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Search: a003391 -id:a003391
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Numbers that are the sum of 3 positive cubes.
3, 10, 17, 24, 29, 36, 43, 55, 62, 66, 73, 80, 81, 92, 99, 118, 127, 129, 134, 136, 141, 153, 155, 160, 179, 190, 192, 197, 216, 218, 225, 232, 244, 251, 253, 258, 270, 277, 281, 288, 307, 314, 342, 344, 345, 349, 352, 359, 368, 371, 375, 378, 397, 405, 408, 415, 433, 434
A119977 is a subsequence; if m is a term then there exists at least one k>0 such that m-k^3 is a term of A003325. - Reinhard Zumkeller, Jun 03 2006
A025456(a(n)) > 0. - Reinhard Zumkeller, Apr 23 2009
Davenport proved that a(n) << n^(54/47 + e) for every e > 0. - Charles R Greathouse IV, Mar 26 2012
K. D. Bajpai, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..12955 (first 1000 terms from T. D. Noe)
H. Davenport, Sums of three positive cubes, J. London Math. Soc., 25 (1950), 339-343. Coll. Works III p. 999.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Cubic Number
{n: A025456(n) >0}. - R. J. Mathar, Jun 15 2018
a(11) = 73 = 1^3 + 2^3 + 4^3, which is sum of three cubes.
a(15) = 99 = 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3, which is sum of three cubes.
isA003072 := proc(n)
local x, y, z;
for x from 1 do
if 3*x^3 > n then
return false;
end if;
for y from x do
if x^3+2*y^3 > n then
end if;
if isA000578(n-x^3-y^3) then
return true;
end if;
end do:
end do:
end proc:
for n from 1 to 1000 do
if isA003072(n) then
printf("%d, ", n) ;
end if;
end do: # R. J. Mathar, Jan 23 2016
Select[Range[435], (p = PowersRepresentations[#, 3, 3]; (Select[p, #[[1]] > 0 && #[[2]] > 0 && #[[3]] > 0 &] != {})) &] (* Jean-François Alcover, Apr 29 2011 *)
With[{upto=500}, Select[Union[Total/@Tuples[Range[Floor[Surd[upto-2, 3]]]^3, 3]], #<=upto&]] (* Harvey P. Dale, Oct 25 2021 *)
(PARI) sum(n=1, 11, x^(n^3), O(x^1400))^3 /* Then [i|i<-[1..#%], polcoef(%, i)] gives the list of powers with nonzero coefficient. - M. F. Hasler, Aug 02 2020 */
(PARI) list(lim)=my(v=List(), k, t); lim\=1; for(x=1, sqrtnint(lim-2, 3), for(y=1, min(sqrtnint(lim-x^3-1, 3), x), k=x^3+y^3; for(z=1, min(sqrtnint(lim-k, 3), y), listput(v, k+z^3)))); Set(v) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Sep 14 2015
a003072 n = a003072_list !! (n-1)
a003072_list = filter c3 [1..] where
c3 x = any (== 1) $ map (a010057 . fromInteger) $
takeWhile (> 0) $ map (x -) $ a003325_list
-- Reinhard Zumkeller, Mar 24 2012
Subsequence of A004825.
Cf. A003325, A024981, A057904 (complement), A010057, A000578, A023042 (subsequence of cubes).
Cf. A###### (x, y) = Numbers that are the sum of x nonzero y-th powers: A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
Incorrect program removed by David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
Numbers that are the sum of 2 positive 4th powers.
2, 17, 32, 82, 97, 162, 257, 272, 337, 512, 626, 641, 706, 881, 1250, 1297, 1312, 1377, 1552, 1921, 2402, 2417, 2482, 2592, 2657, 3026, 3697, 4097, 4112, 4177, 4352, 4721, 4802, 5392, 6497, 6562, 6577, 6642, 6817, 7186, 7857, 8192, 8962, 10001, 10016, 10081, 10256, 10625
Numbers k such that k = x^4 + y^4 has a solution in positive integers x, y.
There are no squares in this sequence. - Altug Alkan, Apr 08 2016
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in nondecreasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
Sean A. Irvine, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..20000 (terms 1..1000 from T. D. Noe, terms 1001..10000 from David A. Corneth)
A. Bremner and P. Morton, A new characterization of the integer 5906, Manuscripta Math. 44 (1983) 187-229; Math. Rev. 84i:10016.
S. R. Finch, On a generalized Fermat-Wiles equation [broken link]
Steven R. Finch, On  Generalized Fermat-Wiles Equation [From the Wayback Machine]
Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Equal Sums of Two Distinct Like Powers, J. Int. Seq., Vol. 25 (2022), Article 22.3.1.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Biquadratic Number.
{i: A216284(i) > 0}. - R. J. Mathar, Jun 04 2021
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
16378801 is in the sequence as 16378801 = 43^4 + 60^4.
39126977 is in the sequence as 39126977 = 49^4 + 76^4.
71769617 is in the sequence as 71769617 = 19^4 + 92^4. (End)
nn=12; Select[Union[Plus@@@(Tuples[Range[nn], {2}]^4)], # <= nn^4&] (* Harvey P. Dale, Dec 29 2010 *)
Select[Range@ 11000, Length[PowersRepresentations[#, 2, 4] /. {0, _} -> Nothing] > 0 &] (* Michael De Vlieger, Apr 08 2016 *)
(PARI) list(lim)=my(v=List()); for(x=1, sqrtnint(lim\=1, 4), for(y=1, min(sqrtnint(lim-x^4, 4), x), listput(v, x^4+y^4))); Set(v) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Apr 24 2012; updated July 13 2024
(PARI) T=thueinit('x^4+1, 1);
is(n)=#thue(T, n)>0 && !issquare(n) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Feb 26 2017
def aupto(lim):
p1 = set(i**4 for i in range(1, int(lim**.25)+2) if i**4 <= lim)
p2 = set(a+b for a in p1 for b in p1 if a+b <= lim)
return sorted(p2)
print(aupto(10625)) # Michael S. Branicky, Mar 18 2021
5906 is the first term in A060387 but not in this sequence. Cf. A020897.
Cf. A088687 (2 distinct 4th powers).
A###### (x, y): Numbers that are the form of x nonzero y-th powers.
Cf. A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
Cf. A000583 (4th powers).
Numbers that are the sum of 4 positive cubes in 1 or more way.
4, 11, 18, 25, 30, 32, 37, 44, 51, 56, 63, 67, 70, 74, 81, 82, 88, 89, 93, 100, 107, 108, 119, 126, 128, 130, 135, 137, 142, 144, 145, 149, 154, 156, 161, 163, 168, 180, 182, 187, 191, 193, 198, 200, 205, 206, 217, 219, 224, 226, 233, 240, 243, 245, 252, 254
It is conjectured that every number greater than 7373170279850 is in this sequence. [See the paper of the same name. - T. D. Noe, May 25 2017] - Charles R Greathouse IV, Jan 14 2017
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in increasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 1000 terms from T. D. Noe)
Jean-Marc Deshouillers, François Hennecart, Bernard Landreau, 7373170279850, Math. Comp. 69 (2000), pp. 421-439. Appendix by I. Gusti Putu Purnaba.
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Cubic Number.
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
3888 is in the sequence as 3888 = 6^3 + 6^3 + 12^3 + 12^3.
7729 is in the sequence as 7729 = 2^3 + 4^3 + 14^3 + 17^3.
7875 is in the sequence as 7875 = 5^3 + 10^3 + 15^3 + 15^3. (End)
(PARI) list(lim)=my(v=List(), e=1+lim\1, x='x, t); t=sum(i=1, sqrtnint(e-4, 3), x^i^3, O(x^e))^4; for(n=4, lim, if(polcoeff(t, n)>0, listput(v, n))); Vec(v) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Jan 14 2017
Cf. A025403, A057905 (complement), A025411 (distinct).
A###### (x, y): Numbers that are the form of x nonzero y-th powers.
Cf. A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
More terms from Eric W. Weisstein
Numbers that are the sum of 4 nonzero squares.
4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in increasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
a(n) = n + O(log n). - Charles R Greathouse IV, Sep 03 2014
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
1608 is in the sequence as 1608 = 18^2 + 20^2 + 20^2 + 22^2.
2140 is in the sequence as 2140 = 21^2 + 21^2 + 23^2 + 27^2.
3298 is in the sequence as 3298 = 25^2 + 26^2 + 29^2 + 34^2. (End)
q=16; lst={}; Do[Do[Do[Do[z=a^2+b^2+c^2+d^2; If[z<=(q^2)+3, AppendTo[lst, z]], {d, q}], {c, q}], {b, q}], {a, q}]; Union@lst (*Vladimir Joseph Stephan Orlovsky, Feb 07 2010 *)
(PARI) is(n)=my(k=if(n, n/4^valuation(n, 4), 2)); k!=2 && k!=6 && k!=14 && !setsearch([0, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 17, 29, 41], n) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Sep 03 2014
limit = 10026 # 10000th term in b-file
from functools import lru_cache
nzs = [k*k for k in range(1, int(limit**.5)+2) if k*k + 3 <= limit]
nzss = set(nzs)
def ok(n, m): return n in nzss if m == 1 else any(ok(n-s, m-1) for s in nzs)
print([n for n in range(4, limit+1) if ok(n, 4)]) # Michael S. Branicky, Apr 07 2021
from itertools import count, islice
def A000414_gen(startvalue=0): # generator of terms >= startvalue
return filter(lambda n:not(n in {0, 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 17, 29, 41} or n>>((~n&n-1).bit_length()&-2) in {2, 6, 14}), count(max(startvalue, 0)))
A000414_list = list(islice(A000414_gen(), 30)) # Chai Wah Wu, Jul 09 2022
Cf. A000534 (complement).
A###### (x, y): Numbers that are the form of x nonzero y-th powers.
Cf. A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
corrected 6/95
Numbers that are the sum of 5 positive cubes.
5, 12, 19, 26, 31, 33, 38, 40, 45, 52, 57, 59, 64, 68, 71, 75, 78, 82, 83, 89, 90, 94, 96, 97, 101, 108, 109, 115, 116, 120, 127, 129, 131, 134, 135, 136, 138, 143, 145, 146, 150, 152, 153, 155, 157, 162, 164, 169, 171, 172, 176, 181, 183, 188, 190, 192, 194, 195, 199
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in increasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
It seems only a finite number N of positive integers are not in this sequence, and thus a(n) = n - N for all sufficiently large n. Is it true that 2243453, last term of A048927, is sufficiently large in that sense? - M. F. Hasler, Jan 04 2023
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 1000 terms from T. D. Noe)
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Cubic Number.
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
3084 is in the sequence as 3084 = 5^3 + 5^3 + 5^3 + 8^3 + 13^3.
4385 is in the sequence as 4385 = 4^3 + 4^3 + 9^3 + 11^3 + 13^3.
5426 is in the sequence as 5426 = 8^3 + 9^3 + 9^3 + 12^3 + 12^3. (End)
(PARI) select( {is_A003328(n, k=5, m=3, L=sqrtnint(abs(n-k+1), m))=if( n>k*L^m || n<k, 0, n<k*L^m, forstep(r=min(k-1, n\L^m), 0, -1, self()(n-r*L^m, k-r, m, L-1) && return(1)), 1)}, [1..200]) \\ M. F. Hasler, Aug 02 2020
A003328_upto(N, k=5, m=3)=[i|i<-[1..#N=sum(n=1, sqrtnint(N, m), 'x^n^m, O('x^N))^k], polcoef(N, i)] \\ M. F. Hasler, Aug 02 2020
from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as combs_w_rep
def aupto(lim):
s = filter(lambda x: x<=lim, (i**3 for i in range(1, int(lim**(1/3))+2)))
s2 = filter(lambda x: x<=lim, (sum(c) for c in combs_w_rep(s, 5)))
s2counts = Counter(s2)
return sorted(k for k in s2counts)
print(aupto(200)) # Michael S. Branicky, May 12 2021
Cf. A057906 (Complement)
Cf. A###### (x, y) = Numbers that are the sum of x nonzero y-th powers:
A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
Numbers n which are the sum of 3 nonzero 4th powers.
3, 18, 33, 48, 83, 98, 113, 163, 178, 243, 258, 273, 288, 338, 353, 418, 513, 528, 593, 627, 642, 657, 707, 722, 768, 787, 882, 897, 962, 1137, 1251, 1266, 1298, 1313, 1328, 1331, 1378, 1393, 1458, 1506, 1553, 1568, 1633, 1808, 1875, 1922, 1937, 2002, 2177
Numbers which are in this sequence but not in A047714 must also be the sum of 2 biquadrates, or equal to a fourth power. Among the first 1000 terms of this sequence, this is the case for 4802 = 2*7^4, 57122 = 2*13^4 and 76832 = 2*14^4. - M. F. Hasler, Dec 31 2012
The union of A047714, A336536, and fourth powers of A003294. - Robert Israel, Jul 24 2020
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in nondecreasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 1000 terms from T. D. Noe)
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Biquadratic Number.
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
194818 is in the sequence as 194818 = 3^4 + 4^4 + 21^4.
480113 is in the sequence as 480113 = 7^4 + 12^4 + 26^4.
693842 is in the sequence as 693842 = 13^4 + 15^4 + 28^4. (End)
def aupto(lim):
p1 = set(i**4 for i in range(1, int(lim**.25)+2) if i**4 <= lim)
p2 = set(a+b for a in p1 for b in p1 if a+b <= lim)
p3 = set(apb+c for apb in p2 for c in p1 if apb+c <= lim)
return sorted(p3)
print(aupto(2400)) # Michael S. Branicky, Mar 18 2021
A###### (x, y): Numbers that are the form of x nonzero y-th powers.
Cf. A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
Numbers that are the sum of 6 positive cubes.
6, 13, 20, 27, 32, 34, 39, 41, 46, 48, 53, 58, 60, 65, 67, 69, 72, 76, 79, 83, 84, 86, 90, 91, 95, 97, 98, 102, 104, 105, 109, 110, 116, 117, 121, 123, 124, 128, 130, 132, 135, 136, 137, 139, 142, 143, 144, 146, 147, 151, 153, 154, 156, 158, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 170
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in increasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Cubic Number.
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
1647 is in the sequence as 1647 = 3^3 + 3^3 + 5^3 + 5^3 + 7^3 + 10^3.
3319 is in the sequence as 3319 = 5^3 + 5^3 + 5^3 + 6^3 + 10^3 + 12^3.
4038 is in the sequence as 4038 = 3^3 + 3^3 + 6^3 + 8^3 + 8^3 + 14^3. (End)
max = 200; cmax = Ceiling[(max - 5)^(1/3)]; cc = Array[c, 6]; iter = Sequence @@ Transpose[ {cc, Join[{1}, Most[cc]], Table[cmax, {6}]}]; Union[ Reap[ Do[ a = Total[cc^3]; If[a <= max, Sow[a]], Evaluate[iter]]][[2, 1]]] (* Jean-François Alcover, Oct 23 2012 *)
(PARI) (A003329_upto(N, k=6, m=3)=[i|i<-[1..#N=sum(n=1, sqrtnint(N, m), 'x^n^m, O('x^N))^k], polcoef(N, i)])(200) \\ M. F. Hasler, Aug 02 2020
from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as multi_combs
def aupto(lim):
c = filter(lambda x: x<=lim, (i**3 for i in range(1, int(lim**(1/3))+2)))
s = filter(lambda x: x<=lim, (sum(mc) for mc in multi_combs(c, 6)))
counts = Counter(s)
return sorted(k for k in counts)
print(aupto(170)) # Michael S. Branicky, Jun 13 2021
Cf. A057907 (Complement)
Cf. A###### (x, y) = Numbers that are the sum of x nonzero y-th powers:
A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A047700 (5, 2),
A003325 (2, 3), A003072 (3, 3), A003327 .. A003335 (4 .. 12, 3),
A003336 .. A003346 (2 .. 12, 4), A003347 .. A003357 (2 .. 12, 5),
A003358 .. A003368 (2 .. 12, 6), A003369 .. A003379 (2 .. 12, 7),
A003380 .. A003390 (2 .. 12, 8), A003391 .. A004801 (2 .. 12, 9),
A004802 .. A004812 (2 .. 12, 10), A004813 .. A004823 (2 .. 12, 11).
More terms from Eric W. Weisstein
Numbers that are the sum of 12 positive 4th powers.
12, 27, 42, 57, 72, 87, 92, 102, 107, 117, 122, 132, 137, 147, 152, 162, 167, 172, 177, 182, 187, 192, 197, 202, 212, 217, 227, 232, 242, 247, 252, 257, 262, 267, 277, 282, 292, 297, 307, 312, 322, 327, 332, 342, 347, 357, 362, 372, 377, 387, 392, 402, 407, 412, 417
a(88) = 636 = 5^4 + 11 and a(91) = 651 = 5^4 + 2^4 + 10 are the first two terms not congruent to 2 or 7 (mod 10). - M. F. Hasler, Aug 03 2020
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 1000 terms from T. D. Noe)
Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics, Biquadratic Number.
From David A. Corneth, Aug 03 2020: (Start)
3740 is in the sequence as 3740 = 1^4 + 1^4 + 1^4 + 1^4 + 1^4 + 1^4 + 1^4 + 1^4 + 3^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 7^4.
4690 is in the sequence as 4690 = 2^4 + 2^4 + 2^4 + 2^4 + 2^4 + 4^4 + 4^4 + 4^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 6^4 + 6^4.
7193 is in the sequence as 7193 = 2^4 + 4^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 5^4 + 6^4. (End)
(PARI) (A003346_upto(N, k=12, m=4)=[i|i<-[1..#N=sum(n=1, sqrtnint(N, m), 'x^n^m, O('x^N))^k], polcoef(N, i)])(500) \\ 2nd & 3rd optional arg allow to get other sequences of this group. See A003333 for alternate code. - M. F. Hasler, Aug 03 2020
from itertools import count, takewhile, combinations_with_replacement as mc
def aupto(limit):
qd = takewhile(lambda x: x <= limit, (k**4 for k in count(1)))
ss = set(sum(c) for c in mc(qd, 12))
return sorted(s for s in ss if s <= limit)
print(aupto(417)) # Michael S. Branicky, Dec 27 2021
Cf. A000583 (4th powers).
Other numbers that are the sum of k positive m-th powers:
A000404 (k=2, m=2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A047700 (k=5, m=2),
A003325 (k=2, m=3), A003072 (k=3, m=3), A003327 .. A003335 (k=4..12, m=3),
A003336 .. A003346 (k=2..12, m=4), A003347 .. A003357 (k=2..12, m=5),
A003358 .. A003368 (k=2..12, m=6), A003369 .. A003379 (k=2..12, m=7),
A003380 .. A003390 (k=2..12, m=8), A003391 .. A004801 (k=2..12, m=9),
A004802 .. A004812 (k=2..12, m=10), A004813 .. A004823 (k=2..12, m=11).
Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero 6th powers.
2, 65, 128, 730, 793, 1458, 4097, 4160, 4825, 8192, 15626, 15689, 16354, 19721, 31250, 46657, 46720, 47385, 50752, 62281, 93312, 117650, 117713, 118378, 121745, 133274, 164305, 235298, 262145, 262208, 262873, 266240, 277769, 308800, 379793, 524288
As the order of addition doesn't matter we can assume terms are in nondecreasing order. - David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 1000 terms from T. D. Noe)
Samuel S. Wagstaff, Jr., Equal Sums of Two Distinct Like Powers, J. Int. Seq., Vol. 25 (2022), Article 22.3.1.
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
10069120217 is in the sequence as 10069120217 = 29^6 + 46^6.
139314070233 is in the sequence as 139314070233 = 3^6 + 72^6.
404680615040 is in the sequence as 404680615040 = 22^6 + 86^6. (End)
With[{k = 6}, Union@ Map[(#[[1]]^k + #[[2]]^k) &, Tuples[Range[8], {2}]]] (* Michael De Vlieger, Sep 09 2022, after Harvey P. Dale at A004999 *)
Cf. A088677 (2 distinct 6th). Supersequence of A106318.
A###### (x, y): Numbers that are the form of x nonzero y-th powers.
Cf. A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).
Removed incorrect program. David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020
Numbers that are the sum of 2 nonzero 8th powers.
2, 257, 512, 6562, 6817, 13122, 65537, 65792, 72097, 131072, 390626, 390881, 397186, 456161, 781250, 1679617, 1679872, 1686177, 1745152, 2070241, 3359232, 5764802, 5765057, 5771362, 5830337, 6155426, 7444417, 11529602, 16777217, 16777472, 16783777, 16842752
David A. Corneth, Table of n, a(n) for n = 1..10000 (first 5833 terms from R. J. Mathar, replacing an earlier b-file that was missing terms)
From David A. Corneth, Aug 01 2020: (Start)
274893519322337 is in the sequence as 274893519322337 = 58^8 + 59^8.
357707312890625 is in the sequence as 357707312890625 = 50^8 + 65^8.
2590188068194497 is in the sequence as 2590188068194497 = 57^8 + 84^8. (End)
A003380 := proc(nmax::integer)
local a, x, x8, y, y8 ;
a := {} ;
for x from 1 do
x8 := x^8 ;
if 2*x8 > nmax then
end if;
for y from x do
y8 := y^8 ;
if x8+y8 > nmax then
end if;
if x8+y8 <= nmax then
a := a union {x8+y8} ;
end if;
end do:
end do:
sort(convert(a, list)) ;
end proc:
nmax := 20000000000000000 ;
L:= A003380(nmax) ;
LISTTOBFILE(L, "b003380.txt", 1) ; # R. J. Mathar, Aug 01 2020
Total/@Tuples[Range[8]^8, 2]//Union (* Harvey P. Dale, Apr 04 2017 *)
(PARI) list(lim)=my(v=List(), x8); for(x=1, sqrtnint(lim\=1, 8), x8=x^8; for(y=1, min(sqrtnint(lim-x8, 8), x), listput(v, x8+y^8))); Set(v) \\ Charles R Greathouse IV, Aug 22 2017
Subsequence of A004875.
Cf. A155468 (2 distinct 8th).
A###### (x, y): Numbers that are the form of x nonzero y-th powers.
Cf. A000404 (2, 2), A000408 (3, 2), A000414 (4, 2), A003072 (3, 3), A003325 (3, 2), A003327 (4, 3), A003328 (5, 3), A003329 (6, 3), A003330 (7, 3), A003331 (8, 3), A003332 (9, 3), A003333 (10, 3), A003334 (11, 3), A003335 (12, 3), A003336 (2, 4), A003337 (3, 4), A003338 (4, 4), A003339 (5, 4), A003340 (6, 4), A003341 (7, 4), A003342 (8, 4), A003343 (9, 4), A003344 (10, 4), A003345 (11, 4), A003346 (12, 4), A003347 (2, 5), A003348 (3, 5), A003349 (4, 5), A003350 (5, 5), A003351 (6, 5), A003352 (7, 5), A003353 (8, 5), A003354 (9, 5), A003355 (10, 5), A003356 (11, 5), A003357 (12, 5), A003358 (2, 6), A003359 (3, 6), A003360 (4, 6), A003361 (5, 6), A003362 (6, 6), A003363 (7, 6), A003364 (8, 6), A003365 (9, 6), A003366 (10, 6), A003367 (11, 6), A003368 (12, 6), A003369 (2, 7), A003370 (3, 7), A003371 (4, 7), A003372 (5, 7), A003373 (6, 7), A003374 (7, 7), A003375 (8, 7), A003376 (9, 7), A003377 (10, 7), A003378 (11, 7), A003379 (12, 7), A003380 (2, 8), A003381 (3, 8), A003382 (4, 8), A003383 (5, 8), A003384 (6, 8), A003385 (7, 8), A003387 (9, 8), A003388 (10, 8), A003389 (11, 8), A003390 (12, 8), A003391 (2, 9), A003392 (3, 9), A003393 (4, 9), A003394 (5, 9), A003395 (6, 9), A003396 (7, 9), A003397 (8, 9), A003398 (9, 9), A003399 (10, 9), A004800 (11, 9), A004801 (12, 9), A004802 (2, 10), A004803 (3, 10), A004804 (4, 10), A004805 (5, 10), A004806 (6, 10), A004807 (7, 10), A004808 (8, 10), A004809 (9, 10), A004810 (10, 10), A004811 (11, 10), A004812 (12, 10), A004813 (2, 11), A004814 (3, 11), A004815 (4, 11), A004816 (5, 11), A004817 (6, 11), A004818 (7, 11), A004819 (8, 11), A004820 (9, 11), A004821 (10, 11), A004822 (11, 11), A004823 (12, 11), A047700 (5, 2).

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