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Fast calculation of high-definition depth-added computer-generated holographic stereogram by spectrum-domain look-up table [Invited]

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High-definition depth-added computer-generated holographic stereogram (DA-CGHS) is superior in its high quality, easy realization, and auto-shading effect. However, its computing cost is extremely high because numerous scenes together with depth information must be calculated. Here, we proposed a fast calculation scheme of DA-CGHS by the spectrum-domain look-up table (SDLUT) method. In SDLUT, diffraction fields on the hogel plane of selected reference points in the object space are calculated. Subsequently, the fields are Fourier transformed to the spectrum domain. Because the signal energy always concentrates in a small spectrum region, these regions are cropped as the elemental tables. In the computing of the hogels, the field superposition is conducted in the spectrum domain by using the elemental tables. In our demonstration, the table size of SDLUT is only 0.44% that of the look-up table (LUT). Because the table size is very small, the computing time of SDLUT method can be nearly 80 times faster than that of conventional LUTs in the spatial domain, while the image quality is comparable.

© 2020 Optical Society of America

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Supplementary Material (1)

Visualization 1       Video of optical reconstruction of a depth-added computer-generated holographic stereogram.

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