I want to give*
I want to support - Choose one - Open Library Foundation FOLIO GOKb Project Reshare VuFind WOLFcon Advanced Research Consortium (ARC)
If a selection isn't made, your donation will support the Open Library Foundation general fund.
Open Library Foundation
Enables the development, accessibility and sustainability of open source and open access projects for and by libraries.
A collaboration of libraries, developers and vendors building an open source library services platform.
A community-managed, open data platform that provides information about electronic resources.
Project Reshare
A group of libraries, consortia, information organizations, and developers who are building a user-centered, app-based, community-owned resource sharing platform for libraries.
A flexible open source discovery layer designed to provide a consistent and configurable user interface on top of search and library account management functionality.
An annual conference open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Open Library Foundation and the open source communities that are a part of it.
A consortium of scholars committed to advancing research in the humanities through period-specific online communities built around peer-review, aggregation, and searching digital data.
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Donation 2 I want to give*
I want to support - Choose one - Open Library Foundation FOLIO GOKb OLE Project Reshare VuFind WOLFcon Advanced Research Consortium (ARC)
If a selection isn't made, your donation will support the Open Library Foundation general fund.
Open Library Foundation
Enables the development, accessibility and sustainability of open source and open access projects for and by libraries.
A collaboration of libraries, developers and vendors building an open source library services platform.
A community-managed, open data platform that provides information about electronic resources.
Project Reshare
A group of libraries, consortia, information organizations, and developers who are building a user-centered, app-based, community-owned resource sharing platform for libraries.
A flexible open source discovery layer designed to provide a consistent and configurable user interface on top of search and library account management functionality.
An annual conference open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Open Library Foundation and the open source communities that are a part of it.
A consortium of scholars committed to advancing research in the humanities through period-specific online communities built around peer-review, aggregation, and searching digital data.
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Donation 3 I want to give*
I want to support - Choose one - Open Library Foundation FOLIO GOKb OLE Project Reshare VuFind WOLFcon Advanced Research Consortium
If a selection isn't made, your donation will support the Open Library Foundation general fund.
Open Library Foundation
Enables the development, accessibility and sustainability of open source and open access projects for and by libraries.
A collaboration of libraries, developers and vendors building an open source library services platform.
A community-managed, open data platform that provides information about electronic resources.
Project Reshare
A group of libraries, consortia, information organizations, and developers who are building a user-centered, app-based, community-owned resource sharing platform for libraries.
A flexible open source discovery layer designed to provide a consistent and configurable user interface on top of search and library account management functionality.
An annual conference open to anyone who wants to learn more about the Open Library Foundation and the open source communities that are a part of it.
A consortium of scholars committed to advancing research in the humanities through period-specific online communities built around peer-review, aggregation, and searching digital data.