A160644(n) with n > 0 counts the partitions of 2n such that all parts are > 1 and the largest part occurs more than once. If n=7, these are 10 partitions of 14: 2^7 = (2^4;3^2 ) = (2^1;3^4 ) = (2^3;4^2 ) = (3^2;4^2 ) = (2^1;4^3 ) = (2^2;5^2 ) = (4^1;5^2 ) = (2^1;6^2 ) = 7^2, for example.
A160644(n) with n > 0 counts the partitions of 2n such that all parts are > 1 and the largest part occurs more than once. If n=7, these are 10 partitions of 14: 2^7 = 2^4;3^2 = 2^1;3^4 = 2^3;4^2 = 3^2;4^2 = 2^1;4^3 = 2^2;5^2 = 4^1;5^2 = 2^1;6^2 = 7^2, for example.
largest part occurs more than once. If n=7, these are 10 partitions of 14 : 2^7 = 2^4;3^2 = 2^1;3^4
= 2^3;4^2 = 3^2;4^2 = 2^1;4^3 = 2^2;5^2 = 4^1;5^2 = 2^1;6^2 = 7^2, for example.
For each of these admitted partitions p of 2n, p is mapped to a binary and the decimal rep. of this binary is added to row n of this table here, sorting the row according to the natural order of integers (not according to any property of partitions).
of this binary is added to row n of this table here,
sorting the row according to the natural order of integers (not according to any property of partitions).
for n from 1 to 11 do A161922(n) ; od; # _R. J. Mathar, _, Sep 11 2009
Detailed description and examples, and rows n >= 8 completed - _by _R. J. Mathar_, Sep 11 2009
_Alford Arnold (Alford1940(AT), _, Jul 06 2009
Detailed description and examples, rows n>=8 completed - _R. J. Mathar (mathar(AT), _, Sep 11 2009
2, 6, 12, 14, 24, 26, 30, 48, 50, 54, 62, 56, 60, 96, 98, 102, 110, 126, 104, 108, 114, 122, 192, 194, 198, 206, 222, 254, 120, 200, 204, 210, 218, 230, 246, 384, 386, 390, 398, 414, 446, 510, 216, 224, 228, 236, 242, 252, 392, 396, 402, 410, 422, 438, 462, 494, 768, 770
A160644(n) with n>0 counts the partitions of 2n such that all parts are >1 and the
largest part occurs more than once. If n=7, these are 10 partitions of 14 : 2^7 = 2^4;3^2 = 2^1;3^4
= 2^3;4^2 = 3^2;4^2 = 2^1;4^3 = 2^2;5^2 = 4^1;5^2 = 2^1;6^2 = 7^2, for example.
For each of these admitted partitions p of 2n, p is mapped to a binary and the decimal rep.
of this binary is added to row n of this table here,
sorting the row according to the natural order of integers (not according to any property of partitions).
The partition 4+4+4+4 = 16 and maps to 120 = 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 as described in A125106, so 120 is in the 8th row.
The table has A160644(n) integers in row n and starts
12,14,..........[3,3]->12, [2,2,2]->14
24,26,30,...........[4,4]->24, [2,3,3]->26, [2,2,2,2] ->30
48,50,54,62, ....... [5,5]->48, [2,4,4]->50, [2,2,3,3]->54, [2,2,2,2,2]->62
56,60,96,98,102,110,126,.....[4,4,4]->56, [3,3,3,3]->60, [6,6]->96, [2,5,5]->98, [2,2,4,4]->102, [2,2,2,3,3]->110
104,108,114,122,192,194,198,206,222,254,...[4,5,5]->104, [3,3,4,4]->108, [2,4,4,4]->114, [2,3,3,3,3]->122
A125106m := proc(par) local c, dgs, p ; c := 1 ; dgs := [] ; for p in par do if p = c then dgs := [op(dgs), 1] ; else dgs := [op(dgs), seq(0, j=1..p-c), 1] ; fi; c := p ; od: add(op(i, dgs) *2^(i-1), i=1..nops(dgs)) ; end:
A161922 := proc(n) r := {} ; prts := combinat[partition](2*n) ; for p in prts do convert(p, set) intersect {1}; if % = {} then if nops(p) < 2 then ; elif op(-1, p) = op(-2, p) then r := r union {A125106m(p)} ; fi; fi; od: sort(r) ; end:
for n from 1 to 11 do A161922(n) ; od; # R. J. Mathar, Sep 11 2009
Alford Arnold (Alford1940(AT), Jul 06 2009
Detailed description and examples, rows n>=8 completed - R. J. Mathar (mathar(AT), Sep 11 2009