CA1248752A - Grader blade assembly and pick therefor - Google Patents
Grader blade assembly and pick thereforInfo
- Publication number
- CA1248752A CA1248752A CA000508307A CA508307A CA1248752A CA 1248752 A CA1248752 A CA 1248752A CA 000508307 A CA000508307 A CA 000508307A CA 508307 A CA508307 A CA 508307A CA 1248752 A CA1248752 A CA 1248752A
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- blade assembly
- grader
- picks
- cutting
- body member
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- Road Repair (AREA)
A blade assembly for hard earth road graders has a support frame for attachment to the mouldboard of the road grader and a plurality of evenly spaced picks located in sockets spaced along the lower edge of the support frame.
The picks have spigots to releasably locate in the support frame sockets and engage with the support frame to prevent relative rotation between the spigots of the picks and respective sockets. The picks each have a tunqsten carbide tile attached to their front face with a straight transverse cutting edge along the lower edge, In use the working face of the picks is perpendicular to a road surface to achieve a shaving action.
A blade assembly for hard earth road graders has a support frame for attachment to the mouldboard of the road grader and a plurality of evenly spaced picks located in sockets spaced along the lower edge of the support frame.
The picks have spigots to releasably locate in the support frame sockets and engage with the support frame to prevent relative rotation between the spigots of the picks and respective sockets. The picks each have a tunqsten carbide tile attached to their front face with a straight transverse cutting edge along the lower edge, In use the working face of the picks is perpendicular to a road surface to achieve a shaving action.
Thi~ invention relates -to improvements in earth working apparatus and in particular to earth gr~ders of the type comprising an angularly adjustable tran~verse mouldboard having affixed thereto a cut~ing blade.
Eart~ graderY have hitherto comprised a mouldboard h~ving ~ sinyle replaceable cutting edge bolted along the lower edge of -the mouldboard or for ease of handling a plurallty o~ replaceable cutting edges bolted in end to end relationship along the lower edge of the mouldboard. While such earth graders àre generally satisEactory Eor grading ~E
soft earth formations they are quite un~atisfactory for dressin~ of hard earth formations su~h as hi~hly compacted unsealed motorways or haulways in a mine environment.
With conventional grader blades, the continuous cutting edqe prevents the blade from penetratin~ the upper compacted layer of the ro~d surface and the blade tends to ski~ ineffectually along the road surface.
It has been propo~ed to utili2e a grader blade having a serr~ted cu~ting edge comprising a plurality o~
broad cu~ting teeth approximately four inches wide separated by gaps of approximately one inch wide. On a grader blade measurin~ ay eighteen feet in width, the serra-ted cutting edge may he formed fxom either three or four section~ bolted to the lower edge of the mouldko~d~ Each cutting edge section is fabri~ated from a single piece of steel approximately one inch thiGk~ The teeth formed on the lower edge are ~apere.d re~rwardly ~rom a~sharp transver~e cutting , ...
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edge to ~he ~ull thickness oE the section towards ~he roat of the teeth.
While s~ch se~r~t~d g~ader blades are substantially better than continuo~s edge blades on hard road surfaces, they neverthele~s suffer significant disadVantages. Due to the necessary downward pressure required to shave a highly co~pacted road surface, the sharp edges of the -teeth ha~e a tendency to suddenly penetrate the road crust at irregular intervals causing deep transverse e~cavations into the less compacted earth below. Apart from destroyinq the integrity o~ the road crust, the sudden penetxation can cause the grader to stall.
Possibly -the most s,igniEicant di~dvalltage of such prior ar-t serrated blades is -the predi~position to hreakage lS of the teeth which neces~itates costly and time consuming stoppages while sections o~ cutting edge are replaced.
Australian Patent No. 518204 (based on United Sta-teg P~tent Application serial number 8435 Eiled February 1, 1979) propose~ a road planing apparatus incorporating a ~0 rutary drum having mounted thereon gener~lly tangentially orientated bits or picks which strike and dig into the roadway surface as the drum rotate,s. ~he bit5 or picks comprise hardened pointed tip mounted on a body havin~ a shank portion releasably loca~ed in blockA on the drum.
Similar point attack bi-ts vr pioks or picks originally developed for coal mining are descri~ed in Unlted 5tate~ Patent No. 3519309 and in ~ritish Patent Application .
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No. ~9~00/77 relating to point attack bits for tunnelliny machine~s. Poin-t a~taclc ~its are very effective in rotary excavation apparatus due to their gouging action throu~h a changing angle o~ attack. Point attac~ bi-t~ find their greatest u~e in material that fractures when penetrated.
It ha3 been found that -the use o~ sharpened or pointed cutting edges such as those employed in rotary excava-tors causes the brittle compacted roa~ surEace to Era~ture enabling -the pointed cutting edges to deeply penetrate the earth surE~ee causing dislodgemen-t of large sections of road surface. Dressing of road surfaces using pointed cutting edges result3 in a layer of loose material being left o~ the road sur~ace which must then be remove~ by a conventional road grader in a separate process. The remaining loose uncompacted road surface quickly develops surface ixregularities such as pot holes, ruts, corruga-tions and the like due to heavy traffic, It is important tlereore in the mainte~ance of compacted e~r~hen roadway~ to be able to smooth out surface irregularities and at the same time mai~tain the integrity of a highly compacted road surface. There is a need therefore to provide a grader blade assembly w~ich in use is ef~ective to shave the compactad road surface to remove irregulari~ies thererom without causing the compacted road
Thi~ invention relates -to improvements in earth working apparatus and in particular to earth gr~ders of the type comprising an angularly adjustable tran~verse mouldboard having affixed thereto a cut~ing blade.
Eart~ graderY have hitherto comprised a mouldboard h~ving ~ sinyle replaceable cutting edge bolted along the lower edge of -the mouldboard or for ease of handling a plurallty o~ replaceable cutting edges bolted in end to end relationship along the lower edge of the mouldboard. While such earth graders àre generally satisEactory Eor grading ~E
soft earth formations they are quite un~atisfactory for dressin~ of hard earth formations su~h as hi~hly compacted unsealed motorways or haulways in a mine environment.
With conventional grader blades, the continuous cutting edqe prevents the blade from penetratin~ the upper compacted layer of the ro~d surface and the blade tends to ski~ ineffectually along the road surface.
It has been propo~ed to utili2e a grader blade having a serr~ted cu~ting edge comprising a plurality o~
broad cu~ting teeth approximately four inches wide separated by gaps of approximately one inch wide. On a grader blade measurin~ ay eighteen feet in width, the serra-ted cutting edge may he formed fxom either three or four section~ bolted to the lower edge of the mouldko~d~ Each cutting edge section is fabri~ated from a single piece of steel approximately one inch thiGk~ The teeth formed on the lower edge are ~apere.d re~rwardly ~rom a~sharp transver~e cutting , ...
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edge to ~he ~ull thickness oE the section towards ~he roat of the teeth.
While s~ch se~r~t~d g~ader blades are substantially better than continuo~s edge blades on hard road surfaces, they neverthele~s suffer significant disadVantages. Due to the necessary downward pressure required to shave a highly co~pacted road surface, the sharp edges of the -teeth ha~e a tendency to suddenly penetrate the road crust at irregular intervals causing deep transverse e~cavations into the less compacted earth below. Apart from destroyinq the integrity o~ the road crust, the sudden penetxation can cause the grader to stall.
Possibly -the most s,igniEicant di~dvalltage of such prior ar-t serrated blades is -the predi~position to hreakage lS of the teeth which neces~itates costly and time consuming stoppages while sections o~ cutting edge are replaced.
Australian Patent No. 518204 (based on United Sta-teg P~tent Application serial number 8435 Eiled February 1, 1979) propose~ a road planing apparatus incorporating a ~0 rutary drum having mounted thereon gener~lly tangentially orientated bits or picks which strike and dig into the roadway surface as the drum rotate,s. ~he bit5 or picks comprise hardened pointed tip mounted on a body havin~ a shank portion releasably loca~ed in blockA on the drum.
Similar point attack bi-ts vr pioks or picks originally developed for coal mining are descri~ed in Unlted 5tate~ Patent No. 3519309 and in ~ritish Patent Application .
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No. ~9~00/77 relating to point attack bits for tunnelliny machine~s. Poin-t a~taclc ~its are very effective in rotary excavation apparatus due to their gouging action throu~h a changing angle o~ attack. Point attac~ bi-t~ find their greatest u~e in material that fractures when penetrated.
It ha3 been found that -the use o~ sharpened or pointed cutting edges such as those employed in rotary excava-tors causes the brittle compacted roa~ surEace to Era~ture enabling -the pointed cutting edges to deeply penetrate the earth surE~ee causing dislodgemen-t of large sections of road surface. Dressing of road surfaces using pointed cutting edges result3 in a layer of loose material being left o~ the road sur~ace which must then be remove~ by a conventional road grader in a separate process. The remaining loose uncompacted road surface quickly develops surface ixregularities such as pot holes, ruts, corruga-tions and the like due to heavy traffic, It is important tlereore in the mainte~ance of compacted e~r~hen roadway~ to be able to smooth out surface irregularities and at the same time mai~tain the integrity of a highly compacted road surface. There is a need therefore to provide a grader blade assembly w~ich in use is ef~ective to shave the compactad road surface to remove irregulari~ies thererom without causing the compacted road
2~ sur~ace to become fractured and at ~he same time xemove the material ~haved from the road ~urface.
-- 'I --The present invention aims to overcome or at least alleviate the disadvanta~es of prior. art grader blade assemblies ~or dressing o~ hard road sur~aces and ~o provide a ~rader bl~de assembly which substantially red-lced downtime associated with worn, damaged or ~roken cuttin~ ed~es and which allevLates the nee~ -to replace the entire cutting edge assembly in the event of damage to one or more cutting teeth.
The r~placeable pic)c oE the present invention is provided with a hardened cu-tting edge and wo~king face to provide an efficient cutting action on compact~d eartllen roadways and may be easily replaced in the even-t of Weaf or damage so tha-t operationaL downtime ls rèduced.
According to the inven~ion there is provided a 1~. blade assembly ~or attachment t~ the mouldboard of an earth grader, said blade assembly comprising:-an elongate body member attachable along -the lower edge o~ a grader mouldboard, said body member including along its lower rear edge a plurality of sp~ced sockets for ~eleasably locating cutting pic]cs in spaced reLationship;
and a plurality o~ remo~able cutting picks each located in a respective socket ~o form a discontinuous cutting edge along a lower edge o~ said blade assem~ly, each said cuttinq pick having a trans~e~se straight cutting edge along ~he lowe~ edge o~ a working face of each said cutting pick.
According to the invention there is al90 provided a 7~2 cuttln~ pick for hard earth roAd graders, said picX
a bod~ ~ortion having an upper surface, a ~ubstantially planar leading sur~ace, opposed side surfaces and a trailing surface opposing said leading surEace and a tip surface at an end remote from said upper surface, said leading surface including a haxdened metal alloy wor~ing face attached thereto, said working fa~e llaving a transverse straight cuttin~ edge adjacent said tip;
a gupportin~ shank including retentiOtl means for releasably re-taining said supporting shank in a locating socket of a grader blade assembly, said body portion includiny at least one shouldered abutment asso~iated with said upper surface for engagement with a correspondiny abutmen~ on sai.d grader blade assem~ly to prevent rela-tive rotation between said cutting pick and said g~ader blade ~embly.
. In orde~ that the inven~ion may be more readily under~tood and pu~ into practical efect, refe~ence is made to the a~companyillg d.rawings which illus~rate various preferred embodiments of the invention.
FIG 1 is a ~ront elevation oE a grader blade assembly;
FIG 2 is a cross-sectional view of the assembly of 2S FIG 1 shown fi~ed to a g~ader mouldboard;
FIG 3 is a view in ~he dir~c~ion A - A o~ FIG 2, FIG 4 is an i~ometric view of a replaceable cutter pick;
7~2 FIG 5 is a cross-sectional view oE an ~ltern~tive embodiment of the assembly shown in FIG 2.
ReEerring to the drawin~ there is illustrated in FIG 1 a grader blade a~sembly 10 comprising a body 11 haviny an arcuate upper portion 12 for attachment to a corresponding arcuate face of a conven-tional grader m~uldboard ~not shown~. The body 11 may be Eormed suitably from cast iron or it ma~ be fabrica~ed from welded and machined components.
Depending downwardly from body 11 a~e a plurality of cuttin~ picks 13 ~ounted in spaced relationship along a lower edge of said body by means of a socket and spi~ot connection in a lower body portio~ 14.
The cutting pick~ 13 have a generally upri~ht lS leading face 15 attached tv which ~re hardened metal alloy workin~ faces 16 comprised o~ tungsten carbide or tho like.
The lower edges oE the plcks 13 ~ave a straight cutting ed~e 17. A plurality o~ spaced apertureq 18 are provided ~or : mounting the blade assemhly 10 to a grader mould~oard.
FIG 2 sho~s a cross-sectional view of the arrangement of FIG l attached to a mouldboard of a grader.
Arcuate upper portlon 12 ls mounted on a correspondingly arcuate lower portion of a mouldboard l~ by means of a bolt (not shown) extending throu~h apertures 18 in blade assembly lQ and ali~ned apertures 20 in mouldboa~d 19 .
The lower portion 14 of body ll inc1ude~ a socket :
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21 which receives a mountin~ spigot 22 of pick 13~ The upper end ~3 of socket 21 i~ of enlarged diameter to receivably loca-te a resil:ient locating clip 24 having dimpled ou-twardly extending proje~-tions 26 which engage against the shouldered projection 27 at ~he junction of the normal and enlarged socket diametex~. The resilient clip Z4 ~etains the pick in its socke-t during normal working conditions however it enables the pick to be readily removed by ~riking its upper end 28 wi~h a ha~n~r and suitable drift. A removable resilient plastics cap 29 seals the upper end of the soc~et against ingress of dirt and moisture.
At the region ~ the junction between spigot 22 and tlte pick body 30 is a shouldered abutment 31 which engages lS with a corre~ponding shouldered abutment 32 in lower body portion 14. This prevents, in u~e, relative rotation ~etween the pick 13 and the body ll of the blade assembly 10 .
The substantially planar front face 15 of pick b~dy ~0 is angled rearwardly to provide a substantially upright leading face with the mouldboard l9 in its normal working pOsition .
The tip 33 of pick l3 has a rearw~rdly extending face 3~ angled at a~out 85 degrees relative to the front ~5 ace of the tungsten carbide working f~ce 16. In use this rearwardly exten~ing face 34 acts as a heel to assist in preventin~ penetration of the b~ittle hard earth ~ur~ce by ~he pick 13.
- a -FIG 3 shows a partial cross-sectional vie~ along the direction A - A in FIG 2.
FIG 4 shows an isomet.ric view of the pick oE ~IG 2.
FIG 5 shows an alternative confiyuration oE blade as~embly and pick.
The bLade assembly 40 comprises an upper body poxtion 41 ormed of rolled steel plate welded at its front and rear lower edges 42,43 respectively to a length of machined steel bar 44.
Bar 44 includes a plur~lity oE spaced sockets 45 -to receive -the mounting spigots ~6 of picks 47. Spigots 46 include an enla~ged diameter lower ~hank portion 48 to breakage and an upper shank po~-tion 49 of lesser diameter to accommodate the retaining clips 50.
1~ The normal working axial inclination oE socket bores 45 is of the order of a~out 30 degrees relative -to a ground surface 51 compared with about 60 degrees or the embodiment of FIG ~ and the inclination of working f~ce 52 xelative to the bore axis is about 60 degrees compared with about 30 deg~ees for that of FIG Z.
By displacing the cut-ting edge 53 o~ pick 47 away from the axis of the mounting spigot 46 and decreasing the.
an~le o the mounting spigot ~xi~ relative to a ground surface, resultant forces on the pick during use give rise to less rotational ~orces being applied about the rotational axis of the pick spigot and thus less wear between the 3pigot and socket.
wear due to ro~ational forces is even f~rther reduced by providing rec-tanyular walled recessed socket 54 in bar 44 to receive a complementary rectangular walled ~pigot portion S5 on the lower end oE spigot 45.
s 15 .
-- 'I --The present invention aims to overcome or at least alleviate the disadvanta~es of prior. art grader blade assemblies ~or dressing o~ hard road sur~aces and ~o provide a ~rader bl~de assembly which substantially red-lced downtime associated with worn, damaged or ~roken cuttin~ ed~es and which allevLates the nee~ -to replace the entire cutting edge assembly in the event of damage to one or more cutting teeth.
The r~placeable pic)c oE the present invention is provided with a hardened cu-tting edge and wo~king face to provide an efficient cutting action on compact~d eartllen roadways and may be easily replaced in the even-t of Weaf or damage so tha-t operationaL downtime ls rèduced.
According to the inven~ion there is provided a 1~. blade assembly ~or attachment t~ the mouldboard of an earth grader, said blade assembly comprising:-an elongate body member attachable along -the lower edge o~ a grader mouldboard, said body member including along its lower rear edge a plurality of sp~ced sockets for ~eleasably locating cutting pic]cs in spaced reLationship;
and a plurality o~ remo~able cutting picks each located in a respective socket ~o form a discontinuous cutting edge along a lower edge o~ said blade assem~ly, each said cuttinq pick having a trans~e~se straight cutting edge along ~he lowe~ edge o~ a working face of each said cutting pick.
According to the invention there is al90 provided a 7~2 cuttln~ pick for hard earth roAd graders, said picX
a bod~ ~ortion having an upper surface, a ~ubstantially planar leading sur~ace, opposed side surfaces and a trailing surface opposing said leading surEace and a tip surface at an end remote from said upper surface, said leading surface including a haxdened metal alloy wor~ing face attached thereto, said working fa~e llaving a transverse straight cuttin~ edge adjacent said tip;
a gupportin~ shank including retentiOtl means for releasably re-taining said supporting shank in a locating socket of a grader blade assembly, said body portion includiny at least one shouldered abutment asso~iated with said upper surface for engagement with a correspondiny abutmen~ on sai.d grader blade assem~ly to prevent rela-tive rotation between said cutting pick and said g~ader blade ~embly.
. In orde~ that the inven~ion may be more readily under~tood and pu~ into practical efect, refe~ence is made to the a~companyillg d.rawings which illus~rate various preferred embodiments of the invention.
FIG 1 is a ~ront elevation oE a grader blade assembly;
FIG 2 is a cross-sectional view of the assembly of 2S FIG 1 shown fi~ed to a g~ader mouldboard;
FIG 3 is a view in ~he dir~c~ion A - A o~ FIG 2, FIG 4 is an i~ometric view of a replaceable cutter pick;
7~2 FIG 5 is a cross-sectional view oE an ~ltern~tive embodiment of the assembly shown in FIG 2.
ReEerring to the drawin~ there is illustrated in FIG 1 a grader blade a~sembly 10 comprising a body 11 haviny an arcuate upper portion 12 for attachment to a corresponding arcuate face of a conven-tional grader m~uldboard ~not shown~. The body 11 may be Eormed suitably from cast iron or it ma~ be fabrica~ed from welded and machined components.
Depending downwardly from body 11 a~e a plurality of cuttin~ picks 13 ~ounted in spaced relationship along a lower edge of said body by means of a socket and spi~ot connection in a lower body portio~ 14.
The cutting pick~ 13 have a generally upri~ht lS leading face 15 attached tv which ~re hardened metal alloy workin~ faces 16 comprised o~ tungsten carbide or tho like.
The lower edges oE the plcks 13 ~ave a straight cutting ed~e 17. A plurality o~ spaced apertureq 18 are provided ~or : mounting the blade assemhly 10 to a grader mould~oard.
FIG 2 sho~s a cross-sectional view of the arrangement of FIG l attached to a mouldboard of a grader.
Arcuate upper portlon 12 ls mounted on a correspondingly arcuate lower portion of a mouldboard l~ by means of a bolt (not shown) extending throu~h apertures 18 in blade assembly lQ and ali~ned apertures 20 in mouldboa~d 19 .
The lower portion 14 of body ll inc1ude~ a socket :
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21 which receives a mountin~ spigot 22 of pick 13~ The upper end ~3 of socket 21 i~ of enlarged diameter to receivably loca-te a resil:ient locating clip 24 having dimpled ou-twardly extending proje~-tions 26 which engage against the shouldered projection 27 at ~he junction of the normal and enlarged socket diametex~. The resilient clip Z4 ~etains the pick in its socke-t during normal working conditions however it enables the pick to be readily removed by ~riking its upper end 28 wi~h a ha~n~r and suitable drift. A removable resilient plastics cap 29 seals the upper end of the soc~et against ingress of dirt and moisture.
At the region ~ the junction between spigot 22 and tlte pick body 30 is a shouldered abutment 31 which engages lS with a corre~ponding shouldered abutment 32 in lower body portion 14. This prevents, in u~e, relative rotation ~etween the pick 13 and the body ll of the blade assembly 10 .
The substantially planar front face 15 of pick b~dy ~0 is angled rearwardly to provide a substantially upright leading face with the mouldboard l9 in its normal working pOsition .
The tip 33 of pick l3 has a rearw~rdly extending face 3~ angled at a~out 85 degrees relative to the front ~5 ace of the tungsten carbide working f~ce 16. In use this rearwardly exten~ing face 34 acts as a heel to assist in preventin~ penetration of the b~ittle hard earth ~ur~ce by ~he pick 13.
- a -FIG 3 shows a partial cross-sectional vie~ along the direction A - A in FIG 2.
FIG 4 shows an isomet.ric view of the pick oE ~IG 2.
FIG 5 shows an alternative confiyuration oE blade as~embly and pick.
The bLade assembly 40 comprises an upper body poxtion 41 ormed of rolled steel plate welded at its front and rear lower edges 42,43 respectively to a length of machined steel bar 44.
Bar 44 includes a plur~lity oE spaced sockets 45 -to receive -the mounting spigots ~6 of picks 47. Spigots 46 include an enla~ged diameter lower ~hank portion 48 to breakage and an upper shank po~-tion 49 of lesser diameter to accommodate the retaining clips 50.
1~ The normal working axial inclination oE socket bores 45 is of the order of a~out 30 degrees relative -to a ground surface 51 compared with about 60 degrees or the embodiment of FIG ~ and the inclination of working f~ce 52 xelative to the bore axis is about 60 degrees compared with about 30 deg~ees for that of FIG Z.
By displacing the cut-ting edge 53 o~ pick 47 away from the axis of the mounting spigot 46 and decreasing the.
an~le o the mounting spigot ~xi~ relative to a ground surface, resultant forces on the pick during use give rise to less rotational ~orces being applied about the rotational axis of the pick spigot and thus less wear between the 3pigot and socket.
wear due to ro~ational forces is even f~rther reduced by providing rec-tanyular walled recessed socket 54 in bar 44 to receive a complementary rectangular walled ~pigot portion S5 on the lower end oE spigot 45.
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Claims (11)
1. A blade assembly for attachment to the mouldboard of an earth grader, said blade assembly comprising:-an elongate body member attachable along the lower edge of a grader mouldboard, said body member including along its lower rear edge a plurality of spaced sockets for releasably locating cutting picks in spaced relationship;
and a plurality of removable cutting picks each locatable in a respective socket to form a discontinuous cutting edge along a lower edge of said blade assembly, each said cutting pick having:
a body portion with an upper surface, a substantially planar leading surface, opposed side surfaces and trailing surface opposing said leading surface and a tip surface at an end remote from said upper surface, said leading surface including a hardened metal alloy working face having a transverse straight cutting edge adjacent said tip; and a supporting shank including retention means for releasably retaining said supporting shank in respective one of said sockets of the elongate body member, said body portion including at least one shouldered abutment associated with said upper surface for engagement with a corresponding abutment on said body member to prevent relative rotation between said cutting pick and said body member, said supporting shank having an axis inclined at an angle of from about 45 degrees to about 80 degrees rearwardly relative to said working face.
and a plurality of removable cutting picks each locatable in a respective socket to form a discontinuous cutting edge along a lower edge of said blade assembly, each said cutting pick having:
a body portion with an upper surface, a substantially planar leading surface, opposed side surfaces and trailing surface opposing said leading surface and a tip surface at an end remote from said upper surface, said leading surface including a hardened metal alloy working face having a transverse straight cutting edge adjacent said tip; and a supporting shank including retention means for releasably retaining said supporting shank in respective one of said sockets of the elongate body member, said body portion including at least one shouldered abutment associated with said upper surface for engagement with a corresponding abutment on said body member to prevent relative rotation between said cutting pick and said body member, said supporting shank having an axis inclined at an angle of from about 45 degrees to about 80 degrees rearwardly relative to said working face.
2. A blade assembly as claimed in claim 1 wherein said angle is approximately 60 degrees.
3. A blade assembly as claimed in claim 2 wherein the axes of respective locating sockets for said cutting picks are inclined at an angle of about 60 degrees relative to the ground surface when said grader mouldboard is in a normal working position, whereby the working face of each said cutting pick is substantially perpendicular to the ground surface when said grader mouldboard is in a normal working position.
4. A blade assembly as claimed in claim 1 wherein said picks are spaced at equidistant intervals along the lower edge of said body member, the spacing between picks being about the same as the transverse width of said picks.
5. A blade assembly as claimed in claim 1 wherein said retention means comprises a resilient locating clip.
6. A blade assembly as claimed in claim 5 wherein said locating clip is provided with dimpled outwardly extending projections.
7. A blade assembly as claimed in claim 1, further comprising a plurality of resilient plastic sealing caps each removably attached to said elongate body member at an upper end of a respective one of said sockets.
8. A cutting pick for a blade assembly attachable to a mouldboard of an earth grader, said blade assembly including an elongate body member attachable along the lower edge of the grader mouldboard, said body member being provided along its lower rear edge with a plurality of spaced locating sockets, said cutting pick comprising:
a body portion having an upper surface, a substantially planar leading surface, opposed side surfaces and trailing surface opposing said leading surface and a tip surface at an end remote from said upper surface, said leading surface including a hardened metal alloy working face having a transverse straight cutting edge adjacent said tip;
a supporting shank including retention means for releasably retaining said supporting shank in a respective one of the locating sockets of the grader blade assembly, said body portion including at least one shouldered abutment associated with said upper surface for engagement with a corresponding abutment on said grader blade assembly to prevent relative rotation between said cutting pick and said grader blade assembly, said supporting shank having an axis included at an angle of from about 45 degrees to about 80 degrees rearwardly relative to said working face.
a body portion having an upper surface, a substantially planar leading surface, opposed side surfaces and trailing surface opposing said leading surface and a tip surface at an end remote from said upper surface, said leading surface including a hardened metal alloy working face having a transverse straight cutting edge adjacent said tip;
a supporting shank including retention means for releasably retaining said supporting shank in a respective one of the locating sockets of the grader blade assembly, said body portion including at least one shouldered abutment associated with said upper surface for engagement with a corresponding abutment on said grader blade assembly to prevent relative rotation between said cutting pick and said grader blade assembly, said supporting shank having an axis included at an angle of from about 45 degrees to about 80 degrees rearwardly relative to said working face.
9. A cutting pick as claimed in claim 8 wherein said angle is about 60 degrees.
10. A cutting pick as claimed in claim 8 wherein said working face comprises a rectangular place of hardened tungsten carbide metal alloy attached to said leading surface.
11. A cutting pick as claimed in claim 8 wherein said tip surface is a substantially planar surface inclined at about 85 degrees to said working face.
Priority Applications (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
CA000508307A CA1248752A (en) | 1986-05-02 | 1986-05-02 | Grader blade assembly and pick therefor |
Applications Claiming Priority (1)
Application Number | Priority Date | Filing Date | Title |
CA000508307A CA1248752A (en) | 1986-05-02 | 1986-05-02 | Grader blade assembly and pick therefor |
Publications (1)
Publication Number | Publication Date |
CA1248752A true CA1248752A (en) | 1989-01-17 |
Family Applications (1)
Application Number | Title | Priority Date | Filing Date |
CA000508307A Expired CA1248752A (en) | 1986-05-02 | 1986-05-02 | Grader blade assembly and pick therefor |
Country Status (1)
Country | Link |
CA (1) | CA1248752A (en) |
Cited By (1)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
CN112004971A (en) * | 2018-04-13 | 2020-11-27 | 卡特彼勒公司 | Curved drill bit surface and blade assembly |
- 1986-05-02 CA CA000508307A patent/CA1248752A/en not_active Expired
Cited By (3)
Publication number | Priority date | Publication date | Assignee | Title |
CN112004971A (en) * | 2018-04-13 | 2020-11-27 | 卡特彼勒公司 | Curved drill bit surface and blade assembly |
US11512456B2 (en) | 2018-04-13 | 2022-11-29 | Caterpillar Inc. | Arcuate bit surface and blade assembly |
CN112004971B (en) * | 2018-04-13 | 2023-06-27 | 卡特彼勒公司 | Arcuate bit face and blade assembly |
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