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Roots of self-stuffable numbers A322323.
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 18, 22, 24, 25, 36, 37, 44, 45, 48, 63, 64, 65, 66, 72, 75, 88, 96, 108, 125, 126, 128, 138, 143, 144, 165, 225, 231, 275, 288, 297, 333, 375, 404, 444, 549, 576, 625, 666, 765, 768, 777, 803, 808, 825, 999, 1026, 1125, 1314, 1408, 1485, 1728, 1875, 2048, 2088, 2178, 2455, 2628, 2688, 2907, 3123
Numbers m, not divisible by 10, such that for some k, m*10^k is in A322323. - David A. Corneth, Dec 09 2018, corrected by M. F. Hasler, Dec 19 2018
In A322323 it is shown that the set of these self-stuffable numbers is the union of infinite subsequences produced from the roots M listed here, as follows: If E(M) = A007953(M) - A055642(M) = sumdigits(M) - #digits(M) > 0, then N = M*10^E(M) has a number of digits equal to its sum of digits, L = A007953(N) = A055642(N). Then S(N) is well defined, where S(N) is the number obtained from N by inserting d[i] spaces after each nonzero digit d[i] of N except for the last digit, and then filling these spaces by a second copy of the digits of N. (More generally, this S(x) is well defined iff E(x) = A010879(x).) If additionally N | S(N), then N is in A322323, a self-stuffable number. Moreover, all numbers N_m = Sum_{k=0..2m} 10^(k*L)*N, m >= 0, have the same property. If 10*M leads to such an N, then M leads to the same N. Therefore we call roots and list here only those M leading to self-stuffable N which are not divisible by 10.
a(13) = 22 and a(31) = 126 are the only known cases of primitive roots M with the additional property that E(M) = A010879(M), the last digit of M, in which case all M_m = Sum_{k=0..2m} 10^(k*L)*M, m >= 0, are also self-stuffable (if M | S(M)). A322323 is the union of the sets {N_m, m >= 0}, and {M_m, m >= 0} if E(M) = A010879(M), where M runs over all terms listed here. [Edited by M. F. Hasler, Dec 19 2018]
Lars Blomberg found another primitive (see A322323 for definition) root 21021021021021021021 that is self-stuffable to join the previously known examples 22 and 126. - Ray Chandler, Jan 02 2019
{ M > 0 | M != 0 (mod 10), E(M) > 0 and M*10^E(M) | S(M*10^E(M)) } with E(M) = A007953(M) - A055642(M) and S(x) defined in COMMENTS.
The root a(1) = 2 has E(2) = 2 - 1 = 1 != 2 so it is not a self-stuffable number itself, but any odd number of concatenations of 2*10^E(2) = 20, 202020, 2020202020, ... is in A322323.
Similarly, a(2) = 3 has E(3) = 3 - 1 = 2 != 3, so (300, 300300300, ...) is a subsequence of A322323.
a(13) = 22 has E(22) = 4 - 2 = 2 = last digit of 22 and M = 22 | 2222 = S(M), so not only (2200, 220022002200, ...) but also (22, 2200220022, 220022002200220022, ...) is a subsequence of A322323.
a(31) = 126 has E(126) = 9 - 3 = 6 = last digit of 126 and M = 126 | 112266 = S(M), so not only (126000000, 126000000126000000126000000, ...) but also (126, 126000000126000000126, ...) is a subsequence of A322323.
(PARI) is_A322002(n)={my(c=0, d=digits(n), e=vecsum(d)-#d); d[#d] && e>0 && fromdigits(concat(vector(#d, i, vector(d[i]+1, k, if(k==1, d[i], c<#d, d[c+=1])))))%n==0}
M. F. Hasler, Dec 09 2018