The term "resistance distance" for electric circuits was in use years before it was proved to be a metric (on edges of graphs). The historical meaning has been described thus: "one imagines unit resistors on each edge of a graph G and takes the resistance distance between vertices i and j of G to be the effective resistance between vertices i and j..." (from Klein, 2002; see the References). Let R(k,n) denote the resistance distance for k resistors in an n-dimensional cube (for details, see Example and References). Then
F. Nedemeyer and Y. Smorodinsky, Resistances in the multidimensional cube, Quantum 7:1 (1996) 12-15 and 63.
D. J. Klein, Resistance Distance, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 12 (1993) 81-95.
D. J. Klein, Resistance-Distance Sum Rules, Croatia Chemica Acta, Vol. 75, No. 2 (2002), 633-649.
Nicholas Pippenger, The Hypercube of Resistors, Asymptotic Expansions, and Preferential Arrangements, arXiv:0904.1757 [math.CO], 2009.
N. Pippenger, The Hypercube of Resistors, Asymptotic Expansions, and Preferential Arrangements, Mathematics Magazine, 83:5 (2010) 331-346.
D. Singmaster, Problem 79-16, Resistances in an n-Dimensional Cube, SIAM Review, 22 (1980) 504.
Wikipedia, Resistance distance
3/4 .... 1
7/12 ... 3/4 .... 5/6
15/32 .. 7/12 ... 61/96 ... 2/3
31/80 .. 15/32 .. 241/480 . 25/48 ... 8/15
21/64 .. 31/80 .. 131/320 . 101/240 . 137/320 . 13/30
The resistance distances for n=3 (the ordinary cube) are 7/12, 3/4, and 5/6, so that row 3 of the triangle of numerators is (7, 3, 5). For the corresponding electric circuit, suppose X is a vertex of the cube. The resistance across any one of the 3 edges from X is 7/12 ohm; the resistance across any two adjoined edges (i.e., a diagonal of a face of the cubes) is 3/4 ohm; the resistance across and three adjoined edges (a diagonal of the cube) is 5/6 ohm.
Peter J. C. Moses, Apr 30 2012