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Stray light correction of array spectroradiometers for solar UV measurements

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An approach is presented to characterize and correct stray light in spectra measured with array spectroradiometers and caused by out-of-spectral range radiation. A prerequisite for out-of-range stray light correction is knowledge of the spectral irradiance not measured by the instrument itself. A way of solving this problem for solar UV measurements is shown. The effect of out-of-range stray light is especially important for solar UV spectroradiometers typically having a spectral range narrower than that of the silicon detectors in use. Two different types of instruments used for solar UV measurements were characterized and corrected for out-of-range and in-range stray light. As a hardware solution to the out-of-range stray light problem, a bandpass filter was fitted in one array spectroradiometer. Results of test measurements using this modified instrument are also shown.

© 2014 Optical Society of America

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