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The angle, in degrees, for which Ozanam's approximation is exact.
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Ozanam's approximation states that in any right triangle the number of degrees in the smallest angle is very nearly equal to the smallest side times 172 divided by the other side plus twice the hypotenuse. The approximation is remarkably accurate and for the angle 33.239565... degrees the approximation is exact.
"239. In any right-angled triangle the number of degrees in the smallest angle divided by 172 is very nearly equal to the smallest side divided by the sum of the other side and twice the hypotenuse. (Ozanam's Formula)
In the right-angled triangle ABC, let C be the right angle, and A the smallest angle; Let A be the number of degrees, and a the number of radians in this angle, so that a = Pi*A/180 = 3A/172, approximately.
Now, a/(b+2c) = c*sin A/(2c+c cos A) = sin a/(2+cos a) = (a - a^3/6)/(3 - a^2/2), approximately, a/3 = A/172, approximately.
This proves Ozanam's formula, when A is not large. Writing J for the fraction A*(2 + cos A)/sin A we see then that, for small values of A, J does not differ greatly from 172. In the following table, the value of J is given to three places of decimals for every five degrees 0 degrees to 45 degrees:
A (deg) J
------- -------
0 171.887
5 171.887
10 171.888
15 171.892
20 171.902
25 171.923
30 171.962
35 172.026
40 172.128
45 172.279
The degree of approximation may be shown by solving the triangle in which C=90 degrees, c=4156, a=2537.
We find b = 3291.8, and, by Ozanam's formula,
A = 2537*172/(3291.8 + 4156*2) = 436364/11603.8 = 37°36'18".
The correct value of A is 37°37'17", so that the absolute error in this case is only 59". [Levett and Davison] - Robert G. Wilson v, Jan 23 2013
Rawdon Levett and Charles Davison, The Elements of Plane Trigonometry, Chapter XV, "Approximations and Errors", pp. 372-373, MacMillan and Co, London & NY, 1892.
R. A. Johnson, Determination of an angle of a right triangle, without tables, Amer. Math. Monthly, Vol 27, No. 10, Oct 1920, pp. 368, 369.
Frank Swetz, Mathematical Treasure: Jacques Ozanam's Récréations, Convergence, August 2013.
If f(n) = 172n/(sqrt(1-n^2)+2) then A122775 is when f(sin(n*Pi/180)) = n.
33.239565786056615600642100188324722742275831667577343680621765378873666... degrees
=0.5801398648999450253504045320808762548459123764471181646784444551727458... radians.
f[n_] := 172n/(2 + Sqrt[1 - n^2]); FindRoot[ f[ Sin[ t*Pi/180]] == t, {t, 30}, AccuracyGoal -> Infinity, WorkingPrecision -> 2^7, PrecisionGoal -> 2^7][[1, 2]] (* Robert G. Wilson v, Feb 22 2013 *)
Sequence in context: A123676 A326814 A374902 * A086632 A038699 A249803
Julian Havil (julian.havil(AT)ntlworld.com), Jun 25 2007
More terms from Robert G. Wilson v, Feb 22 2013