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Mark Cunningham

Mark Cunningham

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Why moderates' best bet is to vote for Trump

With partisans on both sides shouting about yet another “most important election ever,” how should Americans in the middle, unhappy with both sides, vote? Realistically, the biggest danger is a...

Why 'moral outrage' over the Electoral College outrages me

Kate Upton is feeling a bit like a Hillary Clinton supporter: morally outraged that her man, Detroit’s Justin Verlander, lost the Cy Young award even though he got the most...

Trump has it right: This is our last chance at change

If Donald Trump beats Hillary Clinton, it’ll be because he speaks directly to the voters — without the poll-driven, focus-grouped blandifying filter Hillary never leaves home without. The contrast was...

With Trump's win, it's time for GOP to unite against Hillary

Ted Cruz did the right and honorable thing by suspending his presidential campaign Tuesday night. John Kasich should follow suit. It’s time for the party to unite against Hillary Clinton....

How the Republican Party earned a hostile takeover

All the noise about Donald Trump’s “hostile takeover” of the Republican Party misses a key point: Such takeovers only succeed when existing management has failed massively. And that’s true of...

Why Trump might be the best Republican to take on Hillary

Republican regulars are melting down in fear that Donald Trump will lead the party to disaster in November. Let’s check that assumption. First: This general election is going to be...

Donald Trump has invented a new way to win

The other GOP candidates are finally starting to fight on Donald Trump’s terms, to judge by the slugfest that was Saturday night’s debate. But it speaks volumes — whole encyclopedias...

Obama's teary speech won’t do a thing about gun violence

It’s been over two years, but all of us can — should — share President Obama’s tears in recalling the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre of innocent schoolchildren. I’ve got a...

Teachers of New York, revolt! Nothing to lose but your shame

For all The Post’s differences with the Transit Workers Union over the years, there’s this: If the TWU and its head, John Samuelson, weren’t running the subways, but Michael Mulgrew’s...

Clinton Inc. is what's wrong with America

Here’s the bottom line of the latest HillaryWorld scandals: Clinton Inc. embodies what’s wrong with America. It’s about getting stinking rich from the inside connections forged in a life of...

What our president should say about Islam

Good evening. I speak tonight not just to the Muslim world, but to all men and women of good will. I speak as president of a secular republic founded to...

Rush to judgment -- slapping voters the Republicans need

This is not an attempt to pick a fight with Rush Limbaugh, OK? It’s never wise to take on someone you mostly agree with, a guy smarter and funnier than...

To win in 2016: The voters Republicans forgot

The GOP 2016 pack is off on a 16-month war for the nomination, which means performing for the party’s base and the money men. Yet whoever comes out on top...

NY's Capitol TV --- your guide to Albany's soap operas

The nominal plotlines are already shaping up for the next season of “The Real Lawmakers of Albany” — catfights over charter schools, rent laws and multibillion-dollar bank-fine windfalls. Yet the...

Why Cuomo is no longer invincible

As his run for re-election starts to gear up, Gov. Cuomo is in surprisingly weak shape. With a huge war chest in a heavily Democratic state, he’s still the odds-on...

The Obama team quietly gives up on making ObamaCare work

It turns out the Obama team has delayed the individual mandate to buy health insurance — though the announcement was quiet and roundabout, to minimize the embarrassment. What we’re left...

How Iran's rulers see Obama

In the wake of the Russian putsch in Crimea, defenders of President Obama have been falling all over themselves insisting that our commander-in-chief is not seen as weak by other...

The real cost of public campaign finance

The millionaires are at it again, pushing for New York state to adopt taxpayer funding of political campaigns a la New York City. Here’s betting it goes nowhere — not...

Pre-K’s missing vital ingredient

Here’s my question about all the calls for universal pre-K: Are the advocates — Mayor de Blasio, Gov. Cuomo, President Obama — willing to do what’s needed to have it...

Andrew Cuomo's struggle to go big

Amid all the other reactions to Gov. Cuomo’s latest State of the State speech, can we take a moment to pity the guy? He so plainly wants to do great...