448,787. Calculating - machines. BOUTET, E. R., 80, Rue Taitbout, Paris. Dec. 13, 1934, No. 35817. Convention date, Feb. 14. [Class 106 (i)] An electric multiplying-machine comprises multiplicand and multiplier registers which have contacts closed to represent figures entered therein and a distributer to send current successively to each multiplier denomination and, for each such denomination, into each multiplicand denomination. A group of multiplier circuits is connected to the two registers and the units figure of each partial product proceeds towards a product register while the tens are temporarily stored in a tens register. Adding circuits add the units figure to the stored tens figure from the preceding partial product and further adding circuits add the resulting amount to the amount already standing in the products register. The problem chosen for illustration is 86 x 67. Entering the multiplicand, 86. The multiplicand register A, Figs. 1 and 14, comprises three magnets 11u, 11d and 11c for the units, tens and hundreds. The units magnet 11u is energized first and moves a bar 10u so that pins gu<0> ... come beneath bars 12<0>.., one for each digit. The bars are moved down by magnets 13<0>.. 13<9>, one of the magnets being energized to select the units digit 6, the selected pin gu remaining depressed. The tens magnet 11d is then energized and the tens digit 8 selected by the magnet 13<8> depressing the corresponding pin gu. Entering the multiplier, 67. The multiplier register B is similar to the multiplicand register A. Multiplication. The operation is initiated by depressing a key 26, Figs. 6 and 7, which closes contacts 29 in the circuit of a motor 20a driving a distributer. This comprises a series of cams on the motor shaft 20 staggered so as to close in turn contacts 22u .. 22e corresponding to the units, tens, &c., of the multiplicand circuits. The shaft 20 is geared to a shaft 32 carrying staggered cams which close contacts 34u .. 34m corresponding to the units, tens, &c. of the multiplier circuits. The cams on the shaft 20 close all the contacts 22u .. 22e seriatim while the contact 34u is closed, then close them again seriatim while the contact 34d is closed, and so on. The motor circuit is automatically opened after a complete revolution of the shaft 32. When 34u and 22u, Fig. 1, are closed, current is supplied from 34u to a bar 14u, Fig. 14, of the units column of the multiplier register and thence, via the depressed pin gu<7> to a contact 16 and magnet 48' which closes switches 51<7>, 47', 54<7>, Fig. 2. Current is supplied from the contact 22u to a point 17u on the units bar 14u of the multiplicand register and thence via the depressed pin gu<6> to a magnet 18<6>, Fig. 2, which closes a switch 41<6> to energize lines 42<6>, 43<6>, 44<6>. Since 47<6> is closed, line 42<6> is connected to a line 45<2>, the units figure " 2 " of the partial product " 6 x 7 '' thus being obtained. A tens register F, similar to the registers A and B, is provided and is at this time empty. An outgoing line 67<0> is thus energized to actuate a magnet 71<0> to close a switch 70<0>, Fig. 3. The line 45<2> is thus connected to lines 68<2>, 81<2>, Fig. 4, and, through a switch 85<0>, to the magnet 89<2> of the results register L, M. The switch 34u causes the closing of a switch 99, whereby the units denomination magnet 91u of register L is energized at this time from the contact 22u. " 2 " is thus entered in the units column of L. The tens digit " 4 " of the partial product " 6 x 7 " is obtained by the connection 51' which connects the line 43<6> to the line 49<4> to energize a magnet 64<4>, Fig. 1, whereby " 4 " is registered in the tens register F. The units digit " 6 " of the partial product " 8 x 7 " is obtained when 22u is opened and 22d closed. The tens bar 14d of the multiplicand register A is then energized and, since the pin " 8 " is depressed, 18<8> is operated to energize 42<8>, 43<8>, 448. The line 42<8> is connected via 47<7> to 45<6>. Current is supplied to the tens register F and, since the " 4 " pin is depressed the magnet 71<4> is energized to close the switch 70<4>, Fig. 3, whereby 45<6> is connected to 68<0>, the tens digit of the previous partial product being thus added-in, and thence via 81<0>, 85<0> to 89<0> to register " O " in the tens column of the results register L. The tens digit " 5 " of the partial product " 8 x 7 " is registered in the tens register F, the line 43<8> being connected via 51<7> to 49<5> and 64<5>. The contacts 22c then close and, since there is no hundreds digit in the multiplicand, current is supplied to 18<0>, 42<0> and 45<0>. Since the " 5 " pin of the tens register F is depressed the switch 70<5> is closed whereby 45<0> is connected to 68<6>. The line 44<8>, Fig. 2, is connected via 54<7> to 52<4>, since " 4 " is the least amount which must be added to the " 6 " of " 8 x 7 " to produce a transfer. When the magnet 71<4> was energized, a switch 74<4> was closed and connected 52<4> to a transfer line 72 which closed a contact 76. A magnet 79<1> can now open a switch 80<0> and close a switch 80<1> so that the line 68<5> is connected to 81<6> and " 6 " is registered in the hundreds column of L, the registration of this register now being " 602 (= 86 x 7)." The digit " 6 " of " 6 x 6 " is then obtained. The contacts 34u open and 34d close, 22u also closing. A switch 112d is closed from 34d to connect 22u to 42<0>, 22d to 17u &c. A magnet 97dm is also energized from 34d to open a switch 99 and close a switch 96. This enables the amount on the register L to be removed and added to the amount which will be sent to the register M. These two registers are thus used alternately. Current is supplied from 22u to 42‹, 45‹, 68<0> and 81<0>. Current is also supplied to the end 93u, Fig. 4, of the units bar of the register L, and since the " 2 " pin is depressed, a circuit is established via contacts 94<2> to a magnet 86<2> which closes a switch 84<2> and connects 81<0> to 83<2> and 89<2> so that " 2 " is registered in the units column of M. The contacts 22d then close to energize 17u and, since the " 6 " pin is depressed, 42<6>, 43<6> and 44<6> are energized. The closure of 34d has caused the energization of 48<6> to close 47<6>, 51<6>, 54<6>, since the " 6 " pin in the tens denomination of the multiplier register B is depressed. Line 42<6> is thus connected to 45<6>, 68<6> and 81<6>. Since " O " is registered in the tens column of L, 86<0> is energized and 81<6> is connected to 89<6> to register " 6 '' in the tens column of M. The digit " 3 " of " 6 x 6 " is entered in F from 43<6> via 51<6>, 493 and 643. The digit " 8 " of 8 x 6 " is obtained when contacts 22c close to energize 17d, and, since the " 8 " pin is depressed in A, current is supplied to 42<8>, 438, 44<8>. The line 42<8> is connected via 47<6> to 45<8> and, since 3 is retained in F, the switch 70<9> is closed, via 703 to 68<1> and 81<1>. Because " 6 " is standing in the hundreds column of L the switch 86<6> is closed to connect 81<1> to 89<7> and 7 is registered in the hundreds column of M. Since the line 72 and the magnet 77c are energized, 78m is closed so that when 22m is closed the magnet 79<1> closes the switch 80<1>. The digit " 4 " of " 8 x 6 " is entered in F by the connection of 43<8> to 494 by 51<6> to energize 64<4>. When 22m closes, current is supplied to 42<0> and 45<0> and thence via 69<4> to 68<4> and, since the transfer switch 80<1> is closed to 81<5>. There is no entry in the thousands column of L and consequently 86<0> is energized and the impulse passes from 81<5> to 89<5> and " 5 " is entered in the thousands column of M, the final result, " 5762 " then being completed. If an amount, e.g. " 9 " is standing in a certain denomination of L and " 6 " arrives by the line 81<6>, a connection is established via 85<9> to 89<5>. The energization of 89<5> closes a contact 104<5> connected via a switch 107<9> (also closed by 86<9>) to a line 105 which later causes the closing of a switch 88<1> to add the digit " I " of the sum " 6 + 9 " in the next denomination of M.