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CA1170049A - Display signs - Google Patents

Display signs


Publication number
CA1170049A CA000428049A CA428049A CA1170049A CA 1170049 A CA1170049 A CA 1170049A CA 000428049 A CA000428049 A CA 000428049A CA 428049 A CA428049 A CA 428049A CA 1170049 A CA1170049 A CA 1170049A
Prior art keywords
support elements
Prior art date
Legal status (The legal status is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the status listed.)
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Other languages
French (fr)
Jackson R. Brooks
Current Assignee (The listed assignees may be inaccurate. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy of the list.)
ABC Extrusion Co Inc
Original Assignee
ABC Extrusion Co Inc
Priority date (The priority date is an assumption and is not a legal conclusion. Google has not performed a legal analysis and makes no representation as to the accuracy of the date listed.)
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Publication date
Priority claimed from US06/069,222 external-priority patent/US4265039A/en
Application filed by ABC Extrusion Co Inc filed Critical ABC Extrusion Co Inc
Priority to CA000428049A priority Critical patent/CA1170049A/en
Application granted granted Critical
Publication of CA1170049A publication Critical patent/CA1170049A/en
Expired legal-status Critical Current



  • Illuminated Signs And Luminous Advertising (AREA)



A display sign comprises a sign framework having spaced upper and lower elongated support elements joined be-tween corresponding opposite ends thereof by respective spaced elongated side support elements; a stretchable fabric display face disposed across the space defined by the framework; means affixed to opposing ones of the support elements for fasten-ing respective opposite marginal portions of the fabric be-tween the opposing support elements; means for adjustably stretching the fabric in tension between the opposing support elements; means defining at least one visually-observable line on and across the exterior surface of the fabric and parallel to the opposing support elements; means fixed in position with respect to one of the opposing support elements for defining a reference point; and the line being in a location exposed to view from the exterior of the display face when the stretch-ing means is adjusted to remove substantially the tension in the fabric but the line being movable toward the reference point upon adjustment of the stretching means to induce and increase the tension in the fabric.


This is a division of Canadian Application Serial No. 356,511, filed July 21, 1980.
The present invention relates to display signs. More particularly, it pertains to signs which employ a stretchable fabric as a display face.
Signs have served a variety of purposes such as identifying a place of business, giving directional information, affording a warning and in promoting a product. It seems pos-sible that one of the first outdoor signs visible at night may have been simply a painted signboard which normally would be visible only in the daytime but which was illuminated by a floodlight. It wasn't long, however, before displays were made self-illuminating by the use of a multiplicity of in-candescent light bulbs arranged in patterns to de-fine different letters, numbers and other characters. That approach led to the provision of a cabinet oriented so that at least one major surface served as a display face in which the bulb sockets wers mounted. At the same time, the cabinet had a generally weatherproo~ interior within which the wiring was connected to the ~erminals on the various sockets and which would some~
times house associated components such as transformers and relays. A few oE that kind of older sign may be found to be still in use today, and more modernized versions thereof are yet being installed, particularly for specialized purposes such as in scoreboards or to display moving messages to large audiences.
Another earlier display sign that once found widespread popularity had its characters formed from bent glass tubing which contained an illuminating gas such as neon. Here again, a cabinet often was employed to mount the neon tubing on a display face and also to protect wiring and transformers. Although "neon"
signs are still used today, their popularity has sub-stantially waned except for special applications~
A different early suggestion was to employ translucent or transparent display faces again mounted on a cabinet which housed the wiring and also con-tained the source of illumination. Characters were pain~ed or otherwise formed on the display face. Un-fortunately, about the only practical material available
- 2 for the display face~ was glass. As a result, frequent replacement came to be expected because of breakage arisir.g from mlssiles thrown by vandals, ob~ects carried by the wind or the force Or the wind itself.
Of maJor imp~rtance to the outdoor sign industry was the development, more than a generation ago, of rlgid plastic sheets or panels formed of such materials as acrylic, polycarbonate, butyrate and variations thereof. One of the more popular has bee~ a polycarbonate marketed by General Electric Company under the trademark LEX~N. It ls reasonably unbreakable and exhibits suf'ficient surface hardness to wlthstand signlficant damage from most thrown or blown ob~ects.
Although often referred to as being "rigid~ it actually exhibits a degree of resilient flexibility, and that can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. The advantage is t~at it is much safer and easier to handle than a material such as glass~ and it also ~s capable of withstanding stresses developed by di.stortion in the cabinet and induced by wind or other forces. The primary disadvantage is that the same degree of flexibility also enables the sheet material to bow in an amount sufficient th~t the impact of severe wind is sufficient to cause the display face literally to blow out of the sign framework. At least usually~ the face on the lee side first is sucked out by a combination of pumping by the other face and lowered pressure on the lee side. It has been stated that one ma~or Unlted States manufacturer spent approximately 1.4 million dollars in 1978 alone for the replacelrlent of rigid plastic slgn faces.
Other disadvantages of the rigi.d plastic slgn faces include dif'ficulties with cementing~ and other necessary fabricat:l.on technl~lues and in obtaining consistency of color durin~ the producti.on of a large number of display faces which
- 3 are supposed to be identical. Additionally, the practical aspects of shipping, handling and installa-tion llmlt the slze of rigid plastic panels which may be used, so that larger signs require additional framework to support a plurality of panels arranged in a single sign. The rigid plastic mate~ials also are comparatively expensive. A typical outdoor sign might have dimenslon of 10 X 24 fee-t~ and many such signs are much larger. The wind loss~ coupled with the sizes involved and the expense of the materJal concerned, explalns why it can cause ~ust one company to spend in excess of a million dollars in a single year for replacements~
What appears to be a maJor improvement, capable of overcoming at least most of the above-discussed problems and disadvantages, has been the development of a soft, cloth-like, s~e~hable fabric material for use as a display face. As marketed by the 3M Company under the trademark PANAFLEX, it has a weight about the same as heavy canvas. It presents a smookh surface and is translucent ~or light from internal illumination. ~his material is a polyvinyl chloride which is re~en~orced with glass fibers that run through the material in both directions iJI a pattern resembling that in ordinary window screens. As a result of that manner of fabrication, it is virtually imposslble to tear; even if cut, the cut may not be extended by fllrther tearing. Shoulc' it be cut, or penetrated as b~ a bullet, the cut or hole can easily be patched in the field in a manner similar to and no rnore difficult than apply:lng a patch to an innertube.

As presently manufactured, the material is white.
Moreover, the same company has developed special pigments for use in decorating its surface wlth different colors. Those pigments may be applied by the use o~ screen printing to produce full-color pictorials as wel.l as letters, numbers and graphic symbols. A ~ull range of colc,rs is available, so that it is possible to perfectly match any standard color wlth consistency as between a large quantity of display faces.
In contrast, the decoration of rigid plastic sign faces is limited, exhiblts substantial inconsistency and~ at least in certain cclors, is prone to fade.
Besides being unbreakable, another advantage is that the material may be supplied in rolls. Within reason, that removes all practical limitations upon the size of a single display panel, and it greatly facllitates handling, shipping and installation.
Nevertheless, the ~abric ~las some disadvantages.
Like the rigid plastic material, it continues to be expensive.
~ ........ It currently becomes competi.tive only if produced in quantity : 20 for like sign faces. Because the decoration is printed with a special si.lk screen for each given decoration, and a multiple-colored presentation requires that color separation techniques be used in the printing, it becomes very expensive to make only a single sign. Under these circumstances, use has generally been restricted -to the fabrication o~ like signs in quantities of about ten to one hundred or more. Nevertheless, the advantages have attracted substanti~11 interest, and a demand has already developed for use of the material in signs of lar~e si~e and quantity.

Of course, the stretchable f`abric must be mounted to somt. sort of framework. The cablnet approach contlnues to be preferred~ because that has a form factor ideally suited for the mounting of the row (or rows) of fluorescent tubes that 5 . today most commonly constitute the interior source of illumination. Moreover, the cabinet-type framework acconunodates a weatherproo~ internal raceway in which lamp ballasts and connecting wirlng may be dlsposed. Whatever the interlor construction, the frarnework must ~e extremely rug~ed to support the weight of larger slgns and ~o wlthstand gale winds. One sign may weigh several thousan~ pounds~ A person who has observed a sign mounted atop a tall building often wiIl be surprlsed, lf he ha~ an opportunity for close inspection, :~ to discover how large it has to be in order that the displayed letterin~ rnay be read from ground level It is not uncommon for such a s~.gn to have a dlsplay face area of many-hundred square feet.
To exhlb.Lt the ruggedness necessary in larger signs, lt has lon~ been known to fabricate such signs of steel framt?works.
Either angle or channel members are employed to ~orm inwardly faclng U-shaped channels which are mitred or otherwise ~oined successively one to the next in order to forrn a rectan~ular cabinet. Combinations Or slots, le(1ges, clarnps and the like have then been used to secure the rlgid parlels, that lorm the display faces, to the resulting framework. Steel framewo~ks are stil:l wldely used in the sign indu~try, particularl.y by the slnaller, independent fa~r1.cators.
I-lowever~ declded irnprovemen1;s in si~n fralllework construction have been made during somewhat recent years throu~h the use of aluminum extrusions to form the cabLrlt?t and the mounting components for the display races. A leading example of such improvement ls to be f'ound in the disclosure of U. S. Patent No. 4,007,552 issued February 15, 1977, and asslgned to the same assignee as the present application.
In that case, a primary extrusion may serve to form all four sides Or a sign cabine'~, including the provision of a weatherproor but accessible wiring raceway. A combination of a groove and a shelf defined on a sidewall of the extrusion may be used in several dlfferent ways to hang and/or hold the marginal edge portions of a rigid plastic display face.
Associated w~th the primary extru~ion is another extruded part conver.tionally called a l'retainer". It attaches to the primary extrusion and affords additional possible variation in the mounting of a ri~id plastic display ~ace. ~hatever the mode Or use, the retainer also serves as a bezel that presents an attractive appearance ar.d conceals the mounting structure. These and other reatures of the approaches disclosed in the patent serve to reduce the cost of both material and labor, yielding a cost advantQge over steel construction of about twenty-five percent. Yet,the resulting si~n assembly still exhibits the necessary ruggedness discussed above.
Unfortunately, the speci~ic embodiMents shown in tne aforesaid patent will not, by themselves, adequately or properly serve directly to mount the newer stretchable fabric type ~f display f'ace. Neither will present frameworks formed of steel, and those are still to be found in widespread use at the present time. Wlthout more and difrerent hardware, therefore, it has not been possible to retrofit existing slgn faces or to ma~e direct use of prior techniques deve~oped for rigid display faces.

Such deficiencies in the former modes of s:ign con.,truction arise because the stretchable f`abric must be tensioned all around the perimeter of the display face. Moreover, the inducement o~
tension in the materlal also tends to cause it to gather into wrinkles.
For some six years or more, consideration has been given to the attenda:nt problems. Many different types of hardware have been the sub~ect of experimentation. Some has been ln a form which was continuous entirely around the perimeter, while others have been spaced apart at a plural~ty of different points. The techniques tried have involved the use of ~rommets placed through the edge margin of the fabric, springs and clamping devices of several different klnds.
Typically, such devices have be'en tested both in the laboratory and outdoors wlth the use of wind generating machines.
After assuring proper functioning in all respects, and also giving due cons:ideration to the cost o~ parts and labor ~or installation, the originator of the PANAFLEX stretchable ~ -fabric has rec'ommenAed an approach which involves the use of ' a clarnp assembly at each of a plurality of locations spaced a~ound the perimeter. Srnall holes are drilled or punched in the edge margin o~ the fabric with the holes typically being space~ successively apart by a dist2nce of one foot or less.
Each assembly includes a stamped steel clamp that has a pair i5 of element3 whi ch are situated on opposed surfaces of the fabric and have apertures throu~h which a t~olt is inserted as well as through the hole formed in the fcbric A fiI~st nut tlghtens the c~amp about the fabric. The ot~er erld is inserted throu~;h a holc formed in an arm of a bracket or hook by means of a ~7~

second nut threaded onto the outer end of the bolt. F'or installation~ the bracket or hook is attached to the rnain structural framework o~ the sign. After everything has been mounted, the fabric is tensioned by turning the aforementioned second nut to draw the suspended clarnp toward the bracket.
The bracket may have whatever shape is necessary for the purpose of most conveniently securing it to a surface presented by the main framework. Ir. one specific form that has been successfully used, it ls shaped to include a portion which seats directly into the groove and shelf formed in the side wall of the primary extrusion shown in the aforesaid patent. Regardless of the kind of framework employed, however, installation and adJustment of the rrlultiplicity Or clamp assemblies has been found to be tedious and time consuming.
Adding to the time required has been the necessity of establishing a chalk line or other reference mark around the display face to determine the exact location o~ the required bolt holes for obtairling the proper arnount of tension in the ~abric.
~or proper performance, each di~fer-ent face must be ter~sioned a given percentage o~ its length in the direction o~ the tensio~. Consequently, any given tensioning devlce must be capable of imposin~ an adJustable amount of tension, or an unecononical variety of difrerent tensionirlg devices have to be provlded to accornmodate different sizes of display ~aces. As an example of the variation required 3 the chalk line is located inwardly~ from what would be a proper position for the clalrlplng holes if stretching were unnecessary, an arnount which varies ~etween one~fourth lnch for a visible openin~ ~imension Or two feet to two-and-one-eighth inches f'or a dimen~ion of forty-five feet.
_ 9 _ ~7~

rrhe tension induced in the fabric also creates a pre~oad on the sign framework. That tends to inwardly bow its horizontal and vertical components. Using the PANAFLEX
fabric, the resultant force is twenty pounds per foot all around the periphery. That requires a framewor~ stronger and heavier than a rigid display face which is suspended or supported from the framework only along the top and bottom support elements and then by means of a rlgid straight edge.
As indicated above, one problem with the use of rigid display faces is that the pressure imposed by high winds in the gale and hurricane categories can be costly.
Because the rigid faces are likely to fracture or be blown out of` placeg this has the backhar:ded advantage of' relieving the wind force on the overall sign frame assembly to save it from de~truction. Since the stretchable fabric will not analogously break or tear under extreme wind conditions, however, the avoidance of possible wind damage to the remainder of the sign assembly requires that it must be designed to withstand the maximum possible wind load. Based upon Uniform Building Code requirements, present industry practice for signs which use rlgid plastic display faces is to engineer sign structures to withstand a pressure of from a mlnimum of twenty to a maximum of forty-five pounds per square foot. To withstand the f`orces developed by anything less than a tornado, use of the PANAFLEX fabric requires a design to withstand a pressure of ~ifty-five pounds per square root plus tl~e pre-load discussed above.


Accordingly, a very strong framework and support are required if the user is to min:lmize replacement co~ts or for the manufacturer to offer a reasonable warranty. Although it might be possib~.e to develop engineering and constructlon techniques that would prevent most display face fallures now so prevalent with the use of rigid plastic faces, the increased strength demand on the main framework would raise the cost of material and labor to an extent that such a degree of reliability would become uneconomlcal. Similarly, the increased strength requirements placed upon a framework assembly for the stretchable fabric usually requires or at least makes highly desirable a stronger~ and t~lerefore more costly, frarnework construction. Fortunately, a framework systern of the kind described in the aforementioned patent is sufficiently strong to meet the necessary criteria without any appreclable difference in construction techniques or material required.
One a~ractive feature of the rigid plastlc d1splay faces ls that they can be molded into the now-familiar shape of a pan. The decoration appears on a generally flat sur~ace, elther plain or embossed~ which merges int,o a peripherally-surroundi.ng skirt the lip Or wh~ch is secured to the main framework. Many users have developed a distinct preference for this shape of a display face. In addition, it often is desirable for the purpose of requiring only a comparatively narrow main framework or cabinet wh.ile ye1, achievi.n~ proper illumination from the interior of the cab-Lnet. To obtain uniformity of illumination Or the cllsplay face when using fluorescent lamps, it has beerl found that the cente:r-to-center spacing between the lamps must not be ~reat,er than the dlstanc(?
between opposing display faces mountecl on either side Or the bank ~7~

of larnps. Accordingly, and to retro~it existing frameworks that had carriecl pan-shaped rigid plastic faces~ to satisfy user preference or to obtain proper uniformity of illumination, the stretchable fabric must be mounted in such a way as to be conformed to that same shape.
~o permit placement of a stretchable fabric display face outwardly from a narrow cabinet, various approaches have been tried. One has involved the use of an extrusion so shaped as to cantilever the tensioning hardware away from the existing structure of a sign framework. However, that approach has not satisfied the consumer preference for what might be called the "molded pan look".
In any sign system, of course, it is necessary to provide access to the interior of the cabinet for the purpose of replacing wiring, larnps, ballasts or lamp sock~ts as well ; as to be able to clean the lamps and the irlside of the display faces. ~any slgns now in use are constructed so that the rigid plastic faces can either be slid sideways or swung outwardly. The ap;oroach disclosed in the aforementioned patent ; 20 offers an attractive alternative to either of` the toregoing by its use of an exterior cover plate which may be opened or removed in order to galn access to the interior. ~levertheless, some customers prefer that ~ccess to the interior be obtaine~
by openLn~ of the display face. Of course, that requirement mi~ht have to be included in the case of retrofitting a fabric ~ace to an exlsting main framework. So far as is known, that has not yet been possible w:Lth the hardware which has been devfloped to mount the stre'chable fabric under tensi.on.
~specially in the case o~ retrofitting, it would also be desir~lble that any new mounting hardwlre permit its adaptation in t~le field wlthout necessarily rf~moving the main frame~ork from its mount.

I, J

For the purpose of hinging a rlgid plastic dlsplay face to a main framework, it has been known to ~oin horizontal and vertical sections together so as to form an auxiliary f`rame which carries 'che display f'ace as it is swung away from the main rramework. That specific approach is illustrated in the aforementi.oned patent. To adapt that approach directly to the mounting of the stretchable fabric, however, would require that the auxiliary frame exhibit the same above~
discussed ruggedness required for the main framework, in order to withstand the comblnation Or poss'i.ble wind forces and the tensioning pre-load.
Moreover, the tension induced in the fabric will bow the auxiliary frame members unless they also are so constructed as to exhibit a strength against deflection which cor~responds to that of the main framework. Clearl.y, costs would be increased substantially.
Another disadvantage with hardware presently available ' for the rnounting of the stretchable'fabr1c is the need ~or individual adJustment Or tension and the handl.ing Or wrink~.ing ' ' , at a large plurality of diff~erent location~ spaced around the periphery of the di.splay face. Those problems becolne accentuated when it is necessary to perform the necessary tasks on a frame assembly which i.s very larfge and/or spaced hi.gh above the ground or other mounting surface.
ln view of all of the forego:Lng, it will be seen that the u~e of' a stretc~.abl.e fabric f'or display faces is attractive f'or a number of reasons. Yet, it also has presented sever~l.
disadvantaKes because of its special characteristics that create a variety of' new and dif'ferent problerns. Consequently, the slgn industry as a whole has been very reluctant to ad~pt the scretchable fabric f'or widespread use.

. - 13 -~7~

It is, accordingly, a general object of the present invention to provide a new and improved approach which features the leading advantages present in each of the above-described prior techniques while avoiding the disadvantages -thereof.
A specific object of the present invention is to pro-vide new and improved approaches for use in the mounting and tensioning of display faces formed of stretchable fabric material.
A further object of the present invention is to provide better hardware which is capable of both mounting and inducing the necessar~ tension in a stretchable fabric display face.
Another object of the present invention is to provide a manner of mountinq such a display face which avoids any need for the formation of holes or other openings in th~ material of the display face itself.
One or more of the preferred embodiments of the inven-tion disclosed herein (1) permits better incremental adjustment of tension at different points around the periphery of the display facel (2) enables adjustment of the physical position o~ differ-ent portions of the material in order to adjust for wrinkling, (3) enables adaptation of various different improvemen-ts of this invention to a wide vari~ty of presently existing sign frameworks or cabinets, (4l accommodates implementation of various improve-ments afforded by the present invention directly into newly fa-bricated sign frameworks, (5) enables the fabrication of signs which are economical and yet capable of withstanding even hurri-cane-force winds without damage, (6) permits the use of an assem-bly in which the face is swingable away from the main framework, (7) obtains the "molded pan look", (8) permits the new use of or retrofitting to narrow main frameworks or cabinets while yet ob-taining uniformity of illumination from interior lamps, (9) en-7~'f~

ables the use of a simpliied and lightweight auxiliary frame for direct mounting of -the fabric while yet avoid-ing wind damage or distort.ion of the auxiliary frame, (10) permits the retrofitting of existing signs in the field without any need to remove such a sign from its mounting, (ll) minimizes the amount of field work required for in-stallation and making necessary adjustments on sign frames of large size and/or mounted high above the supporting sur-face and (12) generally better satisfies user requirements and preferences.
~ ccording to the present invention there is provided a display sign which comprises a sign framework having spaced upper and lower elongated support elements joined between corresponding opposite ends thereof by respective spaced elongated side support elements; a stretchable fabric dis play face disposed across the space defined by the framework;
means affixed to opposing ones of the support elements for fastening respective opposite marginal portions of the fabric between the opposing support elements; means for adjustably stretching the fabric in tension between the opposing sup-port elements; means dafining at least one visually-observable line,,on an~ across the exterior surace of the fabric and parallel to the opposing support elements; means fixed in position with respect to one of the opposing support elemants for defining a reference point; and the line being in a location exposed to view ~rom the exterior of the display face when the stretching means is adjusted to remove sub-stantially the tension in the fabric but the line being movable toward the reference point upon adjustment of the stretching means to induce and increase the tension in the fabric.
Embodiments of the invention will now be described in greater detail and may best be understood by reference :~
to the following description taken in connection with the accompanying drawings, in the several figures of which like reference numerals identify like elementst and in which:
Figure l is an isomet:ric view of an overall display sign assembly constructed in accordance with one embodiment of the present invention;

: 20 :: , :



Figure 2 is a fragmentary and enlarged cross-sectional view taken as if along t.he line 2-2 in Figure 1 but with a revi-sion of one component;
Figure 3 is a view similar to Figure 2 but illustrating modifications of different ones of the various components;
Figure 4 is an enlarged, fragmentary and partially ex-ploded isometric view, with certain of the components omitted, of the embodiment depicted in Figure 2;
Figure 5 is a view similar to Figures 2 and 3 but show-ing another embodiment of various components;
Figure 6 is an enlarged vertical cross section of a signassembly similar to that shown in Figure 1 but illustrating still different alternative embodiments of a number of different compo-nents; and Figure 7 is a view similar to Figure 5 but showing yet another embodiment of various components.
An overall display sign assembly 10 is shown in Figure 1 as mounted on the top of a post 12. Its main framework or cabi-net is composed of space-opposed upper and lower support elements zo ]oined between corresponding opposite ends by respective side sup-port elements. In Figure 1 only upper support element 14 and one side support element 16 are visible. Even then, what actually is seen in Figure 1 are cover plates 18 and 20 each of which is re-movably secured by screws 22 to an underlying portion of the ba-sic framework. Each of the lower and other side support elements, not seen in Figure 1, may be identical except, of course, for the coupling that is affixed to the top of post 12.
For economy of construction, it usually is preferred that all of the support elements be cut from the same stock ma-terial after which they are mitred or otherw.ise formed at their corners and successively joined one to the next in order to com-plete the rigid framework. Nevertheless, it may be preferred for other reasons to include differences between various ones of the support elements. For example, a cover pla-te usually is not necessary on all four sides for the purpose of providiny access to the interior.

- 17a -As used herein, the terms "upper", "lower" and "si~e"
are somewhat arbitrarily assigned f'or the purposes of ref'erence during the discussion, although they have been selected to represent what is probably the most common orientation of a rectangular sign. Obviously, the sign could, f'or example, b~ so oriented that its longer sides define the vertical dimension.
Stretched across the visible main surf'ace of sign assembly 10 is a display face 24 upc,n which is printed 1~ decoration 26. In th.~s case, the d~-cr~ratir,n is slMp1y the lett~rs ABC. In the usual manner of display si~ns, ~t may be o~ any character, including a pictorial~ numbers or gr~phlcs.
Surroundlng the perimeter of d~spl ay face 24 and also o~ the ~r~mework is a beæel or retainer 28. The term "retainer"
is mentioned hereln only because th~t ls the commonly accepted name in the industry ror the part W~liCh appears in its position as illustrated. As will be seen, the retainers employed herein in connecti.or, with the dif~erent embodiments need not have any functlon other than to provide a degree o~ weatherproofing and lend attractiveness to the overall assembly by concealing fram view certain parts yet to be described. I{ere again~
retalner 28 is composed of space-opposed upper and lower members 30 and 32 Joined between corresponding opposite ends by respective s.ide rnembers 311 and 36 and all aff`ixed to the mai.n framework by æcrews 38.
As between the various differ.ent specifi.c ernbodiments to be discussed below, it is to be understood t~at Figure 1 iB merely illustratl.~e. As drawn, its exterior ap~earance is ~7~

more or less fully consistent on]y wlth the embodiment detailed ln Figure 3. A glance at Figurea 2, 5 and 7 will reveal~ for example, dirferently-shaped retalners, and it will be observed that Figure 6 particularly has a distlnct difference in the shape of the display face. ln all embodiment3, however, display face 24 is made from a stretchable ~abric 40. As embodied hereln, fabric 40 is a soft, cloth-like sheet of polyvinyl chloride reinforced by an internal matri~ Or fiber~lass strands. Pa~tlcularly desirable is the PANAFLE;X
fabric described in the introduction. It presents a smooth finish and also is translucent to the illumination conventionally emanating from fluorescent lamp tubes disposed within the interio1~ of the sign cablnet or framework.
Interior lIluminatlon ls contemplated for`use in connectlon wlth all embodiments. Of course, lt will always ùe possible to omit the interior source of illumination ar.d, instead, employ exterior floodlighti~ng or employ the slgn on~y for daylight vlewin~. It also is contemplated~throughout that the sign assembly is to have a display face 24 forrlling eacl~ of ~20 its space-opposed maJor surfaces. In;some cases, however, tl1e ; opposite display fac~e is omitted as ln~the case wht~re the back of the sign is to be mountecl against the sur~ace of a wal].
In that situation, it would be desirable to cover the bacl~side o~ the slgn assembly with a less expensive material SIIC}I as sheet metal.
ln r~ ure 2, an upper support element l4 1s arl ~lumlnum extrusion with a cross-sectional shape that ls a~most - 19 - ~ ~

identical to that o~ the aluminum extrusions em-ployed as support elements in the disclosure of the aforesaid U.S. Patent 4,007,552. Because a large number of display signs are presently in use that include support members having essentially the same cross-sectional shape as that disclosed irl the patent, the embodiment of Figure 2 is particularly intended to be used in those situations where it is desired to retrofit an existing display sign that has a rigid plastic display face with a display face made of the stretchable fabric to which all emhodiments of the present invention are addressed.
In particular, support element 14 has a cross sectional shape in the general form of an out-wardly-opening U-shaped channel. As illustrated more fully in the patent, fluorescent lamp sockets and a ballast transformer are carried on its bottom wall 42 and the channel defines a raceway in which the inter-connecting wiring is housed. ~he margin of bottom wall 42 continues into an upwardly sloping wall 44 that merges into a side wall 46, defining an exteriorly facing surface 48 and terminating in a ledge 50. Defined immediately inside ledge 50 is a groove or recess 52 from which an inset side wall portion 54, that presents an e~teriorly-facing surface 56, continues upwardly and then is bent inwardly to de-fine a shelf 58. Inwardly beyond shelf 58, the ex-truded material ~7~

is shaped to derine a rain-drainage channel 60 an~l then turns back re-entrantly to rorm another shelf 62 on which an edge margin of ccver 18 is disposéd and secured by screws 22, As between the diff'erent figures hereof, the various retainers il:ustrated have corresponding different shapes so as to present; a varlety of external appearances. These di~ferences in appearance are merely ilIustrative. The appearance-determinirlg shape of any one retainer may be incorporated into the retainer ~10 as specifically shown in any of the other figures. In Figure 2, ~: a retainer 6l1 has an inner margin 66: which is secured by screws 38 over shelf 58 an~ continues substantially beyond side wall ., ,ortion 54 before t~rning downwardly as a border 68 and on ~ into a panel 70 that slopes back toward the display face and ::15 then terminat.es in a re-entrantIy-shaped hook portion 72.
~ Pro~ectin~ downwardly f'rom the inside of retainer 64 :
immediately beyond i.ts edge margin 66 is a lug 74 that ~ ,~serves to enable proDer alignment on instal.lation of the -~ re~tainer. Actually, the shape of lug 74 is from an earli,er approach in which:it served to trap a port,ion of hardware descrlbed in the introduction for mountin~ grommets. It alæo would sc-rve to retairl a corrugated rlgid plastic face.
It nevertheless wil~. be observed by reference to the above-identlf~ied patent that retainer 61l i,s basically the sanle retai.ner as di.sclosed therein. One purpose~ of including it in Figure 2 is to po:int out that, in retrofi.tti,ng an existlng sign constructed in accordarce with the teachirl~s of' the patent;, even a retainer based on the original sign system rnay continue to be used. In addition, sloping panel 70 of the retainer conti.nues to serve as an attracti~e ~eature in def`inin~ what may be called a "plcture .frame" appearance.
As a fastening assembly for the marginal edge portion 76 of the fabric, 'lle arrangement of Figure 2 includes a hinge or saddle 78 that is affixed to support element 14 and wi.thin which a hinge pin or tensioner 80 i.s mated for rotation. The amount of rotation of hinge pin 80 is limited, and margi.nal portion 76 is coupled to the hinge pin. In this case, hinge pin 80 is of generally C-shaped or horseshoe-like cross section, so as to be hollowed out to define an interior cavity 82 within which marginal portion 76 is secured.
Disposed within cavity 82 is a wedge 84, in this case in the form of a dowel or cylinder with a cross-sectional area less than that of the main portion Or the cross section of hinge pin 80 ~)ut yet which is of a width greater than tht distance betweén the f'ree ends of the hinge pin at the mouth 86 thereof. Thus, wedge 84 is captivated or captured within cavity 82 by mouth 86.
Marg:lnal portion 7G is led into an~ out mouth 86 and partially wrapped around we-lge 84 to reside between thé wedge and the inner walJ. cf hinge pin 80 which d f'ines cavity 82.
As a result of' its shape and loose fit within cavity 82, wedge 84 serve6 as a keeper and coo,-erates with hinge pin 80 to perrnit ad;'ustl~lent between a first corldi~ion where.in portion 76 is fixed i.n position relative to the hing,e pin and a second conditi.on wherein that marginal por~iorl is movable relative to the hinge pin. The tight fit of wedge ,34 within mouth 86 - 22 - :

causes Lt to secure itsel~ again~t and thereby f'ix the position of marginal por~lon 76 in response to tension which is developed within fabric 40 upon stretching thereof.
Hinge 78 includes a segment 90 against the inner surface of which hinge pin 80 is nested. In this instanc~, segment 90 embraces less than one-half the distance around hinge pin 80. It will be observed that the concave inner surface of segment 90 faces away from the central portion 92 of the resulting display face, with fabrlc 40 continuing away from hinge pin 80 and marginal portion 76 directly into the formation of central portion 92. The outer end 94 of segment 90 is disposed adJacent to and yet spaced from fabric 40.
With the source Or illum-Lnation disposed within the framework -of which support element 14 is a part and, thus, inside of the display face formed by fabric 40, end 94 of segment 90 defines an edge of the area of illumination of the display area which constitutes the central portion of.fabric 40. Mouth 86 -flare~ sli~htly apart at its outer end so as to define at one side an abutment 96 on the outer wall of' hinge pin 80. Upon engaging segment end 94, abutment 96 defines one limit for , ~he extent of rotation of hinge pin 80.
Integrally affixed to and proJecting away from hirge 78 at the ot~.er en~ Or segment 90 is a finger 98. Finger 98 is in the form of a web and, in the condition illustrated in Fllgure 2~ haE one sLde which lies flat apainst surface 48 of support element 1l1. A cleat 100 pro~ects from finger 98 and ~ d~7~

projects over ledge 50 in order to seat in recess 52. With fabric 40 under tension, that seating of cleat 100 in recess 52 is sufficient -to retain hinge 78 in a fixed position.
Preferably, however, a bracket 102 also projec-ts away from finger 98 and presents a flat portion agains-t -the surface 56 of upper side portion 54, wi-th a rivet 104 or other suitable fastener securing bracket 102 firmly to support element 14 and thereby prohibiting possible dislodgment of hinge 78.
A lever 108 is integrally affixed at one end to and projects away from hinge pin 80. In the position shown in Figure 2, lever 108 lies alongside finger 98 so as thereby to define another limit of rotation of hinge pin 800 This limit, and the one established by the engagement of abutment 96 with segment end 94, serves to restrict the amount of rotation of hinge pin 80 to but a fraction of one revolution.
; To secure lever 108 to finger 98 upon reaching that limit of rotation, a keeper 110 is engageable around the free end of : lever 108 and finger 98. Specifically in this version, finger 98 is shaped to define a recess 112, and keeper 110 has an in-turned end portion which is engaged in recess 112.
To install fabric 40, its marginal portion 76 is threaded into mouth 86 t around wedge 84 and then bac]c out of mouth 86. With wedge 84 loose within cavity 82, or even forced to approximately the center of the cavity, marginal portion 76 may be pulled through as desired with respect to either the posit:ioni.ny of that part oE the marginal portion being worked upon or with respect to the inducement of tension within fabric 40. In applying tension to fabric 40, it typically tends to gathe~ in places and form wrinkles. These may be readily smoothed out by releasing wedge 84 from its ~7~

securing position and, beginning at the center of a margin, wiping the outer surface of fabric ~0 to move the material away from the center and outwardly toward an end of that margin.
In one form, both hinge 78 and hinge pin ~0 are continuous throughout a margin of the display face. Prefer-ably, and as illustrated in Figure 4, only hinge 78 is con-tinuous throughout the length of a margin, and hinge pin 80 is comparatively narrow in width, with one inch being exemplary.
Consequently, a plurality of hinge pins 80 are successively spaced along the length of the margin, a suitable spacing for a sign of a~erage size being approximately every twelve inches. For larger signs in which greater tension forces are developedj less spacing is preferred. At least for the purpose of saving some in material cost, hinge 78 also could be divided into a succession of individual hinges.
However, this latter alternative may make it more difficult to properly adjust with respect to freedom from wrinkling, and it also would create a discontinuity in the edge of the field of illumination that otherwise, as noted above, is defined by segment end 94.
In the overall arrangement of the complete sign assembly, and as already mentioned, it is preferred that all four of the support elements be formed to have the same cross section, as by being cut from a common length of stock.
They desirably are joined in a mitred condition at each pair of successive ends. That may be achieved either by direct welding of the mitred ends or by the use of internally disposed right-angled brackets heliarc welded or otherwise 3~

secured to each of the successiVe support elements. Analogously, it is preferred that the hinges and hinge pins along all four sides of -the display Eace also be identical, as are all other associated parts. In any case, identity of parts around the entire margin is found in the embodiments disclosed herein.
With the preferred arrangement of continuous hinges 78 and segmental short hinge pins 80, and also after temporarily removing retainer 64, all four edge margins of fabric 40 are inserted within each of the different hinge pins and around each of the corr~spondingly different wedges. The free ends of the different marginal portions may be grasped so as to establish enough tension all of the way around the margin that, upon release of the free end of the marginal portion at any one of hinge pins 80, its wedge 84 is drawn within mouth 86 to secure that part of the corresponding marginal portion into a fixed relationship. Perhaps the best way to achieve initial threading and tensioning is to rotate lever 108 forward with the marginal portion of the fabric pressed into mouth 86 so as to be loose within cavity 82. Wedge 84 is then inserted, and lever 108 thereafter is rotated back toward its locked position while the marginal portion is pulled upon to cause the wedge to secure the fabric within the mouth. Thereafter, and preferably working from the center of each marginal portion outwardly as indicated above, the different ones of wedges 8~ are success1vely released at which time that part of the captivated marginal portion is pulled further through cavity 82 in order to increase tension in fabric 40, while at the same time being moved sideways any slight amount necessary to remove wrinkles. After each adjustment, the tension in fabric 40 keeps the wedge drawn into the associated mouth to secure the contained fabric into a fixed position.
To free each wedge from its securing position, it is only necessary in the preferred embodiment for the installer to grasp the opposing ends of the wedge between his thumb and forefinger and thereby urge the wedge inwardly.
Similarly, the wedge could be urged inwardly by means of the point of an implement inserted through mouth 86. Although it would seem to be unnecessary except possibly in the case of a very long hinge pin and corresponding wedge, the wedge or a member affixed to an end thereof could extend outwardly beyond the length of its hinge pin 80 so as to permit manipulation of the wedge to loosen it from its secured ; position. That approach even could include an eccentric ; mount at opposite ends of such a wedge and operable to move the wedge into and out of mouth 86.
~0 However, the embodiment of Figure 2 includes further features which negate the need for such possible mod~fications as have just been suggested except possibly in unusual cases.
In this connection, it is only necessary to remove keeper 110 in order to be able to rock lever 108 back and forth and between the limits already discussed. At any one hinge pin 80, the part of the marginal portion contained therein may be slackened simply by pulling lever 108 forwardly and away from finger 98. That serves to release the securin~ action o~ wedge 84 arld permit fabric 40 to be aclJusted at that local;ion. At the Scmle tirrle, :it permits a new "bite" to be taken so that, upon swingirlg lever 108 backwardly to again position it against finger ~8, the tension in fabric 40 is increased. In this manner, a ratchet-type action may be obtained by successlvely swinging lever 108 back and forth and correspondingly with that motion causir;~
release and thereafter re-engagement of wed~e 84 in sequer:ce therewith. When the desired tension has been achieved at the one of hinge piris 80 being so manipulated, at least fcr the present, keeper 110 is slid into place so as to there~y lock hinge pin 80 into its ]imit position with lever ]o8 disposed against finger 98.
It should be noted ~hat wedge 84 may have other tl.an a cyllndrical Gross section in order to increase the degree of its wed~e action. In any case, ts exterior sur~ace may be serrated to increase its grippinfr function as rnay the .
inter:7or surfclce of hinge pin 80. ~lso, wed~e 84 may be fabrlcated from wood, metal or other rmaterial. ~evertheless, in using the descxibed PANAl;LEX fabric, fully satlsfactory performance has bc-en indicated with wedge 84 fabricated silrlply as a smooth-finislled wooden dowel and with cavity 82 also presenting a ~rnooth surrace.
Other modifications also may be desir-ed. .~s used on a vert;ical side rnarg,-irl of th~? display face, for example, it is preferable t}~at (:?.',lCh keep;?r 11.0 ~e cons1;rained froln movlng downward by gravity as rnight occur in the presence of vibration. To that encl, a fine wire mcay be looped around - 2~ -each such cli.p and secured a-t each end by a screw or other fastener. Alternatlvely, the free end portion o.f lever 108 may be slight].y extended and bifurcated so as to receive and captivate a keeper 110 rnodified so as to be that rnuch less in width.
In practice, it is expected that the width of hinge pin 108 usually will vary between a little less than one inch and perhaps three inches. It will be observed that an increase in the radius of the hinge and hinge pin will result in obtaining a greater degree of tensioning action with each ratchet-like operation of lever 108. Of course, the greater the tension that has been induced3 the tighter the clamping : action imposed by wedge 84. If desired in order to lock wedge 84 in place af~er all tensioning has been completed, a thin tapered member may be placed in the bottom of cavi.ty 82 so as to make it impossible ~or the wed~;e to move inwardly from its secured pos:i.tion within rnouth 86.
As already indicated, the particular form of hin~e 78 shown in Figure 2 permits irnplementation of khe present mountin~ system to support elements of a form basically as shown in the cross-referenced patent. In principle, hinge 78 rnay be extruded or otherwise form~d to include members of whatever shape is requlred to irterfit with or attac~l to a framewor~ support element of ar;.y kind of exterior con~ r,uration. Figure 3, however, represerts one ~articularly favored version which uses a newly devised support element llla that is shaped to tal~e advantage oi f'eatures present in th~

pre-existing f'orm of support element 14 as shown in Figure 2 and also to accommodate -the rnounting system principles as explained ln connection with Figure 2.
To this end~ elemerlt 14a again is ,;haped genera].ly as an outwardly-opening U-shaped channel, 30 as to include a bottom wall 42 that merges into an upwardly slopin~ wall portion 44. The latter continues lnto a lower side wall portion 120 and then an upper side wall portion 122 which turns into a shelf 58a and thereafter defines a cavity 60 and another ~helf 62 to which access cover 18 is affixed by screws 22. ~etainer 30 is of L-shaped cross section and lncludes a downwardly pro~ecting lug 124 that cornes into alignment against a lip 126 which projects outwardly from ~upper wall pcirtion 122. Between slde wall portions 120 and 122.1s an inwardly inset additional side wall portion 128 shaped to def'ine a recess 130 in wh:lch is seated one leg ~ .
of~a l1Ownwarcly-facing U-shaped keeper 132, In a rnodifichtiorl, . , , recess 130 ma.y be shaped and oriented like recess I12 in Figure 2, so as to perrnit use of keeper 110 of that version.
Thls permits the economy of using a standard part for both arrangements. Moreover, the additional cleat porti.on on keepe- 110 t~n~s to achieve a more secure -nterlock.
In t~e embodiment of Fi.gure 3, hirlge 80 and wedge 84 are the sarne aG those parts of F:igure 2, so as also to have leg 108. Accor~in~,ly, keeper :L32 ser~/es to secure lever 108 in a f:lxed position at one limit of rotation of hinKe pin 80. Ln thls case, however, what was firlger 98 in ~7~

~igure 2 is merged into side wall ~ortion 12n so as to be one and the sarne. Al; the same time, hinge 78a includes a segmerlt 90a which proJects inteprally awa~ rrom support element 14a at the ~unctlon between sloping panel 44 and side wall portion 120. Segment ~Oa continues around hinpe pin 80 a dlstance less than one half the circumference there~f and again termirlates in an en(l 94 that has the same functions as before. It will 'be immediately appa.rent that installation and adJustment of fabric 40 in the emboclirnent o~ l~'lgure 3 may proceed l.n exact].y the sarne way as described above for the embodiment Or Figure 2.
As mentioned above, numerous si~n assemblies exist and others are still bein~ constructed which utilize steel angle irons or the like to ~orm and de~ine t,he b~slc cab1net.
~15 Figure 5 ill~str,1l;es an ernbodiment modified to permit adaptation to a typical cabinet ~abricated in that manner. Thus, a support element 14b :includes an angle lron 140 one leg 142 of which is oriented to define a side wal~ Or the inter-lor channel. Angle iror: 140 may be welded to a cross plate 14LI
which connects to a sirnilar angle iron at t,'ie other si-1e.
An exterior sheet metal skin 145 covers cross plat;e 144 an(l angle iron 140, i.s bent inwardly, and then con-tlnues on downwardly at the lower rnargin o~ anpJle iron 140 so as to def'ine an edge ].46 o~ an illurni.n~ted area. One end portion Or a retairler 148 is secured throll~,h ski.n 145 to ar,gle iron 140 by a sc~rew 150 and cor~tinlles on outwardly unti]. bending back to de~'i.ne a downwardly and backwardl.y sloping panel. 1';2 crimped at ics lower end 154 in order to rorm a re-enforc:Lng rlb. Often, another steel cross plate is disposed between the side walls to provide added strength and a rnounting for lamp sockets.
Once more, hi.nge pin 80 and wedge 84 are identical in form to thos,e elements as shown in Figure 2. In this caseg hinge 78b includes an also ldentical segment 90 which terminates in a free end 94 and at its other end continues into a finger 33b, Finger g8b is the same as finger 9~ in Figure 2 except for the provision o~ a cutout 156 defined in the outer end portion of finger 98b and on the side thereof that is held against skin lJ15 by screws as shown. Lever 108 of hinge pin 80 is secured in one limit position against finger 98b by a downwar~ly-:facing U-shaped clip 158 which has one leg seated in cutout 156 and extends around the free end portions of lever 108 and finger 98b. As in the embodiment Figure 3, the mounting and ad~ustment of fabric 40 may be ,: :
~ exactly the same as already described for the embodiment of ~ ; .
: ~ .
igure 2.
In contrast with the embodiments shown irl Figures 2-5, : wherein portions of t,he resultant assembly include mernbers or portions either i.dentical or at least similar in princlple to previously known configurations, the embodi~ent, shown in ; Figure 6 is entirely new ~cept for the illustrated fluorescerlt lamp 170, its sockets 172 and the mc~untlng ~or those sockets.
In this case, a support elerrent llic is an aluminurll e~trusion that agai.n de~ines i.nternally a U-shaped channel but whJch in thls case opens inwa:rdly of the ultirrlate si.gn cabinet. Thus, the extrusion incl.udes an upper wall 17ll ~oinin~ space-opF,ose~

side walls 176 and 178. Displaced a short distance below upper wall 174 are an opposed pair oE facing lugs 180 and 182.
Once again, it is not necessary that the side and lower support elements of the main framework be identical in shape to upper support element 14c. For convenience and economy, however, that is the case in the embodiment of Figure 6O Thus, wall 174, which is the upper wall of upper support element 14c, becomes the bottom wall of the framework when inverted and appropriately spaced apart. The side suppor-t elements of the resulting framework also are cut from the same extruded stock, and all of the different support elements are joined successively end to end so as to define the ultimate cabinet. In this case, lugs 180 and 182 serve to define recesses in which appropriate steel or aluminum corner angles preferably are received and bolted or heliarc welded to the respective support elements 50 as to form strong, riyid corners of the framework. In addition, steel plates are of an appropriate width to slide under lugs 180 and 182 along the bottom and top margins after which they are bolted in place.
Later, a steel pipe or tube is inserted through an opening in the bottom support element and that plate to dispose its upper end against the steel plate mounted to the top support element. The pipe is then welded to both steel plates and subsequently serves to connect the entire display sign upon the upper end of post 12 or ko an equivalent support.
Projectiny inwardly from about the mid portion of side walls 176 and 178 are a pair or vertically spaced lugs 184 and 186 with lug 186, closest to lamp 170, having a lenyth shorter than lug lB4. Spaced opposite lugs 184 and 186 is an inwardly projecting shelf 188. During assembly, one edge maryin of a _33-pLate 190 is inserted between lugs 184 and 18~ after which its other edge margin is swung toward and against shelf 188 against whlch it is secured in place by means of a screw 192.
Plate 190 thus defines a removable access cover and contai.ns suitable apertures within which the lamp sockets 172 are mounted and captivate~. Screws 192 or equivalent fastener-s are required only along one margin of plate 190, thereby reducing labcr other~ise required to drill ~nd fasten the other margin.
Ou'ter wall l74 continues beyond each of side walls 176 and 178 so as to define respective pro;jecting lips 194 and 196 each of which is forked at lts outer end portion .: .
198. Seated within each of forks 198 is the shorter leg o~
an'L-shaped retainer 200 the longer leg of which pro~ects toward the display :f~ce.
Each of side walls 176 and 178 of upper support element l4c continues beyond shelf 190 as a finger and turns smoothly outward to deflne a hinge 202 against the inner : sur~ace of which~is nested a hinge pin 204/ In itsel~, ' 20 hinge pin 204 is of ~'-shaped cross section so as to def'ine a mouth 206 c~ an interior cavity within which is captivated a wedge 208. As before, the ad~acent marginaI edge portion 210 of ~abric 40 is threaded into mouth 206 and around ~edge 208 a~ter which it emerges from the other side of the mouth.
:~ 25 In this case ? hinge 202 has a segm~nt 212 which presents a concave interi.or surfclce ~o as to serve l;he same purpose as : segment 90 in Fi.gure 2 but which herein embraces in excess of one half' the distan~e around hinge pin 204 so that the 'Latter may 'be captivated within se~;ment 2]2. Segment 212 termina~es - 3ll -.r3~9 in a rounded shoulder 214 that defines, with the opposite finger 216, a gap which has a width that permits snug entry of hinge pin 204. Because shoulder 214 proJects upwardly beyond the ~xis of hinge pin 204, tension induced in fabric 40 f'orces the hinge pln to remain seated in hlnge 202.
A lip 218 is integrally affixed at one end to and proJects away ~rom hlnge pin 204 from the side of mouth 206 more distant from finger 216. Pro~ecting outwardly from hinge 202 at; shoulder 214 i.s a flange 220~ the free end portion 222 thereof being turned inwardly toward the lower framework SUppOl't element. Lip 218 pro~ects outwardly ~rom hinge pin 204 in a direction away from support elernent 14c a distance -~
greater than the distance by which flange 220 proJects away from that support element. That- is, the free end of lip 21B i.s spaced beyond the free end of flange 220. Moreover, :
the outer or free end portion of lip 218 is also bent toward the lower o:r opposit~ l'ramework support element. ~'abric 40 continues from margina1 portion 210 as a skirt portion 224 ~ 20 that I'urther continues into a central portion 226. Thus, :~ skirt portion 22li lies adJacent to the side Or lip 218 opp~sit;e flang~ 220, and central portion 226 is directed toward the lower suppo~t element.
As particularly embod:l.ed ln ~lgure 6, the opposit~ and : 25 lower support element i.ncludes a :fastener 230 for the oppo~ed margir:al portion 232 of' fabr:l.c 40. Fasterler 230 in~ludes an L-shaped bracket 233 the longer leg of whi.ch in use is abutted aga:lnst; si.de wall 17~ and lts continuati.on as ringel 216. The shorter leg of bracket 233 continues outwardly away from the support element into a lip 234 t~,at over lles flange 220. The outer or f'ree end portion of' lip 234 proJects away :~rom the lower support element a àistance greater than the outer end of flan~e 220 and is tu:rned in this case upwardly toward the upper support element and central portlon 226 of fabric 40. When assembled, the lon~er leg Or bra, ket 233 is secured to side wal~ portion 176 by a screw 238. llhus, screw 238 also se,rves to removably affix lip 234 indirectly to the lower support element.
Also included in f'astener 230 is a rernova~le resilient clip 240 whi~h is shar)ed to clarnp .1 captured marg:Lnal portion of fabric 40 to lip 234. To that end, lip 234 is formed to defire a latch surrace on the free end of a stub 242 and wh~Lch ls lockingly engageable with d latch member 2l14 deflned in clip 240. A part of mar~inal portion 232 is clamped between that latch surface and that latch member, so that marginal portion 232 is sec,ured to.llp 234. Thu~, rnarginal portlon 232 :i~; therl fixed into pos:lti.on with respect to the .
lower support element.
: Cli~ 2110 is shaped further to de:fine another latch , .
mernber in the for-m of' a C-shaped end portion 246 which is dispcsed to embrace a rounded terminal portion 24~ defined on the outer end oI' a strut 250 that proJects awa~ from bracket 233 and outwardly rrom the lower support ~lement as well as in a ~3enerally downward direction. Marginal por1;ion 232 Or fabric 40 is also clarnped between latch mernber portlon 2L16 and the latch ~ur~ace def~ined b.y rounded termi.nal portion 2l~8. TerMlrlcll port:lon 2ll8 :L~ anGther f'orm of' hinl~;e ~)in, whi.le end porti.on 24~ ser~es as à hi.n~e. In use, clip 2ll0 is placed ,a~ainst the outside o~ mar~i.nal portion 234 at a deslred distance from the free edge of the marginal portion. End ~)ortion 246 is then placed over terminal portion 248 with tlle fabric therebetween. Clip 240 thereafter is rotatecl around terminal portion 248 until lateh member 241l is snapped into enLar-ernent with the latch surface on stub 2ll2 to complete the clamping of the ~abric in place. As clip 240 is rotated around terminal porti.on 248 tension is induced in fabrlc 40.
In a completéd sl.gn assembly the remaininr~ pair of support elements, which serve as the vertical side marr~ins~
preferably also include fasteners 230 arranged in the same manner. As illustrated lip 234 projects outwardly from t}-le lower support element and in a direetion that is generally lateral to the resulting di.splay faee. Fabric 40 continues from its lower margi.nal portion in Figure ~ again as a skirt 224 Ihieh continues into eentral portion 226 with skirt 224 ~:: lyin~ a~ai.nst the side of lip 234 c~r.~Posite upper support element 14c.
; Flange 220 also proJects outward1.y frorn t~e lower suppc)rt elernent in a direetlon gener-al~.y laterally to the ultimate disp].ay face and i.s disposed on the ;ide of lip 23ll toward upper support element 14c. Wit~l fabric 40 stretched in tension li.p 23ll is slidable over flange 220 wl~ich cams lip 234 .i nto a position whereat the lip i.s affixe~l indire~tly to t~e lowe-r support el~-ment by mea.ns of bracket 233. It will of course, be noted that f`lanrre 220 pro~ects direct~y away f:~om what c:onstitutes hirl~e 212 in upper support element 14c. When used iri a support element that i.s a.;sociated with fasterler 230 se~rnent 212 neecl nc t be included in which c-asc- :flarllre 220 ~,o~
proJect directly away ~rom ~inger 216.

. - 37 ~ ~ ~6f~

Upon whichever supp~rt element fastener 230 is used, it preferably is employed w.ith a plurality of clips 2ll0 which are successively spaced along that support element. In use, cllps 240 are thus removable at any locatlon along a marg:n Or the display face, so as ~o permit the ad~ustment of tenslon in fabrlc 40 as welL as movement Or different parts of tht?
associated mar~inal portion of that fabric for the purpose Or ad~usting against wrinkl:lng. That is, selected sectior~s Or a marginal portion may b~-~ moved ln a direction along the length o~ the corresponding support element as necessitated.
Thus, the enti.re fastening assembly includes a : plurallty of lips 218 and 234 that fasten corresponding ones of the different marginal portlons of fabric 40 to respec1;ive ones of the support elements, the fabric continuing from each of the different margi.nal portions clS cl skirt that overlies the corresponding one of the lips and rurther continuing : around the rree en~1 portion of tl1at lip into a common central portion. Another function of the outer erd portlons ~ Or lips 2l8 and 234 i.s to space central portion 226 of each ; 20 dlsplay face the correct di;tance frorn lalnps 170 a.s dlscussed above for the purpose Or obtaining uniformity Or illuminatlon while yet avolding the need for provision of sllppcrt elements of any greater width.
In the prererred arrangemerlt of a:L:I of the cornponents shown in ~i~ure 6, all of 1;hose l:lps 218 alld 234 are continuous and are ~oined in succe~slorl one to the nl.?xt to deflrle a f`rclrlle 260 that l.s mcltable witll the framework forrrled by the succession o~ .support elerrlerlts. '1he vc~rious flanLres '20 also are includ~d - 3~ -all of the way around the ~erimeter of the display race~ and each i.s disposed on the side of lts correspondln~ lip opposite skirt 221l. With the correspondlng margLnal portions indivic]ually f`astened to respective different ones of the lips and fabric 40 stretched under tension on frame 260, hinge pin 204 is set into hinge 202 along the upper support element. or course, all of retainers 200 on that face side are at this time removed. The bottcm margin of ~rame 260 is then swung toward the lower support element. During that movement 3 flanges 220 on the lower and si.de support elements caM the entire fralne into a position adjacent to the framework.
During mounti.ng of f`rame 260, ~lange 220 along the upper support element may assist in the operation by at least guidin~ hinge pin 204 toward its seat within hinge 202. Should it for any reason be desirable to seat hi.nge pin 204 in hinge 20' at the same tirrle as or after the placement of the remainder of frame 260 against the lower and ~,lde support elements, .~lange 220 along the upper sup?ort element is so shaped and orlented that it will cam hinge pin 204 i.nto the position necessary to drop'lnto hinge 202. In any case, either the disposition Or hinKe pin 204 within hinee 202 or the ar:f'lxation of bracket 233 agai.nst its associated support elernerlt serves to secure .l'Lame 260 to ';he main frarnework. Moreover, the use of hinge pin 204 and h.Lr1ge : .
202 alonK u~per su~port element 14c permits the ent:l.re top ' margln of' fraMe 2Go 1;o be hlngedly secured along 1;hat upper margin Or the Main frarnewor'~. In that aspect, the secure-rnent provi.ded by l,rack(t 233 or the equivalent serves 1:o hold fralne 260 in closinK relatlonship with the framework.

- 39 - .

In the prefe-rred mode of installation, frame 260 is formed by ~oinlng together the different lips 218 and 234 before delivery to the work site. The ~oinder of the successive ends of lips 218 and 234 in order to forrn frame 260 may be made directly by heliarc welding ancl with no need for addltional corne^ supports. After the frame is formed, fabric 40 may be mou:LIted upon frame 260 wit;h only a sufficient degree of tension therein to hold the fabric in place on the frame. With the mai:~ framework or cabinet already installed, ~ 10 the thus assembled frame with fabric 40 mounted is then ; sllpped over the comblnation of all of flanges 220 as ; ~ described above. If necessary to overcome the initial tension ~ induced in fabric 40~ and with hinge pin 204 first seated , in hingre 202, a longer form of screw 238 may be used to draw lower lip 234 over its lower rlange 220 until the longer le~
of bracket 233 is disposed against the lower support elernent.
Then, different ones of the succession Or the longer form of screws 238 are removlJd and replaced by the shorter screws so that their inner ends will not penetrate lr.to the wiri.ng.
~20 ~ ~ Accordingly, the~fin~l form of screws 238 ultimately ~erve to secure the entire rrame to~the framework defined by the different ones or the~support e~lements.
After completing~ the installation of trame 260,and if necessary~ the ùpper marginal portion 210 of fabric 40 desirably 1s first adJusted, by loosening w~dee208, to what ls to be the final pcsition of that margi.nal por-tion.
Preferably, that already has been done before dellvery Or frame 260 to the work s:Lte. ~'hereafter, individua:L different -- llO --ones of clips 240 are unlatched and that part of lower marglnal portion 232 is then adjusted laterally to smooth out wrinkles and also to eventually reach the finally desired tension in fabri.c 40. After each such incremental ad~lustment of a given section of lower margi.nal portion 232, the one of clips 240 overlying that section is agaln snapped into place after which the next one of the clips is removed so that its section of the lower margin may be adJusted. The very same procedure is employed along the verti.cal side margins of the display face. In reaching final tension adLiustment, the installer preferably alternates between adlustment in the horizontal direction and adlustment in the vertical direction.
To assist in obtaini.ng the correct amount of tension ultimately induced in fabric 40, a Line preferably is defi.ned, elther temporarlly by the use of chalk or permanently by prlnting, across the exterior surface of fabric 40 and parallel to what wil.1 be a nearby support elernent. Such a ~ line should be defined adJacent to at least one hori:zontal : 20 support element and one vertical support element, although it may be deflned all of the way around the perinleter. Fcr illus~ration, that line will be discussed in connection with fastener 230 along the lower margin. ~ `
Accordi.ngly, a specific location on fastener 230 is selected as a reference poirt. Convenienti.y, that may be at the bend 264 between latch members 2114 and 246. The line which i.s defined on the exterior surface of` fabric 40 initi.ally is loca~ed in a pos.il;ion exposed to view from the ~ront exter~io of the display face when the tension in fabric 40 1s substantially removed. On the other hand, location of the line is such that, upon increasing the tension in rabric llo, the line is moved toward the reference point defined by bend 264. Accordingly, the line is so located relative to lower marginal portlon 232 at lts outer end that, upon achieving the tenslon ultimately desired, that line has been moved into a ~inal position against bend 264. At that point, clip 240 may be latched lnto place for the final time. Thereafter, access to the interior of the sign cabinet requires only the removal of screws 238 along the bottom and side margins.
This permits frame 260 to be swung out ~rom the bottom and in hinge 202 wlthout disturbing the tension established in fahric 40.
A lead1ng~attribute of the ernbodiment of Flgure 6 is that the de~inition of skir, 224 entirely around the perimeter of central portion 226 of the resu]ting display face serves to glve the appearance of the "molded pan look" dlscussed earlier. In a modified verslon, which would be simpler although not nearly as flexible in usage, f'langes 220 may be merged lnto lips 218 and 234 to provlde only one skirt-de~1ning an outwardly proJecting pan-forming member. Thi~
is not as desirable, however, because the sep(lrate existar`ce of fl~nges 220 serves as adclitional support for lips 218 and 234. Because Or flanges 220, rrame 260 may ln itself be c,f a more llghtweight construct;ion. In that connection, the initial tensic)ning ol~ fabric 40 at the tinle of its ~irst rnountin~ ul)on f'rame 260 tencls to create an inward bow in lips 218 and 234. ~lowever, and as a result of' camming the li.ps over different ones of flanges 220 and the straight edges deflned by hinge 202 and all f'langes 220,-that bow is rernoved as frame 260 is urged into its final mounted location.
As an alternative to the formation and use of f'rame 260, either lips 218 or 234 and their respective components may be used independently along any given support element similarly to the use of independent hardware in the eMbodiments o~ Figures 2--5. Lip 218 ln that case serves as a lever similar in function to lever 208 although of~ somewhat different shape and pro~ecting from the opposite side of the rnouth of the hollow hinge pin. At the same time, flange 220 constitutes a stop carried by support element 14c and which is disposed in the path of` lip 218 to def'ine a limit of rotation of' hlnge pin 204. When in place, the lower end of' tlne lon~er leg of retainer 200 would constitute a stop dlsposed in the swing path of lip 218 so as to def'ine another limlt to the rotation of' hinge pin 204. For the more signif'icant functional purpose in this alternative of' permitting the rocking of lip -218 ~rlth retainer 200 temporarily removed, to ad~ust position .. . .
of' marginal portion 210 and tension in fabric 40, it is the ou~er end of the nearby one Or forks 198 which serves as the other rotational lirnit of' hinge pin 204.
With fabric 40 under tension in thls independent alternative and hinge pin 204 initially located apart f'rom hinge 202, flange 220 agaln is oriented'to define a cam surf'ace over which hinge pin 204 may be slid and then inserted around shoulder 214 and lnto hinge 202. That same tension already induced in I'abric 40 also serves to lock hinge pin 20l1 against rotation by constraining lip 218 to lie a~ainst f'lange 220. ~or this purpose, hinge 202 preferably is continuous over its length along support e:ement 14c as is hinge pln 204. Otherwise, at least hinge pln 202 and wedge 208 may be ln successive segrnents as in the version of` Figure ~ 113 -~7~$~''3 2. It will be apparent that initial insta:llation of fabric 40 in this case may proceed on the same basi.s as described in connection with ~igure 2. That is, marginal pcrtlon 210 may be flrst inserted around wedge 208 after which lip 218 is rocked back and fort;h in a ratchet-like fashion with a related action upon wedge 208 or ln a manner otherwise to use lip 218 to slacken the tension and thereby per~lt adJustment of marginal portion 210. In the same manner, one or more Or the other support elements may be used like upper support element 14c so as to include hi.nge 202 and be associated wi-th hin~e pln 204 and wedge 208. On the other hand, fasteners 230 may be used with any support element to serve as means for adJusting tension in fabric 40.
inally, Figure 7 shows still another embodlment which is particularly useful with:either existin~ slgn cabinets or new~cabinets of the same conformation. Like in Figure 5, the cabinet is basically o~ rectangu1ar cross section and:ln this case also has a framework made from steel members.
Thus, a support element 14d includes an an~le iron 170 one ~: 20 ~ leg 172 Or which is oriented to define a s:lde wall of an interi.or channel. Angle iron 170 is welded to:a.cross plate ~; 174 which connects to a similar angle iron at the other side.
An exterior sheet metal skin 175 covers angle iron 170 and cross plate 174 and extends on inwardly of the angle iron. `
An L~shaped extruded bracket 178 fits over skin 175 and around ar~le iron 170, ~eing secured to the latter by screws 180. Pro~ect;:lng outwardly from near the upper end of the lon~er leg 181 of bracket 178 is a shelf 182 to which a retainer 1~.~ll is secured by screws 185. Shelr 182 is shaped at it 3 inner end to de-fine a recess 186 in which a down-turned margin 188 is seated. A ledge 190, also derined ~n shelf 182, ~7~D~)49 accommodates a gasket 192. At its outer end~ retainer 181l is bent downwardly and thereafter reversely to def'ine a conceallng border.
Pro~ecting outwardly from near the lower end of' leg 181 is a strut 194 whlch continues into a nlnge 78d again having a segme]lt 90 with a free end 9~l. A hinge pin 80d similar to hinge pln 80 and nested in hinge 78d has a lever 108d that rnay be locked in a vertical posi.tion by a keeper llOd. For economy when to be used also w1th ot~ler support elements, keeper llOd may be identical to keeper 110 of` Flgure 2. Thus, keeper llOd ls shaped to bend around the outer end o~ lever 108d and terminates in a re-entrant portion that seats in a recess 196 def'ined in a J-shaped stub 198 which proJects outwardly from leg 181 between shelf' 182 and strut lg4. When locked by keeper llOd, the fre?
end portion o~ lever 108d abuts the outer er?~d of stub 198.
- At tne side of mouth oppo~ite l~ver 108d the wall of hinge pin 80d continues into a llp 200 t~lat proJec L ';
on oul;wardly in the direc-tion away rrom support elemtnt 14d.
~ip 200 curves smoothl.y to present an upwar>dly-facing corlvex surface 202 and terminates ln a free end w?nlch i.s spaced outwardly beyond end 94. Upon removal of keeper 110~, levt.r 108d may be moved forwardly to rotate hinge pin 80d until lip 200 abuts end 94 as a limit of ro-tation.
As shown, wedge 84 ls dispo~;ed withln hin~re ~)i.n 80d to functi.on in the manner dlscusse~l above. Thus tlle mountillg and adJustrnerlt of fabric 40 rnay be exactl.y the salrle as described ill connect1Orl with t~e embodirrlent ol.'l~ ure 2. T?l I~`lgur~- 7 however, llp 200 also serve~ a funcl;ion analogous ~o a t~eatult?
o~ llp 218 in ~lgure 6~ That ls, marglnal portior~ 7t;

continues into a skirt portion 204 that overlies surface 202 on lip 200 before the fabrlc turns downward to define the illuminated cllsplay .t'ace.
By vlrtue of the provision of lip 200, the di3play ~ace is spaced farther from the main rrame~ork of the cabinet than in the embodiments of Figures 2-5. In retrofitting an existing ca~i.netS that may be desirable to improve overall appearance or to obt~in better unif'ormity of illumination in the manner explained above. If ~nade to be sufficiently rugged, lip 200 coul~, in principle, be extended so as also to yield a ";can shaped look" to the dlsplay face. However, it appears tc be preferable to achieve that result by the use of the arrangement of Figure 6 wherein lip 218 is supported on flange 220, adapting that approach as necessary : 15 to accommodate either an existing sign cablnet when retrofltting or a new cabinet of still different cross~sectional shape.
; In the case o~ all errlbodiments, i~ has been explained ; that one purpose of' being able to release at leas-t some tenslon .. .in di~'ferent sections of a marginal portion is to allow smoothing of fa~)ric Llo so as to remove wrlnkles. Parti.cularly with a pictorial dlsplay printed upon the display face, it might actua3.1y be desired ln a speclflc case that a certain amount of wri.nkling in a selected portion of the display face be cause~ to occur del~berately for the purpose of modifying the image visua].ized by a limited shadowing or other effect. Of course, the adJusta~le f'astening an~. hinging devices descri.bed permi~ ~hat re~ult.

As il.lustrated herein, the overall assembly has always been ~resented in rectangular form. In practice, the diff'erent support elements often are Or sufficient length that they may be curved so as to bow outwardly at their centers and 5 thereby define a curved margin of the display face. In that case, each of hinge pins 204 or clips 240 is sufficiently narrow that it still may be shaped to define surfaces across its width that are straight. Alternatively, a curved margin may be caused to appear by mounting a be~el around the perimeter of the display face which ln itself has a straight mountlng member but with the bezel defining an illuminated area as viewed whlch has a curved margin. Such a bezel may be part of an ext;ension of the retainer. As a ~urther alternative, the lnwardly directed and free end of one or more of lips 218 and 23ll may be curved so as to define an illumi.nated margin of that shape. ln any event, any such addition Or a curved or other marginal feature might also include different f'ormations such as s~allops.
As rnentioned, the specific embodiment of Flgure 6 is :~ 20 essentially a new v~lsion and features integration Or flanKe 220 and hinge 202 into the corresponding suppor~ elernerit of the primary frarnework. Whi.le l;bat definitely is the preferred approach, lt should be apparent that flange 220 and hinge 202 may alternatively be joined to a separate member fully analogous to finger 98 of' Figure 2 or finger a8b of ~igure 5. Thus, there would be a separate l-art securable t.o the side wall of` a new or an existing older forrn of' main f'rclmework support elernent in the same or an e~ui.valent Inarlner to that discussed irl connect;ion wit;rl F'i.g~ es 2 and 5. In thls way, older :~orlns ~ l~7 -of support elements ma~ be retrofitted to adapt the improve-ments featured in Figure 6 such as the attainment of the "molded pan look" and/or the separate formation of frame 260 that is hingeably secured along one margin of the framework.
It will thus be seen that the different embodiments described and illustrated take advantage of many desirable features that are present in existing sign display assemblies while yet avoiding numerous disadvantages thereof. Of leading importance, the new approaches permit improved mounting of stretchable fabric display faces. Better hardware is provided for adjusting position of and tension in the fabric, and there is no need to make mounting holes in the material.
With the present techniques, it is easy to obtain incremental ajustment of tension and control of wrinkles.
All versions may be either routinely adapted to existing sign frameworks or incorporated integrally into new frameworks.
Resulting sign assemblies can withstand hurricanes and still be reasonable in terms of ccst for material and labor.
In any case, the display face may be swung or otherwise moved away from the framework to allow access to the interior. With use of a separate frame as described in connection with Figuxe 6, the entire display face may be swung away without disturbing the previous adjustment of tension and smoothness. While mechanical distortion and wind damage must be avoided, the overall construction permits the use of a separate frame that in itself is lightweight.
Existing siyns may be rekrofitted in the field with-out having to dismount their cabinets. Whether the framework is new or old, the amount of field work is minimized. That 3~ is particularly appreciated when the signs are very large or mounted high above the ground.

The different versions and the several modifications available for each permit satisfaction of a variety of user re~uirements and preferences. Perhaps the leading preference accommodated is that for the "molded pan look". The same approach also enables uniform illumination even though the cabinet is comparatively narrow.
While particular embodiments of the invention have been shown and described, and a number of different modi-fications and alternatives have been presented, it will be obvious to those skilled in the art that changes and further modifications may be made withou-t departing from the invention in its broader as~ect.


The embodiments of the invention in which an exclusive property or privilege is claimed are defined as follows:
1. A display sign comprising:
a sign framework having spaced upper and lower elongated support elements joined between corresponding op-posite ends thereof by respective spaced elongated side support elements;
a stretchable fabric display face disposed across the space defined by said framework;
means affixed to opposing ones of said support elements for fastening respective opposite marginal portions of said fabric between said opposing support elements;
means for adjustably stretching said fabric in ten-sion between said opposing support elements;
means defining at least one visually-observable line on and across the exterior surface of said fabric and parallel to said opposing support elements;
means fixed in position with respect to one of said opposing support elements for defining a reference point;
and said line being in a location exposed to view from the exterior of said display face when said stretching means is adjusted to remove substantially said tension in said fabric but said line being movable toward said reference point upon adjustment of said stretching means to induce and increase said tension in said fabric.
CA000428049A 1979-08-23 1983-05-12 Display signs Expired CA1170049A (en)

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CA000428049A CA1170049A (en) 1979-08-23 1983-05-12 Display signs

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CA000356611A CA1149159A (en) 1979-08-23 1980-07-21 Display signs
CA000428049A CA1170049A (en) 1979-08-23 1983-05-12 Display signs
US069,222 1993-05-28

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CA000428049A Expired CA1170049A (en) 1979-08-23 1983-05-12 Display signs

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