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Triangle read by rows. T(n, m) are the coefficients of Sidi polynomials.
1, -1, 2, 1, -8, 9, -1, 24, -81, 64, 1, -64, 486, -1024, 625, -1, 160, -2430, 10240, -15625, 7776, 1, -384, 10935, -81920, 234375, -279936, 117649, -1, 896, -45927, 573440, -2734375, 5878656, -5764801, 2097152, 1, -2048, 183708, -3670016, 27343750, -94058496, 161414428, -134217728, 43046721
Coefficients of the Sidi polynomials (-1)^(n-1)*D_{n-1,1,n-1}(x), for n >=1, where D_{k,n,m}(z) is given in Theorem 4.2., p. 862, of Sidi [1980].
The row polynomials p(n, x) := Sum_{m=0..n-1} a(n, m)x^m, n >= 1, are obtained from ((Eu(x)^n)*(x-1)^n)/(n*x), where Eu(x) := xd/dx is the Euler-derivative with respect to x.
The row polynomials p(n, y) := Sum_{m=0..n-1} a(n, m)*y^m, n >= 1, are also obtained from ((d^m/dx^m)((exp(x)-1)^m)/m)/exp(x) after replacement of exp(x) by y. Here (d^m/dx^m)f(x), m >= 1, denotes m-fold differentiation of f(x) with respect to x.
b(k,m,n) := (Sum_{p=0..m-1} (a(m, p)*((p+1)*k)^n))/(m-1)!, n >= 0, has g.f. 1/Product_{p=1..m} (1 - k*p*x) for k = 1, 2,... and m = 1, 2,...
The (signed) row sums give A000142(n-1), n >= 1, (factorials) and (unsigned) A074932(n).
The (unsigned) columns give A000012 (powers of 1), 2*A001787(n+1), (3^2)*A027472(n), (4^3)*A038846(n-1), (5^4)*A036071(n-5), (6^5)*A036084(n-6), (7^6)*A036226(n-7), (8^7)*A053107(n-8) for m=0..7.
Right edge of triangle is A000169. - Michel Marcus, May 17 2013
A. Sidi, Practical Extrapolation Methods: Theory and Applications, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.
Wolfdieter Lang, On a Certain Family of Sidi Polynomials, May 2023.
D. S. Lubinsky and H. Stahl, Some Explicit Biorthogonal Polynomials, (IN) Approximation Theory XI, (C.K. Chui, M. Neamtu, L. Schumaker, eds.), Nashboro Press, Nashville, 2005, pp. 279-285.
T(n, m) = ((-1)^(n-m-1)) binomial(n-1, m)*(m+1)^(n-1), n >= m+1 >= 1, else 0.
G.f. for m-th column: ((m+1)^m)(x/(1+(m+1)*x))^(m+1), m >= 0.
E.g.f.: -LambertW(-x*y*exp(-x))/((1+LambertW(-x*y*exp(-x)))*x*y). - Vladeta Jovovic, Feb 13 2008 [corrected for offset 0 <= m <= n. For offset n >= 1 take the integral over x. - Wolfdieter Lang, Oct 12 2022]
T(n, k) = S(n, k+1) / n where S(, ) is triangle in A258773. - Michael Somos, May 13 2018
E.g.f. of column k, with offset n >= 0: exp(-(k + 1)*x)*((k + 1)*x)^k/k!. - Wolfdieter Lang, Oct 20 2022
E.g.f: 1/(exp(LambertW(-exp(-x)*x*y) + x) - x*y) assuming offset = 0. - Peter Luschny, Oct 21 2022
The triangle T(n, m) begins:
n\m 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1: 1
2: -1 2
3: 1 -8 9
4: -1 24 -81 64
5: 1 -64 486 -1024 625
6: -1 160 -2430 10240 -15625 7776
7: 1 -384 10935 -81920 234375 -279936 117649
8: -1 896 -45927 573440 -2734375 5878656 -5764801 2097152
9: 1 -2048 183708 -3670016 27343750 -94058496 161414428 -134217728 4304672
n = 10: -1 4608 -708588 22020096 -246093750 1269789696 -3389702988 4831838208 -3486784401 1000000000. [Reformatted by Wolfdieter Lang, Oct 12 2022]
p(2,x) = -1+2*x = (1/(2*x))*x*(d/dx)*x*(d/dx)*(x-1)^2.
# Assuming offset 0.
seq(seq((-1)^(n-k)*binomial(n, k)*(k+1)^n, k=0..n), n=0..8);
# Alternative:
egf := x -> 1/(exp(LambertW(-exp(-x)*x*y) + x) - x*y):
ser := x -> series(egf(x), x, 12):
row := n -> seq(coeff(n!*coeff(ser(x), x, n), y, k), k=0..n):
seq(print(row(n)), n = 0..8); # Peter Luschny, Oct 21 2022
p[n_, x_] := p[n, x] = Nest[ x*D[#, x]& , (x-1)^n, n]/(n*x); a[n_, m_] := Coefficient[ p[n, x], x, m]; Table[a[n, m], {n, 1, 9}, {m, 0, n-1}] // Flatten (* Jean-François Alcover, Jul 03 2013 *)
(PARI) tabl(nn) = {for (n=1, nn, for (m=0, n-1, print1((-1)^(n-m-1)*binomial(n-1, m)*(m+1)^(n-1), ", "); ); print(); ); } \\ Michel Marcus, May 17 2013
Wolfdieter Lang, Oct 02 2002