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Publication number
DK156110B DK156282A DK156282A DK156110B DK 156110 B DK156110 B DK 156110B DK 156282 A DK156282 A DK 156282A DK 156282 A DK156282 A DK 156282A DK 156110 B DK156110 B DK 156110B
Prior art keywords
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Danish (da)
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DK156110C (en
DK156282A (en
Edward Morris
Eugene H Brandli
Keith Woodruff
Original Assignee
American Cyanamid Co
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by American Cyanamid Co filed Critical American Cyanamid Co
Publication of DK156282A publication Critical patent/DK156282A/en
Publication of DK156110B publication Critical patent/DK156110B/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of DK156110C publication Critical patent/DK156110C/en



    • A01M1/00Stationary means for catching or killing insects
    • A01M1/20Poisoning, narcotising, or burning insects
    • A01M1/2005Poisoning insects using bait stations
    • A01M1/2011Poisoning insects using bait stations for crawling insects
    • A01M1/00Stationary means for catching or killing insects
    • A01M1/20Poisoning, narcotising, or burning insects
    • A01M1/2005Poisoning insects using bait stations
    • A01M1/2016Poisoning insects using bait stations for flying insects
    • A01M2200/00Kind of animal
    • A01M2200/01Insects
    • A01M2200/011Crawling insects
    • A01M2200/00Kind of animal
    • A01M2200/01Insects
    • A01M2200/012Flying insects


  • Life Sciences & Earth Sciences (AREA)
  • Pest Control & Pesticides (AREA)
  • Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • General Health & Medical Sciences (AREA)
  • Toxicology (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Insects & Arthropods (AREA)
  • Wood Science & Technology (AREA)
  • Zoology (AREA)
  • Environmental Sciences (AREA)
  • Catching Or Destruction (AREA)


DK 156110 BDK 156110 B


Opfindelsen angâr en indretning til udlægning af gift til insekter.The invention relates to a device for laying poison to insects.

Der kendes forskellige typer indretninger til at dræbe insekter. I nogle indretninger fanges insekterne efter 5 at de er kommet ind i den, enten ved hjælp af en mekanisk funktion eller ved, at insekterne fastklæber til et gum-mimateriale. I begge tilfælde bliver indretningen snart fyldt og uanvendelig. I indretninger, som indeholder en gift, har det været let at ryste 10s gift ud, eller gennem 10 âbninger at nâ giften, hvilket g0r dem til en fare for b0rn eller smâ husdyr. Tidligere kendte indretninger har desuden i almindelighed været af en sâdan konstruktion, at indret-ningens indre har været svær at iagttge, sâledes at det ikke let har kunnet konstateres om insekter har benyttet 15 indretningen eller hvor meget gift, der er forbrugt.Various types of devices for killing insects are known. In some devices, the insects are trapped after entering them, either by a mechanical function or by the insects adhering to a gum material. In either case, the device soon becomes full and unusable. In devices containing a venom, it has been easy to shake out 10's venom, or through 10 openings to reach the venom, which makes them a danger to children or small animals. In addition, prior art devices have generally been of such a construction that the interior of the device has been difficult to observe, so that it has not been readily ascertained whether insects have used the device or how much poison has been consumed.

Opfindelsen har til formai at tilvejebringe en indretning til udlægning af gift, som ikke er farlig for b0rn, og som skal være sâledes indrettet, at det er muligt let at kontrollere forbruget af giften. Endvidere skal indretningen 20 kunne fremstilles let og billigt af deformerbare materialer.The invention has for its object to provide a device for laying poison which is not dangerous to children and which must be so arranged that it is possible to easily control the consumption of the poison. Furthermore, the device 20 must be capable of being easily and inexpensively manufactured from deformable materials.

Indretningen if0lge opfindelsen er ejendommelig ved, at det har en nedre del og et fastgjort lâg, hvilken nedre del har et centrumomrâde til modtagelse af giften, hvilket lâg er transparent over mindst en del af sin udstrækning 25 til observering af giften, en ydre opretstâende væg med en eller flere âbninger deri, igennem hvilke insekterne kan komme ind i og forlade anlægget, samt skærme udformet sâledes, at de kan lede insekter, som kommer ind igennem âb-ningerne, frem mod giften uden at centret af b0rn og husdyr 30 kan nâs direkte fra âbningerne. Dette betyder, at lâget er fastholdt til den nedre del. K0beren skal aldrig komme i ber0ring med nogen gift, men skal kun bortkaste indretningen, nâr den er tom. Dette medf0rer, at indretningen if0lge opfindelsen under brugen vil være meget mere giftsikker og 35 lettere at anvende end en indretning med aftageligt lâg.The device according to the invention is characterized in that it has a lower part and a fixed layer, which lower part has a center area for receiving the poison, which layer is transparent over at least part of its extent for observing the poison, an outer upright wall with one or more apertures therein through which the insects can enter and leave the plant, and screens designed to guide insects entering the apertures towards the venom without reaching the center of children and livestock 30 directly from the openings. This means that the lid is retained to the lower part. The buyer must never come into contact with any poison, but must only throw away the device when it is empty. This means that the device according to the invention during use will be much more toxic and easier to use than a device with a removable layer.

Samtidig opnâs en st0rre sikkerhed for aile til hus-At the same time, greater security for ale for the home is achieved.

DK 156110 BDK 156110 B

2 holdningen h0rende individer. Indretningen if0lge opfindelsen har organer, som forhindrer, at b0rn og husdyr kan nâ gift-beholdningen direkte fra adgangsâbningerne for insekterne.2 the attitude of individuals. The device according to the invention has means which prevent children and pets from accessing the poisonous stock directly from the insect access openings.

Ved kendte indretninger s0ges en sâdan ber0ring for-5 hindret ved, at der skabes tilstrækkelig stor afstand mellem giftens ydergrænse og indretningens yderperiferi. Denne 0nskede beskyttelsesvirkning er imidlertid ikke altid sikret. Eksempelvis vil et kravlende barn med sine fingre, eller en kat eller hund med sine lange kl0er være i stand til at 10 trænge forbi indretningens yderperiferi sâ meget, at de kan komme i ber0ring med den yderst beliggende del af giften.In known devices, such contact is sought prevented by creating a sufficiently large distance between the outer boundary of the poison and the outer periphery of the device. However, this desired protective effect is not always guaranteed. For example, a crawling child with his fingers, or a cat or dog with his long claws will be able to penetrate the outer periphery of the device so much that they may come into contact with the outermost portion of the venom.

Noget sâdant er ikke længere muligt ved apparatet ifrnlge opfindelsen.Something like this is no longer possible with the apparatus according to the invention.

Skærmene har ikke alene den ovenfor forklarede be-15 skyttende virkning, men de tjener samtidig til at f0re insekterne frem mod giften. Insekterne vil ikke kunne vandre omkring, uden nogensinde at komme i berbring med giften. Enhver éntrerende insekt vil blive styret direkte frem til giften. Dermed har apparatet if0lge opfindelsen en alsidigere 20 funktionsdygtighed.Not only do the screens have the protective effect explained above, but they also serve to advance the insects to the poison. The insects will not be able to wander around without ever touching the poison. Any insectivorous insect will be directed directly to the poison. Thus, the apparatus according to the invention has a more versatile function.

Skærmene kan if0lge opfindelsen pâ enkel màde bestâ af indefter b0jede dele af ydervæggen, som f0rer fra den nedre dels periferi til centret, eller af lige vægge, der f0rer til den nedre dels periferi som tangenter til centret, 25 hvilke skærme danner âbningerne ved periferien og er anbragt med afstand til dannelse af styrende passager. De vil imidlertid ogsâ kunne bestâ af en indervæg, der er anbragt i afstand fra ydervæggen og danner centret, hvilken indervæg har én eller flere âbninger, igennem hvilke insekterne f0res 30 for at nâ frem til centret, hvilke âbninger er fortsat i vandret plan i forhold til ydervæggens âbninger for at hindre direkte adgang.The screens according to the invention can in simple way consist of curved portions of the outer wall leading from the lower part's periphery to the center, or of straight walls leading to the lower part's periphery as tangents to the center, which screens form the openings at the periphery and are spaced apart to form guiding passages. However, they may also consist of an inner wall spaced from the outer wall and forming the center, which inner wall has one or more openings through which the insects are passed 30 to reach the center, which openings remain in horizontal plane relative to the center. to the outer wall openings to prevent direct access.

Giften er fortrinsvis af den type, der betegnes lok-kemad, og som bestâr af en blanding af en langsomt virkende 35 gift og et fodeemne, der er tiltrækkende for insekter, eksempelvis mel, mêlasse, jordn0ddesm0r og lignende. LokkemadenThe venom is preferably of the type termed locomotive, which consists of a mixture of a slow-acting venom and a food item attractive to insects, for example flour, molasses, peanut butter and the like. The bait

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3 har fortrinsvis en pastalignende eller fast konsistens. Insekterne tiltrækkes sâledes til indretningen, spiser af lokkemaden og forlader indretningen for at d0 et andet sted. Ifolge opfindelsen er giften en fast blanding, eksempelvis 5 en flad skive, soin er fastgjort pâ gulvet ved centret.3 preferably has a paste-like or solid consistency. The insects are thus attracted to the device, eat off the bait and leave the device to die elsewhere. According to the invention, the venom is a solid mixture, for example a flat disc, soin is fixed to the floor at the center.

Ifcslge opfindelsen kan indretningen hâve en kontra-sterende farve eller en kontrasterende lysende farve neden-under giften. En kontrasterende lysende farve vil være let synlig i morke omrâder. Efterhânden som giften spises af 10 insekterne, bliver den kontrasterende farve nedenunder synlig og angiver hvorvidt insekter anvender indretningen, og hvor megen gift, der er forbrugt. Kontrasten mellem giften og baggrunden kan opnâs pâ flere forskellige mâder. En kontrasterende farve kan belægges pâ det indre af giftomrâdet 15 inden giften anbringes. Den nedre del kan være af et gennem-sigtigt materiale, og den kontrasterende farve kan være tilvejebragt ved hjælp af en bagsideskive, som er fastgjort pâ den nedre dels underside. En anden mâde er at forme ind-retningens hele nedre del af et formstof med en farve, som 20 kontrasterer med giftens.According to the invention, the device may have a contrasting color or a contrasting luminous color below the poison. A contrasting bright color will be easily visible in dark areas. As the venom is eaten by the 10 insects, the contrasting color below becomes visible and indicates whether insects use the device and how much poison is consumed. The contrast between the poison and the background can be achieved in several different ways. A contrasting color can be applied to the interior of the poison area 15 before the poison is applied. The lower portion may be of a transparent material and the contrasting color may be provided by a backing plate attached to the underside of the lower portion. Another way is to mold the entire lower part of the device into a plastic with a color which contrasts with that of the poison.

Den nedre del er fortrinsvis udformet som et enheds-stykke af et ved hjælp af kendte fremgangsmâder deformerbart materiale, eksempelvis et formstof. En foretrukken frem-gangsmâde til at forme den nedre del bestâr i, at den frem-25 stilles af en enkelt, plan formstofskive, som varmeformes eller vakuumformes over en passende form, sâledes at der dannes kanter, der virker som skærme, ligesom ogsâ det centrale giftomrâde dannes. Det er ogsâ muligt at forme den nederste del ved hjælp af eksempelvis formstobning af et 30 smeltet formstof i en passende form. Indretningens lâg kan ogsâ formes pâ tilsvarende mâde som et enhedsstykke, der fastgores til den overste del af indretningen. Lâget fast-g0res permanent pâ den nedre del og har mindst en del, som er gennemsigtig, sâledes at giften er synlig gennem lâget.The lower part is preferably formed as a unitary piece of deformable material by known methods, for example a plastic material. A preferred method of forming the lower part is that it is made of a single, flat plastic disc which is heat-formed or vacuum-formed over a suitable mold, so as to form edges which act as screens, as well as central poison area is formed. It is also possible to mold the lower part by, for example, molding a molten resin into a suitable mold. The cover of the device may also be formed in a similar manner to a unit piece which is attached to the upper part of the device. The lid is permanently attached to the lower part and has at least one portion which is transparent so that the poison is visible through the lid.

35 Opfindelsen forklares i det fdlgende nærmere under henvisning til tegningen, pâ hvilkenThe invention will be explained in the following with reference to the drawing, in which

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4 fig. 1 viser et perspektivisk billede som set oppefra viser indretningen if0lge opfindelsen, hvorved visse dele at lâget er fjernet hvilken figur viser en udforelsesform, som indbefatter skærmvægge, 5 fig. 2 samme set oppefra, fig. 3 samme set fra siden, fig. 4 i perspektiv et antal nedre dele til indretningen (med lâget pâ plads), som er fremstillet af en enkelt skive af formstofmateriale, 10 fig. 5, 6 og 7 udf0relsesformer af indretninger sva- rende til fig. l, 2 hhv. 3 og med alternative ledende skærme, fig. 8 et snit igennem indretningen med en alternativ gulvkonstruktion for den nedre del, fig. 9 og 11 udforelsesformer af indretningen set 15 fra oppefra, hvilke udforelsesformer indbefatter et antal âbninger og alternative ledende skærme, fig. 10 udf0relsesformen if0lge fig. 9 set fra siden, fig. 12 en yderligere udf0relsesform for indretningen set oppefra, hvilken udf0relsesform indbefatter ledende 20 skærme, idet visse dele af lâget er fjernet, fig. 13 en yderligere udf0relsesform af indretningen set oppefra, hvilken udforelsesform indbefatter sâvel ydre som indre insektledende organer, fig. 14 udforelsesformen if0lge fig. 13 set fra siden, 25 fig. 15 og 17 alternative udf0relsesformer af ledende skærme, og fig. 16 og 18 udf0relsesformerne ifolge fig. 15 og 17 set fra siden.4 FIG. 1 shows a perspective view as seen from above showing the device according to the invention, whereby certain parts of the cover are removed which figure shows an embodiment which includes screen walls; FIG. 2 shows the same view from above; FIG. 3 is a side view, FIG. 4 is a perspective view of a plurality of lower parts of the device (with the lid in place) made of a single disc of plastic material; FIG. 5, 6 and 7 embodiments of devices according to FIG. l, 2 respectively. 3 and with alternative conductive screens; FIG. 8 is a section through the device with an alternative floor construction for the lower part; FIG. 9 and 11 are top view embodiments of the device, which embodies a plurality of apertures and alternative conductive screens; 10 of the embodiment according to FIG. 9 is a side view; FIG. 12 shows a further embodiment of the device seen from above, which embodiment includes conductive screens, with certain parts of the cover removed; FIG. Fig. 13 shows a further embodiment of the device seen from above, which embodiment includes both outer and inner insect-conducting means; 14 of the embodiment according to FIG. 13 is a side view, FIG. 15 and 17 show alternative embodiments of conductive screens; and FIGS. 16 and 18 of the embodiments of FIG. 15 and 17 viewed from the side.

Indretningen ifolge opfindelsen indbefatter en nedre 30 del 10 og et lâg 12 (se fig. 1, 2 og 3). Den nedre del er formet af et egnet formstof, som kan være gennemsigtigt, men som ikke behover at være gennemsigtigt. Den nedre del 10 har en ydre hylstervæg 14 med âbninger 22. En inderkam-mervæg 20 danner et indre kammer 24. Giften 26 er fastgjort 35 pâ gulvet 18 i det indre kammer 24. Det indre kammer 24's gulv kan belægges med et kontrasterende farvelag 28, indenThe device according to the invention includes a lower part 10 and a layer 12 (see Figures 1, 2 and 3). The lower part is formed of a suitable resin which can be transparent but which does not need to be transparent. The lower part 10 has an outer casing wall 14 with openings 22. An inner chamber wall 20 forms an inner chamber 24. The venom 26 is attached 35 to the floor 18 of the inner chamber 24. The floor of the inner chamber 24 can be coated with a contrasting color layer 28 , before

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5 giften fastg0res. Alternativt kan en kontrasterende farve tilvejebringes ved at den nedre del 10 formes af et gennem-sigtigt formstof, hvorefter en underlagsskive 29 med kontrasterende farve anbringes. En anden mâde at tilvejebringe 5 en kontrasterende baggrund under giften er, at forme den nedre del 10 af et formstof mater iale af kontrasterende farve.5 the poison is fixed. Alternatively, a contrasting color can be provided by forming the lower part 10 of a transparent plastic, after which a substrate disc 29 of contrasting color is applied. Another way to provide a contrasting background during the poison is to shape the lower part 10 of a plastic material of contrasting color.

Farvelaget 28 bestâr fortrinsvis af et selvlysende materiale. Dette kan bestâ af en belægning af selvlysende farve eller et med selvlysende farve præpareret papir eller 10 lignende. Hvis giften indeholder en olieagtig bestanddel, bor det tilstræbes at belægge farvelaget 28 med et beskyt-tende materiale, eksempelvis en harpiks, inden giften anbringes, sâledes at farvelaget ikke gennemvædes af olie eller fedt og misfarves eller inaktiveres.The color layer 28 preferably consists of a luminescent material. This may consist of a coating of luminescent color or a luminescent color prepacked paper or the like. If the poison contains an oily component, it should be attempted to coat the color layer 28 with a protective material, for example a resin, before applying the poison so that the color layer is not soaked in oil or grease and discolored or inactivated.

15 I en foretrukken udforelsesform bestâr sâvel den nedre del 10 som lâget af et gennemsigtigt formstof.In a preferred embodiment, both the lower portion 10 and the layer are made of a transparent plastic material.

I den i fig. 1-3 viste udf0relsesform er yderhylster-væggen 14's inderoverflade indad krum ved 30 for at lede insekter, som kommer ind gennem âbningerne 16, mod âbningeme 20 22 og ind i det indre giftkammer 24. Dette er gjort for at hindre et insekt i at komme ind ved en ydre âbning 16 og pâ tilfældig mâde vandre langs indervæggen og ud gennem næste âbning 16. Det b0r imidlertid bemærkes, at den indadrettede krumning ved 30 ikke er kritisk for indretningen og kan 25 udelades, selv om indretningen i sâ tilfælde ikke arbejder lige sâ godt.In the embodiment shown in FIG. 1 to 3, the outer surface of the outer casing wall 14 is curved inwardly at 30 to guide insects entering through apertures 16, toward apertures 20 22 and into inner venom chamber 24. This is done to prevent an insect from entering however, it should be noted that the inward curvature at 30 is not critical to the device and 25 may be omitted, even in that case the device does not work evenly. so good.

Lâget 12 strækker sig til yderhylstervæggene 14's omkreds, sâledes at det lukker den nedre del 10. Ogsâ lâget kan være fremstillet af en formstofskive. Lâget 12 b0r imid-30 lertid hâve mindst en del, som er gennemsigtig, sâledes at lokkemaden 26 let kan iagttages, og er permanent fastgjort til den nedre del 10 eksempelvis ved hjælp af et bindemiddel eller pâ anden egnet mâde.The cover 12 extends to the circumference of the outer casing walls 14 to close the lower portion 10. The cover may also be made of a plastic disc. However, the lid 12 should have at least a portion which is transparent so that the bait 26 can be readily observed, and is permanently attached to the lower portion 10 by, for example, a binder or other suitable means.

Som vist kan insektfodringsanlægget anbringes direkte 35 pâ et gulv eller pâ et andet 0nsket sted. Insekter kan komme ind i indretningen gennem âbningerne 16 og ledes af de krummeAs shown, the insect feeding system can be placed directly on a floor or in another desired location. Insects can enter the device through apertures 16 and are guided by the curves

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6 vægge 30 til forskudte âbninger 22, sâledes at de nâr giften 26 i det indre kammer, og de kan forlade indretningen gennem de samme âbninger. Forbruget af gift kan iagttages gennem det gennemsigtige lâg 12 og er let synligt som felge af den 5 kontrasterende baggrund 29 under giften.6 walls 30 to staggered apertures 22 so that they reach the venom 26 in the inner chamber and can exit the device through the same apertures. The consumption of poison can be observed through the transparent layer 12 and is easily visible as rims of the contrasting background 29 during the poison.

Selv om insekter let kan nâ giften, kan, som det let fremgâr af fig. 1, en sonde, der anbringes i en af âbningeme 16 i yderhylstervæggen 14 ikke komme ind gennem det indre kammers væg 20 pâ grund af de forskudte âbninger 22 i væggen 10 20. Indretningen er sâledes sikker for sâ vidt angâr nys- gerrige b0rn.Although insects can easily reach the venom, as can be readily seen in FIG. 1, a probe placed in one of the apertures 16 of the outer casing wall 14 does not enter through the wall 20 of the inner chamber due to the offset apertures 22 of the wall 10 20. The device is thus safe as far as curious children are concerned.

Indretningen kan ogsâ monteres pâ lodrette overflader eksempelvis ved hjælp af et dobbeltsidet klæbebând (se fig.The device can also be mounted on vertical surfaces, for example by means of a double-sided adhesive tape (see fig.

8) pâ den nedre del 10's nedre overflade 29. Eftersom giften 15 26 fastg0res til det indre kammers gulv, forstyrres den ikke og forbliver i samme stilling i indretningen.8) on the lower surface of the lower part 10. Since the venom 15 26 is attached to the floor of the inner chamber, it is not disturbed and remains in the same position in the device.

Fig. 5, 6 og 7 viser en udf0relsesform, som i ait væsentligt ligner udforelsesformen if0lge fig. 1, 2 og 3 hvad angâr indretningens principielle opbygning. Yderhyl-20 stervæggene 32 er aflange og krummer indad mod det centrale giftomrâde 26, sâledes at der opnâs ledende vægge 34. De forlængede vægge 32 danner et antal âbninger 36, som direkte leder til giften 26. Et lâg 12 strækker sig til væggene 32's yderender. Insekter, som kommer ind gennem âbningerne 25 36, ledes langs væggene 34 til giften 26. Væggene 34 har en sâdan krumning, at en sonde, som f0res ind i en âbning 36, ikke kan komme i ber0ring med giften 26. Giften 26 anbringes ovenpâ et materiale af kontrasterende farve som ved udf0-relsesformen if0lge fig. 1, 2 og 3, og mindst en del af 30 lâget 12 er gennemsigtigt, sâledes at giften 26 er synlig gennem lâget.FIG. 5, 6 and 7 show an embodiment which is substantially similar to the embodiment according to FIGS. 1, 2 and 3 as regards the principle structure of the device. The outer shelf 20 wall walls 32 are elongated and curved inwardly toward the central venom 26 to provide conductive walls 34. The elongated walls 32 form a plurality of apertures 36 directly leading to the venom 26. A layer 12 extends to the outer ends of the walls 32 . Insects entering through apertures 25 36 are passed along walls 34 to venom 26. Walls 34 have such a curvature that a probe inserted into aperture 36 cannot come into contact with venom 26. Venom 26 is placed on top of a contrasting color material as in the embodiment of FIG. 1, 2 and 3, and at least part of the lid 12 is transparent so that the venom 26 is visible through the lid.

Fig. 8 viser en alternativ udferelsesform af indretningen ifolge fig. 5, 6 og 7, hvori den nedre del 10 er vakuumformet af en plan formstofskive, sâledes at væggene 35 32 og 34 dannes. Som vist stiger gulvet 18 fra indretningens omkreds, sâledes at det centrale omrâde danner en forsænkningFIG. 8 shows an alternative embodiment of the device according to FIG. 5, 6 and 7, wherein the lower part 10 is vacuum-formed by a flat plastic disc, so that the walls 35 32 and 34 are formed. As shown, the floor 18 rises from the circumference of the device so that the central area forms a recess

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7 36. Dette er fordelagtigt, og giften eller lokkemaden 26 har form af en smelte, eftersom den kan hældes ind i for-sænkningen og tillades at sterkne. Som vist giver vakuum-formningen hule omrâdet 38 under den nedre del, og bagside-5 laget 29 lukker undersiden og afstiver indretningen. Bagsiden 29 kan ved midten hâve en udskæring til anbringelse af et tosidet klæbebând 40 med et afrivningslag 42 ved den nedre del 10's nedre overflade. Ved fjemelse af laget 42 kan indretningen sâledes fastgores pâ en lodret overflade ved 10 hjælp af et klæbebând 40. Dette er en foretrukken monterings-opstilling ved hjælp af fastklæbning eftersom indretningen kommer helt i niveau med overfladen og insekterne ikke har tilb0jelighed til at krybe under indretningen i stedet for ind i den, hvilket kan ske, nâr det klæbende materiale er 15 monteret pâ bagsiden 29's underside.This is advantageous and the poison or bait 26 is in the form of a melt, as it can be poured into the depression and allowed to solidify. As shown, the vacuum molding provides hollow area 38 below the lower portion, and the backing layer 29 closes the underside and supports the device. The back side 29 may have a cut-out at the center for placing a two-sided adhesive tape 40 with a tear-off layer 42 at the lower surface of the lower portion 10. Thus, by removing the layer 42, the device can be secured to a vertical surface by means of an adhesive tape 40. This is a preferred mounting arrangement by means of adhesive since the device comes fully level with the surface and the insects do not tend to crawl under the device. instead of into it, which can happen when the adhesive material is mounted on the underside of the back 29.

Fig. 4 viser fremstillingen af et antal nedre dele til insektfordringsanlæg af en enkelt formstofskive 42. Skiven 42 vakuumformes over en egnet form, sâledes at et antal enheder af nedre dele 10 opnâs, hvilket hver især 20 derefter fyldes med gift 26 og forsynes med et lâg 12. Rid-selinier 44 letter adskillelsen af de enkelte fodringsanlæg.FIG. 4 shows the manufacture of a number of lower parts for insect claims of a single plastic disc 42. The disc 42 is vacuum-formed over a suitable mold so that a number of units of lower parts 10 are obtained, each of which is then filled with poison 26 and provided with a layer 12. Rid harness lines 44 facilitate the separation of the individual feeding plants.

En enkelt bagsideskive kan anbringes pâ skiven 42 efter vakuumformning. Denne màde at forme insektfodringsanlæggene pâ er særlig anvendelig, nâr det 0nskes at markedsf0re et 25 antal indretninger som en enhed, sâledes at kunden kan ad-skille disse og benytte dem som krævet.A single backing disc can be placed on the disc 42 after vacuum forming. This way of shaping insect feeding plants is particularly useful when it is desired to market a number of devices as a unit, so that the customer can separate them and use them as required.

I den i fig. 9 og 10 viste udf0relsesform har indretningen en nedre del 10 med et gulv 40 og gift 26 ved dettes midte. Den nedre del 10 har et antal krumme vægge 42, som 30 strækker sig fra gulvet 40's omkreds 44 og i hovedsagen til omrâdet for giften 26. Der findes ingen egentlig ydervæg, og de krumme vægge danner et antal âbninger 46, som direkte f0rer til giften 26. Et lâg 12 strækker sig til de krumme vægge 42's yderender. Insekter, som kommer ind gennem âb-35 ningerne 46, ledes langs væggene 42 til giften 26. Væggene 42 har en sâdan krumning, at en sonde, som f0res ind i âb-In the embodiment shown in FIG. 9 and 10, the device has a lower part 10 with a floor 40 and poison 26 at its center. The lower portion 10 has a plurality of curved walls 42 extending from the circumference 44 of the floor 40 and substantially to the area of the venom 26. There is no actual outer wall, and the curved walls form a plurality of openings 46 which lead directly to the venom 26. A layer 12 extends to the outer ends of the curved walls 42. Insects entering through apertures 46 are passed along walls 42 to venom 26. Walls 42 have such curvature that a probe inserted into aperture

DK 156110 BDK 156110 B

8 ningen 46 ikke kan komme i beroring med giften 26. Giften 26 anbringes oven pâ en kontrasterende og selvlysende farve, og mindst en del af lâget 12 er gennemsigtigt, sâledes at giften 26 er synlig gennem lâget.The poison 46 cannot come into contact with the venom 26. The venom 26 is placed on top of a contrasting and luminous color, and at least part of the lid 12 is transparent so that the venom 26 is visible through the lid.

5 Den i fig. 11 viste udforelsesform svarer i ait væ- sentlig til den i fig. 9 viste bortset fra at den har et antal rette, ledende vægge 48 i stedet for udf0relsesformens if0lge fig. 9 krumme vægge 42. De rette, ledende vægge 42 er rettet fra indretningens omkreds tangentielt mod giftom-10 râdet 26, sâledes at insekterne ledes til giftomrâdet 26, men en sonde, som fores ind i en af indgangene 16, kan ikke komme i beroring med giften 26.5 The embodiment of FIG. 11 is substantially similar to that of FIG. 9, except that it has a plurality of straight conductive walls 48 in place of the embodiment of FIG. 9 curved walls 42. The straight conductive walls 42 are directed from the periphery of the device tangentially to the poison area 26, so that the insects are directed to the poison area 26, but a probe fed into one of the inputs 16 cannot come into contact. with the poison 26.

Fig. 12 viser yderligere en udfdrelsesform, hvor yderhylstervæggen 14's inderoverflade er indad krum ved 30, 15 for derved at lede insekter, som kommer ind gennem âbningeme 16, mod âbningerne 22 i det indre giftkammer 24. Dette er gjort for at forhindre at et insekt, som kommer ind ved en ydre âbning 16, tilfældigt vandrer langs den indre væg og ud gennem den anden âbning 16.FIG. 12 further illustrates an embodiment in which the inner surface of the outer casing wall 14 is curved inwardly at 30, 15, thereby guiding insects entering through the apertures 16 toward the apertures 22 of the inner venom chamber 24. This is done to prevent an insect enters an outer opening 16, incidentally wandering along the inner wall and out through the second opening 16.

20 Fig. 13 viser en udf0relsesform som i ait væsentligt svarer til udf0relsesformen if0lge fig. 12, hvad angâr indretningens indre opbygning. Yderhylstervæggene 32 er aflange og krummer indad mod âbningerne 16, sâledes at de danner ydre, ledende vægge 34. De ledende vægge 34 leder insekterne 25 mod àbningen 16, sâledes at de med st0rre sandsynlighed kommer ind i indretningen, og de indre ledende vægge 30 leder insekterne mod âbninger 22 i det indre kammer 24 og til giften 26.FIG. 13 shows an embodiment which substantially corresponds to the embodiment according to FIG. 12, as regards the interior structure of the device. The outer casing walls 32 are elongated and curved inwardly toward the apertures 16 to form outer conductive walls 34. The conductive walls 34 guide the insects 25 toward the aperture 16, so that they are more likely to enter the device and the inner conductive walls 30 are conductive. the insects against apertures 22 in the inner chamber 24 and to the venom 26.

I udforelsesformerne if0lge fig. 15-18 er âbningerne 30 16 i den nedre del 10's ydre hylstervægge 36 direkte for- bundne med giften 26 gennem indre krumme vægge 38 langs en krum bane. Væggene 38 tjener sâledes bâde som ledende vægge og skærmende organer, og insekter ledes langs væggene 38 til giften 26, men en sonde, som fores ind i àbningen 16, 35 kan ikke nâ giften 26.In the embodiments of FIG. 15-18, the openings 30 16 in the outer casing walls 36 of the lower part 10 are directly connected to the venom 26 through inner curved walls 38 along a curved path. Thus, the walls 38 serve both as conductive walls and shielding means, and insects are directed along the walls 38 to the venom 26, but a probe inserted into the opening 16, 35 cannot reach the venom 26.

Claims (10)

1. Indretning til udlægning af gift til insekter, kendetegnet ved, at det har en nedre del og et fastgjort lâg, hvilken nedre del har et centrumomrâde til 5 modtagelse af giften, hvilket lâg er transparent over mindst en del af sin udstrækning til observering af giften, en ydre opretstâende væg med en eller flere âbninger deri, igennem hvilke insekterne kan komme ind i og forlade anlæg-get, samt skærme udformet sâledes, at de kan lede insekter, 10 soin kommer ind igennem âbningerne, frem mod giften uden at forhindre, at centret af b0rn og husdyr kan nâs direkte fra âbningerne.Device for laying poison to insects, characterized in that it has a lower portion and an attached layer, said lower portion having a center region for receiving the venom, which layer is transparent over at least part of its extent for observing the venom. the venom, an outer upright wall with one or more apertures therein, through which the insects can enter and leave the system, as well as screens designed to guide insects, 10 insects enter through the apertures, toward the venom without preventing that the center of children and livestock can be reached directly from the openings. 2. Indretning if0lge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at skærmene bestàr af indefter b0jede dele af yder- 15 væggen, som fdrer fra den nedre dels periferi til centret, eller af lige vægge, der f0rer til den nedre dels periferi som tangenter til centret, hvilke skærme danner âbningerne ved periferien og er anbragt med afstand til dannelse af styrende passager.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the screens consist of internally curved portions of the outer wall extending from the lower part's periphery to the center, or of straight walls leading to the lower part's periphery as tangents to the center, which screens form the openings at the periphery and are spaced apart to form guiding passages. 3. Indretning if0lge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at skærmene bestâr af en indervæg, der er anbragt i afstand fra ydervæggen og danner centret, hvilken indervæg har én eller flere âbninger, igennem hvilke insekterne f0res for at nâ frem til centret, hvilke âbninger er forsat i 25 vandret plan i forhold til ydervæggens âbninger for at hindre direkte adgang.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the screens consist of an inner wall spaced apart from the outer wall and forming the center, which inner wall has one or more openings, through which the insects are passed to reach the center, which openings are perpendicular to 25 horizontal planes relative to the outer wall openings to prevent direct access. 4. Indretning if0lge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at giften er en fast blanding, som er fastgjort pâ gulvet ved centret.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the poison is a solid mixture which is fixed to the floor at the center. 5. Indretning if0lge krav 4, kendetegnet ved en kontrasterende farve eller en kontrasterende lysende farve nedenunder giften.Device according to claim 4, characterized by a contrasting color or a contrasting luminous color below the venom. 6. Indretning if0lge krav 1, kendetegnet ved organer til at fastgere anlægget pâ en lodret overflade.Device according to claim 1, characterized by means for securing the plant to a vertical surface. 7. Indretning if0lge krav 5, kendetegnet ved, at den nedre del og lâget bestâr af gennemsigtigt form- DK 156110 B stofmateriale, og at den kontrasterende farve tilvejebringes ved hjælp af en bagsideskive, som er fastgjort pà den nedre dels underside.Device according to claim 5, characterized in that the lower part and the cover consist of transparent mold material and that the contrasting color is provided by means of a backing disc which is fixed to the lower part of the lower part. 8. Indretning ifolge krav 5/ kendetegnet 5 ved7 at den nedre del er fremstillet af et formstof af en farve, som kontrasterer mod lokkemadens farve.Device according to claim 5 / characterized in that the lower part is made of a plastic of a color which contrasts with the color of the bait. 9. Indretning ifolge krav 1, kendetegnet ved, at den nedre del er fremstillet som en enhedsformstof- del.Device according to claim 1, characterized in that the lower part is manufactured as a unitary plastic part. 10. Enhed indbefattende et antal nedre dele til ind retning if0lge ethvert af de foregâende krav, kendetegnet ved, at den er fremstillet af en enkelt, plan formstofskive, hvorved organer er anbragt mellem hver nedre del for at muliggtfre let adskillelse. 15A unit comprising a plurality of lower parts for alignment according to any one of the preceding claims, characterized in that it is made of a single, flat plastic disc, whereby means are arranged between each lower part to allow easy separation. 15
DK156282A 1981-04-06 1982-04-05 INSTITUTE FOR INPUTING POISON TO INSECTS DK156110C (en)

Applications Claiming Priority (6)

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US25168681A 1981-04-06 1981-04-06
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US25168481 1981-04-06
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