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Ibat king Wikipedia
Cardoon in flower
Cardoon in flower
Scientific classification
Kaarian: Plantae
(unranked) Eudicots
(unranked) Asterids
Orden: Asterales
Familia: Asteraceae
Genus: Cynara
Species: C. cardunculus
Binomial name
Cynara cardunculus
Cardoon, raw
Nutritional value per 100 g (3.527 oz)
Energy 20 kcal   70 kJ
Carbohydrates     4.07 g
- Dietary fiber  1.6 g  
Fat0.1 g
Protein 0.7 g
Thiamin (Vit. B1)  0.02 mg  2%
Riboflavin (Vit. B2)  0.03 mg  2%
Niacin (Vit. B3)  0.3 mg  2%
Pantothenic acid (B5)  0.338 mg 7%
Vitamin B6  0.116 mg9%
Folate (Vit. B9)  68 μg 17%
Vitamin C  2 mg3%
Calcium  70 mg7%
Iron  0.7 mg6%
Magnesium  42 mg11% 
Phosphorus  23 mg3%
Potassium  400 mg  9%
Zinc  0.17 mg2%
Percentages are relative to US
recommendations for adults.
Source: USDA Nutrient database
  • Required variables: name, kJ, carbs, fat, protein. Supply units (except for kJ which is in kJ).
  • Optional variables: sugars, lactose, satfat, transfat, monofat, polyfat, omega3fat, omega6fat, fiber, fibre, starch, water, alcohol, caffeine. Supply units (normally g).
  • Optional freeformat variables (name and value): opt1n, opt1v, etc. up to opt4n and opt4v.

The following optional variables are converted into percentages of RDA (taken as averages for males and females aged 25-50 years from the USDA 2000 recommendation):

  • Optional minerals (in mg): calcium_mg, iron_mg, phosphorus_mg, magnesium_mg, sodium_mg, potassium_mg, zinc_mg
  • Optional vitamins (in mg, μg, or international units): vitA_ug, thiamin_mg (Vit. B1), riboflavin_mg (Vit. B2), niacin_mg (Vit. B3), pantothenic_mg (pantothenic acid), vitB6_mg, folate_ug, vitB12_ug, vitC_mg, vitD_ug, vitD_iu (in IU), vitE_mg, vitK_ug.

Other optional variables and flags:

  • Optional footnote: note
  • Optional data source: source, or as a flag: source_usda=1 for the USDA database
  • Optional suppression of RDA explanation: noRDA=1
  • Optional flags: right=1 (table will be floating on the right)

Further remarks:

  • According to convention, there should be a space between the number and the unit: "14 g" and not "14g".
  • Splitting up components that are present in trace amounts is not very meaningful (e.g. 1.5 g fats of which 0.5 g unsaturated).
  • The author of the template recommendeds to include only vitamins and minerals for which this product is considered to be a major source, in order to prevent clogging up the article with a huge table. As a guideline:
    • staple foods: an amount that provides 10,000 kJ should provide well over 100% of the RDI.
    • meats and such: same, but for 4,000 kJ.
    • vegetables, other low-calorie solid food, fruits: same, but for 400 g.
    • other products: use an amount that one could reasonably eat on a daily basis.

Nutritional values can be found e.g. in the USDA National Nutrient Database. Note that fibers are counted as carbohydrates.

Template editing

[alilan ya ing pikuwanan]

Don't put linebreaks into the template around the {{#if:...}} parser functions, because they will end up as linebreaks above the table.

Maybe someone can do this in wikitable format rather than raw HTML, if you know how to combine that with the {{#if: }} conditionals. Please experiment in Template:NutritionalvalueTest to prevent breaking article pages.

</noinclude> Ing cardoon (Cynara cardunculus), mayayus ya naman keng English artichoke thistle, cardone, cardoni, carduni o kaya cardi, metung yang balamu thistle a tanaman nung nu kayanib ya keng familia Aster, Asteraceae; (o archaic: Daisy familia, Compositae). Kabud nia mu daragul a kalupa da species da reng Globe artichoke, ar dakal ya mialiwang saskulan da. Katutubu ya keng Mediterranean, nung nu meging matunud ya king mumunang panaun.

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