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Structure parameter of anisotropic atmospheric turbulence expressed in terms of anisotropic factors and oceanic turbulence parameters

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The structure parameter of the anisotropic atmospheric turbulence is expressed in terms of atmospheric, oceanic anisotropic factors in x and y directions, and the oceanic turbulence parameters, which are the wavelength, the link length, the ratio of temperature to salinity contributions to the refractive index spectrum, the rate of dissipation of mean-squared temperature, and the rate of dissipation of kinetic energy per unit mass of fluid. For the purpose of expressing the structure parameter of the anisotropic atmospheric turbulence in terms of atmospheric, oceanic anisotropic factors and the oceanic turbulence parameters, the spherical wave scintillation indices that are found in weak anisotropic atmospheric turbulence and in weak oceanic turbulence are equated to each other. We aim to utilize the structure parameter expressed in this paper in the evaluations of various physical entities such as the average intensity, scintillation index, and beam spread in anisotropic oceanic turbulence by exploiting the existing solutions for the same physical entities in anisotropic atmospheric turbulence. Use of this structure parameter will help us to obtain the anisotropic oceanic turbulence results easily because such results will be found by just inserting the structure parameter expressed in this paper to the already reported corresponding results of anisotropic atmospheric turbulence.

© 2019 Optical Society of America

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