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a(n+3) = -a(n+2) + 2a(n+1) + a(n) with a(0)=-1, a(1)=0, a(2)=-3.
-1, 0, -3, 2, -8, 9, -23, 33, -70, 113, -220, 376, -703, 1235, -2265, 4032, -7327, 13126, -23748, 42673, -77043, 138641, -250054, 450293, -811760, 1462292, -2635519, 4748343, -8557089, 15418256, -27784091, 50063514, -90213440, 162556377, -292919743
Ramanujan-type sequence number 1 for the argument 2Pi/7.
The discussed sequence is associated with the sequence A006053 (with respect to the similar trigonometric formulas describing both sequences). Indeed, we have 7^(1/3)*a(n) = (c(1)/c(2))^(1/3)*(2c(1))^n + (c(2)/c(4))^(1/3)*(2c(2))^n + (c(4)/c(1))^(1/3)*(2c(4))^n = (c(1)/c(2))^(1/3)*(2c(2))^(n+1) + (c(2)/c(4))^(1/3)*(2c(4))^(n+1) + (c(4)/c(1))^(1/3)*(2c(1))^(n+1), where c(j) := Cos(2Pi*j/7), which is "almost" the copy of the respective formula for A006053. From a(0), A006053(0) and a(1), A006053(1), (and again) A006053(0) we deduce the following attractive decompositions
x^3 - 7^(1/3)*x - 1 = (x - (c(1)/c(4))^(1/3))*(x - (c(2)/c(1))^(1/3))*(x - (c(4)/c(2))^(1/3)), and
x^3 - 49^(1/3)*x - 1 = (x - (c(1)/c(2))^(1/3)*2c(1))*(x - (c(2)/c(4))^(1/3)*2c(2))*(x - (c(4)/c(1))^(1/3)*2c(4)).
From Newton-Girard formulas applied to these polynomials we generate two new sequences of real numbers S(n) := (c(1)/c(4))^(n/3) + (c(2)/c(1))^(n/3) + (c(4)/c(2))^(n/3), and T(n) := ((c(1)/c(2))^(1/3)*2c(1))^n + ((c(2)/c(4))^(1/3)*2c(2))^n + ((c(4)/c(1))^(1/3)*2c(4))^n. In first Witula's paper it is proved that S(n) = as(n) + bs(n)*7^(1/3) + cs(n)*49^(1/3), where as(n+3) = as(n) + 7cs(n+1), bs(n+3) = bs(n) + as(n+1), cs(n+3) = cs(n) + bs(n+1), as(0)=3, as(1)=as(2)=bs(0)=bs(1)=0, bs(2)=2, cs(0)=cs(1)=cs(2)=0, and T(n) = at(n) + bt(n)*7^(1/3) + ct(n)*49^(1/3), where at(n+3) = at(n) + 7bt(n+1), bt(n+3) = bt(n) + 7ct(n+1), ct(n+3) = ct(n) + at(n+1), at(0)=3, at(1)=at(2)=bt(0)=bt(1)=bt(2)=ct(0)=ct(1)=0, ct(2)=2. All six sequences as(n),bs(n),...,ct(n) are created from integers and will be discussed in separate sequences .
R. Witula, E. Hetmaniok, D. Slota, Sums of the powers of any order roots taken from the roots of a given polynomial, Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Fibonacci Numbers and Their Applications, Eger, Hungary, 2012.
Roman Witula, Ramanujan Type Trigonometric Formulas: The General Form for the Argument 2*Pi/7, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 12 (2009), Article 09.8.5.
Roman Witula, Full Description of Ramanujan Cubic Polynomials, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 13 (2010), Article 10.5.7.
Roman Witula, Ramanujan Cubic Polynomials of the Second Kind, Journal of Integer Sequences, Vol. 13 (2010), Article 10.7.5.
Roman Witula, Ramanujan Type Trigonometric Formulae, Demonstratio Math. 45 (2012) 779-796.
a(n+3) + a(n+2) - 2a(n+1) - a(n) = 0, a(0)=-1, a(1)=0, a(2)=-3.
G.f.: -(1+x+x^2)/(1+x-2*x^2-x^3).
From values of a(k), for k=0,1,..,5 we deduce that (c(1)/c(2))^(1/3)*A + (c(2)/c(4))^(1/3)*B + (c(4)/c(1))^(1/3)*C = 0 in the following cases: A=2c(1), B=2c(2), C=2c(4) or A=-1+(2c(1))^2+(2c(1))^3, B=-1+(2c(2))^2+(2c(2))^3, C=-1+(2c(3))^2+(2c(3))^3 or A=1+(2c(1))^4+(2c(1))^5, B=1+(2c(2))^4+(2c(2))^5, C=1+(2c(3))^4+(2c(3))^5.
LinearRecurrence[{-1, 2, 1}, {-1, 0, -3}, 40]
(Magma) a:=[-1, 0, -3]; [ n le 3 select a[n] else -Self(n-1) + 2*Self(n-2) + Self(n-3): n in [1..35]]; // Marius A. Burtea, Oct 03 2019
def a(n): # a = A214683
if (n<3): return (-1, 0, -3)[n]
else: return -a(n-1) + 2*a(n-2) + a(n-3)
[a(n) for n in range(40)] # G. C. Greubel, Nov 25 2022
Cf. A006053.
Sequence in context: A021308 A274181 A195055 * A371998 A363816 A060921
Roman Witula, Jul 25 2012