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CA1317910C - Method and apparatus for extruding of light weight metals such as aluminium - Google Patents

Method and apparatus for extruding of light weight metals such as aluminium


Publication number
CA1317910C CA000560168A CA560168A CA1317910C CA 1317910 C CA1317910 C CA 1317910C CA 000560168 A CA000560168 A CA 000560168A CA 560168 A CA560168 A CA 560168A CA 1317910 C CA1317910 C CA 1317910C
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Expired - Fee Related
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French (fr)
Hannes Baumann
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
Aluminium AG
Original Assignee
Aluminium AG
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Application filed by Aluminium AG filed Critical Aluminium AG
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1317910C publication Critical patent/CA1317910C/en
Anticipated expiration legal-status Critical
Expired - Fee Related legal-status Critical Current



    • B21C29/00Cooling or heating work or parts of the extrusion press; Gas treatment of work


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Extrusion Of Metal (AREA)
  • Heat Treatment Of Strip Materials And Filament Materials (AREA)
  • Heat Treatment Of Articles (AREA)
  • Magnetic Heads (AREA)



To increase the extrusion speed for extrusion of light-weight metal such as aluminum, without incurring hot short cracks, or fissures, and retaining high-quality smooth surface of the extruded material, the region of the extrusion chamber immediately ahead of the extrusion die (3) is cooled by placing a cooling ring (12, 12') between the bore (9) of the extrusion cylinder in which the ram piston (13) operates. The cooling ring may be a unitary structure, or a multi-part structure, in which an independent inner ring is located within a cooling ring (12). For mechanical strength, a prestressing outer ring (20) is shrink-fitted around the cooling ring. The outer ring is retained, for example by screws (24), on the cylinder (2) within which the extrusion chamber (9, 10) is located.
The cooling fluid may be water, a vaporizable liquid, or a gas, and is separated from the billet (1) within the extrusion chamber.


The present invention relates to a method to extru~e light-weight metals such as aluminum or the like, to form extruded shapes, such as extruded profiled rails, strips or rods or the like; and to an apparatus, or extrusion press, and operating in accordance with the method.
Background: Substantial forces are required for extrusion of metals to provide profiled metal shapes, for example profiled rails, which may be of light-weight metal. Various parameters are interrelated, such as the temperature of the ram piston, the temperature of the material, that is, of the billet to be extruded, pressure, degree of transformation during extrusion, extrusion press speed, surface condition, and metallurgical characteristics of the formed extrusion. The interrelationships of these parameters are quite complex, and change of any one parameter influences other parameters which, all, interact and interrelate. Upon deformation of the material of the slug or billet during extrusion, internal deformation and frictional heat will be generated in addition to that which is used to heat the slug or billet to extrusion temperature.
The temperature of the extrusion material, and the speed of extrusion, are critical particularly when extruding light-weight metal portions or shapes since heat fissures, referred to as hot short cracks, may occur. U.S. Patent 4,462,234, Florentino et al, contains a discussion of problems which arise during extrusion.
If the extruded material exceeds a certain critical temperature, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to ;, "
"~, I
-1 3 1 7 ~ 1 0 obtain a perfect smooth surPace of the extruded proflled structure. It appe~r~ that thls 18 due to remanent e~tectic componenes which become liquid during ex~ru~lon and then re~ult ln roughen~d zones ~t the surac~ of the extruded structure. To obt~ln a ~mooth surfacel therefore, the extru~lon ~peed ln ~he past had been held to a range below that ln which rough surEace portion~ were observed and, thus, thls problem limieed the pos~lble extrusion speed al~hough the extruslon presse~
aR a whole could operate at a hlgher speed. I~ was alRo trled to solve the problem of ho~ ~hort crackin~ by coollng the dle itself. Provldln~ a dle wlth coollng substantially ~ncrea~es ~he costs o~ the die. The inten~ity of coollng, ltself, ls llmlted since he tle, upon bein8 COOled9 18 exposed to the danger of formatlon uf ~issures~
It hag prevlou~ly been proposed to reduc~ the crO98 3ectional area of the billet as it 19 bein~ extruded in ~tep~
and to cool the extr~ded ~aterial in intermediate step~.
S~ch a ~ystem 1~ expen~lve to apply, requlre3 c08tly tools and dle3, and i~ not practic~ or u~e with ~lngle-opening die~ a~d extrusion pre4ses.
Cooling the die Itsele ha~ been propo~ed, and varlou~
such cooling 9y8tem9 are known. U.S. Paten~ 3,112,828 di~clo~es a single-openl~g e~trusion pre~s die whi~h i~
2~ lnteriorly coo~ed. It ha~ a die openln~ in the center thereof which 1~ surrounded by a cooling duct~ Coollng is efPected only in ~he die ltself, that 19, ater the billet.
ha3 been alreaty essentially deformed to the shape it ~hould have. The arr~ngement requ~res forming the requl31te coollng ducts for the cooling syste~ ln each dle. Thi4 subs~antlally increases the cost of maklng the dies. Cooling the interlor of the d.e limits the cro~s-3ectio~al area which can be used and weakens the die which, o~ course, ls hi~hly stressed mechanically. Additional ~eakening is due to the ~emperature S difference or temperature gradient within the interior of the die.
German Patent 22 40 391 describeY a solution slmllar to that of the U.S. Patent 3,112,828, applied to a multiple-openlng die. The cooling duct system is provided both in a pre-shaping dle ant in a final or finishing die. The ~ystem has the disadvantage that the coollng ducts must be formed by machlning the die and cutting it lnto the die and, further, matching the shape and arrangement of the coollng duct~ to the re~pective shapes of the profiles which are to be extruded. The die itself is weakened, and, due to the temperature gradient which resules, becomes sub~ect to cracklng and for~ation o fissures. The cooling arrangement, primarlly, wa~ designed to control the exit speed of the respective lndlvidual shaped structural elements so that from one bille~, rodQ or ralls o~
essentially the ~ame length can bs obtained.
German Paten~ 22 11 645 descrlbes an arrangemen~ in which the exit o~ the die i8 cooled ~t the exlt surface. ~uch an arrangement ls suitable primarily when using liquid nitrogen a~ the coollng medium. Liq~ld nltrogen will e~lt in gaseous form which can be directed on the extruded rail or rod. This arrangement, as well as the operation of the cooling system, depends cn the shape of the rod to be extruded.
German Patent 429,376 de~cribe~ an arrangement ln which a dle extends into a housing defining an extrusion chamber~
and the ou~side of the die i~ cooled a~ ehe portion external to the ex~rusion chamber.

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U.S. Patent 4,462,234, Florentino et al, describes a ~wo-step d~e wh1ch ls cooled in a region external of ~he extrusion chamber. Such a cooling arrangemen~ i9 suitable, for 211 practical purposes, only for slngle-opening dies. The cooling arrangement must be matched to the shape of the die and is dependent thereon.
The Invention It is an ob~ect to increase the extruslon speed of extrusion apparatu~ while retaining all the advantages of excellent quality of structures extruded at low speed, that is, provide extru~ed structural shapes which are not sub~ect to flssure3 or hot short cracking, and have a smooth surface of highest quality.
Briefly, a cooling system is provided to cool the slu~ or billet in the region immediately in advance of ~he die9 for example by circulating a cooling fluid through the housing portion defining the ex~rusion chamber, located ln advance -with respect to metal flow - of the die itself. The cooling 2Q fluid is not in contact wi~h the billet itself, bu~, rather, is circulatPd in an independently positloned ~eparated cooling circuit.
In accordance with afeature of the invention, the region of defor~ation of ehe billet, in advance of the extruslon die, iR 3urrounded by an innar ring which has a bore of the same diameter a3 the ram piqton, to form a coaxlal extension of the chamber ln whlch the ram piston operate~. This ring ls surrounded by a cooling rlng structure which ha cooling ducts drilled or bored therein~ the rlng itself being surrounded, for example by a shrlnk flt~ ~ith '.

. 13~7qlO

s~ructural elements to provide the necessary strength to accept the extrusion forces. The cooling ring has a cooling medium circulating therein in a closed circuit.
The cooling ring is seated directly on the inner rin8.
The inner rin~ is not strictly necessary, and the cooling ring, itself 9 may be formed wlth an inner diameter which matches the outer dlameter of the ram plston and which forms an axial extension of the b~llet-receiving chamber in which the ram piston operates as it extrudes the material of ~he billet through the die.
The reference ~o a closed cooling loop or circuit ls intended to mean that the cooling fluid ~s separated from ~he billet, that iq, is spatially separate therefrom; whether the cooling fluid itself is recirculated in a ~l~sed loop, or is merely circulated through the respective cool$ng ring in an open system, is not material to the present invention;
what is lmportant, however, i~ the separatlon of cooling fluid from the billet ~tself The method and apparatlls of the inventlon axe based on the ~act that when the goods are to be extruded they must be changed from the original cross-sectional area of the billet to the much s~aller cross-sectional area of the extrud~d profile. This deformation of the ~aterial result~
in 3ubstantlal lnternal frictlon which results ln addi~ional heat, and this ~dditional heat has 3ubstantial influe~ce on the generation ~f hot shor~ crack~ and flssures.
Co~sequently, that heat should be cond~ct~d away in the region of it3 ganera~ion, whlch is in the chamber recelving the billet and in the vicinity in advance of the die, and preferably ~st immediately in advancs of the dle and not only ~ithin the . . .

die itself or downstream oE the dle. It is more effectlve to cool the billet dlreotly at the point in whlch the greatest deformatlon or material arises, which also results in the highest increase ln temperature, r~ther ~han carrging out deformation in multlple step~ in cooling in one or more of the subsequent steps, downstream of the first deformation.
The d~scovery of the particular location at whlch the maeerial should be cooled does not, however, then also permit prac~ical realization of a meehod or apparatus since problems res~lt. By cooling, temperature gradients occur whlch, in the structures involved, may cau~e dangerous fissures and cracks. By forming a cooling ring whlch, preferably, is radially outwardly surrounded by a pre~sure ring capable of accepting the deformation forces, fissure and cracks can be essentially avoided since the tendency ~o form such flssures will be counterac~ed. The outside surrounding ring is~
preferably, shrink-fltted over the cooling r$n8. It al~o permits the coollng system to be constructed ln essenti211y symmetrical orm~ es~entially surrounding the entire chamber Just in advance of the place where the materlal to be extruded enters the die.
The coollng structure i8 an element independent o the dle. Thus, ~ven if the dies are to be changed, no additional cooling ducts or other changes are naces~ary, which substant~ally decreases the c03t of the installation and the cost of dieR,and permitR utilization o the dles in different types of apparat~s. The die~ are highly stxessed and are not additionally loaded by tempe~ature ~u~ps or ~teep temperature gradients since coollng methods and syste~s in accordance with the present lnvention do not af~ect the dis itself. The same cooling sy3tem can ba uset for different qhapes to be extruded, be they 501id or hollow, and can be u~ed wl~h d1e3 which have o~e or a plurallty of die openlngs. They may be used9 likewise, for axtruslon of tubular structures either with a cooled or an uncooled mandxel.
The actual construction of the cooling system at the end of the chamber which receives the billet, and facing the dle, permits carrying the cocling medium close to the billet i~se~`f at the ~one where the billet material is deformed. Thus, a quickly acting and effective coollng of this daformatio~ zone can be obtained. By carrying a~ay frictional and deformation heat directly from the deformation zone, it is po~sible to extrude with hlgher temperatures of thP blllet being introduced into the deformatlon chamber, that i9, with higher lnitial blllet temperature.
lS Drawlngs:
Flg. l 15 a longitudinal sectional Yiew through an extruslon presR in the region of an extru~ion chamber and a die, and showlng the deformation reglon, and the cooling arrangement;
Flg. 2 is a fragmentary cross-sectional view through th~
die along the line II-II uf Fig. l; and Fig. 3 i~ a view slmilar to Flg. 1 and illustrating another embodiment and modlfied features.
_etailed Descriptlon.
The ma~erial to be extruded is placed, for example ln the shape of a light-metal slug or blllet l, in a chamber formed in an extruslon cylinder 2, in whlch a ram piston 13 operates. The chamber i~ formed by a bore 9 in the extrusion cylinder 2. An extruslon die 3 1~ formed with one or more die openings 4, suitably sha~ed and corresponding to the cro~s-sectional or profiled form 5 of the extru~ion products. The :

1 31 7q 1 0 extrusion ls carried out in a one~step proces~.
In accordanc~ with the invention, a cooling system in form of a unitary one-ele~ent cooling ring, i~ located in the reglon where the billet 1 ls deformed and kneaded, S immedia~ely in advance of the die 3. The cooling rlng has a cooling medium circulating therein, separated or closed off from the billet 1. The cooling mediu~ ls circulated in a closed-off path; "cloaed off" i9 definad to mean that the cooling medium doe~ not at any time contact the element to be cooled, namely the billet; rather, it i~ supplled to the coollng ring through a 3upply line and removed ~ia a drain line. The cooling ring 12 is coaxially secured on an inner ring 8 which, also, is a unitary single element.
The inner ring 8 i9 formed with a cylindrical bore which has the same inner diameter as the bore 9 of the chamber receiving the billet, and is coaxial ~herewith. Thus, it corre~ponds to the diameter of the ram piston 13.
The cooling ring 12 ls formed with a plurality of axially extending pairs of bores or openings 14, 15, uniformly dlstributed around the circumference of the cooling ring 12 .
In accordance wlth a feature uf the lnvention, the ~pacing at the inner reference diameters o~ the bore palrs 14, 15 i~ between about 15 to 50mm, depending on the diameter of the bore 9. The bores of the pair of bores 14, 15 are interconnected by radial bores16, located ln the interior of the cooling ring 12 and close to the end thereof re~ote from the die 3. The radial bores 16 are ex~ernally closed off by plugs 17. Thus, a closed circulating pa~h is avallable for a cooling medium within the coollng ring 12, without contact of the cooling mediu~ with ~he billet 1. At the end surface 6 1 31 7~ 1 0 of the cooling ring 12, that ls, the surface facin~ the die 3, the bores of the pair~ 14, 15 are, respectively, connected to a supply line and a drain line, located in a ring-shaped housing 18. The face end 6 of ~he cooling ring 12 has two concentric ring chambers 27, 28 attached thereto, of different diameters. One, each, is in fluid communication with the end3 of the bores 149 which are radially outwardJ the o~her chamber is in fluid communicaSion with the ends of the radially inward bores 15. Connec~ng nlpples 29, of which only one is visible, are coupled to the respectlve chambers, for connection to sultable pipe ~r hose lines, and located within~ or pro~ecting from the housing 18.
A controllable throttle valve V ls preferably l~cated in either the supply line or the drain llne, preferably in the supply line. The valve V permits control of the fluld throughput and thus the cooling effect or cooling energy, so that it can be continuously matched to the deformation or e~trusion requirements, and thereby keep the ~emperature of the-billet 1 in the deformati~n zone at an optimum level.
A temperature sensor, not shown, can be located either ln or on the end face of the die 3, or in or on the sleeve 8, or in or on the cooling rlng l2, to control the valve V.
Under some conditlons, and psrtlcularly if ~he present invention i9 to be u~ed wlth already existlng extrusion pressea, the preferred plac~ment of the supply and drain system of the cooling medlum at the end adjacent the dle may not be pos~lble, for example due ~o difficulties in plac$ng or arranging the cooling system. For such installations, the supply and drain line~ ~o supply and dral~ cooling medlum can be plared at the side ad~acen~ the pre~s cylinder 2, by :~ .

. ~, . . .

: ' 1 3 1 7q 1 0 pr~vldln~ ~uitable radial bore~ communlcating with the bore~
l4, 15 and leaving the end~ of the bores 14, lS solld at the 3ide ad~acene the die 3. The arrangemen~ aa shown, however, i~
The cooling ~luld may be any suitable fluld which i3 available, for example water or other ll~ulds; vapor~, gases, and vaporizable llquids may also b~ u~ed.
~ J Fixing the die 3 and the ring 30 together with the extrusicn press is effected in conventional and well known manner by clamping means not shown in ths drawing.
. The dle 3 i~ ~ecured with it~ end face against ~he cooling rlng l2 and the inner rlng 8,~, The axial length of the i cooling rlng l2 preferably i~ beewaen 0~25 to 2 tlmes the diameter of the ram pl~ton l3 ~ithln the bor~ 9. The wall thickne~ of the ring 8 i9 preferably s~mewha~ le98 than half the thickness of the cooling rin8 l2. To ob~ain fa~t reaceln~
coolin~, the wall thickne~ of the rlng 8 i9 preferably less than one quarter ~he diameter of the bore 9 ln whlch the ra~ piston l3 operate~.
The r.adlally lnner one of ~he cooling bores l5, th8t 1~, OQ the hori~ont~ axis in Flg. lp a~e located clrcumferentlally u~lfor~ly dl~trlbut~d around the ring l2, with diametric31 spacing which i9 le~ than l-l/2 that of the diameter Oe the cyllnder bor~ 9, preferably le~s than i-1t4 Che diameter of the cylinder 9 within whlch the ram piston l3 'I operate~.
~ radlally outer pressure or ~orce accQptirlg rlng 20 ,., 2urrDunds ~he coolln~ rln~ 12 at ~he outsl~e thereof.
It is secured to the faclng ~urface 32 of the pre~s cyl~nder 2 by bolts 24, of which only ~ne i8 ~hown schematlcally.
~ore than one ~uch ring 20 ~ay be u~ed if s~xen~h to accept the extrusion pressure ~o r~quires. Pre~erably, ~he~, : ~uch orce acceptln~ rlng~ 20 a~e ~eque~tlally shrlnk-~ltted about each rther. Ihe roollrg rln~ l2, pre~rably, 1~ o , .

shrink-fit~ed on the inner rlng 8. To perml~ trans~er o~
axial force~, the inner ring 8 as well a~ the cooling ring 12 and the presQUre ring 20 can be formed with ~uitable ring shoulderR l1, 22. Rather than using ring ~houlders, the lnterengaging elements can be conical in the reglon where the ring shoulders are ~hown, to fit agalnst each other. The conical par~ can be extended over the whole length o~ part 12'.
The coollng ring 12 need not be fit~ed against an lnner ring 8; as shown in Flg. 3, a coollng ring 12~ may be used whlch, as a single element, replaces the cooling ring l2 aa well as the lnner rin~ 8, the cooling rlng l2 having an inner bore lO', matching the bore 9 ln whlch the ram pis~on l3 operates. At least one external foree acceptl~g rlng 20 i~
shrink-fltted on the cooling rin8 12'. In all other re3pec~, lS the arrangement i5 ~imilar to that described in connection with Fig9 . l and 2, and the same reference numerals have been uYed to identlfy identical parts.
The lnner ring 8 and/or cooling ring l2, 12l need not have an lnner cylindrical shape but, rathe~may be somewhat conlcal, - to direct the blllet material I to the opening~ 4 in the die 3. The inle~ or input end of the bore lO, l~', however, ~hould match the bore 2 ln the extrusion cylinder 2.
The deformatlon and frictional heat i8 removed d~rectly from that zone where the deformatlon o the materlàl o~ ~he 25 .... billet arises, that la, lmmediately ln advance of the die 3.
The heat is removed, thua, from Just that reglon ad~acent the dle 3 ln order to ret~ln the tempersture of the materlal to be extruded, that is, the billet 1, at an optimum level.
It haa been found that cooling the blllet re~ult~ ln substantially increased output, with increased extru~ion speed, ' ._ , ,,, ,, ,,, ~ .,_ _ _ . _ __ . . .
. ~ , without degradatlon of atrength or surface characteristics.
The following table lllustrates compari~on resultR.
The llght-metal alloys are defined by their ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materlals, Philadalphla, PA) numbers;
additional standards of ~he alloys shown have been publlshed by the Aluminum Associatlon, ~ashington, D~C, 20006.
Various changes and modlflcaelons may be made~
and features descrlbed in connectlon wlth any one of the embodlments may be made wlth any of the others, within ehe scope of the inventlve concept. For example, ~he conical engagement surface ~ may be used at any one of ehe steps 11, 22 in Flg. l. The die 3 can be surrounded by a die holding rlng 30, to accept mechanical stresses, as well known.


1 3 1 7q 1 ~

T A B L E~

I ight-m~tal 13illet E:xtrusion alloys t~r~erature speed o . [average value) Profiles A5TM C

without cooling ring 2U14 44U Oq8 m/mln, w~.th " " 2014 500 2~2 "
without cooling ring 2024 420 1.2 with " ~ 2024 44() 3,~
withoutcoolingring 7~7S 440 0~9 ~ !
w~th " " 7075 47~ 2 Tubular stnlcture:
without cooling ring 7075 440 0,6 mfmin.
wlth ' " 7015 445 3~7 '' , ' .

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Claims (24)

1. The combination of apparatus for extrusion of a metal billet, particularly hot short crack sensitive metal such as aluminum and other light-weight metals, while maintaining a smooth surface finish, having:
an extrusion cylinder defining an extrusion chamber formed as a bore in a housing;
a ram piston operable, at least in part, in said extrusion chamber;
an extrusion die positioned to receive extruded material of said billet, with means for cooling the billet in the region where the metal of the billet is subject to greatest deformation;
said cooling means comprising:
a cooling ring located immediately in advance-in the direction of extrusion-of the die, the cooling ring having an inner bore which matches the bore of the extrusion cylinder and forms a coaxial extension of said bore at the side of the die, the axial length of said cooling ring being less than twice the diameter of the bore;
means for circulating a cooling fluid in said cooling ring, while separating and isolating said cooling fluid from said billet, being closed off therefrom, and located in the region in which the major extent of deformation of the billet, as it is being extruded, occurs, said fluid circulating means being uniformly distributed about the chamber at a minimum diameter which is less than 1.5 times the diameter of the ram piston; and a stress accepting ring means tightly surrounding said cooling ring, said stress-accepting ring means being secured to said extrusion cylinder.
2. The combination of claim 1, wherein said cooling means comprises a two-part structure including:
an inner ring having a bore forming a coaxial extension of the bore in the extrusion cylinder of the same diameter as said bore; and a cooling ring element snugly surrounding said inner ring and having said cooling medium circulating therein.
3. The combination of claim 2, wherein said inner ring and said cooling ring are axially interfitted and include interengaging radially divergent surface regions.
4. The combination of claim 1, wherein said fluid circulation means comprises:
a plurality of axially extending bores formed in said cooling ring, extending within the material of said ring; and supply and drain connection means coupled to respective ones of said axially extending bores to supply and drain a cooling fluid to and from said bores.
5. The combination of claim 4, wherein said bores extend from an end face of said ring and terminate short of another end face, two bores, each, being in radial alignment;
a cross bore connecting said radially aligned bores;
and plug means closing off said cross bores at radially outer ends thereof.
6. The combination of claim 1, wherein said cooling fluid circulating means comprises a plurality of paired radially spaced axially extending interconnected ducts, uniformly circumferentially located within said cooling ring, and wherein the radially inner one of the duct of the duct pairs is located on a diameter which is less than 1.5 times the diameter of the ram piston.
7. The combination of claim 1, wherein the cooling ring and said stress accepting ring element are axially interfitted and include interengaging radially divergent surface regions.
8. The combination of claim 1, wherein said cooling fluid circulation means include:
paired radially spaced axial bores formed in said cooling ring; and connection duct means in fluid communication with said axial bores and located at the side of the cooling ring adjacent the die.
9. The combination of claim 1, wherein said means for circulating the cooling fluid includes a controllable throttle valve for control of the throughput of cooling fluid.
10. The combination of claim 1, wherein the chamber receiving the billet, in the vicinity of the die converges conically.
11. The combination of claim 1, wherein said cooling ring is a single element having a cylindrical bore forming a coaxial extension of the bore defining said chamber in the extrusion cylinder, both said bores having the same diameter, and wherein said fluid circulation means comprises radially spaced, axially extending ducts formed in said single element for circulation of said cooling medium therein.
12. The combination of claim 1, wherein said stress-accepting ring means is shrink-fitted on said cooling ring.
13. A cooling device for use in an apparatus for extrusion of a metal billet, particularly hot short crack sensitive metal such as aluminum and other light-weight metals, while maintaining a smooth surface finish, in which the apparatus has:
an extrusion cylinder defining a cylindrical extrusion chamber;
a ram piston operable, at least in part, in said extrusion chamber; and an extrusion die positioned to receive extruded material of said billet, said cooling device comprising, in accordance with the invention:
a cooling ring located immediately in advance-in the direction of extrusion-of the die so that the cooling is located in the region in which the major extent of deformation of the billet, as it is being extruded, occurs, the cooling ring having an inner bore which matches a bore of the extrusion cylinder and forms a coaxial extension with the same diameter of said bore at the side of the die, and having an axial length which is less than twice the diameter of the bore;
fluid circulation means for circulating a cooling fluid formed in said cooling ring, while separating and isolating said cooling fluid from said billet and closed off therefrom, comprising:
a plurality of paired radially spaced, axially extending ducts, uniformly circumferentially located within said cooling ring; and fluid supply and drain connection means located at the side of the cooling ring which is adjacent the die to supply and drain cooling fluid to and from said ducts; and a stress accepting ring means tightly surrounding said cooling ring, said stress-accepting ring means being secured to said extrusion cylinder.
14. The device of claim 13, wherein said billet deformation region cooling means comprises a two-part structure including:
an inner ring having a bore forming a coaxial extension of the bore in the extrusion cylinder; and a cooling ring element snugly surrounding said inner ring and having said cooling medium circulating therein.
15. The device of claim 13, wherein the radially inner one of the duct of the duct pairs is located on a diameter which is less than 1.5 times the diameter of the ram piston.
16. The device of claim 13, wherein said cooling fluid supply and drain connection means includes concentric ring ducts in fluid communication with said axial ducts and located at the side of the cooling ring adjacent the die.
17. The device of claim 13, wherein said means for circulating the cooling fluid includes a controllable throttle valve for control of the throughput of cooling fluid.
18. The device of claim 13, wherein said cooling ring is a single element having a bore forming a coaxial extension, and having the same diameter, said ducts being circumferentially located about said bore formed in said element.
19. The device of claim 13, wherein said stress accepting ring means is shrink-fitted on said cooling ring.
20. A method of extruding light-weight metals through a die, particularly hot short crack sensitive metals such as aluminum, while maintaining a smooth surface finish, at a high extrusion speed, comprising the steps of:
placing a billet of hue metal in an extrusion chamber, said chamber being formed as a bore in an extrusion housing;
producing pressure on the billet by a ram piston to press the metal from the chamber through the die; and comprising, in accordance with the invention, the step of cooling the metal in the zone where, upon extrusion of the billet from the chamber through the die, the greatest deformation of the material of the billet arises, by cooling the metal only in a region of the chamber immediately in advance, with respect to the direction of extrusion of the location of the die, said cooling step including circulating a cooling fluid through the housing defining said chamber in a circumferentially uniformly distributed manner in a plurality of axially extending bores, separated from contact with said metal, and axially closely adjacent to said zone and said die and radially closely adjacent to said zone to obtain fast reacting cooling at a location immediately in advance of the die and where the metal of the billet is subject to greatest deformation.
21. The method of claim 20, wherein the axial extent of said axial cooling region is less than twice the diameter of the chamber, and the cooling fluid is circulated in a space in the housing radially located with respect to said bore and having a diameter of less than 1.5 times the diameter of the ram piston.
22. A cooling device for use in an apparatus for extrusion of a metal billet, particularly hot short crack sensitive metal such as aluminum and other light-weight metals, while maintaining a smooth surface finish, in which the apparatus has:
an extrusion cylinder defining a cylindrical extrusion chamber;
a ram piston operable, at least in part, in said extrusion chamber; and an extrusion die positioned to receive extruded.
material of said billet;
said cooling device comprising, in accordance with the invention:
a cooling ring structure located immediately in advance, in the direction of extrusion, of the die, so that he cooling ring is located in the region in which the major extent of deformation of the billet, as it is being extruded, occurs, the cooling ring having an inner bore which matches a bore of the extrusion cylinder and forms a coaxial extension with the same diameter of said bore at the side of the die; and having an axial length which is less than twice the diameter of the bore;
fluid circulation means for circulating a cooling fluid formed in said cooling ring, while separating and isolating said cooling fluid from said billet and closed off therefrom, comprising:
a plurality of paired radially spaced, axially extending ducts, uniformly circumferentially located about said inner bore and extending within said cooling ring structure, and supply and drain connection means located at the side of the cooling ring structure adjacent the die to supply and drain the cooling fluid to and from said ducts, said ducts being spaced from the wall defining said inner bore by a ring zone having a thickness which is less than half the thickness of the cooling ring structure, and further which is less than one-quarter the diameter of said inner bore; and a stress accepting ring means tightly surrounding said cooling ring, said stress accepting ring means being secured to said extrusion cylinder.
23. The device of claim 22, wherein said cooling ring structure is a unitary element, and said ring zone defines a region in said element.
24. The device of claim 22, wherein said cooling ring structure is a two-part element comprising:
an inner ring having said inner bore and forming a coaxial extension of the cylinder extrusion chamber in the extrusion cylinder; and a cooling ring element surrounding said inner ring, said ducts being formed in said cooling ring element.
CA000560168A 1987-03-02 1988-03-01 Method and apparatus for extruding of light weight metals such as aluminium Expired - Fee Related CA1317910C (en)

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