Eric A. Schmidt (eric2012(AT) and Robert G. Wilson v, Jul 16 2015
Eric A. Schmidt (eric2012(AT) and Robert G. Wilson v, Jul 16 2015
Cf. A048268, A060792, A097856, A097928, A182232, A259374, A097929, A182233, A259375, A259376, A097930, A182234, A259377, A259378, A259379, A249156, A097931, A259380, A259381, A259382, A259383, A259384, A099145, A259385, A259386, A259387, A259388, A259389, A259390, A099146, A007632, A007633, A029961, A029962, A029963, A029964, A029804, A029965, A029966, A029967, A029968, A029969, A029970, A029731, A097855, A250408, A250409, A250410, A250411, A099165, A250412.
Cf. A048268, A060792, A097856, A097928, A182232, A259374, A097929, A182233, A259375, A259376, A097930, A182234, A259377, A259378, A259379, A097931, A259380, A259381, A259382, A259383, A259384, A099145, A259385, A259386, A259387, A259388, A259389, A259390, A099146, A007632, A007633, A029961, A029962, A029963, A029964, A029804, A029965, A029966, A029967, A029968, A029969, A029970, A029731, A097855, A250408, A250409, A250410, A250411, A099165, A250412.
A097930, A182234, A259377, A259378, A259379, A097931, A259380, A259381, A259382, A259383,
A259384, A099145, A259385, A259386, A259387, A259388, A259389, A259390, A099146, A007632,
A007633, A029961, A029962, A029963, A029964, A029804, A029965, A029966, A029967, A029968,
A029969, A029970, A029731, A097855, A250408, A250409, A250410, A250411, A099165, A250412.
b1=3; b2=9; lst={}; Do[d1=IntegerDigits[n, b1]; d2=IntegerDigits[n, b2]; If[d1==Reverse[d1]&&d2==Reverse[d2], AppendTo[lst, n]], {n, 0, 80000}]; lst (* Vincenzo Librandi, Jul 17 2015 *)
Palindromic numbers in bases 3 and 9 written in base 10.
0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, 40, 80, 82, 91, 100, 164, 173, 182, 328, 364, 400, 656, 692, 728, 730, 820, 910, 1460, 1550, 1640, 2920, 3280, 3640, 5840, 6200, 6560, 6562, 6643, 6724, 7300, 7381, 7462, 8038, 8119, 8200, 13124, 13205, 13286, 13862, 13943, 14024, 14600, 14681, 14762, 26248, 26572, 26896, 29200, 29524, 29848, 32152, 32476, 32800, 52496, 52820, 53144, 55448, 55772, 56096, 58400, 58724, 59048, 59050, 59860, 60670, 65620, 66430, 67240, 72190, 73000, 73810, 532900, 1181729
Giovanni Resta, <a href="/indexA259386/Pac#palindromesb259386.txt">Index entries Table of n, a(n) for sequences related to palindromesn = 1..10000</a>
<a href="/index/Pac#palindromes">Index entries for sequences related to palindromes</a>
40 is in the sequence because 40_10 = 44_9 = 1111_3.
(* first load nthPalindromeBase from A002113 *) palQ[n_Integer, base_Integer] := Block[{}, Reverse[ idn = IntegerDigits[n, base]] == idn]; k = 0; lst = {}; While[k < 21000000, pp = nthPalindromeBase[k, 9]; If[palQ[pp, 3], AppendTo[lst, pp]; Print[pp]]; k++]; lst
Cf. A048268, A060792, A097856, A097928, A182232, A259374, A097929, A182233, A259375, A259376,
A097930, A182234, A259377, A259378, A259379, A097931, A259380, A259381, A259382, A259383,
A259384, A099145, A259385, A259386, A259387, A259388, A259389, A259390, A099146, A007632,
A007633, A029961, A029962, A029963, A029964, A029804, A029965, A029966, A029967, A029968,
A029969, A029970, A029731, A097855, A250408, A250409, A250410, A250411, A099165, A250412.