質−β1,3GalTに、該プロテアーゼを作用させることにより糖結合性蛋白質部分が除去されて、所望のβ1,3GalTが生成する。好ましくは、該プロテアーゼは血液凝固第Xa因子(Factor Xa)である。本発明においては、配列番号3のFactor Xa認識配列を含むpMAL−p2若しくはpMAL−c2(いずれも、New England Biolabs製)を使用することができる。糖結合性蛋白質−β1,3GalTにプロテアーゼを作用させる際の反応温度、溶液のpH、反応時間等は、用いるプロテアーゼの種類に応じて適宜選択することができるが、例えばFactor Xaの場合、中性緩衝液中、4〜40℃で1〜25時間反応させることにより、糖結合性蛋白質とβ1,3GalTとを開裂させることができる。反応終了後、反応液に上記の吸着体を加えて適当な時間攪拌することにより、遊離した糖結合性蛋白質のみが該吸着体に吸着するので、該吸着体を濾過することによりβ1,3GalTのみを精製することができる。あるいは、該吸着体を充填したカラムに反応液をアプライして素通り画分を回収することによってもβ1,3GalTを精製することができる。
実施例1:PCRによるβ1,3GalT−V cDNA断片の取得
まず、SW1116細胞(ATCCより入手)を、10%FCS含有DMEM培地にて培養し、20mlの培養液から細胞を遠心分離により集め、PBSで2回遠心洗浄を行った。得られた細胞塊から、RNeasy Mini(キアゲン製)を用いて全RNAを抽出した。T−25フラスコ1枚に換算して35.4gの収率であった。この全RNAから、RT−PCR high(東洋紡績製)を用いて一本鎖cDNAを調製した。条件は、70℃で10分の処理後、30℃・10分、42℃・30分、99℃・5分で行った。
配列番号1に記載のヒトβ1,3GalT−VのcDNAの塩基配列を基に、配列番号4及び5に示されるオリゴヌクレオチドを合成した。前者は配列番号1に示される塩基配列の塩基番号79〜105で示される塩基配列であり、BamHIの認識部位を付加している。後者は配列番号1に示される塩基配列の塩基番号913〜933で示される塩基配列に対するアンチセンス配列であり、BamHIの認識部位を付加している。これらのオリゴヌクレオチドをプライマー対として用いて、KOD DNAポリメラーゼ(東洋紡績製)を用いて、上記一本鎖cDNAを鋳型としてPCR(98℃・30秒、58℃・30秒、74℃・30秒を4サイクル後、98℃・30秒、68℃・30秒、74℃・30秒を28サイクル)を行った。このPCR産物を1.5%アガロース電気泳動に供したところ、目的遺伝子と同サイズである約900bpのDNA断片を得ることができた。
得られた上記DNA断片を、QIA Quick Gel Extraction Kit(キアゲン製)を用いて精製し、さらにPCR−Script Amp Cloning Kit(寶酒造製)を用いて、このDNA断片の末端平滑化、pPCR−Script Amp SK(+)ベクターへの挿入を行い、大腸菌DH5α株を形質転換し、50μg/mlのアンピシリン、IPTG、X−galを含むLB寒天培地で選抜した。
得られた白色コロニーより該DNA断片を保持するプラスミドを調製した。プラスミド調製は、QIA prep Spin Miniprep Kit(キアゲン製)を用いて行った。該DNA断片の塩基配列を、T3プライマー及びT7プライマーをシーケンシング用プライマーとしてシーケンス反応を行い、オートシーケンサー(ABI PRISM310;Genetic Analyzer;アプライドバイオシステムズ製)を用いて常法により決定した。その結果、所望の遺伝子がクローニングできたことが確認された。
上記のように、目的遺伝子の挿入が確認できた形質転換体を培養し、QIA prepSpin Miniprep Kit(キアゲン製)を用いてプラスミドの抽出を行った。このプラスミドを、BamHIで37℃、2時間処理した後、1.5%アガロース電気泳動に供し、目的遺伝子を含むDNA断片を切り出して、QIA Quick Gel Extraction Kit(キアゲン製)を用いて精製した。一方、ベクターであるpMALc2(New England Biolab社製)についても、BamHIで37℃、2時間処理した後、1.5%アガロース電気泳動に供し、同様に精製を行った。上記DNA断片と制限酵素処理した上記ベクターをLigation High(東洋紡績製)を用いて、16℃、1時間のライゲーション反応を行った。さらに、大腸菌JM109株を形質転換し、50μg/mlのアンピシリンを含むLB寒天培地で選抜した。得られたコロニーをさらに液体培養して、QIA prep Spin Miniprep Kit(キアゲン製)を用いてプラスミドの抽出を行った。インサート確認、その方向確認をそれぞれ、プラスミドをBamHI、PstIで処理することにより行い、正しい方向に目的遺伝子を含むDNA断片の挿入されているプラスミドを得た。
上記発現ベクターにより形質転換されたクローン1白金耳を50μg/mlのアンピシリン、0.2%グルコースを含むLB液体培地10ml中にて、37℃で終夜培養を行い、さらにこの培養液250μlを、同培地25mlに接種して37℃、4時間の培養を行い、25℃に温度を下げた後、0.3M IPTG25μlを加えて、終夜培養を行った。菌体を遠心分離により集め、緩衝液(100mM MES(pH6.5)−20mM MnCl2−50mM NaCl−1mM 2−メルカプトエタノール)80μl(培養液1ml分あたり)で懸濁した。この懸濁液を30分間の超音波処理を行い、14000rpmで10分間、4℃で遠心分離を行い、その培養上清を酵素溶液とした。この酵素溶液についてウエスタンブロッティングを行ったところ、MBP−β1,3GalT−Vと思われる分子量約75000のバンドを確認することができた。
また、β1,3GalT−V活性の反応pHの至適化も検討した。表1と同じ条件で、pH5.5,6.0,6.5,7.0は0.5M MES緩衝液、pH7.0,7.5,8.0は0.5M HEPES緩衝液を用いた。その結果、pH7.0〜7.5が至適条件であることが確認された。一方、共存するマンガン濃度は、表1に示した濃度よりも低いと活性が大きく低下することも確認された。なお、界面活性剤であるTritonX100は共存しなくても、活性には影響しないことも確認された。
上記酵素溶液を、アミロースのアガロースビーズに固定化された樹脂である、New England Biolab社製Amylose resin columnを用いて精製を行った。得られた溶出画分について、実施例4と同様にして、β1,3GalT活性を確認することができた。また、精製されたMBP−β1,3GalTをSDS−PAGEに供したところ、電気泳動的にもほぼ単一に精製されていることが確認された。
The present invention relates to a fusion protein having β1,3-galactosyltransferase activity, which is one of glycosyltransferases, and a method for producing the same. More specifically, the present invention relates to a fusion protein of a maltose binding protein (hereinafter, sometimes abbreviated as MBP) and a β1,3-galactosyltransferase protein and a method for producing the same.
[Prior art]
Sugar chains in which various monosaccharides are linked by glycosidic bonds are present in cells as an intracellular organelle component, a cell surface component, a secreted glycoprotein component, and the like. Although the structures of these sugar chains are different depending on the species or tissue, they differ depending on the time of occurrence or disease in the same species or tissue. In addition to functions such as imparting physical properties to proteins such as hydrophilicity, charge, and protease resistance, sugar chains are involved in intercellular recognition such as development and differentiation, nervous system, immune system, cancer metastasis, etc. In recent years, it has become very popular in terms of application to various fields such as pharmaceuticals.
These sugar chains are synthesized in vivo by glycosyltransferases. Glycosyltransferases are enzymes that use sugar nucleotides as sugar donors to transfer sugars to acceptor sugar chains and perform sugar chain elongation.The specificity of the sugar acceptor for the sugar chain structure is strict. In general, it is said that one glycosidic bond is formed by one corresponding glycosyltransferase. These glycosyltransferases are important enzymes in that they are used for sugar chain research, particularly for convenient synthesis of useful sugar chains and modification of natural sugar chains. However, the amount of naturally occurring glycosyltransferase is extremely small, and it has been practically difficult to supply it stably in large quantities.
Among the glycosyltransferases, β1,3-galactosyltransferase (hereinafter sometimes referred to as β1,3GalT) is a glycosyltransferase that transfers galactose from UDP-Gal by β1,3 bonds. Various types have been reported. Among them, β1,3GalT-V is, as described in Japanese Patent Application Laid-Open No. 2000-245264, a type I which has a Galβ1-3GlcNAc structure and constitutes a skeleton of a Lewis blood group antigen or a cancer-related sugar chain antigen. It is an extremely important enzyme involved in the synthesis of sugar chains, and is one of those for which stable supply has been strongly desired. β1,3GalT-V is derived from humans. Biol. Chem. Vol. 274, No. 18, pages 12499-12507 (1999).
However, since it has been difficult to secure large and stable cells, and if it is necessary to purify the enzyme into a single enzyme, it takes much time and effort, so that production of β1,3GalT by genetic recombination technology has been demanded. I have. It has been reported that the above-mentioned gene encoding β1,3GalT-V was isolated from, for example, human colon cancer cells, SW1116 cells.
For mass production of recombinant proteins, a method of expressing in microorganisms such as bacteria and yeast is advantageous in view of cost. However, in a microbial expression system, most of the expressed protein may be present as an insoluble inclusion body, which requires a solubilization / regeneration step for purification. I could not say. Furthermore, even for enzymes expressed as partially soluble proteins, in order to obtain high purity, many purification steps including various chromatographic treatments are required, and it takes a lot of time and cost, so that it is necessary for commercial production. It was not enough as an expression system.
On the other hand, as a method for expressing a target gene in a large amount and facilitating purification of an expression product, there is a method for expressing a target protein as a fusion protein with glutathione-S-transferase (GST), protein A, or the like. In these methods, the fusion protein with GST can be easily purified by affinity column chromatography using glutathione as a ligand, and the fusion protein with protein A can be easily purified by affinity column chromatography using IgG as a ligand. However, when this method is used, there is a high possibility that an inclusion body will be generated as described above. For these reasons, it has been practically difficult to stably supply β1,3GalT in large quantities.
[Problems to be solved by the invention]
Therefore, an object of the present invention is to supply β1,3-galactosyltransferase at low cost and efficiently.
[Means for Solving the Problems]
In view of the circumstances described above, the present inventors have conducted intensive studies. As a result, when β1,3GalT was expressed in a host as a fusion protein with a sugar-binding protein by gene recombination technology, β1,3GalT was expressed. It can be obtained as a soluble protein, and can be easily purified by affinity chromatography utilizing the specific affinity of the sugar-binding protein. The obtained fusion protein has β1,3GalT activity. And completed the present invention.
That is, the present invention has the following configuration.
Item 1. A recombinant fusion protein of a binding protein and β1,3-galactosyltransferase.
Item 2.1. The recombinant fusion protein according to Item 1, wherein the 1,3-galactosyltransferase has an activity of transferring galactose to a N-acetylglucosamine residue present at a non-reducing end of a sugar chain by β1,3 bond.
Item 3. Item 1, in which 1,3-galactosyltransferase has an activity of transferring galactose to an N-acetylglucosamine residue or N-acetylglucosamine monosaccharide present at the non-reducing end of GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glc by β1,3 bond. The recombinant fusion protein according to the above.
Item 4. The recombinant fusion protein according to any one of Items 1 to 3, wherein the 1,3-galactosyltransferase is derived from human.
Item 5. The recombinant fusion protein according to any one of Items 1 to 4, wherein the 1,3-galactosyltransferase is the protein described in (a) or (b).
(A) a protein (b) (a) comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 2 comprising an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted or added, and having β1,3-galactosyltransferase activity; Protein having item 6. Item 6. The recombinant fusion protein according to any one of Items 1 to 5, wherein the binding protein is a maltose binding protein.
Item 8. Item 8. The recombinant fusion protein according to
Item 9. A DNA encoding the recombinant fusion protein according to any one of Items 9.1 to 8.
Item 11. Item 11. A transformant transformed by the vector according to
Item 12. Item 9. The method for producing a recombinant fusion protein according to any one of Items 1 to 8, comprising the following steps (A) to (C).
(A) An expression vector in which a DNA encoding a sugar-binding protein and a DNA encoding β1,3-galactosyltransferase are ligated under the control of a promoter capable of functioning in Escherichia coli so as to be expressed as a fusion protein of the two proteins. Is used to transform E. coli,
(B) culturing the resulting transformant to produce a fusion protein of a sugar-binding protein and β1,3-galactosyltransferase;
(C) Isolation of the fusion protein from the obtained culture. Item 13. The method for producing a recombinant fusion protein according to Item 12, wherein the sugar-binding protein is a maltose-binding protein.
Item 16. Item 16. The method for producing β1,3-galactosyltransferase according to
Item 17. Item 17. The method for producing β1,3-galactosyltransferase according to Item 16, wherein the protease is blood coagulation factor Xa.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described specifically.
The present invention is characterized in that the protein having β1,3GalT activity is a fusion protein of β1,3GalT and a sugar-binding protein, and the fusion protein is a soluble protein.
Furthermore, the present invention has made it possible to produce β1,3GalT as a soluble fusion protein by expressing β1,3GalT as a fusion protein with a sugar-binding protein in Escherichia coli. By utilizing its specific affinity, it is possible to purify the fusion protein and β1,3GalT easily and in large quantities.
In the present invention, a sugar-binding protein is a protein that retains high affinity for oligosaccharides and polysaccharides having a sugar or a sugar residue. The sugar-binding protein may be derived from any species, but is preferably derived from prokaryotes such as bacteria, and more preferably derived from Escherichia coli.
Specific examples include various lectins, maltose binding protein, cellulose binding protein, chitin binding protein and the like. Among them, maltose binding protein (hereinafter sometimes referred to as MBP) is particularly preferred.
If the MBP has a site having a specific affinity for maltose or an oligosaccharide having a maltose residue (for example, maltotriose or the like) or a polysaccharide (for example, amylose or the like), the entire sequence thereof is not necessarily required. Need not be included, and may include a part of the sequence. Therefore, in a known amino acid sequence, one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted or added, and are composed of maltose or a maltose-containing oligosaccharide (for example, maltotriose or the like) or a polysaccharide (for example, A protein having a site having specific affinity for amylose) can also be included in the MBP of the present invention.
In the present invention, the origin of the MBP-encoding gene is not particularly limited, but examples include those derived from pMAL-p2 or pMAL-c2 (both from New England Biolabs).
It is particularly preferable that the sugar-binding protein in the present invention contains an amino acid sequence which is recognized and cleaved by a protease having high sequence specificity on the C-terminal side. Examples of the protease include blood coagulation factor Xa (hereinafter sometimes referred to as Factor Xa), thrombin, renin, and the like. Preferably, it is a Factor Xa recognition sequence, that is, Ile-Glu-Gly-. Arg (SEQ ID NO: 3). By introducing such a protease recognition sequence to the C-terminal side of the sugar-binding protein, for example, after purification of MBP-fused β1,3GalT (hereinafter sometimes referred to as MBP-β1,3GalT), the protease as described above is obtained. , The MBP portion can be easily removed.
In a more preferred embodiment, the sugar-binding protein includes a protein having a spacer sequence of about 5 to 15 amino acid residues between the sugar-binding protein site and the protease recognition site. Due to the presence of the spacer sequence, the sugar-binding protein moves away from β1,3GalT, thereby reducing the possibility of intramolecular interaction in the fusion protein. In the case of MBP-β1,3GalT fusion protein, the specificity of the MBP portion to maltose or amylose is reduced. Affinity increases. In the present invention, pMAL-p2 or pMAL-c2 containing a spacer sequence of SEQ ID NO: 7 (both manufactured by New England Biolabs) can be used.
In the present invention, β1,3GalT preferably has an activity of transferring galactose to a N-acetylglucosamine residue present at the non-reducing terminal of a sugar chain by β1,3 bond. Further, those having an activity of transferring galactose to an N-acetylglucosamine residue or N-acetylglucosamine monosaccharide present at the non-reducing end of GlcNAcβ1-3Galβ1-4Glc by β1,3 bond are preferable. That is, the above-mentioned β1,3GalT-V is particularly preferable, but is not limited as long as it catalyzes a reaction of transferring galactose from UDP-Gal by β1,3 bond. It can be applied to β1,3GalT. Other than β1,3GalT-V, for example, β1,3GalT-I, β1,3GalT-II, β1,3GalT-III, β1,3GalT-IV and the like can be mentioned.
β1,3GalT may be derived from any species, but is preferably derived from mammals, more preferably human. In the present invention, β1,3GalT does not necessarily need to include the full-length sequence of β1,3GalT as long as it retains its activity, and may include a part of the sequence. For example, (a) a protein consisting of the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 2 or (b) (a) consisting of an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids are deleted, substituted or added, and β1,3- It may be a protein having galactosyltransferase activity.
In the present invention, the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT is obtained by translating a DNA encoding the sugar-binding protein and a DNA encoding β1,3GalT into a fusion protein having the above-mentioned properties. That is, it is obtained by transforming a host cell with an expression vector containing a chimeric DNA linked in frame, and culturing the resulting transformant in a suitable medium.
The DNA encoding β1,3GalT is based on a known gene sequence (eg, J. Biol. Chem. Vol. 274, No. 18, pp. 12499-12507 (1999)), and the like. It can be prepared by any technique. For example, based on the known β1,3GalT gene sequence, an appropriate pair of oligonucleotide primers covering all or a part of the coding region of β1,3GalT is synthesized, and a total of primers extracted from cells or tissues expressing β1,3GalT are synthesized. Cloning can be performed by performing RT-PCR or PCR using RNA or poly A + RNA or chromosomal DNA as a template. At this time, in order to facilitate subsequent cloning into a vector, an appropriate restriction enzyme recognition sequence may be added to the end of the oligonucleotide primer to be used.
Alternatively, a suitable oligonucleotide probe is synthesized based on a known β1,3GalT gene sequence, and using this, a cDNA library prepared from cells or tissues expressing β1,3GalT by a conventional method is used as a plaque (or colony). Cloning can also be performed by screening by hybridization.
Furthermore, the DNA encoding β1,3GalT can also be cloned by subjecting a partially or completely purified β1,3GalT cDNA library, prepared as a whole, or a part thereof to an antigen, as an antigen by screening the cDNA library with an antibody. .
Alternatively, the DNA is synthesized based on the known β1,3GalT gene sequence using a DNA / RNA automatic synthesizer so that the partial sequence of the sense strand and the partial sequence of the antisense strand partially overlap, A desired DNA sequence can also be obtained by repeating the operation of obtaining a longer partial sequence as double-stranded DNA by PCR.
In the present invention, examples of the DNA encoding β1,3GalT include, for example, a DNA containing a nucleotide sequence encoding all or a part of the amino acid sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 2, preferably all of the nucleotide sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1 Alternatively, a DNA containing a part thereof may be used.
By the way, MBP derived from Escherichia coli is a secretory protein present in the periplasm, and the initial translation product contains a signal peptide at its N-terminus. The DNA encoding the MBP of the present invention may include a base sequence (signal codon) encoding a signal peptide capable of functioning in host Escherichia coli. Since Escherichia coli is a gram-negative bacterium having an outer membrane outside the cell wall, even if the DNA encoding MBP may contain a signal codon, the expressed MBP-β1,3GalT may be secreted into the medium. Is low. However, if MBP-β1,3GalT accumulates in the periplasmic space, the fusion protein can be recovered by spheroplasting without completely disrupting the cells, so that subsequent purification can be performed easily. Can be. However, in this case, it is particularly preferable to delete the transmembrane domain of β1,3GalT. In the presence of the domain, MBP-β1,3GalT may not reach the periplasmic space and may remain in the inner membrane, making recovery of the fusion protein difficult.
In the present invention, it is particularly preferable that the DNA encoding MBP contains a nucleotide sequence encoding an amino acid sequence recognized and cleaved by a protease having high sequence specificity at the C-terminal side of the protein. Examples of the protease include blood coagulation factor Xa (Factor Xa), thrombin, renin, and the like. Preferably, the protease is a Factor Xa recognition sequence, that is, Ile-Glu-Gly-Arg (SEQ ID NO: 3). . By introducing such a protease recognition sequence to the C-terminal side of the sugar-binding protein, for example, after purification of MBP-fused β1,3GalT (hereinafter sometimes referred to as MBP-β1,3GalT), it is performed as described above. The MBP portion can be easily removed by the action of various proteases.
In a more preferred embodiment, the DNA encoding the sugar-binding protein contains a nucleotide sequence encoding a spacer sequence of about 5 to 15 amino acid residues between the sugar-binding protein coding region and the protease recognition site. Due to the presence of the spacer sequence, the sugar-binding protein moves away from β1,3GalT, thereby reducing the possibility of intramolecular interaction of the fusion protein. In the case of MBP-β1,3GalT fusion protein, the specificity of the MBP portion to maltose or amylose is reduced. Affinity increases.
The DNA encoding MBP is based on the known MBP gene sequence (J. Biol. Chem. 259, 10606-10613 (1984), etc.), and is the same as exemplified for the DNA encoding β1,3GalT. And the above-mentioned protease recognition sequence and spacer sequence can be introduced into the C-terminal side of MBP by a conventional method. In the present invention, it preferably contains the spacer sequence of SEQ ID NO: 6.
The DNA encoding MBP derived from Escherichia coli can be obtained from a commercially available vector such as pMALp2 (containing a signal codon) or pMALc2 (lacking a signal codon) manufactured by New England Biolab.
In order to facilitate the construction of a chimeric DNA encoding a fusion protein of a sugar-binding protein and β1,3GalT (hereinafter sometimes referred to as a sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT), a sugar-binding protein is encoded. An appropriate restriction enzyme recognition site can be added to the end of the DNA by a conventional method. When a DNA encoding β1,3GalT is cloned into a vector and a restriction enzyme recognition site is added to the N-terminal side of β1,3GalT, the same restriction enzyme recognition site ( Alternatively, another restriction enzyme recognition site that generates the same sticky end may be introduced.
The expression vector of the present invention is any expression vector in which the chimeric DNA encoding the above-mentioned sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT is placed under the control of a promoter that can function in Escherichia coli. The promoter region includes -35 region and -10 region, which are consensus sequences that determine the binding position of RNA polymerase. As a system for expressing a desired recombinant protein in a large amount, it is more preferable to use a promoter region of an inducible enzyme. Such promoter regions include the trp promoter, lac promoter, recA promoter, lpp promoter, tac promoter and the like. These promoter regions further include an operator to which the repressor protein binds. Addition of an inducer (eg, lactose or IPTG in the case of the lac promoter) suppresses the binding of the repressor protein to the operator, and causes the expression of a large number of genes under the control of the promoter. The expression vector also contains a consensus Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence upstream of the translation initiation codon. Furthermore, the expression vector contains a transcription termination signal, that is, a terminator region, downstream of the chimeric DNA encoding the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT. As the terminator region, a commonly used natural or synthetic terminator can be used. The expression vector of the present invention must contain an origin of replication capable of autonomous replication in host Escherichia coli, in addition to the above-mentioned promoter region and terminator region. Examples of such a replication origin include ColEl ori and M13 ori.
The expression vector of the present invention preferably further contains a selectable marker gene for selecting a transformant. As the selectable marker gene, resistance genes to various drugs such as tetracycline, ampicillin, and kanamycin can be used. When the host Escherichia coli is an auxotrophic mutant, a wild-type gene that complements the auxotrophy can be used as a selectable marker gene.
The transformant of the present invention can be prepared by transforming a host cell with the expression vector of the present invention. The host cell is not particularly limited, and Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, yeast, animal cells, plant cells, and any other commonly used host cells can be used. preferable. In the case of Escherichia coli, the strain is not particularly limited, and examples thereof include commercially available XL1-Blue strain, BL-21 strain, JM107 strain, TB1, JM109 strain, C600 strain, DH5α strain, HB101 strain and the like.
Introduction of an expression vector into a host cell can be performed using a conventionally known method. For example, the method of Cohen et al. (Calcium chloride method; Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, Vol. 69, p. 2110 (1972)), the protoplast method (Mol. Gen. Genet., 168, 111 ( 1979)), the competent method (J. Mol. Biol. 56, 209 (1971)), the electroporation method, and the like.
The sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT is obtained by culturing a transformant expressing the expression vector containing the chimeric DNA in a suitable medium, and recovering the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT from the resulting culture. Can be obtained by
The medium used contains a carbohydrate such as glucose, fructose, glycerol or starch as a carbon source. It may also contain an inorganic or organic nitrogen source (for example, ammonium sulfate, ammonium chloride, casein hydrolyzate, yeast extract, polypeptone, bactotripton, beef extract, etc.). These carbon and nitrogen sources do not need to be used in a pure form, and those having low purity are advantageous because they are rich in trace amounts of growth factors and inorganic nutrients. If desired, other nutrient sources (eg, inorganic salts (eg, sodium or potassium diphosphate, dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, calcium chloride), vitamins (eg, vitamin B1)) And an antibiotic (eg, ampicillin, kanamycin) and the like may be added to the medium.
Culture of the transformant is usually performed at pH 5.5 to 8.5, preferably 6 to 8, usually 18 to 40 ° C., preferably 20 to 35 ° C. for 1 to 150 hours. It can be appropriately changed depending on the culture scale.
When culturing is performed in a large tank, in order to avoid growth delay in the production process of the target protein, the cells are inoculated into a small amount of medium and pre-cultured for 1 to 24 hours. Preferably, it is inoculated in a tank.
When the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT is controlled by the promoter system of the inducible protein gene, the inducer may be added from the beginning of the culture, but is more preferably added in the early logarithmic growth phase. Bacterial growth can be monitored by measuring the absorbance of the culture at 660 nm. For example, when using a lac promoter or a tac promoter, when the absorbance at 660 nm becomes 0.4 to 0.6, isopropylthio-β-D-galactoside (hereinafter, referred to as IPTG) is used as an inducer, for example. It can be added to be 0.1 to 1.0 mM. The timing and rate of addition of the inducer can be appropriately changed depending on the culture conditions, culture scale, type of inducer, and the like.
In the method of the present invention, the purification of the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT is carried out by separating the fraction containing the fusion protein with an insoluble ligand bound with a ligand containing various sugar residues specifically binding to the sugar-binding protein. By subjecting it to affinity chromatography using a carrier, it can be easily achieved in one step. Also. As the ligand, an antibody (monoclonal antibody or polyclonal antibody) specific to the sugar-binding protein may be used.
For example, when the sugar-binding protein is MBP, when the DNA encoding MBP lacks a signal codon, MBP-β1,3GalT is localized in the soluble fraction of the bacterial cells. After completion, the culture is filtered or centrifuged to collect the cells, and the cells are disrupted by lysozyme treatment and detergent treatment, ultrasonic treatment, or osmotic shock, and the resulting cell extract is subjected to affinity chromatography. Used for
On the other hand, when the DNA encoding MBP has a signal codon, the expressed MBP-β1,3GalT is likely to be secreted and accumulated in the periplasmic space. Therefore, in this case, the cells are spheroplasted by lysozyme treatment or the like to release MBP-β1,3GalT in the solution, and the cells are removed by filtration or centrifugation, and the resulting supernatant is subjected to affinity chromatography. Used.
In the present invention, the fraction containing sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT is preferably subjected to the above purification in the presence of a divalent metal ion. Specifically, it is preferable to collect the cells from the culture in the presence of divalent metal ions after the completion of the cultivation, crush the cells, and the like, to obtain a sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT-containing fraction. Examples of the divalent metal include manganese and magnesium, but manganese is preferred.
As an adsorbent for affinity chromatography, for example, in the case of MBP, an amylose resin in which amylose is immobilized on agarose beads (eg, Amylose resin column manufactured by New England Biolab) can be used. Ligands and other insoluble matrix groups (eg, cellulose, dextran, synthetic polymers, etc.) may be used.
The sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT is added to the fraction containing it prepared as described above, the adsorbent is added thereto, and the mixture is stirred for an appropriate period of time, and then filtered to wash the adsorbent. An eluent containing a saccharide (for example, maltose in the case of MBP) that inhibits the binding between the saccharide-binding protein and the adsorbent is added, and the mixture is stirred for an appropriate time and then filtered, whereby the filtrate is purified. Alternatively, the adsorbent is packed in a column, a sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT fraction is applied, washed with an appropriate buffer, and then an eluent having an appropriate concentration is applied, and the sugar adsorbed on the column is applied. It can also be obtained by eluting the binding protein-β1,3GalT. The thus obtained sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT has β1,3GalT activity and can be used as it is as an enzyme.
As described above, in a preferred embodiment of the present invention, since the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT contains an amino acid sequence that is recognized and cleaved by a sequence-specific protease at its fusion site, it was purified as described above. By acting the protease on the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT, the sugar-binding protein portion is removed to produce a desired β1,3GalT. Preferably, the protease is blood coagulation factor Xa (Factor Xa). In the present invention, pMAL-p2 or pMAL-c2 containing a Factor Xa recognition sequence of SEQ ID NO: 3 (both manufactured by New England Biolabs) can be used. The reaction temperature, the pH of the solution, the reaction time, etc., when the protease is allowed to act on the sugar-binding protein-β1,3GalT can be appropriately selected depending on the type of the protease to be used. For example, in the case of Factor Xa, neutral By reacting in a buffer at 4 to 40 ° C. for 1 to 25 hours, the sugar-binding protein and β1,3GalT can be cleaved. After completion of the reaction, the above adsorbent is added to the reaction solution, and the mixture is stirred for an appropriate time, so that only the released sugar-binding protein is adsorbed on the adsorbent. By filtering the adsorbent, only β1,3GalT is obtained. Can be purified. Alternatively, β1,3GalT can be purified by applying the reaction solution to a column packed with the adsorbent and collecting the flow-through fraction.
Hereinafter, the present invention will be described more specifically with reference to examples. The present invention is not particularly limited to the examples.
Example 1 Acquisition of β1,3GalT-V cDNA Fragment by PCR First, SW1116 cells (obtained from ATCC) were cultured in a DMEM medium containing 10% FCS, and the cells were collected from a 20 ml culture by centrifugation. Was performed twice for centrifugal washing. Total RNA was extracted from the obtained cell mass using RNeasy Mini (manufactured by Qiagen). The yield was 35.4 g in terms of one T-25 flask. From this total RNA, single-stranded cDNA was prepared using RT-PCR high (manufactured by Toyobo). The conditions were as follows: treatment at 70 ° C. for 10 minutes, 30 ° C. for 10 minutes, 42 ° C. for 30 minutes, and 99 ° C. for 5 minutes.
Based on the nucleotide sequence of the cDNA of human β1,3GalT-V shown in SEQ ID NO: 1, the oligonucleotides shown in SEQ ID NOs: 4 and 5 were synthesized. The former is a base sequence represented by base numbers 79 to 105 of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1, and has a BamHI recognition site added thereto. The latter is an antisense sequence to the base sequence shown by base numbers 913 to 933 of the base sequence shown in SEQ ID NO: 1, and has a BamHI recognition site added thereto. Using these oligonucleotides as a primer pair and KOD DNA polymerase (manufactured by Toyobo Co., Ltd.), PCR (98 ° C./30 seconds, 58 ° C./30 seconds, 58 ° C./30 seconds, 74 ° C./30 seconds) using the single-stranded cDNA as a template After 4 cycles, 28 cycles of 98 ° C. for 30 seconds, 68 ° C. for 30 seconds, and 74 ° C. for 30 seconds) were performed. When this PCR product was subjected to 1.5% agarose electrophoresis, a DNA fragment of about 900 bp having the same size as the target gene could be obtained.
The obtained DNA fragment is purified using QIA Quick Gel Extraction Kit (manufactured by Qiagen), and further, the end of this DNA fragment is blunted using PCR-Script Amp Cloning Kit (manufactured by Takara Shuzo), and pPCR-Script Amp is used. Escherichia coli DH5α strain was transformed by insertion into SK (+) vector, and selected on LB agar medium containing 50 μg / ml ampicillin, IPTG, and X-gal.
A plasmid holding the DNA fragment was prepared from the obtained white colony. The plasmid was prepared using QIA prep Spin Miniprep Kit (manufactured by Qiagen). The nucleotide sequence of the DNA fragment was determined by a conventional method using a sequence reaction using the T3 primer and the T7 primer as sequencing primers, and using an auto-sequencer (ABI PRISM310; Genetic Analyzer; manufactured by Applied Biosystems). As a result, it was confirmed that the desired gene could be cloned.
Example 2 Construction of Expression Vector As described above, a transformant in which insertion of the target gene was confirmed was cultured, and a plasmid was extracted using QIA prepSpin Miniprep Kit (manufactured by Qiagen). This plasmid was treated with BamHI at 37 ° C. for 2 hours, subjected to 1.5% agarose electrophoresis, cut out a DNA fragment containing the target gene, and purified using a QIA Quick Gel Extraction Kit (Qiagen). On the other hand, pMALc2 (New England Biolab), which is a vector, was treated with BamHI at 37 ° C. for 2 hours, subjected to 1.5% agarose electrophoresis, and purified similarly. A ligation reaction was performed at 16 ° C. for 1 hour using the above DNA fragment and the above vector that had been treated with a restriction enzyme, using Ligation High (manufactured by Toyobo). Further, Escherichia coli JM109 strain was transformed and selected on LB agar medium containing 50 μg / ml ampicillin. The obtained colonies were further subjected to liquid culture, and plasmids were extracted using QIAprep Spin Miniprep Kit (manufactured by Qiagen). The insert and the orientation were confirmed by treating the plasmid with BamHI and PstI, respectively, to obtain a plasmid in which a DNA fragment containing the target gene was inserted in the correct direction.
Example 3 Preparation of MBP-β1,3GalT-V by Recombinant E. coli A platinum loop of clone 1 transformed with the above expression vector was placed in 10 ml of LB liquid medium containing 50 μg / ml ampicillin and 0.2% glucose. After culturing at 37 ° C. overnight, 250 μl of this culture was inoculated into 25 ml of the same medium, culturing was performed at 37 ° C. for 4 hours, the temperature was lowered to 25 ° C., and 25 μl of 0.3 M IPTG was added. Culture was performed overnight. The cells were collected by centrifugation, and suspended in 80 μl of buffer (100 mM MES (pH 6.5) -20 mM MnCl 2 -50 mM NaCl-1 mM 2-mercaptoethanol) (per 1 ml of culture solution). This suspension was subjected to ultrasonic treatment for 30 minutes, centrifuged at 14000 rpm for 10 minutes at 4 ° C., and the culture supernatant was used as an enzyme solution. When this enzyme solution was subjected to Western blotting, a band having a molecular weight of about 75,000, which was considered to be MBP-β1,3GalT-V, could be confirmed.
Example 4: Confirmation of β1,3GalT-V activity Using the enzyme solution, β1,3GalT-V activity was confirmed by HPLC. The enzyme reaction of the above enzyme solution was performed with the composition shown in Table 1. As a substrate, lacto-N-neotetraose (LNnT) fluorescently labeled with aminopyridine (PA) was treated with β-galactosidase to remove a terminal galactose residue. Shown). UDP-Gal was used as a sugar donor, and a system without this was used as a control. The enzyme reaction was performed at 37 ° C. for 15 minutes or 1 hour. The reaction solution was subjected to reverse phase HPLC, and the activity was measured by confirming the peak of the reaction product. HPLC conditions are as shown in Table 2.
[Table 1]
[Table 2]
The results of HPLC are as shown in FIG. As apparent from FIG. 1, the peak of the reaction product was confirmed only when the sugar donor coexisted. It was also confirmed that the peak intensity increased as the reaction proceeded. Therefore, β1,3GalT-V activity could be confirmed.
The optimization of the reaction pH for β1,3GalT-V activity was also studied. Under the same conditions as in Table 1, use a 0.5 M MES buffer for pH 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, and 7.0, and use a 0.5 M HEPES buffer for pH 7.0, 7.5, and 8.0. Was. As a result, it was confirmed that pH 7.0 to 7.5 was the optimum condition. On the other hand, it was also confirmed that when the coexisting manganese concentration was lower than the concentration shown in Table 1, the activity was greatly reduced. In addition, it was also confirmed that even if Triton X100, which is a surfactant, was not present, the activity was not affected.
Example 5: Purification of MBP-β1,3GalT-V The enzyme solution was purified using Amylose resin column manufactured by New England Biolab, which is a resin immobilized on agarose beads of amylose. The β1,3GalT activity of the obtained eluted fraction was confirmed in the same manner as in Example 4. In addition, when the purified MBP-β1,3GalT was subjected to SDS-PAGE, it was confirmed that the purified MBP-β1,3GalT was almost uniformly purified by electrophoresis.
【The invention's effect】
As described above, according to the present invention, a recombinant fusion protein of a sugar-binding protein and -β1,3GalT, in particular, MBP-β1,3GalT-V can be produced at low cost and with high efficiency. It became. This enzyme is useful for pharmaceuticals such as anti-inflammatory, anti-infectious diseases or cancer metastasis suppression, synthesis of useful sugar chains, foods such as dairy products, methods for improving proteins, and diagnosis of diseases such as cancer.
[Sequence list]
[Brief description of the drawings]
FIG. 1 shows the results of confirming the expression of β1,3GalT-V activity by HPLC.
FIG. 2 shows the pH profile of β1,3GalT-V activity.
Claims (17)
(b)(a)において、1又は数個のアミノ酸が欠失、置換若しくは付加されたアミノ酸配列からなり、β1,3−ガラクトシルトランスフェラーゼ活性を有する蛋白質The recombinant fusion protein according to any one of claims 1 to 4, wherein the β1,3-galactosyltransferase is the protein described in (a) or (b).
(A) a protein (b) (a) comprising the amino acid sequence of SEQ ID NO: 2 comprising an amino acid sequence in which one or several amino acids have been deleted, substituted or added, and having β1,3-galactosyltransferase activity; Protein
(C)得られた培養物から、該融合蛋白質を分離するThe method for producing a recombinant fusion protein according to any one of claims 1 to 8, comprising the following steps (A) to (C).
(A) An expression vector in which a DNA encoding a sugar-binding protein and a DNA encoding β1,3-galactosyltransferase are ligated under the control of a promoter capable of functioning in Escherichia coli so as to be expressed as a fusion protein of the two proteins. Is used to transform E. coli,
(B) culturing the resulting transformant to produce a fusion protein of a sugar-binding protein and β1,3-galactosyltransferase;
(C) isolating the fusion protein from the obtained culture
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JP2002176132A Pending JP2004016117A (en) | 2002-06-17 | 2002-06-17 | FUSED PROTEIN HAVING beta1,3-GALACTOSYLTRANSFERASE ACTIVITY AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING THE SAME |
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US8137928B2 (en) | 2005-03-24 | 2012-03-20 | BioGeneriX | Expression of soluble, active eukaryotic glycosyltransferases in prokaryotic organisms |
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US8137928B2 (en) | 2005-03-24 | 2012-03-20 | BioGeneriX | Expression of soluble, active eukaryotic glycosyltransferases in prokaryotic organisms |
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