Issues in Progress   1 issue

Knowledge-distillation-inspired semi-supervised equalizer in high-speed IMDD systems

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1775-1778 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Dual threshold demodulation algorithm for ultraviolet optical communication under turbulent channels

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1819-1822 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

1.536-Tb/s CPRI-equivalent rate IFoF mobile fronthaul over a 10 km SSMF with time skew-enabled VSB

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1849-1852 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Low complexity exponential pruning learned digital back-propagation method for fiber nonlinearity mitigation

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1893-1896 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Ultrafast all-optical modulation based on graphene-microfiber

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1925-1928 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Iterative phase retrieval algorithm for space-variant PSFs in optical systems with aberrations

open access Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1767-1770 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Voltage-controlled holography mediated with the metal ions sandwiched in TiO2/FTO electrodes

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1807-1810 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

360° display of 3D objects by cylindrical holography

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1877-1880 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (3)]

High-fidelity infrared U-shaped residual network digital holography with attention module for crystal growth observation

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1905-1908 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Lensless Fourier transform multiplexed digital holography

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1909-1912 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF | Compressed PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Editors' Pick

Continuous zoom freeform afocal telescope

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1827-1830 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Dual-optical-path coded aperture compressive temporal imaging

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1865-1868 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

On-chip Mach–Zehnder interferometer for 1550 nm laser frequency stabilization

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1783-1786 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Subwavelength grating couplers for an ultrathin silicon waveguide

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1787-1790 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Compact inverse-designed tilted waveguide crossing

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1889-1892 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Vertical-short-cavity laser with a guided-mode-resonance external mirror

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1917-1920 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Stabilizing the free spectral range of a large ring laser

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1763-1766 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

35-fs diode-pumped mode-locked ytterbium-doped multi-component alkaline-earth fluoride laser

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1835-1838 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Purcell enhanced laser action using a super-Tamm cavity mode

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1869-1872 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

All solid-state single-frequency DUV source at 248 nm

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1881-1884 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Rapid fabrication of highly uniform polygons by femtosecond laser patterning based on free lens modulation

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1901-1904 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Moiré metasurface for dynamically tuned vector beams

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1823-1826 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Large depth-of-focus via programmable space-time light sheets

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1795-1798 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Dual-wavelength generator for high-efficiency difference frequency generation of a terahertz wave

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1791-1794 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Multiple equilibrium states in pure-quartic soliton molecules

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1857-1860 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Long-wave infrared upconversion detection based on a ZnGeP2 crystal

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1861-1864 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Closed-loop polarization mode dispersion mitigation for fiber-optic time and frequency transfer

open access Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1759-1762 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Single-shot fast phase diversity phase retrieval using a Lukosz modal-based synthetic hologram

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1771-1774 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Cascaded Ω-shaped fiber-optic-based LSPR coated with hybridized nanolayers for refractive index and temperature simultaneous measurement

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1803-1806 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Dye-doped polymer-coated optical fiber optofluidic laser for refractive index sensing

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1811-1814 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Phase noise characterization of a Cr:ZnS frequency comb using subspace tracking

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1873-1876 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Efficient 3D measurement method based on an array chromatic confocal technique

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1921-1924 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Orthogonal Bragg gratings excited by single-mode reflection peaks in multi-mode no-core fibers inscribed with a femtosecond laser for vector bend sensing

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1937-1940 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Fiber-based radio frequency phase synchronization scheme without a time benchmark

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1941-1944 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Unidirectional perfect absorber based on a one-dimensional topological photonic crystal heterostructure of Weyl semimetals

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1897-1900 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Curved chirality distributions of optical vortices induced by photonic hooks

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1755-1758 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Off-axis angular velocity detection with incoherent light

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1831-1834 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Laguerre–Gaussian modes become elegant after an azimuthal phase modulation

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1913-1916 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Tailoring directivity of two-photon spontaneous emission using plasmonic nanoantennas

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1845-1848 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Nitric oxide molecular tagging velocimetry of a free-flight model in a reflected shock tunnel

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1839-1842 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Optical interference control for selectively suppressing higher-order modes in all-dielectric tri-layered structures for reflective RGB colors

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1779-1782 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Wavelength-tunable and high-heralding-efficiency quantum photon source in a birefringent phase-matched lithium niobate waveguide

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1853-1856 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF | Compressed PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Sensitive detection of Si3N4 thin-film defects via second harmonic generation microscopy

open access Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1885-1888 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Editors' Pick

Line integral compressed ultrafast photography for large time-scale measurements

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1799-1802 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Resonance-enhanced electron transfer in laser-assisted proton–hydrogen collisions

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1815-1818 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (1)]

Ultrafast movies of the photoinduced phonon and magnon propagation using dual frequency-comb technology

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1929-1932 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF  [Suppl. Mat. (2)]

Lateral terahertz emission from shaped plasma excited by colliding laser pulses

Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1933-1936 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Terahertz diffractive imaging with saturated data inpainting: publisher’s note

open access Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1844-1844 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF

Real-time frame-registered resonant fluorescence scanning laser ophthalmoscopy for quantifying static and dynamic cellular properties in the mouse retina: publisher’s note

open access Opt. Lett. 50(6), 1843-1843 (2025)  View: HTML | PDF