Management Scientist
Lecturer, Researcher, Consultant, Writer
Was born in Ankara, Has double PhD. degrees in management and Communication sciences. Graduated from Hacettepe University, (BA), İstanbul Technical University, (M.Sc), İstanbul University (PhD in Management and Organization) and Marmara University, (Ph.D in Communication Science). Worked as a lecturer in Boğaziçi and Marmara Universities and also worked in Apple Computer in charge of Apple Global Education Project and Apple University Consortium. Won International Rotary scholarship and he was the one who joint Group Study Exchange program in the UK / London. Founder of Interactive Publishers Association as well as some innovative companies and enterprises. Took part in multinational companies and International NGO's as Non-Executive Adviser / Director in their Supervisory Boards and Board of Directors. He has created and managed more than hundred international projects as project leader and head consultant. Published several academic papers and research studies in national and international academic magazines by the side of published ten academic books. Owner of some achievements and awards such as “First Prize of Science and Technology,” Junior Chamber International, 1996, “Outstanding Young Man of the Year / Community Services”, Rotary International, 1997, “Finalist of Major Awards of Informatics”, 1996.
Prepared and presented a radio program; “Towards Information Society”, Programmer, (Discussions, Weekly Program), Açık Radio, 1996.
Faculty member of Nişantaşı University (Turkey), Visiting Professor in the State Academy of Public Administration (Azerbaijan) and President of Kutvan Group and Chairman of the Board of Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute.
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Business and Economics, Academic Star Publishing Company, New York / USA.
Dr. ALİ B. Kutvan was chosen as a member of International Advisory Committee of IFERP ( Institute for Engineering Research and Publication) IFERP is India’s one of the largest non-profitable R&D association. The international advisory members consist of international recognized leaders with demonstrated expertise in the areas of science, management, engineering and technology also plays an important role in the smooth and successful conduction of the conference, scientific events, R&D assistance.
Management Scientist
Lecturer, Researcher, Consultant, Writer
Was born in Ankara, Has double PhD. degrees in management and Communication sciences. Graduated from Hacettepe University, (BA), İstanbul Technical University, (M.Sc), İstanbul University (PhD in Management and Organization) and Marmara University, (Ph.D in Communication Science). Worked as a lecturer in Boğaziçi and Marmara Universities and also worked in Apple Computer in charge of Apple Global Education Project and Apple University Consortium. Won International Rotary scholarship and he was the one who joint Group Study Exchange program in the UK / London. Founder of Interactive Publishers Association as well as some innovative companies and enterprises. Took part in multinational companies and International NGO's as Non-Executive Adviser / Director in their Supervisory Boards and Board of Directors. He has created and managed more than hundred international projects as project leader and head consultant. Published several academic papers and research studies in national and international academic magazines by the side of published ten academic books. Owner of some achievements and awards such as “First Prize of Science and Technology,” Junior Chamber International, 1996, “Outstanding Young Man of the Year / Community Services”, Rotary International, 1997, “Finalist of Major Awards of Informatics”, 1996.
Prepared and presented a radio program; “Towards Information Society”, Programmer, (Discussions, Weekly Program), Açık Radio, 1996.
Faculty member of Nişantaşı University (Turkey), Visiting Professor in the State Academy of Public Administration (Azerbaijan) and President of Kutvan Group and Chairman of the Board of Innovation Management and TRIZ Institute.
Editorial Board Member of Journal of Business and Economics, Academic Star Publishing Company, New York / USA.
Dr. ALİ B. Kutvan was chosen as a member of International Advisory Committee of IFERP ( Institute for Engineering Research and Publication) IFERP is India’s one of the largest non-profitable R&D association. The international advisory members consist of international recognized leaders with demonstrated expertise in the areas of science, management, engineering and technology also plays an important role in the smooth and successful conduction of the conference, scientific events, R&D assistance.
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