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lubbiyyoo bineensotaa idilee ta’e. yaatoo lubbiyyoo keessatti, orgaaneelonni gurguddoon fi caasaan lubbiyyoo kanneen akka: (1) Tambillaa (2) tambiii (3) raayboosoomii (4) veesikilii (5) reetikulamii endoopilaasmii qalla’aa (6) Meeshaa goolgii (7) saayitooskileetoon (8) reetikulamii endoopilaasmii sirriin ( 9) maaytookondriyaa (10) vaakiyuulii (11) saayitoosoolii (12) liisosoomii (13) seentiriyoolii .

Baayoloojii lubbiyyoo keessatti, orgaaneeliin ykn gumtoon qaama lubbiyyoo dalagaa murtaa’e hojjetudha.

Orgaaneelonni yeroo baay’ee naannoo isaaniitti sabaga lubbiyyoo qabu. [1] Orgaaneloonni seelii irra caalaan isaanii yaatoo lubbiyyoo keessa jiru . [2]

Maqaan organelle jedhu caasaan kun seeliidhaaf qaamni tokko nafaaf maal akka ta'e yaada jedhu irraa kan dhufedha .

Orgaaneelota yuukaariyootii

[gulaali | lakkaddaa gulaali]

Organeelota gurguddoo

[gulaali | lakkaddaa gulaali]
Major eukaryotic organelles
Gumtoo Dalagaa ijoo Caasaa Micirjirtii Yaadannoo
Caasmagarroo Jaariftina kutaa sabaga lamaa Biqiltuufi pirootistaa DNA muraasa qaba; jalqaba waliin leeyya keessoo irraa kan argame.
Xaxeeta lubbiyyoo translation and folding of new proteins (rough endoplasmic reticulum), expression of lipids (smooth endoplasmic reticulum) single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes rough endoplasmic reticulum has many ribosomes, and folds that are flat sacs; smooth endoplasmic reticulum has folds that are tubular
flagellum locomotion, sensory some eukaryotes
Golgi apparatus sorting and modification of proteins single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes
mitochondrion energy production double-membrane compartment most eukaryotes has some DNA; originally obtained by endosymbiosis
nucleus DNA maintenance, RNA transcription double-membrane compartment all eukaryotes has bulk of genome
vacuole storage, homeostasis single-membrane compartment eukaryotes

Orgaaneloota xixiqqoo

[gulaali | lakkaddaa gulaali]
Minor eukaryotic organelles and cell components
Organelle/Macromolecule Main function Structure Organisms
acrosome helps spermatoza fuse with ovum single-membrane compartment many animals
autophagosome vesicle which collects cytoplasmic material and organelles for degradation double-membrane compartment all eukaryotic cells
centriole anchor for cytoskeleton microtubule protein animals
cilium movement in or of external medium. microtubule protein animals, protists, few plants
cnidocyst stinging coiled hollow tubule cnidarians
eyespot apparatus detects light, allowing phototaxis to take place green algae and other unicellular photosynthetic organisms such as Euglena
glycosome carries out glycolysis single-membrane compartment Some protozoa, such as Trypanosomes.
glyoxysome conversion of fat into sugars single-membrane compartment plants
hydrogenosome energy & hydrogen production double-membrane compartment a few unicellular eukaryotes
lysosome breakdown of large molecules (e.g., proteins + polysaccharides) single-membrane compartment by convention, animal cells; but (wider definition) most eukaryotes
melanosome pigment storage single-membrane compartment animals
mitosome not known double-membrane compartment a few unicellular eukaryotes
myofibril muscular contraction bundled filaments animals
nucleolus ribosome production protein-DNA-RNA most eukaryotes
parenthesome not known not known fungi
peroxisome breakdown of metabolic hydrogen peroxide single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes
proteasome degradation of unneeded or damaged proteins by proteolysis very large protein complex All eukaryotes, all archaea, some bacteria
ribosome translation of RNA into proteins RNA-protein eukaryotes, prokaryotes
stress granule mRNA storage membraneless (mRNP complexes) Most eukaryotes
vesicle material transport single-membrane compartment all eukaryotes
  1. See 'Scope of the term' below.
  2. Alberts, Bruce et al. 2003. Essential cell biology, 2nd ed. Garland Science.